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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1898, p. 4

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Back Clveoks. The law imposes 011 the holder of a check the duty of presenting it for pay­ ment within a reasonable tithe, aud if he fail to present it seasonably the delay is at his own peril. A check drawn on a bank in Greenfield, Ala , was deposited December 13, with a bank in Philadel­ phia, and on that day forwarded to a bank in Charlston. S. C,, whence it was sent first to Montgomery, Ala., and thence to Greenfield. Ala, whereby pre­ sentation was delayed until December 19th. Had the check been forwarded direct to Greenfield, it would have reached there December 15, in time to have been presented on the 16fch. Held: that the delay discharged the drawer. O W E N & WEDNESDAY. JAN. 5, 1898, Weat McHenry, Iff. \--- > ' . <, YOUR BEST MOVE, For yonr own benefit and thai of t! o e who furnish ibe "where­ with-all." is to rnovti in the direction ot our store, where you will find a choice offeri In Every Department. (SUCCESSORS TO JERRY & OTOT .1) First We •will Mention, % I l l l l l L J I I 3 I I U » & • • • • • • B ^ I V V V I v | / $ Where the blood loses its v»j $ intense red--grows thin and $ & watery, as in anemia, there is & a constant feeling of exhaos- \t> $ tion,alackof energy--vitality $ <jb and the spirits depressed. I Scott's Emulsion | £ 6f Cod-liver Oil with Hypor $ | phosphites of Lime and Soda «> is peculiarly adapted to correct v|/ fs this condition. The cod-liver ® oil, emulsified to an exquisite $ fineness, enters the blood direct «/ $ and feeds its every corpuscle, ^ restoring the natural color and fl* giving vitality to the whole vjj system. The hypophosphites w $ reach the brain and nerve ® centres and add their strength- <t> $ ening and beneficial effect. <j) If the roses have left your $ « cheeks, if you are growing w $ thin and exhausted from over- \?> $ work, or if age is beginning $ & to tell, use SCOTT'S Emul- j| (6 sion. \»/ Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. vj/ All druggists; 50c. and $1.00. JK SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists, New York, g- Dry Goods and Notions In this aepartmerit can be found as line an assortment as at any store in McHenry county, Dress Goods, of the Latest Patterns. Ready-Made Skirts, Ready-Made Wrappers, And in short everything in the Dry Goods and Notion line can be found at our store and at bargains that will astonish you. •To b'e hap >y and prosperous <lo your- buying', where yon can, t the best and most for yotir n on^y. And as Poor Richard said: "Don't 1 u /w hut vou- don't ie d bee tu^e it is cheap."But if y< u do oead a tirst-class v Of the latest style and the best, jroorls here is the p^ace to buy it, We are offering lor a taw days until closed out about Remember we handle M. D. Wells & Co.'s Boots and Shoes. None to equal them in price and wear. When you buy a pair of M. D. Wells & Co.'s Shoes you know you get good value for your money. 100 New Overcoats and Ulsters tST" Only four lota, amounting to 192 tubs, were offered for sale on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday. Of this, but ninety-eight tubs sold at 21c. The quo­ tation committee declared the market steady at 21c. At a Reduction of 15 Per Cent Our sto$k was never more complete nor our prices lower, not go with wet or cold feet, but call and we are sure to give satisfaction in every particular, These Goods are new and up to date, having been bought October, 1897. 5@*Oneofthe legimate outcomes of the civil service "humbug;" in the de­ partments at Washington, is the recom­ mendation of Secretary Gage that clerk over 70 years of age at salaries of $900 a year be not worked beyond capabili­ ties. This looks very much as if a civil pension list might be established. t6T"The Galena Gazette says that the fact iB not generally known, but it is true, that after January 1, 1898, it will be unlawful for any /chinj between the ages of 3 and 17 years to be retained as an inmate of a poor asylum more than ten days. Boards of the County com­ missioners will be required to make law­ ful provisions for the case of such chil­ dren before that time at a children's home. t@°A new form of butter is announced, originating at Kokomo, Ind. It is made from peanuts, the nuts being ground as fine as flour. The oil in the nut gives the product a buttery appearance, and when colored and flavored strongly resembles genuine butter. Leave out the flavoring and coloring ingredients, label it peanut butter, sell it at the proper price as pure peanut butter and no one will be harmed t®"While the bimetallists in this coun­ try