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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1936, p. 20

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°AGE SIX f All of which is r^opox.tfully submitted. F. E. BtfCK I>. Al. WRIGHT ' C. M. I'AtiMKK ' •• ' v . .' ». IT. FREI'M> JOS^KPH HK.MMER. \ V * ' f' ' ?X~*~ *-' * Supr. Hale, Chalrmnn of the Committee on McHenry County Home, stated that through his committee several improvements had been m:u1o recently nt the County Farm, and that the condition of the first floor was such that caused in his opinion a danserous fire hazard, and wondered if the Bourd would, approve at this time of taking care of said matter. Several' 'Supervisors. Ift»; eluding Harrison, Turner and Stewart, started that they thought that s.riil .matter should hie taken cai;e,of immedi/itelvS •After'a general discuss,idn i:t w.:i«.regtflarly moved by. Supr? .Tiicrier and duly seconded by .. Supr. Stewrirt' flvat.- yfpe-' County Home -and Farm'1 C<>rn,uii^tele';l)(;, instructed „ to fire proof the . O.auritjV- ;Home iir)d mfiKe 'said in'stWiit^'H-'As as possible. Motion- declared unaniv niously carried'.. ' •' Supr': .Talmer, Ohairraftn Vf' the V!"oriimittee to se'ttle/witji the .Tr«<{»i»tiIreTJ',.-.atf*" TJTfessed the Hoard ami •'fated (twita|'J the F"ehruar.ymeeting , the pr^,ion' presented by the .Vt'uiriioy.;,t'oi* l;{a'rry::l}V' Peteil for ^ejttlem,6iif" was ittid."oyftiv "he had- bee-n reqti^tpd'to,ibrl*i£"tUe-nxifi*? t'er up -ifi" this ..iijKet.iii,g.^,i';1Vu,i<' chhditioh of" the emails on- .thi'v ^ily'Vtlial' the February nwetrng w:t^. hefiV.^ iorti®.,oi': the Supervisors were.! h£tVp.ri,^vn£;.\U.ri^ requested t/hiU, the sStat^.rf. "«>£-* plain said matter to tlieiti; .«Attorney I^umley was' then i ailed-ttpon .ami again explained" to the Board the^ propor sition of settlement as presented*to him by Mr. Peteit and his Attorney, Aft'er a general discussion in regard to saia matter, it was regularly .moved tiy Supr. Talmer and duly seconded by Supt Hughes that the State's • Attorney be authorized to accept the rit'fer of s<ttlement made by the said Harry ' P. Feteit, throughjiis .^ttorni y, at the Febr ruary, 1H36, meeting of this\Board, And the roll being called, Sup|rs. Wright Palmer, Beck, Clawson, Hughes, Hunker, Ackman. Hemmer, Stewart; Hafrisoh, Turner, Stevens, May, Freund. Hale; Fillp, and Asst. Supr. McConnell' voted aye, nay none. Motion declared , unanimously carried. There being no further business, to come before this meeting, it was regularly moved by Supr._ Stevens and duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker to adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Boiifd adjourned. r P A U T . R O S K ^ T H A L , . C h a i r m a n Atte#t: R. D. WOODS, Clerk, " '-s--i' xw? i •, v.r*. > • Vi' jjd , *•.. - K i M S S V ^ . •" - '• ^ ' • ' l J I' ••• FOR CHILLY DAYS ( V:-r All day I<mir in i..wn this coat |»l' navy blue imported woolen retains its chic. The square buttons and 'trimneckline accentuate the softness of tiie bishop sleeves and bloilsed wai&tlihtn The inesti. veiled sailor is of navy straw. • BS9 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS - • T1"" • A ^ « «T : !)" Lll 'MB*" Scenes and Persons in llie Current News m i.%% mmmm # !h •mw.z dp.* '.'-h'. fi l--iAiiiiifjf the m^plnitrv^i^nvctr ffe^^ ^AVarttmosv *^10 Iwiiimes, '8 chevaux," brought to thfe United Swtes us ya jtrift /to' 1:j'-friunimivtis'-nf: iVfi'y'iWi'oiW' tiie. j;'ront li Vyar vohfratt^ V embers of the British women's lacrosse team arriving at New Y«rk' {< r a s ; «• of ^ritiics a'aiu«t Aniviicaii-.women's,^ tea'ms. 3-r-Loadin>? tiiaii on arnavy^"Wai plane at Jliami 4o be^riuispn' ted to l'rosdUent Uoosevt'it at Ills lislTin^ grounds near'^ the Bahamas. -V Th?y ^'Sv^ved"" the Bremerton Navy Yard ? " <> s-i i. ., * ' * » % Tlie inoton7."d forr^'s of1 I'ort Lewis, Wii\hin;.rtoii, vveiv moved to I>i-<^meiton navy yard, a distance of SO miles, U, Tiscortl tin.o to reii»1-»* an ali.'x k by a m.wiiiral enOiny Tho idiotograpli bliuws a portion of tlie fpurrmile long, nip?.; tojrized unit on the road in the eailj morning.hours. Where Are the Famed Banks of the Wabash? SURGEON GENERAL OR IN MOVIES vS. *. -} V --• ' "V. J1'*7"7 ^ 4\f":. jr ^ n n« ri ^ iitrsw' West*-., v*f. • h i - . - Jane--So that's Mr, Plat. That s . your ideal. Sarah--Dear me, no! Merely my fiance. One doesn't meet one's ideals in real life, you know. - !