meeting, the Board reserving the right to reject any or all bida. "Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law ( No Favors Win ua and no Fear Shall Awe." VOL. 23. M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1898. NO. 44. RATES OF ADVERTISING: We announce liberal rates for advertising IN. the PLAINDBALEB, anil endeavor to state them BO plainly that they will be readily un derstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year - • BOO 2 Inches one year - 10 00 8 Inches one year . - • 15 00 y Column one year - • - - . 30 00 V Column one year- - - - - 60 00 1 Column one year - 100 00 One incn means the measurement of one inoh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at theaoove rates, have the privilege of ohanging as often as they choose, without extra oharge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having itanding cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notioes at the rate of 6 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 eents per line the first week, and 5 cents per ine for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line, (nonpareil iype, same as this is set In) the flrsilBBue.and 5 oents per line for subsequent Issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will oost 41.00 for one week, f 1.50 for two weekB, $3.00 for three «eeks, and so on. The PLAIKDBALBB will be liberal in giving elltorial notioes, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of Its columns for peouniary gain. 49- All Foreign Advertising payable quarterly, in advance, t These terms will be stiictly adhered to. BUSINESS CAKDS. W. C. ANNERS, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. BESLEY'S DRUG STOnE. O. fl GILLMOUE, TTORKEY. Piobate work a specialty. l Office in Kcnaal block, Woodstock, III. KNIGHT A BROWN, ATTORNBTS AT LAW. 100 Washington Street, CHICAGO. ILL. FRANK L. SHEPARD, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 80--132 Clai k St., Chicago. C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, solicitor, andi Counselor, Collections.a specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS FHANK 11. JACKMAN, ATTORNEY AKD CODNSJLOB AT LAW. Proiupi, an l careful attention t>> oil mat ters left in my hands, Money to loan, Office » in Hoy Block, Woouslock, 111. Telephone-- office, 55, residence, 69. 35yl C. H. FEGERS, M, D- OHYSIC1AN AND SURGEON, MeHonry 1 Ills. Office at Residence. JOS. L. ABT, M. D. OHVSIOIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIST, L Office in Nklioio Ukck, over PlaiuUeaier OiKce. McHenry Telephone No 4 DR. A. E. AURINGER, PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON . office in the Stroner building, one door wen of A. P. j Baer'e store, Wes-t McHenry, 111. Residence, house formerly occupied by-Dr. Osborne, All professional calls promptly at tended to JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clooks, Watches and Jew-elry always on hand. Special attention Iven to repairing line watehes. Give me 0ftU' JOHN P. SMITH. W. A.CRI8TY, Justice of tine Peace. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Special Attention paid to Collections. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MOHENKY. III. W. P. ST. CLAIR, Justiceof the Peace and Notary Public Ileal Estate and Insurance. NUNDA. III.I A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine' Watches an i Chronometers. ' «6r A Fill Assortment of Goods in his line. West Side Livery, FEED AND SALE STABLES E. J. HANL1, Prop'r. WEST McHENRY, ILL. First class rigs, with or without drivers, furnished at reasonable rates- Parties taken ti and from the Lakes in Easy Rigs, and prompt connection made with all trains. Our Rigs will be kept in Qrst class shape, n<l we shall spare no pains to please our CUB. omers at all times. Give us a call, „ E. J. HANLY, West MoHenry, 111,, Augk, IB. 1®6. Wanted-An Idea