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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Mar 1898, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, MAR. 23, 1898. Railway Time Table. Taking effect Snnday, Oct, 9'clock A. M. Trains will Station as follows: ^ GO IMG SOUTH. D Lake Geneva Passenger.. £ Williams Bay Express ... E Williams Bay Passenger. E Lake Geneva Freight.....'. 10, 1896, at six pass ilcHenry ..7:34 AM ..8:25 •' ..3:27 P M . 3:27 " GOING NORTH. K WMliams Bay Passenger 10:00 A M E Lake Geneva Freight.. .. 10:00 ' E Williams Bay Express 4:55 PM 8 Lake Geneva Passenger 4;6o " E Williams B»y PaBseniter 6:56 " EXPLANATION. n--Dally. F.--Dailv exceot Sunday. g Sundays only. B. BU8S, Agent, McHenry, 111. Methodist Episcopal Church. Etev. J. B. Clark, ....Pastor Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. ' Sunday School, 11: 6 A. M. Dr. A, E. Auringcr,... ...Superintendent Epworth League', 6:5 p, u., Rev, J. B. Clark, President. Player Meeting, Wednesday, 7:80 p. jr. Ladies' Aid Society each alternate week Mrs. J. E. Clark, President. . «5T"A Cordial invitation is extended to all Universalist Church Directory. T.J. Walsh,.... ; ..President F. L. MoOmber,. ...Clerk James B.Perry.... ....Treasurev Rev. J. Straab, D, D...... ...Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladlea organ­ ization.) Mrs. Jas. B, Perry ...President Mrs. J. Van Slyke Secretary Mrs W. A. Cristy ..Treasurer Supt, of Sunday School, O. N. Owen Assistant...... Mrs. O. N. Owen. 4»-The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Addrest B Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:3" p. M. A cordial Invitation to all. THE Ladies' Alii Society o! the M. E Church will meet with Mrs. Dr. A. E. Aarioger, on Friday afternoon of this week, at two o'clock. Tea will be served from five to Feven o'clock. All are most] cordially invited. SEC. / THE Willing Workers will meet on Thursday afternoon of this week with Mrs. J. B. Perry. Every member is re­ quested to be present. [ MRS. J. B. PERRY, Pres MRS. J. VAN SLYKE, Sec. LADIES, have you a good sewing rafc- dress to the Evans Chemical Company, of Belvidere, 111 ,aud receive full particu­ lar for securing a nickle plated- sewing machine or a high grade bicycle for services at odd hours. THAT there will be a co-operative creamery erected in Richmond in the early spring appears to be a certainty. The dairymen held a wt>ll attended meet­ ing at that place a few days ;ago and several additional shares were pledged, putting the project on a firm foundation. About 700 cows are assured. / Birthday Gatherings. / Thursday last, St. Patrick's Day, being the 75th birthday of Uncle Ben Gilbert, his children, grand children and other relatives met and united in making it a gala-day, and a right pleasant time they had. There were present besides the im­ mediate family, F. L. McOmber, wife and children, of McHenry; Mrs. W. E. Colby and son, of Spring Grove; E. R. Gilbert and wife, of Chicago; Will Gilbert and wife, of Terra Cotta, and Mrs. H. S, Gregory and grandson, Master Leonard Philips, of Chicago. A good, social visit chine or bicycle / If not send your aa'*-. .during the day, was followed by a boun- MASONIO. Mo HENRY LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- lingular Communications the second and fjurth Mondays in each month. W, A. CRISTY, W. Mj W. C. O. F. St. Court, No. 187, W. C. O. F, meet, the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each moMh, at Forester Hall, JIRK. MARY COBB. Chief Ranger, CHARLOTTE MADDEN' Secretary, , K. O. T. M. MOHENRY LODGB NO. 7 , K. O. T. M.--Reg alar meetings second and fourth Tuesdaj evenings of each month, at K. O. T, M. Hall GEO. HANLET, Com, DB. W, C. BEBLBY, R. K. M. W. A. Kagular Meetings every second and 'fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at their Hall, over Evanson & Co,'s store. ROBT. R. HOWARD, Consul. J.KIMBALL, Clerk. New Advertisements This Week. T. J. Walsh, McHenry. J. P. Smith, " John Evanson & Co., WestMcHenry. J. C. Choate, Woodstock. Theo. F. Swan, Elgin. 9 Osborne Stoddard, Madison, N. J. JUDGE FRANCIS M. WRIGHT began a course of three lectures on the.subject of "Negligence" before the pchool of Law a the University of Illinois on Monda,,, evening, March 14. It is the purpose 0f+-l)elipve there the lecturer to give practical advice to those who may be called up.