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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Apr 1898, p. 7

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BEARS THE.FAC-SIMILE PURPOSES ONLY T INVE/Vr^^ REQUIRES NO COOKING <• MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF AND NICE „ - AS WHEN FIRST BOUGHT NEW - . ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH* tAPkH\)fAcTURED 0N<-y By 'UC.HUBINGER BROS.C? .̂Keokuk,Iowa. New Haven,Conn.̂ C OPYRI ftHTED .tfifiKE gently yet promptly on the Kidi Liver and Boweis, cleanses the '*• Iff* . 3? Offered 45 Years With Rheumatism. (TK40BKA&I] NOW CURED. Water Valley, Miss., Dec. 31,1S97. Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co.. Chicago, 111.:--1 hare •uttered forty-live years with rheumatism but could Ketno medicine to euro me until I got your 8 DROPS." I had suffered for a year with catarrh in .my head before 1 used your medicine "5 DROPS," uid I could not hear out of my right ear, but when '5 DROPS" I was cured of the catarrh I took the It is a blessed thing for me that T ever heard 6f your medicine and used it, for I am so improved thay almost feel young again though I am eighty-two years old. T. W. WILLIAJISOK. Peotono, 111., Dec. 23, 1897. 8wanson. Rheumatic Cure Co , ChicagoEnclosed please llnd draft for which send some more of the "5 DROPS." I have notused a bottle yet and ttiy rheumatism is aU gone, and all those that use It _ apeak highly of tt. I know it Is the best rheumatism cure I have tried in the last 18 years. Respectfully yours, WM. YOUNG. "5 DROPS" cures Rheumatism, Sciatica. Neu­ ralgia, Dyspepsia, Backache, Asthma, Ca­ tarrh, Sleeplessness, Nervousness. Nervous andNeuraleric Headaches. Heart Weakness, I41 Grippe, Creeping Numbness. Many thousands of simUar letters re­ ceived. The merits of "5 DROPS" is undisputed •with those who have tried it. We are certain that a trial bottle will convince anyone, and for another SO days'we will send a sample bottle, prepaid, for 25 cents. Large bottles of "5 DROP3" (300 doses,) 81.00; 3 bottles, 42.50. Not sold by druggists, only by us and our agents. Agents wanted in new territory. Write us to-day. .. SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO. 167-169 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL It Cures Colds, Coughs. Soro Throat, firouo, Influ­ enza, Whooping: Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in'first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. Use at onoe. You •will see the excellent effect after taking til* Jirat dose. Sold by dealers everywhere. 25c and 60c Per Bottle TO EXCHANGE ana ciear, In Chicago for estibllBhed business -- two 7- room cottages aud 3.1 lots, free . _Jcagn (near trolleys*. Price, $20,000. Will take stock and real estate. Address William H. Morrell, 34 West 25th St., New lork, N. i. Pu-c Envious of the Swimming Cat. There is a certain cat of clerical associations and impeccable social standing who swims like a fish, and, what is more, appears to enjoy it like any duckling. A pug dog in the fam­ ily seems to think the performance un­ natural. and whenever the cat goes down to take his bath the pug follows. Showing every sign of jealousy when visitors applaud and express surprise. The other day Master Pug could stand it no longer; he, too, took a plunge, and in a few moments, having reached fruss, seized the creature by the throat and held her head under water until life was nearly extinct. . Fortunately, some one saw the deed and rushed to the rescue, but eyen this painful ex­ perience lias failed't^ ^he cat from taking her, flifjjtfro^inhs^ment.-- Boston • •- * v ,, Great Benevblenc<is. In, large cities of the United States the condition of the poor is constantly being improved by the benevolences of wealthy, people. Sanitary reforms are suggested and carried out with earnestness, but those produced by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters in disordered liver, bowels or nerv­ ous system are very conspicuous. " Hurrah*' or " Hoeh." Whether "Hoch!" or 'Hurrali'." is the proper ejaculation after a. toast is proposed is a question that is,-disturb­ ing . Germany.. Prince' Ludwig of Ba­ varia at the Munich banquet in honor of the Kaiser's birthday avoided the point by shouting "Hoch, hurrah." The Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia, Pa., have recently delivered to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com­ pany the last of the large order of locomo­ tives placed last fall. This delivery in­ cluded twenty heavy engines which are rfbw being broken in for service between Cumberland and Baltimore. These Loco­ motives are of the same style that the motive power department adopted as the standard for the first and second divisions. They are of tha, consolidated type with 21x2(5 inch cylinder^ and the average load that they pull approSmnates 1,SOO tons. In the Lumwr Room. "Talking about haiipinessr"\ said Aunt Maria, "I think it all comes down to this--that most nearly everybody's for locking up their house and a-search- ing the world for that contentliient they've thrown away in their own lum­ ber room." it fe- "IRONING MADE ES8Y" This starch is prepared on scientific principles by men who havo had years of practical experience in fancy laundering. It restores old linen and summer dresses to their natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful and lasting finish* It is the only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless, containing neither arsenic, alum or any other substance injurious to linen and can bo used even for a baby powder. For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. A Splendid Book for the Development of American Patriotism. % The Beautiful Life of Frances E.Willardf Written by Anna A. Gordon, for 21 years her private sfic-w retary and most intimate friend. Official memorial volume^ endorsed by the W. C. T. U. • The Most Popular Book of the Century. | Size 8x10 inches, nearly 500 pages, beautifully illustrated:? Retail price. Cloth, $2; Hall-Morocco. $2.75; De Luxe 1* ditioti, T $3-75. Sent postpaid on receipt of price. T Solicitor 0 Wanted Evorywliore. ^ $5 to $8 per day easily made selling this book. Experience^ * not necessary; most liberal terms; credit given; freight^ paid: circular and terms free. Write for outfit to-day. ^ MONARCH BOOK COMPANY, Dept. 30* General Agents for the United States, England, Canada, Australia, etc. 0 Chicago, III. Philadelphia, Pa. Oakland, Oal. . . . Address nearest office. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Would you feel relieved if you could raise something? Does your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise more mucus in the morning? Then you should always keep on hand a bottle of If you haveia weak throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and the last one is always harder to cure than the one before it. Br. user's Cfeerri Pecwrai Piaster protects mc laags fpea colds. Help at Hand. If you have any complaint whatever and desire the best medical advice you can pos­ sibly obtain, write the doctor freely. You will receive a prompt reply. Address, DR. J. C. AVER, Lowell, Mass. ^oc>ooo>3C<x>oc<)c<x>oc^^ WORDS OF MENACE TO SPAIN. Victoria and Jenny Liinil. That Queen Victoria is not blind to the hold that other celebrities may have upon the feelings of her people was prominently illustrated in 1848, When Jenny Lintl was to sing at her majesty's theater. The Queen made her first public appearance after the memorable Christmas Day. For the great artiste, too. this was a first ap­ pearance. for it was the beginning of a season at a place where the year be­ fore she had won unparalleled fame. It happened that the Queen entered tli royal box at the same moment that the prima donna stepped upon the stage. Instantly a tumult of acclama­ tion burst from every corner of the the­ ater. Jenny Lind modestly retired to the back of the stage, waiting till the demonstration of loyalty to the sover­ eign should subside. The Queen, refusing to appropriate to herself that which she imagined to be intended for the artiste, made no acknowledgment. The cheering con­ tinued. increased, grew overwhelming, and still there was no acknowledgment from either the stage or the royal box. At length, when the situation be­ came embarrassing, Jenny Lind, with ready tact, ran forward to the foot-' lights and sang "God Save the Queen," which was caught up at the end of the solo by the orchestra, chorus and audi­ ence. The Queen then came to thefr6nt of her box and bowed, and the opera began. , ,ri, Thrown on ttie, Wall. * Ancient wall decorators laboriously applied their design by [little squares. In the decoration of the lAstoria Hotel use was made of the new stereoptiebn- process, by which the design is thrown in an enlarged copy on tile !Wall. ' Thfe modern worker has a