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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1898, p. 7

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^ P I S O ' S C U R E F O R W0M REVENGE OF PIZEN GULCH CIT& It Was Two Weeks Too Late, but No Apaches Were Lc t. "The mail who said that 'the only good Indian was a dead Indian' waa about as near right as men get," re­ marked Col. Ham Sploggett, of Arl- Eona, the other evening, as he wrestled with a mint smash, "and if any man ougliter know what he's talking erbout in them matters I guess It's me. I went to Arizony a mighty long time ago. Them darned Apaches wuz er­ bout as onery as eny sort of Indians, and not a day passed but what we fel­ lers down to Pizen Gulch heard erbout men losing their scalps and women and, children being butchered like forty, the news coming from way out on the frontier. J. wuz sorter getting a grip on Arizony jess then, an' I didn't want to lose it, so I jess stayed away from the line an' 'tended ter business,' with one eye open. We had ter get out and hustle, however. Indians wuz getting more rampageous every day, and final­ ly a band of the measly, murdering rob- becSTid inter a small settlement erbout fifty miles from the Gulch and killed every soul thar, not leaving one to tell the tale. This riled the boys at the Gulch, an' we thought the time had come to do something. Two hours after we got the news we wuz out for biz. We rode away, an' an hour afore sun­ down we reached the place whar the settlement had been. Wall, sir, I've seen many sad sights in my life, but that little settlement wuz erbout the saddest thing that ever met these old eyes, not so old then, neither. Ashes showed whar some cabins had stood, and that, too, could be seed what re­ mained of home things, an' jess on the outskirts of the settlement we found the bodies of the folks what had form­ ed the peaceful village. "Men, -women and children alike had gone to satisfy the awful greed for blood. They had been dragged togeth- ed and the bodies, must have been about twenty of them, were piled in a terrible heap, mutilated and horrible to look at. The saddest sight of it all was the form of a little baby. The small critter wuz lying on the breast of a woman, maybe its mother, and its little lists wuz fastened in the long hair that was all tangled and flowing like. At fust I thought it wuz sleepin', but it wuzn't. It AVUZ dead, an' a little round black hole right in the middle of its forehead showed whar the bullet had done its work. Thar it wuz, a monument of Indian ferocity, an' the poor little limbs of the baby wuz cud- duled up an' its white face wuz smilin' jest as though death had caught it while it wuz lookin' right inter its mother's eyes. The sight of that little one thar, naked to the skies, made the grim look on the faces of the boys jess kinder deepen like until they seemed desperate and deadly. We left the place without a word, but when we crept up on the band what did the work we paid them back to the death, even if it wuz two weeks later. Them wuz bad days, I tell you."--Two Repub­ lics, Mexico. Humor of British Elections. Years ago, when elections in England were contests in which bribery and in­ timidation were winked at. voters who lived at a distance often found it diffi­ cult to get to the polls, whether they traveled by land or by water. A vessel carrying voters from London to Ips­ wich, only seventy miles distant, some­ how lost its reckoning and did not dis­ cover it until Amsterdam was sighted. Coaches conveying voters broke down mysteriously. Readers of "Pick­ wick Papers" will recall Tony Weller, the stout, red-faced coachman who married a "widder" for his "second wentur," and who had what he called "a coincidence." while driving a coach­ load of voters from Loudon to a certain town. The coach was upset several miles from its destination, and the pas­ sengers reached the polling booth only after the voting had been closed. Ireland's reputation for practical jok­ ing at elections Is maintained even in these prosaic days. At the election for the city of Cork in 18S>3. the contest was between the Parnellites and the anti-Parneliites. A funny incident hap­ pened. The wives of four voters held political views wihich differed from their husbands'. On the day of the elec­ tion these four women rose early and left their homes, carrying off every stitch of male attire from the house, with the keys, after locking in their sleeping husbands. But fate was against them. Before the poll closed, the clothesless voters were discovered. Friends wrapped them in blankets and (Conveyed them in carriages to the polling booths, where they arrived just in time to re­ cord their votes. A Lous Look Ahead. Politicians are evert now weighing the possibilities involved in the next presiden­ tial election. The papers are foil of pre­ dictions-as to the future which are some­ what too self-confident. But it is safe to cay that a systematic course of Hostet- ter's Stomach Bitters will renew health in the bilious, rheumatic or nervous. Apparel. "See here," exclaimed the customs house official as he'held up a half dozen black bottles. "I thought you said this trunk contained nothing but wearing apparel?" "That's what I said," answered the tourist. "Well, what do you call these?" ask­ ed the official. "Nightcaps," was the calm reply.