PERSONAL. JAMES LANE, of Elgin, was a ^McHenry caller on Thursday last. E. J. HANLY was a Chicago visitor on Thursday of last week. IRA MALLORY, -of Nunda, was calling on friends here on Friday. JACOB BAUUIAN, of Woodstock, was calling on friends here on Saturday. HARRY HOLMES, of Woodstock, was on our streets on Sunday.^ ISAAC WENTWORTH spent Sunday with friends in, Wauconda. MATTIE WERRER commenced work for jPeter B; Freund May 1st. JAMES B. PERRY was attending to business in Chicago Tuesday. "I Wsb Weak Nervoa* sad Ban Down ,, ^ I want to testify to the good Brown's Cure has done me.'"I was weak, nervous and run down in vitality when I com menced taking it; it has done everything for me and now I am a new being. A number of my friendB also speak with gratitude of the good yonr medicine has done them--it is indeed a grand remedy. Yours gratefully, Mrs. L. V. Craig, 907 Mass. Ave., Indianapolis, lnd. Such is the testimony of thousands concerning Brown's Cure, a Perfect Fam ily edicine, the best remedy known for the liver, kidneys and bowels, a positive cure for dyspepsia and qll stomach troubles, sick headache, nervousness, constipation and loss of sleep. If you suffer, try this gi eat remedy and find health and happiness. SoldbyJalia A. Story. Price 75 cents. WEDNESDAY, Railway Time Table. Taking effect Sunday, Oct, 10, 1896, at aix s'clock A. M. Trains will pass ilcHenry Station as follows: GOING SOUTH. 1$> Lake Geneva Passenger 7:34 AM . E Williams Bay Express ....8;25 " E Williams Bay Passenger 3.27 P M E Lake Geneva Freight ...3:27 " GOING NOKTH. # K Williams Bay Passenger 10:00 A M E Lake Geneva Freight 10:00 _• E Williams Bay Express 4:55 PM 8 Lake Geneva Passenger 4 .55 •« E Williams Bay Passenger 6:56 •• EXPLANATION. D--Daily. E--Daily except Sunday. . ^ o n ~ y -- B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, 111. Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. J. a. Clark ..........Pastor Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 p. H. Sunday School, .11: 5 A. M. Dr. A, E. Anririger,:.. Superintendent Epworth League, 6:5 P, M., Hev, J. K. Oiark, President. Prayer Moating, Wednesday, 7:30 p, u. Ladies' Aid Society each alternate week Mrs.'5. R.Olark, President. 93"A Cordial invitation la extended so all Unlyorsallst Church Directory? T. J. Walsh, ... iii .....President F. L. MoOmbor., ..;01erk James B. Perry..;. ........ •--Treasurer Rev. J. Straub, D. U. ...Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladles organ isation.)" . Mrs. Jas. B, Perry..... President Mrs. J. Van Slyke .......Secretary Mrs. W. A Oristy Treasurer Supt, of Sunday School O. N. Owen Assistant, Mrs. O. N. Owen ITThe Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address s Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M. A cordial Invitation to all. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- iiegular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. W, A. ORISTY, W. M. W. CVO. F. St, Patricia Court, No. 187, W. O. O. F, meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evening's of eacb month, at Korester Hall, MRS. MARY COBB. Chief Ranger, CHARLOTTE MADDEN' Secretary, Get Down to Business. Brains says: A word to tho young man preparing to open a store of his own: When you get ready to tell the public what you are going to do, tell the public what you are going to do. Use plenty of advertising space to tell your story well and thoroughly, but tell it simply. Just get down to business and tell the people in short, simple words all about yonr new store and your new goods. Act like a solid business man, not like a fly-by-night fakir. The man who merely jumps up and down might as well stand still. "Soft and fair goes far in a day." Work up good solid busi ness methods. Coax and wheedle and suggest and argue--don't^fry to yank trado in by the hair. Ays Bill Nye once sagely observed, "Whemyou want to kiss a gir), don't grab for\it. Take your time--lt's'there." Kogular Meetines every second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at their Hall, over Evanson & Co.'s store. ROBT. R. HOWARD, Consul. J. KIMBALL, Clerk. New Advertisements This Week, Owen & Chapell, McHenry. John J. Miller, West McHenry, Dr. W. C. Besley, " Robt. Schiesnle, " " M. J. Walsh, West McHenry. John Evanson^& Co., •' " A. P. Baer, Theo. F. Swan, Elgin. 