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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Aug 1897, p. 4

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AUG. X 1897. WEDNESDAY. Eel i tor-. VAN 8LYKE, a mm mm i£*•': ffii M FOR COUNTY JUDGE, O. H. CILLMORE. The butter market on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday was steady at 145£c_the same price that has prevailed all through July. The offerings wore 481 tubBand the sales 250 tubs. The bids on the balance were but 14c. As soon as the tariff bill had been finally disposed of President McKinley sent to Congress a message recommend­ ing the creation of a non-partisan special commission to consider currency reform, and report its conclusions on or before the first of November next. The House at once passed a bill in accordance with the President's recommendations, which was sent to the Senate, and that body as promptly hung it up by referring it to the finance committee and immediately adjourning without day. The President has done his duty in the matter. The responsibility for delay lies with th? Senate. IgTThe Republican party is to be con­ gratulated on securing, in spite of the most persistent opposition and of every delay possible for the enemies of the tariff bill to interpose, the passage of a law so generally satisfactory to the ad­ vocates of protection. President McKin­ ley is to be thanked for so promptlv giv ing it his approval, and the country will rejoice that, for at least four years, it will have rest from tariff agitation and tariff uncertainty. By the passage of this law assurance must take the place 'J uncertainty in business circles, business confidence, already much improved, be more fully restored, and prosperity, the constant attendant of confidence in tb< business world, again walk abroad in the ; land. • Ifa?" "Everything comes to him who knows how to wait." Secretary Sher­ man gave no evidence of annoyance over the malicious publications about hi-, mental capabilities, which have been go ing the rounds since his selection as Secretary of State, but has, in a si"gl< blow, with his splendid and forceful le! ter to Ambassador Hay on the fur-seal question, put an end to the miserable attacks upon him which, of course, have been 'prompted by hostility to tb< McKinley administration a id its Secre­ tary of State. No more vigorous docu­ ment has emanated from the State Department in many years and it is a gratification to every American citizen both because of its ringing American tone and also because it disposes of these malicious statements affecting the per­ sonality of the chief official of the McKinley administration. . There Is no Such Enactment. Recently many of the country newspa­ pers in Illinois have been giving publici­ ty to statements like the following: The Legislature has passed a law in re­ gard to thisiles and other noxious weeds that generally line the toads every sum­ mer. The new law,- provides that be­ tween July 1 and August 20, every far­ mer shall remove weeds along the high­ way contiguous to his property. For this work he is allowed $1.25 per da.v, and the amount will be credited on his road tax. If the work is not done by August 20th, the Supervisor is empower­ ed to get the work done and have the same same charged to the property owners. A statement of like ^enor appeared some time back in the " metropolitan" Chicago Tribune* since when the Legal .lo"riser has received numerous inquiries as to the verity of this story. In fact there is not even a grain of truth in it -- Discovering no such act in an unofficial edition of the Session Laws, the editor of the Legal Adviser wrote to the Secreta­ ry of State inquiring if sush an act had been filed in that office and received the following answer to that inquiry: In regard to the mowing ol weeds along highways, concerning which many inquiries have been made, this depart­ ment, would say that it is not aware that such a law was enacted by the last legis­ lature. - ' - •" • " ; • • . • •• . Yours respectfully, J AMES E. ROSE, Secretary of State. The Legal Adviser Co., Chicago. " The act of June 21, 1895, (see p. 222, Haines' Tp. Laws) makes it the duty of highway commissioners in their respec cive townships, and of the county com­ missioners in counties not under town­ ship organization, to "destroy or cause to be destroyed," in the proper season, "all kinds of thistles and other noxious weeds," etc., growing in or along the highways under their jurisdiction, under penalty of a fine from $10 to $25 for failure to do so. That act has not been changed, amended or superseded by any act of later legislation. How this story of a new noxious-weeds law arose we can not guess.