•fill- McHENRY CO. FAIR O W E M & (SUCCESSORS TO PERRY & OWEN.)0 SHIRT REPUBLICAN TICKET, STATE, . C For State Treasurer-- FLOYD E. WBITTEMORE. For Superintendent Of Public Instruction s' ALFRED BAYLISS, For Trustees of the State University-- FRED L. HATCH, A. F. NIGHTINGALE, MRS. ALICE A. ABBOTT. WAIST Your Choice of the Whole Stock1 at 20 PER GENT Off tjae Regular Price. ((J*SIMON STOFFEL I Reduced Prices on Organdies, Dimities, etc. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS, And Crash Skirts in endless variety.f " i Best Summer Corset in the Market. CLOTHING, CLOTHING, Fine and serviceable Clothing for men, b|>ys and children, in all sizes. Best makes, correct, newest styles. J Men's Crash Suits, Hats and Caps. Obll Now While the S©!eotiors is Good.... OWEN & -CHAPPEL. McHenry, Illinois OXFORDS, the finest and most stylish assortment over brought to this town, for ladies and children. In Children's Shoes our stock cannot be surpassed outside of the city. Call and inspect our Shoe Department, • , ' GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE Goods, Gent's • Furnishing An extra line of Shirts and Neckties. Caps, Beloit Overalls, Shirts and Jackets UNIVERSAL PROVIDER] ORIGINATOR OF LOWEST PRICES Unadulterated Groceries. Fillsbury's, Washburn's and King's Best Flour. Long Distance Telephone, Toll Station. SIMOKT STOFFEL. West McHenry, 111. 189tf. Here in all its beauty, Bere in all its comfort, 4 > Here in all its low priors Its the Crash Shirt we speak pf, that summer garment of women's wear that takes precedence of all others for dog-day wear., We show a well-made, full-width crash shirt, in aH sizes at - - - $ 89c / We have another made of a heavier material that we sell at - - 98c. - A pure linen cr°sh shirt, with welted seams, perfect fitting, full and wide - . - 1.19 , A prettily trimmed shirt ot linen colored material, with one row of navy blue braiding, and one row of wide embroidery, insertion, one of the nobbiest shirts shown this ^ season at - - " 1-49 Another shirt is made of Genuine Imported Shrunk ~ Irish Linen at - - - 2.29 The same shirt prettily trimmed with blue or white m braid - " - - - ,2.69 f? White Pique Shirts, with straps of same material. white pearl buttons tor trimmings, is popular seller just now at 1 The same shirt with a cluster of tucks around oiiPm of shirt selWat - - 1 89 Another popular shirt is of White Pique wittf navy blue or cadet bl ue braiding at - - The Don Came DOWD. There was a Don up in a tree. And a Yankee down below; "Come d^wn," said the Yankee to the Don, But the Don was ratber slow. "What terms," heasked, "will you make with me «< i If I come down to you? No terms? Oh, Mr. Yankee man. That'll nev. LADIES WRAPPERS AND SHIRT WAISTS • In all the newest designs and fabrics from 50 cents up. Wool Pants. Overalls and Shirts in all sizes and prices. Fresh Pare Fruits and Canned Goods. - - . t Monarch and Fancv Flour, Delivered promptly. « • M.J.WALSH. West McHenry. ; NATIONAL FLAGS. J > Set of thirty cards showing the nation < 'al flags of the principal nations of the< \ world. One of these cards is packed in' >each large package of CAP SHEAF SODA.< 'If a complete set Is desired, we will mall' ^arae on receipt of Jive one pound Cap', > Sheaf wrappera. Give your name and* •post office plainly written, ' DoLAHD & CO., rairport, N. 7. J The Yank«e took aim with his gun. At tb,e D»n up in the tree; ' I'll shoot," he said, "if you don't come down Before I've counted • three." Athwart the Don't dark visage spread A terrifying frown - But the Yankee couatcd "one" and "two," And the » little - old Don \ came \ down. \ --Cleveland Leader, THEO. F. SWA? GREAT DEPARTMENT ELGIN, I~SJZ* McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee at only rlO cents per pound at M, J. WALSH'S