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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1898, p. 1

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Dr. Walter C Besley, DENTIST ^ > "Pledged butto Truth, to Liberty and Law; Ko Favors Win us and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 23. M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27,4898. NO. 43. PUBLISHED®VERY WEDNESDAY BY -- J . V A N S L Y H E , - EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK Two DOOTBNorth Owen & Chapelt's Stove, TEBNIS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Dne year (inaitvance) : . . . . . . 60 If Not Paid wit hin Three Monthe., v -- 2 00 Subscriptions received for miKs or »ix 'months in the same proportion. 'WEST'SIgHKKE.Y Office at Geo. W. Besley'a I Drugstore, | Examinations free Will be at Nunifa Office Wednesday Thursday ot each week. a d MILO J. L. HOWE, PIANO & [ORGAN ) __ -- _ r WIe Henry. Tuner & Repairer. ) .-- All Orders Promptly Attended to, BOO 10 00 16 00 30 00 60 00 100 00 RATES OF ADVERTISING*. We announce liberal rates for advertising in the PLAINDEALER, an<i endeavor to state thorn so plainly that they will be readily un deistood. They are as follows: 1 Inoh one year - - 2 Inches one yo&r . * 3 Inches one year - ^ Oolumn one year • V Column one year- - 1 Oolumn one year - One incti means the measurement of one Inoh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the aoove rates, nave the privilege of ohanging as otten »B tney choose, without extra oharge. Regular advertiser* (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notioes at the rate of 5 cents per line cach week. All others will be charged lo eents per line the first week, and 5 oents per ine for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged Bt the rate of 10 cents per line, (.nonpareil lype. same as this is set in) the first issue, and 5 vents per line for subsequent issues. Ihns, in mob advertisement will oost <il.00 ror one week;, >1.60 for two weeks, |S.uo for three m eekB, *nd so on. The PLAIXDBALEB will be liberal in giving e Utorial notioes, but, ae a business rule, it wnl require a suitable fee from everybody seeding the use of its oolumns for poouniary gain. 4W&.11 Foreign Advertising payable Quarterly, in advance, These terms will be strictly adhered to. BUSINESS CARDS. W. C. ANNERS, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. B E S L E Y ' S D R U G 3 T O b E . O. H. GILLMORE, TTORNEY. Probate work a specialty. L Office in Kenaal block, W oodstock, 111. DR. BAECHIER. DENTIST. Plate Work, a n d everything per­ taining to Dentistry. Parties from a distance should drop a card a day or two belore coming. • Office. McHenry. A. C- SPURLING, Veterinary - Surgeon. YVest MrHeury, 111. Special attention given to the treat­ ment o! Cows. Office at residence on Waukegan streM, one loor east ot bOtel Park. Sole Agency for the Celebrated POLAR STAR Fancy acufactured at New Prague, -j j., ills, are located :n the finest hard wheat country. Are supplied with most modern machinery. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Proceedings of the Special April Meet­ ing, 1808. KNIGHT A BROWN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 100 Washington Street, CHICAGO. ILL. FRANK L. SHEPARD, Suite 80--132 COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Clark St.. Chicago; C. P. BARNES, \ TTORNEY, Solicitor, andi Counselor, A. Collections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS FRANK B. JACBMAN, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Prompt anicareful attention tonllmat ters left in my hands, Money to loan, Office in Hoy Block, Woodstock, III. Telephone- office, 65, residence, 69. 35yl C. H. FEGER8, M, D- PHYSIC1AN AND SURGEON, MeHenry Illg. office at Reeidenoe. JOS, L. ABT, M. D, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCC LIST, Office in Nichols Block, over Plaindealer Office. McHenry Telephone No 4 DR. A. E. AURINQEK, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON. Office in the Stroner building, one door weet of A. P. Baer'e store, West McHonry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Osborne, All professional ealls promptly at­ tended to JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler McHENRY, ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clooks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special attention lven to repairing fine watehes. Give me CRU" JOHN P - SMITE . w. A. CRISTY, JTug'tic© of the Peace. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections. H. C. MEAD, Justice oj the Peace and General In­ surance Agent. Including Accident ° and Life Insurance. WEST MCHENBT, III. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public Heal Estate and Insurance, KUNDA, llli A. M. CHURCH, Watohmakor audi Jeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches an ' Chronometers. «9T A Full Assortment of Goods in his line. West Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES Ei J. HANL"V , Prop'r. WEST McHENRY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates- Parties taken t> and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains. Our Rigs will be kept in first c.lass shape, nd we shall spare no pains to please our CUB; omers at all times, Give us a call, E. J. HANLY, West McHenry, 111,, Aug. 16. 18»6. Wanted-An Idea Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEODERBORN & CO , Patent Attor­ neys. Washington, D. C , for their $1,800 prise oiler •ad list or two hundred Inventions wonted. C. F. BOLEY, ProDrielor of McHenry Brewery, McHENRY, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer. SMOKERS! ffleo in Want of a Good Cigar! CALL AT THE OLD RELIABLE Clgrar Tobacco Dealers. OUR SPECIALTIES : Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. PEBBY & OWEK, Bankers. MoHENRY, ° - ILLINOIS, This Bank receives deposits, buyt and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex change, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted to our care in a manner and upon te:ms entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and «ther first class security. Special attention given to co- lections, ITSfssTJTELA.WC-m In Urst Class Companies at the Lowest Rites. Ynure Re oectiut y , PERRY & OWEN. Notary Public IF YOU WAKT IO SAVE MONEY Call and see me. I have a very fine stock of Light and Heavy' SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war­ ranted as represented. Do not fail to call at once and g* t the benefit of our bargains. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to. And in a Workm a nike Manner. Yours Respectfully, GUS CARLSON. McHenry, 111., Feb. 1. 1808. NEW HOTEL -AKD- Boarding House Water Street. McHenry. ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor. Having building I take completed my new am now prepared to Boarders by the Day or Week, Give them the dations, and at l}est acconmio- KEASOXABLE RATES.; My Rooms are all newly fur­ nished, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire Proof. No pains will be spared to please all who may favor me with their patronage. • ANTONY ENGELN. , McHenry, III., 1897 The Fancy" is fully warranted and guaranteed The choicest in the market. Bought in car lots only and sold on lowest pos­ sible terms by SIMON ST0FFEL, WESTjMeHENHY, ILL. Always in stock at Yolo, 111., by E. RICHARDSON, JOHN HOSING JOHN RICHARDSON. I HEIMER'8 BLOCK. Opposite J. A. Story's Drug Store. v MCHENRY. ILLINOIS The under.ijrnefl, bavlnp leafed tho etore at the abn\e locition hag opened therein a FIRST-CLASS BAKERY Where he will keep on liund at all t imes (reeli baked A teat, 5 ahaiii aid Eye Breaft. CAKES. PIES, ETC. w un « practical experience in tho bueincAs I am confident T can please all who will favor me with their patronage. WeiioECales, Cr am Pcffs, Ec. MADE To ORDER. The patronage of the public is jresrcctfully solicited. JOHN HAUPJRISCH, ftlf enry, Feb. 15, 1V9S. fvINGWOQD NURSERY. Have in stock 2,000 Norway Spruce and Scotch Pine, running from 3 to 7 feet, all first-class stock, two to three times trans­ planted and well rooted. They arc just the thing for wind-breaks, hedges, screens, etc. I will sell the above at greatly reduced prices, as they Must Go at Some Prica. Come and see stock for your­ self and get prices, or write for special prices, Also have a good stock in Fruit Trees, Shade Trees Grape Vines, Iioses, Hardy Flowering Shrubs, etc. Price Listsenton application. Address, J. V. BUCKLAND Nurseryman. Rfn£>wood, 11'« MILO L. HOWE. DEALER l» PIANOS, ORGANS, Musical Merchandise. Of all Kinds and Sheet ffiusio. West McHenry, Illinois Bslres Take to Piano S o ls Naturally. A growing girl who has no Piano misses a great deal or enjoyment, and day by day becomes at