Pledged butto Truth, to Llbecty and Law; No Favor8 Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 23. M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1897 Sole Agency for the Celebrated POLAR STAR Fancy Flour! Dr. Walter C. Besley, ^XJLJ-Lr DENTIST WEST McHENHT, Office a* Geo. W. Rerley's | Drug Storo, | Examinations free Planted by Wales. Comparatively few people know that there is a tree iu Central park planted by the Prince of Wales on his visit to this country just before the war. It stands on the grass plot west of th8 Mall, between that and the middle drive, down toward the marble arch. The tree has never been a credit to the royal gardener, and -in the /words of the park authorities, if you wish to find it, "Look for a sickly looking elm, and when you see it you will know it is the one the Prince of Wales planted. " It has fared better, however, than the tree planted by tho Prince of Wales at Mount Vernon, where, in an inclosed place, is a tree, "planted in the place of the tree planted by the Prince of Wales," or words to that effect, as a sign on the inclosnre says. People who know say that illustrious persons who plant trees for the benefit of posterity and to insure a green monument to their own memories do not always know what they are about. The 13 trees planted by Alexander Hamilton were planted in a space not much more than lares enough for one tree to grow in aua thrive.--New York Times. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY • J . V A N S L Y K E EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. MILO .I. L, HOWE, PIANO & ORGAN ) Tuner & Repairer. I c--nry All Orders Promptly Attended to, OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK Two Doors North of Perry & Owen's Store, Manufactured at. New Prague, Minn. West McHenry, III, iK • " V-..' • A \ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One year (in advance)...... (1 60 Ii Not Paid within Three Months.... ... 2 00 Subscription. receiven for three or alx months in the same proportion. • ••.. j ' •. : RATES OF ADVERTISING: We anneunoe liberal rates for advertising in the PLAINJUBALEK, and endeavor to state them so plainly, that they will be readily un derstood. They are *s follows: linoh one year - • - BOO 2 Inches one year - i - - 10 00 8 Inches one y ear - - 16 00 X Column one year - -. - - - 30 00 M Oolumn one year 60 00 1 Column one year - * - - - - 100 00 One incn means the measurement of one inch down theYsolumn,single column width. - Yearly advertisers, at the above rateB, have the privilege of obanging as often as they • boose, without extra obarge. Regular advertisers (meaning tbose having standing cards) will be entitieu to insertion of local notices at the rata of 6 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 oents per line the first week., and 6 cents per line for eaohjsubsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line, (nonpareil type, same as tbis is set in) the first IBSUO, and 5 oents per line lor subsequent issues. Thus, an inoh advertisement will cost <1.00 for one week, $1.60 for two weeks, »u.oo for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIMDEALEB will be liberal in giving editorial notloes, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable tee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. All Foreign Advertising payable quarterly, in advance, These terms will be stiictly adhered to. Mills, are located :n the finest hard wheat country! Are supplied with most modern machinery. HeaflpdKtrs fir Choice. Goods, UNCLE BSN GILBERT'S Way to Make Money The Fancy" is fully warranted and guaranteed The choicest in the market, ft ought in car lots only and sold on lowest pos sible terms by ..." : - v SIMON STOFFEL, WEST MeilENUY, ILL. Always in stock at Yolo, 111., by E. BICHARUSON, JOHN ROSING JOHN RICHARDSON. Is not >»y digging out ot the frozen soil of the Klondike, but by buying your DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC., At the Farmers Store, WHERE PRICES ARE PEERLESS AND VALUES SURE. Who wants at wholesale market qui tations to put away for winter use. Idght on the Armada. A recent English writer throws some fresh light on the story of the Spanish Armada. He contests the common as sumption that the Armada was im mensely stronger than the English fleet. It left Corunna with the convic tion of certain failure. Philip was plainly told by his master shipwright that his warships were no match for such an enemy. The English vessels sailed bett'er, were better manned, and more heavily armed. Philip disregard ed all warnings, even when the Duke of Medina Sidonia, who commanded the Armada, repeatedly declared that dis aster was inevitable. "And yet Philip, knowing all this, and that failure meant ruin to him, calmly sent the Ar mada on its way, 'trusting that, as it is entirely in God's service, He will give us the victory.' " 500 BUSHELS Choice Table Potatoes! On delivery of which cash, in gold, silver, or greenbacks will be paid, but to accommodate, will allow a part to be paid in CHOICE and FANCY Tobacco Smoke and Flowers. A remarkable effect of tobacco smoke on the color of flowers may be seen in the case of the field .scabia named botanically Knavtia arveusis, so fre quently on the hills and commons from August till October. If its purplish blue blossoms, which form nearly globosp heads, are held in the smoke of tobacco, their color will soon turn to a bright green, about the same color as the leaves. A balloon was sent up from Berlin in 1895 equipped with self registering thermometers and barometers. It came down in Bosnia with the instruments in good condition. The barometer regis tered an elevation of 53,872 feet, and the thermometer a temperature of 52 de grees below zero F. German Forts. The two principal German fortresses on the Baltic sea are at Konigsburg and Dantzic. Central Germany has three first class fortresses, Spandan, Magde burg and Kustrin; on the French fron tier, Metz and Strasbnxg, and on the Belgian frontier, Cologne and Coblenz. A dollar saved is a dollar made, and time is ripe lor such money saving, money making investments. We have a large stock of goods on hand propose to dispote of thrm at reductions that have uever been equalled anywhere. 