1£, JJichnrdson, Volo. THE official proceedings of the Village Board can be found on the first page. ALL old maids desiring to be made over should call at the Riverside Hall, Tuesday eveing, May 10th. MRS. E. W. Howe will open on Friday of thu week with a full line of Summer Millinery. Trimmed Hats a specialty. /"ANTON BARBIAN is to-day moving into /the house lately vacated by Capt. Albert I Snow, two doors east of Barbian BroB. \Cigar Factory. BARBIAN BROS, are treating the outside of their store building to a cojit of paint which much improves its appearance. | John Neish is doing the work. W A. C. FRIEDLEV, who has been living in j tl.e Deitrick house, on Park Avenue, is I moving this week to tho rooms over his V hardware store. "OLD MAID'S Made Over," at Riverside Hall, on Tuesday evening next. Do not fail to see them. It will be the finest entertainment of the season. J. J. BISHOP caught a four and one half pound black bass in McCollum's Lake on Monday. This beats this record eo far this year. __ THE Ladies' Aid Society of the M E Church will meet with Mrs. Wm. Smith on Friday afternoon of this week at the usual hour. CA11 invited. SEC > J. : JUDGE C. E Fuller, of Belvidere has been commissioned by Gov. Tanner to raise a regiment of volunteers. It is said part of them will be from McHenry bounty. . •% / MARRIED --At St. Patrick's Church, in this village, on Thursday, April 28th, i 1898, by the Rev. Father O'Neil, Will V Whiting, of Ringwood, and Miss Ella XfV elch, of McHenry. k:i/ , rV-' -• V< Jos. J. MERTES, while handling stone near his hotel, at Pistaqua Bay, on Thursday last, was caught between the wagon ard a tree. It was at first thought that he was dangerously hurt, but under the care of Dr. Auringer he is rapidly re covering. _____ JOHN J. BISHOP and Linus Newman 9 brought down from McCollum's Lake, Thursday last, one of tfie finest Btrings of black bass that he have seen thisyear. There were fifteen of them and they turned the scales at a little over thirty- five pounds. They were indeed beauties. Tue Contractors for the Water Works •J are here this week, lowering the Mains through the Creek, looking up leaks over the lines, grading around the Well and Power House, and doing other finishing \ to complete the job according to contract. „ 7 THERE are several changes in the saloon business in this village for the coming year, ihere will be seven instead of nine, Jos. Heimer, of the McHenry House, and Dowe & Simmons, in Ostrander's block, on the West Side, not taking out licenses Peter B. Freund, in the Pekovskj block, having bought out his partner, Anton Barbian, will go it alone this year. Robt. flchiessle has again taken possession of his place near the depot, and will here after conduct the same. The balance will 0 rua the iame as last year. Be sure and see the felegant line of Neck wear at J. WALSH'S Particular Notice. All' persons are forbidden under penalty of the law to dig any holes, plow, cut sod, or dump any refuge what ever, in any of the highways, gravel pits, either in or on the side of any road in the township of. McHenry. Any person violating this order upon conviction will be punished to the full extent of the law. F. H. THOMPSON, JAMES GREEN, JOHN II. FREUND, 44-3w Highway Tommissioners. House a n d Two Lots for Sale- The residence owned !