WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1898. -- J, VAN SLYKE, Editor. - REMEMBER THE MAINE. REPUBLICAN TICKET, CONGHB8BIONAL. for Member of Congress, 8th District-- ALBERT J. HOPKINS. , TWO KINDS OF PATRIOTS- There are different kinds as well as different degrees of patriotism. There Is more than enough of the kind that is anxious to occupy the grand' stand and see the "scrap" at the frontirom head quarters, or to raise a regiment, or be placed at the head of it after it is raised. No doubt the men who have this kind are ready to volunteer if they can have the positions they want,-and can bp sent where the excitement is the greatest. No doubt they think themselves animated by a spirit of patriotism, when often it is only a spirit of adventure. But another kind of men ere willing to take all fortunes of war for country's sake, to serve in the ranks or wherever the judgment of superior knowledge may see fit to place them. These are the men who arc likely to be of value to the country. The other kind are likely to be superfluous and in the way. COUNTY TIC&EI, Tor.County Judge--A* O. H. GILLMOKE. Tor County Clerk-- GEO, F. RU8HTON. Tot COunty Treasurer-- FRANK F. AXTELL. For Sheriff-- HENRY KEYES. For County Superintendent of Schools-- VT. S. WIRE.' - ]• REPUBLICAN SEN ATORIAL CONVEN TION 8TH DISTRICT. The republicans of the Counties composing the Eighth Senatorial District of the State of Illinois are requested to send delegates to a convention to be held at the Court House in the city of Woodstook, county of McHenry and state of Illinois, on Saturday, the fourth (4th) day of June, 1898, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M„ for the purpose of placing in nomina tion candidates for the legislature of the state of Illinois, and to transact such other business as may regularly come before such convention. The several countieB in said district will be entitled to the following number of delegates. Like 20 UcHenry.. 20 Boone 13 Total number of delegate* . 53 JOHN E BALLARD, ) GHAS. PHILIPS, >Lake Co, THOMAS STRANG, )> JAS, B. PEBRY, ) D, T. SMILEY, > McHenry Co. GEO A BENNET, ) ACFABSETT, ) W C DEWOLF, VBione Co. F. I. HALL, J Dated this 1st day of April, 1898, Real Estate Transfers Anna Cavner to James Cavner 10a in » awH nwV sec 34 Coral....... t 304 75 Elgin Brick & Tile Co to J G Sherman 2)tfa in eX lot 6 McHenry 30 00 Ira Curtis and w to Franklin Curtis lot 2 blk 16 Union 150 00 Franklin Curtiss and w to Rozell Our- t:ss same .... 260 00 Billings Burtin and w to C C Highbee neM neV sec 19 Chemung 1,800 00 G S Schneiuer to Ben Stupfel pt tot 90 assrs plat sec 6 Dorr....... 75 00 Karl BehrensandwtoGustav Behrens I ts 4 5 6 folk 3 Plerson's add Crystal Lak» 425 00 Margaret Washburne to Simon Hill lot 5 and lot 6 blk 6 Harvard 100 8 P Hill to the Trustees of ME Church Harvard same 2,950 00 Orriu Bailey per the riff to F W Patrick c2 5 pt sec 31 Mareneo 900 00 Trustees M E Church Woodstock to L A Borrows lot 18 Smith's add Wood stock 880 00 Roswell Spitzer and w to Luthern Chursh Marengo 12.02a in lot 5 assrs platsec36 Marengo..... .. 900 00 Marriage Licenses, Josepli Goggerle Beaver !>• m Louise Borchard Seneca Herman 8 trelch Harvard Lena Zimmerman.. Harvard MIT Putter oil - lira Elgin Board of Trade on Monday was steady; offerings, 291 tubs; all sold at 15c; butter last week 16c ; price a year ago, 13%c sales of the week, 15,250 tubs. The board will meet on Saturdays proceeding Memorial day and July 4, at 10*30 A. M tt^"The efficiency of the Cuban block ade is so great that provisions have gone to fabulous prices in the city of Havana Fresh beef is selling at §5 per pound without regard to toughness or previous condition, and 1s hard to get even at that price. At this rate it will not take many days to starve out our Spanish friends--the enemy, into an abject sur render. 'A'here will be Enough Truth. Our purpose in this war is engraved upon the understanding of the" word. The details of its prosecution are known to trusted officials in Washington. We must rest content in a certain ignorance or uncertainty, in regard to many re ported events, until they have transpir ed. We are probably to have a war of surprises--and we must have patience, Many stories will be published that will be found to have no truth in them ; some under an honest supposition that, they are true; others for the purpose of justi fying .extremely black, big head-lines printed to sell newspapers. But enough of facts are likely to appear in the papers every day, to make them well worth perusing. After a short time the judg ment of intelligent readers will become so trained as to enable them to distin guish real and unreal news. The Democratic County Tioket. In'our notice of the Democratic County Ticket, last week, we made a slight mis take and republish it below. The follow ing are the correct nomination. County Judge--John B. Lyon, Harvard. County Clerk--J. T. Bower, Richmond. Treasurer-- H. H. Barber, of Riley. Sheriff-- Hosea B. Throop, of Nunda. County Superintendent of Schools Maggie Gutfa, of Hartland.