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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Nov 1897, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3, 1897. Railway Time Table. Taking effefet Sunday, Oct, 10, 1896, at six 3 clock A. M. Trains will pasB jlcHcnry Station as follows: ' GOING SOUTH. r> Lake Geneva Passenger,... 7:34 AM E Williams Buy Express 8;25 " E Williams Bay Passenger 3:27 PM E Lake Geneva Freight 3:27 " GOING NOBTBi K Williams Bay Passenger 9:47 X. M E Lake Geneva Freight.. ( E Williams Bay Express S Lake Geneva Passenger ...... £ Williams Bay Passenger .... i EXPLANATION. D--Daily. E--Daily except Sunday. B Sundays only. ll:i>5 . 4:55 PM 4:55 " . 6:56 " B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. •Methodist Episcopal Church. ttev.;j. E. Clark Pastor Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 11: 6 A. H. Dr. A, E. Anringer,..... ...Superintendent Epworth League, 6:5 IV M., Rfcv, J. R. Clark, President.. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 P.M., Ladies' Aid Society each, alternatei.week, Mrs. M. E. Howe, President, JWA Cordial invitation is extended to all Universalis? Church Directory. T.J. Walsh,.... ...-- -- President r. L. McOmber. Olerk James B. Perry.... ....Treasurer Bev, J. Straub,' D, D... ...Pastor The Willing cation.) Workers, (the ladies organ- Mrs. Jas. B, Perry ...President Mrs, L. H. Owen. . Secretary 8upt, of Sunday School, O. N. Owen Assistant,... Mrs. O. N. Owen 4WThe Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address I s Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:30 p. M. A cordial invitation to all. New Advertisements This Week, O wen & Chapell, McHenry. Heman & Schneider, locals " John Evanson & Co., West McHenry. John J. Miller, locals, " " A. P. Baer, " The Douglas Shoe, Siinon Stoffel, West McHenry. Theo. F. Swan, Elgin. BIRTHDAY Social, at the City Hall, on Thursday evening of this week. THE PLAINDEALER and the Weekly Inter-Ocean one year for $2. REMEMBER the Social at Mrs. E. M. Owen's on Friday evening. Everybody invited. S. REYNOLDS is moving this week into the new house just finished by Joseph Deitrich, on Park Avenue. DR. \BT treats diseases of the eye, and tests eyes for glasses in a scientific- manner. 9in2 Do not forget the Birthday Social, at the City Hall, on Thursday, to-morrow, evening. QUITE a number from this village at­ tended the Party at Ringwood, on Fri­ day evening last, and report a pleasant time, THE marriage of Michael Wirtz and Miss Katie Boley will take place at St. Mary's Church, in this village on Tues­ day next, Nov. 9th. THE two new Hose Carts, for our Fire Department that is to be, arrived on Tuesday and are stored at the Ware- bouse of T. J. Walsh. .. . HARRY WIGHTMAN has moved his Liv­ ery from the Riverside Barn to his fathers barns, where they will run to­ gether during the winter. HON. F. K. GRANGER is building a barn on the Feehan farm, whinh he purchased a few mouth since. E. W. Howe is doing the work. „ . . The Y. P. C. U. service Sunday evening will be led by Geo Howe. Topic Uuiver- salism of Tennyson. All are cordially invited. , E. W. HOWE has the contract to build a new house for John Glosson, on the lot. lately purchased by him of Dr. C. H. Fegers. , THE time of holding early Mass, at St. Mary's Church, was changed Nov. 1st, from 7:30 to 8 o'clock each day, which •will continue during the winter months. FOR SALE.--A first class Road Cart, Practically as good as new, never having been used more than a dozen times. Inquire at this office. \ THE friends of Miss Johanna Doherty made her a very pleasant surprise on Sunday evening. There were about four­ teen present and a very enjoyable time was the result. OWING to a rush of Job Work, and also being short of help, our paper has been unavoidably late the past three weeks. We hope to get caught up so as to be able to come out on time next week. G. F. BOLEY'S black mare, '•Topsey," wandered from his yard on Wednesday night last, and fell into one of the trenches being dug for the water mains. They dug her out on Thursday morning, none the worse for her adventure. THE Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. Church will meet with Mrs. I. Wentworth. on Friday afternoon of this week, at the usual hour. All are cordiajly invited- CORA WILBON, Secretary. THE Willing Workers will meet on Thursday afternoon of this week with Mrs. Jas. B. Perry. Every member is re­ quested to be present* MRS. «L B. PERRY, Pres. MRS. L. H. OWEN, See:, THE first sociable of the season by the ladies connected with the Universalist Church will be held at the residence of Mrs. E. M. Owen, on Friday evening of this week, Nov. 5th, A good program is being prepared. Come out and have a good time. All are most welcome. 