W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT Articles and Notices under the above head tr« furxiahed by ihe Ladieaot the W, O, T. U and the editor claims no part or-credit for the same. g ' - • ~ Not His Own Business " If a man wants to drink whisky, tSjfii Is his own business," says the saloon apologist. Let's see. When Bob Poland and Coon Parker were drinking in Heflin? Ala., last Saturday night, and in their spree ran a Car of the Southern Railroad off the switch and out on the main track down the grade till it s( opped on a high trustle, it became the Southern Railroad's "busi ness." And when a loaded freight train came along and rushed in to the car, causing a $100,000 wreck, destroying much val uable merchandise, it became the busi ness of a great many merchants and shippers, as well as the railroad. And when three dead bodies were dut? out from under the wreck it became the business of some wives and orphans. And when the taxpayers are called upon to support the families whose nat ural providers have thus been suddenly taken away it, will become the business of several other people. One mm's drinking., often becomes the business of several hundreds of thousands tof people, and the man who cannot per ceive this fact ought to Be sent at once to an institution for the education of the leeble minded. One cold, cold winter's night a drunk ard was creeping over the wintry road to the poorhouse. Did the skeleton lead him? He reached the house and knocked at the door, but no one came. Down he sank un the doorstep. It was late; no body had heard him. He made his bed out there amid the fearful cold. When the morning came, and some one chanced to open the door, a drunkard lay there, frozen to death; but once he was a boy with merry face and laughing eyes. God keep the young. TOFFEL Iff ^WlCWOOD, H-*- Stylish Dress Goods, Suitings and Trimmings. Percailes, Prints, Domestics, Ladief' Waists and Gapes,------- Collarettes, Children's Cloaks, Notions, Corsets, Embroidery, Etc. Fine and serviceable Clothing for men, boys, and children, in all sizes. Best makes, correct newest styles. STANDARD FOOTWEAR Id narrow, medium and comforta ble lasts. Sizes and prices right. Selection extensive. of comfort gmd health is what you are doing if you wear the sort of rightly made, right- fitting shoes we offer you this spring. The ... Selz Shoes * "** ' • • we've told you about before, are better than ever this season. The low cuts [if'W&q 'JR*. \ an^ *ans are beauties and we are posi- f i I tive as to their wearing qualities. The experience of 25 years is in every pair. That's what makes them wear the best 11==^- although they cost the least If you have riot dressed in a new buit thisH spring, don't! make a mistake now by buying one without seeii g our line, as we can fit your form, please your eye and save you money. Men wearing our Hats are up to date. Overalls, Jackets and Shirts. ,* • - -v; All kinds of Garden and Field Seeds. Buy your Seed Corn of us. You will find our prices right. We are trying to keep Flour down. Get our prices. Fresh Rye Flour, Graham and Corn Meal. Fresh Groceries every week. A full line of New tyles. of Gent's Furnishing Goods, Of all kinds and correct styles. Fancy Shirts, Stylish Collars and Cuffs, etc. Nobby Spring Hats and Caps. Beloit Overalls, Shirts and Jackets. PAPER HOW IS THE TIME BRITISH S. GARONNE at lowest prices. We are showing a more complete line of Samples than ever before and prices were never as low. You will not see the best goods and lowest prices if you do not inspect our stock. Very Truly, J. E. CRISTY, Ringwood, 111. Borders and Ceilings to match. Curtains, Shades, Carpets, etc. Unadulterated Groceries. Fancy and King's Best Flour. Garden and Field Seeds always in stock. Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. SIMOISF STOFFEL. West McHenrv, 111., 1898. THE ONLY STEAMER Sailing Between Van couver land St. Mich aels that carries the BRITISH FLAG, And is Fully Protected from the SPANISH WARSHIPS. It 5s the quickest and onlv safe way to Alaska. Thelargest and fceet equipped steam er in the Alaska trane, connecting with our fine Biver Steamers at St. Michaels, making the journey as pleaeant and comfortable as a trip on the Hudson. For furtner particulars Address Klondike- hicago Transportation and Trading Company, 417-418 MONADNOCK BUILDING, CHICAGO. ILL. F. L. McOMBER N. J. JUSTEN West Side Hardware St ore V, S. LUMLEY, ATTORHET. From Lake and McHenr Counties Chancery Notice. 