*#.<*?. .. i a. E. 8. MASQUERADE DANCE SUCCESSFUL LOCAL E LOSE PURSES NEARBY NEWS r* •titi !^flCHLB CI.I7*' land Ralph Mallory, Marengtv C- ' : :'*"^ftsi. imu* and nail' • -Pinochle club; were present from Woodstock, entertained by Delia Hapke at mond, Marengo and Capron.y HShe JoKn Karls home Thursday evening. Prizes in pinochle were won by §Irs. Alex J us ten and Mrs. Emma Barbian. . , , PAST ORACLES MEET v • Put oracles from Fox Ri%*er Valley Camp, R. N. A., and Riverview • ^jCamp, who attended a iuncheon at the home of Mrs. Seigmeier at Elmkurst Thursday, were ..Mrs. George Lindsay, Mrs. E._ E. Bassett, Mrs. !_,* Henry Vogel-Mrs. James Perkins and AFTERNOON CLUB MEETS IAKEN FROM COLUMNS 0? OUR EXCHANGES The home of Mr. and Mrs. August CrOsscU, 338 W. Lake street, Barrington, was struck by lightning Satur- . Mrs. Paul Schwevman was hor,tessday of Iagt week The bolt did conto members of her afternoon club on > sjderable damage. Mr. and Mrs. (Jos- Thursday. Two table? of bridge were j sell were both stunned and Mf> ^ in play and hiph honors tfchf to Mrs. sell suffered a slight 5urn The radio C. J. Reihansporger, while theo consolation went to Mrs* Charles MSrtes. CARD PARTY f *=' The Legion Auxiliary Will sponsor a. card party in Legion hall Wednes- „ ^ ^ , . . day night. April 29. Bridge, five hurt- Mrs-I- : ,C°hb- I!16 next. , dred, pinochle and bunco will be play- ; Will *De with, Mrs. >Stang at Crysta e(j and prizes awarded. Also a spe- Lake next month. cial prize,. • .» C. D. OF A. MfiET _ / R. N. A.CARD PARTY ,'A:>-."i The social meeting of the Catholic , . .-*.•• , , . , ^fcsutfhtert of America was held on j * congenial crowd attended tne ^rd 5 Thursday evening in • K. C. hall. I ^'en ^ F»x River Y®11^ *f>Ians were discussed for the Moth- &•*.••f' ^day evening. Eight « irs Day party on May 11. Cards of cards and bunco were in play "W enjoyed during the evening an«J P^8 .«» bridge awarded to Mrs. i,i,M . t<r Pred Schoewer and Mrs. Simon Stoffel, in five hundred to Mrs. C. Downs and Mrs. Elizabeth Laures and in bunco to Mrs. H. Kreutzer, Sr., and Mrs. J. R. Freund. A pair of pillow cases prizes in bridge were awarded to Eleanor Kinsala and Marie Powers, :%hile- in Ave hundred Mrs. A. E. Nye Won the prize. The next meeting will ?ke a business session on the first Thursday in May. ALTAR AND ROSARY Members of the Altar alid Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church met »t the home of Mrs. Ted Schiessle, made for a card party to be neld in ;Legion hall on Thursday afternoon, May 7, and another card party to be held in St. Patrick's church hall Sunday evening, May 17. : The date set for the annual church carnival is Aug. 29 "and 30. Following the business meeting, went to Mrs. Albert Krause. was badly damaged and lighting fix tures were put out of commission. A pocket of oil was struck iqi St. Charles last week Friday at a depth of 935 feet while well diggers were drilling to sink a shaft for city water. Citizens are in a dither about it and Mayor Langum is distressed because he fears another well will have to be sunk and the town will be full of derricks. It is said that oil men from the South and East as well as representatives of La Salle Street iir Chicago have offered to buy the prop, erty. Tests have shown the oil to be about the same grade as that in,Carson City, Mich. The ice on Geneva lake broke up the first part of last week and by Thursday night the lake was clear of ice. Last year the spring winds broke up the ice on the same date. March 26. All the Fontanaend of the lake the ice went out five days earlier this year, however the entire lake was rot clear until March 20. In an effort to control the spread of San Jose scale, a tree deswiyer, thousands of trees and shruba in the Th® masquerade ftemce sponsored by McHenry chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, was a big success as usual and members of the various committees in charge of arrangements felt well satisfied with the results.,, The annual affair, which was planned to take place in February, was postponed twice on account of blocked roads and severe cold weather, but this evidently did not detract from its popularity and those who enjoy dancing looked forward to the event during the quiet days of the Lenten season. ^4RB OF TH ANKS •to „ .. i • t. I want to express my thanks to Following the matinee performance j the voters of my precinct who exof Lulu Belle and Skyland Scotty atj tended me their loyal support at the the Empire Theater last Sunday aft-] polls on Tuesday, April 14. ernoon, three people reported the loss)**® of their pocketbooks, being George RAY F; CONW!