4 j MRS. J: P. GOING was surprised last Tuesday afternoon by many of her old neighbors and friends who took forcible means to run her house. They took along their needles and thimbles and sewed up in one long string all the rags that could be found. - A CURRENT EVENT CLUB is about to be formed among the young people, with Miss Julia Story as prime mover,, It is a sure indication that something for the good of our young people is the thought of one who has the interests of our vil­ lage in view. LIST of letters remaining uncalled' for in the P. O. at McHenry, III., oh the 1st day of Nov., 1897: " J Miss Oliver Pearson, M astpf Geo Sclumer Mrs. Fletcher Rose, Joe Mardath, Miss Lizzie Surges, Hafrv Gibson, Thos. Griffin, Albert Johnson. Please say advertised when calling for above letters. ALBERT SNOW, Post Master. A HOOSIER farmer while at work in a cornfield was approached by two "confi­ dence men." After listening to their proposition a few minutes, indicating all the time that he was the sucker they were looking for, he excused himself to go to tb»i house to get his pocket book, returning, however, with his shot-gun. The confidence chaps fled. It was after­ wards discovei rd that the farmer takes the local paper and therefore learns the ways of the world. THE Ladies Catholic Order of Forrest­ ers have decided to give a Grand Social Party, in Stoffel's New Hall, West Mc­ Henry, on the evening of Nov. 17th. Slocum's Orchestra, with G. S. Welch as Prompter, will furnish the music, and a grand good time may be expected. The Ladies of this order will spare no pains to make this one of the pleaeantest par­ ties of the season, and it is hoped that all who love to "trip the light fantastic" will turn out and gire them a rousing benefit. Remember the date, Noffember 17th. Tickets will be issued in a few days and full pa rticulars will appear in these columns next week. ED. SUTTON came up town on Monday morning, and if one was to judge by the expression of his countenance, he was the happiest man in ten states. He walked deliberately into this office and handed us the following notice: BORN,--On Sunday evening, October, 3lst, 1897, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton, a thirteen pound daughter. Mother and child doing well and the father is happy. Now Mr. Sutton's family number eight children, four boys and four girls, and Ed" says he is aware that four of a kind beats two pair, but he would like to know what four of each kind will beat. We give it up. The PLAINDEALER force smoked at Mr Sutton's expense, and join with us in wishing him, his better half and their four of each kind prosperity through life. SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. The scholars of the First Primary room in the Public School, will give an enter­ tainment. at the City Hall, on Frid-iy evening, Nov. 19th, the proceeds to be used for purchasing new seats for said room. This entertaiument will be some­ thing unique and interesting, the scholars in this room being almost all new begin­ ners. Their Teacher M iss Kate Howe, has no superior in drilling this class of pupils and all can rest assured that the entertainment will be well worthy of their patronage. The object, too, is a worthy one, and we hope to see *he THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The second month of the Term of our Public School will close this week, and everything seems to be running in the mfist satisfactory manner. On».Monday, morning two new outside scholars for the High School were enrolled, namely, Vernor Torrence and Wm. Rosing, of Volo. This makes nine outside pupils in this department which speaks well for the school and its management. The Board have lately put in a goodly number of new reference books, among which are Redpath's History of the United States, Byron's Popular History, Fisk's School History, Mammsen's His­ tory of Rome, History of Greece, in two volumes, Johnston's American Poli­ tics, Proude's Life of Caesar, Murray's Manuel of Mythology and Webster's In­ ternational Dictionary. These with others which are to be put in soon, will make the school perfect in this respect. We hear nothing but words of praise for Prof Angevine and his able, corps of teachers, and that the school is run­ ning in a very satisfactory manner is evident to all; The Board are doing their part to help the teachers in their work, and if the patrons do theirs a successful school year will be the result. BIRTHDAY SOCIAL. The Birthday Social, to be given by the young men of the M. E. Church, at the City Hall to-morrow, Thursday even­ ing, promises to be a very pleasant and enjoyable affair. A fine programme has been prepared, Refreshments will be served and nothing left undone to make it pleasant for all whonattend. The fol­ lowing is the programme: Instrumental Music Mrs. Lamphere Recitation Veda Woodford Solo....... Clara Kelly Reading Mrs. Angevim Song Lester NogU' Recitation. *....Jennie Smith Song .Mrs. Gallahet Oysters The Cook A cordial invitation is extended to all Can You inswer them? Here is a list of questions for the wide­ awake boys. Can you answer them? You cau any day see a white horsf; wh.