a great disadvantage, socially. We make a specialty of good, honestly-built Pianos, at low prices. Our stock is all-- embracing--we exhibit the finest Pianos ever shown in this village, but we take equal satisfaction in extremely low-priced instruments. A Visit of Inspection Will Surprise You Pianos Tuned and Rep ireJ. On short notice and Batista"- tion guar; nt."ed. MILO L. HOWE. JOHN J. BUCH, J^estaurant™'---- ^goarding House, Near thf Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by th© Day or Week Reasonable rites, at \ VICE LINE OF Row BOATS A? for rent by the hour or day. t rates. Pure Wines, L.iqu TSand Gli­ al ways, on hand. •WFreshLaflrer Beer oonstf-- Good Stabling for Ilors-' . LANDING. asonable Cigars D draught GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, UNIVERSAL PROVIDER, ORIGINATOR OP LOWEST PRICES SWAN'S STORE Was Iho first ancl only store in Elgin to do cash basis. business on a strictly The first Store to fearlessly Lower and Cut Prices on everything in defiance of the protests of manufacturers, and the customs of old time merchants. The first Store to adopt new advanced ideas in up to date mer­ chandising. The first Store to adopt the Department Style of business by Under one Management, almost every line of Merchandise, thereby reducing the proportionate expense to a minimum. AND IS THE FIRST STORE I To adopt any New Idea, System, Device, or Attraction, that will benefit, please, or make Shopping Easier to tho multitude of people who do their trading in this Great Store, Our Large Q,uanty Purchases,^ FOR SPOT CASH! Gives us a Prestige in the market that enables us to buy at inside prices, and it is this fact, coupled with our comparatively small ex. pense that allows us to quote at all times such DID YOU EVER STOP TO THING What the existence of THEO. F. S A AN'S Great Department Store has done for this community ? Its an undisputed fact that Swan's Prices have set the market value on every commodity and you have been the gainer, whether you have traded here or not, as its through the energetic, constant and untiring efforts that prices in all kinds of Merchandise have taken the enormous drop in the past few years, that means so much to the consumers Pocket Book., Into every line of 'tusiuess that this store has entered into it has set such a maik of I nv prices and quality that it has been im­ possible for exclusive stores to meet. This store's prices constitute a dead lino. No competition can possiblp have the courage to go below. Here's a list of prices tor comparison of what you pay now and wl at you would hive to pay were it not for Patent Medicines, Popular Sheet Music, Best Flour. 50 lb sack Spool Silk, Spool Cotton, Cot ten Cloth, Stand .rd Prints. K. = Barb Wire, per 100 What you pay at Swans. What you did pay .68 $1.00 .37 50 1.29 1.75 .08 .10 .04 .05 .05 .07 .04 ,07 1.98 3 00 article in the store and In every price you find a We might enumerate every item and you wou'd find a proportionate saving. forceful, telling demonstration of our oft repeated, oft proved and never successfully contradicted claim, th*t 3-4 ot a dollar in this store equals $1 00 in purchasing power elsewhere., THEO, F, SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE El GIN, IX^I- The honorable Board of supervisors of MeHenry county met in special session at the court house Woodstock, 111., April 18, 189S. The board was called to order by the clerk, and the following named supervis­ ors answered at roll-call:, N. Brotzman, E. D. Shurtleff, R, J. Beck, James Lake, W. D. Cornue, Win. Desmond, Joseph S. Mills, F. E. vSteyens, John Weltzien, L. T. Hoy, S. E. Ciark, H. F. Jones, L. B. Covell, Frank W. Hatch, W. A. Cristy, J. H. Gracy, and James Nish. The first in order of business being the selection of a chairman for the ensuing year, Sup. Beck presented the name of Sup. W. A. Cristy, who was unanimously chosen. Sup. Cristy, upon taking the chair, thanked the board for the honor co- ferred upon him, and announced that the board was duly organized to trans­ act any business that might co me before it. Sup. Hoy moved that the board be governed by the same rules as in 1897 and that the same number and the same committees be appointed. Carried. Sup. Beck moved that the board ad­ journ until 2 v. M. Carried. TWO O'CLOCK P. M. Board met pursuant to adjourment. All members present at roll-call. The chair announced the following com­ mittees for ^thejensuing year, which, on motion of Sup. Hoy, was adopted to-wit: Lands--J H Gracy N Brotzman, B J Beck, L B Oovell and Wm. De«mond. Towm Oity Lots-!