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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1897, p. 8

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SV\U .1 S ft P? !> vfbv; | "•> -' ^ >vv ' ' • • •' Articles and Notices umior the above head are furnished by the Ladies ot the W, O, T. 0 andthe editor claims no par* pr credit for the I'JSSIMON WWCWOOD, It-1- • • The Style. Fit and Wear vLJE could not be improved for w Double the Price. "W. L. Douglas $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Sfaoes are the productions of skilled workmen, from the best ma­ terial possible to put into shoes sold at these prices. * We make also $2.50 and $2.25 shoes for men, and a. $2.50, $2.00 and $1.75 for boys, and the W. L. pk Douglas $3.50 Police shoe, very suitable for ||?\ letter-carriers, policemen and others having g|j||k much walking to do. We are constantly adding new styles to our already large variety, and there is no rea- son why you cannot be suited, so insist on having VV. L. Douglas Shoes from your fifflli % dealer. "We use only the best Calf, Russia Calf (all colors), French Patent Calf, French Enamel, Vici Kid, etc., 'L ' graded to correspond with prices WM-s,,.' °f the shoes. If dealer cannot Supply you, ^ w r i t e W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. .. CATALOGUE FBEE. For the next 30 davs we will offer all kinds of Summer Goods at extremely Low Prices. If in need of anything in the line of Do not fail to look over our stock CORSETS 3oyal Worcester, PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS LAST WEEK FOR FANS, All Colors Merchants, 1Ww Bankers, UffM Lawyers, Physicians \Mt. and all economical ^ men wear W. L. Douglas • -y Shoes because they are the best. For sale by 4£-sc*« luisguiio* nm Farm. Gate Besley's Sarsaparilla Compound. The -- * great Blood purifier. Try a botde. YI-KI cures corns and warte. 15 cents McHenry, 111., 1897, , \ U ; * r . •u •. -v\. One of the best-known stories in con­ nection with tbe late Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson's advocacy of temperance is told by the Voice. He had been an a visit to one of three or four small towns in England which have no public house. Although there were 4,000 people there, the doctor was nearly starving. One day a young medical man came to Sir Benjamin for advice as to taking the practice, and Sir Benjamin said: "Take my advice and don't. Those wretched teetotalers not only shirk accidents, but, when wounded, heal so fast that ther« is neither pleasure nor profit after the first dressing." A Fool's Errand. "Once I visited an asylum for the feeble minded, and it was a sad sight," said Aunt Hannah. "Of course there were all grades, from a brain that was slightly clouded to utter imbecility, and ! remem­ ber one of the ways of testing their reas­ oning pow;ero. They were taken to a trough filled with water, into which a stream from a pipe was constantly run­ ning, Riven a dipper and told to empty the trough. Thoee who , could reason would see the uselessness of the task with the water running in faster than they could dip it out. and would tarn the faucet and stop the stream. . Only tbe hopelessly dull kept on ladling. Somer times when I look at our prisons, reform­ atories and inebriate cures, and think how we are dipping folks into them to be reformed while we let the saloons keep on running,I can't help thinking about that test of idiocy. BINDER TWINE! WESTWARD HOI A Region Abounding in Mountains of Gold and Streams of Silv r During the past quarter of a century theBocky mountains of Colorado have produced millions upon millions of dol­ lars in gold and silver (and precious jewels) thousands of persons acquiruie wealth and ease as a result. Some of the ^richest ROld mines in the world have been discovered during the past year and there is no end to the lucky striked being made at Cripple Creek gold camp and elsewhere. The scenery of the ever snow-capped Rockies is uneaualed in either Europe or America for grandeur. For several years there has been publisb- ' ed in Denver a big fifty-six column week­ ly family newspaper which gives all the most important mining news and illus­ trates each week the very choicest of this marvelous scenery, contains original western stories of love and adventure, pure in tone; yearly subscribers are giv« n gold rings set with Rocky mountain gems free as premiums. To introduce s this great illustrated weekly