9 emocJBBiM® AT REDUCED MARKET PRICES. Likewise your old Uncle would invite your attention to a consignment of Herkimer County full Cream White Chedder Cheese. Now on tap at headquarters, which never fails to please purchasers. Also just in stock, the celebrated Sisal Tarred Fodder Twine, for binding stalks and other uses. BEN. GILBERT. West McHenry, Sept. 7,1897. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY, THE OLD RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. But) SlVlljlW) IlRi. J.D.LODTZJr. Merchant Tailor. Has just received his fall samples, direct from the manufacturers, and can Save you from $2.50 to $4,00 On every suit. Tn short will save you the profit usually paid to middlemen. Every suit he turns out is first class and a fit warranted. Suits, $ 16 00 and upwards. Pants, from $3.50 to $4. Strictly hand made and guaranteed in every particular. Gents' Furnishing Goods. Am now offering my entire stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, consisting of FLOUR Valuable Document*. The Royal Geographical Society of England has among its treasures a collection of original autograph maps made by Gen. Gordon, Livingstone, Grant, Speke, Baker, Curzon and oth ers. There are some' made by Mr. St. George Littledale, who, accompanied by his brave wife, explored the wilds of Thibet and nightly worked at his map making, regardless of the bitter cold, which caused his frozen fingers to stick to the brass mountings of his instru ment Sir John Franklin's admirality certificate is one of the institute's most treasured possessions. The paper is stained with rust spots, but contains the only record of the lost expedition. It was found in a tin case among the stones of a big cairn by Sir Leopold McClintock's search expedition in 1S57 --Philadelphia Ledger. BUSINESS OAKDS FLOUR O. H. GILLMORE, TTORKEY. Fiolate work a specialty. "' Ofllce m Kenual Hoi k, Y> ooclstoik, III. DXAT.ER IN If you bake your own bread or cake you are fully aware of the importance of having the ingredients fresh and pure. Flour, of course, being the basis of both cake and bread, should be absolutely the best procurable. We have the old reliable Sleepy-Eye Flour that will just suit your wants. Goods delivered to any part of McHenry. » KNIGHT & BKOWN, TTORKE1S AT LAW. 100 Washington . 8tre«t, , CHICAGO. ILL. Btkery Supplies Etc. Kefter Block, - - McHENRY, FRANK L. SHEPAUD, IOUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 80-132 I Ola k Kt„ Chicago. All kinds of Fruits, in'their season, Bakery Supplies, fresh every day. tST Choice Confectionery, etc., always on hand. r I can also show you a fine of Ladiss' Furnishing Goods, Such ns Laces, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, etc. Prices Reasonable. Call and look over my stock. MRS. C. B. MURPHY. McHenry, 111., August, 1897. O. P. BABNES, XTDBNEI, Solicitor, and Counselor, . Oollecttonaia specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. West McHenry. Illinois. An Ancient Tablet. New discoveries are constantly mak ing which bear on Bible history. The last is announced in the Academy by Prof. Sayce, and comes from Dr. Scheil. It will be remembered that Mr. Pinches FK AKK E. JACKMAN, ATTORNEY AM> COD>8ELOB AT LAW. I'romp t an 1 careful attention t" nil mat tera left in my hands, Money to loan, Office m Hoy Block, Wiouslock, llL Telephone- office, 55, residence, 59. 35yl STOVES! STOVES found, less than a year ago, the names of Chedorlaomer, king of Edom, and Tidal, king of nations, of Genesis 14, on a Babylonian tablet. Dr. Scfteil has just found, among the early tablets now in Constantinople, some letters of Hammurabi (the Amraphel of Gen. 14) to a king of Larsa, which relates to the war of independence waged by Ham murabi, at the end of which the latter gave his ally of Larsa statues and other presents as a "reward for his valor on the day of the defeat of Che dorlaomer," the Elamite king. Neckties, Collars, Cuffs, and Shirts of the very latest styles. At from 10 to 40 per cent below coBt, as I wish to close them out. - Come and inspect my goods. I can save you dollars and cents. Very Respectfully, O. H. FSGEBS, M, D. IHYSIOXAN AND SURGEON, Ilia. Office at Besldenoe. You must come to it. Get. the old stove cleaned and set up. or buy a new one. Don't put it off until tho last minute and then complain because your neighbor always gets his put up early and is ready for a cold morning, but you must always wait. V e are prepared to clean, repair, and set up any bind of stove, range or furnace, and do it promptly and and at reasonable rates. We can show you the finest line of Strictly First Class Stoves That was ever shown in this county and will make you prices that will surprise you, It costs you much less to be contented than it docs to be unhappy. Buy a PENINSULAR Stove and you are contented and happy. See my display of Stoves and get my prices. Yours