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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jun 1898, p. 8

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TOFFEU) Articles and Notices under the above hoad •re furnished by the Ladies ot the W. O, T. U and the editor claims no part or credit for the Tanned Tbe Downward Grade. Tbe following brief narrative carries its own moral witb it: "My dear boy said a father to his only eon, "you are in bad aompany; tie lads with whom you associate indulge in bad habits. They drink; smoke, swear and play cards. They are not safe company for you. I beg you to quit their society." "You need'nt be afraid of me, father," replied the boy, laughingly. "I know how far to go and when to stop." The lad left his father's house twirling his cane and laughing at the old man's notions. A few years later, the lad, grown to manhood, stood at the bar of a court, before a jury which had just brought a verdict of guilt for some crime in which he had been concerned. Before he was sentenced he addressed the court, and v said, among other things: "My downward course began in dis­ obedience to my parents.. I thought 1 knew as much of the world as my father did, and I spurned his advice; but as goon as I turned my back on my home, temptations come upon me like a drove of hyenas and hurried me to ruin," Mark that confession, you boys who are beginning to be wiser than your parents! Mark it, and. learn that dis­ obedience is the first step on the road to ruin. Don't take it! • > »I Hur • Him. "Let liquor alone and it won't hurt you," was the advice given by a young gentleman to a young, friend--a wide­ awake, bright-eyed young business man --who sat beside him on a railroad train. "But it has hurt me," answered the young man. "How is that? inquired his friend, who saw no token on his manly countenance of the plight that so soon makes its mark on the "human face divine." "Well, six months ago my employer went off his balance, signed some notes which he should not have indorsed; and yesterday the firm (a heavy iron firm) went under. So here I am, and nearly two thousand others, in the dead of winter, thrown out of employment." That gentleman's act because of drink, has touched the comfort, and possible the subsistence, of not less than ten thousand human beings.--Sel. f J leather is the first requisite in M i, V \ FZSUJF/1 / a good shoe. The leather SELZ SHOES )m| , special tannage under the / direct supervision of the shoe- Amakers. That's the advan- w/1 i W tOrtT tage you get by buying the y I !ivV\\ shoes made by the largest I ^ 1 / - " • ' m a n u f a c t u r e r s o f s h o e s i n t h e world,and it costs no more than to get the "pick me up" sort. We take pride in fitting your feet With these famous shoes, because we $0(2 SllOfgS take pride in giving you, satisfy- Hake |0Ur fSSt glad, tion. -- • • . • _ There is something entirely new out in the SUMMER CLOTHING LINE. We have them made up of the now material. A look at them will be beneficial to you, Warm weather Underwear in different weights andisjiades, New Hats in felt, wool, canvas and straw. Bee Hives for fishejmen, 50c, .. Fresh Groceries, Best Flour, Rye Flour, Graham and Corn Meal. West McHenry, III, WAR! WAR! Organdies, Dimitied, etc., with Fancy Lining to match, Everybody is looking for War Bulletins, we with the rest, but realizing that the only way to prosper these days, or any other days, is to work, we have kept our Bulletin Board covered with the receipts of v SEE tiz"r.Si of the shoes that you buy. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS, Alsp Russian Blouses. / Ladies Ties and Waist Sets in variety. : SASH RIBBONa A full line in all colors. The best Summer Corbet in the market for 50c. Laces, Embroideries, Parasols and Fans in gieat. variety. FORS SPRING" AND SUMMER TRADE CLOTHING, CLOTHING, Our goods are bought at the best advantage and sol# right. "Live and Let Live," is an excellent motto for anybody and we aim to follow it. As to quality the best is the cheapest as a rule, and the best is none too good.c We aim rather at quality than quantitv and pricc. , J Fine and serviceable Clothing for men, boys and children, in all sizes. Best makes, correct, newest styles. OXFORDS, the finest and most stylish assortment ever brought to this town, for ladies and children. In Children's Shoes our stock cannot be surpassed outside of the city. Call and inspect our Shoe Department, NOW IS THE TIME For you to settle upon some plan for pring House Cleaning. While we are not an expert in this lineweSjt ave a faint idea of the requirements for the occasion and are anx ous to do all in our power for "suffering humanity." (in the way of counsel and advice) during the trying ordeal We wcu!d suggest you have your heatinor stoves taken down and cared for. Your cumbersome cook stove or range replaced withione of our Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves, That can be moved from one spot to another by a child if desired. Then brgm operations to suit yourself... Remember that w® have such needed articles as Carpet ^weepers, Carpet Stretchers, Brooms Dusters, Scrub and window Brushes, Curtain Rings, Tacks and Tack Hammers. Picture Nails, Picture Hooks and Picture Card. I carry a complete line of Points, Oils, Varnlshgs, Stains, Bvushes, Glass and Putty. I am agent for Crown Cottage Colors, the beet paint in the market, guaranteed free trom adulter­ ation of any nature, and sold with the understanding that if found otherwise your money wil be ioliiucu uuu you reixuburseci /or your trouble and expense. We will be pleased to* make ^estimates on your wants of anything in our line. Kespecttully Yonrsi We have the Staple and Fa&y Groceries. Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Beans, Spices Extracts, etc., are always in demand and we always keep a good assortment. No man can do business without customers and friends, and we trust you will accept our thanks for past favors as well as what you are giving us at present. Borders and Ceilings to match. Curtains, Shades, Carpets, etc. SLEEPY EYE FLOUR A Reliable Woman Wanted. We want a reliable woman in every County to establish a corset parlor for the sale of Dr. Nichols' Celebrated Spiral Spring Corsets and Clasps, Hygeia Waists, etc. Every corset is warranted not to break or rust, absolutely imper­ vious to moisture or pespiration. Anew pair given for every pair that breaks Guarrantee printed on each corset. Re­ commended by over 10,000 Physicians. I furnish complete stock on consignment and pay a salary of §40 to $65 per month and expenses. §3.00 sample out­ fit free. Prices reduced. Send 18 cents postage for sample and terms. [DR. G. D. NICHOLS, 36-3m. -*• New Canaan, Conn. Be sure to leave your orders for Pills- bury's or Washburn's best at-Staffers Delivered promptly to any part of town Unadulterated Groceries. Pillsbury's, Washburn's and King's Best Flour. Seed Corn and German Millet. Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. 0 As low as any good Flour can be bought anywheret Call West McHeory.-Illinois. West McHenry, 111., 1898 F. L. McOMBER N. J. JTJSTEN WWt S>de Hardware Store $5|CWOOD, Has the largest and best arranged store in the county. The stock of Furniture is replete with everything that can be desired in fine and modern designs, including Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Dining Room and Library Furniture, Besides many special pieces in ~all lines. IMPORTANT DBALBB IK DRUGS and MEDICINES The most interesting, exoiting, and patriotic picture of thia country, illustrating the glorious A FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS Battle of Manila Just one word about The Undertaking Department, Calls for speeial mention, as the stock is always complete and the embalming is conducted on exact scientific principles. Prices and workmanship will explain for themselves. Call and examine both before buying. Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FULL LINK [OF r PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. SHOES! SHOES! N. J. JTJSTEN West MoHenry, 1898, We have the latest styles in raysioians rresenpuons * 8 Your Patronage is respectfully solioited. m> - -JULIA A, STORY C rtfVrcr Tf eitof Jtiterside Ftvne, M rl enry,lll. Paint for 0 Everybody Men's Women's and Children's " And for everything under the sun. ^8 Every home has need of paint. ||| Each kind of , P THE ,0 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS - % PAINTS is specially suited to some home use--either outside or inside. It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it on the right place that makes painting a success. Tell us what you want td paint, and we'll tell vou the right kind to use. A book about painting free. THE SHERWIH-WILUAMS CO.. PAINT AND COLOR MAKERS. 100 Canal St.. Cleveland. 2629 Stewart Avenue, Chicago. 8OT Washington Street, New York. 21 St Antolne Street. Montreal To Say Nothing but Saw Wood Also have a very complete line of seasonable We are not Telling you of tlie Many Bargains we are offering in , >--- FINE FURNITURE, Such as Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Couches, etc., that we are sli ng at prices that have never before been touched in McHenry, even by us. Call and look at the tine stock we are displaying, the best for the money it has ever been our fortune to secure. VIGOR AND PUSH To sell Farm Sales and be successful as it dees to chop wood or sell you a farm in Ar kansas. either of which lam willing to ao 1i i0f you Wl11 kn°w that |I have had and still have much experience selling just such goods and stock as you will offer at public auction ithis spring, There­ fore I should know their value and how to Set at selling the sam e for the most monev ropping the article with the one that some' times pays his note, I am quite a pood bid der and am always looking for bargains. 1 believe I can do more for you than can the Others for tbe same or less cost, If I did not feel sure of the above and was not In dead earnest and willing to try, on short notice, I would not be so well equipped An alarm turned in {by postal may reveal unexpected results. Trp Us a Couple of Times. Your obedient and unsystematic friend 3. PERKINS McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Our styles will please you and our prices should. t • •, Very Truly, WE CARRY A FULL LINE OP Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. We guarantee first class work in every respect. We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. • " Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties and a first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to give estimates on work. E, B. PEKKEN8. Call and sec me before purchasing, JACOB JUSTEN Ringwood, 111, Wauconda, ill. McHenry, III., Fob. 15, 1898.

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