SSs'sl Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEODERBURN ft CO . Patent Attor neys. Washington, D. C., for their fl.800 prise Otter fad list of two hundred inventions wanted. C. F. BOLEY, Projrielor of McHenry Brewery, McHENRY, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer. SMOKERS! fflffl in Want of a Good Cipr CALL AT THE OI.D RELIABLE Cigar and Tobacco Dealers OUR SPECIALTIES : Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. Bant of Henry, PERRY & OWES, Bankers. MoHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. This Bank receives deposits, buyt and sells Foreign and Domestic Ex ohaige, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en trusted to our care in a manner and upon te:m8 entirely satisfactory to our customers and respectfully solicit the jublic patronage. MONEY TO LOAN; On Real Estate and > ther first class security. Special attention giver, to co- 'ections, INSURANCE In first Class Companies at the Lowest Bates. Yours Re loectfuf y , P E R R Y & O W E N . Notary Public IF YOU WAfoiT TO SAVE MONEY Call and eee me. I have a very fine stock of Light and Heavf! SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheaper than the same goods can be bought elsewhere and war ranted as represented. Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. REPAIRING Promptly Attended to. And In a Workma nlke Manner. Yours Respectfully, CUS CARLSON. McHenry, 111., Feb. 1. 1898. NEW HOTEL AND Boarding House Water Street. McHenry. ANTON ENGLEN, Proprietor. Having completed my new building I am now prepared to take Boarders by the Day or Week, Give them the best accommo dations, and at REASONABLE RATES.; My Rooms are all newly fur nished, well ventilated, and the building is practically Fire Proof. No pains will be spared to please all who may favor me with their patronage. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1897, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, UNIVERSAL PROVIDER, ' - ORIGINATOR OF LOWEST PRICES IBCNKRMMN»M - NEXT WEEK Will mark another epoch in the history of the great retail house the occasion of the Semi-Annual Anniversary Of our occupany of our present store, r.nd it is with pleasure we point to our enormous growth and the vast" increase in business each year has ,?hown. Whi e our success is very gratifying to us, it is a matter of equal satisfaction to know that one great business growth has been made possible by your continued patronage and our future efforts will be exerted to furnish you merchandise in every line at a less price than you can possibly procure it elsewhere. We quote ex ceptional values below, a few from each department, that are good examples of scores of others equally as good. Semi-Annual Anniversary Sale, O JE WEEK, MAY 9th TO 14th. Hardware* Glidden galvanized Barb Wire, per 100 pounds. $1 98; Wire Nails, 6d and larger* 2c per lb. ; Steel Spading Fork; 49c; 3teel Spade, 59c; steel Hoe, 23c; war ranted Lawn Mower, $1 98. Millinery. Domestics. 36 in unbleached Muslin, regular 8c gradw, 4'/e ; wnite Bed Spread, full size, honey comb pattern, 49c. Corsets & Muslin (Merwear, Ladies Summer Cornets, good shape, made up in a substantial manner. 29c; ladies mu^in Cor set Covers, embroidered and lace trimmed, perfect cut and fit, 12c. Hosiery & Underwear. Childs black Hose, extra splic ed heel and toe, guaranteed staiu- le3S fast black, 10c; ladies black Hose, pair 2c; white cream or ecru cotton ribbed Vests, taped necked, shor„ sleeves or sleeve less, 10c. Notions. Nickle plated Safety Pins, per paper, 2c, gross pins, large size paper, 6 papers 5c; covered Dress Stayg^9 in set, per set 5c. Jewelry. Ladies Shirt Waist Sets, com plete set, 19c; Sterling Silver Thimbles, 92-100 pure, 15c. Stationery. Shelt Paper, lace edge, all shades. 24 sheets tor 2"-; lot choice novels by noted.authors* 5c, Dress Goods. 