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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jul 1897, p. 8

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iConclitdecf From First Page) Chairman and Gentlemen of tbe Board fwsrvisors: Your committee to whom tferrcd the equalization of lands would ave to submit .the'following report on alters before them: We have equalized ids by adding to or deducting from the ed valuations, and we recommend the Ion of the same as follows:" II 3*fSIM0N • h me -Jiyic, rn unu nwu iiMirm i KM could not be improved for 'W' Double the Price. "W. L. Doughs $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the productions of skilled workmen? from the best ma­ terial possible to put into shoes sold at these prices. We make also $2J50and $2.25 shoes for men, and k $2.50, $2.G0 and $1.75 for boys, and the W.L. ||^ Douglas $3.50 Police shoe, very suitable for j letter-carriers, policemen and others having much walking to do. "Wo are constantly adding new styles to our already large variety, and there is no rea- son why you cannot be suited, so insist on having w. L. Douglas Shoes from your gggg^sjjv dealer. We use only the best Calf, Russia Calf , (all colors), French Patent Calf, French Enamel, Vici Kid, etc., L graded, to correspond with prices Wfr/l'/ /"̂ Cr vPisk °£ the shoes. If dealer cannot supply you, -write ^*^£pflB§l W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. •&* CATALOGUE JTKEE. . - For the next 30 dass wc will offer all kinds of Summer Goods at extremely Low Prices, If in need of anything in the line of Do not fail to look over our stock CORSETS Royal Worcester, PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS FANS, All Colors LAST WEEK FOR Merchants, vwp Bankers, WSm Lawyess, Fhvsicians » and all economical ^ men wear W. L. Douglas Shoes because they are the best. For'sale by SIMON STOFFEL, West McHenry BINDER TWINE! All of which is respectfully submitted. J. H. GRACY, ^Chairman, 'N. BROTZMAN, •W. A.CRTSTY, ..:v R. J. BECK, S. E. CLARK. The board selected the following named persons to serve as grand jurors at the Sep­ tember term, 1897, of the circuit court of Mo- Henry county, III., and directed the clerk to certify the same to the circuit clerk of said county, to-wit: Fletcher H&ll, Riley; James Deneen, O H Lincoln, Marengo; FC Wells, Dunham; Jas Lake, Ed Hancock, Chemung: Geo Clawson, Alden; Timothy Leonard, Hartland, C s Webber, Seneca; John O'Cock, Coral; Elijah Hallagus, Grafton; Geo. Bachman, Sr., G F Eckert, Dorr; Henry Freeman, Greenwood; A J Cole, Hebron; John McCo inell, Rich­ mond; James Westlake, Burton; H W Allen, Robert Richardson, McHenry; George Parks, H C Werden, Nunda; H M Burton, Charles Wandrack, Algonquin. Sup. Hoy moved that the committee on pnWIC buildihgs be authorized to fit up a room adjacent to the circuit courtroom for thfe use of the circuit j udge. Carried. Moved and carried that tne board and clerk be allowed their per diarn and mileage. Sop. McConnell moved to adjourn at the call of the clerk. Carried. v.s'"' > F. F. AXTELL, Chairman. G. F. RUSH TON, ClerV. We have a good supply of on th<e hooks of a circus page advertisement. Ask your friends^ about our Clothing-- we're not afraid of their verdict. The good will of our patrons is the kind of (ad* every "Tom, Dick and Harry" cannot buy for so many dollars a column. We figure on a steady customer every time we sell a Suit or Overcoat bearing this label... I have them. You need one, I hereby agree to furnish you with a Quick Meal Gasoline Stove, which is standard, or a New'Process Blue Blame Oil Stove, for less money than you can purchase inferior strves. I will also asnroe to furnish you fhe beet Gasoline on the market for 8o per gal. Eocene Oil for 9c per gal, - Now if you don'! pr> elit e economy this summer, you know who is to blame. You can also find a cionn stock of Hardwsare, Tinware, SPORTING GOODS. BICYCLI S, Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc. Which we are anxious to trade, to you Respectfully, PLYMOUTH and Standard ^ It's guaranteed." Remember we badger no one into purchasing, you know what you want and you're entitled to it here. Every Ball Guaranteed to run to the end without waste. . Articles and Notices under the above head are furai*hed by the Ladies ot tbe W, C, T. U - aadthe editor claims no par* or credit for tbe , • The advocates of alcoholic liquors re­ sort to inconsistent arguments in bole terine tip their failing cause. Science has long since united with common sense in deciding that strong drink is useless if i| not harmful. Yet we are often told that . iq hot countries it is impossible for for­ eigners to live without the