Truly, JOS, L. ABT, M, D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCCLIST, Office in Nichols Blvck, over Plaiudealer Office. McHenry Telephone No 4 DR. BAECHLER, DENTIST. Field Fencing Barbian Bro.'s Block, McHenry, He Has Preached Sixty Tears. Elder Tice Spear is the oldest Chris tian preacher within our knowledge. Mr. Spear is eighty-seven years old, and bas been preaching sixty of them. He walks to all of his appointments and carries a large valise containing his earthly possessions. He is one of the few who preach only for the good of the cause. During the sixty years of his ministry he has not received more than $250, and has never solicited a donation. Notwithstanding his ad vanced age, Mr. Spear gets about as lively as a boy of eighteen, and says he hopes to be able to preach his last sermon onJiis one-hundredth birthday. Is made in 1G different styles, and is guaranteed to turn all kinds of stock. Nothing but Large, Galvanized Wire, of the Best Bessemer Steel used in its construotion. A FENCE THAT ALWAYS KEEPS IT'- SHAPE. Plato Work, and everything per taining jtoOentistry. Parties from a distance should drop a card a day or two beiore coming. Office, McHenry. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES," Artists' Materials. DR. A. E. AUBINGER, PHYSICIAN ASDSURGEON. Office in the Stroner building, one door we*t of A. P. Baer'e store, West McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. OBborne, All professional ealls promptly at tended to The hir go joint at o<t(*h mmsSFf jF# flB?* 'ntersr otion of the wires mtmrnJAM *8*^ makes an adjuf table fenpe anil prevents stay wires f j from bendirs Crimp and Joint . The crimp in tho strand wir« provi es f <r expan- jntfc ami contraction and preven ts stay w re from moving out of place. F, L. MCOMBER PAINTING, GRAINING, KALS0MINING3 SIGN WRITING, ETC. Done on short notice anil cheap as good work can be done. Side Hardware Store JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler McHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watohes and Jew-elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine watches. Give me *oal1- „ Consolidated Steel and Wire Co., Ch'cago. Those wishing a fence will do well to see this fence and get our prices before buyintr elsewhere. Call on or address John Brown's Grave. The little cemetery at North Elba, N. Y., where John Brown is buried, and which was recently visited by Presi dent McJSiqley and Vice President Ho- bart, is now^lrtTprdperty of the state and in the care of a state-custodian. Brown selected the site of his grave at the foot of the immense glacial bowlder which now forms his tombstone. Near by is the tombstone of his grandfather, another John Brown, which was brought from Connecticut many years ago. E. H. THOMPSON Handsome is that Handsome does. WALL PAPER! W. A. CRI8TY, Justice of the Peace. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections, WEST MCHENRY, III. 'Agent for McHenry and West Half of ake County. At greatly Reduced Rates, to close out Spring stock. E. B. PERKINS McHenry. Tune 30,1897, What Fuultd Him. "Curious times these," commented Senator Sorgum, thoughtfully, as he looked over a facsimile of the Declara tion of Independence; "very curious." "To what do you refer?" Inquired his friend. "The manner in which these signa tures command attention and respect when they were put to a paper that didn't convey any money." Justice oj the Peace and General In• surance Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MCHENKY, ILI» SUMMER Horse Goods! CUS CARLSON, At his Harnpss Shop, near the Red Bridge, has just received a fiae line of Summer Horse Goods, consisting of Ply Nets, Lap Robes, Slimmer Blankets, &c. To which he invites the attention of the public. He will guarantee to please you in quality, price and style. ALSO, A PINE STOCK OF SINGLE & DOUBLE ARNESS a Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war ranted as represented. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to, Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of onr bargains. CUS .CARLSON. McHenry, HI., June 27, 1897. AlfflBH y\ Good looks are not all W1 . TT1 W there is to make true merit; fl ft \ ' or, in other words, "you I can't tell by the looks of a I cat how far it can jump." In the shoes we buy we look deeper than = the gloss, or outside finish and every pair of c . « , shoes in our stock, no matter what the price, "Mil# nn thaXMD is there because we ar^ satisfied it is good and will give the wearer its full value. We know that price is an object in these times. Our, prices make it an object to all men, women and children to have their feet fitted here. We have closed a deal with one of the l-i^gest Clothing: Manu factuiers that will be of interest and benefit, to you this fall and winter. The proof of the pudding is the eating of it, Call and investigate. Our fall Bats are here in the new shades, shapes and quality, Prices the lo west, See our line of new Underwear. The best Flour for tbe least money, FreBh Groceries. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Estate and Insurance N UN DA, III* of the shoes that you buy. Selz Shoes make your feet glad. A PROMINENT LAWYER. Of Greenville, HI., Mr. C, E. Cook, writes, "I have-been troubled with billiousness, eick headache, sour stomach, constipa tion, etc., for Beverali-years. I sought long and tried many lemedies, but was disappointed unt'l I tried 8yrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any Buf fering from above complaints." J. A Story, McHenry. • Ql. Attend the Shoe Clearing Sale at Owen & Chapell's. WEST MCHENRY, III., 1897