>y Mrs. W. J. McLeod, on Park Aveuue, in this village, is offered for Sale. There is a House, Barn, and two very desirable Lots. For further particulars inquire at this office. Two Beautiful Plcures Free. Two large beautiful colored pictures for framing free; also four copies free of the famous illustrated magazine, Up To Date, to anyone who wants them. Each issue of Up To Date has beautiful colored front and back, and from forty to fifty large humorous pictures by the famous artists of America. Will keep all the family in good humor for a month. Your two pictures or any other two of six you may select, set gin gold frames, will be sent you free of charge if desired after seeing them. Enclose 10 cents in stamps or silver to pay postage and and packing. Address Up To Date, Chicago. Fancy Shirts in all the latest styles, colors and prices the lowest. ---- .' Mi J; WALSH. Business ideals, Insure your property with S. Stoffe! and be insured. Lace Curtains, curtain poles, portiers, covers, etc. at S. Stoffel's. Get your Seed Potatoes at Owen & Chapell's. Gents furnishings, shirts, ties hats, hosiery; underwear, etc. at S. Stoffel's. See the stylish layout of men's Shirt- 50 to $1.00 at EvanBon's Ladies Capes newest $2.00 to $5.50 at Evanson's, Give a share of your trade to a deserv ing, first class harness maker. A. Wegener. New line of Boys shirts at Owen & Chapell's. Latest novelties in Spring dress goods and trimmings at S. Stoffel's. Unquestionably the largest, newest and best stock of wall paper, border, ceilings, shades, curtains, etc. at S. Stoffel's. Carpets, Rugs and Window Shades of newest designs at S. Stoffel's. See the Neckties at Owen & Chapell's. Get a I lat that is in Style at Owen & Chapell's. 'JIT IS THE BEST 0.\ EARTH." That is what Edward & Parker, mer chants of Plains, Ga., say of Chamber lain's Pain Balm, for rheumatism, lame back deep seated and muscular pains. Sold by J. A. Story, Druggist. Fifty pair Wool Pants for men desir able styles $1.75 at Evanson's. Children's School Caps, for both Boys and Girls, several different colors, at S. Stoffel's. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. For the largest and best stock of ladies, gents and childrens fine, medium and common shoes call on S. Stoffel. An entire new Stock of the finest Dress Furnishings, in Silks and Braids, just received at S. Stoffel's. HAVE YOUR HAY PRESSED. Having purchased the Hay Press of A. L. Howe, I am now prepared to Press Hay and Straw on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Call on or address me at McHenry, I'.l., when your order will be promptly attended to; Prices Reasonable. I am also prepared to do teaming of all kinds. Give me a call. M N. WJNKEL3. McHenry, March 30th, 1898. Easter styles in clothing for men boys and children in large varities at S. Stoffel's. 1 House for Rent. A good house for rent on the West Side. All in good repair, and good well and cistern. Inquire of MRS. J. P. GOING. For Sale or Rent« Good house and two lots in West McHenry. For full particularsinquire of FRED SCHNORR. SPRING MILLINERY. . Mrs. J. H., Spauldlng and daughter have in a full stock of New Spring i> illi- neryf including a large assortment of ladies trimmed hats and bon nets, Misses and childrens's hats, and infants hoods. Also a full line of plain and fancy ribbons, laces, flowers etc. In fact everything one may need in the millinery line. Please call and inspect our goods.-C We are sure we can please you both in quality of goods and price. MRS. J. H. SPAULDING &. DAUGHTER. Drefs Goods in all tie latest NoveMies and shades. Please call and examine them. M. J. WALSH Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, Grand May Party./ Given by the Youug Peoples' Social Club, of West McHenry, III., at Stoffel's Hall, West McHenry, Friday evening, May 6th, 1898. Floor Managers: Robt. Kimball, West McHenry; Ed. Whiting, Ringwood; Roy Colby, Greenwood; Judd Hitchcox, Woodstock; Edward Thomas, Ostend. Music by Dell Noonan's superb orchestra of McHenry, 111. Tickets 50c. Supper served in basement by Mrs. C. B. Murphy, 70c per couple or 35c per plate. No cards will be issued. Everybody invited. Grand march at 8:30. W. KIMBALL, Secy. Ladies shoes, Oxfords all styles and prices in the new shapes and correct prices at M. J. WALSH'S. CREAM CONSOLIDATED STEEL A WIRE CO CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Those wishing a fenc* will <16 well to see this fenc« aad get Our prloet before pureliasfng. Call on or address E. H. THOMPSON, 39ai4 West McHbnry* MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD.