fllttictfil <• i i h MEASURING THE BABY. flush on her cbeeks and an added bril liancy in her dark eyes, she looks but a few years his senior. These are hap py days, but in the height of their en joyment the shadows eOine stealing. It is, at first, only a thought, an imag ined preference, but it is soon deepened into a reality. Ted's mother believes in marriage. She would say so if you or I should ask her. She believes in it as the true- est and happiest condition for man and woman kind. She has deliberately and firmly studied the question, and decid ed that there is not a single girl in the town who would make a good wife for her boy. There are good girls, pretty girls, accomplished girls, but not one who combines the necessary gifts and graces. Lately there has been a dif ference in Ted. He has not talked so freely at dinner, and has been strange ly absent-minded. He surely cannot be r.ttracted by frivolous little Xliss Flossie, the only and petted darling of Dr. Everett ? Ted's mother always ad mired her son's taste until now, but inv tins most vital choice she cannot understand him. . In vairi she appeals to his reason. He says little and acts much. Though he respects his mother's opinions, she is forced to see that she is alienating him at'each expression of them. So she, decides like a sensible woman to make the best of things. Miss Flossie is' invited to spend a quiet afternoon with, her prospective mother-in-law. She is found to pos sess a shrewd little head, a warm heart and a charming manner. After all that has been«said and done they deckle to.make the most of each other, and in the intertwining of my balls of fleecy yarn I see the parable of their united' lives. The last stitch on the last needle is bound off, and the playful kitten is rolling the bright rem nants on the hearth rag.--Mary Pea body Sawyer, in Boston Budget. Hood's Sarsaparilla Absolutely cures scrofula. Salt rheum, Dyspepsia, rheumatism, Catarrh and all diseases^ Originating in or promoted By impure blood. It is The great nerve tonic, j Stomach regulator and Strength builder.) An extraordinary" scene happened at Jerusalem not long ago.. From sunrise until nine o'clock a' swarm of flying ants settled on the holy city,-fining the entire air and blotting out the sun. Visitors to the Holy Sepulchre were obliged to use their handkerchiefs con stantly to keep the insects out of their eyes and nostrils. The natives declared that this flight of ants was the pre cursor of an earthquake, and whether there was any real connection between the two phenomena. Or not, two slight shocks of earthquake Weie certainly felt in Jerusalem on the evening of the same day. • •A, "A strong appetite for liquor was the beginning of the breaking down of my health. I was also a slave to tea and coffee. I took the gold cure, but was not helped." This is clipped from the Daily Herald, of Clinton, Iowa. It might well be taken for the subject of a temperance lecture, but that is not our object in publishing it. It is to show how a system, run down by drink and disease, may be restored. We quote further from the same: "For years I waa^,- « unable to do my ^ l-<g work. I could not \ f' sleep nights or rest I \ l days on account of f*. f c o ntinuous pains T > / \\ in my stomach and V L 7*1 back. I was un- • ) \\ able to digest rayAA-^ '} s. 'V* food. Headaches rv 3 "1 P&r* and painful urina- / \ \ tion were fre- / \ \ f q u e n t , a n d m y I \ \ heart's action be- / / V} A came increased. I U \}J\ left my farm and __jL fV* retired to city life, / / V I \----~ for I was a con- U jp--\ firmed invalid, and J /{ t \ \ - the doctor said I / f \ \ \ would never be Ij^J //-<& 3\ well again; ' « 7 7 ; \ " S o o u a f t e r I happened to use -'^7" .. four boxes of Dr. f Retire i to City Life. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and since then I have been free from all pain,, headache and dyspepsia. 