\ can you never see a white colt? Ho« many kind of trees grown in you neigh­ borhood and what are they good for? Why does a horse |at grass backward and a cow eat it forward? Why does a hop vine wind one way and a bean vim another? Where should the idside of a chimney be bigger, at the top or bottom and why ? Can you tell why a horsf tethered with a rope always unravels it, while a cow twists it? Why do the leaver turn upside down just before a rain? What annimals have no front teeth, and why? Hotel Arrivals THE following are the names registered at the Hotel Riverside from Oct. 26 to Nov. 1, inclusive: Tuesday, Oct. 26,-- L. K. Green, Sterling, II!., T. J. Kennedy, Chicago. A. J Blake, Racine. Wednesday, Oct. 27 --W. Matz, Indianapolis W. O. Brown, T. B Thatcher, Chicago, H. .8, Moore, Uockford, Thursday, Ont. 28 -- J. C. James, G. S. French. David Rankin, E. W. Bill. Chicago, N. E. Ilorion, Elgin. Friday, Oct. 29-- J, It. Thompson, Mrs. Sarah McOmber, Chicago, Frank R,Graer Kvanston Geo. W Heae, Wilmette, Saturday, Oct. 30.--J. T, Edwards. A. T. Portman, A. W. Wells. John Ander^ou, Chicago, F. E. Ormslee and son Lake Geneva. Sunday, Oct. 31,--H. W. Bastings, Chicago, P J. lienney, Richmond, Paul Sorgen, La Porte, Ind„ O. Curtis, WocUtook, E. L. Schieble. Dayton, O. Monday, Nov. 1,--A. A. Chisholm. Henry Huntington, New York, C.M Ayer and wife Tipton, Ind., J. F. Olark, Chicago. AN exchange very pertinently remarks: "Keep Illinois money at home. Millions of bushels of grain produced iu this state will be turned into cash. This money should go to Illinois merchants, who in turn should see that it does not go out of the state for the purchase of goods that can be manufactured in Illinois as well as elsewhere." Hall A silk Umbrella, with the initials J. R. C. on the handle, was laid down and for­ gotten somewhere in this village. The finder will confer a favor by returning the same to the Methodist Parsonage or to this office. H. M. MCOMBER, Village Collector, on account of not receiving his books, will not commence the collection of the Special Assessment Tax until next week. He will then be found at the places des­ ignated in his notice, published in another place in this paper. 1 WATCH out for a stranger traveling through the country selling baking pow­ der. His scheme is to take orders for three cans, one to be delivered each iponth, and on the delivery of the second can he promises to present each one of his patrons with an enlarged crayon pic ture. He gets a big price for the first can and that is the last seen of him. packed to its utmost on this occasion. Remember tht date Nov. 19th. Further particulars will appear in these columns next week. E B. PERKINS, who did^the Painting and Decorating on the M. E. Church, has received the following well merited rec­ ommendation from the Pastor, Rev. J, Rj Clark. E. B. Perkins decorated the interior of the M. E. Church, in McHenry, and is a first-class workman. If any one wants to see a neat and pretty piece of work it will pay them to come and see his finish­ ed job here. I most henrtily recommend him to all persons and church boards ns one who is bound to give satisfaction. With us he more than filled his contract. Respectfully, J. R. CLARK, Pastor M, W. Church, McHenry. As we have said before inthesecolumns Mr. Perkins has no superior in this line of work. Mis'ery Loves Company. The Banner has in its list of subscrib­ ers the names of a few persons who have not paid for their paper in many years. We do not wish to intimate that we would like to have them pay up--oh no! --but we would like to have every sub­ scriber who has not paid anything for, say six years, send us a lock of his hair-- merely as evidence that he is alive, you know.--Jefferson Banner. There is a suggestion that has morit in it. The Register has two subscribers who have not exhibited the color of their money in this office for six years. We would like to know that they are alive, and wish they would send us a lock of their hair, so we could see the color ot that; and if no hair grows on their sin­ ful remorseless old pates, please send us a lock of their dog's hair--for we war­ rant they always keep dogs.