-- Probate Business, For the week ending May 16th. Estate Ellen Kane. Proof of will. Hearing continued to May 17. Estate Ole Cbristenson. Inventory and appraisement bill approved. Estate Abram Goodwin. Waiver of award. Estate James McCue. Inventory filed. Estate C. C. Patterson. Report. Estate Michael McGuire. Following claims allowed. John McGee $5.25; En gene Stevens $35; James McGuire $19. Estate Margaret Ballard. Inventory approved. . Estate John Mansfield. Petition to probate will. Estate Mary Howe. Inventory and appraisement bill approved. Geo. Dacy, minor. Inventory ap proved. Louise Knaack (insane). Leave given to loan money. J . W A L S H , WEST MCHENRY, ILL. The buying public are invited to call and inspect the large stotk of new SUMMER DRESS GOODS, Of all the Latest Fabrics. J.' ' New Hats and Straw Goods, Parasols and Umbrellas, New Neckties, Collars and Cuffs, fancy Shirts, full stock ^ of Groceries, etc. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. Children' s fine Kid Shoes, • . . . . . . 34 cents. Spring Heels, Tan Spring Heels of of 'There is altogether too much gush about international fraternal affection. Unless the United States is capable of caring for itself unaided and alone, she will be left alone. Possessed of ability for self maintenance she cannot afford to go under any Platonic pledge expressed or implied to "double-up" later on. It should be frankly understood that Uncle Sam is frying his own fish; and in future can honor no drafts of fanciful obliga tion of affection. 19" At Manila the Spanish loss was very great. On the Castilla, the captain, chaplain and ninety others were killed and six wounded. One hundred and fifty were killed and ninety wounded on the Reina Cristina, Admiral Mostejo's flagship. Five were killed and twenty- five wounded on the Don Juan de Austria. Four were killed and fifty wounded on the Don Antonio de Ulloa The money loss to the Spaniards was about $5, 000,000. Our loss was about $1,000 damage to the Baltimore, eight men slightly wounded, not a man killed. Frmnds of the Farmer'. A souvenir issued by the authority of the Illinois Dairy Union, under head of "Friends of the Farmer," has this to say of Hon. G eo. R. Lyon: Hon. Geo. R. Lyon, of Waukegan. Lake county, a merchant, representing the 8th. district, was an active and en thusiastic worker in our behalf, and he i i a man upon whom the farmers can de pend to take care of their interests. We are under many obligations to this gentleman, he having introduced one of the amendments to the Mahoney bill, which resulted in our victory when de feat seemed probable. 16?" The .U S. Senate has adopted the joint resolution, proposing a constitu tional amendment changing the date for inauguration of President and Vice President and for the expiration of the terms of Senators and Representatives from March 4th to May 4th, to take ef fect in 1901. This is an all around good amendment, and it ought to be put into effect. Besides insuring pleasanter weather for Inauguration Day, it would give Congress an opportunity to do lething more at the short sessions to pass tba appropriation bills. MF SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR List of Patents. Granted to Illinois Inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Attorneys Washington, D. C. N. Bouvang, Rockford, photographic opaque negative and printing therefrom. J. R. bowling, Meredosia, coin-operated vending apparatus. J. M. Brown, Ex eter, car-coupling, W.W. Bnrson. Rock- ford, binding reaping machine. H. C. Duensing, Beecher, traction wheel. C. M. Giddings, engine governor. F. E. Herd- man, Winnetka, switch for electric motors. D. W. Knight, Newman, safety attachment for elevators. F. Messick, Bloomington, gasolene purifier. O. A. Morrow, Whitehall, wire fence machine. P. Petri, Peoria, washing machine. J. C. Sturges, Aurora, harrow. E. J. Sul livan, River Forest, illuminating lens for sidewalks. W. H. Sweitzer, Danville, die stock. M. Talen, Geneseo, ripping at tachment for sewing machines. For copy of any of the above patents, send 10 cents in postage stamps with date of this paper to C. A. Snow & Co., Patent Attorneys,Washington, D. C. Engravings of Amerloan Heroes will be Sent Free. We have just published the most hand some engravings ever issued of Commo dore Dewey who won the great naval battle in the Phillipine Islands, Rear Ad miral Sampson who has charge of the