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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Sep 1897, p. 4

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HANNA DID IT Gov. Tillman, of Kouth Carolina, is abroad again with his pitchfork, stating that he does not see auy sign of prosper­ ity. In a speech in Mew York State the other day he.likens the wave of busihes^ and farm activity which is now sweeping over the country to a hot-air-balloon ascension, and predicts that it will col­ lapse with a mighty thud. The wheat boom, he asserts, is merely speculative, and for the aid of Mark Hanna; that when goes up it is at the expense of the people of the East who buy bread. Last year Tillman hurled denunciations at the gold power because the farmer was getting a low price for his wheat; now he says the high price of wheat will cause suffering to the people who buy bread. But Mr. Tillman's remarks are not worthy of serious consideration. Any man who makes such' a statement that the present great wheat movement which is affecting the whole world to the extent of hundreds of millions of dollars., is " merely speculative" and designed to aid Mark Hanna, is either a fool or a knave. The Senator is not thought gen­ erally to be a fool, and it is hardly polite to call a United States Senator a knave Still we wish to give the Senator the ben­ efit of the doubt, and will leave, the ver­ dict to, the people.--BooneCounty Re­ publican. " • , '• WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 15, 1897 ?^C^OOD, **-v is made up of the most essential elements that go to nourish the body. Where the appetite is varying or lacking, it in­ creases it, and where digestion is weak, it aids it to perform its function in a more vigorous way. It enriches the blood, makes healthy flesh and cures chronic coughs and colds by making it possible for the body to resist disease. Our friends tell us "IT WORKS WONDERS" but we never like to over-state the merits of our remedy even when it has been tested and tried for over twenty-five years. If y ou will ask for it, we will send you a book telling you more about the subject than we can put in a few words. Go to your druggist for Scott's Emul­ sion, Two sises, 50 cts. and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. iSTNo sales were made on the call board of the Elgin Board of Trade Mon­ day, although IB^c was offered for the single lot put up. The quotation com­ mittee established the market price at 17%c. after which floor sales were report­ ed as follows: 115 tubs at 17%c, 50 tubs at 18c. IfiT" "Blessed is the country whose sol­ diers fight for it and are willing to give the best they have,1 the best "that any man has, their own lives, to preserve it, because they love it. Such an army the United States has always commanded in all her history,"--President McKinky at Buffalo, i •" ; , I®" Charles A.. Norton, cashier and manager of the bank of Durand, near Rocklord, has disappeared, after forging notes to the amount of "$0,000, and it- is feared has made away with about $30,000 on deposit. He has been a prominent business man, a church and Sunday school worker, handled the cash of the local Modern Woodmen, and was trusted and esteemed by everybody. . (ST'The dollar which the farmer is,now getting for a bushel of his wheat is as good as the best gold from Klondike or Colorado or South Africa. The dollar Which the silver orators promised him if he would follow them is worth just 40 cents and still falling. The farmer show­ ed a level head by sticking to the metal which the wisest people of the world have always accepted as the safe and unchang­ ing measure of value. Kg?" Will thekind gentlemen whoa year ago were telling us that this country was goiug to everlasting smash and the people to wretchedness and poverty please tell us how it is that the individual deposits in national banks are to-day the largest in their history; also how it is that farmers are paying off mortgages "right and left and getting good prices for their products, with silver lower than at any time in its history. UNIVERSa&L PEOYIDEi? GRIGIN&TOR OF LOWEST PAIRS FIFTY ivory Economical Eye turns to/ward our ads Every Economical Buyer attends our Monday Sales, LADIES Our Monday "sales