use of spirits. ' Quite the contrary has been proved in Vlndia where, according to the London ^Christian, there are now 20,000 teetotal- Hmong the English soldiers stationed He. This result has been arrived at in jeofail that stubborn prejudice and Bar opposition could do. To attain Hp a victory among the very Jase Hose monotony of life must in itself H>ve a deadly temptation to drink, is a Humph indeed, and worthy of all praise HHp those officers and men, as well as the otyteide workers in the cause, whose steady and faithful gospel temperance work has been the means of winning it. The same authority asserts that Nan- sen, the explorer, is just as emphatic in affirming that alcoholic liquors are worse than useless amid the Arctic Bnows. He carried no stimulants with him for drinking purposes while on his recent adventurous journey towards the : Pole, and he says that no one who is wise would think of trying to keep off the effects of cold by such artificial means. This leaves/ us with only temperate climatesthose who would defend the use o! intoxicants as beneficial to health. Whether they are good or bad there may be best judged from the fact that there are 7,000,000 teetotallers in Eng­ land, who are among the healthiest of the population, whose prospects of long , life are held to be higher by almost all the insurance companies, and whose ab­ stinence, instead of lessening, increases their happiness and enjoyments. These facts ought to be decisive as to the value of alcoholic beverages in all climates and lands for those who are in health and vigor. Side Hardware S* ore And extra covers and rubber rings. GROCERIES, FLOUR, ETC., of the best quality, always in stock. \ * Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. CRIST Y'S, Ringwood, 111 THE IWcHENRY S3 MAB-BIilS AND West McHenrv. 111.. 1897 J. H. MILLER, Prop All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ForeSjju and American Granite a Specialty . DEALER IN West McHenry, III, McKENRY, ILL AT OUR STORE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS. Paints, Oils and Colors OONBTAHTLT OH HAND. West McHenry FULL LINK OF PATSNT MEDICINES,'TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries/ There are some things in warm weather goods that will cause your eyes to sparkle with amazement and LIGHT UP YOUR COUNTENANCE With pleasure. Whatever may be your taste we believe we can please you with something. If Your Purse Leaked You'd stop that leak instantly, if you lost but a penny. Where do You Buy Goods? We are saving people money every day by our HIGH VALUES and LOW PRICES. Look over our Stock and you will be convinced that our store is the store for bargains. .. ..DEALER IN.. ., DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS uysiGiaas riBsunpuons • Your Patronage Is respectfully ooliclted. mm ---JULIA A. STORY One Door West of Riverside Bouse, McHenry, III TOILET ARTICLES Also, Bofctled*Ale and Porter tor Medical Use, |^T° The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To­ bacco always on hand. . * Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded Give me call. :DEALEB IN- Agricultural Implements! I am prepared to deliver Ice to families for the season. I wish to say to the public that-I have now in stock one of the best lines of Buggies, Surries and Road Wagons, ID the county. Goods that are honest and reliable and will please you, both in quality and price, viz: The Peabody, manufac­ tured by the Peabody Buggy Co., Fostoria, Ohio. We can and will sell you a 4IIFM NN4- N4- CM Q AA " West McHenry, J7n„ 1897 Our Grocery Department is full of choice prices as low as the lowest. DELIVERY MADE FLOUR & Saturdays, Still left, a few 6-blade RidiDg Cultivators, raDging in price from $18 to $22. Can you use one, If not make the old one ae good as new by placing on it the f priag tooth attachment we have for sale. > - yW Repairs for all machines a specialty. The best Axle Grease and Machine Oil always on hand. First delivery, Saturday 3 May 15th. FLOUR our orders solicited, If you hake your own bread Or 'cake vou are fully aware of the importance of haying the ingredients fresh and pure. Flour, of course, being the basis of both cake and bread, should be absolutely the best procurable. We have the old reliable Sleepy-Eye Flour that will just suit your wants. • J Goods delivered to any pen 0f McHenry. i W A. CR1STY, WEST McJBENR P, ILL CTS. ten weeks, and then stopped. Tbe old reliable Yankee Blade, 16 S weekly, filled with stories of fun, { and thrilling tales of adventure. 10 cents in stamps for ten weeks to Yankee Blade, Brooks, Me. McHenry, III., 1897 West MeHenry, Illinois,

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