-- Chicago Daily News. NERVE OF A BOLD DRUMMER. l*e: Forced a Railroadso Haul Him in a Private Car to Sioux Falls* P. Di His bold defiance of a railway corpo­ ration procured M. T. McNeil the honor of a . special car recently from Fort Dodge, Iowa, to Sioux Falls, S. D. Mc­ Neil is a Chicago traveling man, A few days ago he bought a ticket over the Illinois Central from Chicago to Sioux Falls, and engaged a berth in a sleeper for the entire trip. At Fort Dodge, however, it was decided to turn the train around and run it back to Chi- cago--a plan occasionally adopted wlie,u travel is light. This compels the Sioux Falls passengers to rise early and change cars. McNeil was accordingly aroused, advised as to the situation, and peremptorily required to hurry on his clothes and leave the sleeper. But not he. He would ride to Sioux Falls in that sleeper, he declared, or go back to Chicago with it. And then let the Illinois Central look out for a damage suit. The conductor offered to pay his passenger's hotel bill until" another sleeper' arrived or do anything else in reason to accommodate him. The trav­ eling man stuck for his lights and the officials filially wired to headquarters for instructions. On orders received from there the car was then carried through to Sioux Falls with McNeil its only occupant.--Kansas City Star. Is Health. Without blood circulating through your veins you could not live. Without pure blood you cannot be well. The healthy action of every organ depends upon the purity and richness of the blood by which it is nourished and sustained. If you have salt rheum, scrofula sores, pimples, boils or any kind of humor, your blood is not pure. If you take Hood's Sarsnparil- !a it will make your blood pure and promptly relieve all these troubles. In the spring the blood is loaded with impu­ rities. Hence, all those unsightly erup­ tions. that languor and depression, and the danger of serious illness. Hood's SarSaparilla is needed to! purify, enrich and vitalize the blood and protect and for­ tify the system. Hood's IB* Is America's Greatest Medicine. Sold by all drug­ gists'. ; six for Get only Hood's. Hood'« Pi lie Hie only pills to take 1IUUU » I~1I9& with Hood'sSarsap: villa. Perhaps you have had the grippe or a hard cold. You may be recovering from malaria or a slow fever; or possibly some of the chil­ dren are just getting over the measles or whooping cough. Are you recovering as fast as you should? Has not your old trouble left your blood full of impurities ? And isn't this the reason you keep so poorly? Don't delay recovery longer but It Will Pay. It will pay to carefully read the de­ scriptive advertisement of Alabastine appearing in this paper, explaining the difference between these goods and kal- somines. Consumers should bear In mind that Alabastine is unlike all the various kal- somines sold on the market under dif­ ferent names. Alabastine stands pre­ eminent and alone as a durable wall coating. All consumers In buying should see that the goods are in packages ^and properly labeled. Grecian Ballot Discovered. One of the ballots for Theniistocles has just been found by German exca­ vators in the Areopagus, going back to a date eaiiiei* than 470 B. C., as "that was the which that celebrated worker of tiite Athenian primaries was banished. It is an inscribed potsherd bearing his name, and, with proper care, is good for another 2.500 years. There-are only three such souvenirs of the old Greek elections in existence, and only this one "bears the name of Theniistocles. A WORD WITH HUSBANDS. Give Your SS'ifc a Erittle Praise and See How It Works. "if husbands only knew; Or, if-know­ ing, only cared, how very much their words and manners affect the tempera­ ture of the home world, they would never, by word or deed, leave it en­ shrouded in gloom," argues Mrs. A. M. Marriott, in Woman's Home Compan­ ion. "To most wives the husband is the sun around which every thought re­ volves. There is scarcely an instant in which his presence is not felt as she goes about her work, or even when at rest. If she is preparing the meals, the way John likes this or that, or some re­ mark he has made about some article of food is recalled to mind;'if she looks about her she sees his hats and coats hanging on the hooks, and the liats in­ variably wear the same expression John's face wore when lie left in the morning; a jolly, good-humored look, if he went away pleasant; if angry, a gruff, defiant attend-to-your-own-busi- ness air takes the place of the so lately gentle pliable shapes iu felt, and fairly