C ONjSUM PTIQN Demand for More Battleships. The Secretary of -the Navy has demanded more battleships, and there can be no doubt that Congress will eouslder his- recommen dations. Protection is what our sea ports re quire, and fortifications will not adequately supply this. Defense against all disorders of a malarial type is, however, adequately afforded by Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, an efficient remedy, also, for constipation, bil iousness, dyspepsia, rheumatism and ner vousness. ' Monkeys Pond of Milk. The tshakma, a monkey of the bab oon family which is rather common in South Africa, has become, a ̂ perfect plague of the Transvaal farmers. This ape has acquired the habit of k'lliug young lambs, not in order to eat their meat, but simply to teais open their stomachs and drink the milk contained, therein. Having acquired a passionate desire for milk and being unable to milk the sheep themselves they pa tiently wait until they see a lamb suck ing milk from its mother, and take it stway as they would a milk pail which was. thrown away after the contents are consumed. The tshakma then takes to the cacti thickets, which are inac cessible to human beings and furnish at the same time*a refuge and a source of food in the fleshy leaves and fruit for the monkeys. The same ape has also Quickly learn ed to distinguish men from women. At the approach of a man they ."quickly flee, while they allow a -woman to come quite near,.paying no attention to them. The farmers, however, have adapted themselves to the circurpstanoes, and When1 lambs are missing from their flocks they don the skirts and bonnets pi' theii: wives,, and, taking i'up a gan,; start iu pursuit of .the mischievous ani- • mals.--Philadelphia Record. ; MIDLAND ROUTE CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS. Via the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, to Los Angeles and Other Points in Southern California. These popular every Saturday Califor nia excursions for both first and second class passengers are "personally conduct ed" by intelligent, competent and courte ous "couriers," who will attend to the wants of all passengers en route. This is an entirely new feature of tourist car service and will be greatly appreciated by families or parties of friends traveling together, or by ladies traveling alone. The Midland Route Tourist Cars are .upholstered sleeping cars and are supplied with all the accessories necessary to make the journey comfortable and pleasant, and the sleeping berth rate is but $6.00 (tor two persons) from Chicago to California. Ask the nearest ticket agent for a tour ist car "folder," giving complete informa tion about the Midland Route, or address "ifastera Manager Midland Route," No. 95 Adams street, Chicago, 111. Needed a Beast of Burden. Visitors to Devon and Cornwall can not Jjiil to notice what an important part the patient ass plays as a beast of burden. A very good story, is told iu this connection of a-rather handsome Devon maiden living at T----. The young woman had had little education, but there was none to beat her in the whole district in the preparation of linen. She got it up equal to new. Every one was surprised when last year.she proposed to and married Torn D , a poor-looking youth that no girl wOuld glance at. 1 Meeting Sally the following week the parson's wife told her how surprised they all were. "Oh," said Sally, " 'oe zee, 'jtwas this *er way: If I didn't 'a-'ad he I should have had to buy a donk', 'cause the clothes is getting too many for me to take round."--Weekly Telegraph. Eruptions On the Face "I was troubled with eruptions on my face. I thought I would give Hood's Sar- sapqrilla a trial, and after taking a few bottles I was cured. I am now also free from rheumatism to which I have been subject for some time." C. E. BARRY, 72G Milwaukee street, Milwaukee; Wis. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best-in fact, the One True Blcod Purifier. 'flrrrrrri Each of us bears within himself a world unknown to his fellow beings, and each may relate of himself a his tory, resembling that of every one, yet like that of no one. An urgent appeal has been made to Congress to pass a bill introduced by Rep resentative Hubbard of Missouri provid ing the death penalty or imprisonment in the penitentiary at hard labSSr for a term of not less thau ten years for wrecking and robbing or attempting to Wreck and rob railway trains. It has been slioWil that during the last eight years there have been 208 train robberies iu the United States, in which seventy-eight persons were killed and sixty-seven injured. Iu 1S00 there were twelve hold-ups, in 1S91 sixteen, in 1S92 sixteen, in 3893 thirty- three, in .1894 thirty-four, in 1895, forty- nine, in 1S9(! twenty-eight, in 1897 thirty, Puring the last year there was" only one hold-tip in the- republic .of-Mexico, and that was unsuccessful, which is accounted for by the determined, policy of President jtJiaz, who sent a message to Congress say ing that pirates ©n l.arui should receive the same pusuisbnientas pirates at sea, and ftnnounjdsig th$i.he.had given instrufetioiss to hive all train wreckers shot on sight" .Without-taking the trouble to bring tlicm iijto court. That summary action put an end'to train robbing in Mexico. ' Hood's Pills curd all liver ills, 25 cents. POTATOES IjireMtStcil l^TATOcrinrcr# In Amerion. U Ttao '-Kupnl Jiew-Yorker" civmSALZER'S it ft EARLIEST a yield of 4C-1 Istmheln per Here, ft ft I*rlce» dirt cheap. Oor|reii SKKl> HQUK, 11 Form j}\ Seed Samplft, worth S'O.o e<-t a atari, or lllc. and tM« a ft notieo. J0H5i'A,SAlS£KSKElfCO. ,Latro«se,Hls. ) J FITS rerinattpn ly Cured. No fits or uorvousness afti-r . first'u»>"> n-e or Or. KltueM Great N.