>n to try personal injury cases, in general, and, in particular, litigation arising from the acts of employes of railroad corporations. MILE MAID'S CONVENTION. Owing to the storm the Milk Maid's were obliged to postpone their conven­ tion until Tuesday evening next, March 29th. While a little water does not hurt milk more fell Friday night than they mechaiiism oi the cow have been found/ out, so the public will be gainers by the postponement.' Admission 10 and 20 (jents. I J THE Literary Society held a meeting it the School House last. Wednesday even­ ing, for the election of officers. The fol­ lowing officers were e\ cted. President--Miss Francis Ocborne. F. President-- Albert Holly. Secretary--George Howe. Treasurer--Rot-in ft Reynolds. Editoi'-- Nettie Schieasle. Programme Committee--Rosa Justen, '^attie Howard, Harold -Cristy. ., „ . . , i It having been learned that could use. Several new points about the / • , . .. ,0l. 0. H-J _ /evening last was the 12th Birthday of tiful repast, after which Uncle Ben was presented with numerous useful arid valuable presents, as a token of esteem and a reminder that the 75th mile stone had been reached, with many true and loyal friends still by his side. The party separated at an early hour, each with the wish that on next St. Patrick's Day they might meet under equally as pleasant circumstances, with not a place vacant. • • MRS. F. L M'OMBER. ' Oa Wednesday last, March 16th was also the Birthday of Mrs. F. L. Mc­ Omber. and her friends took it into their heads to give her a surprise, which they did to the entire satisfaction of all. We were none present except relatives, but a pleasant and enjoyable time is reported by all. If Mrs. McOmber was surprised when the company came in and took possession of her residence unexpectedly, she was more surprised when they took their departure, leaving many beautiful and valuable presents, as a token of their regards and kindly remembrance. Mrs. McOmber will long remember this gathering with pleasure. MISS IVA MEAD. Monday ARRANGF.Mt.NT8 are being made fori ... .• . . ^ , . * J village, died on Monday afternoon last. J 13 v r F DUCK hunting is now in full blast, and / our local sports are bringing in goodj \ bags almost every day. 1 / E. L. SPENCE has leased the office of / the Algonquin Arrow to W. C. Taylor, ywho will hereafter conduct that paper. REMEMBER the Musical, by Miss Stod­ dard and pupils at StofM's Hall, on Fri­ day evening of this week, March 25th. See the programme in another column. THE McHenry Dancing Club will give an jEaster Monday Party, at McHenry House Hall, on Monday evening, April 11th .Music, Slocum's Orchestra. Tick­ ets 75 cents. (E. W. HOWE was awarded the contract for putting up, the new building for Frett Bros & Witt, which is to be located on lot between the Mill and Owen & Chapell's store. Work will commence at once. v Miss JESSIE BALDWIN will lead the Y: P. C. U. Devotional Meeting, at the Universalist'Church, on Sunday evening next, March 27th. Subject, "The Golden ge." All are cordially invited. LARGE flacks of geese are daily seen flying to and from the lakes but so far none have paid the penalty for flying over a/i incorporated village, in spite of the efforts of our local sports to bring them to time. A Dixon man who went to Alaska to dig for gold writes home from Dawson City that they may expect him home as soon as his clothes thaw enough to get his Hands in his pockets and reach the money to pay for his ticket. A> exchange say: There i$ a little matter which $ome of our fubferiberf have Seemingly forgotten. To u$ it if an important matter, ft i$ nece$$ary in our bu$int$?. We are very modeft and don't wi$h to $peak about it. rfs WE would call particular attention to the advertisement to be found on the eighth page of this paper, of Osborne Stoddard, Florist, Madison, N. .J., in which he offers a Flower Garden complete for 25 cents. Head it and send for the collection. • THE Party by the Young People's Social Club, at Stoffel's Hall, on Thurs­ day evening last, St. Patrick's Day, was a success, socially and otherwise. About sixty couple were present, the music was flue, and everything passed off in the moBt pleasant scanner. AN exchange says that "the simplest remedy known for nervous headache is a pinch of salt taken on the tongue and al lowed to dissolve slowly, followed in about ten minutes with a drink oi water Salt, in its pure state, has virtues not to be scorned because it is an article within the humblest means." AT the wreck oil tlm Burlington Road, near Piano. 