grqat advantage over the old. War Resolutions Introduced in United States Congress. By Senator Frye of Maine. Respited, That the President of the United States he and he Is here­ by directed and e m p o w ered to take such effect­ ive steps as in his d i s c r etion may be necessary . to secure a speedy termination of the hostilities be­ tween-* the gov­ ernment of Spain and the people of. Cuba, the withdrawal of the military arid naval forces of Spain from .said island, and the complete independence of said people. By Representative Marsh of illinoh. v Resolved, That war be and the same . is hereby declared to exist between the gov­ ernment of Spain and her depend­ encies and the United States and her Territories, a n d t h a t t h e . President of the /* United States is hereby author­ ized to use the whole land and naval force of the United States, including the militia and the naval militia thereof, to. carry the sanre into effect.' By Sena or Rawlins of I' ah. . . R e s o l v . e d , That .the Inde­ pendence of the ..republic of "Cu­ ba be and the same is hereby recognized, and c1] that war against the kingdom of Spain be and t h e s a t u e hereby declar- e d ; a n d t h e kP rest dent Is 'hereby author- 'zed and direct­ ed to employ the laud and naval forces of the Uni­ ted States of America to wage such war to success. By Senator Allen of Nebraska. R e s o l v e d , That the repub­ lic of Cuba now and some time maintained by force of arms, Is hereby recog­ n i z e d b y t h e United States of America, as a separate and independent na­ tion. That the; United States> shall immedi­ ately intervene _ and put an end to the war now being waged on the Island of Cuba, and shall succor and release from Impris­ onment the people there concentrated for the purpose of starvation and ex­ termination. By Senator Forakcr of Ohio. R e s o l v e d . That the peo­ ple of the Isl­ and of Cuba are. and of right ought to be, free and I n <1 ependent. That the gov- e r n in e lit of t h e U n i t e d States hereby recognizes the r e p u b He of Cuba as the true and law- f u 1 govern­ ment of that island. That the war Spain is waging against Cuba is so destructive of i the commercial and property interests of the United States, and so cruel, barbarous, and inhuman in its character as to make it the duty of the United States to demand, and the government of the United States does hereby demand that she at once withdraw her land and naval forces from Cuba and Cu­ ban waters. That the President of the United States be and he is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to use, If necessary, the entire laud and naval forces lot'the United States to carry tlieBe resolutions Into effect. TELLS OF MARVELOUS MINE. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver aud kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 50c, Not Very Consoling* "Oil, oh I" moaned Mrs. Weeks, who was suffering from a decayed molar, "why aren't people born without teeth, I'd like to know?" ; "Why, my dear," exclaimed her hus band, "do you happen to know any one that wasn't?" Mirrors tell the story of complexions beautified by tho aid of Glenn's Kulpliur Soap. Hill's Hair and Whisker'Dye. black or brown. 50c. Why isn't the souud in a man's head when liis wife hits him with a broom­ stick a sort of marriage ring? ALASKA FAST STEAMERS UTOPIA AND DISCOVERY " SAILING EVERY 7 DAYS FROM SEATTLE, WASH., to ALASKA POINTa For information on Passage and Freight, and general information, address BELL «fc ATKINSON, Managers, SEATTLE, WASH. SEND FOR A BICYOLE lllgh Grade 'D8 Model*, *14 to $40. GREAT CLEARING SALE or >97 and 'M models, makes, $£>.75 to $18. Brut on approval without a cent payment, free u«o of wheel io our n peats. Write for our new plan "How to Earn n Bleyele" and make money. SPEC1 At T1IIS WEEK--40 hijrh (Trade V7 models Isllfrhtly shopworn I, flO.JS pnfii. "Wanderlnp* Awheel," a souvenir ' book of art, KRKK fur etorap while they last. K. C. MEAD CYCIiE, CO., CHICAGO. MATCH SAFE-Vest Pock. Agents wanted. Send $1 for SELF-LI6HTIHG* ^ 10 samples, or 25c single sample. Grea est novelty of the age. Qaick heller. BlKulNGHAH SPECIALTY COMPANY, 2017 First Avenue, Birmingham. Ala. S. N. U. No. 15 A ftttWrC wan ed. $3 to 55 per day made with- AUJUl -X 0 out int'-rferlng with your other busl- Ino capital required. Souteoe Co.,Corpus Chri* I,Tex. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OP THE WORD " CASTORIA" AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA/' the same that has borne and does now s/tf/j on every bear the facsimile signature of Acc>cc&AC wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA/' which has been used in the Iwmes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought Sltf s/fT/t s? "*" on the and has the signature o f /&CC&/W wrap­ per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. E. Fletcher is President. V. ' . March 8, 1897i Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE.FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Yukonite Returns Dressed in Rags, but Loaded with Gold. After live weary years in the Yukon valley, during which he found and work­ ed a quartz ledge of wonderful richness, as well as faced death by cold and starva­ tion a dozen times, Charles E. Baldwin of San Francisco has arrived in Van­ couver, B. C. He was dressed in rags, but was loaded down with gold. He said: "I went to hunt gold in Alaska live years ago and struck the richest mine in the world. It is a quartz ledge in the Xa­ nana Hills, 280 miles north of Fort Sel­ kirk. 4 I have gone in on the ledge 85 feet, and I know the ore will run $2,000 to the ton. With-a common hand mortar I have got out in four years $35,000. I brought out with me $17,000 in gold. If I wanted I could have pounded out two ounces a day. When Indians wanted pay for food I took a rock and hammered out th • gold. I found many nuggets also." P ddwin says that when he left the mine ti e Indians were dying by scores of starv­ ation. He will return to his treasure after a rest. LEE'S LIFE THREATENED. Warned in Two Days of Five Distinct Plots to Assassinate Him. Havana advices say that Consul Gen­ eral Lee was warned Sunday and Monday of five distinct plots against his life. It was reported to him that many of the rabid Weylerites are determined to kill him and that all sorts of plans have been evolved to accomplish that purpose. Gen. Lee professes to place but little credence in the many reports that reach him of threats against him, but it is no­ ticed that he is more closely guarded than ever by the Government. The latest story, to reach the consul was that he would be poisoned by a bribed employe of his hotel. To this Gen. Lee replied by asking the newspaper correspondents who sit near him at meal time, in case he is suddenly taken ill, first to shoot, his waiter and then to run for a stomach pump. Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. TMC CINTtun COMPANY. TT MUMIAV •TRCCT. HEW YORK CITT. EARTHQUAKE CAUSES PANIC. Residents of San Francisco Frightened by Seismic Shocks. Residents of San Francisco and neigh­ boring cities were much excited over the earthquake which shook the city and vi­ cinity just before midnight Wednesday. The vibrations continued fifteen seconds after the shock was l'elt and many per­ sons were thrown into a panic. Buildings trembled on their foundations, telegraph and telephone , wires were broken and numberless panes of glass were broken during the short space of time the shock was felt. Several hours elapsed before the fears of the panic-stricken populace were quieted and the streets cleared. Se­ vere shocks were felt at Sacramento, ;S'pn Jose, Merced, Stockton and Santa Cruz. Marix Says It Was a Mine. « Lieutenant Commander Marix. judge advocate of the board of inquiry into the Maine disaster, on being'released from the in relation to the blowing the battleship, had this to say: "We know that the Maine was biown up by a mine as surely as a physician knows a man was poi­ soned when he finds him suffering from the effects of poison." In Jamesburg, N. J., somebody has ctol-r en a fouisstory brick house. Is the rest of that State stafeiy nailed down? The Terrier's Mistake. An incident that pointed a strong moral took place on Chestnut street on Saturday afternoon. The street was thronged with promenaders, and the magnificent St. BUfftard dog which a young .woman was leading attracted mUch attention., Near 13th street the woman entered a store, leaving the dog outside. The dog was such a mag­ nificent beast that several people stop­ ped in admiration, and the dog actually seemed to smile at the attention he was receiving. About this time two giddy youths, who were followed by a mis­ chievous fox terrier, came along and paused to see what was attracting the throng. The terrier, which was but a mite beside the