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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Aug 1897, p. 4

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POULTRY BUILDING ••.•••?'• •••r:' ; .1 ; .'• • „-•• # WILL BE AN ORNAMENT TO THE STATE FAIR GROUNDS. It Will be Faliy ITp to the *teqntrement« of ' This Indufiry in aU Appointments. The work of preparation for the Illi­ nois State Fair, Springfield, Sept. 27- Oct. 2,1897, is progressing very satis­ factorily, and already the premium lists have been distributed to exhibitors in twenty-two states of the Union. The im­ provement of the magnificent permanent Pair grounds goes on steadily year by year, and each Fair lias superior facilities and new beauties to offer over its prede­ cessors. Among the new buildiDgs to be crected this year is a splendid structure for the accommodation! of the poultry , exhibit, which has now grown to dimen­ sions which some years ago would have been deemed impossible. The new poul­ try building will cover 90 x 160 feet and it will be in keeping with the grand style of architecture and construction of the other magnificent buildings; already on the grounds. „ • The materials used will lie pressed brick for the main structure, stone tor the foundation, and steel trusses with slate covering for the roof. The building will be located south of the barps and facing "Happy Hollow," and will present an imposing appearance. All op the ap­ pointments will be of the most modern character with the latest style of coops for the accommodation of the prize birds, electric ventilating ians, electric lights, lavatories, and offices fitted up in the most elegant style.., The basement will be so arranged as to afford abundant room for the storage of shipping coops, boxes and other material which usually present so unsightly an appearance piled up about the Fair grounds. Hydrants and hose for the proper cleansing of coops before reshipping will be conven­ iently placed. : The Board of Agriculture appreciate? the grand exhibits made by poultry rais­ ers in the past, and has determined thai the accommodations for this department shall not be excelled by any other. Ap­ plication has already been made by 8 Chicago pet stock fancier to have a large cage placed in this building in which he can exhibit parrots, monkeys and other rare pets. The Board expects ever? chicken fancier in the West to make an exhibit at the coming State Fair, and that the aggregated exhibit will break all records. The growing interest in the poultry in­ dustry, immense investments in the buBi ness, and the constantly increasing de mand for this class of product have become of incalculable importance in the prosperity of the country, and the en­ couragement of this branch of the live stock industry is imperative. A little figuring at odd times with a lead pencil on the consumption of poultry and eggs will astonish any uninitiated person who will try it for a few minutes. The Illinoip State Board of Agriculture has figured and is fully aware of the needs of the times. O W E N » WEDNESDAY. AUG. 18, 1897, F5%0F® ADOLLFR. HERE EQUALS Sl.OO EistwnCRt pa/40F ^ ADOLLAR HERE EQUALS Sl.OO ELSEWHERE Univeral Provider Originator of Low Prices IS?" A gold mine has been discovered in Kentucky from which the ore ndw mined runs over $60 to the ton. Ten dollars a ton covers the Expense of min­ ing; the vein is an inch and a quarter thick and is found in white granite. I®" Silver bullion keeps going down in price, the Mexican dollar how being worth but 48 cents. The amount of silver thrown upon the markets of the world is unusually large, and the inexor­ able lac? of supply and demand does the rest in making the price. lefButter was a scarce commodity on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday, the total offerings being but 15,780 lbs, equivalent to 263 tubs, Part of this was offered packed in Australian boxes of 56 lbs each. Bids of 16@18%c were promptly placed on all butter offered " Sixty-one tubs sold at 16J{c. The qu'o: tation committee reported the market 1C& •' ' ' : •• , To-day it can be confidently assert- , ed that President McKinley holds a high­ er and firmer plaice in the opinion of the American people than he did when he took the oath of office. He has kept, every pledge made by his party or him­ self. Upon all the questions of public policy concerning which the psople are most interested, President McKinley has met every expectation of those who pre­ ferred his election. WTit is too bad for the calamity howlers that things havn't gone wrong The party has lived up to its pledges, and the settlement of the tariff has given a tone to business and a feeling of cer­ tainty to business men. Confidence is restored and we are on the up grade Money that has be idle will now be put out, and I expect to see new enterprises start and prosper. I expect the situation will steadily get better and better from this on.