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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1897, p. 1

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CRADLE OF A FAMILY. M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1897. NO. 21. "Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; Ho Favors Win us t>nd no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 23. " BUSINESS CAKD8. O. H G1LLMOKE, TTOBHEY. Piobale work a specialty . Ullioe in Kenuai Llotk, V\ ooisiuck, 111. KNIGHT & BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 100 Washington S.iect, CHICAGO. ILL. FRANK L. SHEPARD, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suit® 80--132 Olaik bt., Chicago. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, solicitor, and, Counselor, OollectiODSia specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. Fli ANK R. JACHMAN, ATTORNEY AM> CODNSKLOE AT LAW. Fronip-. am ittioful attention t<>ullu>at ters left In my hauls, Money to loan, Oflice in iioy Bu>» k, W'-oustock, 111. Telephone-- ollioe, 56, residence, 69. 35yl O. H. ffEGERS, M, D- PHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON, MftHvnry Ills. Office &t Residence. JOS, L. ABT, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCC LIST, Office in Nichols Block, over Plaiudealer Office. McHenry Tolephoue No 4 MM StatesJa^CIai Apcy W. H. COW LIN, v\ OOO-ToCK. ILL. Prosecutes uli claates unu kii>ds of claims against the United States ior ex-iioldierc, their wives, dependent reluiivei, or heirs. A specialty i»inauo in prosecuting old and re­ jectee claims, ^ill co'unnunications promptly anuworc J 1; postage slumps are enclosed lor reply. WWi. H COLLIN, Office at residence Madison St., Woodstock. Telephone No. 23. DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON. Office in the stroner building, one door wett of A. P. Baer'g store, West McHenry, 111. Residence, house lormerly occupied by Dr. Oabornfc, All professional calls promptly at­ tended to JOHN P. SMITH, ¥V atclimakor «St Jeweler MCHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE slock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry alwftys on hand. Special attention given to repairing line watches. Give me JOHN P- SMITH. W. A. CRISTY, Justice of the Peace, WEST MoHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agt,nt Including Accident and \Life Insurance. WBST MCHENRY. III . W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Real Estate and Insurance NUNDA, III. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an - Chronometers. «5T" A Fill Assortment of Goods in his line. A PROMINENT LAWYER. Of Greenville, 111., Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, "I have been troubled with billioiisness, eick headache, sour stomach, constipa­ tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many remedies, but was disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin. . I can cheerfully recommend it to any suf­ fering from above complaints." J. A. Story, McHenry Attend the Shoe Clearing Sale at Owen & Chapell's. RATES OF ADVERTISING: We announce liberal rates for advertising in thte PLAINIIEALER, and endeavor, to state thorn so plainly ihat they will be readily un­ derstood. They are *s tallows: 1 Inch one year - . 6 CO 2 Inches one year - - - . lOuo 3 Inches one year' - A - .16 00 H Column one year - • - . 30 to Column oiie year- - . , . - 60 00 1 Column one year - - 100U) One incu means the moasureaentol one inch down the column,single column width. 1 early advertisers, at theaoovc, have the privilege of ohanging as often as itiey ahooae, without extra charge. Regular advertiser* (.meaning those having at»nuu.g uarfds) will 0e onutieu to insertion • oi iocai notices at the ratu ui f> cents per line each week. All others will be chargeu 10 cents per line the hrst week, and 6 cents per ine for eaoh subsequent week. 