St. BernaJtl, rushed in and begau snarling at the big dog. The uoble-lookiug beast paid not the slight­ est attentnon, and Che youths audibly commented on the big one's cowardice. When the terrier began snapping at his feet, however, the big one gravely raised one,paw and pushed his tor­ mentor away. This angered tlie.terrier, aind its anger was fed by the youths, who told "Jip," as t hey called him, to go in and "shake the big coward." ".Tip" Vv-ent in and set his teeth in the St. Ber­ nard's leg. Suddenly the big dog lost its forbearance, and in a trice Jip was In its massive jatys. There was a crunching sound, a couple of shakes aud "Jip" was cast aside dead. The St. Bernard then resumed his place uncon­ cernedly, and the young men gathered up their dead terrier and went off to make complaint at the city hall.--Phila­ delphia Record. Shake Into Your Shoes Alleu's Foot-Ease, a powder for the( feet., It cures painful, swollen, smart­ ing feet aud instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the great­ est comfort discovery of the age. Al­ len's Foot-Ease makes tiglit-fittiug or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, nervous, aching feet. Try it to­ day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olin- •ted, Le Roy, N. ¥. Louisiana Acadians. The homes of the Acadians of Louis­ iana are. for the luost part, to be found in the Attakapas country of the State, west of the Mississippi, although many of them are in the vicinity of the Gulf coast line of Louisiana, and some on the banks of the Mississippi along the German coast, above New Orleans. They comprise one of the best elements of the varied population of the State, and the story of their enforced exile from their homes in Acadia (Nova Sco­ tia) lias been beautifully recited by I us fellow in his noble poem, entitled "Evangeline; a Tale of Acadle."--New Orleans Picayune. OVERWORKED WOMEN. "V Letters to Mrs. Pinkham From Women Who Have Been Helped Rett Sickness or Health. Try Gram-O: Try Grain-O! Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a pnekageof GRAIN-O, the new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The chil­ dren iiia,v«drink it without injury as well as the adult. AU who try it. like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach re­ ceives it without distress. % the price of coffee. 15c. and 25 cts. per package. Sold by all grocers. The ordinary every-day life of mostof our women is a ceaseless treadmill of work. How much harder the daily tasks become when some derangement of the female organs makes every movement painful and keeps the nervous system unstrung! The following letter from Mrs, WALTER S. BANT a, Sparkill, N. Y., tells the story of many women, and shows them how to get relief: "DEAR MRS. PINKHAM :--I cannot thank you enough for all Lydia E. Pinkhfam's Vegetable Compound has done for me. When I wrote to you I had suffered for years with falling, in­ flammation and Ulceration Of the womb; my back ached, and I was so much distressed I could scarcely walk. I was a burden to myself and did not care whether I lived Or died. "I have taken Hie bottles of your medicine and it has done wonders for me as all my friends can testify. I can now do my own \y6i:k, and do not know how to express my gratitude to you for the good your medicine and advice have done me. 1 owe my life to Mrs P i n k h a m . " - T ' " " . • Mrs. Pinkham's counselisoffered free to all women who need advice about their health, I|er address is Lj-nn, Mass. Mrs. PI H. HUTCHCBOFT, Kel . lerton, Iowa, tells here in her own words how Mrs. iPinkham helped her: "DEAK MKS. 'PINKHAM:--I was in a very, bad condition before I wrote to you and began the use of Lydia E- Pinliham's Vegetable Compound. I did not know what £o do. I suffered terribly every month, when on my feet would have such, a bearing-down feeling, was very weak, womb was ^swollen, back ached, appetite was very poor, also had trouble with my head. ' I have taken several bottles of your Compound and cannoc say enough in its favor. It helped nrDre than all the doctors." LydSa c. PiuKhani's Vegetable Compound; a Woman's RetneflyforWoman'sllls "Forbid a Fool a Thing and That He Will Do." || Don't Use S A P O L I O A Boy Choir. There is not one female voice in the choir at St. Peter's, in Rome, and yet the most difficult oratories and sacred music written are rendered in such a manner as to make one think that Ade- lina Pa.tti's high soprano is leading. The choir is composed of sixty boys. We can never die too early for others when we live only for ourselves. Spring Medicine A Good Blood Purifier a Ne­ cessity Now Hood's Sarsaparilla Unequaled for Making Rich, Red Blood. The necessity for taking a good Spring Medicine to purify the blood and build up the system is based upou natural and un­ avoidable causes. In cold weather there has been less perspiratiou and impurities have not passed out of the system as they should. Food has consisted largely of rich, fatty substances, and there has been less opportunity for outdoor exercise. The result is, the blood is loaded with impuri­ ties and these must be promptly expelled or health will be endangered. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best Spring Medicine because it is the best blood purifier and tonic. It thoroughly purifies the blood and gives vigor and vitality. Sarsa­ parilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. $1; six for $5. Hood's British Diplomats Cared For. The British government owns the finest residence in Pekin. It is occu­ pied by its ministeri to China and his staff, which consists of eighteen or twenty persons, including three or four "commercial attaches," as they are called, whose business is to study the commercial possibilities of the empire aud make reports to the foreign office in London for the benefit of the British manufacturers and mercliauts. There are also several "student interpreters," young men who are, placed there for the purpose of acquiring the Chinese language and a knowledge of the cus­ toms of the country prior to their ap­ pointment in the consular service. The British, government will not appoint any one to its consular service iu any country unless he understands the language of that country, which con­ dition does not hpply to tile consular service of the United States. In addi­ tion to the legation in the city of Pekiu, the British parliament has recently ap­ propriated $85,000 for the erection of a summer residence for the use /of its minister and his officials in the hills fifteen or twenty miles away. TWenty- six thousand dollars was also appro­ priated for the erection of a consulate at Chung-King. Wherever tfye British establish an embassy or legation or a consulate they always provide a suit­ able building, as in Washington. But the United States Government owns only one such building iu all the world, and that is at Tokyo, Japan, where the land was given by the Japanese gov­ ernment, and the original residence was erected by Mr. Seward when he' was our minister there. We have paid twenty times its value iu rent during all these years, and finally purchased it from his heirs for $16,000.--Chicago Record, 8100 Howard, SIOO. Tho readers of this paper will be pleased to learn tlKit there Is at least one dreaded disease that science hits been able to cure in all Its staces, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is the only positive cure now known to the med­ ical fraternity. Catarrh .Being a.bonsHtutlonal disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and' tnueoufc surfaces ot the system, the disease. building up the constitution and assisting in doliiR its work.i Tho proprietors have so much faith In Its curative po\vers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of Testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. tSr-Sold by Drucgists. 75c. ONB Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta HnnH'c Pi iI*: are the favorite cathar- 11UUU S» fIIIS> ttc All druggists. 25c. tn > s aHwunHinni » POMMEL -SLICKER Keeps both rider and saddle per­ fectly dry in the hardest storms. Substitutes will disappoint Ask for 1807 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker-- it is entirely new. If not for sale in your town, write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER, Boston, Mass. delight to do an early friend I good Urn. The working puts of ^ ANY AERMOTOR) EXCHANCEO FOR A ROLLER 1 BEARING, xephjr-'on. ning, ever-going, ereriaeting, power-1 doubling, UP-TO-DATE '08 I MOTOR, 8 FT. FOR $6; " for$i2;ie-tt- I for 130. They run like a bieycle,«nd an made like a I 1 watch, every movable part on r.llrri. Doubles geared I I mill power. The Aermotor ran when all other milli I I stood still, and made the steel windmill business, f THE NEWBEATSTHEOLD ASTHE| OLD BEAT THE WOODEN WHEEL. On receipt of amount, revised motor (bst not wheel I [ or vane) will be sent to replaee old one then to be| , returned. Offer subject to cancellation at any lime, j iVIf your old wheel is not an Aermotor, write for pterins of swap--new for old--to (TO on old tower. jjJfou can put it on. Aermotor Co^ Chleaf.^ nm PAYS THE BEST SCALE, LEAST MONEY. JONES Of BINGHAMTON. N. Y. M m •muvfi PATENTS Watson B. Coleman, Solicitor at Patents, 902 P St., Wnshin*. tort.D. a. Highwt roftrcEces. Another Sin Of Omission. "No," said Belie Sprocketts, "it must not be. He is unworthy of me." "Why," exclaimed Nell Gear. "I sup­ posed he was an exemplary young man. Have you heard of some awful thing that he has don6?" "Alas, it isn't wrhat he lias done, but what he has left undone. He shame­ lessly confessed last night that he had never made a century run in liis life." What Do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried the new food drink called GRAIN-O? It is delicious and nourish­ ing, and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-O you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain-0 is made of pure graius, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee, but_ costs about % as ihuch. All grocers sell it. 15c. and 25c. The Russian Government has order­ ed that all sardine boxes be opened by the customs officers, because nihilistic tracts were often sent into the country packed in fish tins. Coughing Lcaiis to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your drqggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan­ gerous. "A good word is as soon said as au 111 one." It does not take any longer to treat a customer polltel^ than it would rudely, and it pays much better in the long run. . TO CURE A COI/D IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All DrmtKtsts return! the money if It falls to cure. 25c. tem effectually, dispels colds, head* aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro­ duced, pleasing to the taste ana ac­ ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drag- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro­ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE. Xf. NEW YORK, ILT. B. P. O. ELKS. New Orleans, La. MAY 10-13, 1898. ONE FARE Round Trip, VIA Big Four Route." Tickets will be on sale May Oth, 7th and 8th. eturning " date of sali Returning tickets wiU be good fifteen days from lie. Iffllg The first *kiug honored with the title of "majesty" was Louis XI. of France. I know that my life was saved by Piso's Cure for Consumption.--John A. Miller, Au Sable. Mich.,'April 21, 1-895. FITS Permanently Cured. No nts or nervousness after first day's use of nr. Kline's Great Nerve Be- •:orer. Send tor FKEK Sit.OO trial bottle and treatls*. IJZU 1L H. KLINB. Ltd.. uai Arch t>u. Philadelphia, Prt Mr*. Wlnslow's SOOTHING STBUP FOR Children teethin*; sottens the sums, reduces inflammation, allwa i>ain, cures wind colic, a cents a bottle. For full information call on Agents Big Font Route, or address the undersigned. E. 0. McCORMICK, WARREN J. LYNCH, Pass. Traf. Man. Asst. Gen. Pass. A Tkt. CINCINNATI, O. Mention this paper when you write. --MMMIIimilHOIMtll FOR 14 CENTS We wish to sain 150,000 n tomers, ana hence offer 1 Pkgr. 13Day Radish, 1 Pkg. Early Spring Turnip, 1 " Earnest Red Beet, 1 " Bismarck Cucumber, t Mc i 1 " Queen Victoria Lettuce, " 1 •* Ktondyke Melon, 1 '• Jumbo Giant Onion, 3 " Brilliant flower Seeds, Worth $1.00, for 14 cents. AboY« 10 pkgfs. worth 91.00, we mail yon free, to^ethe great Plant and upon receipt of this notice and postage, we invite your trade i Know wheal yen once t ~ ' seeds yon will never get i ^Bb^rSktaWo^^fii^ JOU.V A. SALZSR SEED CO., Li CROSS*. fUB. nimnimmimiii 10c 10c I I CUBES C»TB. Qauaatecd Pnraau CINCINNATI CURE YOURSELF I 1 se Big G for unnatural discharges, inflammations, irritations or ulcerations of" mucous membranes. ^ « Painless, and not astrto-JTHEEVANS CHEMICAL CO. gent or poisonous. SoW byPrunMs, t in plain wrapper, press, prepaid, for * bottfce, |2.75. PENSIONS by expr J1.00. or: ..... Circular sent on request. Get Your Pensioa DOUBLE O QUICK! Writs Capt. O'TASUIL. Ttsiiis Agwt.WasMagtos. P.6 The Fay Manilla Rooting Co~ Caawiw, N. Jfc No. 15--®® Ft writing to Advertisers, please do not laii te Uoa yen saw the Advertisement in Uis fa>sf. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good, in time. Sold by druggists. lyrifTirc

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