have been pointing out that the British government must soon be forced to reopen the Indian mints for the coin­ age of silver, the business men of India itself have been learning a different les­ son. The Bengal Chamber of commerce has petitioned the government not to resume the coinage of silver, but to in stitute the gold standard for that coun try. India, it seem^, is satisfied with her experience of silver, and wants no more of it. Our goods in this line are bought at the best advantage, and sold right. "Live and Let Live" is an excellent motto and we aim to follow it. Golden Harvest Breakfast Food makes the nicest dish for breakfast. Nothing equal to it. The leading photographers of the country arc now lighting the faces of their sitters in the style followed by the great­ est portrait painters the woild ever saw. It 'gives a perfect likeness and preserves all the character in the face. It is highly artistic and needs only to be seen to be ap­ preciated. ^ Thankii gvou ail for past patronage and hoping to rcceive a f-hare ol it m 18£H, we remain, SLEEPY EYE FLOUR OWEN & CHAP ELL McHenry, BSSinois C O M E . S E E A N D B E C O N V I N C E D . . La. IS. BfCNN* TT. PHOTOCR A P Ha", I®*The Aurora Beacon saye: "Now that the judical circuit has been cut down Judge Willis could be spared for the appellate bench, so far as time is concerned, but Kane county people would nevertheless be loth to part with him, however affable his colleagues on the bench may be. Still there is no de­ nying that his methods and honest work have earned him promotion, if he desires work of that character. Happy New Year t@?*Se:nator Wolcott thought he was affirming a wise thing when he said that you might as well turn over war matters to the gun makers as to allow bankers to dictate in financial legislation, but he left a splendid chance for the opposition to state that it would be as well to allow the wolves of the prarire to form sheep legislation as to give the silver miners of Colorado a chance to change the money standard of the world. hands on this proposition: We wish you all well, a clean slate. Not an enemy or quarrel in LET'S SHAKE also any old shoes that r?™ got us ill-tempered in this year of grace 1897. || LET'S RESOLVE to have foot comfort jj \ and foot happiness during 1S98, by wearing I shoes that wear long enough to pay for their I purchase money. Shoes that are guaranteed, j We are resolved to supply only that kind I of shoes and to sell them to you for the 1 (ft; least money for high grade. tST'One insuperable barrier stands be tween the Spa iards and the Cubans in the settlement of the war in Cuba by means of.the new plan of autonomy. This is the fact that it is impossible for the Cubans to muster up any faith in Span­ ish promises. They have bpen betrayed so often and are so well acquainted with the perfidy of the Spanish character that all negotiations on the basis ef-autono- my are utterly hopeless. Nothing will satisfy the insurgents except the with­ drawal of the Spanish forces from Uuba and the surrender of Spanish control over the island. Secretary Gage's Plan. At the urgent solicitation of members of Congress, Secretary of the Treasury Gage last week submitted his bill to that body for the reform of the currency. This is several weeks earlier than he in­ tended to place it in the hands of the committee on Banking and Currency. His bill follows out the ideas presented in his annual report, providing for thp establishment of a separate division of issue and redemption; the issue of low rate gold bonds, with ^vhich the green­ backs are to be gradually retired and national bank notes put in their place; for an asset bank note circulation; the reduction of minimum capital of national banks to $25,000; reduction of one-half in the tax on bank note circulation and a provision that circulation secured by government bonds shall be permitted up to par value of the securities deposited. The bill is in the hands of the committee during the holiday recess and discussion of its merits, as well as other methods for reforming the currency will commence at once upon the reassembling of Con­ gress after the usual holiday vacation be­ tween Christmas and New Year's. I®" James Wood, of Portsmouth, N. H.,'on Dec. 9th, celebrated his ' one hun dred and first birthday anniversary, in company with his wife, who is 80, two sisters who are over 80, and two sons and one daughter. He is able to read without glasses, his mind is clear, and he is as active as an ordinary man of 60. One year ago he swore off on tobacco, after using it for ninety years, and he says he is glad he did. He feared that the continued use of the weed wpflfajj fcjU him eventually, and he swore oMgMMgi of the shoes that you buy. The Literature of its columns is equal io that of the bvst maga­ zines. It is Interesting to the chil­ dren ss well as the parents.... ... t@°"In an investigation now in pro­ gress in Washington testimony has been evolved showing that, in the "gerryman­ dered" fourth Congressional district of Alabama, names of persons who have been dead from six months to five years were recorded on the poling list as hav­ ing voted November 3, 1896. The dis­ trict is about forty miles wide and 200 miles long and is known as the "shoe­ string district." It is not necessary to say, perhaps, there is a large normal colored vote in the district that must be suppressed by any method and at any cost. IST Nothing can be more satisfactory than the pwelling evidence that debts are being paid off all over the country. The yast numbers of farm mortages which have been lifted during tibe season indi­ cate a condition which is satisfactory to every patriotic American. At the first opportunity, an honest people, after a period of hardship and indebtedness, pay off these honest debts, and the people of the country have been doing this with the money received from their crops, paying dollar for dollar, each dollar worth one hundred "cents, alike equitable to debtor and creditor. As war ships are propelled by steam power these days, and as coal is neces­ sary to produce steam, it is evident that sea power is now largely a question of coaling stations. The modern man-of- war is helpless without coal. She has ®o masts except the stumpy affair upon whose summit machine guns are mount­ ed and riflemen placed. She can spread no sail--not even enough for steerage way. Her dependence is upon her ma­ chinery and ultimately upon her supply of coal. This fact is likely to cut a con­ siderable figure in the naval operations off the Chinese coast. If the wrangling powers come to blows victory is likely to lie not on the side of the heaviest jguns or most formidable armament, but .with - he fullest coal bonkers. \ CLOTHING, ® OVERCOATS See our Men's Suits, ranging in price from $3,75 to $10. They are hummers. Our entire stock of Overcoats at Cost until sold. PRDPFRIPQ ! ^s- £oot* Raisins, $1 ; 21 lbs. large Prunes, $1; u uUb/jiih-'U . 1G lbs. line Blackberries, $1 ; 4 qts. tine Carnberries, 25c ; seeded and cleaned Raisins, evaporated Apples, dryed Peaches, Oranges, Lemons, Canned Fruit, 3 Silver Plated Spoons Free with 25c worth of Soap, self raising Buckwheat, Corn Meal, Graham, Rye, Best Patent Flour. Thinking you for past favors and hoping to receive a share of your valued patronage during the year 1898, we are \ ours fox- Business, V. S. LUMLEY, ATTOTNHY. Executrix Notice of Fil ing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, \ MCHENRY COUNTY. ( Estate of Thomas W. Kiliey deceased. To the Heirs distributee* ehd creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that on Monday the 7th day of February. 1808, the executrix of the last Will and Testament of said deceased will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the C urt House in Woodstock, Illinois, her final report of her acts and doings as such executrix, and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all farther duties and respon eibilitioa connected with said estate and her administration thersof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such ap­ plication if you choose so to do. 2(iw<i LOTTIE KILLEY , Executrix. VANSON'S WEST MCHXNRY, III., 1897 while, 27c to 29c; oats, No. 2 white, 24c to 2Ue. St. Louis--Cattle, $3.00 to $5.50; hops. $3.00 to $3.75; sheep, $3.00 to $4.75; wheat,. No. 2, 99c to $.1.00; corn, No. 2 yellow, 25c to 27e; oats. No. 2 white, 22c to 24e; rye, No. 2, 45c to 47c. Cinciuuati--Cattle, $2.50 to $5.25; hogs, $3.00 to $3.75; sheep, $2.50 to $4.75; wheat, No. 2, 93c to 95c; corn, No. 2 mixed, 29c to 30e; oats, No. 2 mixed, 24c to 2ttc; rye, No. 2, 40c to 48c. I>etroit--Cattle, $2.50 to '$5.25; hogs $3.00 to $3.75; sheep, $2.50 to $4.25 wheat, No. 2, 92c to 94c; corn, No. ; yellow, 29c to 30c: oatSj No. 2 white, 2f Crushing and Grinding / There is the place to trade and get thi worth of your money, Best selected stock ot By Order of Insurance Co FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, In the county, and prices are the lowest, At least $5,000 worth to be sacrificed regardless of cost Sale begins Undertaking and Embalming, WAUCONDA MILL, Sets Per Bag, Cash J. SPENCER. December 16, 1897. Up to date, stantly on hand, Largest assortmeat of Caskets and Rob;s ton Satisfaction guaranteed. Yours tor Business, Here are Great Bargains awaiting JOHN EVANSON & CO N. J, JUSTEN.

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