•< ^ 4 5r - l-'fpfty y< ir/ »»•*« fc.f '^,¥W' FOOT IN MOUTH Dr. Thomas I'arran, Jr., has been appointed surgeon general of the United Stat'es public health service to succeed Dr. llu^h S. Cumiuing, retired. Djf. I'arran is forty-three years old and: j is a close friend of President lioosev e l t » -- ~ -- - . . . - ' I My Neighbor \ lew. tajj^>n-11 (:m an :ivi'itiio,!;s it !]< \v..for .maii.v 1:ii 1» s aloiijr the Wuhnsh river hear tlie Iiiiliana-Illinois gtatt Uqq. fc'fiWiIf-.laii ds, houses -a lid barns .-were iilr.imst (•o!ii;i!e(cly -submerged l>.v the destructive sprlns Tupelo Smashed hy a Deadly Tornado jf 't'?' TO-ISf'Ss""" RED FINGER NAILiS, HUH? "Miss. Lipsey'g swimtnlnjr form la. b a d . " ' ; * , "I should say 'So; Wt, ypu nevet could tell that If yQU. saw . her: On - th«j street." ,- •'. ' ON THE SIDE LINES' She--1 "d'oti*t know whether I could be happy with you. for the rest of my life. He--I didn't mention any .definite time in proposing to you. iW**r . SHIP AHOY! "What are you amused at in Milud's tetter?" "She writes that th.ey had foggy jreatlier all the way across." "I don't see anything funny in that." "No; hut she adds that the captain must have neglected to take out his tleafin® papers." HEtOES OF AMERICAN HISTORV P //A wy. .,r >\k§- £^ 1 • GiWMEr1 LIBEP.TY, Z'*: yA OE. GIVE Mfr1' DEATH/' * • • I .PajSfekljjiMiiy #'isis':d;;.v«r* .«'• »,lazy ' ycun3slcr...';H.b -."Pfis-'.V. ierrcd hunting, end 10 school, ' •nea'Kc l GV.-.T/ . -to tb^ . ' v/oq-ds when' lie wes "su> •. p6scd to be in'clasl-. K.o.-^- ever, ous " came In co'. ^ert!"c^ Henry was" tW iefher of seventeen c-hil- L' ;Y ': • ,-i '®dPlrr 'c KncI| wwaass lvaeterYr, ^govof V'^nia "-lor' ' ' mcny. tcfrr.3.' In 1775, ending with words: "I what course lay take, but as Sive-me liberty or give me death!' m iianily cncwered his orn argum?rits« and won the ' ©.iiro.-isut,&Ouu!ap,^-VVN'U Service. Englattd^GT .Prom the Air 4 v'. >*Cv. .<am ^ AX.» »--v- «• • *" v &&MW ."(.-.'An • sierial view <>f tlte• tiie new Ilritish superliner, being esctjrted by„ tugs down tRe 0y^e;rtvef.;'fo'.<U'r.ttenbck,' '. Cherry BIoss^bis Were Premature -I'M '• •- "• /viL"'. . fr, Wmrn^imm Washiiigtoju's- famous Jap&nese ^hi^Tj/^ tj'ecs 4>ui^t into: blootti earlier than al this '-r4PH0sdl€-4^k<?n'A>y surpi'i^e and call*»d, the customary i'herry lllo; s( :u iostival Iki.hisc the time was too short to •plete arrangements. ' . ' ' J Says St.--- \ * *•' r . : ; v. ^ £ r Hydrangea ^ind si>ii'eu hushes may be pruned now if they \Wie not, pi uiied in the fail.- • * • To get. tiie1 fail fltfvor of coffee It Should i>e iinely ground ..ami measured j! in a standard measuring spoon. Use ^ two level teaspoous to each cup of ! . water. ' ^v1'-. • '" 'I. ' If your flooi# itre worn; aoul >vill not j held wax try touching up , the w'oVri .i places witli white slfellae and then I ••'WAX. The lloors will be miicli improved - M this treatment 1 | , ,"• : 1 When frosting'cakcs put the frost- | l«g in tiie cetiter, frost the top, of . I be | jC«ke tirst, working out from the renter I Ito the edges with a kiiit'e or the Ritvk ••Of a silver spoon, Next.irosi the -sidvs. J J 0 Associated NeW9paper3.-?-WNU;Serviee. r-RS X, ' V -^2^0 \*~%T mB Mother That poor French count. He meant to be complimentary to Ethel, but put his foot in it, as usual Father--11 ow? Motiier--He vowed that her beaut) was very scarce. Vy A'.\ *w • • c f r»?M ' &%&•<*»<!$&• i la MS 1 , ROLLING ALONG r. v . . W:\\ - & ,: • s ' -S^5 \. -^W t . '^tkm 200 Of its Inhab- &mtr V^uw in «.s . attir fie t»*i * " i!-jj piaet,"<iUy ruined thfr little city and killed nearly uarits. Tlie auuite hloiin SAvept" jmrn.*;- . -tluhern stale's" aud the death "list reached almost 40U; ^ "When (Ud you first discover that you loved the girl you married?* " j f "CHi, she put me wise to it, after- I'd ;been ^oing with her awhile."

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