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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1898, p. 8

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TOFFEL ) $5|C WOOD, ONB OK TWO WAYS P The bladder was created for one pur­ pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine afad as such it is not liable to any form of diseases except by one of two ways. The first wav is from imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other disease. CHIEF CAUSE, Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid neys is' the chief cause of bladder troubles, bo the womb, like the bladder was. created for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weak­ ness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inconvenience manifested in the kid neys, back, blahtler, or urinary passage, is often, by mistake, attributed to fe­ male weakness or womb trouble o! some <• rt. The error is "easily made and nrny be easily avoided. To find out correcctly set your urine aside foi twenty-four hours; a sediment 01 settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraordi nary efiect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Koot, the great kidney and bladder remedy, is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should have the very best. At druggists, 50 cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both pent free by mail, upon receipt of three two-cent stamps, to cover cost of postage on the bottle. Men tion THE FKAINDEALEK and 6end your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham- ton, N. T. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Fall and winter Overcoats and Suits, for men and boys, ail new and direct from the manufacturer. Call on Simon Stoffel. . ' Save Money by bnying ten sacks of the celebrated Old Sleepy Eye Flour, at at Jobber's prices at A. 1J. Baer's. A PROMINENT LAWYER. Of Greenville, 111., Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, "I have been troubled with billiousness, sick headache, sour stomach, constipa tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many iemedies, but was disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin. 1 can cheerfully recommend it to any suf­ fering from above complaints." J. A. Story, McHenrv. After years of untold suffering from pilep. B. W. Pursell, of Knitnersville, Pa., was cured by using a single box of De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples and obsti­ nate sores are readily cured by this fa­ mous remedy. J. A. Story. IT IS STRANGE That some people who say they never read patent medicine advertisements will be found lugging home every now and then a bottle of some favorite remedy of theirs. We don't bother you with much reading but just ask you to trv a 10c trial bottle of Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for constipation, indigestion, and stomach troubles. 50c and §1 sizes at ***3. A. Story's A. P. BAER, Prop* West McHenry, III. In order to close out our Winter Stock in the least possible time we will make the following Unprecedented Low Prices. Badger L. L. Muslin, 1 yard wide, Heavy Fine Muslin, 1 yard wide, Bleached Muelin, 1 yard wide, Indigo Blue Prints* - A IF YOU WANT TO Q A VT? IV/rnTvTTn V VJA JL \ JLy 1VA V_y 1 > Jl_/ -A- Call and see me. I have a very fine stock of Light and Heavy SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war­ ranted as represented. Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to. And in a WorkmanikeManner. Yours Respectfully, CUS CARLSON. McHenry, III., Feb. 1, 1898. NEW HOTEL AND Boarding House Water Street. McHenry, ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor. Having completed my. new building I am now prepared to take Boarders by the Day or Week, Give them the best accommo­ dations, and at KEASONABLE RATES.| My Rooms are all newly fur­ nished, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire Proof. No paiils will be spared to please all who may favor me with their patronage. ANTONY ENGELN. & McHenry, 111., 1897 4% cents 5 cents « 5 cents and up . , 4y2 cent* Farcy Dress Prints 5 and (5 cents Wool Underwear for Gentlemen, foamer price 97c now 79 cents Men's extra heavy fleece lined Underwear WV- 42 cents Ladieb'and Children's Underwear at greatly reduced prices . In tact we ara making sweeping reductions in our entire Dry Good? Department. ------hmpw^W--»• •••••••••••••• Men's Felt Boots, extra heavy. 46 cents Bo.ys'Felt Boots, extra heavy, 39 centP Men's Mishawaka Knit Boots, ball brand 92 cents >"en's Mishawaka Knit Boots with snow excluder and Wales Goodyear Overs, best in the market, $2,58 Men.s 1 buckle Arctics, best goods, $1.17 Boy's 1 buckle Arctics, best goods 99 cents Ladies' Buckle Arctics • 93 cents Misses' Buckle Arctics, . 