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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jul 1897, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 1897 Dr. Walter C. Besley, DENTIST WEST McHENRY, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, m fees People vs Same, "incidentals E V.Anderson, M. I)., medical attend­ ance . P M O'Connor, paint and painting..... Griebel Bros., threshing .. W H Lab man, grates O N Brass, cows Office &* Geo. w. Besley's Drag Slope, PUBLISHED EVEBY WEDNESDAY BY r . V A N 8 L Y K E EDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. Examinations free heirs, successors and McHenry. Assessed Pr ct Pr ct Koualiz'd Value. ad. ded. Value. Rich Discoveries of Cold* At Cripple Creek, Col., and elsewhere, axe being made daily, and the production for 1896 will be the largest ever known, estimated at Two Hundred million Dol- 5 45 Send for these books at once if you, are interested in any form of speculation 29 07 or investments. They will prove profit­ 's ** able for you. 9-ly 21 75 I " 42 30 • - •: ' 10 95 Lake Bluff Camp Sleeting. 3 24 I 32 24 The Northwestern Line will sell exeur- 108 16 Bion tickets from points in Illinois to ^5 5? Lake Bluff and return at low rates until io4 37 September 1, tickets limited to 30 days 74 from date of sale. Apply to agents Chi- a cago & Northwestern R'y. 2w4 573 401 Washburn Crosby's Superlative Flow at Owen & ChapelTe. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK Two Doors North of Perry & Owen's Store, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance)...... ......$I 50 If Not Paid within Three Months-- .... 2 ou Subscriptions received.:- for three or six months in the same proportion. MILO 3. L, HOWE, PIANO & ORGAN Tuner & Repairer. All'Orders Promptly Attended to, 600 1000 16 00 30 00 60 00 100 00 RATES OF, ADVERTISING: We announce liberal rates for advertising in the Pla.inDEAI..EK, and endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be readily un dot stood. They are follows: 1 Inch one year - , • 2 Inches one year . - 3 Inches one year - . T X Column one year - • - • Column one year- - - - 1 Column one year - One inch means the measurement of one inon down the column,single column width, Toarly advertisers, ai theabove rateB, have the privilege of oh&nging as often as iney choose, witnout extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having staiiliing cards) will be entitled to insertion of lbcal notices at the rate of 6 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 oents per line the ilrst week, and 6 cents per line for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line, (.nonpareil type, same as this is Bet In) the llrsiissue, and 6 oents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inoh advertisement will oost f 1.00 for one week, $1.60 for two weeks, $*.00 fo^ three weeks, and so on. { \ The PLAINDBALUR will be liberal ln<givln^ editorial notices, but, as a bueiuess rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of Its oolumns tor peoualary gain. *g- All Foreign Advertising ^payable quarterly, in advance, These terms will be strictly adhered to. BUSINESS OAKDS. O. 11. GILLMORE, ATTORNEY. Piobale work a specialty, Office iffe^ienual ulock, Woocslock, 111. -- KNIGHT A BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT Street, LAW. 100 Washington CHICAGO. ILL. FRANK L. SHEPARD, lOUNSELLOR AT LAW. J Ola. k St., Chicago. Suite 80--132 O. P. BARNES, ^TTOBNEY, Solicitor, and Counselor, •Collections .a specialty. WOODS TOOK, ILLINOIS. FR ANK 11. JACKMaN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Prompt anliareful attention to all mat ters let i in my hands, Money to loan, Offioe in Hoy Block, Woouetock, 111. Telephone-- ollice, 55, residence, 69. 35y l O. H. FJBGER8, M, D- »HY3IC1AN AND SURGEON, McHenry Ills. Offioe at Residence. JOS, L. ABT, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, Office in Nichols Block, over Plaindealer Office. McHenry Telephone No 4 OR. BAECHLER, DENTIST. Plate Work, and everything per­ taining tojpentistry. Parties from a distance should drop a card a oay or two before coming. Olliee. McHenry. DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON. Office in the Stroner building, one door weft of A. P. Baer'g store, West McHenry, 111. Residenoe, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional calls promptly at­ tended to. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler MCHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINK stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special M given to repairing fine " a call. watohos. Give me JOHN P- SMITH. W. A. CRISTY, •Justice of the Peace. WEST MoHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WBisT MCHENRY, III. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public heal Estate and Insurance. NUNDA, 111.! A. M. CHURCH, Watohntaker and «Xeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Hnenial attention given to repairing Fine Watches an • Chronometers. «ar A Full Assortment of Goods in his,line. A PROMINENT LAWYER. Of Greenville, 111., Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, "I have been troubled with billiousness, sick headache, sour stomach, constipa­ tion, ete., for several years. I sought long and tried many lemedies, but was disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any suf­ fering from above complaints." J. A. Story, McHenry. Wanted-An Idea Who can think of some simple thing to patent ? Protect your Ideas: they may brlng'ybu wealth. Write JOHN WEODEBBUBN ft CO, Patent Attor- <*»» •I-"""*- «=« C. F. SO LEY, Proirielor of McHenry Brewery, MCHENRY, ILL. Always on Hand with the , Best Beer, " A. C- SPURLING, Veterinary - Surgeon, West McHenry, 111. Special attention given to the treat­ ment of COWF. Office at resluenceon Waukegan street, one door east of Hotel Park. said track or tracks shall be made so as not to Interfere in any manner with the drainage or sluiceways which are now made or may _ . . i hereafter be made upon any of the streets or Proceedings Of the Regular July Meet- highways upon which said track or tracks inr, 1897. shall pass. We hereby reserve totheliigh- _ I way commissioners of the township of Che- , mung the right to do all the necessary work ^ ., board^ of supervisors of Mc- on the streets and highways in the form of 1 ' l?,et Ln reBular session at grading, building drains and making neces- dnv on Mon- sary excavations, and it is hereby provided nf t™ 1 v. y of July, ̂807. for the purpose that the said township shall not at anv time or transacting such business as might prop- ' r come before them. p fif6! w® 1(;alled order by the chairman, j the township having to excavate or grade At „ , the s:\ld streets or highways for any of the thpir supervisors answered to aforesaid purposes, nor shall said grantees, , ̂1. . / * their heirs, successors and assigns ever have :°,Lihe grand Jury for May term or recover any damages for the same from «lf ^ i..' ̂ as road t° the board and the township of Chemung. ("^motion of R. J. Heck it was ordered pub- HBhed With the proceedings ot the board to- ." We, the grand jury, have thoroughly exam- ined the county buildings, including the jail, and nnd the same In first-class condition. ,x . E-E. 9KWKS, Foreman Grand Jury. Dated, May 85, 1897. G B.RICHARDS, tiled, May 25,i8i)7, _ Clerk Circuit Court. SECTION 5.' The person in charge of any and all cars running upon said track or tracks, shall; before going upon any turnpikes, cross road, grade, and in case of. darkness or from any other cause may obstruct the clear and full vision of such turnpike, cross road or grade, ascertain before proceeding with the car or cars that such turnpike, cross road or West Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES. E. JT. HANLY, Prop'r. WEST McHENRY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates- Parties taken to and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains. Our Rigs will be kept in first class shape, and we shall spare no pains to please our cus tomers at all times, Give us a call, E J. HANLY, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15, 1896. United StatesJ arCIaii Apcy W. H. COWLIN. WOODSTOCK, ILL. Prosecutes all clasues and kinds of claims against the United States for ex-soldiers, thMr wives, dependent relatives, or heirs A specialty is maue in nrosecuting old an I re- jecteu claims, All communications promptly answered it postage stamps are enclosed for reply. WM. HZ. COWLIN, Office at residence Madison St„ Woodstock Telephone No. 23. On motion o?Snn" I £nlde t8 fre^ from all carriages or other vehic- county clerk^ circuit^ cfefk. sheriff les' and all persons are forbidden to unnec- superintendent of school aud^'reasarer es8arilyobstruct the track or tracks of the said were referrert tAthp grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns, or out r^d,ng. Proper committees with-1 fuany manner interfere with the Operation of The petition of H. 8. Williams et al for right to use highway for an electric railroad in township of Chemung ;known as the Big foot road) was read to the board and on motion of Sup. Beck was referred to the com mittee on roads and bridges. The petition of Allen B. Wager and Mar- ceilus L. Joslyn for right to use the high­ ways of McHenry county, 111., for telephone iHies as may be from time to time desired, was read to the board and on motion of Sup Hoy referred to the committee on roads and bridges. Sup. Beck moved to adjourn until Tuesday, 1 p. m., for committee work. Carried. TUESDAY, 1 P. M. Board met persuant to adjournment. At roll call all supervisors present. The committee on roads and bridges, on the petition of H. 8. Williams et al made the following report and filed therewith a peti­ tion and consent of property owner? of lands fronting on proposed line of railway, to-wit: PETITION FOR AN ELECTRIC RAILWAY FRANCHISE. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, State of Illinois: We the anderslgned property owners, town auJ' washout or storm of Chemung, in said county, do hereby res- " SECTION 8. Before the said grantees, their pectlully pray and petition your honorable beirs, successors or assigns shall commence body to grant to H. S. Williams, of Harvard, to do any work in the construction of said 111., Herbert T. Windsor and C. J. Luck, of »--- Chicago, 111., a franchise for an electric rail- in any manner interfere with the Operation the said railway by placing, driving or stop­ ping any team or vehicle or other obstacle iu or upon or near the tracks ofthe said railway, after being notified by the ringing ofthe bell on the car or by the person in charge of such car of said grantees, their heirs, successors and assigns. SECTION 6. The said grantees, their heirs, successors and assigns hereby agree to hold " ilp of Chemung free and harmless from any and all damages that may arise or accrue by reason of the construction, maintalnance and operation of said electric „railway within the limits of the sections lierelnbetore enumerated. SECTION 7. The said grantees, their heirs, successors or assigns shall restore at their own expense,- said streets, highways and sluceways to a condition equally as good as before the buildiug$Of said lines of track and railway, should any damage accrue to the same, but the said township of Chemung does not in any manner relinquish its full power and control over all streets, highway and bridges, nor will It in any manner be come responsible to the said grantees, their heirs, successors and assigns for any damage that may accrue to their tracks by reason of JOHN J. BUCH, Restaurant 0 Boarding H°use, Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by 'the Day or Week at Reasonable rates, A NICE LINE OF Bow BOATS AT MY LANDING. for rent by the hour or day, at reasonable rates. Pure Wines, Liquors and Ohoioe Cigars always on hand. WFreshLajrer Beer constantly on draught ,Good Stabling for Horses. ii, 2FEKRY ft OWEN, Bankers. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. This Ban A receives deposits, buy* and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex change, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage., MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other first class security. Special attention given to co- lections, INSURANCE In 1Hrst Class Companies at the Lowest Bates. Yours Be mectfuly . PERRY & OWEN. Notary Public A. ENGELN S Safoon -ND / Restaurant, MeHEURY. ILL. WholeaaleLand Retail Agent for SCULITZ Hilvaetee Brewmjr Co.'s Beer. THE 3EST MADE. In any quantity, from a Snitz Glass to a hun*i*-td barrels. ; , Orders by a: u prohaptly attended to. ALSO, ALWAYS ON HAND Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bittersa choice Ales, Wines, Cigars, Etc." I buy none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. N, B. ROBINSON & GO'S Ale&tPorter, by theiKeg and on Draught, Call and see roe and I will nee 70U well. ANTONY ENGELN. McRenry, III.. 18<W>. ; dty. I to any part OWEN & CHAP; ELL. way upon the side of the Blgfoot road, lead­ ing from the corporate line of the city of Harvard, at Division street to the Wisconsin state line, in said couuty, said petitioners being the owners of lands fronting on said Bigfoot road. Name. Frontage in rods. J. O. Lewis 305 D. H. Bentley and H. S. Thompson 172 Ed. Wilkinson 205 A. B. Tooker 90 J. L. Davis 230 John Fahey ...ion Amanda Smith Williaip Wakely 210 R. Coventry go J.C.George so Edgar Smith '. so F. H. Duval so A. J. Lupton '.'Z'.m O. H. Thompson... : 45 . Mrs. C L.Mills 30 J.E.Smith 8 Mrs. S. M, Smith 4 James Logue MI. Chairman and Gentlemen ofthe Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the petition of H. S. Williams, H. T. Windsor and C. J. Luck, asking fran­ chise to build and operate an electric railway aloug the highway known as the "Bigfoot Road" in the township of Chemung, from the north corporate limits ofthe city of Har­ vard to the Wisconsin state line, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We herewith recom­ mend the granting of the petition and the adoption of the lranchise herewith attached: To the Honorable Board of Superversors of McHenry County in the State of Illinois. Gentlemen: The petition of the undersigned respectfully represent that they have given notice by advertisement, as required by the laws of the state of Illinois, published In the Harvard Herald, a copy of which advertise­ ment is hereto attached, that they would make application to your honorable "body for the right to use the highways of your county for the purpose of erecting and oper­ ating a street railway In your county. The undersigned, therefore, petition the honorable body of the county of McHenry that you grant them the right to use the highways and other public property in said county for the erection, construction and operation of a street railway in accordance with the laws of the state of Illinois, and request that your honorable body will grant a franchise or rights for that purpose, a copy of which hereto attached, or any modifica­ tions thereof that may allow the undersigned to erect, construct and operate aistreet rail­ way In the said county of McHenry. H. S. WILLIAMS, H. T. WINDSOR, C. J. LUCK. PURLIC NOTICE. Public notice is herby given that on Mou day the 12th day of July, A. D. 1897, theunder- rallway within the limits of the township of Chemung they shall execute to the supervisor of the said township of Chemung and file with him a good and sufficient bond iu the sum of five thousand (85,000) dollars, to be [ approved as to form and execution and suf­ ficiency of the sureties by the supervisor of the said township, conditioned for the proper construction, maintenance and operation of said railway, and to forever idemnify and save harmless the said townshlpofChemung against and from any and all damages which said township may suffer or which may be recovered or obtained against