81 ATE OF ILLINOIS, I „ McHenry County j Circuit Court of McHenry County. May Term. AD 1898, Stella Cook, Jane M Richmond ahd Sarah Cook vs Gforge C Dean, Ellen M Dean, John Rathburn, James O Ksnnedy, and Silas Rathburn, and the unknown heirs or devisees of Abram Reynolds, deceased, in Chancery. Affidavit that the residence of George ODean. Ellen E Dean, his wife, John Rath- trarn. JamesC Kennedy and *ilas Rathburn, is unknown and that the heirs and divisees of Abram Reynolds, deceased, are unknown defendants above named, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court oflMcHenry Co, notice is hereby given to the said defendants, that the com plainant filed their bill of complaint in said Court on the Chancery Bide thereof on the 19tli day of April, A D 1898, and that a summons thereupon issued out of said court against said defendants, {returnable on the 23d day of May, A D 1898, asis by law required. .Now, therefore, unless yon, the said George C Dean, Ellen E Dean, his wife, John Rath- burn, James 0 Kennedy and Silas Rathburn, and the unknown heira and devisees of Abram Reynolds, deceased shall person ally be and appear before the said Circuit Court of McHenry county on the first day of the next term thereof, to be holden at the Court House, in the city of Woodstock, in said county, on the 23d day of May. A D 1898, and ple»d. answer or demur to the said com plainant's bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed and a decree enter ed against you according to the prayer ®f said bill. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 19th day of April, A D 1898* _ _ _ GB RICHABDS, Clerk. v S LCMLET. Complainant's -solicitor. Dated April 19th, A. D 1898. DEALER IN Going! Going!! To Ea tern Arkansas, where health is goood and soil fertile ' To getu a home that will be our own dear home the land of plenty . Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND, FDLL LINE lOF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. N. J. JUSTEN West McHenry, 1898, rnysicians rrescriptions a Your Patronage la respectfully solicited. m* • JULIA A. STORY One Door West of Mi erside bouse, M cEetxry,lll A Painted Floor makes housekeeping easier. A dusty carpet keeps tlie whole house dusty. A rug can be easily shaken and the dust left outdoor. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SPECIAL FLOOR PAINT, To All Buyers of 80 Acres |Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-I ,ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. 1 [OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE! ,and we can secure patent in less time than those1 [remote.from Washington. J _ ^end model, drawing or photo., with descrip-i jti-jn. We advise, "if patentable or not, free of1 (charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ! |A PAMPHLET,." HOW to Obtain Patents," withi iCost of same in the U.S. and foreign countries' To Say Nothing: but Saw Wood. " THAT IS Your Ursystematical and Sincere Friend T. V. SLOCUM is made for floors and floors only. Made to walk on. Insist on getting it from your dealer. Color cards will be mailed if you are interested. A booklet on painting also. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. . PAINT AND COLOR MAKERS. 100 Canal Street, Cleveland. 397 Washington Street, New York. 2829 Stewart Avenue, Chicago. 21 St. Antoine Street, Montreal. Wayconda, Illinois, C.A.SNOW&CO OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C, THE McHENRY = Mimi ARB WSk wan§f-̂ « K J. H. MILLER, Prop. \Ve arc riot Telling you of the Many Bargains "we are offering in J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Contractor. All EMs of Sanitary PImM i PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Has just received a very com plete stock of Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs, Closets* Lavatories and Fixtures. Steam and Hot llater Heating. Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized and Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- Blett's Agricultural Implement Building, McHENRY, ILL. FINE FURNITURE, Such as Parlor and Bed Iloom Sets, Couches, etc., that we are s ling at prices that have never before been touched in- McHenry, even by us. Call and look at the fine stock we are displaying, the best for the money it has ever been our fortune to secure. 3 . P E R K I N S McHENRY, ILLINOIS. All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED VVORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign and American Granite a Specialty. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc "We guarantee first class work in every respect. McHENpv ILL We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyopd competition.. " Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties and a first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to give estimates on work. E, B. PERKINS. A PROMINENT LAWYER, Of Greenville, 111., Mr. C. E. Cook, writes, "I have been troubled with billiousness, sick headache, sour stomach, constipa tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many lemedies, but was disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any suf fering from above complaints." J. A. Story, McHenrv. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanses the liver, cure con stipation and all stomach and liver troubles. J. A. Story. Call and see me before purchasing JACOB JUSTEN Now is the tim cheap of S. Stoffel,