73 cents And all other Winter Footgear at less than wholesale pr ces. Gloves and Mittens, Well j ou must see goods to appreciate prices. G-ROCERIES. In our coffee Department we have the finest lino wo ever had Try our Fancy Bio Coffee for 15 cents a pound, If not the best coffee you ever had lor tbe price your m^ney refunded. We have also the celebrated Sau-Ceara Roasted Coffee for 25c. . Nothing to equal it in this town. The Red Dru^on Teas we make a specialty of. Have them f om 25c up Dried Fruits, Cannad Good-», in fact anything; you want in the Grocery line. "Baer's Choice Syrup" has again come to town. The finest Syrup in Northern Illinois, Try a keg and be convinced. FLOUR! FLOUR ! We will have a oar of the famou sold Sleepy Eye Flour in this week, and those wishing Flour at Jobber's Prices can have game in 10 sack lots for Cash. Do not buy until you see me, as I will save you money. Pankako, the great health preserver can be had at the Farmers Store, 10c per package. West McHenry, Illinois. WEST McHKNRY, II L. ow- ON' DEC A full line of New Styles of WALL PAPER. A R AT LOWEST PRICES. We are showing a more complete line of Samples than ever before and prices were never as low. You will not see the best goods and lowest prices if you do not inspect our stock. Very Truly, J. E. CR1STY, Bingwood. 111. e tak4 pleasure in notifying the public that we have removed to our new and well arranged quarters on the old Parker House corner, where we desire to meet all our old and many new patrons, and thus continue the pleasant business relations accorded us in the brick store for the past fourteen years. With .no rent to pay, but rent coming in, we are in a position to sell on closer margins than formerly, and serve our customers better and more promptly, all of which we faithfully agree to do. The extensive and always safe and satisfactory Insurance Business built up by very hard work, will receive the most care­ ful and painstaking attention in the future, as experience is bcncficial in that as other business. Witn sincere thanks for past favors we most cordially invite you to pay us a visit and incidentally all past due bills, as we need lots of cash to pay,for the fine, extensive, and well selected stock of DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, TR MINGS, . ' Hf Domestics, Furnishings, Hosiery, Crockery, Glassware, Etc. New Stock of Clothing, Made by Kuh, Nathan & Fischer Co, Dates Trousers, Bsloit Overalls and Sliris. Over 150 complete designs in new WALL PAPER, with matched Borders and Ceilings. All paper trimmed free. Window Shades, with spring rollers, from 12 cents up. W • L. Douglas and other standard makes of warranted BOOTS AND SHOES, Warranted to fit a 1 kinds of feet. Fancy Flour and only the best Groceries and Provisions. Fish! Fish! For Lent! ••*w«vw.rjp; JOHN J . MILLER. Our stock of W inter Clothing is still a little large. Those in need of ' WINTER GARMENTS, The balance of this or even next winter, can save big money by calling on us now. The reduction in price and stock is made neces­ sary to make room for the large stock of We have coming in soon. We invite comparison in price and quality on all felt and knit Boots, German Socks and Overs. Our Spring line of Ladies' and Misses' Fine Shoes. Are now coming in. Look them over and get posted on the correct styles. The largest line of Gloves and Mittens in town. Get fitted here. Horse Blankets, Fur Robes. Fur Coats, Duck Coats, Caps, Woolen Underwear, Woo Hosiery, at July pricr s. Remember oar Jersey Lily and Hard to Beat Flour are not out­ done in quality or will we be undersold in price. Have you tried a dollars worth of those Prunes? If not do so. 21 pounds for $1. 20 pounds of Sugar for $1. orosxxr •$. millss WEST MCHENBY, III., 1898. FEBRY & 0WEH, Baniceri. MoHENRY, - [ILLINOIS This Bank receives deposits, buyi and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex change, and does a ' - General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en trusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; . On Real Estate and • ther first class security. Special attention given to co- lections, INSURANCE In lirst Glass Companies at the Lowest Rates. Yours RewecttuVy , PERRY & OWEN Notary Public GO T© We again will carry a full and complete stock of the best and purest Garden and Field Seeds obtainable. LOP .Qt-ofion ^ D SIMON STOFFEL. West McHenrv, 111., 1893. EASTERN ARKANSAS, Tk Lai 1km Halt) is Gut ail [oil tetilt. Situated as ia this state, in the eentral and southern portion of the Mississippi Valley, and from its climate, foil, minerals, timber and water it may be well designated the Garden and Granary of the great Southwe>t. The state has over three million more acres of land than the state of New York. Has 3500 miles of railroad and 2,756 miles of navigable river?. Its geographical position assures the best condition of temperature and of rainfall, this being shown by absence of intense heat, cold, and annual rain fall. Accurat« observation, extending over 20 years, gives an average of 75 days ol rain in a year. The state i« comparatively free from storm? and cylones. Fitty thousmd people go there every year and ar.