1 eat heartily and have no appetite for. strong drink, and feel twenty years younger. "My weight has increased -iS pounds, I cannot say too' much for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and claim that they have cured me. ' JOHN B. COOK." Subscribed and sworn to before me, this sixteenth day of February, 1807. A! P. BARKER, Notary Public. To people run down in health from whatever cause--drink or disease---the above interview will be of interest. For any further facts concerning this medi cine write to Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. The name and address of the subject of above interview is John B. Cook, of 20S South 5th street, Lyons. Iowa. We measured the riotous baby Against the cottage wall. A lily grew on the threshold. And the baby was just as tall; The wee pink fists of the baby Were never a moment still, Snatching at shine and shadow That danced on the lattice sill. His eyes were wide and sparkling, His moijtli like a flower unblown. Two little feet, like funny white mice, Peeped out from his snowy gown:. And we thought with a thrill of rapture That yet had a touch of pain,x When June comes round with her roses We'd , measure the boy again. Ah. me! in a darkened chamber, With the sunshine shut away, Through tears that felt like bitter rain. Wo measured the boy to-day. And the little bare feet that were dimpled, And sweet as a budding rose, Lay side by side together In a hr.ijh of long repose, . Up from'the'dainty pillow,. , White as the risen dawn, N The fair little face lay smiling, r\ .• With the •light of lieaven thereon; •*• 7'.-. And the dear little hands, like rose leaves Dropped from a rose, lay still. Never,to snatch at'the sunshine - That crept; to the shrouded sill. 'A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of Excellence in Manufacture." . The Ciiiian %care. Although the diplomatic" entanglement with Spain over Cuba Is to some extent in- floenelug the stock market. Wall street ex pects no serious complications. -Nevertheless serious complication with- Other maladies may be expectWib fotrOWTniSttack of bil iousness which Is hot checked at the outset. The; most effectual means to this end Is Has- tetter's Stomach Hltterft ah Admirable rem edy, moreover, %r dysp£P$iaV malaria, kid ney trouble, cbnsnpritltnr'and nervousness-. :' • ••. A Good Sign, , ... r..'•' Mr. Garmoyle--How is.your brother now? Miss Wpodrilff--He isn't any better, but we are greatly encouraged. Mr. Garmoyle--It seems rather singu lar that you should be;encouraged when.he isn't any better. Miss Woodruff--You see we've just found a doctor who admits that lie doesn't know what is the matter with the poor boy, and this leads us to be lieve that at last Will is in the hand's of a man who knows his business. We measured the sleeping haby With ribbons white as sn'owj . For the little snow-white,coffin j( That waited him below; And out of the darkened chamber We went with a dreary moan, To the height of the sinless angels Our little boy had grown. --Boston Traveler. Absolutely Pure, Delici(rus, Nutritious. New Facts About South Dafcoto. To enable the. farmers in the Eastern States to pass the long winter evenings in an entertaining and instructive man ner, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company has recently publish ed for free distribution, a new pamphlet, finely illustrated with pictures which will delight the eyes of Eastern farmers, and containing letters from their brethren in South Dakota descriptive of their expe rience while tilling the soil and raising cattle, sheep and hogs in the "Sunshine State." This pamphlet is well worth reading through from cover to cover. It will be sent free if you will send your address to either H. F. Hunter, Immigration Agent, 291 Dearborn street, Chicago, or to Geo. H. Heafford. General Passenger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chicago, 111. Strctching: the Truth. Stranger (in Arkansas)--So the poor fellow swore that he didn't steal the horse, and after you'd lynched him you found out he'd told the truth about it? Storekeeper--Yes; and the coroner was right smart puzzled for a spell what kind of a verdi.et to bring in, but he finally called it "a case of stretch ing the truth" and let it go at that.-- Judge. Monon Sleeper to Cincinnati and Washington. The Monon through sleeper to Wash ington and Baltimore via Cincinnati has proved a great success and will run all winter. It leaves Dearborn station, Chi cago, at 2:45 a. m. (sleeper ready at 9:30 p. in.) and arrives in Washington at 6:47 a. m. next day. Frank J. Reed, G. P. A., Chicago. Wanted a Monopoly. Miss Askins--I'm sure you had a fine time with all those ybung ladies at the seashore. Toodles--Not very good. There was another man there.--Puck. Do Y6u Dance To-Night? Shake In your shoes Allen's Foot- Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight pr New. Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, Frost Bites andSweatingFeet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S.,01msted,Le Roy, N. Y. Unique Puuishuient. In the jallyard of a Mexican prison the warden has eausedt a phonograph to be placed which repeats to the con victs the charges made against them in the voices of their victims. Be sure that you get the genuine Article,' made at DORCHESTER, MASS. by REFLECTIONS OF A SPINSTER, WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. Perils of Posters., An eminent scientist has been telling the sanitary congress that sensational theatrical posters are highly detri mental to the mo-ral health of the com munity, says London Truth. It seems that they induce imitative actions. The argument appears to be that a man sees on the wall a pictorial representa tion of a murder scene in a thrilling melodrama, and rushes home to cut his wife's throat or throw her out of the window. On the same principle, I sup pose, when he sees a picture of an ox in a teacup he will hasten to the near est public house and endeavor to dis cover a man in a quart pot. We shall be. told next that the pictures of fat babies which advertise infants' foods are responsible for the alarming in crease of the population, and I know not what besides. It may be so, but I would suggest a little healthy skepti cism until some definite evidence is forthcoming of this new danger .It is not so very long since some enthusi asts Oil the uCriiuty CGuuCil got Up a CPU sade against street posters on moral grounds, and the result was hardly en couraging. In spite of moralists and aesthetes, there is probably more good than evil on the street boardings. A Puzzle Man ...OF THE.. - V* UNITED STATES A Good Dictipnary for Two Cents. A dictionary containing the definitions of 10,000 of the most useful and import ant words in the'English language is published by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Seheuectady, N. Y. While it contains some advertising, it is a complete diction ary, concise and correct. In compiling this book care has been taken to omit, none of those common words whose spelling or exact use occa sions at times a momentary difficulty, even to well educated people. The main aim has been to give as much useful in formation as possible in a limited space. With this in view, where noun, adjective and verb are all obviously connected in meaning, usually one only has been in serted. The volume will thus be found to contain the meaning of very many more words than it professes to explain. To those who already have a diction ary, this book will commend itself be cause it is compact, light and convenient: to those who have no dictionary what ever, it will be invaluable. One may be secured by writing to the above concern, mentioning this paper., and enclosing a two-cent stamp. The sacred crocodiles of Egypt were buried with her proudest kings. Spidei-s have played 'important' parts. It is^said when Mahomet 11 ell from Meeca\he hid in a cave and a spider wove a web over the entrance. When his pursuers came th fiber'they saw the web and believed no out was there. It is said a spider performed the same kindly act for David when Saul was hunting him. Australia has been found to be such a favorite home for the apple that im mense orchards have been planted and are now in successful bearing. They UUU tUfc^ vJiiii f-) v.' i, t >i v.* ili i \ i j. iii ii\i K .i v. still successfully compete with Ameri cans in a financial sense. Nearly 100,- 000 cases had been received in England up to June 1, the bulk of them coming from Tasmania. One great advantage they have is in their period of ripening, as the English markets can lie supplied after the American apples have disap peared. Everything in any way connected with Alaska and the Klondike is of spe cial interest at present, and among other items the foot of the reindeer de serves particular mention. The fore foot of the horse to a great extent de termines its value, as upon this portion of Its anatomy its speed and endurance depend. The foot of the reindeer is most peculiar in construction. It is cloven through the middle and each half curves upward in front. They are slightly elongated and capable of a. con siderable amount of expansion. When placed on an irregular surface, which is difficult to traverse, the animal con tracts them into a sort ol' claw, by which a firm hold is secured. When moving rapidly the two portions of the foot, as it is lifting, strike together, the hoofs making a continuous clattering noise, which may be heard ac a consid erable distance. It is this peculiarity of the feet that makes the reindeer so sure-footed and so valuable in that rocky and uneven country. TO AJiY ADDRESS UPON RECEIPT OF TO COVER THE COST OF MAILING. BEST INSTRUCTOR in geography ever seen. Interests thai children and teaches them the geographyi of their own country in a practical andj lasting manner. Not more than one sew to one address. Write to F. H. LORD, General Passenger and Ticket Agent Chicago Great Western Railway, QU1NCY BUILDING CHICAGO ILL. Remarkable Find of OiL Boys boring is Ihe earth at Arlington, Ivy., found kerosene oil of such purity as to be marketable without refining, and moreover, at so favorable a point for commercial purposes that with the nitii'e faying of a siding from a trunk line railroad the oil may be loaded di rectly for shipment. Eighty-six miles shortest to New Or leans, 109 miles shortest to Florida-- Queen and Crescent Route from Cincin nati. Twenty-two ports of China are open to foreign residence, where Europeans are allowed to own laud on which they live. Rheumatism, Stiff Tendons, Lame Back,, Sprains, Pain in the Breast, Weak Lungs or Kidneys. It promotes muscular ac tivity ana renders the form supple. 14- oz. bottle sent on receipt of $1.00. A LIVE AGENT in every town can make $100 per montki handling our specialties. Send for clrcahr.. New Orleans limited. Queen and Cres cent Route. Only 24 hours from Cincin nati to the Gulf. Young Womanhood, Sweet young girls! How often they develop into worn, listless, and hope less women because mother has not impressed upon them the importance of • , ^ attending to physical de- . womi^n nessandper- / iodical pain, \ budding in- f Ij | I \ to woman- 1/ II I \ hood should be // J, Jl . \ guided physical- \ ly as well as morally. \ \ If you know of any young lady who is sick and needs motherly advice, ask her to address Mrs. Pinkliam at Lynn, Mass.. and tell every detail of her symp toms, surrounding's and occupations. She will get advice from a source that has no rival in experience of women's ills. Tell her to keep nothing back. Iier story is t^l^ essential to a full understanding of her case, and if she is frank, help ie certain to come! CHICAGO. STOP THAT ANNOYANCE AT ONCE. HOW kssss • " ww alto Bed and Water Buss, Boactas and other vermin WITHOUT POISON and wont die !*• doort. bend 25 centt In sismpt or coin to H. B. SWKTSON, 239 Broadway, Boom 25, Nktt YOIX, toughing beads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to yyur druggist to-day and get a sample hottte free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at onc&; delays are dan gerous. If justice was really blind she wouldnlfcibe-ftble, to wink at her favor ites. < I belieVe mV prompt use of Piso's Cure prevented-quick consumption.--Mrs. Lu cy Wallace, Marquette, Kan., Dec. 12, '95. Adversity, bprro/vv^ its sharpest sting from our impatience. Solid daily traifas to Jacksonville, 24 hours from Cincinnati. Queen and Cres cent Route.' • < j<". Mrs. Window's Soothino Htbup for Children I teething: sottens the ifums, reduces Inflammation, allays pain, curet wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. ' Raising the Wind in France. The French Government finding it- seVf unable to increase the taxation, which is heavier per capita in France than in any other country of the world, has decided to resort to the conversion of its treasury bonds or rentes from 3 per cent, to 214 as the easiest, and, in deed, the only available means of in creasing the revenues of the state. The ground is taken that as the national credit is such that the Government has recently been able to secure temporary loans at 14 per cent., the interest charge 011 treasury bonds is far too high, and that a conversion scheme would re spond to the present state of France's national credit. That the latter should stand so high is surprising, when it is remembered that, although in the last twenty-six years France's population lias only -increased by 29S,000 inhabit ants, qr at the rate of about 11,500 a year (England, having doubled hers in the last forty years), fhe consolidated national debt of France has grown from $3,000,000,000 to .