40 in. black all wool Henrietta a 60c value, 39c, choice line ot novelty Plaids, pretty new spring olors. have sold all season at 49o for 39J. * Men's Wear. Men's blue Denim Overalls fu'l size and extra good quality, you never bought its equal at 50c. onr bale price 39c; Men's Leather Suspenders, stroage-.t made, 16c Infants Muelin Bonnet* with frilled edge, 10c: Violets, per bunch 2c; childs school Hats trimmed with ribbou, 12ct childs hats trimmed with flowers 24c; Leghorns, 14c. Ladies' Furnishings. Ladies' Veils, in Colors, fancj mesh each lc; ladies hemstitch ed Handkerchiefs, 4c. Drugs. 2 qt fountain Syriuge, 49c; Ju venile Toilet ^oap, per cake 7c; 4 row all brittle tooth brush 5c; metal back horn Comb, 5ci East man's triple extract perfume, per cz, 19c. Proceedings of Village Board. • CoQiicirRoOtti,April25,I«98. The members of the New Board were called to order by President W. A.Cristy. There being no bu&iness before the ard it was moved by Trustee Granger duly seconded, to adjourn until Fri- evening, April 29th, and then to act Dram Shop Licenses for the ensu- ear. ' - . he Board then adjourned till the 29th p. M. : " W. A. CmtsxYj President. JOHN STOFFEL, Clerk. ' - Council Room, McHenry, 111., April 29th, 1898. i Adjourned,' meeting. Present, full Board. The object of the meeting was to act upon Dram Shop Licenses and Bonds. The minutes of last meeting were then read and approved. The Committee on Miscellaneous Busi ness then reported the following bonds: Bond of Anton Engeln--Gottleib F. Boley, Mathias Engeln, sureties. Bond of H. C. Smith--Gottlieb F. Boley, James Fitzsimmons, sureties. Bond of John Heimer--Gottleib Boley, Peter Blake, sureties. Bond of Robert Scaiessle--John Buch, Jos. Buch, sureties. Bond of John J. Buch--Robert Schies- sle, Jos. Bach, sureties. Bond of Peter B. Freund--John F. Freund, John H. Freund, sureties. Bond of Edward Long--Gottlieb F. Boley, Richard Long, sureties. The bond of Edward Long having only one -ignature as surety, and it ap pearing on the bond that Gottlieb F. Boley was to be the other suret.v, it was moved by Trustee Granger,and seconded by Freund, that the clerk should secure the signature of G. F. Boley to the bond. Yeae--Baer, Heimer, Granger, Freund, F. J. Fancy Goods. Leather Belt, harness buckle, black, brawn, tan and green, 9c; Dennison's French Tissue Paper, all colors, per doz 10c, Paints. St Louis White Lead per hun dred pounds. $4,59; Linseed Gi per gal, 47c; Barn Paint, Vene tian red per lb 2c; ready mixed Paint, per gal 9Mc. Miscellaneous. Frazer's Axle Grease, 5c; good bug^y Harness, $3 98; 6 foot Buggy Whip, good material, 7c ; inch Line Snaps, lc. Shoes. .Men's Milwaukee Grain Shoe, buckle and congress, the best shoe tor hard wear on the mar ket. $1.49; Men's Calf Sh*oe, lace or congresf, coin or globe toe, its equal is not fhown for less than $2, our sale price $2.29; ladies' Dmgola kid lace or button Shoe, kid or patent leather tip, all sizes, a regular $2 value, $1,49. Don't Forget TO ATTEND RII I :O, SWAIV GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGIPr, ILL. Moved by Granger, and seconded by Freund, that the license shall be five hundred dollars per year. Yens--Baer, Freund, Granger* Heimer, Miller, Wentworth. Nays--None. Mo tion carried. Moved by Granged, and seconded by Miller, the licsusc sliN,!l IJC same as usual, namely, two hundred and fifty dollars in cash, the ballance to be paid in six months, without interest, and to be secured by approved notes. Yeas--Heimer, Granger, Miller. Nays --Baer, Freund, Wentworth There being a tie the President voted uo. Motion lost. The Board then adjourned until the next regular meeting, W. A. CRISTY, President. JOHN STOFFKL, Clerk. Council Room, McHenrv, III May 2d, 1898. Regular meetiug. Present, full Board. Minutes of the meeting of April 25th and the adjourned meeting of April 29th were read and approved. The following bills