111., four care laden with grain were broken to splinters and the ^ grain scattered. Two cars contained cattle, a number of which\ were killed. Due car was packed from floor to roof with eggs, and although it turned over twice before landing in the ditch, not an egg was broken. The Burlington puts this down as one of the most remarkable wrecks an the road. a Grand Easter Monday Party, under/ f3e wa8 a man the auspices of the Modern Woodmen o this village, to take place at Stoffel'i Hall, on the evening of April 11th. The best music to be obtained in the city will be engaged and nothing left undone to make it pleasant for all. The former Parties given by the Woodmen were so popular that it needs only a simple an­ nouncement to insure a good attendance. Wejwill give more particulars next week. F DWIGHT COMPTON, who pleaded guilty to the murder of his son Jerry, was taken to the penitentiary with fcr other prisoners, in Chicago, a few days ago. Compton, who is 59 years old, and formerly lived at Volo, where he is well known, said he killed the boy in prefer­ ence to allowing his wife to have the '"custody of him. The father attempted to kill himself after the murder, but was unsuccessful. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment. AN exchange makes this trite observa­ tion: "W hen you see a youth that will do any kind of work, no matter how menial it may be, rather than be idle, you can make up your mind that person amounts to something. The young man that would starve before he would take, work beneath what he conceives to be his dignity is not made of the right stuff to cut much of a figure in this world. Don't be afraid of any sort of work so long as it is honorable." Corporation Caucus. The legal voters of the village of Mc­ Henry are requested to meet in village caucus, at the City Hall, in the village of McHenry, on Saturday, April 2, 1898, at 2 o'clock p. M., for the purpose of put­ ting in nomination candidates for Presi­ dent, three Trustees and one Village Clerk, to be supported at the annual village election to be held April 19th, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. BY ORDER OF'COMMITTEE. Miss Iva Mead, her young friends, to the number of about twenty organized a surprise party and made her a pleasant call. She was taken completely by sur­ prise but was equal to the occa -ion aud entertained her young guests in a right royal manner. Games were indulged in, light refreshments served, and a pleasant and profitable eveuing spent. Before their departure Mies Iva was handsome­ ly remembered with tokens of the regard in which she is held by her young friends and schoolmates. PHURN, who lived in the house on the Irwin farm, south of this about 70 years of age and comparatively unknown here. It was rumored on Saturday that a family was living in that house in a d'-stitute condition, and upon investigation it was found to be true. He was an old soldier iiprl H, C, M«ad, Commander of the Poet here, went up there on Monday, but arrived only jn time to assist in laying him out. He found they were without means and no relativse in this part of the country and therefore the old soldiers iu this vicinity have taken it upon them­ selves to see that he has a decent burial. The funeral will be held from the M. E. Church to-day, Wednesday, at 1 o'clock p. M. The immediate cause of his death is SHM to have been heart trouble. The wif<-, thus Mt alone in the world, without means and a stranger in a strange land, has the s.vmuathv of all. THE Republican Editorial association of this Congressional District will hold its annual meeting at DeKalb on Saturday, March 26th. At this meeting will occur the annual election of officers and other important matters "of interest to the members of the association. The in vita tion is extended by Senator Dan Hunt and Col. Isaac Ellwood, and the citizens generally will unite in entertaining the gentleman of the Republican press of the district. It is expected Governor Tanner, Congressman Hopkins and Lieutenant Governor Northcott will be present and address the association. / REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. j At the Republican Town Caucus, held at the City Hall, in this village, on Saturday last, A. L. Francisco was (hoosen Chairman and J. Van Slyke Secretary, There was a large attendance and the following named were unanimously nominated for the different town officers, to be voted for at the coming Town Meeting; lor Town Clerk.