fleet of American war ships at Havana. Commodore Schley commander of the Flying Squadron. Captain Sigsbee who was commander of our Battle Ship Maine, and of our brave consul general at Havana who is now Major General Fits [Hugh Lee and who will command the volunteer force that will invade Uuba. To any one whowill send us a list of names of tea patriotic ladios of their neighborhood and six two cent stamps we will send any one of the above large engravings free of charge, or if the entire collection of the five American Heroes is desired send us a list of twenty names oi different ladies and twenty two cent stamps and we will send you the five en gravings by return mail. These engravings are the most beauti ful ever published and are {handsome enough to go into any home. Send us the list of names and stamps to-day as the edition is limited. There is no ad vertising on any of the engravings In sending state whose engravings you desire. Address, Pastelotype Co., 23 Duane Street, New York City. "RAMBLER," in Every Saturday, gets off the following: "Why will women try to sing in church who have neither voice, tune nor time in their make-up? I at tended church Sunday and sat next to a woman who sans: at every hymn. She began on the first verse about a bar behind everybody else. It was sort of a go-as-you please race all through, but she broke bttdly on the homestretch, and was distanced, coming under the wire about four bars behind the choir, On yerse two she made a catch-as-catch-can attack and grappled with the third line while the choir was finishing up the fourth. In the third inning she struck out on a fly, but slipped between the bass and soprano and made a foul. It was not only this being off the track all that made it pathetic, but it was also a case of a voice that was full of burrs and hadn't been filed for a long time. And such people always try to sing." Ex-Secretary Trasy, who has been in Washington this week conferring with President McKinley, said about the Philippine Islands: "We must hold them. They were taken as a war measure, and they are a magnificent pos session for this country. They will be invaluable as a coaling station and will give us more of a standing in that part of the world. The Monroe Doctrine does not apply to them. They were not taken for the sake of conquest, and their pos session comes to us legitimately and rightly. We will find it more difficult to get rid of them than to keep them, be cause international complications may cause other nations which would like to have them to be afraid tt) offer to buy them. We must keep them, aftejr having ,captured them aa we have." PAINTING THE BUGGY. It Requires a Specially-Prepared Paint which Looks Well and Wears Well. A paint with a varnish gloss, a good strong color and of great durability when exposed to the weather is a money saver, and it is a lasting satisfaction to the eye of a person who dislikes shabbi- ness. There is a special paint, carefully mixed, in which are combined all the beauty and advantages of paint and varnish. It is intended for use on bug gies, carriages, cutters and sleighs, baby carriages, small boats, lawn benches, porch chairs and countless articles in tended for Out-door use. It is made by The'Sherwin-Williams Company, the largest paint makers in the world.* The Sherwin-Williams buggy Paint is made ior this class of work only. It is not recommended for painting buildings or floors or furniture. When used on carriages it preserves the wood and addp a hundred per cent to its appearance thereby increaeing the value of the vehicle. Equally excellent for their special uses are the house paints, floor paints, family paint for use in the home, enamel paint creosote paint for fences and barns, yar nish stain and others specially prepared ready for the brush, by The Sherwin Williams Company. A postal card ad dressed to the company at 100 Canal Street. Cleveland: 2629 Stewart Ave., Chicago: or 367 Washington Street, New York, will secure samples of colors and combinations, with the name of the nearest dealer selling these paints. All Styles of pickles by the quart or in packages at M. J. WALSH'S. Wanied-An Idea Who can think of some simple „. ,, tWng to patent? ney«, Washington. 