-rvu Ue- -Borer. tend for FiCEE SU.OO irlal bottle anil treat i$o. 1)B. K. K. K 1.1 NR. Uu.. i);tl Aicn St.. t'liilaarlpiila. Fa, Cheapest ever Rtasrsc BEST in the world;hw iOther as GOOD; ranted to be by far th® Invents Maladies for His Pat'ents. A doctor in T^aris has succeeded ia winning fame ami many well-paying clients -by . telling the people o.f that capital; that an illness much like the. one produced by ocean travel is often tlie result of looking long and intently across the footlights of a theater. So far as known, this inalady had never "hitherto-foreed itself ..upon the atten tion of the Parisienue, any more than .upon that of the inhabitants of1 o'the^. cities, but when their attention. was called, to the matter, scores of them suddenly discovered that they had long suffered from giddiness produced in just this.way. Naturally enough, they sought relief from the doctor Avho had revealed their suffering to them, and. as naturally, he succeeds iu ef fecting a cure iu every instance after a more or less prolonged course of treatment. This is obviously a real good scheme, and young doctors else where, if there are any who haven't all the reputation and practice they de sire, might well consider the advisabil ity of imitating the Frenchman's ex ample. Most Of the old. hackneyed dis eases are more or less troublesome to manage, but by devising a new and special malady of his own--a task of no special difficulty in these days--each medical man ought to find the road to wealth short and easy.--New York Times. §§1®? Prettiest book in ff*» S!|Ss2iV:il! t he world H E»CIT g® SEEDS lc arnl «p for largepadkfAe. • Send yours and neighbors names my Beautiful Illustrated Catalogue., R. H.SHUK1WAY, Rockford,HL ^ ^ ppgjia OPS® EK'JOYS Both, tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LDU'SVHIE, KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. Neyek' Content. : Some people are never content,with anything. They will not find exactly what they want even in heaven, if.it hey know {uome one is there ahead of them. For instance, some are great sufferers from neuralgia. Friends have told them what is best and certain to cure them. Not content with wuat is said, they suffer ou. Pain ravages and de vastates the system, and leaves it a barren waste. St. Jacobs Oil has cure-l thousands. Just try it. The Passing of a Relative. They were out walking one evening and he lifted his hat to a fine-looking old gentleman as they passed. "What a distinguished-looking gen tleman," she exclaimed. "Is he a rela tive of yours?" "Yes," he replied. and there was a tremor of sadness in his voice, as lie felt in the pocket where his watch had formerly reposed; "yes, lie's my uncle.' And the dear girl never knew. Deafness Cannot He Cured by local applications,, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is ohlv one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. /t We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured .by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. t3?~Sold by Druggists, 75c. His Brilliant Son. A literary man in Boston lias a son who is to him as the apple of his eye. Tlie other day he noticed a square hole in the trousers of his well-beloved, a shrieking hole just about the knee. "How is this?" asked the sire. > And the boy replied: "You know I have two pairs, my best and the other. I couldn't tell them apart, so I cut a hole in the best, and now I can tell 'em and know which to put on."--Boston Journal. What Do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have yo'u tried the new food drink called GItAIN-O? It is delicious and nourish ing, and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-O you give the children tlie more health you distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee, but costs about % as much. Ail grocers sell it. 15c. and 23c. Coughing LeaUs to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan gerous. The higher we are raised, the more prominent, are our errors and inlL-iui- ties. TO CURB A COL.D IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Brouio Quinine Tablets. All Drufcffists refund tlie money it it fails to cure. 25c. The best atonement for evil deeds is to set about the performance of good ones. 