--M. J. Walsh. for Assessor-- John Huemann. For Collector-- S. W. Smith. • For Commissioner ofHigh ways--iames Green. Oh motion the Chairman and Secretary were empowered to fill any vacancy that might occur, from resignation or other causes on the above ticket. /The following is the report of the Mc- lenry Creamery Company for February, 1898: Amount of milk received 263,617 lbs. Amount of butter made 11,928 lbs. Money received $2,298 52 Average price of butter 19 27c Average yield 4.52 Average price per 100 lbs milk 78c H. C. MEAD, Sec. ' YACHTING. We are indebted to State Treasurer Hertz for the following: The Pistakee Yacht Club at its meeting, held Satur­ day, March 12th, elected the following officers for the ensuing year. Commodore,--Henry L. Hertz. Vice Commodore--Alexander R. Beck Rear Commodore-- Philip Jaeger, Jr. Treasurer--Wm. M. Gunton. Secretary--C. E. Blomgren. Fleet Chaplain--Noah H. Pike. Fleet Surgeon--Samuel M. . Barnes. Regatta Committee^-WnxanfteT R. Beck. Henry L. Hertz, Philip Jaeger Jr , C. E. Blomgren, Wm. M. Gunton, Chas. J. Kuhn, and John Oleson. Judges--Noah H. Pike, Adam M. Schillo and Fred L. Wilke. Measurers--A. C. Bower and Charles M. Palmer. The Club adopted the Inland Lake Yacht Association Rules and Regula­ tions, including the Seawanhaka C. Y' C. measurement regulations and will hold their races once every week during July andAnguston Pistakee Lake and Bay. The Fleet numbers three 20 footers and flv1 17 footers, including County Clerk Philip Knopf's fast yacht, the celebrated "Sleepy Tom " For Sale. My storn building and residence, in the Village of McHenry. Will be sold at a bargain if applied for soon. Inquire on the premices. JOHN P. SMITH. McHenry, March 22nd, 1868. Geo. J. Lobdell, merpchant, Fowler Tnd., writes of Last Resort!--'"It is splen dip for coughs and lung troubles. Don't think there is anything equal to it. Cures coughs, croup, consumption and New Drees Goods at Owen & Chapell's,' Lu Grippe. For sale by 1 N. J JUSTEN has been making quiteex- tensive improvements in his store build­ ing, on the West Side. He has taken out the partition in the rear, making his store room 20x66 feet. He has also put up an addition for a workshop 12x14. On the east side of his store room he has put in a handsome Casket Cabinet which is little the neatest thing in that line we ^ver saw, and while it takes up but little room, will hold a large amount of goods in that line and at the same time is an ornament to his well stocked Fur­ niture Store. • / WE learn that a man W&3 found dead j()n the road leading to V\ auconda, about j six miles southeast of this village, on ; Saturday morning last. There was nothing found about him to indicate who he was. In his pockets was a bottle of medicine and one dollar in money. We hear that his remains were taken to Hiyada where they were buried. From appearahce the cause of his death wns heart disease. No one could be found who had ever seen him before. , PERSONAL. O. N.. OWEN and wife spentSunday with friends at Elgin. CHAS. MARVIN, of Woodstock, was call­ ing .on friends here on Wednesday. FRANK RONEY, of Wauconda, was on our streets on Friday last. HON. F. K. GRANGER was an Elgin visitor on Saturday last. A. 0. WHITING, of Chicago, was on our streets on Saturday. A. L. HOWE, attended to business at Woodstock on Tuesday. BEN SHERMAN and wife were Wauconda visitors on Tuesday of this week. ISAAC WENTWORTH attended to busi­ ness at Woodstock on Tuesday. H. E. WIGHTMAS was a Chicago visitor on Tuesday. HARRY ELDREDGE was home from Car- pentersville on Sunday. CASPER ADAMS and wife were McHenry visitors on Monday. MRS. ISAAC WENTWORTH is reported quite sick at this writing. , ^ ; FRANK J. BARBIAN went to Chicago on business this Wednesday morning. rLARENCE WELLS, who is attending school at Valparaiso, is spending a short vacation at his home, in this village. CHAS DURKEE, of Bull Valley, was a business caller in McHenry on Monday. E. M. HOWE was attending to business in Woodstock on Tuesday. CHARLES. C. CHAPELL, of Elgin, was up Duck hunting the first of the wetk. B. GETZELMAN and wife, of Elgin, spent Sunday with friends iu this village. Miss DONNA LINCOLN, of JNunda, was the guest of Mayme Bfesley the first of the week. •CASPER HERBES started on Monday /or Humphrey, Neb., whore he intends to make his future home. MRS S. T. ELDREDGE, of Richmond, was vi iting with C. T. Eldredge and family on Tuesday. WM. COVELL is reported as under the weather at his residence east of this village. \ROBT. SCIIIESSLE and wife have taken /up their quarters at the Bay for a weeks Vacation. MRS. D. F. HANLY is spending the week in Chicago, her sister, Miss Maude Ben­ nett, staying with Miss Ella Parker. MRS. C. C. HARRISON, of Ringwood, waa the guest of her parents, II. Sher­ burne and wife, one day last week. Miss MAUDE BENNETT visited with friends in Elgin the latter part of last week. W. P. STEVENS and wife, of Richmond, were callers in this village, the latter part of last .wsok. MRS. W. A. C« LBY, of Spring Grove, was calling on fiiends in this village on Thursday last. PROF. R. D. FCOTT and wife, hav6 