VANSON'S Tanned A I < /SLIIIIII ^eatfe^r 1S t^ie fifst requisite in »» 11 V V R^MWL/L I a good shoe. The leather FJ I use^ in SEJLZ SHOES is H ' sPec*a* tannage under the •J* j1 direct Supervision of the shoe- AjlffWK!̂ ̂ makers. That's the advan- wTy] I ujj tage you get by buying the I r*L " IVnl shoes made by the largest I ^--\«g. " manufacturers of shoes in the ^ w o r l d , a n d it costs no more than to get the "pick me up" sort We , take pride in fitting your feet with these famous shoes, because we take pride in giving you satisfac- Mke »opr feet °M. tion. There is something entirely new out in the SUMMER CLOTHINC LINE. We have thefiu made up of the new material, A look at them will be beneficial to you, Warm weather .Underwear in different weights and shades, New Hats in felt, wool, canvas and straw. Bee Hives for fishejmen, 50c. Fresh Groceries, Best Flour, Rye Flour, Graham and Corn Meal. West McHenry, III, WAR! WAR! Everybody is looking for War Bulletins, we with the rest, but realizing that the only way to prosper these days, or any other days, is to work, we have kept our Bulletin Board covered with the receipts of SEE of the shoes that you buy. FOR SPRING* AND SUMMER TRADE • We Bid You Welcome.-- JOHN EVANSON & CO West McHenry. Illinois. Our goods are bought at the best advantage and sold right. "Live and Let Live," is an excellent motto for anybody and we aim to follow it. As to quality the best is the cheapest as a rule, and the best is none too good. We aim rather at quality than quantity and pricc. Some of the early Spring Tools, such as Lever Spike Tooth Harrows, In wood and steel. Also Budlong Disc Harrowa, with Stub Pole and three horse Equalizer, just what you need to prepare your corn ground for planting. And as there is always a best in every thing, by common consent the Rock Island Corn Planter is ac knowledged to be the Well you must see goods to'uppreciate prices NOW IS THE TIME 0 Absolutely^ ^PUREvdk ! ̂ Has more good featuressthan are combined in all cthtri? should you need a Corn Planter don't pass the Rock Island. We have the Staple and Fancy Groceries. Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Rice? Beans, Spices Extracts, etc., are always in demand and we always keep a good assortment. No man can do business without customers and friends, and we trust you will accept our thanks for past favors as well as what you are giving us at present. BUGGIES ! BUGGIES ! Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabody. the Mier and the Columbia A grade Wheels; one thousand mile Axles. Why take chances on inferior work when about the same money will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found wanting. They are reliable and stylish. There are none better. WAGONS AND TRUCKS, Always on hand and prices always right. And don't f<fr£et that you have a standing invitation to make our place headquaiterlg when in McHenry, and we are only too glad to show our STOCK whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. Very Truly Yours, R ^ 5 Made from Jj( Ti the best and purest K J VEGETABLE OILS t *FORALLUSES* J SAVE TIME AND LABOR. J Costs no more than other soaps, J bat goes twice as far. £ A trial will convince you of its great 3 ^ merit. Will please the most fastidious. A f Woolen goods are left soft and like new. m Linen goods white as snow when washed with P We also make PURE WAX SOAP and A 4 UNCLE TOM'S WONDERFUL "A P i TAR SOAP. K Zk For sale by leading grocers. F • • Manufactured by • • 5 M. ZWICKY'S SONS, 4 5 wuwnsuiiuft " 4 SLEEPY EYE FLOUR As low as any good Flour can be bought anywheret West McHenry. Illinois, \ F. L. McOMBER McHenry, April 20, 1898 West Side Hardware Store N. J. JTTSTEN ^'IVCWOOD, It-1 IMPORTANT Has the largest and best arranged store in the county. The stock of Furniture is replete with everything that can be desired in fine and modern designs, including / Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Dining Room and Library Furniture, Besides many special pieces in call lines. The Undertaking Department,m Calls for special mention, as the stock is always complete and the embalming is conducted on exact scientific principles. Prices and workmanship will explain for themselves. Call and examine both before buying. •* DKALBB IN DRUGS and MEDICINES The most interesting, exciting, and'patriotic picture of this country, illustrating the glorious A FULL LINE OF Battle of Manila CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS Just one word about Is row in "preparation. It will bean exact reproduction from a very expensive oil painting expressly painted for ue, showing the Spanish fleet and shore batteries in fierce engagement with the American squadron. The iiteof the finlshe t picture, in beautiful color?, will be 19x23 inches, and will be a most appropriate ornament for parlor as well as business office. Our artists are at work day and night, and u \ Finished Prints will be Ready ' About May 18. The first edition will be limited, so if you •want one of the greatest pictures of the day, and want it without delay, send us at once your name and address, and enclose 25 oents in stamps or silver, and we will send you the picture, postpaid, together with four issues of our profusely illustrated comic paper "UP TO DATE." Send UP TO DATE, Monon B!dg Chicago- Paints, Oils and Colors CONSTANTLY OK HAND. FOLL LIKB [OF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. SHOES! SHOES! N. J. JTJSTEN We have the latest styles in West MoHenrv. ,898, fnysicians descriptions * Your Patronage 1B respectfully sollolted. m •• 'JULIA A, STOBY OneDcor Westof Hirer si df I ct/«e,,Af cBenry,lll. Paint WJMGBS WITH A QLOSS r- & ' makes porch chairs and lawn fur- niture bright and attractive. For a few cents and a little \JBr ^ time you can make them as good as new. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS BUGGY PAINT was made originally for buggies, but it9 tough finish and bright colors make it also suitable for many articles for outside exposure, where high gloss and strong colors are wanted. Put up in small cans. Your dealer can supply you--ask for it. A booklet about paint mailed free. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. PAINT AND COLOR MAKERS. iOO Canal Street, Cleveland. / 2629 Stewart Avenue, Chicago. »97 Washington Street, New York. 21 St. Antolns Street. Montreal. Men's Women's and Children's DR. CALDWELL'S YRUP PEPSI CURES CONSTIPATION To Say Wothine: but Saw Wood. " -Sa THAT XJS Also have a very complete line of seasonable FINE FURNITURE, Such as Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Couches, etc., that we. ar,o sli ng at prices that have never before been touched in McHenry, even by us. Call and look at the line stock we are displaying, the best for the money it has ever been our fortune to secure. VIGOR AND PUSH 3. PERKINS McHENBY, ILLINOIS. Our styles will please you and our prices should. Very Truly, WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. We guarantee first class work in every respect. Call andIsee me before purchasing JACOB JUSTEN RingWOOd, m. McHenry, 111., Fob. 15, 1898