&S Bohr, J. F. Claxton and Sayler, who wci.e snii.. fcu O. E. S. CARD PARTY, MAY 8 , Plans are being made by a committee of members of McHenry chapter, 0. E. S., for a public card I f o n d f l - " evening, when plans wcr*>! party to be held in t h e - S i a r - h a l l on, ^ triday evening, May 8. Lxiuge, fivejf " '"tcwatcj. hundred and bunco will be played, last y«ar and the cleanup this spring prizes awarded and lunch served. \™as undertaken to complete the pro- The next guest night «of the chap-i|fc^ EvfT ten years a cleanup of ter will be on May 23 when Advanced i n J°se scale in this area is carried Officers' Night will be observed, with , ^ Present drive in Whitewater Mrs. Henry Vogel in the east. • beinS the third against this disease. Mrs. Vogel, associate matron of IE- L- Chambers, state entomologist, cards were enjoyed with prizes in. the local chapter, servedjis Jtuth at reP°rts ® similar drive against Eu- ^ 1 ridge going to Genevieve #no* aad Libertyville chapter Tuesday night. roPean elm scale was made in Madi- Mrs. R. M. Fleming j She was accompanied by her mother, A wonderful display of more than cape before suspicion was aroused sixty prizes was donated by local business men for those having the best costumes as well as several frpfecial prizes which went to some of thf spectators. Vycital's orchestra furnished music <or dancing during the evening*and the awarding of prizes took place during the grand march. Those winning prizes Were as fblj; lows: .: •?>;': r.-:; Marion Anderson, Best Ladles Costume. . Miriam Sayles, Best Colonial Cos£ tome. ••• Mrs. Harold Vycital, Liberty;- . , Mrs. Sen Miller, Indian Maid.- . Mrs. Emma Sutton, Martha WasiiV ington." o . Mrs. Nick Freund, Gypsy Lady. Miss Eveljrn Kling, Mae West. Mrs. George iSteinsdoerfer, Hard Time Lady. Miss Ethel Granger, Farmerette. Miss Evora Carlson, Spanish Lady. Miss Frances Vycital, Scotch Lady. CARD OF THANKS .'*> to exp, -isti i > thanks and had attT^ed the suoW. i »»Vr. rf McIIen- After the losses were discovered, ry precinct No. 1 for their support they recalled being jostled by strange given me at the polls Tuesday, 'April men and it is suspected that pick- 14. pockets were carrying on their ne- 48 ' ' EARL WHITING. farious trades right in our midst, j , .-7 perhaps making a business of follow.-' Be su^e to visit the Wm. H. Althoff ing this popular act. Due "to the Hdwe., McHenry, Saturday, May 2. fact that the losses were not discov-. All day and evening a cooking demered immediately the strangers un- onstration will be held. Watch for doubet*»div had an opportunity to es-1 further announcement next week. Thursday, April, 23, 193i CARD OF APPRECIATION To the voters of McHenry county, I desire to extend' my thanks for their support given me in my candidacy for the office of coroner. a ?,; E. H. CqOK. CARD OP THANKS ^ vi wish to 4-'"~nk my frieftwi their support i>. the recent Primary and request that they support the Republican ticket in it's entirety in November. VICTOR O. SIEGLER. M. E. WOMEN MEET The meeting of the Methodist Women's association \.as held at Ring- Wood Tuesday. An interesting pro- Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs. John Fay and Miss Ethel Jones. Robert Hunter,- Richmond's only remaining Civil War veteran, celebrat ed his ninety-first birthday on Easter ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, April 12. A family dinner The annual meeting of the directors honored the occasion. - IJfram was given, which included a his-j^d teachers of the rural schools in tbry of the Rin'gwood church, given by I McHenry district was held at the Rev. Collins. The next Meeting will j Community High school Monday eventake place in September at Hebron, "rwhen election of officers will be held. Mrs. D. I. Granger of McHenry was appointed on the nominating committee. •, Those from. McHenry in attendance were Mrs. D. I. Granger, Mrs. John Fay, Mrs. Charles Ensign, Mrs. C. H. I>uker, Mrs. James Perkins, Mrs. E. G. Peterson and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. N: MOTHERS CLUB The Mothers club met Friday aft- •ernon at Legion hall, with Mrs Geo. Stilling, Mrs. G. W. Hess, Mrs. Paul Schwerman, Mrs. John Bolger and Mrs. Floyd Cooley in charge of the program and lunch. . Miss Maurie Taylor, director of firls* athletics and teacher of lan guages at the Community high school, leas the