'itansioui ^averiittemenib will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line, (.nonpareil type, same as this isset in; me urbiissuo,and 5 cents per lino Xor t>uut>t>nuent issues, 'lhus, an inoti advertisement wnleost *l.ooxoronc riei, #1.60 lor two weeks, »a.uu lor three », ©oks, »nd so on. . xne PLAiKUKALtK will be liberal in giving bdltoriai notioes, but, us a business ruio, il Will require a suitable let from • very oouy ociing the use of its oolumns xor pnuuuiaiy gain. **r All Foreign Advertising' payable Quarterly, in advance, ' ' These terms will be stiictly adhered to. figggk Dr. Vyalter C Besiey, ^•'TT lJ r>EJNTISX WEST MCHENRV. Office a* Geo. W. Becley's I Drugstore,^ | Examinations free McHenry. MILO J. L. HOW E, PIANO & ORGAN { Tuner & Repairer, j All;Orders Promptly Attended to, DR. BAECHLER, DENTIST. Plat®" Wor^o antf everything per­ taining to Dentistry. Parties from a distance should drop a c^rtf a day or two before coming. Office. McHenry. A, C. SPURLING, Veterinary - Surgeon, West McHenry, Til. Special attention given to the treat­ ment; of Cows. Office at residence on Waukegan street, one door east of i otel Park. C. F. BOLEY, ProDrieior of McHenry Brewery. McHENRY, ILL. Always on Band with the i Best Beer. West Sid© Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES. E. .T. HANIJY , Prop'r. WEST McHriSRY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates. Parties tsken tr' and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains Our Rigs will be kepi in first class shape, and we shall spare no pains to please our cus tomers at all times, Give us a call, E J. HANLY, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 15, 1896. ri, IPEBBY & OWES, Bankers. MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. This Bank receives deposits, buyi and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex ohaige. and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our care in a manner ana upon te:ms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and other first class security. Special attention giver to io- lectione, INbURANCK In Hrst Class Companies at Ce Lowest R *tes. Your 1 Rewficttul y PERRY & OWEN. Notary Public H U M P H R E Y S ' No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 Cures Fever. 2 " Worms. 3 " Infants' Diseases. 4 " Diarrhea. 7 " Coughs. 8 Cures Neuralgia. 9 " Headache. No. IO " Dyspepsia. No. 11 " Delayed Periods. No. 12 " Leuchorrea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IS " Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 " " Asthma. No. 2 4 " General Debility. No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat. No. 77 " Colds and Grip. DR. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL OF DISEASES MAILED FREE. Small bottles of pleasant pellete. fit the vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent prepaid upon receipt of price, 25 cents, except Nos. 28, ana 32 are made $1.00 size only. Humphreys' Medi­ cine Company. Ill William St., New York. H U M P H R E Y S ' W I T C H H A Z E L O I L "THE PILE OINTMENT." For Piles--External or Internal Blind prBleedlngr: Fistula In Ano; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate--the cure certain. PRICE, fiO CTS. TRIAL SIZS. 25 OTS. gold by Druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' BED.CO.. Ill & ill William St.. NEW VUBS Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM KemovesFreckles, Pimples, Liver-Moles, Blackheads, Sunburn and Tan, and re­ stores the skin to its origi­ nal f^gshness, producing a clear and healthv com j plexion. Superior to tfll face. preparations and perfectly harmless, druggists, or mailed for 5 Octs VIOLA 8KIN SOAP Is simply Incomparable a» ft •kin purifying Soap, unequaled for the toilet, and -without a rival for the nvrsery. Absolutely pure and delicately modi- catcd. At druggists. Price 25 Cent*. The Q. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O. At all Send for circular. Sole Agency for the Celebrated POLAR STAR Fancy Flour! Manufactured at !New Prague, Miun., „ Mills, are loeatod :u the finest hard wheat country. Are supplied with most modern machinery. Fancy" is fully warranted and guaranteed; , The choicest in the market. Bought in car lots only and sold oa lowest pos­ sible terms by SIMON STOFFEL, WEST MellENliT, ILL. Always in stock at YOlo, 111., by E. RICHARDSON, JOHN ROSING JOHN RICHARDSON, »•! Sllftjl hit) tat. J.D.'LODTZJr. Merchant Tailor. Has just received hip fall samples, direct from the manufacturers, and can Save you from $2.50 to $4.00 On every suit. Tn short will save you the profit usually paid to middlemen. Every suit lie turns out is first class and a fit warranted. Suits, $16 00 and upwards. Pants, from $3.50 to $4. Strictly hand made and guaranteed in every particular. Gents' Furnishing Goods." Am now offering my entire stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, consisting of Netkties, Collars, Cuffs, and Shirts of the very latest styles. At from 10 to 40 per cent below cost, as I wish to close them out. Come and inspect my goods. I can save you dollars and cents. Very Respectfully, J. D. LODTZ, Jr. Barbian Bro.'s Block, McHenry. E. I PERKINS PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES,; Artists' Materials. PAINTING, GRAINING KALSOMININGS SIGN WRITING, ETC. Dono on short notice, and cheap ae^good wnrk enn le done. WALL PAPER! Atgrent'y Reduced Ratrs, to close out Spring stock. E B. PERKINS. McITenry, Tune 30, 1897. The Great FrtflociiE Stallion, GEORGE 0 , 9701. 2:21V SMOKERS! lien io Want of a Gooi Cipr ! CALL AT fiARBI&N BROS, Cigar and THE OLD RELIABLE Tobacco Dealers OUR SPECIALTIES: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by ;>V : / all local dealers. JOHN J. BUCH, Restaurant- ^Boarding- House* Near this Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board bv 'the Day or Week a* Reasonable rates, & NICK LINK OK ROW BOATS AT MY LANDING. for rent by the hour or (lay, at reasonable rates. Pure Wtnee, Liquors and Choice Cigars always on hand. •WFrrshT.airer Benr constantly on draught. Good Stabling for Horses. New Restaurant. MRS. C. B. MURPHY. DBAI.KR IN FRUITS,: CONFECTIONERY, Bikery Supplies Etc. ostrander Blockt West McHenry farm or Cili Meals at all Hears. All kinds of Fruits, in their season. Bakery Supplies, fresh every day. (ST* Choice Confectionery, etc., always on hand. MRS. C. B. Mil*PHY.' li es* McHenry, Oct. 20, 1S!)7. Standard under both trotting and pacing rules. Sired by Lakeland Abdullah 351 (fill brotherto Harold, sire of MaudS), by Hambletonia 10 Dum Fanny B, a fast pacing mare by a son of Geo, M. Fatchen, 2:2%%. Geo. U, 2:'21*%, is a chestnut horsp, a sur« foal getter, and is bred as near like Geo. Wilkes, the sire of trotters, as it is possible to get them. Geo. O is the sire of 8 in the list, a prniidson 2:19%, and others, as follows : Kthel B H <'nry O Mary Lee ... AlgOi>quiu..., J. P. B Pr:nce T *. Harry D .. 2:-2ii>4 ...2:30 Vera... ... . ...2:2SK Voiney, <3. S 2.193^ Cpntreville, ... 2.31K •'mithsonsian 2:24 Ctjicadee(3yri) 2 31X Ben. H-- 2 22^ An>l a great niany other very prom is1, a p ones. X will stanu Geo, O at my place in McHenr • a $25 per mure, payable In cash or due bin at lime of irevvic.-. Marcs not. proving in foal * ill be entitled to a return season or money refunded, at my option. A live colt guaranteed. The above price is final. Breed to a horse that h,i proven himself both a trotter ai.d a producer. Xi, H. OWEN, M< Henry. 111. AYIN GS. .IdiWtS received and loaned cm carefully M- leeted real aetata •eouritiea a»d the Si \ charge. Louimad*ontiaeandt*rmi to anit borrtnra^_ /. U UuPw* i Another Street Car HOLD UP IN [CHICAGO. We are held up every morning and evening by our customers where good workmanskip aud up to date stock turn out the best Harness in the couuty. We have the finest assortment of Robes, Blankets and Whips To he found tn McHenry County, Canae'.l you a Blanket trom 75c to 85 And guarantee as represened, If yon want to save money call au i see mo. Alio a line f>tock of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war­ ranted as represented. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to. Do not fail to call at oiice and get the benefit of our bargains. CUS C&RLSCrn McHenry, 111., Oct 12. 1897 NEW HOTEL - A N D Boarding House Water Street, Mc«e ry ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor. Having completed my new building I am. now prepared to take Boarders by the Day or Week, Give them the best accommo­ dations, and at ^ REASONABLE RATE*. My Rooms, are all newly fur­ nished, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire Proof. No pains \yill be spared- to please all who may favor me with their=patronage. AJSTOXY ENGEIJV. MeRonry. 