> cured by her health giving waters ar d the effect of the splendid climate. Still some fear that the country might not be healthy. The statis­ tics of the U. S. Medical Department show the mortality rate at Little Rock, to be less than any other post in the country. .Rheu­ matism, consumption, catarrh, blood poison and all bronchial troubles are always relieved and generally cured. Ten months of summer without one torrid day and invariably cool nights, with cool refresning breezes with only two months wintor, where a man can work every day of the year, with less expense in doctor bills, cloth­ ing, food and housing are some ol the inducements this country otters to those who are not well or in tcarch of ol a good homo. Go There by all Means March 15 and Look. To Say Nothing but Saw Wood. THAT IS Good prairie land at $3 and $10 per acre on long time and near station. Only a little left. Buy while prices are right and you have a change. I tell yeu it is scarce and going like hot cakes There was gold in Klondike and in Oalilornia long before it was dis­ covered. So a trip to Arkansas on March 15 may reveal unexpected pleasures and a home in the land of health and plenty. WHY NOT GO NOW? We Will Be With You. All that went J»n. 8 to buy did so andthey are glad they went.s b>ee Fare to all buyers. Call and get full description or addres Union Land Co , 163 Washington St. Chicago, or your old unsyste­ matic and sincere lriend We are i»ot Telling you of the Many Bargains we are ollering in FINE FURNITURE, Such as Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Couchcs, etc., that we are selling at prices that have never before been touched in McHenry, even by us. Call and look at the fine stock we are displaying, the best for the money it has ever been our fortune to secure. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. We guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and see me before purchasing. JACOB JTJSTEN. „ McHenry, III., Feb. 15, 1898. T. V. SLOCUM. Wauconda, Illinois. A. C. SPURLING, Veterinary - Surgeon, West McHenry, 111. Special attention given to the treat­ ment of Cows. Office at residoncejpn Waukogan street, one door oast ot Hotel Pirk. JOHN J. BUCH, Restaurant" ^Boarding House, Near tbe Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by the Day or Week at Reasonable rates, A. NICE LINE OP BOW BOATS AT MT LANDING, for rent by the boar or day, at reasonable raltea. Pure Wines, Liquors and Choice Cigars always on hand. •VTreehLaRer Beer OQnstantly on draught Good Stabling for Horses. J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Contractor. All KMs of Sanitary PlnmMnE PE0MPTLY ATTENDED TO Has just received a very com­ plete stock of Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs* Closets, Lavatories and Fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Seating. Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized and Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- slett's Agricultural Implement Building, MCHENRY, ILL. The very best Eosene Oil only 8c at Stoffel's. IVM A, m DEALER IN DRUGS and MEDICINES A FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FULL LINE OF PATENT MEDICINEF, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist, Your Patronage le respectfully solicited. - -JULIA A, STORY One Door West of River Hde Bouse, to cHenrytlll. GEO. W. BESLEY. West McHenry, j Illinois, .DEALER IN. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, TOILET ARTICLES. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Also, Bottled Ale and Porter tor Medical Use. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing To­ bacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully compounded Give me call. GEO. W. BESLEY. West Mo Henry, 1893. THE McHENRY MllB'lil AND ©KANITB ; J. H. MILLER, Prep. All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED VVORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign and American Granite a Specialty. McHLNRV ILL

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