been visiting with friends in this village the past week. CAPT. DOMINY, the veteran Life Insur­ ance agrfnt, of Chicago, was attending to liusiuess in this village one day last week. /EDDIE COBB, who is attending school «t Milwaukee, came home last week for a TTrorrths vacation. IAMES B PERRY attended to business in the County Court at Woodstock on Tuesday. Miss ANNA HANSON, of Lamont, 111., has been the guest of A. C. Friedley and wife, in this village, this week. E. WESTERMAN, of Elgin, has been here the past week or ten days, doing some work on the residence of M. Merriman. DR. H. T. BROWN and wife returned on Thursday last from their visit in Chi­ cago and Evanston. t DR. AND MVS.SPURLINO weutto Chicago on Monday where they will remain for i he next two weeks. The Doctor expects to graduate before his return. Jos. J. FRETT, of Chicago, was in town again on Monday, looking after the ar­ rangements for commencing his new building. MRS. H. S. GREGORY and grandson, Master Leonard Philips, of Chicago, were calling on friends here a few days last week. DR. A. E. BAKCHLER, Miss Kate Howe, Mrs. F. E. Angevine, and Miss Olive Shaine, were Chicago visitors on Satur­ day last. J. B. HATFIELD, wifa and son, who have been visiting with fiiends in this village, departed for their home in Os­ borne, Kansas, this Wednesday morning. MRS. MARY COBB, Teacher in the Second Intermediate Department of our Public School, was quite sick the latter part of last week but is now better and was able to attend to her duties again on Monday. Hotel Arrivals. The following are the names registered at the Hi&el Riverside from March 15th to March 21st inclusive: • * Tuesday, March 15.--C T. ^illard, Chicago. Wednesday, Marchl6.--T. J. Kenned^, R A. Deutsche. Chicago; S. M. Adams, Elgin. ; Thursday, March 17.--E. W. Bill, C. Dominy, Chicago; Fred J. Bishop, Elgin. Friday, March 18 ---J. H. Quincy and wife. D Potter, Chicago; C. L. Nelson, Binghamton, N. Y.; C. B. Clendenen, St. Louis. Saturday, March 19.--Jas. T.Edwards, G S French, D. Rankin, M. T. Clark, Chicago; B. A. Wehster, L. B. Hamlin, M. M. Clendenan, Elgin. Monday, March 21.--M. J. Kimball. Elgin. SCHOOL Boys, db you want a watch, chain and charm free ? Watch guaran­ teed to keep correct time-- or want the new electric bicycle light? Send name age and address to the Evans Chemi­ cal Company, of Belvidere, 111., and they will supply you for serviceson Saturdays- NOTICE" ~ 1 have two double harness, band made for sale at cost. Owing to having to make out a large amount of money April 1st 1 will close all goods at Cost. G. L. HUBBARD, Nunda, 111. THE KtJSICA&E. The Musicale, hy Miss Evelyn Stod? dard and pupils, which was postponed on account of the sickness and death of Mrs. Granger, will be given at Stoffel's Hall, in this village, on Friday evening of this week, March 25th. The following is the programme: Mejfihtic Mnr -.h QondolUr Mnbol Gracger and Nettie Schiosslo Good-night Mamma! Ellsworth Florence Granger. Bappy Days Diabelli*,ave ont. Cheater Goodman, Archie Auringer, " •H eiy sick and for several days it seemed as f he would never be any better. After a vhile he began to improve and in a few reeks was able to go out, although weak ind miserable. Then, gradually All Strength In His Limbs The physicians told us it was Lncetta Mazurka Radcliff Paralysis» which sometimes follows an at- o'harlie Heimer, tack of diphtheria. We did everything Behr for him; but he grew worse until he was in a pitiful condition. He suffered terribly The Retreat Ethel Owen. Little Johnny . Tours Belle and Zue Gallahtr. Sailor Boy's Dream L. HacTie E eanor McGce, Lullaby ...... M*bel Granger, Bolle Gallaher. Secret Wishes. Siller Oe'lft and Annie Millie ; Down, in the Dewy Dell &marl Mrs. Long, Misses Be6ley and Schiesal* Dodelinette. ..Gowiod Mabel Grangor, Archie Aunnger. Spring Song i.^Henslet R)3c Justen, Spanish Dance Llllie and Katio Heimer, Galop Burlesque .. ....Qulilt Bolle Gallahor. IHTEBM1SSION. Blissful Dreams . Meyu Uelnmnd Rose Justen, Nettie Scliiessie. Forget Me Not 7.'AT" ......... ....... Neumann r Mabel Granger. , 'Recitation . : -- . *• • , Miss Osborne, Bavarian Dance ' ' : Nettle Schiss'e Happy Days .............. Ammi Streiezki Song wlin violia obligato ac*«)mpanimect, Mayine Besley, Mr. Wegener, Papililon lloses Thome v Rose Justen in the Garden of Sleep.. Mrs. Gall&her. Tarantolle ' Seuiverl Evelyn Stoddard. Galop Militaire Sidney Sniilh Nettie Schiessle, Rose Justen. Admission, 10 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commence at 8. "^^^fjontinnnll*' -if The Dundee Hnwkeye says: "The Carpentersville Condensing