-- Whitewater Register. A car of Potatoes on track at West McHenry at 45 cents per Bushel. Call A$ once. JOHN J. MILLER, JOHNNIE AVSBY. The many waim friends in Lake and McHenry counties of Johnnie Avery, for­ merly publisher of the Waukegau Repub­ lican, will be pleased to read the fol!o% ing from the Cincinnati Times-Star in relation to his business in that city: "Avery's Vine Street Museum" is to bp the style after to-day, Tuesday, Oct. 20, of the popular resort formerly known as Heck & Avery's Museum. Arrangements were made Tuesday morning by which Will Heck steps out' r>f the firm, and John A very, so long connected with the house as manager, becomes the sole proprietor Mr. Avery and Mr. Heck have worked together in the interest of the museum for ten years, or ever eiuce Kohl & Mid- dleton secured the house from the late Pat Harris. About two years ago Heck & Avery purchased the interests of Kohl & Middleton. Several days ago the new partners discussed the advisabil­ ity of dissohring partnership, and as Mr. Hepk has other interests, he sold his por­ tion of the business to Mr. Avery. Dur­ ing the ten years' association the rela tions between the gentlemen have been of the most pleasant nature, and the dissolution is made in a purely business spirit, MILLINERY. Mrs. E. W. Howe has received her stock of Fall and Winter Millinery, this week, which she wishes to invite the ladies of McHfnry and vicinity to call and examine before purchasing. She will also receive fresh supplies of goods every week during the season and will thus be able to furnish you with late styles and at very reasonable prices. MRS. E. W. HOWE Mc Henry, Oct., 20 1897. Buy your Watches, Clocks and Jewelry of Heman &Schneider and get your cou­ pon for the Gold Watch and Silverware Contest Christmas Eve. Only healthy hogs make healthy pork Your stomach if not your conscience de­ mands that you feed Dr. Haas' Hog Remedy as a preventive of disease and pork producer. For sale by 3. Reynolds Lay in your winter supply of pota­ toes now they Jsill-nOt be any cheaper Price 45 cents per bushel out of car at West McHenry. JOHN J. MILLER WANTED. Four more scholars to take lessons on the Organ. MRS. E. HUBBARD. VETERINARY BOOK FREE. Hr. Humphreys' Veterinary Manual on the treatment of Horses, Cattle, Sheen Hogs, Dogs and Poultry, mailed free up on request. Address the Humphreys Company, New York. PERSONAL. J. A. PERRY, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents in this village. ^ 0.„N. OWEN and wife spent a few days in Chicago last week. MARTIN HOWELL, of Chicago, spent Sun­ day with his parents here. Miss CLARA WIGHTMAN visited with her parents Saturday and Sunday. MISS BERNICE PERRY is visiting with friends at Huntley this week. P. S. MAYES attended to business in Elgin on Saturday last. A. C. GRANGER, of Chicago, spent Sun­ day with his parents, in this village. CIIAS. PAIGE was a Chisago visitor the first of the week. v F. L. MCOMBER attended to business in Chicago on Monday. J. H. MILLER was a Chicago visitor on Monday. Miss EDITH CURTIS is attending school at Rockford this winter. MRS. B. GILBERT and son. George, spent Sunday with friends in Waukegan. A. J. RAYMOND took the train for Chi­ cago on Monday morning. G. L. HUBBARD, of Nunda, was visiting with his parents here on Friday last. Miss ELLEN DOHERTY is spending the week with friends in Elgin. LYLE HOWE spent three or four days in Chicago last week. JACOB ROUEN and wife, of Spring Grove was calling on friends here on Monday. MRS. HENRY MILLER went to Chicago for a few days visit, on Tuesday. MISS MC'OLLUM, of Nunda, was calling on friends here on Tuesday. FRED ELDHEDGE spent Sunday with Claude Colby at Nunda. Miss RAY CROUSE &pent Sunday at Oarpsenterville. JOHN BRENTS spent Sunday at EUin, with his brother-iu law. MRS. JACOB WIRTZ, of Volo, was the guest of Mrs. Hubbard on Tuesday. MRS E. J. HANLY; Of Chicago; spent Sunday with friends in this village. H. M. MCOMBER attended to business at Woodstock on Tuesday. /" A._ GEO. H. HANLY spent Sunday with friends in Chicago. BEN BONSLETT, of Chicago, was calling on friends here the first of the week. JAS. A. DUFIELD, -of Woodstock, wa« on our streets this Wednesday morning JOHN ADAMS is on the sick list thir week. MARTIN BICKLER, who has been at work at Elgin, came home to-day, Wednesday. MRS. JAMES TYRELL returned to hei home in Ctticago, the first ot the week, af t«/r a two weeks visit in this vicinity. /En GRANGER and Mies Dorlescn G£aagg£.were Waukegan visitors a few days last week. WILL A*D BEN BONSLETT transacted business in Woodstock to-day, Wednes­ day. MRS N. BAUBIAN, ^EN ,who we reported sick last week, is better and hopes are entertained of her speedy recovery. ML.S. SARAH MCOMBER, of Chicago, hat* been visiting with friends here the pas" week. MRS. JULIA BISHOP, of Elgin, wa call ing on friends here on Saturday and Sunday". MR. DUFFY, who is traveling for P. F. Collier & Co.'s book house, of Chicago, was on our streets on Saturday last, Miss JENNIE COVELL, who is attending school at Evanstou, was home over Sunday. REV. J. li. CLARK, Pastor of the M. E. Church, in this village, is holding meet­ ings at Capron this week. MRS. FANNIE CARR, of Grass Lake, was the guest of E. Hubba»d and wife on Monday. CHKT HOWARD returned from his hunt­ ing trip in Minnesota the first of the week. C. H. GRANGER and wife started on Tuesday morning for a two weeks visit with friends at Oiborne, Kansas. Miss GRACE MEAD, ot Janesvilie, Wis.7 has been the guest of S. S. Chapell and wife the past week. L. H. OWEN, of the firm of Owen and Chapell, attended to business iu Chicago on Tuesday. C. A. DOUGLAS and wifa went to Lake county on their wheels, on Wednesday last, returning Thursday. MR. REIMER, who moved into the Sherman house on John St., will remove to Chicago in the near future. MR8. FRED NICKELS and children spent a few days with relatives in Algonquin the past week. MRS. SPAULDING was buying her fall and winter stock of Millinery in Chicago Thursday. E. A. KENNEDY, wife and children, of Trevor, Wis., were the guests of H. C Mead and family on Saturday last. W. J. MCLEOD, of the PLAINDEALER force, has been on the sick list for the past three weeks. MRS. THOS. KNOX and son Johnnie, who have been visiting friends in Chicago the past four weeks, are expected home to-day, Wednesday.- Miss MAGGIE BONSLETT, and Miss F1 >rence Searls, went to Wauconda on their wheels on Sunday and were the guests of Mrs. H. T. Fuller. MRS. C. C. CHAPELL, of Elgin, is ttie guest of her mother, Mrs. E. M. Owen, this week. Mr. Chapell will come Friday. evening. MRS. E. M. OWEN and Mrs. C.C.Chapell go to Woodstock to-day, Wednesday to spend the day with Mrs. E. E. Thomas, Mrs. Owen's sister. HARRY EI.DREDGE, Dr. A. E. Baechler, Newell Colby, Bert Pilcher, Dr. W. C. Besley, Misses Florence Searles, Myrtle Slimpin, Kate Howe, Mamie Besley and Fannie Osborne, attended the SkatiDg JOHN WALSH and bister, Miss Maggie, attended the dedication services of the new Catholic Church, at Antioch, on Sunday last. CHAS. NORDQUIST and Lloyd Merrihew started on Monday morning for Denver, Colorado, as per announcement last week. S. 0. WILSON, who lived Southeast of this village, having rented his farm moved with his family to Chicago this week, where he will make his home for the present. PETER .MCOOLLUM, of Fayette, Mo., and Samuel McCollum, olMillbank,Dak., brothers, are now visiting their mother, Mrs. Wm. Mc'Jollum, and their sister Mrs. M. Merrimau, in this village. Heal Estate Transfers. For week ending Nov. 1, 1897, A J Dtggins and w to Ado 1 la Diggins undv }i Its 3 and 4 blk n Harvard.. .# 1 CO A»a Johnson and w to G Johnson swX It 6 blk 4, Paddock's adn Crystal Lake 100 00 Forrest Crissey to J W Crissey sece 10 and 11 in Riley 1250 00 K Hayes to Rachael Heaton, sX ot n>tf It 1 swjf seo 7 Greenwood..... .... . 418 00 415 00 Rachael Heaton to J Miles, same.. Chaa Wilkinson to K Wilkinson;'s bt of wJ6 « 25Chemung.... .... l 00 Philo Wilkinson and w to E Wilkinson same ... J 00 Addie Grantaiid h to,E Wilkinson sa ne 1 00 P Mtjrry to K Wilkinson, same..:...;.. l 00 E Wilkinson to Abnie<Cone. same.... .. SQO oo \Vtn Van'Atiken et al to Maid Eldredge et al pt awX rie}<; anu nw& sec 38, Nunua. . .....3^0000 Uiajh'moiid Creamery Association to A Al ps Its 1 and 2 Purdy's 4ta hdn to . Richmond ... 30 0t' j lvohl to J H Kohl pt It 2 8\vV sec ;31 Greenwood ... ... 8C0 On A Stowell to Fremont Hoy, pc in i\v cor sw cor ne3t sec 1 Grafton. 1200 00 Geo On e« and w to Oliver Owen, It" 2, Pifitaquii Cottago Grounds,.., 1 Ot! John Dulleld to Lilliin Fisher, 21a in sec 7, JDorr l 00 John Dufield to Milan Tercher et al 55» in sec 18, Dorr. . .... 1 00 LTnited^States to 11 Quinlan n# fit 2 of nw^ sec 19, Grutmwood United estates to HQainh.n eX It 2 of swX sec 18, Greenwood Mary Sweeny et al to J J Murphy nw V sec 24, swjf swJi sec 18 anu'nw^ nwX sec 19, Jtiartiana ... 7800 00 Wm Keller,to Inez Keller sw^ sec 26 Nutria E Stephens to S Meyers, lis 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, H, oik 12, it It i»du Richmond.. Mary Sweecy etal tj CJudd s 29a of e>tf s wjtf sec.30 Green wood ...... J Peterson to M Kohler Its Sand 9 blk 11 SpringOity a in Woodstock VV Gates and w toOttoSwarz Its 4 and 0 b l k _ 9 . J x u n u a . . . . . . . . . . . . . Win Shottliffts to G Hubbard Uts 8 and 9 blk 1 Ellsworth's «un Nunda..... G L Hubbard .to I Van Auken, eame... 1050 00 250 00 825 00 825 00 80 00 175 00 525 00 Uarriage Licenses. Gustav Wienek .. .. .... Harvard Minnie Burchardt.. Harvard ChasGivens ... ... .... .. McHenrj .Mollie t risby McHenrj MatthewStiffens Johnaburgh Josephine Shoemakei.... Johnsbnrgli Fred Hager Michigan Una Males. . Mareugo Martin Young Johnsbnrgli Ann Sctiaffer... ,.. Johnsbnrgli VV T Livingston ....Carpentersvillc Sophie Dieroke ....Algonquiu Pliny Whlttleton ...Harvard Cora Scott . ..Harvard Wm Schmeer ....Chicago lua Frey ....... ."