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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1898, p. 8

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BEST REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM, from the Fftirhaven (N. T.) Register, ' » Mr. James Rowland of this village, states tbat for twenty-five years his wife has been a sufferer from rheumatism. A iew nighte ago she was in such pain that she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. HoWland for-the doctor, but he had read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and instead of going for the physician he went to the store and secured a bottle of it. His wife did not approve of-? Mr. Rowland's purchase at first, but nevertheless ap­ plied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an ache or a pain and finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medicine which she had used ever did her as much' good. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by J. A. Story. Druggist. I J* SIMON S TOFFEL ) CWOOD, Itt Stylish Dress Goods, Suitings and Trimmings, Percailes, Prints, Domestics, Ladies' Waists and Capes, Collarettes, Children's Cloaks, Notions, Corsets, Embroidery, E)c. Fine and serviceable Clothing for mn, boys, and children, in air sizes. Best makes, correct newest styles.«. STANDARD FOOTWEAR Id narrow, medium and comforta­ ble lasts. Sizes and prices right. Selection extensive. Gent's Furnishing Goods, Of all kinds and correct styles. Fancy Shirts, Stylish Collars and Cuffs, etc. Nobby Spring Hats and Caps. Beloit Overalls, Shirts and Jackets. of comfort and health is what you are doing if you wear the sort of rightly made, right- fitting shoes we offer you this spring. The... Selz Shoes * .•"*» we've told you about before, are better than ever this season. The low cuts f/wwi wtL \ and tans are beauties and we are posi- ( ) tive as to their wearing qualities. The experience of 25 years is in every pair. - That's what makes them wear the best 'KsssssmJ'although they cpst the least I If you have not dressed in a new £uit this spring, don't] imake a mistake now by buying one without seeing our line/ as' we^can fit your form, please your/eye and save you money. ] Men wearing our Hats are up to date. . ;,y. I Overalis, jackets and Shirts. . \ All kinds of Garden and Field Seeds. Buy your Seed Corn of us. You will find our prices right. We are trying to keep Flour down. Get our prices. Fresh Rye Flour, Graham and Corn Meal. "• Fresh Groceries every week. A full line of New tyles of Having had several years experience fell­ ing farm and other sales.'Inow call attention to the fact that I feel like getting a On myself and sell your farm sales in McHenry as well as Lake Co with a great Nscessary to obta'n good results these clote times, 1 am satisfied that it requires the Bame N0WJ1S! THE TIME To sell Farm Sales and be successful as it dees to chop wood or sell you a farm in Ar kansas. either of which I am willing to ao when callsd. Mojt of you will know that I have had and still have much experience selling just such goods and stoek as you will offer at public auct on Ithis spring.'- There fore I shouli know their value and hr w to get at selling the same for the most money, dropping the article with the one that some times pays hie note, I am quite a pood bid der and pm always lookinjf for bargains. I believe I can do more for you than can the others for the fame or less cost, If I did nnt feel suie of the above and was hot in dead earnest and willing to try. o" short notice, I would not be so well eqnipped An alarm turned in by postal maj reveal unexpected results, AT LOWEST PRICES. We are showing a more complete line of Samples than ever before and prices were never as low. You will not see the best goods and lowest prices if you do not inspect our stock. Very Truly, J. E. GRIST Y, Ringwood, 111. Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves, That can be moved from one spot to another by a child if desired. Borders and Ceilings to match. Curtains, Shades, Carpets, etc. Unadulterated Groceries. Fancy and King's Best Flour. Garden and Field Seeds always in stock. Long Distance Telephone, Toil Station. SIMON STOFFEL. West McHenry, III., 1898. Thefl begin operations to suit yourself Remeipber that we have such needed articles as Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Stretcher*, Brooms Duste rs, Scrub and window Brushes, Ourtftin Rings, Tacks and Tack Hammers Picture Nails, Picture Hooks and Picture Cord. I carry a complete line of Points, Oils, Varnlshgs, Stains Brushes, Glass and Putty. I am agent for Crown Cottage Colors, the best paint in the market, guaranteed free from adulter­ ation of any nature, and sold with the understanding thai if found otherwise your money wil be refunded and you reimbursed for your trouble and expense. Wo will be pleased to make ^estimates on your wants of anything injour line. Respectiullj Yours, Tour obedient and unsystematic friend T. V. S LOCUM Wauconda, III BRITISH S. S. GARONNE THE ONLY STEAMER 8aillng Between Van­ couver rand St. Mich­ aels that carries the BRITISH FLAti, And is Fully Protected from the SPANISH WAR8HIPS. F. L. McOMBER N. J. JUSTEN West. S'de Hardware St ore From Lake and McHenr Counties* Has the largest and best arranged store in the county. The stock of Furniture is replete with everything that can be desired in fine and modern designs, including Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Dining Room and Library Furniture, Besides many special pieces in all lines. It is the quickest and onlv safe way to Alaska. The largest and best equipped steam­ er in the Alaska tra<i e, connecting with our fine Hirer Steamers at St. Michaels, making the journey as pleasant and comfortable as a trip on the Sndson. For furtner particulars Address Klondike-hicago Transportation and Trading Company, 417-4-18 MONADNOCK BUILDING. CHICAGO. ILL. Goine J To Ea tern Where health is goood and the O * soil fertile Going1 T J T(? £et u a home that will be our own dear home in v o* the land of plenty. From 163 Washington St. Chicago. To meet you there at 10 A. M, or have you joiu the kicketrs To be a first-class move for you or your friends and neighbors would not be so jealous. Where the rich and level prairies are so good for dairying. . J To bo settled with men who have the push and energy. To make much happiness as well as tne narrow mind­ ed one uneasy. To show you where 2 pounds of Butter con be made easier and cheaper, than 1 pound here. To prove much that looks to you unreasonble, or we pay your fare, which is very cheap. The Undertaking Department, Calls for speeial mention, as the stock is always complete and the embalming is conducted on exact scientific principles. Prices and workmanship will explain for themselves. Call and examine both before buying. Going! Going! Going! Going! Going! Going! Going! Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FUM. LINE |OF TINT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationary and Druggists' Sundries. N. J. JUSTEN West McHenry, 1898, rnysicians rresenpuons 5 Your Patronage Is respectfully solicited. tm --JULIA A, STORY One Door Went of River aide Jh tvtt, H cBeiiry,lll. M^(1Afr»ni1fflste,Irelurfable 011 the 23(1 day of Maj, A D 1898, asis by law required. l^refo^unle88 5"°°. the said Goortre O Dean, klletv E Dean, his wife, John Rath- ftSrtnv/ame8i. nnedy and Silas RathBurn, Ah«™ * £-ei™ a?d devisees of Painting is part of it--just as much as soap- ing and scrubbing. There are spots that water cannot remove, and discolorations that scouring will not take away. Use the paint brush in such cases, Come On ! Free Fare To All Buyers of 80 «eres. Your Unsystematical and Sincere Friend, T. V. SLOOUM. Wauconda, Illinois*. T o 3 a ' N o t h i n g b u t S a w W o o d SHERWIN-WILLIAMS FAMILY PAIHT FINE FURNITURE, Such as Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Couches, etc., that we are* s li ng at prices that have never before been touched in McHenry, even by us. Call and look at the fine stock we are displaying, the best for the money it has ever been our fortune to secure. B . P E R K I N S McHENRY, ILLINOIS. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Gaskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc, "W e guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and see me before purchasing. JACOB JUSTEN. iYRUP PEPSI CURES CONSTIPATION McHenry, 111

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