$7,000,000,000, while the taxation, both direct and in direct, has more than doubled.--New York Tribune. Cutler's Carbolate of Iodine Focket Inhaled Guaranteed to cure CATAKRH and Broacliitia All druggist*. By mall $1.00. Address W. H. SMITH & CO., Props., Buffalo, M.X. lENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. VJOHNW. MORRIS, WASHINGTON,0.ft late Principal Examiner U. S. Feuioa Inm S jn. la laat war, lfl adjudicaUa« fllaiwa, -**j **-*n 1 I rilin The best Bed Rope Roofing for 1OL IV I If |_ per 6q. foot, caps and nails Included, 'I IIIII Substitutes for Plaster. Samples fre*. 'ay ManlUa Rooting; Co.. Camden, N.4. The Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Railway Company has adopted a plan of handling locomotive ashes or cinders at terminals and divisional points which has resulted in a saving of expenses. The device consists of large pans holding about three cubic yards each, which are placed in the pit, and when full are moved by a crane to the car, where they are dumped. The machinery is handled by on© man and the results have been very satisfactory. Violent Administration. f; Miss Fryte--Do I understand that you fare badly, as a rule, at the hands of women? -- Jaded Jerry--Yes, kind lady; but it's frum de feet of men dat we expeery- r.nce de roughest deals.--Judge. * It Keeps the Feet Warm and I>ry And is the only cure for Cu.io..mjs. Frost Kites. Damp, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen R. Olmsted. LeRoy. N. Y. If the railway .ticket agent was paid according tot the fool questions he has to answer it would keep him busy drawing his salary. Lane's Faintly Medicine Moves the bowels each <la.v. In onler to be healthy this is necessary. Acta gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures 6iek headache. Price 25 and 50c. , Gold-filled teeth have been found in the jaws of skeletons exhumed at Fom- peii. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY. Tnko Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. aU Druggists refund tlje money if it falls to cure/ 25c. „ If the office has no salary attached it is obliged to seek the man. : : N*ew line to Tampa via Queeii and Cres cent Route from Cincinnati, 34 hoars,. through Pullmans. The misery of it is awful. You'll feel it is worth its weight in gold CANDY CATHARTIC Danger Ironi Using Stoves. Cast iron stoves for hard coal, though in many ways desirable because they make an even temperature possible, may be the source of much danger in ignorant hands. If the. drafts are not properly turned carbonic acid gas and sulphurous fumes may pour into the room, and in a sleeping-room may smother the slpmberers before they are aware of their danger. Three per cent, of carbonic acid gas in the air of a room is fatal to animal lifel and a large- sized baseburner will not take long to supply this percentage in a close room. Such stoves should always be carefully watched and never handled save by ex perienced persons. CURE CONSTIPATION A Good Tale Will Bear Telling Twice." Use Sapoliol . . . Use . . . We^t Side JLIvery, \ FEED ANQ SALE STABLES^; Ei J. HANI^, Prop'r. )'• WEST McHENRY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, fnrn'shed at reasonable rates- Parties tsker t anf from the Lakes In Eisy Rigs, arid pro npt connection made with all trains Our Rigs will be kept in first class shipe. , and we hall spare no pains to please our cus si tamers at all times, Give ns a call, fi West McHenry, 111,, Aug. if,' 1890°ANLT' g DOM'T RENTS»~ A nn n BQtBQ thoroughly reliable, & M {62 E«I and full of informa- ST && «n» I80 B tion about western farmlands. It will E&lflV IIbIK ' guide you In secur-. Dill BM-VBCb 'OS a cheap home In a prosperous and healthy community. Send 25 cents for a year'a subscription to "lae Corn Belt," 209 Adams SU, Chicago. Ft writing to Advertisers, please not fiH t» tion von saw the Advertisement in tbls MKT. M Best CougU syrup- T*#«* El (a time. Sold by drug