bristle with wrath over some trifle, but still enough to obscure the sun in the little world for many a weary per­ chance, ere it is seemingly forgotten. "There is no true woman but will re­ pay her husband oyer and oyer again for kind, thoughtful treatment. He is ready to call her childish, and she may seeni so to him; but one thing is sure--a woman never forgets. All little deeds of love or thought fulness sown by his hand yield a certain and abundant har­ vest. She may love her home better than any other spot on earth, yet she sometimes gets so weary of the daily routine of never-eliding duties that fall to her lot that she cannot help an occa­ sional feeling of envy for those who have more time for recreation, for go­ ing abroad, for all the Little thiugs dear to the heart of every woman, but which the stern hand of duty most effectually debars her from enjoying. Still, for all that, she would not for the whole world exchange places, even if she could, with any other woman, leaving home and John--dear old John--as the price of her freedom from care. * * * If your wife lias been a fahhful and true wife to you. tell her so. Do not think it low­ ers your manliness any to let her know that she still lias a place in your affec­ tions. She has toiled early and latt» for you aud your children, through sick­ ness and health, and self-denial has grown to be her motto. It takes but little from her loved ones to make her happy, so do not begrudge her a word of praise now and then as her just re­ ward. and of far more value to her starving heart than gold. There are some things which money can never buy. and wounds which it cannot heal; but love levels all obstacles, overcomes all difficulties, and Immeasurably sweet­ ens life." It will remove all Impuri­ ties from your blood. It is also a tonic of immense value. Give nature a little help at this time. Aid her by removing all the products or disease from your blood. If your bowels are not just right, Ayer's Pills will mdie them so. Send for cur book on Diet in Consti­ pation. i V/rlio to our Doctor*. We have the exclusive services of some of the most eminent pliynl- cians in the United States, write freely and receive a prompt reply, Without cost. Address, DR. J. C. AVER, Lowell, Mass! Thoughtless Folks Have the Hardest Work, but Quick Witted People Use Coughing LeaJs to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dan­ gerous. Natural Gas in China, Natural gas has been Used iu China for many centuries. Sixty languages are spoken in the em­ pire governed by the Czar of Russia. WE HAVE NO AGENTS TT. Surrey Einnli., Price, 116.00, Se^ for Urgt froi ' No. 608 Surrey. Prioe, »ith cnrt*ins, limpi, ran- As good u Milt fir $25. Catalogue of all our ttyle*. (hade, apron and leaden. $60. An good as tella ferfNL ELKHART iifeKIASE AMD UABMESS MFU. GO. W. B. PUATT, Sec'y, r.I.KHART, ISO, 'A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of • Excellence in Manufacture." < Shark Charmers. In the Persian gulf the divers have a curious way of opening the season. They depend implicitly upon the shark conjurers, and will not descend with­ out their presence. To meet this diffi­ culty the government is obliged to hire the charmers to divert the attention of the sharks from the fleet. As the sea­ son approaches, vast numbers of na­ tives gather along the shore and erect huts and tents and bazaars. At the opportune moment--usually at mid­ night. so as to reach the oyster banks at sunrise--the fleet, to the number of eighty or a hundred boats, pulls out to sea. Each of these boats carries two divei's. a steersman and a shark charm­ er. and is manned by eight or ten row­ ers. Otlier conjurers remain 011 shore, twisting their bodies and mumbling in­ cantations to divert the sharks. In case a man-eater is perverse enough to disregard the charm and attack a diver an alarm is given, and 110 other diver will descend on that day. The power of the conjurer is believed to lie hered­ itary. and the efficacy of his menta­ tions to be wholly independent of bis religious faith. inventus; J REQUIRES NO COOKING * c MAKES COLLARS AND CUFFS STIFF AND NICE AS WHEN FIRST BOUGHT NEW ^ „ Absolutely Pure, Delicious, ' Nutritious. Costs Less man m GEMT a Cap. ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL CO AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF OF ANY OTHER STARCH* ^HUTACTURED 0NLYQY 'UC.HUBINGER BR0S.C® ^KEOKUK,IOWA.NEW HAVEN,CONN.