the said town ship by reason of the construction, malnten ance and operation of the said railway within the limits ofthe said township. SECTION 9. The said grantees, their heirs successors and assigns shall complete in good faith the cbustruction of said railway not later than the lij-st day of September 1898, unless delayed by order or injunction iii ood faith of some court of competent juris Iction and in that event the time of delay shall be added to the time herein allowed for the building of said railway as herein mentioned and provided. SECTION 10. Within uinety davs after the date of the granting of this permit the gran tees, their heirs, successors or assigns shall file with the county clerk of the couuty of McHenry their acceptance of this permit and of all the conditions and provisions herein contained, otherwise this permit shall be come void and of no effect. SECTION 11. The grantees, their heirs, sue cessors and assigns are hereby authorized to charge not to exceed the sum of fifteen (In) cents for each passenger of twelve years or over, and for passengers between the ages of four and twelve years they shall be entitled to charge not to exceed eight (8) cents, pro­ vided, however, cars may be chartered for special times and purposes at special rates. SECTION 12. This permit shall take etl'ect and be iu force from and after the date hereof. Dated, Woodstock, 111., July 13, 1897. F. F. AXTELD, Chairman. Attest--G. F. RUSHTON, Clerk. All of which Is respectfully submitted, J AS. NISH, Chairman. JOHN WELTZIEN, SAM'L E. CLARK? N. BKOTZMAN, J. H. GRACY. Sup. Beck moved the adoption of the report. Sup. Shurtleft" moved to postpone action 011 the report until Aug. 5, 1897, in order to give other petitioners time to file their petition for right of way on same highway. The ayes and nays being called for. on the motion of SuDt. Shurtleft to postpone, and the vote taken resulted as follows: Ayes: N. Brotzman, E. D Shurtleff; Wm. Desmond, Joseph Mills, F.E. Stevens, H. F. Jones, Geo. McConnell, and S E. Clark, 8. Nays: R. J. Beck, F. F. Axtell, W. D. Coruue, John Weltzien, L. T. . - -I , • ----- . Hoy, F. W. Hatch, W. A. Cristy, J. H. Gracy, signed will present to the board of supervis- and James Nish, 9. Motion to postpone lost. 9™ 0 . *r. of McHenry and state of | Ayes and nays on Sup Beck's motion to Illinois, their petition and also the petition of the owners of land respresentlng more than one-half of the frontage of the herein­ after named highway to be used for electric road purposes, praying said board of supervis­ ors for the right to the undersigned to u construct and operate an electric railway along and upon the highway known as the "Bigfoot road," in the town of Chemung, from the north corporate limits of theclty of Harvard to the Wisconsin state line in said town and county. Dated, Harvard, 111., June SO, 1897. H. S. WILLIAMS, H. T. WINDSOR, " C. J. LUCK. WHEREAS, The majority of the owners of the property abutting on Big Foot road have consented to the construction and operation of an electric railway along said highway, and have petitioned the supervisors of the county of McHsnry and state of Illinois that they grant to H. S. Williams, H. T. Windsor and C. J. Luck the right to construct and operate an electric railway along and upon said highway. Therefore, We, the undersigned super­ visors of the county of McHenry and state of Illinois, do consent, and permission is hereby granted to the said H. 8. Williams, H. T, Windsor and C. J. Luck, their heirs, succes sors and assigns to construct and operate an adopt the report resulted as follows: Ayes: N. Brotzman, E. D. Shurtleff, R. J. Beck, F. F. Axtell, W. 1). Cornue, Wm. Desmond. Joseph Mills, F. E. Stevens, John Weltzien, *"6 1 L. T. Hoy, S. E. Clark, H. K. Jones, Geo. Mc- ors for the right to the undersigned to locate, | connell, F. W. Hatch, W. A. Cristy, J. H Gracy and Jas. Nish. 17. Nays, 0. Report declared adopted. The committee 011 roads and bridges made the following report which was adopted, to- wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board ofSupervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the petition of Marcellus L. Joslyn and Allan B. Wager asking the right to erect telephone poles along the highways of Mc­ Henry county, as may be from time to time necessary, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we would recommend that said petition be granted upon condition that said poles be so placed as not to interfere with the proper use of said highways for travel or for repairs of same: also so as not to interfere with the flow of water in any public or prl vate ditch, gutter or drain; also so as not to interfere, with any private entrance from, or private crossing of said highways; also pro­ viding that before erecting said poles the • I petitioners, Marcellus L. Joslyn aud Allen I B. Wager, shall file with the county clerk a good and sufficient bond of $l,ouo to be approved by said county clerk, conditioned to forever indemnify and save harmless the county of McHenry against and from any damage which said county may suffer or which may be recovered or obtained against said county by reason of the erecting,.main­ taining or failureto properly erect and main­ tain said telephone line or lines, reserving, the right to grant