family pa­ per into new homes the public hers will send it on trial three months for 25 cents (stamps or silver). Club of five $1. en- tion the PLAINDEALEK and address Illus­ trated Weekly, Denver;'Col. Rich Discoveries of Cold. At Cripple Creek, Col., and elsewhere, are being made daily, and the production for 1896 will be the largest ever known, estimated at Two Hundred million Dol­ lars. Cripple Creek alone is producing over One million Dollars a month and steadily increasing, mining Stocks are advancing in price more rapidly than any other Stocks, and many pay divi­ dends of 35 to 50 per cent. They offer tbe best opportunity to make a large profit on a small investment. JOHN I. TALLMAN & Co., 14 Pacific Av., . Chicago, are financial agents for the Prudential Gold mining Co., and others in the famous Cripple Creek district, They will send you free, interesting par­ ticulars of the mining companies they represent also their book on speculation in stocks, grain and cotton, containing many new and important features. Send for these books at once if you are interested in any form of speculation or investments. Ttiey will prove profit­ able for you. 9-ly We have a good supply of PLYMOUTH, Sisal and Standard. Every Ball Guaranteed to run to the end without waste. At J. E. CRISTY'S, Ringwood, 111. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common water glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates a diseased condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is positive evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowlege so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder, and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inabil­ ity to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root iB soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the beet. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. For a sample bot tie and pamphlet, both sent free by mail mention PEAINDEALEB and send your full post-office address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness of the offer. > THE GOLDEN WEST Invites your attention. Fabulous for­ tunes have been made Dy judicious in­ vestments in gold mining stocks. Send a stamp for full particulars about Cripple Creek gold camp (near Pike's Peak) and full particulars about our company. Ad­ dress, Pike's Peak mining and Real Es­ tate Company, (Incorporated,) 1 Q CTS. ten weeks, and then stopped. •* The old reliable Yankee Blade, 16 pages weekly, filled with stories of fun. love, and thrilling tales of adventure. Send 10 cents in stamps for ten weeks trial to Yankee Blade, Brooks, Me. 4TOI& & 8BW81.» DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES, A FULL LIKE OF CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, . . . P a i n t s , O i l s a n d n .» 0l01"S CON8TA"TLY OH HAND. FULL LTOB OF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries.' Physicians' Prescriptions | Carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist, Tour Patronage Is respectfully solicited. -- - "JULIA A, 8TORY One Door We*l of Rivtrtid.e Houte, McHenry, 111 SIMON STOFFEL, West McHenry on the hooks of a circus page advertisement. Ask your friends about our Clothing-- we're not afraid of their verdict. The good will of our patrons Is the kind of 'ad' every "Tom, Dick and Harry" cannot buy for so many dollars a column. We figure on a steady customer every time we sell a Suit or Overcoat bearing this label... It's guaranteed." Remember we badger no one into purchasing, you know what you want and you're entitled to it here. iff < I have them. You need one, I hereby agTee to furnish you with a Quick Meal Gasoline Stove, which is ntandaid* or a New Proems Blue Flame Oil Stove, for loss money than you can purchase inferior etc vt s. I will also agree 1^ furnish vou the bepf Gasoline on the market fcr 8o per yal Eocene Oil for 9c per gal, Now if you don'i pr dire etonomy this summer, you know who is to blame You can also find a clean stock of Hardware, Tinware, SPORTING GOODS. BICYCLI S Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc.> Which wo are anxious to trade to you Respectfully, F, L. MCOMBER, West S'de Hardware St ore And extra covers and rubber rings. GROCERIES, FLOUR, ETC., of the best quality, always in stock. Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. SIMOIT STOFFEL. West McHenrv, 111.. 