^ ' Be sure that you get the Genuine Article, , made at DORCHESTER, MASS. by " WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd, • ESTABLISHED 1780. Ancient English Cnstle. One of the finest and best preserved of the ancient northern castles of Kn- gland is the sent of she I>uke of Cleve­ land. King Canute presented It with other offerings at the shrine of Sr. Cuthbert, but it passed out of the hands of the monks in 1131. Portions of the older building are so skillfully Incor­ porated with the new that it seems a perfect specimen of a castle of the four­ teenth century. The castle is of great size and strength, and the walls sur­ rounding it occupy about two acre< of ground. The pleasure grounds and park are of a magnificence commensur­ ate with that, of the palace ihey sur­ round. This starch is prepared on scientific principles by men who have had years of practical experience in fancy laundering. It restores old linen and summer dresses to their natural whiteness and imparts a beautiful ar»\ lasting finish. It is the only starch manufactured that is perfectly harmless, containing neither arsenic, alum or any other substance injurious to linen and can be used even for a baby powder. For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers. " For six years 1 was a victim of dys­ pepsia in its worst form. I could eat nothing but milk toast, and at times my stomach would not retain and digest even that Last March 1 began taking CASCARETS and since then I have steadily improved, until I am as weL M X ever was in my life." DAVID H. MURPHY, Newark, a Women of Paris Are Very Beititilul. "I like the way the French take their amusements," writes Miss Lilian Bell in a letter from Paris to the Ladies' Home Journal. "At the theater they laugh and applaud the wit of the hero aud hiss the villain. They shout their approval of a duel and weep aloud over the death of the aged mother. When they drive 111 the Hois they smile ami have an air of enjoyment quite at va­ riance with the bored expression of En­ glish and Americans who have enough money to own carriages. .We drove in Hyde Park in Loudon the day before we came to Paris, and nearly wept with sympathy for the unspoken grief in the face of the unfortunate rich who were at such pains to enjoy themselves. 1 never sa w such beautiful women as I see in Perls. French men are insignifi­ cant as a rule, and English women are beefy and dress like rag-bags." Soldiers' American Song*. All the military authorities of Europe are now paying great attention to sing­ ing on the inarch. The French army has of late permitted its soldiers to siny; while marching. A little book of soldiers* marching songs was published In London, with Gen. Wolseley's words printed big on the cover to the effect that men march better and arrive fresh­ er when they sing than when they don't. Curiously enough, most of these songs are American, words and all. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 60c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Itemtdj « omp.ny, Ckteago, Montrra!. Hew Tart. IU WILL KEEP YOU DRY, Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the .feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart­ ing feet aud instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the great­ est comfort discovery of the age. Al­ len's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired, nervous, aching feet. Try it to­ day. Sold by all drufcgists and shoe stores. By mall for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Allen S. Olm­ sted. Le Roy. N. Y. Swiss Village Houses. Some of the village houses in Switzer­ land have quaint sundials upon the front and, where they are very fine, there is not infrequently an inscription telling when the house was built and when restored, and perhaps a pious sentence in old German text, says the Christian Register. The roads through this valley constantly excited our ad­ miration. They seem built for all time and are as well kept as a lady's parlor floor. These beautiful highways over the wildest passes show how effectual­ ly a paternal power watches over the safety and comfort of the traveler. Some of the prettiest villas upon these hillsides are the summer houses of wealthy Swiss cooks, restaurant- keepers, confectioners and hotel pro­ prietors to be found in all the large towns of Europe, and who return to their native valleys for rest and recrea­ tion. Though they may not be socially distinguished in the places where they have acquired their wealth they have as good a position as need be desired in their early homes. The castle of the old family has often crumbled on the hill, but the new families in the valley survive and flourish here as elsewhere. Don't be fooled with a mackintosh or rubber coat. If you want a coat that will keep you dry in the hard-; est storm buy the 'Fish Brand Slicker. If not for -sale in your town, write for catalogue -to A. J. TOWER, Boston Mass. Sold and guaranteed by all drug­ gists to CuRE Tobacco Habit. There Is n Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has been placed In ali the grocery stores a new preparation called ORAIN-O. made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives It without dis­ tress. and but few can tell it from cof­ fee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 1,1c. and 2Ttc. per package Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. How tie Brain Acta. Although the brain is perpetually act­ ive. the whole or it is never active