* E Clark, James Nish, E D shurtleff, L T Hoy and J&mea Lake Per»onai Property--JoUn Weltzien, F E •Uevens, Frank W Hatch. Joseph » Mills and U F Jones. Railroads--Joseph S Mills, Wm Desmond. H F Jones, R J Book and L B Ooveli, Finance--F E '>tevens, L T Hoy, Jo3eph S Mills. John Weltzien an1 James lake. - Education--W I) Cornue, U F Jones, E D Slinrtleff, James Lake and Frank W Hatch. Uojui 's and Bridges--James Nisu.N Brotz- man, John Weltzien, J H Gracy uud S E Olnrk. Fees and Salaries--Wm Desmond, J H Gracy, John W elizlen, l i J Heck and S E Clark. Public Buildings--E D Shurtleff, W D Cor nue, Wm. Desmond, L T Hoy and Joseph S Mills, - „ Claims--It J Beck, E 1) Shurtleff, "F E 3.evens, M Uroizuian and W 1) Uornue. Sett.e With the Treasurer--U F Jones, J H Gracy, John Weitzien, 3 K Clark and W D Uornue. & Poor F arm--LT Hoy, Wm Desmond, R J Beck, E E Stevens and Jumes Nifih. Elections-- James Lake. L B Covell, Frank VV Hatch, F K Stevens and S E Ulark. Town Accounts-^-F W Hatch, E Brotzman E D Shurtleff, U F Jones and Jamed Nish. Kuies -N Brotzman, L B Covell, L T Hoy S H Gracy and Janus Nish. Purchasing--L T Hoy, F E Stevens and li J Beck. The quarterly report of W. E. Wire superintendent of schools, was read to the board and referred to the committee on education. The committee on education made the following report, which was adopted to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the quarterly re­ port of W. E. Wire, county superinten dent of schools, would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the matters before them: Your committee has ex arnined said report and vouchers attach ed thereto, find the same correct and re­ commended its acceptance, and that four hundred eighty-three dollars ($483,) the amount due the superintendent, be approved. All of which is respectfully submitted. W. D. CCIHNUE, Chm, H. F. JONES, JAMES LAKE. F. W. HATCH, E. D.SHURTLEFF. The board selected the following, nam ed persons to serve as grand j irors ut the May term of the circuit court of said county for 1898, and directed the clerk to certify the same to the circuit clerk : A. Schleusker Riley Alfred Simmons ....Marengo Sci Rothtield Marengo H. E. Whipple Dunham R. J. Marshall Chemung John Carroll Chemung J. (1 Brewer Aldeu J. E.Conklin Hartland C. E. Mills Seneca Henry Williams Coral John Hawley Graftoa Ed. Kerns Algonquin A. T. Montgomery Dorr R. A. Pratt .....Dorr C. T. Abbott Greenwood Edgar Cornue 1....Hebron Warren Cole Richmond Clarence Dennison Richmond E.H. Dodge(Ringwood) McHenry E. H. Thompson McHenry Robt. Wingate Nunda Robt. Philp Nunda James Philp.., Algonquin Sup. Hoy offered the following reso lution. which was adopted, to-wit; Resolved, That each of the newspapers published in McHenry county, and., printed in the towns from which they de­ rive their names, be allowed twenty five dollars ($25) for printing the correct complete proceedings of the board of supervisors for the ensusing year, and that a copy of such paper containing such proceedings be furnished tlm county clerk to be placed on file in his office. Sup Cornue offered the following reso­ lution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS, The present bounty on woodchucks has caused a gr ater expen­ diture than the members of this board anticipated it would: therefore be it Resolved, That said bounty be and hereby is reduced to ten cents per head for all woodchucks killed in McHenry ounty. W. D. COPXUE. Sup. Hoy offered the following reso­ lution as a substitute and moved its adoption: Resolved, That the bounty on old and youag woodchucks now paid by Mc­ Henry county be and is hereby repealed. Sup. Shurtfcff offered the following amendment and moved ite adoption: Resolved, that all applicants for bounty on woodchucks shall present the scalps of said woodchucks in lota of five to the town clerk and within thirty days from the time of beiug captured or killed. Ayes and nays being called lor on Sap. Hoy's substitute, the vote resulted as follows: Ayes--Sups. Shurtleff, Mills, Weltzien, Hoy, Cristy and Nish--6; nays --Sups.BeckjLake, Cornne, Desfflooa, Stevens. Clark, Jones, Covell, Hatch ana Gracy--10. Substitute lost. A vote on Sup. Shurtleff's