--Legal Adviser. THE ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. The free silver Democrats enter­ tained the fond delusion after the laf»t Presidential campaign that as time passed the two wings of the party, gold and silver Democrats, would become united. This does not seem probable. The breach is ever widening and the gold branch is constantly receiving accre­ tions. The feeling of strife is becoming bitter and a permanent separation is becoming inevitable. There is little hope on the other hand that the gold Demo­ crats will unite with the Republicans in a fight for the yellow metal, for they affirm that they cannot do this so long as that party favor protection. The contention will be apt to place them in a ridiculous position. It is daily growing more apparent that the subject of the tariff is not the vital issue. The protec­ tive sentiment is growing all the time in the north and south and a few years will find the vast majority in line, and as this majority grows, protection per se will lose its importance as adisturb- v ing element in the campaigns. { The Greatest Fair on Earth Sept. 27th to Oct. 2d, 1897- The work of preparation for this grand exhibition1 is progressing very satisfac­ tory, and the premium list with aggre­ gate offerings of §45,000 in cash pre­ miums have been distributed in almost every State in the Union. The classifica­ tion is made to conform as nearly as practicable to that of the World's Fair, which will insure a greater uniformity in exhibits, especially in the live stock classes, than heretofore. The offerings for'the Fair this fall are as follows: Cattle $ 6,000 Horses--draft 2,000 light 3,300 " speed 10,000 Sheep.... ^ 2,100 Swine 2,100 Poultry' 1.200 Farm Products 7,500 Horticulture... 700 Floriculture 700 Fine Arts 700 Textile Fabrics 900 Education 800 Dairy and Pantry Store 5,000 Attractions, 2,000 Teachers'Institute 7 o the Teachers of Mo Henry County: The McHenry County Teachers' Insti tute will be held in the school building. Woodstock, III., commencing August 16 18»T, and continuing five days. Prof David Felmley, of the Illinois 8tnte Noi- mal University, Prof. (?. 0. Shutts, of the Normal School, Whitewater! Wis.,- Prof C. W- Hart, Superintendent of Schools, Woodstock, 111., and Miss Anna I. Davis, of the School of Pedagogy, Buffalo, N. Y are the instructors. • The ability of these instructors is well known and comment from me is unneces­ sary. Tt must be apparent to every one familiar with our schools, that the most pressing want is enthusiastic, well-drilled and efficient teachers. The institute proves a healthful stimulant to all classes of teachers, especially to those whom no other agency can reach. We shall en­ deavor to so conduct it as to give those attending not only clearer views of the importance of teaching and of its under lying principles, but it will be so directed as to kindle the inspiration for furthei acquisition, and for higher and broadei work. Let us come to the institute wit' the purpose of helping each other in tb> discharge of tirresponsible duties incum bent Upon us. Let us welcome ever} agency by which we may more intelli gently give direction in the instruction rf pupils, and by which we may be bettn prepared to lead the people to a higbei appreciation of the value of education and of the necessity of improvement in the schools Ofour county. I trust that every teacher in the county will attend the entire five days of insti tute. Credits will be given to applicants for certificates and renewals will be base< attendance. Your Superintenden expects to meet every teacher in the county at this annual educational gatl ering. Urge your Boards of Education and Directors to attend. We invite al to attend who are interested in educa tional work. Teachers are allowed b> law, three days in anv one term or fiv days in any one year for attendance a the annual institute, without loss of time. Truly Yours, W. E. WIRE Hebron, July 24, 1897. » 3/4 OF U| A DOLLAR HERE ;QUAL3 ii.oo s tustwntftd - .v . -B* mmm Tur I fit Univeral Provide* Originator ot Luw prices M (SUCCESSORS to PI RRY A OWEN.):] While our two weeks has made Mi<I-Summer Clearing bis Stock, good assortments Sale the past inroads- into our Summer and choice selections still m I MM remain in some departments. In some stocks the sizes are broken, so much the better for you if yotfr size remains. We, put prices on odd lots to move them quickly.' Our Monday Sales Are the talk of the community. Our prices on re­ liable merchandise are: lowest ever quoted. Our third week of Clearing Summer goods commences Next Monday. 