were then audited and ordered paid: Mathias Engeln, for oil . $ 3 00 M. J. Thelen, cleaning park 10 00 John Slimpin, street labor 10 00 Geo. Meyers, hauling sand 50 Geo. Woods, filling stand pipe 2 00 The bill of Pettibone, Sauetelle & C o. was referred to the Finance Committee to act on. The President then appointed the fol lowing comniitteP8: Finance--A. P. Baer, C. H. Granger, John H. Miller. , Streets and Alleys--C. H. Granger, J. Heimer, P. J. Freund. Sidewalks--I. Wentworth, J. Heimer, A. P. Baer. Park and Fire Engines--John H. Mil ler, P. J. Freund, I. Weutworth. Miscellaneous--P. J. Freund, A. P. Baer, J. H. Miller. Local Improvement--A. P. Baer, J. H. Miller. Moved by Granger, and seconded by Miller, that the committees appointed by the President bo approved. Motion carried. The Village Clerk's report was then read and referred to the finance commit tee. Moved by Granger, seconded by Hei mer, that Louis H. Owen be appointed Village Treasun r for the ensuing year. Yeas--Granger, Heimer, Freund, Baer, Miller, Wentworth. Nays--None. Mo tion carried. Moved by Baer, seconded by Gmnger, that H. C. Mead be appointed Village Attorney for the ensuiDg year. Yeae--Baer. Granger, Freund, Heimer, Miller, Wentworth. Nays--None. Mo tion carried. Moved by Baer that Dr. A. E* Aurin- ger be appointed a member of the1 Board of Health. Moved by Miller that Rollin Waite be appointed a member of the Board of Health. Moved by Freund that Mathias.Engeln be appointed a member of the Board of Health. There being no other nominations the Board voted on the three at one time. Yeae--Baer, Freund, Granger, Heimer, Miller, Wentworth. Nays--None. A. E. Auringer, Rollin Waite aud Mathias Engeln were then declared elected members of the Board of Health. Moved by Miller, seconded by Granger, that the marshals fill the offices of Street Commissioner and Police the same as before. Carried. Moved by Freund, seconded by Miller, that Mathias M. Neisen be appointed as Police Constable. Carried. Moved by Wentworth, seconded by Heimer, that John Walsh be appointed Special Police. Carried. Moved by Baer, seconded by Freund, that the salary of Constable and Police be the same as the past year. Carried. The President requested the members of the committee on Ordinance to serve the coming year which they agreed to do. Moved by Wentworth. seconded by Baer, that the contract for printing of the proceedings, ordinance's and reports, excepting the annual report of the Vil lage Treasurer, be given the PLAIN- DEALER for fifty dollars for the year. Miller made an amendment to the mo tion, seconded by ' Granger, that; the PLAINDEALER and McHenry Journal pre sent sealed bids Vote on amendment--Yeas, Miller, Heimer. Nays--Baer, Freund, Wentworth. There being a tie the President yoted no. Amendment lost. Vote on motion--Yeas, Wentworth, Baer, Freund. Nays--Granger, Heimer, Miller. v There being a tie the President voted yes. Motion carried. The bond of the Village Clerk. John Storfel, with Simon Stoffel and John Stroner ae sureties, was approved. The Board then adjourned until the next regular meeting. W. A. CBISTY, President. JOHN STOFFEL, Clerk. RIDGEFJELD. Mr. Hansen is in Chicago. Mr. Parks was in Nunda Saturday. Del mar Du field was in Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Garrison was in Greenwood Sun day. Miss Mabel Lynch and sister Madaline are visiting friends at Chemung. Roy Allen, of Chicago, visited at his uncles, Mr. Hall, for a few days. Mr. W. H, Munroe was in Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. F. R. Jackman, of Woodstock, visited here Friday. Miss Lolo Lynch was in Harvard Satur day. Mrs. Fred Hartman was in Woodstock Sunday. Prof. F. E. Thayer attended teachen meeting at Rockford Friday. Will Edwards, of Rockford, visited relatives here last week. Park Bunker, of Woodstock, waB the guest Of Lewis Gibson Sunday. Mr. Frank