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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jun 1898, p. 8

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ArMcles and Notices under the aboveTJORM are furnished by the Ladies at the WVO, T, U and the editor claims no part or credit for the same. DRINK FOB SOLDIERS. A dispatch from" New York pity '*&?' nounceH thait all the leading saloons in that metropolis order free drinks for the United States soldiers and sailors. Signs in the various places of business an­ nounce that marines, soldiers and sail­ ors serving under the American flag may- order whatever beverage they like with­ out pay. Under these circumstances the following letter from Hon. Hiram Price, president of the American Anti-Saloon League, addressed to President McKin- ley, is especially well-timed. It is hoped that the appeal will not be disregarded,^ Hon. William McKinley, President of the United States. DearSjj1: I venture to address this note to you, and believe you will pardon this intrusion upon your valuable time/because I know your sympathies to be right on the- liquor question, and because, as commander-in- chief of the land and naval forces of the' United States, you have, very much moje than any other person, the power to prevent a great evil, which may possi­ bly, unless courageously opposed, over­ take ua as a nation. The enclosed news­ paper article, under the caption of "Free Drinks for Soldiers," was handed me as a clipping from the Washington Evening Times of recent date, and in this article it is observable that the grogsellers of different nationalities have joined forces to induce soldiers to partake of that which "steals away their brains" and is doubtless intended to make a sham show of generbsity to popularize their miser­ able business. It is *a well established fact that the use of intoxicating liquor as a beverage has much to do with the morale of an army, and that to this cause is attributable the loss of many battles for the right. A word from you, Mr. President, on this subject to those in immediate command of our military and naval forces, on the eve of ° what may be a serious and expensive under­ taking for this government, can by no possibility do any harm, and may do an immense amount of good. Wp,r is a de­ stroyer of both life and property, and is therefore to be avoided where it can honorably be done. But the liquor traf. fic as we have it in this country is much more destructive of both life and proper­ ty, and hence all honorable and lawful m^ans should he be used to oppose its growth and curtail its power. Cordially and sincerely your friend. H.PBICE, Presi. dent of the Am. Anti-Saloon League. West McHenry, III; And Opens for Business Ju!y 5ch WE have give much thought, time and expense;to arrange a model trading place for voii. It's readyjiow. We would feel pleased to have you inspect our work and .pass judgment upon its construction, especially with a liberal patronage of Cash Purchases whenever in need of such Merchandise a§ we offer Our plan from now on will be an Aggressive Policy for Cash; Trade at Lowest Living Prices We have arranged a Special Saturday Sale for you July 2d whereby you may secure Everybody is looking for War Bulletins, we with the rest, but realizing that the only way to«prospcr these days, or any other days, is to work, we have kept our Bulletin Board covered with the receipts of ; Selz SbMS make your feet glad. If you call for it--and after you have the dress made up be sure and show it to your neighbor and tell them its a 25c Dress from FOR' SPRING! AND SUMMER TRADE EVANSON'g Our goods are bought at the best advantage and sold right. "Live and Let Live," is an excellent motto for anybody and we aim to follow it. As to quality the best is the cheapest as a rule, and the best is none too good. We aim raiihor at quality than quantity and pricc. West McHenry. Illinois, Some of the early Spring Tools, such as, • Lever Spike Tooth Harrows, In wood and steel. Also. Biullong Disc Harrowa, with Stub Pole and three horse Equalizer, just what you need to prepare your corn ground for planting. .-And as there is always a best in every­ thing, by common consent the Iioek Island Corn Planter is ac- knowledged to be the NOW IS THE TIME For you to settle upon some plan for Spring House Cleaning . While we are not an export ia this we have a faint idea of the requirements for the occa*ion and are anxious to do air in our power for '•suffering humanity." (in the way of counsel and advice) during the trying ordeal. We would suggest you have your heating stoves taken down,and cared for. Your cumbersome cook stove or range replaced with[one of our B f Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves, That can be moved from one spot to another by a child if desir d. Then begin operations to suit yourself Remember that we have such needed articles-as,Carpet Sweepers, Carpet Stretchers, Broom$ Dusters, Scrub and window Brushes, Curtain Rings, Tacks and Tack Hammers. Picture Nails, Picture Hooks and Picture Cord. I carry a complete line of Paints, Oils, Varnlshgs, Stains, Brushes, Glass and Putty. I am agent for Crown Cottage Colors, the best paint in the market, guaranteed free froin adulter­ ation of any nature, and sold with the understanding that if found otherwise your money wil be refunded and you reimbursed for your trouble and expense. Wo will be pleased to make estimates on your wants of anything in our line. Bfespectfully Your«; Has more good features than are combined in all should you need a Corn Planter don't pass the Hock Island, BU^ G i E S ! B U G G I E S I Nothing but Buggies. The celebrated Peabodv. the Mier and the Columbia A grade Wheels: one thousand mile Axles. Why take chances on inferior work when about the same money will give you the best vehicles that skill and careful supervision can produce. Tried by time and not found Wanting. They are reliable and stylish. There are none better. - ' WAGONS JfifD TRUCES. Always on hand and prices always rigot. And don't forget that you have a standing invitation to.make our place head^utiriers FLOUR T. W BOMST PTT »LiGii in ^xCij-enry, afiu we arc ouiv too grao to show our whether you wish to buy or not. Repairs for all Machinery promptly attended to. Very Truly Yours* West McHenry. Illinois. WALSH F. L. McOMBER McHenry, April 20,1898 West Side Hardware Store N. J . JUSTEN ^JNCWOOD, ILL DEALBB IN WE CAREY A PULL LINE OF Gaskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, -We guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and see me before purchasing, JACOB JUSTEN McHenry, 111., Fob. 15, 1898 Tanned leather is the first requisite m a good shoe. ^he leather used in SE.LZ SHOES is Special tannage under the direct supervision of the shoe­ makers. That's the advan­ tage you get by buying the shoes made by the largest manufacturers of shoes in the world,and DRUGS and MEDICINES A FULL LINE OF CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, . . Paints, Oils and Olors CONSTANTLY ON HAND. FULL LINES [OF PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLE8, Stationery and Druggists' Sundries. Carefully compounded by ft Registered Pharmacist, Tour Patronage ls/respectfully solicited. -JULIA A, k7CY OneDoor Weslof Riiertide Etjiue,.; M cHenry,lll. Men's Women's and Children' w o T T Also haye a very complete line of seasonable Our styles will please you and our prices should. Very Truly, J. E. CR1STY, Ringwood, HI. To 8ay Nothing: but Saw Wood. THAT IS We are not Tellinff yo" of tine Many Bargains we are offering in FINE FURNITURE, Such as Parlor and Bed Room Sets, Couches, etc., that we are' sli ng at prices that have never before been touched in McHenry,' e v e n b y u s . ' ' • « Call and look at the fine stock we are displaying, the best for the money it has ever been our fortune to secure. Is made especially for buildings built of open-grain lumber. It makes the wood proof against sunshine or storm and keeps it from decaying. The nails hold stronger and longer--the building shows the difference in a hundred different ways. \ You can learn many Important secrets about pahjt and painting by sending for our illustrated boolc. Itis free to ali who have anything to paint. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., PAINT AND COLOR MAKERS. 100 Canal St., Cleveland. 367 Washington St., New York. 2629 Stewart Ave., Chicago. . 21 St. Antolne St., Montreal. Having had several years #xi>erif*naA to^h«r£«atn<(l?J1Ter#8al®.pl1 now cal1 attention fact that IfeoUjkc getting & GREAT "HUMP ShwL wfllI'sLa^o wUh a'greatln DETERMINATION Kecessary to obtain stoodresults these close same »atlsfleil that it requires, the VIGOR AND PUSH To sell farm Sales and be Successful as ii dees to chop wood or sell you a farm in Ar kaneae. either of which lam willmtc to AO you will know that II have had and still have much experience ling just such goods and stock as you will offer at public auction ithls spring. There fore I Should know their value and how to y--•«j pays J. ijuno a frooy 1 der and am always looking for bargains I beli«ve I can do more for you than oan the others for the same or less cost. If tdld not feel sure of the ahove and was not in defid earnest and willing to try on short notice, I would not be so well equipped An alarm turned injby postal may reveal unexpected results ! Trp Us a Couple of Times Xour obedient and unsystematic friend T. Vw8l,CCUW| V 11 k r r >, ;i E . B . R ELR K I N S , McIIKNRY, ILLINOIS. Paint and Wall Paper House We sell the celebrated Sherwin- Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and see our Wall • Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced- by a dozen factories at " prices that are beyond competition... - Room Htouldings to SKIatcW ail WaH ' Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing.. AH specialties and a first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. vk> trouble to give estimates on work. E. B. PERKINS. We have the latest styles in THE SHERWIN- WILLIAMS CREOSOTE PAINT Has just received a very com­ plete stock of Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs, Closets, Lavatories and Fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heating. Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized and Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- slett'e Agricultural Implement Building, Mchenry, ill. IMPORTANT < - T O - AMERICANS. "EVERYBODY. The most interesting, exciting, and patriotic glorious coun*rT* illustrating the Battle of Manila Is n«w In preparation. It will be an exact re­ production from a very expensive oil painting expressly painted fOr us, showing the Spanish fleet and shore batteries in fierce engagement with the American squadron, The size of the fished pioture, in beautiful colors, will be l"x23 inches, and will be a most appropriate ornament for parlor as well as business office. Our artists are at work day and night, and Finished Prints will be Ready v About May 18. The first edition will be limited, eo if you want one of the greatest pictures of the day ana want it without delay, send UB at onoe Sour name and address, and enclose 25 oents i stamps or silver, and we will send you the picture, postpaid, together with four issues "UP TOPD°1TE.» 3enarat0d C°mi° p*per UP TO DAtE, Morion B!dg. i Chicago- - Has the largest and best arranged store in the county. The stock of Furniture is replete with everything that can be desired in fine and modern designs, including C / • C Parlor Suits, Chamber Sets, Dining .loom and Library Furniture, Besides many S(>eciai pieces in ail lines. The Undertaking Department, Calls for special mention, as the stock is always complete and the embalming is conducted on exact scientific principles. Prices and workmanship will explain for themselves. Call and examine both before buying. West McHenry, 1898. N. J. JUSTEN, Just one word about SHOES! SHOES! is no credit to the owner --it's sure to be a source of expense. A coat . of The S.-W. Creosote Paint, costing but little, will, add several years to the life of the barn. The leaks will stop, your hay will,not be must}r and your stock will be in better condition.

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