guest speaker, talking on girls' athl"+i'*« An interesting program included vocal selections by Adele Froehlich, readings by Jane Durland and mariraba selections by Louise Stilling, CENTENNIAL AT GENEVA Kane county's centennial observance has been set for the week of Guests of the evening«- .w..e re Mm r„s . Ju,n .e 28. -. .J uly. 4 , it h*a*s be•e_n. .a nnounc- w aH Ktf Atfu I a*«\AB H Ai*winrrf am 'lWW itArf E. C. Coe, county superintendent of ^ hJ Atty' I*™* He7n^0n Scoti schools, and two state inspectors, Mrs.! °.f Geneva chairman of the execu- Donovah and Mr. Black, who are in- ^ The celebration will terested in checking the work of the be held in Geneva. rural schools and the part they take in the community. Each of the visitors gave interesting talks, with Mris. Coe speaking on the advantage of the rural schools. Mrs. Donavan and Mr. Black are spending thq week in the county and visited five schools Monday, expecting to be in the Marengo district Tuesday. About forty-five were present to enjoy the meeting and lunch was served. ENTERTAIN 1933 O. E. S. CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett entertained members of the McHenry county Past Matrons and Patrons of 1933 club at their - home Monday evening. A pot-luck dinner was serv- «d at seven o'clock, after which an evening of cards was enjoyed. Six tables of cards were in play with ladies' prizes awarded to Miss Elsie Vycital, McHenry, and Mrs. P. Peterson, Marengo, while the men's prizes went to Frank Love, Richmond . The John B. Rogers Production Co., the same firm that produced centennial pageants in Elgin, Belvidere, De- Kalb and other northern Illinois cities, will manage and produce the pageants. All patriotic organizations of the county have been asked tq eo operate. GRADE BOARD ORGANIZES The organization meeting of the board of education of the grade school was held Monday evening, at which time E. H. Nickels was reelected secretary, for the year. Contracts will be submitted to the teachers of the grade school following meeting of the board on the first Tuesday in May. CO. AUXILIARY ENTERTAINS The McHenry County Council of the Legion Auxiliary entertained county Legionnaires and their wives at a meeting at Woodstock , Thursday night. The occasion was the seventeenth birthday of the American Legion. Dr. Charles Reed, head of , the state hospital at Elgin, showed the j film "Recovery," and lectured on j d Mrg G w He who win ,eave mental cases where recovery is pos-| soon ^ make their home in New sible. He was assisted by Dr. Wil- york Au members of the club and trapis of the physicians' Staff who thejr husbands and all friends ^ho gave interesting information before would ]j]c€ to t Dr and Mrs. Hess OPEN HOUSE The Mothers Club will hold open house at the high school Monday evening from 8 to 9, in honor of Dr. and during the showing of the film. The speaker stated that there are 4,200 mental cases at Elgin, 450 of whom are exservice men. The institution is 66 years old and vast changes have been made since its beginning. Glasses Fitted Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST Eyea Examined A. E. NYE BUILDING West McHenry Thursday Afternoon. Hours 1:30 « 5:00 -- Phone 12J-J AUCTION MONDAY, APRIL 27th 2 p. m. (CST) HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Stove, Chairs, Tables^ Hall Tree, Feather Bed, 50 Yds. Ra^g Carpet, Bugs, Dishes, Dufold Bed, Victrola, Antiques and other articles too numerous to mention. MRS. JENNIE BACfil Ringwood, 111. are invited. ALTHOFF ADOPTS NEW METHODS FOR DEMONSTRATIONS ti- <• COUPONS HERE We will accept the coqfpons for ons 8 x 10 portrait, unmounted, colored in oil, and 50 cents, which you may have purchased from a traveling salesman recently. Ei-in^ the eoupc _i in and arrange for a sitting. We also have frames to fit this size of picture at $1.00 each. A, 5 Rivereide Drive Photographer McHenry The new Shelbro coach recently made for Wm. H. Althoff, West McHenry hardware dealer, is attracting considerable attention these days and well it should for it is attractive, aa well as useful. The coach, bul by Shelm Brothers of Peoria to Mr. Aithoff's order, ia a trailer with which Mr. Althoff plans to devote his entire time this summer demonstrating Dri-Gas, stoves, etc. This showroom on wheels is equipped with a Dri-Gas outfit, stoves, Kelvinator refrigerator, washing machine and ironer, which Mr. Althoff will demonstrate to farmers and in subdivisions throughout the country. Everything is attached ready for actual