83 Will mark the Lowest Price on Merchandise for many years. Prices are at the lowest notch at present. The Diaglcy Tariff Law will change values, every sign points to higher prices, they surely will not be lower the present time is the time to bay and those who arc prepared should buy in quantities. When you buy Hosiery, Buy the Best. The CELEBRATED LEATHER STOCKING ANi> BLACK CAT BRAND OF HOSIERY! IS THE BEST MADE, And we have it. We have just received a ficsh stock and can give you good values. If you once use this Hosiery you will use no othc, as its wearing qualities are superior to anything in the market. JUST RECEIVED CAR OF Ezeursion Tckets to Epworth Grove Camp Heating, (near Be)vid«re ) Via the Northwestern Line, will be sold at reduced rates August 11 to 22, inclu­ sive, limited to August 24. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern it'y. Half Bates to Indianapolis and Return Via the "Northwestern Line. Excursion tickets will be sold August 17 and 18, with extended limit to September 12, at one fare for the round trip, on account of Y. P. C. U. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 5w2 Washburn brated " Crosby's Ce'e- Superlative" Lake Bluff Camp Meeting:. The Northwestern Line will sell excur­ sion tickets from points in Illinois t<. Lake Bluff and return at low rates until September 1, tickets limited to 30 da.vs from date of sale. Apply to agents Chi cago & Northwestern R'y. 2W4 1 HEW DEAL IH McHENRI REDEEMS A FLEDGE. Hon. A. J, Hopkins has returned from Washington, glad to be at home again and relieved from his arduous duties on the ways and means committee. "It beats trying law suits," said Mr. Hopkins to the Express, "my experience on the conference committee was a great one, but arduous. There were ten of us, five from the House and five from the Senate, and during ten days we worked night and day. We would start in about* half past nine o'clock in the morning, take an hour for lunch, take two hours for dinner in the evening and work up to twelve and one o'clock at night. We kept that up during the ten days. "It is remarkable," continued Mr. Hopkins, "that the Republican party has been able to redeem one of the great ^pledges it made the people, so soon after coming into power. It is a «ood law, too, one of the best ever passed. It did not take the president long to sign it. While its effect has been anticipated to some extent it is bound to result in im­ mediate good. The business interests of the country know that it is on the stat­ ute books and that it is there to stay some time. It gives them confidence. I tell you business iB picking up wonder­ fully all over the country. We will have some good times yet." Total, $45,000 A programme of special attractions to be presented during the week of the annual exhibition, is being arranged and will soon be made public. Negotiations are under way with the managers of some of the leading attractions throughout the country, and the special features are expected to be more numer­ ous and on a grander scale than ever before. Many applications have already been received for stalls for live stock and exhibit space for farm machinery, vehi­ cles and mercantile displays by the lead­ ing manufacturers and dealers of the State and country. The price of space in Machinery Hall has been reduced this year to 5 cents per square foot; and helpers' tickets will be issued at the rate of one for every $12.50 paid for space. In fact, the Illinois State Fair of 1897 is expected to be a record breaker, and everyone should make his arrangements to visit this grand exhibition at least two days during the week. %fs THIS IS TO INVITE THE LOVEHS OF -FINE TEAS- To call at the Store, or send for sample of T E A . Cured and Packed for me in Japan SINCE THE 1ST OF MAY, 1897. These Teas are new and fragrant, and guaranteed to give satisfaction, or pur­ chasers are at liberty to return them and their money will be cheerfully refunded These Teas will also be on sale AT GILBERT BROS,' Opposite the Bishop Mills. The usual full and complete stock of Foreign and Domestic Green and Dried Fruits* Fancy and Staple Groceries and Provisions. Excursion tickets to Freeport. Via the Worth western Line, will be sold I at reduced rates, within 75 miles radius,! August 3 to 6, inclusive, limited to Aug­ ust 7, on account of Races. Apply to I agents Chicago & Northwestern R'y. Annual Reunion. COMKADES :-^-Remember there is but aj few more remaining years for some of us who wore the blue in 1861-5. This is to remind you of the fact that the Ninth Annual Reunion of the Walworth County Soldiers' and Sailors' Association will be held in Elkhorn, Wis., on Thursday, August 12th, 1897. No old soldier and their family or neighbors should miss this meeting. The business meeting for the election of officers, etc., will be held at the Court House at 11 A. M., public exercises 1:80 p. M., in the Park. T. W. Morefield will deliver the address of wel­ come. I). Lloyd Jones, ex-Department Commander G. A. R., will deliver the annual address. Speeches will be made by Department Commander E. B. Gray, ex-Commander-in-Chief A. G. Weissart. Major A. J. Cheney, S. H. Tallmadge and iimuy others who have promised to be witb^is if possible. Music by Martial Band j|kd Elkhorq Mandolin Club; sing- itig by doub'e Male Quartet. Comrades, invite your friends and neighbors to come with you and attend 1 be reunion, August 12. Free stabling at the fair grounds. Camp fire in the evening, GEO. W. WYLIE, President T. W. MOUEFIELD, Secretary. Of the usual fine qualities, always stock at the Old Stand, near the Depot by the same Old Uncle, 16 to 1. BEN. GILBERT. West McHenry, Aug. 3,1897. Low Rate* to Buffalo and Points East- On August 21 and 22, the Chicago & Northwestern R'y will make less than one-half rates to Buffalo and return at the time of the Grand Army Encampment tickets good returning until September 20, by deposit, with Joint Agent at Buffa­ lo, enabling patrons of this line to extend themirip to New York, Boston and other points in the east, and make a liberal saving in railway fares. This is the route selected by Commander-in-Chief General Clarkson. For time of special trains and other information inquire of agents mi. xt _ii. * T • -ii « T , i Rate from McHenry to Buffalo and re-The Northwestern Line will, from July turn> $12.50, via Wis. Div. 5w3 15 to August 9, inclusive, sell excursion tickets at low ratesfrOm points in Illinois Prices get customers, but it's quality to Des Plaines and return, .limited to that keeps thetn. Simon Stoff^ says August 10. Apply to agents Chicago & I they never loke a customer who once Northwestern R'y. 2w3 ^ears the K;N. &F. Co. Clothing. , »,• 'A.'. / Reduced Rates to Franklin Grove. Via the Northwestern Line, from stations ! in Illinois, on account Of Franklin Grove | Camp Meeting, to be held August 7-17. For dates of sale, etc., apply to fegents | Chicago & Northwestern R'y. 5w2 •• Des Flames Gamy Meeting. Oar space will not permit quotations on our next week's offerings, but if you call on us and if we cannot save you money in every department don't buy. TI1EO, K*. SWAiV, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, We have a very large trade in this Flour, and would like to add your name to our already long list of users of this great Flour. Every sack guaranteed to give satisfaction. Call and get a sack, use a baking, out of it and if not satisfactory you ic .J FLOURli may return I your money this. the balance and we will refund There is nothing fairer than .49 Lbs. ELGIN, OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, 1897. iv "If the Shoe ' Pinches don't put it on." That's a safe way to secure foot comfort as well as peace of mind. There's variety enough in our assortment shoes for men, women and for children to avoid selection of anything except what fits just fight. There's no pinching you on prices either, for we want your friendship as well as your trade. We have shoes that will not pinch, for men, women and children. Calf shoes, kid shoes, kangaroo calf shoes--shoes that we guarantee and whose guarantee has the backing of the world's greatest shoe builders. OTQ H N F v A N S O N ' S To the people who Buy Good Food. that our,supply is very complete and q-ite We wihh to say reasonable in prices. SEE 'WontheSole of the shoes that you buy. Selz Shoes make your feet glad. To Cash Paying Trade or Morey Savers: We call attention to the sharp reduction in some chandise. such as . 