like consent to any other telephone company. All of which is respectfully submitted. "" JAMES NISH, Chairman, N. BROTZMAN, 8 E. CLARK, JOHN WELTZIEN, J. H. GRACY. The committee on elections made the fol­ lowing report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to whoih was referred the selection of°judges of elec­ tions and polling places in the different towns would beg leave to submit the follow- ope electric railway in the town of Chemung, and for that purpose to enter upon and to lay, construct, maintain aud operate a single track electric street railway with the neces­ sary turnouts and switches upon the follow­ ing highways in the said town of Chemung, to-wlt: On the Big Foot road from the corporation limits of Harvard, thence north through sec­ tions 35 and 26, then along the section line between sections 25 and 20, thence through sections 25, 24, 13, 12 and 1 to the Wisconsin state line. The Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The right is hereby granted to the said H. S. Williams, H. T. Windsor and C. J, Luck, their heirs, successors and assigns for the period of fifty years from the date hereof to use the said highway for the pur­ pose of constructing, maintaining and oper­ ating an electric railway by means of over­ head trolly wires for the purpose of carrying passengers, express and freight updn and over the said highway hereinbefore men­ tioned. SECTION 2. The construction of the said electric railway , and all excavations and grading upon the streets, highways and Bridges upon which the tracks of the electric railway shall be constructed, shall be under the supervision of and to the satisfaction of the highway commissioner of the township of Chemung. SECTION 3. The track or tracks of the said electric railway shall be laid as near to either side line of the streets and highway as prac­ ticable (the side of the street to be used and the distance of tbe track or tracks from the side line of the street or highway to be determined upon by the highway commis­ sioners of the said town) and be laid with the ordinary Trail, laid on ties, which shall be set even with the surface of the ground or nearly so; and all road bed, track or tracks, pnlfs, wires and apparatus use In the con­ struction and operation of tlie'said railway, shall be so constructed and placed as not to Impede or obstruct the public use of such streets, highways or bridges or- endanger life or property. SECTION 4. All df the turnpikes, grades, bridges, intersections of other streets of high­ ways or private driveways which may now exist or may hereafter exist, entering upon premises adjoining the side line of the street or highway upon which the track or tracks of the said grdntees snail pass, and all switches or turnouts shall be planked in such a man­ ner that carriages or other vehicles can easily and freely cross said streets or high­ ways, or tracks laid thereon, at any and all polntB and In any and all directions without danger or obstruction. The construction of ing report on the matters before them: Riley--Judges, N Brotzman. J Brotzman, P S Griffith. Polling place, town hall. Marengo, First District: Judges, ED Shurt­ leff, E T Renwlc-k, S B Oakley. Polling place A D Sted man's shop. Marengo, Second District, Judges, G D Bel- din, R Gault. O W Tyler. Polling place, A R Parkhurst's office. Dunham--Judges, R J Beck, F C Wells aud William Sweeney. Polling place in school house District No. I. Chemung--First District, Judges, F F Ax­ tell, F O Thompson, P E Saunders. Polling place In old engine house. Chemung--Second Dl«trict. Judges: S H Callender/Ed Rector, P M O'Connor. Polling place new engine house. Alden-- Judges: W D Coruue, H F Man ley, Daniel Sullivan. Polling place, town hall. Hartland--Judges, William Desmond, Cor­ nelius Nolan, Wm Forrest. Polling place Deep cut school house. Seneca-Judges--Jos Mills, Henry Sheldon, C W Dietz. Polling place town hall. Coral--Judges: F E Stevens, A S Peak. C L Kremer. Polling place, Hewett's wagon shop, Union. Grafton--Judges: John Weltzien, 3 F Ellis, D M Williams. Polling place J SCumming's office. Dorr--First District--Judges L T Hoy, C D Judd, E D Austin. Polling place, room under county clerk's office. f Dorr-Second District. Judges, Fred Grif- flng, G W Frame, R H Conant. Polling place room under sheriff's office. Greenwood--Judges, S E Clark, M Dassow John Ray oral t. Polling place, town hall, Hebron--Judges, H F Jones, Lewis Fisher, Lyman Pierce, Sr. Polling place, town hall Richmond-Judges, Geo McConnell, John Hollan, A S Wright. Polling place Burton's Opera House. Burton--Judges, F W Hatch, J B Richard­ son, B A Stevens. Polling place, town hall. Spring Grove. ' McHenry-First District, Judges, John V Auckland, J W Cristy, Stephen H Freund. Polling Place old Congregational church In Rlngwood. McHenry--Second District. Judges, W A Cristy, Simon Stoffel, John W Kimball. Poll­ ing place Village Hall McHenry. Nunda--First District. Judges, J H Gracy, M H Fitzslmmong, E F Mathewes. Polling place store of E F Mathews. > Nttnda--Second District. Judges, O M. Hale, Geo, Moran, O B Warner. Polling place, council room, Nunda. Algonquin--First District. Judges, Chas. Wandrack, John D Keyes,/ G D Jayne. Poll­ ing place, Morton's Hotel: Algonquin--Second District. Judges, Jas B Robinson, J H Kroger, C F Dike. Polling place G D Williams' store. Algonquin-Third District-Judges, James Nish, Sherman Burton, E ii King. Polling place. E. L. Mehch's office. -• * Having examined the election expense ot the election of June 7, we would rocommend the.payment of the following amounts as set opposite each precinct; Riiey ...» i •' .? 