1897. A. P. EAER, Propr THE P/cHENRY M11BL1 AUD GrlAMTI J. H. MILLER, Prcj West McHenry, III, All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices T. dT. W AlaSH, DEAIJER IN Agricultural Implements! One inute is all the time necessary to decide from personal experience that One innte Cough Cure does what its tfame implies. J. A. Story. Besley's Reliable Heave Powder. The best remedy of the kind now on the mar­ ket. Try a package. G. W. BESLEY'S Condition Powders, for Horses, Cattle and Hogs, is the finest article of the kind on the market. Every horse owner should try a package They never would be without it. DR. HESS' Poultry Pan-a-ge-a, posi tively guaranteed to cure Gapes, Cholera Roup, and make hens lay. Also destroys Lice, Ticks and Fleaa. It iB a universal remedy for all diseases of the poultry yard. Try a package. At G. W. Besley's Lets See Your Face AT OUR STORE IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS. * There are some things in warm weather goods that will cause your eyes to sparkle with amazement and LIGHT UP YOUR COUNTENANCE With pleasure. Whatever may be your taste we believe we can please you with something. If Your Purse Leaked You'd stop that leak instantly, if you lost but a penny. Where a0 You BUT' Goods? W e are saving people money every day by our HIGH VALUES and LOW PRICES. Look over our Stock and you will be conviuced that our store is the store for bargains. A FULL LINE HOF FINISHED VTORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ! MCHENRY, ILL Fore!{grit and American Granite a Specialty. GEO. W. BESLEY. West McHenry, Illinois, . . ..DEALER IN.. .. McHENRY, ILL. I wish to say to the public that-I have now in stock one of the best lines of Buggies, Slurries and Road Wagons, In the county. Goods that are honest and reliable and will please you, both in quality and price, viz: The Peabody, manufac­ tured by the Peabndy Buggy Co., Fostoria, Ohio. We can and will sell you a good turn out at $48.00. Still left, a feiv 6-blado RidiDg Cultivators, ranging in price from $18 to $22 Can you use one, If not make the old one SH good as new by placing on it the jpring tooth attachment we have for sale. tSIT0 Repairs for all machines a specialty. The best Axle Grease and Machine Oil always on hand. The best, most convenient, most bandy farm gate on earth is the Sherman Patent Gate. Call in and look it over and you will that it is the best, and the price we will quote you, all ready to be placed in petition, will surprise you. Thanking you for your patronage of the paat, and hoping for a share of it in tbe future, 1 am, Rrspectfully Yours, T. J. WALSH. GROCERIES. Our Grocery Department is full of choice, pure goods, and at| prices as low as the lowest. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Also, Bottl^d Al© and Porter tor Medical Use. JSgP The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To­ bacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions Caretully compounded Give me call. GEO. W. BESLEY. West MoHenry, »T7n,, 1897. FLOUR. FLOUR. If you bake your own bread or cake you are fully aware of the importance of having the ingredients fresh and pure. Flour, of course, being the basis of both cake and bread, should be absolutely the best procurable. Wo have the old reliable Sleepy-Eye Flour that will just suit your wants." Goods delivered to any part cf McHenry. West McHenry, Illinois. MRS C, B. MURPHY, DKALKR IN Fruits, Confectionery, Bakery Supplies, etc. Kelter Block* - - McHE ̂ RY. Having opened the above named store , I am now prepared to show to the buy­ ing public a clean, fresh stock of goods in my line and respectfully ask for a I share of their patronage. All kinds of Fruits, in their season, Bakery Supplies, fresh every day. I®*" Choice Confectionery, etc., always I on hand. I can also show you a fine of LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, I Such as Laces, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, I etc. Prices Reasonable. Call and look over my stock. 3/RS. C. B. MURPHY, cHenry, 111., April 14,1897. Floral Company McHENRY, ILL. C, T. ESHILSON, - MANAGER. All kitidR of Cut Flowers, and Funeral •«. f'K"8 to be had :it all times at Reasonable Rates. Carnations in bud and other potted plants for sale. Orders taken now fbr bedding plantB d«. sired in tbe spring. beddinghaVe kind8 plants for fasc? Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address, ROSEDALE FLORAL COMPANY, CHENRY, ILU

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