111., 1897 '^•^aussasLOANS. All desiring Jardineers Vases, and all varieties of Flower ^ots, call and ppe the large assortment at Julia A. Story's. Inspect our new fall and winter Under­ wear. B. STOFFEL. MtttttttttttttttttttttttJ :The Marion Normal College: and Business University I has been recently purchased by the under- "J signed, and will be run as a high grade J- Normal and Business University. J COURSES: 5 > Classical, Sctentilic, Teachers, «• • Business, Shorthand, Music, Etc. J J Write for SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS J How to obtain a free scholarship. £ Box.200, C. W. BOUCHER, Marion. Ind. 5 RINGWOOD. Thankpgiving Day! Thanksgiving Day! 1 is then our nation tries to pay Its heavy riebt of gratitude j H\>r bon tiful supplies of fold, And pii-hest iiiessiflgs that expand To cover all of Kreedon's land. James Carr spent Tuesday at Elgin. Mr. Shales, of Spring Grove, was here on business Saturday. •J. E. Cristy spent two days in the city last week. R. Matthews is putting in a set of scales near the stock yards. Mabel Carr was a^Chicago visitor on Tuesday. • ' v. Tv;;-'v'v •'} Mr. Watson and wife have been enter­ taining frFeuds from Whitewater, Wis. E. S. French, of Griswold Lake spent Sunday at his. home here,; Mrs. I.. McCannon and children, of Greenwood were callers here Saturday. Mrs. Belie Lee, of Buffalo, N. Y. is visit­ ing Mr, Boyd's lamily. : •, Mr Morgan and wife entertained friends Sunday. What hasbccntneof our Young Peoplps Society. E. W. Robbins and family spent Sun­ day in this village. J. Merchant, of Greenwood, was here on business the last of the week. Mrs. .T. Rennett has returned from her visit at Racine. Miss Francis Osborue was a caller at C. E. Fay'8, Saturday. Little Harold Bennett is quite sick again. N. A. Kirk is getting ready to move to a place near Woodstock. J. E. Cristy is having electric call bells put up in his store. Miss St. Clair's room will have Thanks giving exercises next Wednesday. Simon Kelley crushed his finger Satur­ day, while unloading wood. Meetings are being held ever evening this week at the M. E. Church. J. Grimolby was a city visitor on Mon­ day last. Georce Stevens attended to business at Genoa Junction the first of the week. P. S. Harrison has gone to Hawkeye. Iowa, on business. R. Bradley and wife who have been visiting their son here, departed Monday morning for their home in Vermont. Mis Agnes Stevens spent Saturday and Sunday last with Blanch Thompson at Dundee. Winnifred Grimoldby visited her grand­ mother at McHenry the lattsr part of last week. ; •. Howard Waterman and wife and Mis^ Anna Waterman were at Richmond on business, Monday. Robert Sherburne and wife spent Wednesday of last week with, their daughter, Mrs. C. Harrison. The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Miss Freddie Ladd next Friday after­ noon, Nov. 2Gth. The following is the report of the Ring- wood Butter (Jo., for October: Milk re­ ceived 410,2G4 pounds. Butter mane 19,291 lbs. Money received $4 295 (i(5 Test 3 89. Yield 4 70. Making .012. Average price .988. Jas Kemerling the foreman thoroughly understands his business, and the "Farmers" were fortu­ nate in securing the services of such a man. Tha following iscopied from tPeoples Journal, a. Davenport Nebraska paper: "R. Tweed, this js not 'Boss Tweed' bur one of Davenports most prosperous busi­ ness men, born in Illinois, whose experi­ ence, in a general merchandise store dates back as far es he can remember to the establishment of the kind conducted b.v his fathEr before him. Twelve years ago Mr: Tweed brought a brand new stock of goods to Davenport and embarked on the sea of commerce, wher ? he still glides smoothly on catching with spreading sails every zephyr of success wafted from prosperity's shore--that is why yon come to find his name mentioned in this trades edition. The building owned and utalizad bv Mr. Tweed is a well appointed one 24x92 feet, and contains a complete