..Woodstock John Huff ... ... Johnsbiirgh Annie Schaffer Jotnsburgh Jas Gleeson Harvard Julia Sullivan Aarvard Michacl Wirtz McHenry Katharine Boley.... . McHenry Lawrence Windrester Marengo Agnes Johnson......... Marengo Geo Lewrence Madison Klora Wizzard Nunda Probate Business For the two weeks ending Nov. 1st. Inventory Richards. Inventory a p. ap- ap- ap- ap- Estate of Martha approved. Estate of Otis Eastman, proved. Estate of Chas Delin Inventory and ap­ praisement bill approved, Estate of Eliza Los»ee, Proof of death and petition to probate will. Estate of Chas Dahu. Petition to sell per sonal property at public sate. Estate of Jeremiah Hooley. Inventory approved. Estate of John McCarty. Inventory proved'. Estate of Samuol Clark. Inventory proved, Estate of Geo Barnard, Inventory proved. as'.ate of Mary Bilay, Inventory proved. Estate of Gideon Burke, Potition for sale of personal property. Estate of Michael McDonald. Petition .for sale ot real estate. Estateof Jas Feehan. Final report. E*tate of Edward stockwell. Final report. Estate of F B Fay. Prool of death and pu b- lication of notices. Estate of Humphrey Quinlan. Inventory and final report approved. Estate of Oavid Clow; Trial of claim of M D Brown set for Dec 2, '97. Estate of Malacbi Quigley. Inventory>p- proved. Eetateof Anna Bassieuz. Petition to tell real estate. --Estate of Margaret Tjmeson-.--Claim or Audie cornue not allowed. Estate of D P Rogers. Cloira of Mary Rogers of 4103 allowed, Estate of D P Rogers, Claim of Mary Rogers of $2,013 allowed. RIDGEFIELD. Mrs. Cadwallader is quite ill. Mrs. J. B. Lynch is on the sick list. Ridgefield was unmolested Hallowe'en night. _ Mr. Keeler, wife and son were in Chica­ go Friday last. ^ Mr; Doolittle, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his familj* here. Mrs Mink, of Nunda, was in town on business the first of the week. There was a bad wreck at Hartland ou Sunday morning. Mr. Hodgkiss, of Greenwood, is visiting at Geo. Whiston's. Miss Mabell Lynch was in Woodstock the later part of last week. James Robinson, wife and children spent Sunday with his brother at Nunda Mr. and Mrs. Garrison are entertaining the forte ere Grandmother for a few days this week. Mr. Willey received the sad news of the death of his brother Henry, of Paxico, Kansas, last week. Mr. Parks, of Wf.uconda, is moying into the house lately vacated by W. B. Harback. Wm. H. Harback, wife and children are visiting Mr. Harback'S brother of Crystal Lake, ~ " " Scott Thayer, Luther Landon and fames Westerman are on a hunting tour. . - ; Mr, Baird and wife, of Greenwood, were in town on Saturday, the latter visiting at the home of J, B. Lynch. McHenry County Convention of I O. G. T will meet with the Cary Lodge Nov. 6th 1807. It will be election of County officers. Mrs. W. N. Munroe has received the •*ad news of the death of her brother, fames Good willy, of Boston, Mass., on Oct. 18, 1897. M„rs. Arthur Miller, of Woodstock, visited with her sister, Mrs. Fred Reed, of this village on Friday and Saturday of last week. . > . Mrs. Alice Button, of Terra Cotta, was in Ridgefield the later part of last week, her Grandmother, Mrs. Norman Jacobs, returning home with her GREENWOOD. Wm.Coates Sr., of Iiingwood, madi our burg a visit last week Tuesday. I/rsle Frepinan and Willie Stratton started out last week selling goods for Westerman Bros. Both report good success. Mrs. Andrus and daughter, Lillie, visited at Richmond Tuesday of last week. Mrs. E. G. Westerman wheeled Over to Hebron last Thursday. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank West­ erman was made brighter one day last week by the arrival of a little girl. Lee Andrue and wife drove over to Woodstock Saturday last. The usual Hallowe'en depredations were committed in our village last Satur­ day night. Union services were held in the Baptis* Church last, Sunday morning, the sermon being; preached by Rev. Tuttle, of Hebron. • Lew McCannon was transacting busi­ ness at McHenry one day the past week. Th« program prepared by the ladies to be given in the Baptist Church last Sun­ day night was postponed for two weeks. Our people were shocked Sunday even­ ing on hearing that Grandma Barber was dead. Just as the Church bells were calling the people together for the even ing service she passed from this life into the world beyond. Mrs. Barber had long been a resident of Greenwood and had a great many acquaintances, which were all friends and admirers. She will be sadly missed. "Care makes luck." Farmers will