0. C .for their <1,800 prise offer •ad (tot of two hundred inventions wanted. Very Low Rates to Denver, OoL Via the North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold at greatly reduced rates June 2, 4 and 5, limited to return June 12 to July 6, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Weetern R'y. 46-2w Excursion Tiokets to Bloomington Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates, May 23 and 24, limited to May 27, account of Epworth League State Convention. Apply to agents Chi cago & North-Western R'y. 46-lw Very Low Rates to Naperville, 111. Via the North-Western Line, on ac count of the annual meeting uf German Baptist (Dunkards), to be held May 26 June 2. For dates of sale and return limits, apply to agents Chicago & North Western Ry. 46-lw Home Seeker a' Cheap Excursions. On May 3, 17, June 7 and 21, the North-Western Line will sell HomeSeek ers' excursion tickets, with favorable time limits, to numerous points in the West and South at exceptionally low rates. For tickets and full information applv to agents Chicago & North-West ern Railway. « 4f w4 Delicate Children They do not complain of anything in particular. They cat enough, but keep thin and pale. They appear fairly well, but have no strength. You cannot say they are really sick, and so you call them delicate. What can be done for them ? Our answer is the same that the best physicians have been giving for a quarter of a cen tury. Give them scotrs Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites. It has most re markable nourishing power. It gives color to the blood. It b r i n g s s t r e n g t h t o t h e m u s - J i j cles. It adds power to the }J| nerves. It means robust health and vigor. Even deli cate infants rapidly gain in flesh if given a small amount three or four times each day. 50c. and $i.oo; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. aflCN U/AMTCn School Teachers, Ms Wtn W AH I tu cbamce, Farmers, Mn i'-htnp agents, am one honest and willing to hontle. ewiilpty good wage* and steady employment VHth our facilities and per. aoual help an>i roan fully a'tve an<l willing to work cs>n win a l aying position with us, Ap I'ly quick, stating age !.» L. MAY A CO., Nurserymen, Seedmen & Florists, St. Paul. Minn. 44 cents. F 48 cents M. J. WALSH. THE McHENRY fifBAIIfl J. H. MILLER, Prop All kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices A FULL LINE OF FINISHED WORK CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Foreign and American Granite a Specialty. McHENRY ILL E. RICHARDSON, VOLO, ILL. See what we have in our Bar gain List for the eoming week at the big bargain store at Volo: 0 bars Santa Claus Soap, 25c 10 bars Calumet Soap, 25C 10 bars Lenox SOAP^ 25C Arbuckle Coffee, lie per lb Gold Dust, 18C We also will give with $5 worth of cash trade 19 pounds of granulated Sugar for $1. ^E have a very large stock of goods both in Dry Hoods, Groceries, Hardware And we know if you will give us a call we will be able to please you in something. We aim to make everybody happy as they leave our door, because we know if we are please them once they wi 1 come and see us again. Now we hope you will not fail to to take advantage of some of these great bargains .J War News Every Day. Long Distance Telephone Station E. RICHARDSON, Voloi Lake Co.. Ill ( O W E N & (8UCCESSOE3 TO PEBRY & OWEN.). ! I All the latest novelties for spring and summer, from the cele brated factories of Pingree & Smith, Helming Williamson and C. M. Henderson. None better on earth. We have the largest and best line. Prices the lowest. • A fine line of black goods, in plain and brocaded. Also a large assortment of fancy colors to pick from. Fancy Dress Skirts, made of rich changeable silk and sateens, in many colors. Buy of us. We can save you money. CORSETS. CORSET COVERS, White Skirts, Fancy Ribbons, Shirt Waists, Belts in the latest designs, in fact anything you need for a stylish spring and summer outfit, * GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Come on boys and fit yourself out in proper style for little money. Our spring stock of Hats, Shoes, Clothing, Fancy Shirts, and Neckwear are all here for your inspection. Call and look them over. Spring and Summer Underwear all here at lowest prices. Get your Groceries and Flour of us and get the best. -- •»» HUMPHREYS' No. 1 Cures Fever. No. 2 " Worms. No. 3 " Infants' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. No. 7 " Coughs. No. 8 Cures Neuralgia. No. 9 , " Headache. No. lQf " Dyspepsia. NOySfl " Delayed Periods. No. 1'2 " Leuchorrea. No. 13 Cures Croup. No. 14 " Skin Diseases. No. IS " Rheumatism. No. 10 " Malaria. No. 19 " Catarrh. No. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 " Asthma. No. 24 " General Debility. No. 20 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 32 " Heart Disease. No. 34 " Sore Throat) No. 77 " Colds and Grip. DB. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC MANUAL OF DISEASES MAILED FREE. Small bottles of pleasant pellets, lit the vest pocket. Sold by druggists, or sent prepaid upon recelptof price, 25 cents, except Nos. 28, and 82 are made $1.00 size only. Humphreys' Medi cine Company, 111 William St., New York. W A R 1 1 We have just made arracgeman s by which we obtain control of a special ea itlon of Cram's Big War Atlas The Best Book of its Kind It Is just whntyon want, and all you want to follow the movements of our lleet* andour armies. It contains 16 pacee of lar- e co oreel iiiuvs, 2ixii inches, anu nxiux lncnes in eftz*, covering 11 territory where a conflict couiil possibly occur, COMPLETE STATISTICS, Naval and military, and history of all ountries and possessions involved, all the official documents, etc. It answers all War Questions, Settles all War Arguments, Strictly up to Date. Even if you have another Atlas you need this one to keep postfd. While this special edition lasts we will send copies po tpald, to- gether with four ispupsofour profusely Illus trated nomio paper "UP TO DATE" for 25 cents in stamps or silver. Address UP TO DATE, Monon Bids Chicago. You are an economical housewife ? Then you are interested in "Sherer's Tea" in Pails. Just see what you get for 50 cents I FIRST--a pound of excellent Tea, new crop, rich flavor and strong. SECOND--a one quart covered tin pail containing the tea. THIRD--a genuine imported china TeaCup and^aucer, full size, gold band, decorated and very hand some. Large assortment. Our offer to furnish free this ex ceptionally fine cup and saucer can only be continued for a short time. If no dealer near you keeps it or will order It send us 05 cents In stamps and we will send Pall, Tea, Cup and Saueer by express to your raiU road station prepaid. Sherer Brothers, 24 Years at 37 River Street, Chicago. WE get the official news every Bulletin Board. LOftC D STAfl.CE TELEPHONE STATION y H U M P H R E Y S ' WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." For Piles--External or Internal, Blind orBleedlngt Fistula In Ano: Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate--the cure certain. FBIQE, #0 OTS. - TRIAL SIZE. 25QTS. 6old by DracgliM, or lent po«t-p»ld on receipt of prio*. KCVHUKIS' BSD. CO.. 111A118 ttUlUm St.. SEW YOBS One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That Is what It was made for. Get a J [at that is in Style at Owen & Chapell's. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve Curei Pile*. Scalds. Burns. . . SEfcJD CORN, Always in stoci at 8. Stoffel's. Mar tin's Extra Early, King of the Earlies, (-robot, Pride of the North, Early Comp- ton, Yankee and' Mammoth Southern, Red Cob, Southern White and Mommoth Sweet 6o£n for ensilage purposes. New Neckwear, new Beadwear. new Footwear and even new summer under wear at H, Stoffei's. The Lebanon Cycle--^ Handsomest '97 , BICYCLE Manufactured. H. Price, $75.00. Corrugated Tubing, x 1-4 in. Oil Reservoir Hubs. Write for a Catalogue. Every Wheel Warranted. Deal Direct With Us. Manufactured by KALBACH & SON, LEBANON, PA. HARD WOOD TIMBER LAND FOR SALE Over One Half Million Acres of splendid hard wood timber land In Northern Wisconsin and Michigan for sale by the Chicago & Northwestern Raiiwaj. The best land proposi tion ever made to set tlers. The timber more than pays for the land. For prices, terms, and all details, write or apply to ^ J. F. CLEVELAND, Land Comr. C. & N. W. Ry., Chicago. 'See the Neckties at Owen & Chapell's. OWEN McHenry Illinois. TOHN MAN SON'S ALTERATION SALE. We are obliged to reduce our stock in order to perfect the pro spective changes in our store, hence we offer you many things at reduced prices, especially Shoes and Slippers, Men's Wool Pants, Boys' Knee Pants, Ladies' Wrappers, Ladies' Silk Capes and many other things too numerous to mention. 50 cent Tea 39 cents. Men's Wool Pants, $1.75. It will pay you to investigate. We Bid You Welcome. JOHN EVANSON & CO West McHenry. Illinois. STILL LEFT, Some of the early Spring Tools, such as Lever Spike Tooth Harrows, In wood and steel. Also Budlong Disc Harrowa, with Stub Pole and three horse Equalizer, just what you need to prepare your corn ground for planting. And as there is always a best in every thing; by common consent the Rock Island Corn Planter is ac knowledged to be the Best Corn Planter Of All. Has more good features than are combined in all < th(rg, cn should you need a Corn Planter don't pass the Rock Island. BUGGIES I BUGGIES I Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier and the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles, w hy take chances on inferior work When about the same money will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable and stylish. There are none better . • WAOONS AND TRUCKS. Always an hand and prices always right. And don't forget that "you have a standing invitation to make our place headquarters when in McHenry, and wre arc only too glad to show our stoclc whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. Very Truly Yours, T. J. WALSH. McHenry, April 20, 1898.