assortment of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Roots, Shoes, Hats Caps and nothing, with the Oak Mills flour a speciaUy; also a large line of Groceries, canned anddri"d fruits. Orders for tailor made suits are taken. Farmers will always find a friend in the proprietor, for he believes in allow ing them all the market affords for their produce. This store enjoyes the patro­ nage of a large number of Thayer county people who are alwavs kindlv treated bv the proprietor and hip obliging cle ks. Mr Tweed owns and with his family oc­ cupies one of the finest residences in the city and his 1G0 acre farm near town is as good as can anywhere be found," RIDGEFIELD. Miss Mable Lynch is spending a few days at Woodstock. J. Whiston was in Woodstock on Sat­ urday last. • ... Mi'S Lillie Whiston and Mrs. H. Rted are numbered among the sick. F. E. Thayer and wifo attended th^ funeral of Mrs. Hawley, at Harvard, Friday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch was in Harvard on Saturduy. J. D. Robinson was at Woodstcck Saturday. Hat by Thayer was in Woodstock on Saturday. Kittie O'Flarigan has gone to Chicago. Mrs. E. Letsler was a Nunda visitor Saturday. 4 Mr-«. Wm. Day, of Chemung, called on friends here Sunday. Miss Addie Day, of < hemung, was here Sunday. Binks--I re'ad a curious article the other day advocating a'tax on beauty. Jinks--Good idea. They won't have much trouble in collecting it.--Harlem Lif«. WANTED--TRUSTWORTHY AND active gentlemen or "ladies to travel for responsible, 3-tablislied house in Illinois. Monthly $G5 aud expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. Elegant new Cloakp, Capes and Jack ets from America's leading mannfacturet Jos. Beifeld & Co. A large stock to suir and fit. ladies, misses and children, at S. Stoffel's. IF YOU KEEP. • - If you keep a horse, cow or a dog, send for Dr. Humphreys', Veterinary Manuel an learn about their treatment aind care. Mailed free--address Hum­ phreys' Medicine Company, cor. William and John Sts., N, Y. GREENWOOD. Lee Andrus was a Richmond visitor one day last week. E. G. Westerman was a Hebron visitor one day last week. v 1 . Mrs. Wright Carr, who has been sick the past week is reported some better.. Merritt Thomas drove to Elgin Satur­ day and returned Sunday. Jonathan Brown was over from Ring* wood. Saturday. Mr. and Mre._Robbins and Chase wheel­ ed ovpr to Ringwood Saturday night. R. Sherburne and wife drove up from McHenry on Saturday last. N. «!. Garrison and vsife were up from Ridgefield on Saturday last. The Ladies M. E. Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Dvke Thursday morning. De­ cember 2d. ' ' - ; - Wednesday, Dec. 1, will occur the elec- tiou of officers in the M. W. A. camp; of Greenwood. A full attendance is desired. B. B. Marble, wife and children, spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday on their farm in Linn, Wis. Geo. Lumley drove over to Volo Sun­ day after his wife who has been visiting at tha t place the past week. Frank Thompson and wife have been entertaining Mr. T's sister, from Sast Greenwood, the past tfeek. E, G. Westerman and wife wheeled over to Woodstock Friday where E. G. took the train for Elgin, returning the same evening. A medal contest will be held in the M. E. church Friday evening, Dec. 3d. This is a matron's contest, the contest­ ants being all married ladies. The Ladies M. E. Aid Society met with Mrs. Henry Freeman last Thursday, it being the annual business meeting. The following officers were elected for the en­ suing year: President, Mrs. Wm. Cruik- shauk; Vice President, Miss Aunie Douglass; Secretary, Miss Myrtle Free­ man j Treasurer. Miss Ida Cruikshank. A free social and entertainment, con­ sisting of music, recitations, and some thing new in the line of amusement will be given by, the ladies of the Baptist church, next Friday afternoon and even­ ing, Nov.. 26, at the home of A. C. Thompson. The Thanksgiving boxes are to be returned at this time. Every­ body is expected to come and have a good time. THE HARRISON HOMESTEAD INf VIRGINIA. j Berkeley and Brandon--A Description of the Old Family Estate (Where William Henry Harrison Was Born--The Be- sort of Other Great Men. Life in St. Lonifl. A St. Louis servant had $35.75 saved up after four months' hard labor. Then she suddenly Became infatuated with a beautiful Parisian hat displayed in a shop window there and at once paid the price, $35.50, asked for it. All the other hired girls in the block made so much sport of her, owing to the con­ trast between the gorgeous headgear and the rest of her apparel that she spent the remaining 25 cents for mor­ phine.