'J ' lines of mor- LIGHT WEIGHT DRESS GOODS, Brown Shoes, Etc*. We are willing to part with these lines at what, we pa<d for them. Perhaps if jou call in you may fiad some ol those that may suit you. Economical housekeepers are recommending the Veiy Best Flour, sola here. Keep Up Your Scott's Emulsion in Summer-time .̂ What arc your resources or the summer? Have you an abundance of health stowed away for the long, hot, deplet­ ing days, or does summer find you low in vitality, run down, losing flesh, and weak? Scott's Emulsion of Cod-!iver Oil will give you the proper reserve force, because it builds up the system on a solid foundation. A tonic may stimulate; Scott's Emulsion not only "boosts/* it sustains. The Bargains we offer in Clothing are not Matched in Towr. See our Line. Another car ot Jersey Lily Flour in this week. FRESB GROCERIES. Yours for business, JOHN WEST MCHENBY, III., 1897. ON & CO. DR.FRUTH'S Hou«e 10 to 9 next visit,Saturday« Aug. 14. W ooilb toe k m TO HAVJ2 A WELL FURNISHED HOUSE. It is a wise precaution always to have at least a small bottle of Scott's Emulsion in the house. Unopened, it will keep indefin­ itely. Tightly corked, alter using, kept in a cool place, it will remain sweet lor weeks. For sale by all druggists at ••• 50 Cents and $1.00 DOCTOR FRUTH so wi ll ami favorably known as CHICAGO'StKADlNG CDC^lftl ICY &M08TSUCCKSSI'UL OrCUlALiia I * for his many and wonderful cures of PATARQU throat, lungs, liver, dyspepsia, indigos llR I nnnn tion, all diseases of stomach and bowels D| nnn AMI Clflll diseases, sores, pimples, sorof DLUUU HHU oMn ula, syphilitic taints, tumors, •etter, ECZEMA and Blood Poison of every nature. VintfCV Alin IIRIMAQV WeiUchrxck, pain in side, MUnCl flflll UnlNAill abdomen, bladder, sedi­ ment in urine, brick-dust or white, painful urinations, Blight's disease and all diseases ot the bladder, PRIVATE JMsoases -- Gleet, Gonorrhoea. Inllamma- rnifHIb tions, Discharges, Strictures, Weakness of Organs, Syphilis, Hydrocele, Voricoelo and kindred troubles quickly cured. I ftCT IA AMU nnn and a11 lts attending ailments, LUol InAnnUUU both of, Middle.Age COIN SOIIDATED Field Fencing Is made in 16 different styles, and is guaranteed to turn all kinds of stock. Nothing but Large, Galvanized Wire, of the Best Bessemer Steel used in its construction. A FEN(E THAT ALWAYS KEEPS IT'S SHAPE. The hir BO joint at eieb nter«fction of the wires make s nn iidjut table fence and prevents etay wires fiom be nil it i'. The;orim|> in the straml wire provl es f >r expan­ sion nn<l rc>n(r-.ctlon and prevents stay w re from moving out of place. CALL He Carries a Full and Complete Line of Bedroom Crimp and Joint# Wanted-An Idea thing to patent? ig drains, pimples^ or energy and weakness of both body and brain. %Jtfrnlaf your troubles if out of city. Thous- medicincs sent secretly. ~ FRUTH. ands cured by coires] r city, ponder DH. D. O. tijo Jfi 48th street, Oiiio.aaco, PATARRH HAY FEVEK OK ASTHMA Wrt I MilIIn positively cure ! by nature's roots and herbs or np pay. for ten sample treatments, OINB Co.,Denver.Ool. Send 10c pr*tage UOLOUADO MBDI Consolidated Steel and Wire Co, Chicago* Those wishing a fcnee will do well to B(e this fence and get our prices before buyinir elsewhere. ( all on Or address - - : E. H. THOMPSON, WEST MCHBNKY, lw,. Agent for McHenry and West Half of Lake County. rf s Room Moulding Window »ud Doll Carriage*. Suit-', Pallor Suits, Couches, Tables, .Kam-y ^ioekeisr Iron Beds., Hall Trees, Wardrohes, Side Boards, Kitchen Cupboards Trunks, fceatheis» Pillows, Mattresses, Catpets, < 'ar- pet Svv« eptrs, ftugs, Foul iviai«. Hassocks, Easels, Pictures HI,<J Shades and Curtain Fixtures, iiu, >y WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc., We guarantee first class work in every respect. Etc. Call and see me before purchasing, JACOB Jubtiw, McHenry, 111., 1897. .>' ?

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