use and Mr. Althoff can cook a dinner or do a washing if one could persuade him to do so. Dri-Gas is becoming the popular thing for use beyond gas mains and for the price of a gas meter a Dri Gas tank can be installed for farms and anywhere that gas does not reach. The coach, built by Shelm Brothers and in finished in white leatherette with linoleum floor, electric lights and screened wndows. Starting Saturday, April 26, and ending Saturday, May 2, the AJthofl hardware store will participate in. National True Vahie "week, a gigantic sales event featuring needed and timely household hardware requirements. The week will end with a store-wide demonvtration and open house on Saturday, May 2, when more than $100 worth of prizes will be given away. There will be Kelvinator, Dr-Gas, washing machine and paint demon strations with customers invited to sample the ice-cream, cooV'es and other good things made during the day. Everyone visiting the store wil'. be given a 26-ccnt can of paint and everyone who registers will be in line for on* or more of ttv« expensive prizes to be giveu away. Mwe particulars about this outstanding day may be found in advertising sections of the Plaindealer next week. Edwin Meyers of Chicago a4 h#a IMMM kMa Mrs. Pete Schaefer, Best Mammy, Miss Betty Althoff, Girl of the '90's. Miss Inez Bacon, Most Comictft Lady. Elaine Landgreq, Flower Girl. Julia Feffer, Dutch Girl. Mrs. Lester Adams, Snow Girl. Raymond Tonyan, Best Dressed, Gent. Mrs. George Lindsay, Uncle Sam. Charles Carr, Indian Chief. George iSteinsdoerfer, Hard Times Man. John Downs, Best Farmer. Joseph Carr, Cowboy. Nick B. Freund, Best Clown. Robert Frisby, Jr., Russian. Miss Irene Walsh,-, Tramp. William Franke, Scotchman.. Marshall Bacon, Old Black Joe. < Bert Weber, Best Jew. Stanley Schaefer, Gypsy Man. Betty Buss and Ethel Althoff/ Best Twins. Mrs. Joe Nimsgern, Scarecrow. Special Prizes Lyle Franzen, Miss Ruth Michels, Miss Elsie Vycital, Miss Florabell Vogel, Miss Agnes Mischke, Mrs. Lisle Bassett, Miss Feral Martin, Miss Jacqueline Dunham. LAST RITES MONDAY FOR HUGH MARTIN Hugh Martin, 86 years old, a life? long resident of this locality, died Thursday in the home of his nephew^ Vincent Martin. He was born July 12, 1849, on a farm near Wauconda. He had never married and is 'survived only by a number of niece* and nephews. Funeral services were held at 10 o'clock Monday morning at St. Patr rick's church, with burial at Wk^con-' da. Miss Maud Granger of Chicago spent the weekend here. ' > You will be interested in the new convertible collision coverage Whan placing your automobile insurance. EARL R. WALSH. Phone 43. 46-tf ... *.•<>. f am thai dull /ia II r How do you feel these days? Are 3'ou blue, discouraged and "run down"? That dragged-out feeling may be due to a deficiency of iron in your blood. Indoor living, worry and overwork often conspire to bring on this condition. And lack of iron in the blood can make a man or woman imagine almost everything is wrong, when really the trouble Cia be quickly remedied. son's Pursang. It contains organic iron and copper compounds which increase hemoglobin--the substance that makes red blood red. Pursang helps to build red corpuscles. And at the same time it aids appetite and improves digestion. See how much better you feel after taking the first bottle of Pursang. Wait a week or more and youll hardly believe you're the same per* v If you are "bploty par" try McKss* ^ son--you'U fift |n^ BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 Green Street McHenry, III SI • . and it asks no odds of any car at any prica CURV You can challenge the costliest cars on the roadwith this btg economical six •Price Class Winner 352-Mile Yosemite Economy Run tSJ9 wL per gaL (no oil added) under Amer. Auto. Assn. supcrvisioa Triple-Sealed Hydraulic Brakes Smooth and sure in any weather Knee-Action Ride , Ptr safety and comfort on any road 'Turret-Top" Fisher Bodies The smartest, safest bodies built today / i*vel Horn--Front and Rear Pout room far aO SATISFY YOUKSILF WITHSOMSTHINO Sf TTIS--SUV A +0*>£IAL HHJE CLASS SCONOMY CHAMPION eroM at ^or ' tae. MiaH., tfjln at HIS lot 1 Km Six *nd $7iO /or (A« Kijht (*ub/»ct to i.chmngo without notice). Safotjr . glmt' •tant.'ard on Im Liao Si* ght. Simn«fartf |mhp oi wminfiw mxtrm. All fontimo Mra «mui b» bought with omonthly to«ui<jr«urpufM oa tb ' rn«t MiMnJMbUmntftjia W<est McHenry Illiiiois Frost R. I. OVERTON NOTOR SALES 1NTU PONT1ACS NATIONAL ECONOMY CONTEST--FRII CAJtS-164 CASH PKim