at one time. The two hemispheres, or halves, do not operate simultaneously, but alternate in action--now it is the one-half, then the other. e delight to do an early turn. The working parts OTH AERMOTOftl I 9 J K 8 m R > E X C H A N G E D 1 I FOR A ROLLER I BEARINC.zepbjr-mn. JMr oine, ever-going, evexlutme, power- j •T doubling, UP-TO-DATE '98 MOTOR,8 FT. FOR $6; M-tt. (orti2;iMt. for 130. They ran like * bicycle, and are madelikea natch, errry movable part en rollers. Doubles gtand mill power. IhaAermotur m when all other mill, stood still,, and made the steel windmill basieass. T H E N E W B E A T S T H E O L D A S T H E OLD BEAT THE WOODEN WHEEL. On receipt «>f amount, revised motor (but not wheel! or vane) will be sent to replace old one then to be I returned. Offer subject to cancellation at any time. J V If your old wheel is not an Aermoior, write fo* J ^terras of swap--new for old--to go on old tower. SEND FOR A BICYCLE SHOULD BE PREPARED. The two biggest lire engines in the world are in Liverpool: tlie.v can throw 1,800 gallons of water a minute and a Jet 140 feet high. Piso's Cure for Consumption hns been a godsend to me.--Wui. B. MeClellan, Chester, Flu., Sept. 17. 1S9<>. Italy produces annually 70,000,000 gallons of olive oil, the market value of which is over *120.000,000. Why doesn't some genius invent a •afety accordion for beginners? Rheumatism and La Grippe Prjvalent and Prompt Treatment -Necessary. Every family should hatre a bottle of "5 Drops" ou hand, especially at this season of the year. Changes in the Weather are so liable to cause rheuma­ tism, la grippe aud many other diseases that the "5 Drops" cure. Swanson Rheumatic Cune Co.. Chi­ cago: "5 Drops7' promptly received. That is the medicine we want. My wife would undoubtedly hare been a cripple if it had not been for your "5 Drops." We would not be without it Yours truly, John G. Martin. Wellsville, Mo. Feb. *10. ISyS. This is one of many testimonials which the manufacturers of "3 Drops" have received. During the next thirty days they will send out 100.000 of their sample bottles for 25 cents a bottle. Write to-day to the SWauson Rheumatic Cure Co.. 107 Dearborn street. Chicago, 111. This company is reliable and promptly fill every order. PENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. JOHN W.MORRIS, WflSHUKT0H.0.a Late Principal Examiner IT. S. rention Sanaa. J vrs. in last war, 15 adjudicating attjr. C|T| r.l ICUTIIC MATCII SAFE-TeitW fttll LiDfil lnOet Asents wanted. Sendfl tor 10 sampies, or i!5c single sample. Greatest n-iveltj of BIKulSOUAM SPECIALTY COMPANY, 2017 First AYCDUU, Birmingham. AJ&. s- Lr. No. ie-i»S BESTSCAl.ES- LEAST MONEY JONES OF BINGHAMTON N. Y. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONK DAY. Take LaxiUlve Uromu (Julnine Taft.eis. AII Dmcglsts return! tljtj money ir It fails in cure 'J5c The proportion of .blind people in the world is SOI) to e very 1,000,000. Inevitable. "Perhaps you would like to do the shopping for the family yourself!" she exclaimed. ^ . "Perhaps you would like' to under­ take the responsibility of providing,the funds!" he retorted. Then they both shuddered and real­ ized that there was no use of trying to settle the question. It was the old, old dispute between capital and labor.-- Washington Star. * ... IT IM EASY; It is oayy Cortkiiiy one to understand that Alabastine, tiff base of which is n cement that wheu Applied to any clean solid surface goes through i>(profess of setting and grows hard with age, should be durable, that is, not rub and scale off, but admit of recoatlng from time to time without having to wash and scrape off its old coats before renewing. It IK equally plain tbat all kalsomlnes are the -everse of this, being manufactured from willing, chalks, clays, etc.. for a base, and being stuck on the wall with glue, which when exposed to the air, moisture, etc.. soon decays, and the rubbing and sejillng then com men ti s. leaving the wall iu a terrible condition. On account of tills bail repute, most man­ ufacturer^ of kalsomlnes brand their prod­ ucts with some arbitrary name, but the con­ tents of tlie package still, remain a kulso- mlne. M i f . r f S I C K N E S S Particularly throat and lung difficulties, Jg- norantly attributed to other causes. Is the result of unsanitary conditions of walls and ' CtflNT KHKl MATIC CUREOUREi . Q'ft" I Rheumatism. $1 per bottlo, post Idr-ss STAH MX ICINE CO.. CoMwatf-r. Midi. Various Days Jur Christmas. The first and sixth days of January, the twenty-ninth of September and the twenty-fifth of March have been cele­ brated as Christmas. Day; it was not until the middle of tlie fourth century that the Church Council fixed the date as at present. „ CURfcS WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. „ Q Best Cough Syrup. Testes Good. Use rW in time. Sold by druggists* !»• The only perpetual thing about per- Detual motion is Its failure.

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