--Sena tor Cullom. Lord High Chamberlain Palmer of the suite of her royal majesty Lililuo- kalani, one-time Queen of the Hawaiian tribesmen, has announced that really and truly he has no idea what her majesty will do next. This is very die- appointing when an anxious world is hanging by the ears of expectancy to learn what move her royal duskiness now proposes, since President McKinley shook the tips of her ebon fingers, and Wished her fatness a very goo3 morning as he departed for his vacation--with never a word of comfort for the ittpe- cunous sovereign without a country. HaT-There is a cry fiom Kansas for workers to gather the bountiful harvests So great is the demand for labor and so short is the supply that the women have taken to the fields. It is not surprising. Kansas has done her best of late yearp to drive out of the state every interest conservative of honest labor, hence it is no wonder that the»e is a shortage now, when it is most wanted. By the way, what is the matter of Mary Ellen Lease putting in her sickle and helping gather in the ripening heads of wheat? If Mary can reap as well as she can roar she will be worth a dozen men in the field. I®" The Chicago papers are spending columns of energy upon the career of a man named Bates, sometimes Gates, who made eight different women happy by marrying them. Not only that, he un­ dertook to maintain two household es­ tablishments within a circumscribed radius, upon a salary of $60 a month, and seemed to be getting along fairly •. well when detected. The puzzling part of the affair is that Bates or Gates, who is not at all good looking or attractive, could inveigle so many of the fair sex in­ to matrimony, when it tasks the ordi­ nary man to get one good wife, and makes him hustle around right lively to supply evein a moiety of her manifold wants. (SFCCESSOIIS TO PERRY <Sr OWEN,)G Money Saving Sales % of our entire stock of Shoes to be sacrificed atbelow cost. SIMON STOFFEL, Great Department. Store Our items are from several departments, as a sample of other equally as good bargains are efJ i DRESS GOODS.--A 36 inch all wool Serge, all IrS colors, 19c. f&Xgm NOTIONS.---Hump Hooks and Eyes, others ask 5c, I our price 2c per doz. LADIES' FURNISHINGS. -- Tinsel and Flittic Veils, all silk, 1 yard long, 2c cach". Il%fl UNDERWEAR.--Ladies' black Brilliants Skirts, 79c J!kp0|| TABLE LINEN.--1 lot mill ends remnants of all |||jl|jj$ remnants of all linens, white table Damask, lengths from 2 to 4 yards, to cut off the piece are worth 75c per yard, a 2-yard length 89c. ||| CLOCKS.--One day nickel alarm clock, Anson ' make, 59c. LININGS.--Rustle Taffeta Linings, all colors, per yard. 5c. |m|w Bicycle Sundries, Thein's wire Toe Clips 13c pr. |ra|f READY-MADE GOODS. - -Children's print Dresses, asm ages 2 to 6 years, 16c each. FANCY GOODS.--Hand embroidered, linen Doilies, ||| raised fruit patterns, 5c cach. Kmssa HORSE GOODS.--Harvest Whips, long lash, 12c. HARD WARE.--Wire Nails, 2c pey lb. SHOES.--Men's good, substantial Shoes, lace or Congress, all sizes, same shoe as others as $1.50 for, our price 98c, In order to make room for our large Fall stock of Shoes, we will, for the next thirty days, sell all blacks, tans, Oxford, and broken lots of men's, ladies', misses^ and child­ ren's shoes at PKIOTS BIIOW Cobtp Of Munufacluro, We are determined to close out the bulk of our Shoes now on hand, and have put a price on them that will move them quick. Don't fail to take advantage of this sale, if you do you will miss some rare bargains you will never get again. CALL EARLY AND GET FIRST CUOIJE. THIS IS TO INVITE THE I,OVEKS OF FINE TEAS To call at the Store, or send for sample c f SINCE THE 1ST OK MAY, 1897. These Teas are new and fragrant, and guaranteed to give eatir-faction, or pur­ chasers are at liberty to return them and their money will be cheerfully refunded. These Teas will also be On sale AT GILBERT BROP,' Opposite the Bishop Mills. The usua full and complete stock of Foreign am- Domestic Green and Dried Fruits, Fancy and Staple Groceries and Provisions. Of the usual fine qualities, alw iys in stock at the Old Stand, near the Depot, by the same Old Uncle, 16 to 1. " 3/ij or * ADQUAR HERE EQUALS a. too ELSEWHERE ?3/40f*[ A DOLLAR HERE EQUALS Sl.OO ELSEWHERE BEN. GILBERT, West McHenry, Aug. 3,1897. Chancery Notice. STATE OF ILLINOIS, MCHENBY COUNTY. FS Circuit Court of McHenry County, Septem- ber term. A. D. 1897. Ella Lamphere VB. unknown heirs or devi­ sees of Mascai E. Land, deceased; of Hi' hard T. 'Stoutenburg, deceased; of Lysander B Baldwin, deceased; of Ohrtstopher Wa'kup, deceased, and of George Wooster, deceased, in Chancery. Affidavit of the non-residence of all of the Defendants, and that their names and places )f residence are unknown, havirg been 11 led in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court of McHenry County, notice is herahy given to the said ron-res'dent defendant?, that the complainant filed brr bill of complaint in said Court, on tho Chancery side thereof, on the 3d day of August, A, I). 189', end that a sum­ mons thereupon issued ont of eajd Court scrainst said defendants, returnable on the 27th day of September, A. D. 1897 as is by law rcqniied. Now, therefore, unless you. the said above named defendants shall personally be and ap­ pear before the said Circuit Court of McHenry Ccnnty on the first f'ay of the next term thereof, to be hoiden at the Court Houar, in the city of Woodstock, in said county, on the 27th day of September A. D. 1897, and plead, answeror demur to the said complainants bill of complaint, the same and tho matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as contested, and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bill. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band »n«i affixed the eoal of said Court, at my office, in Woodstock, this 3rd day of Aug­ ust, A. I>. 1897. G. B. UICHAEDS, Clerk. CHAS. 8. NORTHROP, , JAMEB ALFRED PERRY, Complainant's Solicitors. August 3rd, A D. 1897. 6w4 GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE OWEN & CHAPELL McHenry, 1897 RR FRllTH'<5 n,'xt v,a,r>S»turday» un.rnuind /u6 |4, Woodstock House 10 to'? YourShoe Is made in 16 different styles, and is guaranteed to turn all kinds of stock Nothing but Large, Galvanized Wire, of the Best' Bessemer Steel used in its construction. A FENCE THAT ALWAYS KEEPF IT'S SHAPE. (ffighgMgfl The hirge joint at esofc y j? 'ntr-rsi etion of the wire* j .AMmakes an atijtu table fenc< wWwj and prevents stay wire 1| trom bendirj?. Crimp and Joint. The rrimp in the strnn- w t r « p r o v i e s f > r e x f a n - Mon und ctlnn nn< prevents stay w re fiou' Consolidated Steel and Wire Co., Chicago Those wishing a fence will do well to see this fence and get our prices before buying elsewhere. Call on or address E. H. THOMPSON W EST MCHENRY, III! Agent for McHenry and West Half of aTte County. WEST MCHENBY, III., 1897 VANSON'S WITCH HAZEL OIL FOR Piles or Hemorrhoids. Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price UlarUHliYS' UO.CO., lit * tit WUOaaBt., New York. HINTS TO CASH BUYERS shows Just how your house would look if painted any-one of 20,000 artistic com­ binations of colors. Designed and made only for the manufacturers of PAT- TON'S PURE LIQUID PAINTS. Sent postpaid upon receipt of 10 cts. "How to Increase the Size of Your House "With Paintn mailed free. JAS. E. PATT0N CO., Dep't X. MILWAUKEE, WIS., U.S.A MANAGER. Ladies' and Gent*' Brown Shoes, 2 50 quality for $ 1.95 New and Stylish Dress Prints. Fancy Tickings, 10c quality for, 7£c. t'/w Rates to Buffalo and Points East Ori August 21 and 22, the Chicagop& Northwestern R'y will make lees than one-hali rates to Buffalo and return at ttie time of theGrand Army Encampment tickets good returning until September 20, by deposit, with Joint Agent atBuffrt- lo, enabling patrons of.tlitB line to extend their trip to New York, Boston and other points in the east, and make a liberal saving in railway fares. This is theroute selected by Commander-in-Chief General Clarkson. For time o| special trains and other information inquire of agents. Rate from McHenry to Buffalo and re­ turn, $12.50, via Wis, Diy. 5w3 A few Shirt Waists to bs Closed out Siturd&y, 25c J* lias been recently purchased by the under- "J j" signed, and will be run as a high grade 2 J Normal and Business University, y COURSES: ; Classical, Scientific, Teachers* J J Business, Shorthand, music, Etc. J J Write ror SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS T J How to obtain a free scholarship. £ Box 200, C. W. BOUCHER, Marion, Ind. Z Housekeepers are praising our "Very Best" Flour.

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