are veritable 'Klondike gold fields, the nug­ gets ar^ here in the shape ot hireains, such as have never before been rItered in this community. Our quotations in this paper for next Monday's sale are a few of the many selected at random, they ara crUerions of the values offered in every department of this great soiling emporium. / ^ . V DONGOLA Compare our prices and qualities with what you have been paying, you will then be eager to buy. • - Joliet Excursion.' Excursion to Chicago, the Drainage Canal and the Joliet Penitentiary Thurs­ day, Sept. 23. Round trip only §1.50 Leave Genoa Junction 8:16 A. M., Rich­ mond 8:18, McHenry 8:33, Crystal Lake 8:10. Arrive at Union'Depot 10:20. Leave Union Depot, via Chicago & Alton K'y at 10:25. Stop one hour at Lemont giving the excursionists an opportunity to see that greatest of all modern engi­ neering works, the famous Drainage Canal. At Joliet arrangements have been made to have the excursionists shown through the Penitentiary, one of the largest and best managed penal in­ stitutions in the country. Returning, leave the Alton depot, at the Peniten­ tiary at 0 i'. M. Arrive at I'nion depot a! 7:20. Leave Union depot at 7:25,arrive at McHenry at 10 p. M, For tickets and information apply to agents to agents C. &N.W. R'y, or to C. H. Tinkhom, Room 1, 22 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, SHOES Millinery. Children's Tam O'Shanier school caps, all wool, navy blue or red braid, trimmed, with frame, 19 c. China silk baby bonnets, lace trimmed, silk ribbon ties, white and colored, 21c each. Dress Goods. A line of fancy figured novelty suitings, each representations of imported goods, 40 in. wide, 22c per yard. Black and navy blue, 40 in., all wool serge, always sold at 75c, Monday sale 49c. Regular Price and Real Value, ranging from C.) ' $2.25 to $3 per pair. Ladies' & Children's Wear. Infants' pure wool knit jack­ ets, plain and fancy colors, a 98c value for 49c. Children's flannelette skirts, with attached muslin waists, as­ sorted colorings, each 9c. Ladies' Alapaca underskirts, full width, all lengths, the mater­ ial is worth 49c per yd., 79c ea. Paints to Close Special Price $1 50 per St. Louis best white lead per 100 lbs, $4.89. Ready mixed paints, will not crack or pool, per gal. $1.10. Barn paint, per gal. 87c. Green and red wagon paint, large cans, enough for 1 wagon, 49c. SIMON STOFFEL, CRISTY'S, Ring-wood,"111 JEWELliY Anson's alarm clocks in nickel cases, good time keepers, sure get up, 59c. Men's gold filled watch chains, warranted for 10 years, $1,49 ea. Ladies' Furnishings. Ladies' black cotton hose, stainless dye, 3c per pair. Ladies' summer corsets, large and small sizes only, 29c. Ladies' pure linen handker­ chiefs, 5c each. Handsome is that Handsome does. CLOAKS AMD SUITS Children's reefer jackets, blue, red and tan, two lines at 49c and 98c, worth double. Ladies' wrappers, navy blue, cardinal and fancy colors, braid trimmed, styles up to date, easily worth $1.25, for 79c. Domestics Administrator's Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STAIR OF ILLINOIS, I McHenry County, | Estate of John I}, KetincbeoU, deceased. To whom it may concern, heirs and ( l i i tr ib- utec of snid estate . You are hereby notif ied that on Monday, tt;e fourth day of October, 18!i7, the Adminis­ trator of said estate wil l present to the County Court o' McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, I l l inois , his f inal report of his acts and doing* as such admi n­ istrator and ask the Court to be discharged from any and al l further duties and responsi­ bi l i t ies connected with said Estate and Il ls administration thereof , at which t ime and place you may be present ard resist such ap pl icat ion if you choo»e so to do. JOHN H." KENNEI5ECK, Administrator Tennis flannel shirting, dark colors, per yard, 4£c. A good all linen crash towel­ ing 5c per yard. IW 0_» \ \ Good looks are not all W J . I \\ there is to make true merit; f / y \ i r c r n w i f - -- \ o r > * u o t ^ i e r w o r d s , ' ' y o u | \) can't tell by the looks of a 1 ^cat how far it can jump." In the shoes we buy we look deeper than the gloss, or outside finish and every pair of - . j®EE . . shoes in our stock, no matter what the price, ">017 «« HinxftlO is there because we are satisfied it is good and will give the wearer its full value. We know that price is an object in these times. Our prices make it an object to all men, women and children to have their feet ifljkg yguf fggf gjjd, fitted here, We have closed a deal with one of the largest Clothing Manu­ facturers that will be of interest and benefit to you this fall and winter. The proof of the pudding is the eating of it, Call and investigate. Our fall Hats are here in the new shades, shapes and quality, Prices the lowest. See our line of new Underwear, The best Flour for the least money. Fresh Groceries. Linings Horse Goods Team farm harness, made ex­ tra heavy throughout, especially adapted for farm use, complete with collar, $16,48. Rope horse ties, 2 snaps, 10c Sweat pads, the best cheap pad in the market, 22c. An excellent Silesia for waist lining, per yard, 5c. Glove Onished Cambrics for shirt lining, 4c per yard. Executor's Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I MCHENRY COUNTT. { Es'ate of Lewis S. Bal lard, deceased. To whom it may concern. Hfirs »hd dis- triUui .ee* of paid estate : You are hereby no­ t i f ied that on Monday, the 4th day of October, 1897, the executor of said E«tate \yi l l piesent to the County Court of Mctlepry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, I l l inois , his f inal report of his acts and doings as such executor, and ask the Uourl to be discharged from any and al l farther duties and respon s ibi l i t ies connected with said estate and his administration thereof , at which t ime and place yoti may be present and resist snch ap­ pl icat ion i f you choose so to do. l lwS KELSON A. B/VLLARD, Executor. of the shoes that you buy. Fancy Goods Notions Clark's Mile End Crochet Cot­ ton, full size, per ball, 2c. Wool Zephyr in all colors and combinations, split and single, per lap,- 3c, Brooks' 200 yard spool cotton, black only, lc spool. 00 inch waterproof tape meas­ ure, always sold at 5c each, lc. Ladies', misses' and children's hose supporters, white and black, choice 9c each. Aluminum thimbles, will not corrode, 2c each. WEST MCHENBY, III., 1897 THE McHENRY Fodder twine for binding corn stalks, per pound, 3^c. Gliddcn Barb Wire, galvanized per 100 pounds, $1.98. Steel Wire Nails 2c per pound. Steel Corn Knife, 15c. Men's Furrishings. J. H. MILLER, Prop, Men's blue denim overalls, all sizes, double stitched, patent but­ tons, 39c. Men's cheeked and plain work jackets, strongly sewed, patent buttons, fast colors, 39c. Men and boys' husking gloves, with pin attached, strongly rivet­ ed, made of tin especially pre­ pared leather, per pair, 39c. Men's canvass husking mitt, with pin, 9c per pair. All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign and American Granite a Specialty. Crockery and Lamps: McHENRY, ILL Glass Water Tumblers, 2c. Stone China Cup and Saucer Ge. Fine China Cup and Saucer, handsomely det orated, only 19c. Wall Lamp, with tin holder and reflector, 24c. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S 4 Removes Freckles, Pimples, f Liver - Moles, Blackheads, Sunburn and Tan, and re \ stores the skin to its origi- A nal freshness, producing a clear and healthy com plexion. Superior to all face^^-*-®2^ ^ preparations and perfectly harmless. At all druggists, or mailed for 5 Octs. Send for circular. .VIOLA SKIN 80AP fsjatmply- Incomparable as a win purify In* Soap, uneqliafed for the toilet, and without a rival for the nuracrj. Absolutely pure and delicately medl* cated. At druggists. Price 25 Cantt. The Q. C. B1TTNER CO., Toledo, O. DO YOU TRAVEL Are you going, to take a trip! Do you suffer from Severe llendueltea, ]Nervou*iie»ft, Neualek- ilea* or KxhiiuMtloti if Why not movent it all by CUSHMAK'S MENTHOL IMIAL- , Help that headache, cure that nervousness and seasickness by the use of this Inhaler, the greatest stimulant and preventative known, wonderful re- wfa,i,U(1fJ4^vt:rw\,VLAslhma «TBUX OUSIf-MAN'S INHAIjKR. and you will always, use it If joa can't gel It at Druggiiita Henri for It* By Mall, 60 centv. Send for Hook on Menthol, ffrae. . 0 CUbH31AN DHUU CO., YJHfcNNfcS, 1KI>„ G. 8. A. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE

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