--Ex. Cussedness of Chimneys. Chimneys are proverbially fickle. You can build one all right in theory, but when it comes down to practice that is another matter. Build two chim­ neys side by side in precisely the same manner. Employ the best skilled la­ bor and construct them exactly on the same principles. One may draw all right, while the other smokes like a pipe.--Ex. He Had Studied says he has no Them. head for fig-"He ures." "It is true." "And yet he has spent nearly all his time this summer on the bathing beach." "Well, he didn"t say he had nc eyes for figures."--Chicago nost. Bad Cows Don't Pay. In the Pennsylvania experimental agricultural station nine cows were fed exactly aljke for 150 days. The value of the product from the best cow in that time was $64.32. The poorest pro­ duced only $28.06. The profit from the best cow was $37.65, while the poorest gave a profit of only $4.55. Advance of Civilization. Scotty--Yep; that's ole Howling Ike. Use ter be the terror of the camp. Visitor from the East--You don't sa.i so! He looks quite civil and respects ble, I'm sure. Was he converted? Scotty--You betcher life he war! Ho 'lected his old woman sher'f.--Puck. Mustaches Sacrificed for Safety. Men exposed to the rigors of the Alaska winter never wear mustaches. They wear full beards to protect the throat and face, but keep the upper i lip clean shaven. The moisture from ! ^res', the breath congeals so quickly that a ! mustache becomes imbedded in a sol-| id cake of ice and the face is frozen before a man knows it. Velocity of a Star. Prof. Simon Newcomb, in speaking of the wonderful star called "1830 Groombridge," says its velocity is about two hunderd miles a second, and that "so far as .our knowledge goes, there is no force in nature that could ever set it in motion at such a rate, and no force that can. ever bring it to a pause." Skin of a White Otter. A party of hunters have arrived In San Francisco from the Arctic with a large number of seal and otter skins, and among the latter is one skin en­ tirely white, which is believed to be the only white otter skin ever taken. The variety Is expected to bring from $750 to $1,000. Umbrellas in England. In England of course the umbrella Ifi much more in necessary evidence than with us, and a part of house-fur­ nishing absolutely and constantly re­ quired. Yet, ic always strikes the American mind as odd to see how many umbrellas are given as' wedding pres­ ents. Every British bride has any number among her gifts.-p^ew York Post. (Richmond, Va., Correspondence.) HE first homes of the celebrated Har- r i s o n f am iJy of, V i r g i n i a w e ro B e r k e l e y a n d Brandon, on oppo­ site sides of tha James river.,. Few places have a rec­ ord equal to that of Berkeley. It has been the birth­ place of a governor of Virginia and signer of the Declaration of Independ­ ence,; of a Revolutionary general and' of a President1 of the United States. The estate is mentioned in colonial an­ nals as long ago as 1622, when it was the scene of a terrible Indian massacre.' It was then owned *by4r prominent settler, George Thorpe,/who was killed during the uprising by an Indian whom he had befriended. Berkeley Boon afterwards passed into the hands of Benjamin Harrison. His descend­ ants lived there until within the last twenty-five years, during which time, we are told, the place never lacked an, Inmate of the name of Benjamin Har- rison. ' Berkeley Is an unpretending build­ ing to have been the home of so many, great men. The house is of'brick, two stories and a half high, with a quaint sloping roof and dormer win-, dows. A .jnodertt^porch has been add­ ed to two sides of