'I lioroueh purity of the cuticle is attained by the use of Glenn's SulDhur Soap. mil's Hair and Whisker E>ye, black or brown, 50c. When you give others advice, take some of it yourself. Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP R Children teething; soltens t'.ie gums, reduces inflammation, allay* fnun. cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle The Department of State has received some gratifying information in regard to the Cuban relief movement. The millers of the Mississippi valley have obtained free transportation by rail to tlie gulf and by steamer to Havana for the tlour which they propose to contribute for the relief of eonccntrados. Assistant Secretary Day is informed that^there is concerted action among tlie millers from St. Louis to Min neapolis, and that they propose to make large contributions. The movement among the millers has a business as well as a human motive. Under the former reciprocity treaty between this country and Cuba the milling industry of the Mississippi valley enjoyed perhaps more benefits than any other one industry. Now that there is a fair prospect of the resump tion of that former favorable relation ship the millers feel stimulated to make a good showing for relief. f If you are interested and wish to ^ post yourself about the Gold Fields 4 of the Yukon Valley, when to go s and how to get tjj.ere, write for a • Descriptive Folder and Map of f Alaska. It will be sent free upoa ^ application to T. A. GRADY, Ex- ^ cursion Manager C. B. & Q. R. R, a 2ii Clark Street, Chicago. CURE YOURSELF! / f 0|JKE»\ I Use Big G for u'mutani g /in 1 to 5 J discharges, inli-ammfctiaML i--[ Gut.rtn-.rcd y irritations or ulcerations u uriciatf. 0f mucous memlxiNu coatagion. painlegg, and ntjt astria- iioo\\THtEvANsCHEMIOALGQ. gent or poisonous. V^VciNCINNATIt0.r~J Sold by Drnnii^ V . \ V.S.x.7 | or sent in plain •xrxpQKCr V>A I express, prepaid, far \l .0(1. or 3 bottles, •**£%.- Circular sent on rmiwlT is to keep some Pearline f in a sifter, ready to use for / floor-washing, dish-washing, etc., etc. You sprinkle a little over the floor, for instance, and then just wash it over with a wet cloth. See how much more convenient to use than soap, to say nothing of the easier work ! If you're buying and using Pearline simply for washing clothes, and not for all kinds of washing and cleaning, you're cheating yourself out of a great deal of comfort and economy. w: JQMlPISiSUME Gen. Roy Stone, special a£ent of the Department of Agriculture in charge of the "good roads" movement; Says that the amendment proposed by' Representa tive Stone of Pennsylvania to the postal savings bank bill will be the chifef topic for discussion at the next meeting of the national league for good roads, and that the League of American Wheelmen also proposes to make an.energetic crusade in favor of its aOoptiOp. .^Thls amendment proposes that the deposits iu postal sav ings banks shall be invested in county bonds issued for meeting the expenses of highway improvements and guaranteed by the Government. PRKS. M'KINLEY VS. FREE SILVER. A battle of giants is going to take place this summer on 30,000 farms in America, not. in talk or votes, but in yields. Salzer's two new potato mar vels are named as above, and he of fers a price for the biggest potato yield, also $400 in gold for suitable names for his corn (IT inches long) and oat pro digies. Only seedsmen in America growing grasses, clovers and farm seeds and selling potatoes at $1.50 a barrel. The editor urges you to try . SaizerVNorthern Grown Seeds and to Send This Notice with lOCts. in Stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., for 11 new farm seed samples, worth $10, to get a start, and their big catalogue. c.n. Passing of the White Rhinoceros. The white rhinoceros has become nearly, if not quite, extinct. There are two stuffed specimens in England and one in the Cape Town museum. It is the largest species of the genus. DUKES WHFCRE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syn-p. Tastes Good. Use in time, oold by druggists. U is often mnae prrdfc- |l less by a poor patent, r and adviq# on An**#- I can & foreign talente Fall-ill Lawyer*. Bw- qutUe BMg., The representatives of the Cuban junta and their sympathizers in Congress will make an »ffort to have the amendment recognizing the belligerency of Cuba, which the House rejected, added to the diplomatic appropriation bill in the Sen ate, and they may succeed in doing so. If such a clause is added in the Senate it would be impossible to prevent a direct vote on the Cuban question in the House, for, under the rules, a sil|fcle member has a right to demand a roll rail upon every item in a conference report. IN writing to Advertisers, please do not tail ta a tioo you saw the Advertisement in this paper.. It Cures Colds. Coughs. Sore Throat, Croun, Influ- exizft, Whooping: Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma* A certain cure for Consumption in first stagee, end a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at once. You •will see the excellent effect after taking the £r*t dose. Sold by dealers everywhere 25c and 50c Per Bottle. Try Grnin-O! Try Grain-O! Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a packageof GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The chil dren may drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it. like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach re ceives it without distress. % the price of coffee. 15c. ami 25 cts. per package. Sold by all grocers. Last year's crop was so good iu Mani toba that a good number of the farm ers have been able to pay the first cost of their land and improvements out of this year's profits. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, cure Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teeth ing Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and destroy Worms. Over 10,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all druggists, 25c. Sample FREE. Address "Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Argument is legitimate and some times beneficial; but it is worse than wasting time and tongue," head and heart, on foolish and unlearned ques tions that only engender strife. Some idea of the attention that the Bal timore and Ohio Railroad is now paying to its passenger traffic may he gained from the fact that during the past eigh teen months nearly SU0 passenger cars received thorough and ordinary repairs, <>9(i being repainted. Nearly all of the equipment is now Royal Blue and most of it is equipped with Pintsch gas, the rintsch light being used on local as well as through trains. The tea from Dr. Shepard's farm, at Summerville, S. C., sells for $1 a pound, is of high quality, and it is believed that his success establishes the fact that tea can be grown in this country so as to be commercially successful. It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry And Is the only cure for Chilblains, Frost Bites, Damp, Sweating Feet. Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to-be shaken into the shoes. At all druggists and shoe stores. 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy. N. Y. The annual consumption of wine in France is estimated at 1,000,000,000 gal lons. This, by the way, is the exact quantity produced iu that country in 1890. Land and a Living Are best and cheapest in the New South. Land $3 to $5 an acre. Easy terms. Good schools and churches. No bliz zards. No cold waves. New illustrated paper, "Land and a Living," 3 months for 10 cents, in stamps. W. C. Rinear- son, G. P. A., Queen and Crescent Route, Cincinnati. • The vanity of human life is like a river, constantly passing away, and yet constantly coming on. Lano's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is. necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. Negligence is the rust of the soul that corrodes through all her best resolu tions. My doctor said I would die, but Piso't j Cure for Consumption cured me.--Amos j Kelner, Cherry Valley, 111., Nov. 23, '95. j The patrons of any postoflice may en joy the advantages offered by the money order system, and that it will be intro duced at any place upon.the petition of the citizens. There seems to be an er roneous notion prevailing that the dispo sition of the postmaster toward the sys tem is considered by the Postoflice De partment. This is not the case. A patron of any office without the money order system can have it introduced by writing the Postmaster General. [KOTE FROM MRS. PINKHAM'S DIARV.] THE real heroi nes of ever day are in our homes. Frequently, however, it is a mistaken and / useless heroism. 0 /A Women seem to /M listen to every call /8m of duty except the kmi supreme one that |£1 tells them to guard their health. As long- as they \||| can drag themselves \l|jj around, women con- y|| tinue to work. They have been led to be- \ lieve that suffering is necessary because they are women. What a mis take ! For proof read this: The Best Saddle Coat. There is a striking contrast between the reception of President Dole by President McKinley and that of the Infanta Eula- lia, the last guest of the nation, a few years ago. President Dole is met with the warmest cordiality and will be paid every attention. The Spanish infanta struck a cold wave when she came in the vicinity of the White House, and the ouly attention she received was such as could Lot be avoided. Keeps both rider and saddle per fectly dry in the hardest storms. Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for 1897 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker-- it is entirely new. If not for sale in your town, write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER, Boston. Mass. The consulates are all gone. The only- ones left are agencies that pay from $280 to $500 and nobody can be induced to take them except business men residing at the places who have other sources of in come and are willing to undertake the ,duties and responsibilities of the consulate for the social distinction and business advantages that go with the title. PATENTS Watson E. Coleman, Solicitor of Patents, 902 F St., Washington, D. C. Highest references. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. Ex-President Harrison, with his wife and baby, has been receiving a great deal of attention from his old friends in Washington during their visit. They were invited every evening during their stay, and were compelled to decline much hospitality. "I was so weak and nervous that I thought I could not live. I had fall ing of the womb and leueorrhcea, and tnought I was going into consumption. I had dragging pains in my back, burn ing sensation down to my feet, and so many miserable feelings. I was not able to do -my work. People said that I looked like a dead woman. Doctors tried to cure me but failed. I had given up when I beam of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I got a bottle. I did not have much faith in it but thought I would try it, and it made a new woman of me. I have been doing my work ever since for a large family. I wish I could get every lady in the land to try it, for it did for melvhat doctors could not do."-- Mrs. SALLIECKAIG, Baker's Landing,Pa. *>VE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THr. EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD " CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK.. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA, " the same that has borne and does now Sip .//JT/P s "" on everiJ bear the facsimile signature of wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of tlie mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is tlve kind you Jmve always bought Sip y/^^7 /? " on the and has the signature of^*uiS^yj(/-c^c^u/o? wrap per. 'No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. II. Fletcher is ^March 8, 1897: * Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients of which even lie does, not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEAR3-THE FAC-SIM1LE SIGNATURE OF There is an epidemic of suicides in Washington. There have been nine cases of attempted suicide, of which five have been successful, in the same section of the city, during January. The President is finding great difficulty in filling the prominent offices in the South, as in every State there are bitter factional fights, President McKinley has sent 2,340 nominations to the Senate and not one one of them has been rejected or with drawn for fear of rejection. Telegraphic Brevities.!*;-7' Mrs. Augusta Nack, the confessed mur derer of William Guldensuppe'iin New York, is now in the woman's prison in Auburn, N. Y. Th6 Missouri militia w ill collect money to aid the sufferers in Cuba. The: adju tant general has appointed, a committee for the purpose. r:'4W/'Wf' ' - A house boat occupied by George At kins and his two young^daughters, just above Louisville, Ky., was swamped.dur ing the night, EJ.id tlie occupants took refuge in a large skiff. The boat capsized and .all were lost. Eugene Y. Debs has issued a plea to the public iu behalf of Salter T. Wordeti, who is under sentence of death for train wrecking near Sacramento, Cal., during the railroad strike of 1894. At Napa, Cal., in the presence of the sheriff and district attorney of Napa County and of six other witnesses George Willard Clark lias confessed that he was the murderer of his brother, W. A. Clark, e't St. Helena. Rev. H. P. Howell of the Welsh Pr'es- byterian Church in Columbus, O., was stricken with paralysis? as lie rose to an nounce the closing hynm at the midweek service. He is the editor of The Friend, a magazine published at Utica, N. Y, If you are ill and need counsel /sil/Ll\i you can secure advice from Mrs. IIllfiisl Pinkham's vast experience with- .out cost. Write to her at Lynn, Mass., and tell her the whole truth* you can talk freely to a woman. The following is the experience of . . t II! Mrs. Meier in her own words: ' ' W* DEAR MRS. PINKHAM:--I feel it my duty to inform you of the benefit I have derived from the use of your TOsSr medicine. I have suffered for two years, and have spent ove^one hundred dollars for doctors. There was not a week passed without my doctor being called to my bedside. He said I had falling of the womb, and that I must wear a rubber ring. I wore it six months, but I still had those terrible bearing-down pains, and pains in my back and side. Menstruations were so painful that I was compelled to take to my bed. I have taken four bottles of your medicine, and am cured of all those pains. I never felt better in my' life than I do now. I would recommend it to all who suffer from female weak ness or womb trouble. To all suffering women I would say, "Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It will not only save dollars, but restore you to perfect health."--Mrs. C. E. MEIER, Jacksonboro, Ohio - . Insist on Having Kind That Never Failed You THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. WHEN YOU WANT TO LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THINGS, USE