30 80 Marengo, 1st district........ 30 50 Marengo, 2nd district. 30 20 Dunham 80 20 Chemung, 1st Dist..: 30 20 Ch,emung, 2nd Dlst 30 20 Alden 30 20 Hartland 29 70 Seneca 29 70 Coral 30 20 Grafton 30 yo Dorr, 1st. Dist 24 00 Dorr, 2nd Dist 24 CO Greenwood 29 70 Hebron 30 30 Richmond : so 00 Burton 31 o« McHenry, 1st Dist 30 50 McHenry, 2nd Dist 30 20 Nunda, 1st Dist 31 70 Nunda, 2nd Dlst 28 30 Algouqnin, Is Dlst 30 50 Algonquin, 2nd Dist Algonquin, 3rd Dlst 31 U0 30 30 Total 8714 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. H. F. JONES, Chairman. F. W. HATCH, F. E. STEVENS. W. A. CRISTY, Ihe committee on education made the following report, which was adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman aud Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the quarterly report of W. E. Wire, county superintendent of schools, would beg leave to submy, the following report 011 the matters before them: That We have examined said report and vouchers attached thereto, find the same correct and recommend its acceptance and that the amount, three hundred and sixty-two (8362) dollars due the superintendent be allowed. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. D. CORNUE. Chairman. H. F. JONKS, E. D. SHURTLEFF, F. W. Hatch. GEO. MCCONNELL, The committee on fees and salaries made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen ofthe Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to whom was referred the reports of county clerk, cir­ cuit clerk andsheriff, would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the matters before them: 1 Sheriff: Earned. Fees In suits ? 376 55 On executions. Miscellaneous Totals Sheriff's salary Balance due sheriff' rircuit Clerk: For recording Clerk fees In suits On previous earning no 57 401 80 ...8 991 92 600 00 Reed. 200 35 J 210 57 . 907 70 .1,070 50 8 410 92 I 189 08 907 70 537 45 | 99 55 Totals Clerk hire Miscellaneous; express Clerk's salary.... 1,978 20 1,544 70 500 00 postage and 27 95 750 13 A J Boyington, p Chas Dietz A J Boyington, same vs M Riley Emmet Covell, same Sam Bogart " same Will Kllbourn BILLS NOT PAID. Geo F Rushton, delivering ballots E D Shurtleff, burying old soldier Chas F Renioh, pub. official ballot V S Liimley, fees In Insanity case " same J Vanslyke, pub. proceedings of board. Callahan & Co., probate practice..... Scotield <fc Co,, printing and publishing ballots T L Parsons, case People vs John Pabst. C h a s B a n n i n g , s a m e . . . . . . . . . . . E H Cook, same, Jolin KrUtzer, same.. ..; •Wm H Smith, same.... Eddie Carroll, same Henry Costlgah, same P H Garry, same...... E R Kellyysame..... Samuel Foster, same Wm Garry, same John Shumaker, same ' Lafe- Benthusen, same Burke. A Henderson, same.... " same . W W Sund, same Eugene Archer.... " same...: ; Chas Cook, same .; James Butke, same....... H M Hastings, same Jas Fisher. Mae O'Connor, same Mrs E O'Connor, same J P Lang, same John G Gilbow.same.. G M Ayer, same .. O W Goddard, same A C Bingham, same P W Blanchard, same J S Maxon, same Mrs EO'Connor, same Mae O'Connor, same James Burke, same '.. E L Herrick, same Thos Connell, insane Mrs E Williams, same JasSalway T H Brown, same., ".. W'H Whiston, same G A Smith, same Brown H C Hubbard, same H J Conn, same G H Sawyer, same F W Merchant, same T H Brown, same John Love insane... Aug Schroder, same.Chas L Brown F G Arnold, same John McGee.... Sylvester AicGee, same Tierney N THeaton, same G W Mansfield, same Dietz... " Lee F Goodrich, same H' M Johnson, same H F St John, same ......' " same F M Johnson, same L H Jones, same R Galnor H Suillvau, same Dennis O'Connof ... Robt Driver, same David Iioudeshell.. John F Reedy, same N S Robb, same J W McNelly, same Frank Helner...... P Osgood, same J C Riley same James Burke, witness fee, same!!........ A. N. Gleason, tame W. L. Parsons, same Ben Stilling James Burke, same Wm. Mitchell J. P. Lang, same Asa.d Udell, same Geo. Dean.. Chas. Darrell. same Ben Stilling F. A. Oakley, same John John Frank Powers, same F. G. Arnold, same Ben Stilling Jonn Ritzert, same Dennis O'Connor. Chas. Cook, same Eugene Archer Lee Goodrich, same Dietz \V. H. Shermau, same Frank Blakesless, same Pabst Frank Van Allen, same L. E. Smith, same Fred Foster, same F. G. Arnold, same C. L. Brown C. M. Hughes, same John Tierney Win. Flemming, same John John. F.A.Oakley, same O. H. Lincoln, same Sam. S. Billings, same John Tierney... F. Neimann, same John Hanley, same J W Metzer, same John Gillis. same ... F N Blakeslee, same John P Lay, same Anna Buckre M Thlel, same Peter Rothermel, same J F Smith, same L E Smith, same John Pabst Price Johnson, same Total Divided as follows: Permanent improvements Running expenses Tobacco:......'.. Medicines Medical attendance Clothing.,.i .1,...: . Supplies on hand Aug. 19, I896-. Expended for running expenses... Total............... „S1,748!« « : Less supplies on hand March 18,1897... 