factory con­ tracted for six months supply of milk Monday. The price paid .was the same as last year, but the amount and num­ ber of contracts were increased. Many new dairies were taken on. The farmers are fairly well satisfied with the arrange­ ment as they are not restricted to quan tity. Feed is higher than heretofore, but prospects are good for a first-clast- grass crop. The prices per hundred are: April, 85 cents; May, 70 tenth; June, 60 cents; July, 80 cents; August, 85 cent* and September, $1.00. SOME people seem to lie in ambush waiting for an editor to say something that they can tie a grievance to. These people are usually those who are always looking for favorable mention in the paper, and who absorb compliments like water is absorbed by a mudhole. And with about the same response. When something appears that is not exactly in their line of thinking, they either ruffle up their bristle aud spit like a mad cat, or button up their dignity and become as chilly as the north end of a south wind. . , The Board of Auditor's Meeting' Notice is hereby given that the Board of Auditors of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, will hold their regular semi-annual meet­ ing at the Town Clerk's office. West McIIenry, 111 , on Tuesday, the 29th day of March, A. 1). 1898, at the hour of two o,clock p. M. This meeting is for the pur­ pose of examining and auditing all town accounts which may properly come be fore them. All persons interested wil take due notice. Signed this 8th day of March, 1898. i M. J. WALSH, Town Clerk. at nisrh* -- DAVID WARD, the lucky gold miner, who brought back the news of a rich find of gold on the American side of A'aska, and who says that the rush next spring will be far down the Yukon on the American side, spent three years prospecting in Alaska, and in that time only received seven letters from home. Since his re­ turn he has had more than that many thousands of letters from would-be argonauts in three months. He is now in Philadelphia, Pa., and tries to answer every inquiry concerning the Far North, its perils, rigors of climate and wonder­ ful riches. His practical experience makes his advice highly valuable, and anyone interested in Alaska should avail them selves of his knowledge by writing to him. A Reliable Woman Wanted. W e want a reliable woman in every County to establish a corset parlor for the sale of Dr. Nichols' Celebrated Spiral Spring Corsets and Clasps, Hygeia Waists, etc. Every corset is warranted not to break or rust, absolutely imper­ vious to moisture or pespiration. A new pair given for every pair that breaks. Guarrantee printed on each corset. Re- commendod by over 10,000 Physicians. I furnish complete stook on consignment and pay a salary of $40 to $65 per month and expenses. $3.00 sample out­ fit free. Prices reduced. Send 18 cents postage for sample and terms. DR. G. D. NICHOLS, 3(J~3in. New Canaan, Conn. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, Burns. There are three little things which do more work than any other three little things created--they are the ant, the bee and DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the ast being the famous little pills for tomach and liver troubles. J. A. Story For your Spring clothing call on S. Stoffel. All goods as represented and warranted, All kinds of harness goods and horse apparel at A. Wegener's. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar. hoea Remedy always affords prompt re- ref. For sale by J. A. Story. It is, or should be, the highest aim . of every merchant to please his customers; and that the wide awake drug firm of Meyers & Eshleman, Sterling, 111., is doing so, is proven by the following, from Mr. Eshleman: "In my sixteen years experience in the drug business I have never seen or sold or tried a medicine that gave as good satisfaction as Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." Sold by .1. A. Story, Druggist. V. S. LUMLEY, ATTOBWET. Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of an order ,'and decree of the County Court of McHenry county, Illinois, . made on the petition ol the undersigned, Jon, Jueten, Guardian of Mathias, Henry, Robert* deaimon, Elizabeth, Margaret, Catherine ana • Gertrude Schaefer, minor heirs of Nicholas P "Schaefer, dec-ased, for leave to sell real estat* ptpf said minors, at the March term, A, D.