amendment being taken, resulted as follows, Ayes-- Sups. ShurtleS, Weltzien, Hoy, and Nish --4; nays--Sups. Beck, Lake, Cornue, Desmond, Mills, Stevens, Clark, Jones, Coyell, Hatch and Gracy--11 Amend­ ment lost. •; Sup. Shurtleff moved to amend Sop. Cornue's resolution by adding that all applicants, for bounty woodchucks shall present the scalps within atfcty days from time of capturing and killing them. Roll-call resulted as follows; Ayes- Sups. Shurtleff, Beck, Lake, Cornne, Des­ mond, Mills, Hoy, Clark, Jones, Covell, Hatch, Gracy and Nish--13; nays-- Sups. Stevens and Weltzien--2 Amend­ ment carried. The vote on Sup. Cornne,s resolution resulted as follows: Ayes--Sups. Shurt­ leff, Beck, Lake, Cornue, Desmond, Mills, Stevens, Hoy, Jones, Covell, Gracy and Nish--12; nays--Sups. Weltzirn, Clark and Hatch--3. Resolution adopted. Sup. Stevens moved that the voting place for the town of Coral be changed to the town hall at the village of Union. Carried. Sup. Weltzien moved that Henry Sin- nett be appointed judge of election in place of David Williams, deceased, for the town of Grafton. Carried. On motion of Sup. Beck board ad­ journed. W. A. CRISTY, Chairman. G. F. RUSIITON, Clerk. RIDGEFIELD. Mrs. Anners was in Woodstock tho first of the week. Lawyer Jackman and wife visited at the home of the latters parents, Mr. wad Mrs. W. H. Munroe. Miss Mabel Hunt, of Elgin, visited at Doc Dufield's the first of the week. Mrs. Chas. Keeler and son Marvin were in Woodstock Monday. Jim Robinson was in W oodstock the last of the week. M™. W. Huubaru and children, of Elirin, visited with her parents, W. H. Munroe and wife last week. Mrs. J. A. Wood and daughter Fred- reka was at Crystal Lake the last of the week. Mrs. Lou Thayer was a Dundee caller the last of the week. Some of the Ridgefield people are show­ ing their patrotism by hanging the stars and stripes above the outside of their doors, Mrs^cott Thayer was in Dundee on business the last of the week. Geo. Wood is all Woodstock Guards front. ready to join and march to the the PETIT JCROR8. Petit Jurors selected to serve at the May Term of Circuit Court 1898. Harry Smith Riley Timothy Deneen Marengo J. E. Cunningham Dunham Fred Frank Dunham * R. C. Ivizer ....Chemung T. Downing Chemung J. S. Landon ...Chemung P. M. OConnor Chemung Win. McLean.. Alden Terrance McCabe Hartland John Callahan Hartland T. Nolan Hartland Ed.Creibel Hartland Ed . Flanders ..Seneca E. C. Joslyn ..Seneca Jake Dollenback .Seneca Geo. Vose Coral Wm. Miller Grafton Joseph Smith Grafton Chas. Ilooker Jr Grafton F. C. Beckert ; Grafton'. Fred My re Grafton E Mansfield Greenwood N. P. Brown Hebron C. Hunt Hebron Charles Skinkle Richmond Leonard Coulman Burton A. M. Brown McHenry Wm. Kelly McHenry || E. P. Granger McHenry Eli P. Brink ......McHenry^ A. T. McMillan.. Nnnda^i Elmer Magoon Nunda? John Peter Algonquin Geo. Keyes Algonquin Geo. Balisty : Algonquin List of Patents. Granted to Illinois Inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co. Patent Attorneys Washington, D. C. 9. Sarah J. Coggins, Mount Morris, Iron­ ing-table. Patrick W. Corcoran, Forest. Weed-cutter attachment for cultivator j. Lanrence Erikson, Evanston, Pendulum- escapement. Geo. 8. Forester, Buda, Apparatus and building for unloading and storing grain. Frank E. Winnetka, Automatic stop for hydraulic elevators. Jos. Hilt, Marora, Lid Holder. Geo. M. Landers, Broctor, Gage knife. Frank Latimer. Huntley, Vehicle-tire. Ols. Lunde. Elgin, Ball-bearing. For copy of any of the above patents, tend 10 cents in postage stamps with date of this paper to C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Attorneys,Washington, D, C. Two Beautiful PIcures Free . Two large beautiful colored pictures for framing free; also four copies free of the famous illustrated magazine, Up To Date, to anyone who wants them. Each issue of Up To Date has beautiful colored front and back, and from forty to fifty large humorous pictures by the famous artists of America. Will keep all the family in good humor for a month. Your two pictures or any other two of six you may select, set |in gold frames, will be sent you free of charge if desired after seeing them. Enclose 10 cents in stamps or silver to pay P°®£®8e a®<l and packing. Address Up To V&tet Chicago. . Pillsbury's Beet Flour, at Stotfel'*,

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