308 49 r . • Total .... _«1442 43 V Less 30 weeks board Mrs. I.awson yj 00 Less 20 weeks board Mrs. Brown 50 10 . Less produce sold............... ..... 40 50 1 0.1 Net cost'of 818^2-7 w eeks" board*1261 93 3 20 . Cost per week $1.54. 2 2311 'tka 1 * - i, ' ...>^¥1 The following bills were sent to the several towns and individuals: K F Axtell, town of Chamung 58 32 F E Stevens, town of Coral J H Gracy, town of Nunda. ........ Ahira Thompson, Mrs Brown.. E E Richards, Mrs. Lawson... L T Hoy, town of Dorr . . .. W A Cristy, town of McHenry....'."."!. .' H F Jones, town of Hebron SE Clark, town of Greenwood.... Jas Nish, town of Algonquin.... John Weltzien, town of Grafton . W D Cornue, town of Alden .. Wm Desmond, town of Hartland.... N Brotzman, town of Riley..... J Mills, townofSeneca All of which is respectfully submitted, .. . L. T. HOY, Chairman, JAMES NISH, F. E STEVENS, R. J. BECK, W. A. CRISTY. The committee on railroads made the fol­ lowing report which was adopted to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen ofthe Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the equalization of railroad, telegraph and telephone property wonld beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That the assessment of railroad, telegraph and telephone property be subjected .to and equalized by the same per cent, of addition or deduction as may be adopted by this Hon­ orable Board. All of which is respectfully submitted, , J.S. MILLS. Chairman, WM. DESMOND, SAM'L E. CLARK. R. J. BECK, H. F. Jones, , §||M$ The committee on personal property made the following report which was adopted to- wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the equalization of personal proierty would beg leave to submit the fol­ lowing report on tlie matters before them: We have equalized the personal property by . ..... a(*ding to or deducting from the assessed val- o Iii llatf°ns, and we recommend the adoption of * ^ | the same as follows; 10 Towns. 1 90 1 9u 2 20 | i{nev } I Mareiigo.. } IU Dunham 1 40 I Chemung... Alden Hartland Seneca.. Coral Grafton..... Dorr Greenwood Hebron... „, Richmond 2 60.1 Burton 2 no | McHenry Nunda.. Algonquin. Total. Total ,.$1282 52 $1,359,490 Total Balance due couuty. Couuty Clerk: 1,277 95 Half year Reed, earned For Probate fees and clerk's fees in suits In court 1,259 94 County service 679 65 Miscellaneous service 143 25 Previous earnings Totals 1,082 84 1,328 32 Clerk hire 7(0 00 Postage and miscellaneous... 50 49 Clerk's salary 750 UO Balance due clerk 172 17 I RILLS PAID P F Pettlbone, stationery. $ Walsh & Whittleton, blanks 266 75 | Same, same Murphy & Mullen, goods for sheriff.... Woodstock Sentinel Co., court dockets instruction cards and blanks A F Field, coal Lincoln asylum, for inmate n« os I E1&lu Insane Asylum, iusane patients -r I tt. H. Waite, canv'sg election returns JJA ,r. g H Callender( SUIne- l L. D. Lowell, cost remitted In Ashton estate xi 25 B. S- Austin, destroying ballots 5 00 Wm. Sharnow, 51 gallons oil- 5 61 Harvard Herald, 1000 envelopes circuit clerk No. 9 434 75 S4 41 (50 17 00 1 02 81 50 34 52 II 25 25 24 3 00 3 00 Total 1,500 49 ] We recommend that an order be drawn 011 the county treasurer for the amounts due the | county clerk and sheriff'. » All of which is respectfully submitted. WM. DESMOND, chairman. GEO. MCCONNELL, JOHN WELTZIEN, It. J. BECK. J. H. GRACY. The committee to settle with treasurer | made the following report, which was adopted, to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to settle | with the treasurer would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the matters | before them: One-half per cent, commission on •534,547 40 from Tp. col 8 518 21 Three per cent, commission on $24,- 633.42 col us Co. col 739 00 | Making delinquent list for publica­ tion 175 tracks and 227 lots at 3c 12 06 | Judgment on 110 tracts and 155 lots ^ne per cent, commission on82,436.41 reed as county treasurer 24 36 j One percent, commission on $4,467.06 paid out 44 67 Total 81,346 28 I Clerk hire .' 8130 00 Stationery 8 00 Treas. salary for one-half year. 750 00 Total 8908 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. W\ A. CRISTY. Chairman, J. H. GRACY, W. D. CORNUE. JOHN WELTZIEN, SAMUEL E. CLARK, The committee on claims made the follow-1 lng report which was adopted, to-wlt: Mr.Cliairman and Gentlemen oftheBoardof | Supervisors:Your committee on claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them and recommend the _ - - ^ clerk be directed to Issue orders on thewounty treasurer to the claimants for the several am mounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt: CLAIM8 ALLOWED. M Brown, case People vs. Comisky..8 2 20 I WmNoonan " " " " 2 20 H Granger »• " » " 2 20 C*rl Reiner " " " " 2 20 Geo C Parker " " " Gainor 1 70 G Rosengren " 'f " «« 1 70 G E Adams " " " " 1 70 W Murphy " " " " 1 10 Mary Parker.'" " " " 170 Susie Parker " " " " 1 70 S Robb " «• '? Harmon 2 20 480 00 Sentinel Co., pamphlets, proceedings ;v?i.and blames Geo. Richards, disinfectants Holmes & Wright, hlnnks Johnson & Woodford, naturalization record Henry Eckert, sawing 12cords wood W111. Sharnow, barrel oil..