always have gOod luck with their hogs when fed Dr. Hans' Hog Kemedyr the only reliable medicine for swine. For salebyNS. Reynolds. POTATOES 45 CENTS PER BUSHEL. NUNDA. News items are scarce, Mr. Langman, the druggist has moved his stock to Union. S. C. Green has quit the employ of Whyte & Son on account of his health. Mrs. Libbie Vermilyea, of Barrington, was calling on Nunda friends one day last week. "• Work ha6 been commenced on the new M. E. church. Services were held last Sunday in Colby's Opera House. L. Bpnthusen made a flying visit to Normal last week to see his daughter, who is attending the State Normal Schools Mrs. W. P, St. Clair and daughter «pent Saturday last with Mrs. M. A. Foote, at Irving Park. G. L. Hubbard has bought the Lucas place on North Railroad street end is making some needed improvements. The contractors for building the new double track will locate their headquar ters at Crystal Lake ijj5tation and the work is expected to commence soon. It has been a number of years since'the 0. & N. W. R'y has been crowded with tiusiness as it has been the past few months, and still increasing. A smashup occurred on the C. & N. W. R'y Sunday morning, between Wood­ stock and Harvard, which caused consid­ erable confusion in the running of Sunday trains. Nobody hurt. Saturday night was Hallowe'en and a <ew depredations were committed by some reckless boys. Nothing very seri­ ous. The office window at the old pickle factory was knocked in, the sash and s?lass .teing broken to atoms. Innocent jokes and fnn are all right but when it comes to destroying people's property the perpetrators should be made to suSer. . G. L. Bryant met with a serious acci Vent on Saturday last. He was in a sand i\it on his farm loading sand when the bank caved in and buried him so deeply tiis s»n Earl had to dig him out. When he wasfcaken out it was found bis leg was broken half way between the ankle and knee. It is a very unfortunate accident for Mr. Bryant as it will be a number of weeks before he will be able to attend to business. Business I<ocals. Latest novelties Owen & Chapell's. in Dress Goods at Besley'a Fig Syrup, the market, Noti^ing better in Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. Bargains iu every department at the Farmers Store, A. P. Baer, proprietor. See the Children's Cloaks at Owen & Chapell's. Have your clothes cleaned and dyed. Must come Saturday or Monday. E. LAWLUS. Opposite Riverside House. lot! SDR. CALDWELL'S A| YRUP PEPSIN CURES CONSTIPATION.ill Ladies' Misses' and Children's Jackets at Owen & Chapell's. Ladies' Shirt Waists, the finest'assort­ ment in town at A. P. Baer's. Peabody Buggies are sold by T. Walsh. J. With every 25 cents worth of goods vou buy of ns we will give you a coupon towards the Gold Watch or Silverware Contest. HEMAN & SCHNEIDER. It costs nothing to feed hogs with Dr Haas' Hosr Remedy on account of the °xtra flesh produced and feed saved Use it in time and avoii risk. Supplied by S. Reynolds. Special Assessment Notic?! SPECIAL WARRANT NO. i- NOTICE: --Public Notice is herebj given that, the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, has rendered judgment for a Special Assessment (or Special' Tax) upon property benefitted by the following improvement: For the con­ struction of a system of Water Main Pipes and Hydrants, Valves, Valve Boxes and Attachments, in the Village of McHenry, McHenry County, State oi Illinois, as will more fully appear from the certified copy of the judgment on file in my office. That the warrant for the collection of such Assessment (or Special Tax) is in the hands of the undersigned. All persons interested are hereby notified to call and pay the amount of their As­ sessment now due and payable at the Collector's Office, in McHenry, at his res[ idence, except Wednesdays, when he will be at the store of F. L. McOmber, in West MeHenry, and Thursday's at the PLAINDEALEK office. Any who wish can pay the whole of their assessment on or before November 15th, 1897, without in terest. All installments except the first not paid on or belore November 15th will draw interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 19th of October, 1897, until paid. Dated this 27th day of October, 1897. H. M, MCOMBER, Village Collector. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, CAR OF FLOUR On track at West WcHenry, of thewell known brands, Jersey Lily and Hard to Beat.' Prices the lowest. JOHM J. MII.EER- • • -- % We sell the celebrated Red Dragon Tea, Ao P. Baer, at the Farmers Store. The contest for Christmas Eve will be fur. the person holding the largest amount Of tickets one Gold Watch ladies or gents The person holding the second largest number cf tickets will receive one set of Roger Bros Silver knives and forks The third one silver Fruit stand. All goods warranted. HEMAN & SCHNEIDER. Small pill, safe pill, beet pill. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cures billiousness, constipation, sick headache. J. A, Story. Ladies' Wrappers, all sizes and styles, from the best to the cheapest, at the Farmers Store. A. P. BAER. Get a pair of Pingree & Smith Shoes of Owen & Chapell. If they are not right take them back. Ready-made Dress Skirts, The finest line of these goods to be found in McHenry county. Call and see them at the Farmers Store. A. P. BAER. Up to date fall and winter Dress Goods and Trimmings just received at Simon Stoffel's. J You can't cure consumption but yOu can avoid it and cure every other form of throat or lung trouble by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. J. A. Story. Disfigurement for life by barns or f-calds may be avoided bv usingDeWitt's Witch Hazel Salye, the great remedy for piles and for all kinds of sores and skin troubles. J.A.Story." The finest stock of Underwear in town, and prices right. A. P. BAER. YI-KI cures corns and warts. 15 cents "The worst cold I ever bad in my life was cured by Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ edy," writes W. H. Norton, of Sutte*r Creek, Cal. "Thi6 cold left me with a cough and I was expectorating all the time. The Remedy cured me, and! want all my friends when troubled with a cough or a cold to use it, for it will do them good." Sold by Julia A. Story, Druggist. RIGHT IN IT. That's where Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is. The greatest remedy for the stomach that was ever put together. Absolutely vegetable with the exception of the Pepsin. Are you constipated? Then try Syrup Pepsin. Have you in­ digestion or sick headache? Then usa Syrup Pepsiu. Spend 10c for a trial bottle and you will be convinced. Large sizes 50c and §1 00. A true family rem­ edy. At Julia A. Story's. J. Thirswend, of Grosbeck, Texas, says that when he has a spell of indigestion, and feels bad and sluggish, he takes two of DeWitt's Little Early Risers at night, and he is all right the next morning. Many thousands of others do the same thiug. Do you? J. A. Story. Do you want to dre68 warm this win­ ter? See our ̂ d. J. E. CRISTY. FOR SALE. A one-horse wagon. As good as new. Inquire of HARRY E. WIGHTMAN, 1-ttf At Riverside Barn. The best line of Coffees in the county. Call, try a pound and be convinced. A. P. Baer, at the Farmers Store. A Car load of Potatoes for salp on Track to-day and tomorrow, Wednes- Rink, at Nunda, on Saturday evening I d&y an(* Thursday. Price 45c per bu. LAAT. 1 JOE|N J. MILLER, West McHenry. CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST FERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. WARNING,--Persons who suffer from coughs and colds should heed the warn ings of danger and save themselves sufferg ing and fatal results by using One Min­ ute Lough Cure. It is an infallible rem­ edy for coughs, colds, croup and all throat and lung troubles. J. A. Story. Boys if you want the latest style, in a Hat go to Owen & Chapell's. Ready-made Dress Skirts and Wrap­ pers, all colors, at A. P. Baer's, the Farmers Store. Pianos to Rent, Two good Pianos to rent. Inquire of 0. W. Owen. SDR. CALDWELL'S YRUP PEPSinl CURES INDIGESTION. II There is no need of little children being tortured by scald head, eczema and skin eruptions, DeW'tt's Witch Hazel Salve gives instant relief and cures permanent­ ly. J. A. Story. A GREAT DEAL Of unnecessary expenditure of time and money may be saved if you will only keep a bottle of Dr Caldwell'3 Syrup Pepsin in the house. Nine-tenths cf all ordinary sickness is from the stomach; keep that, organ in proper condition mid all will be wfll. Syrup Pepsin is a specific. Trial size bottles 10c, large sizes 50e and $1.00, of Julia A. Story. The three year-old boy cf J. A. John­ son, of Lynn Center, III., is subject to at­ tacks of croup. Mr. Johnson says he is satisfied that the timely use of Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy during a severe at­ tack, saved his iittle boy's life. He is ia the drug business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of that place, and they handle a great many patent medicine for throat and lung diseases. He had aU these to cfcoose from, and skilled physi­ cians ready to respond to his call, but selected this remedy for use in his own fsmily at a time when his child's life was in danger, because he knew ft; to be superior to any other, and famous the country overlor its cures of croup. Mr. Johnson says this is the best selling cough medicine they handle, and that it gives splendid satisfaction in all cases. Sold by Julia A. Story, Druggist.

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