Snell was in Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Scott Thayer was . in Nanda Saturday. Mr. R L. Dufield, wife and son Arthur, visited relatives at Nunda Sunday. Miss Maud Harnish, of Crystal Lake, visited at J. Robinsons Sunday. Mr. Stevenson and Scott Thayer were at Cary Sunday. Miss Mary Anderson, of Elgin, visited here over Sunday. , The boarding cars have moved to Cary. The Nunda bakery wagon comes here Wednesdays and Saturdays. Mr. 0. O. Morse, of Chemung, Btopped nere Monday on his way to t-hicago. Mrs. Will Robinson and son Georgie, of Crystal Lake, visited at J. Robinson's Sunday. Mr. Fred Reed, wife and daughters Ethel and Edith, were in Woodstock Sunday. Mr. J. T. Fish and family have moved to Nunda where Mr. Fish will continue his work in a store. Geo. Fu-ney, of Chicago, who has been visiting with his aunt Miss Lizzie Furnqy for the past week, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip and daughter Blanche, of Wauconda, visited with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Parks, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen and daughter Julia, who have been visiting with friends in Indiana and Chicago, the past two months, returned home Saturday. There were six who joined theChristian Endeavor Suuday evening. Mrs. Emily Hall, Miss Sadie Wood, Miss Myrtle Rob inson, Miss Fredrika Wood, Miss Pearl Hall, and Orrison Wood. Real Estate Transfers. For the week ending May 2d. Christ Danneman and w to J O Don nelly pt w H lot I aw X MO 30 Dorr.#400 00 J O Donnelly to Louise Danneman .sane A W Wray to Eng Prairie Cream Co X& in see 6 Burton Carl 9chro»der and w to-Lucme Haw- ver lot S3 blk 3 Ayer's add Harvard 900 00 Washington Ice Co to Albert Smith pt lot 1 swjtf ami pt soV Algonquin... Edward Shedd et al to same 4a in sec X McHenry Albert Smith and w to Knickerbocker IceOo both lait pieces... John Peterson to John Carlson pt swK neK sec 30 Nunda M H Fitzsimmons to L J Rann 10a in sej* se& nwjf e2-5 swjtf sejtf nwjtf sec 39 Nunda 0 L Mead and w to R W Hodge not 9 Mrad's add Hebron.... .... German Church Woodstock to Ben Siupfel lot in swX >ec5 Dorr :. Luman Hoy and w to Theo BagUy lot 4 blk 6 Hobart's add Woodstock ... Ellen Pierce to A Sherburne lot 1 Pieroe's 2nd add Hebron Calvlna Spencer to Leroy Spencer at si lot 5 blk 32 Marengo .... Same to same lot 1 blk 30 Marengo... 8f>me to same s% blk 9 Spencer'B sdd Marengo Same '-o ssine lot 52 Assrs pit Ma rengo ........ Ellas Paine and w to John Kosten sejtf nwV sec 26 Nunda ,1,900 00 F 0 Schlottman and w to same same... 1 CO Geo Seanor and w to Mary Bigelow lots 3 to 10 nj* lot 1 blk 9 tfn" 1 CO 125 00 ISO 00 100 00 500300 100 00 1 00 100 900 00 5S5 00 nlon...... David Snoor to John Hopp lots I 2 7 5 Union ....1,00000 Dr Fegers to Patr okO'Neil lots 4 5 7 blk 4 Fogers*add McHenry 220 CO AddieCornue to Chas Vrooman lot 6 blk U Hartland 650 00 WH Us Disbrow to Harvey Walling Ma in seX sec 16 Alden... 200 00 marriage Licenses. Edgar Swan -- Waukesha Grace Brigham ...Hebron David Walsh Hartland Lucy Ri ey ...........Marengo Kdwin Kelly ........... .................Oeiy Etta lierns ....Gary Patriok Bennett Riley Bridget Sweeny Woodstock 0. L. Oiborn .............Solon Flora Oropley... ..Solon Probate Business Estate John Earl. Proof of will; Delia Earl executrix. Bond waived. Estate Wm. Reading. Report of estate. Order for sale of real estate. Estate Susan Ntnart. Proof of willJohn Stewart executor. Bond *2,400. Estate Robert Palmer, Final report. Estate Henry Schmidt. Proof of will; John Meier executor. Bond waived. Estate Nicholas Sohaefer. Report of sale of personal property. Final report, Proof of heirship. Estate Cornelius Shannon, Report of Jsala of real estate. Estate Wm. Foster. Inventory filed. Olsima - of Wm. Rehorst lor 111.00 and Matilda Rehorsl for $75 00 allowed. Estate Miohaol McDonald. Report pt sale of real