|189P, npf said Court, to-wtt; On the «th day of "March 1803. Notice is hereby given that on Friday, the irst daj> of April next* between the hours of 0 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock In the ifternoon of said day, to-wit: At 2 o'clock p. M. at the east door of the Court Hou*e in the iity ot Woodstock, county of McHeftry ard jtate of Illinois, the following described real (state belonging to the estate of said minora, o-wit: / The undivided one-half interest In the south ihalS-vS-the northeast quarter and a strip of Msind two rods wide from the nortb side of the southwest quarter, in section number thlrtv- five, township number forty-six, («6), north range eight (8). east of third P. M., containing eighty (80) acres morri or less, will be sold to the hignest and best bidder. TERMS, CASH. JOSEPH JUSTEK, Guardian. FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN A N O O N Easy Terms of Payment, One of the finest and most profitable dairy farms in McHenry County, consist­ ing of 24G acres, situated on the south road from McHenry to Woodstock. Good farm buildings and plenty of them. An orchard of fine fruit trees. Plenty ol Wood for the farm. NEVER FAlLiNG •SPRlNUiS in the postures furnish run­ ning water to the House, Barns aud yards,thus avoiding pumps and wind- uiills aud expense aud trouble to keep in repair. Iu fact there is no more profit­ able farm in McHenry County for Dairy or stock and it can be bought very low, much less than its value, on unusual easy terms of payment. For price aud terms of payment apply to W. A: Cristy, West McHenry, or to J. W. Cristy, Ringwood, 111. 29tf A Fine Farm for Sale. A farm of 200 acres near Columbus Junction, Iowa. This is fine black up­ land soil. There is one hundred acreh uuder cultivation, fifty acres of meadon land, forty acres of tillable pasture and ten acres of timber. There is running water on the farm also a deep well with wind miil. The place also has a fine, young, bearing orchard and other fruit. Tht house has seven rooms with good cellar under house. The barn is 30x40 with an addition 20x40 for cribs aud wagon shed. The Fences are all in good condition, Distance to a school only three quarters of a mile, and to church one mile and a quarter. This place is for sale at a reasonable price and on easy terms. Call on or address. A. J. ̂ CHMOKER. Columbus Junction, la. Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, • n o * * CREAM BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any othq^adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. For Rent. The Brick Store, just vacated by Simon Sboffel, in West McHenry, is offered for Rent; Also good living rooms and one fine large office room in second 6tory. For Jurther particulars inquire at this office. FOR SALE. A one-horse wagon. As good as new. luquire of 32tf HAKRY E. WIGHTMAN. For Sale. Feed warehouse aud Coal sheds, situ- iited at West McHenry, 111, together «ith a well established Feed and Coa! trade. For further particulars apply at once to W. A. Cristy, West McHenry, or J. E. Criifty, Ringwood, 111. 33tf For Sale- The Choicest Building Lots in Mc­ Henry. Centrally located. At low prices. Also Acres and Lots in River Forrest ubdi vision, near Prof. .Joodman's home, south of the Village. Inquire of O. N. Owen at Bauk of McHenry. 31t FOR SALE. 500 acre Stock Farm in McHenry Co Plenty of water, good Wind Mills, tanks, etc. Will take small farm of 100 acres or less as part payment Easy terms. Address W m. Stoffel, McHenry, 111. House arid Two Lots for Sale. The residence owned by' Mrs. W. J. McLeod, on Park Avenue, in this village, is offered for Sale. There is a House, Barn, and two very desirable Lots. For further particulars inquire at this office. Business locals* Insure your property with S. Stoffel and be insured. Lace Curtains, curtain poles, portiers, covers, etc. at S. Stoffel's. Get your Seed Potatoes at Owen & Chapell's. Gents furnishiugs, shirts, ties hats, hosiery; underwear, etc. at rf. Stoffel's. Give a share of your trade to a deserv­ ing, first class harness maker. A. Wegener. Don't annoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a, cold- Oue Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. J. A. Story. Mew line of Boys Chapell's. shirts at Owen & Latest novelties in Spring dress goods and trimmings at S. Stoffel's. SDR. CALDWELL'S fgj YRUP PEPSIN CURES Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using De Witt's Witch Hafeel Salve. It is the great Pile remedy. J. A. Story. Carpets, Rugs apd Window Shades of newest designs at S. Stoffel's. See the Neckties at Owen & Chapell's. Get a flat that is in Style at Owen & Chapell's. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It was made for. Ready-made Dress Skirts and Wrap­ pers, all colors, at A. P. Baer's, the Farmers Store. V. S. LUMLEY, ATTOBNEY. Notice of Sale of Real! Estate- Bv virtue of an order and decree of the County Court o^ McHenry county, Illinois, niaue on the petition of the nndersigned, Joseph Juaten. Executor of the estate of Nicholas P ochaaferdeceased, for leave to Bell the real estate of said deceased, at the «jann* ary term A. D 1S9S of said couit, to wit: On the 3d day of January. 1&)8. JSotlce is hereby given that on' Triday, the lirst uay of April next, between the hoars of lu o'clock in the forenoon and. five o'clock in the afternoon of said diy, to-wit: Two o'clock f st. at the, east' door of the Coart House, in the city of Woodstock, county of McHenrj aud state of Illinois, the following, described real estate belonging to the estate of M i.cholas P Scliacfer, deceased, to-wit: The undivided one-half interest in thesoatfi half of the northeast quarter and a strip of land two rous wide from the north side of the southwest quarter, in section number thirty, ove. township number forty-six (48), north range eight (8), east ot third P M, containing eighty ISU; acres more or less, will be sold ,to the highest and best bidder, •" TKRMd, CASH. 36-4 w JOSF.RII JUSXEK, Executor. V. S. LUMLEY, ATTOTNHY. Executor's Notice of Filing Final Settlement. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I «_ MCHENKY COUNTY, \ Eitate of Francis Brady Sr., deceased. Toall whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that on Monday, the 4th day of April, 1898, the executor of the last Will and Testa* ment of said deceased will present to the County Court ot McHenry County, at the Court Houso, in Woodstock, Illinois, his final report of his aots and doings as such executor, and ask the court to be discharged tiom any and all farther duties and respon- aibiiitiod connected with said estate and his administration thereof, at wnich time and place you may be present and resist such ap­ plication it you choose so to do. JAMES 8. HOWARD Executor. Executor's Notice. ESTATE of Jacob Meurer, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Kxecutorof the last Will and Testament of Jacob Meurer. deceased, late of the County of Mcdenry and State of Illinois, nereby gives notice that he will appear be* foro the county Court of MoHenry County at the Court House in Woodstock, at the Uay Term, on the tlrst Monday in May uuxt, at whioh time all persona having laiuis against said estate are notified ana re* quested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All pereons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, Oated the 12th day of March, A. D., 1893. 37 W4 W 1LLIAU J. MEDB1K, EXOCUtOr. ANNUAL TOWN MEETING 1 NOTICE is thereby given to the cittiens, legal voters of tue town of MoHenry, in the couuty of McHenry and State of Illinois, that the Annual Town Meeting of said town Kill be held at the old congregational Church, at Ringwood, for the First District, at the Village Hall, in the Village of ItcHenry for the Second District, in said town, on Tuesday, the 5th day of April, Next, being theflm Tuesday of the month? for the purposes following, viz: To elect. One Town Olerk, one Assessor, one uolleet* or, and one Oo nmissioner of Highways. Also to transact the miscellaneous business of the town and to act upon any additional subjects which may, in pursuance of law, come before said meeting when convened. I'olls will be opened at seven o'elook in the forenoon and closed at five o'elook in the afternoon of the same day. Given under my hand at West McHenry, III, this First day of March, 189S. M. J. WALSH, Town Olerk. And It tally Tails Cents. JOHNITSMITH, THE JEWELER, In now offering you grea Bargains in Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, That will make yon talk but laugh, to think how much you can save by calling on him. He has a fine stock to se­ lect from and will sell all goods in his line From 20 to 50 Per Csnt BELOW FORMER PRICES. Come in and see what we have and learn prices. Repairing promptly attended to. JOHN P. SMITH* McHenry, March 22, '98. RAILROADS. other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless ucccssful. Call or write me. G. F. BARNES, ATTOBNBT, Woodstock HL All kinds of Garden and Field seeds from reliable growers only. Timothy, Clover, Core, etc. at S. Stoffel's. Inspect our ne v stock of fine shoes for coming sprivg trade. Correct styles, right values and good selections at S* Stoffel's. _______ After years of untold piles. B. W. Pureell, of K-- --. was cured by using a single box ol _ - Witt's Witch Haiel Salve. Skin diseases such as ecaema, rash, pimples and obsti­ nate sores are readily cored by this {%. mous remedy. J. A. Story, . . j

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