- Mrs. R. Green, 12 cords wood C H Tryon, surveying at county farm... Walsh<& Whittleton, blanks L E tfe W Curley, surveying Instru­ ments Callahan & Co., probate law J B Babcock, puo board proceeding Sentinel Co., court docket aud blanks... W. D. Hall, lumber L. T. Hoy, burying old soldier Wm. Sharnow, barrel oil James Sullivan, work at court house- Harvard Independent, pub proceedings of board Schofleld & Co., tame Walsh & Whittleton, same Same, blanks ;. W m. Sharnow, barrel oil Callahan & Co., appellate court report Richmond Gazette, publishing pro­ ceedings of board Woodstock Sentinel, same Same, blanks WhltsonBros., hardware John A. Dufield, publishing proceed­ ings of board J. V. Beatty, same Uhas F Renich, same Hebron Tribune, same E L spence, same Callahan it Co., appellate court report J L Hlbbard, balfff'five days L Benthusen, same. M Church, same M W Lake, same N S Robb, same H G Ehle, same J G Fay, same ...... HD Holmes, bailiff lour days J L Hlbbard, bailiff two days M W Lake, same M Church, same H D Holmes, same N S Robb, same L Benthusen, same......... H GEhle, same..: 3 50 25 50 I 4 50 15 00 18 00 12 00 6 10 48 00 5 00 53 50 14 00 4 50 25 00 23 00 9 14 35 00 5 : 7 50 I 25 00 25 00 26 00 9 75 6 36 3 50 25 Oti 25 00 7 50 48 80 I 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 33 00 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 12 50 10 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN WELTZIEN, Chairmsfti, JOSEPH S. MIIJA WM. DESMOND, F. E. STEVENS, F. W. HATCH. %& The committee on town and city lots made the following report, which was adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the equalization of town and city lots would respectfully submit the foUowing report: We have equalized said lots hy adding to and deducting from the assessed valua­ tions and we recommend the adoption of the same as follows: -- ?| rj»C5S w' |5JS.fRi!?£G§8|! IK ~ TJ c"x 1C* o'sT ; as* s s ""a s <« i a si 30 ; iSJ Is i i I"* j j --a> j : iinio : : j j .*3 12 6 62 11 8 1 12 9 54 12 1 40 44 3 1 13 2 67 12 9 21 18 2 55 18 2 57 13 9 03 10 7 67 15 9 €6 70 9 0 S 2 .•a 13 7 62 11 7 0 11 8 85 13 7 95 44 3 1 15 0 76 12 3 06 19 2 15 18 2 57 16 7 50 10 9 76 15 9 66 80 7 0 12 2 04 A ss 'd V al . ogesissosoiocioo i « A I "avisos* i ©* ^ T-« --«o rrscca I « All of which is respectfully submitted. GEO. MCCONNELL, Chairman^ & E. D. SHURTLEFF, M JAMES NISH, m L. T. HOY, H. F. JONES. The committee on lands made the follow lng report, which was adopted, to-wit: (Concluded on Lent Pag*,) Total $1495 93 All of which Is respectfully submitted, R. J. BECK. Chairman, N. BROTZMAN. GEO. MCCONNELL, W. D. CORNUE, F. E. STEVENS, '• 'f Harmon Geo Eckert dieting prisoners for receiving and discharg­ ing prisoners. 20 00 | Bailiff county and probate court 51 00 Jallo.r and janitor, 6 mos.... 210 00 Taking insane to and from Elgin 30 00 Supplies, jail and court house 50 95 Elgin Insane asylum, care Insane pa­ tients .-I...?.. 59 67 W E Wire, stationery....... 24 65 H Jones, p m fees People vs J O'Brien" 17 65 same vs Geo Godfrey 4 45 same vs R Galnor 11 60 M N Gardner, same ys A Biirke. 4 40 O C Sheldon, witness fees Insanity case Wm McNinch i .80 H Brown same 1 9B H A Sheldon, same ; 1 80 R M Curtis, same.... ; 2 00 O Alby, same 1 so E H Cook, same 1 70 H Jones, p m fees People vs John Tierney 12 85 L O Diggins, j p fees People vs Heiner.. 5 30 " . same vs Wm Mitchell,. 5 30 James Thompson, p m fees People vs E Archer 8 20 A C Thompson, j p lees People vs J O'Brien... 4 05 E H Waite, j p fees People vs J O'Brien 60 lars. Cripple Creek alone is producing over One million Dollars a month ana The committee on poor farmSe the I Readily increasing, mining Stocks are following report, which was adopted, to-wit: advancing m price more rapidly than Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of the Board anv other Stocks, and many pay divi- ?,̂ "wPo0;iSieaYv0e"w JSKS»«3W8J d™dks °[35 to ®° ̂ .»%<•* report: Mar. 19, 1897, committee met at poor the beet opportunity to make a large farm for the purpose of auditing bills and profit on a smsU investment. ascertaining the cost of keeping the poor r Inmv T TALI MAN & Co 14 Pacific Av farm from Aug. 19, 1896, to Mar. 18, 1897, and ™_J.OHN l' 1AL"»AiN « CO., x-t x acinc AT., transacting such other business as might Chicago, are financial agents for the come before them. ' Prudential Gold mining Co., and others .The following bills wereaudited and ordered in the famous Cripple Creek district, 17 48 They will Bend yon free, interesting par- 17 25 ticulars of the mining companies they -6 lie represent also their book on speculation t0 1 in stocks, grain and cotton, containing many new and important features. Send for these bookd at once if yaft* are interested in any form of speculation or investments. They will prove profit* " P i ® paid: Murphy & Mullen, dry goods- Stone & Hart, boots and shoes. Bunker Bros., groceries. Kennedy Bros., same - Wm. Sharnow, oil W B. Austin, farm machinery Willis Disbrow& Co., groceries Cowlin Bros., boots and shoes C. T. Donovan, blacksmlthing Evans & Killan, meat A. F. Field, coal W. D. Hall, lumber Eckert & Young, groceries Frank M. Bunker, same Chas. Richards, grinding. - AB Pratt & Son, meat F W Buell feed and flour Alois Dreyer, repairing harness... C F Thorne, clothing B S Austin, groceries,,,.......... Whitson Bros , hardware A S Wright, paints, oils and medicines J C Choate, dry goods M D Hoy & Son, same.. T H Brown, salary

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