estate. Estate Violet Venard .BBeport of saleof real estate Estate Hurley Begun. Mead a Chandler's olaim >f#17&16 allowed. Estate Michael Lensen. Olaima of ' Lenxen of #1S.63 and Jehn Muller of 1 allowed. Irene Goodwin, minor. Decree give# tot at the next regular adoption of aaw minor wSarab Burgee, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY • J v V A N S L Y K E , - EDITOB AND PROPRIETOR. Dr. Walter € Besley. DEKTIST WEST McHENRV. Office over Besley's [ Woortst ok < flice Drugstore, | Krniail D'jntal Parlor*. Will IK! at McHenry office Mondays and Tuf B avs AT Woodstock office Wednesiavs, daj s, Fiica/n and .siitmdays. KXAMINATIONS FREE. Thurs- OFFICE IN THE L^ICHOLS BLOCK Two Doprs North Owen & Chapell's Store, ' ' . ' / ' TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (in advance) .fl 50 If Not Paid within Three Months 2 00 Subscription® received for three or six months in the same proportion. MILOJ.L.HOWE, PIANO &(ORGAN ) - -- Tuner & Repairer, f C--"ry" All Orders Promptly Attended to. n usi. HEIMER'd BLOCK. Opposite J. A Story's Drug ^tore ^ MCHENRY . ILLINOIS The under.igned, having lea»ed the store at the abo.e locition Ins opened therein a F1HLT-CIASS BAKERY Where he will keep on hand at all times fresh baked iltat, G aham aod Eye Bread. CAKES. PIES, ETC. TTT. • V» #* 1- . . ««•«•?>•• iHMvmciiUAllClirilUC III IUD iniomesb I"am confident r can please ail who will favor me with their patronage. WetiliiGales, Cr am Pels, Etc. MADE To ORDER. The patronago of the public is ̂ respectfully solicited. JOHN HAUPIUSCH, Mr enry, Feb. 15, I'-OS. RINGWOOD NURSERY. Have in stock 2,000 Norway Spruce and Scotch Pine, running from 3 to 7 feet, all first-class stock, two to three times trans planted and well rooted. They are just the thing for wind-breaks, hedges, screens, etc. I will sell (he above at greatly reduced prices, as they ffiiist Go at Some Price. Come and see stock for your self and get prices, or write for special prices, Also have a good stock in Fruit Trees, Shade Trees Grape Vines. Roses, Hardy Flowering Shrubs, etc. Price List sent on application. Address, J. V. BUCKLAND Nurseryman. Rin^wood , l i l t MILO L. HOWE, DEALER IN " PIANOS, ORGANS, Musical Merchandise. Of all Kinds and Sheet Mnslo. West McHenry, - Illinois B„l)'es Tale to Piano Stools Naturally. A growing girl who has no Piano misses a great deal or enjoyment, and day by day becomes at a great disadvantage, socially. We make a specialty of good, honestly-built Pianos, at low prices. Our stock is all-- embracing--we exhibit the finest Pianos ever shown in this village, but we take equal satisfaction in extremely low-priced instruments. A Visit of Inspection Will Surprise You Pianos Tuned and Rep ireJ. On short notice and satis tac tion guarantpfd. MILO L. HOWE. Plate Work, and everything per taining to Dentistry. Parties from a distance should drop a oard a day or two betore coming. Office. McHenry. A. C. SPURLING, Vetericary - Surgeon, West MoHenry, 111. Special attention given to the treat ment oT Cows. " ; Oflic.e at residence on Waukegan street, on« <!oor east ot t.otel Park; Sole Agency fop the Celebrated POLAR STAB Fancy Flour S anufaclured at Isew Prague, ii 1., il!«. are located :n the finest hard wheat country. Are supplied with most modern machinery. The Fancy" is fully warranted and guaranteed The choicest in the market. Bought in car lots only and sold on lowest pos sible terms by SIMON STOFFEL, WE9T{MeHENUY, ILL. Always in stock at Yolo, 111., by E. RICHARDSON, JOHN ROSING JOHN RICHARDSON, JOHN J. BUCH, Restaurant" 0 "Boarding^ House> Near the Iron Bridge, McHenry, Board by the Day or Week at Reasonable ratesf 4 NICE LINE OF ROW BOATS AI LANDING. for rent by the hour or day,» asonable rates. Pure Wlnea.Liquirsand Obc Cigars always on hand. •WFreshLager Beer oonstaiv a draught Good Stabling for HoreO . DR. BAECHLER. DENTIST.