the structure in re­ cent years. To one room in Berkeley pertains especial interest. WThen the hero of Tippecanoe, Gen'. William Hen­ ry Harrison, was elected to the Presi­ dency, he left his Ohio home and camo to his birthplace, Berkeley to write inaugural address "in his mothe: room." During the civil war Berkeley known in the north as Harri; Landing. It was occupied by McClellan after his "change of bas July, 1862, and was the place to wh he retreated and fortified himself the battle of Malvern Hill, the las the seven days' battles The Harrison family has furnii two Presidents to the United Stal many of its members have been men of prominence. The first, Benjamin Harrison, of Berkeley, died at the early age of 37, but even in that short time he had become speaker of the House of Burgesses and a man of such dis­ tinguished talents and political repu­ tation that the Colony of Virginia erected a monument to his memory. His brother, Henry Harrison, lived on the Brandon estate, on the soutli shore of the James. It is renowned as one of the most beautiful speci­ mens of early colonial architecture in the state, and is much visited by tourists and sightseers who often stay at the little village of Claremon near by for the purpose of making a pil­ grimage to the celebrated old man­ sion. Ancient records say that the place was named after an estate in England by its first owner, Capt John Martin, who arrived in Virginia ia 1607. At a later date the tract of land passed into the possession of an Eng­ lish grocer, John Sadler by name, who shared his interest in the place with another grocer, Richard Quiney. This worthy pair did not lack distinguished relations, however, and it is interest­ ing to note tha:t Quiney's brother, Thomas Quiney, of Stratford-upon- Avon, married Shak ter, Judith, while i daughter became the Harvard, founder of From the descendan grocers the property--part o: then bore the suggestive title of "Mer­ chant's Hope"--came into the hands of the Harrisons in the year 1720. A house was built upon it soon after­ wards and the place has been occupied by the Harrison family from genera­ tion to generation ever since. It is one of the few colonial estates in Vir­ ginia--one might almost say in this country--still owned and occupied by the original family. Brandon House is almost hidden from view by the trees and mass of verdure, which surround it. In the rear is a grove of oaks, covering many Entering the house one finds oneself in a large hall, crossed in the middle by a sfately arch. This hall runs the entire length of the house and opens on the right into a lofty draw­ ing room and on the left into a dining room, where old mahogany sideboards are laden with silver two centuries old, bearing the crests of the Harrisons and various families into which they have intermarried. Beyond these rooms on either side are the long wings of the house, containing numerous bedrooms. These rooms have in them old "Tes­ ter" bedsteads and quantities of fascinating spindle-legged furniture that would raise an antiquarian to the seventh heaven of delight. Many distinguished visitrs from all sections of the country come constant­ ly to Brandon and Berkeley and pub­ lic interest in both places seems to increase as time goes on. LL A. MAYO. Making Perfumery. Heretofore perfumery has been de­ tached from flowers by soaking them in lard. A Parisian named ^Passy has now found a way of gathering the . : ' fragrance by simply soaking the flow­ ers in water , a process which can BE repeated several t imes. .without destroy* ing the flowers. e FOR SALE.--A first class Road Practically as good as ucw, never ha* been used more than a deasen Inquire at this office. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY - J . V A N 8 L Y K E , - EDITOB AND PROPBIETOB. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK _y Two DooraNorthof Perry & Owen's Store, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year ̂ inadvance). i.... 60 If Kot Paid within Throe Months'.,. .... 2 Wi Subscriptions recoiveu tor three or, six months In the saiine proportion.

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