1 ' . \ j v - -f '•* *»*yrt»**>*r 4* *• . 7VW»«W**r*. _V , < " ,. •» * ft? 4 '"' *4/V RINGWOOD Mrs. Ed Feet and daughters, Edna and Lucille, were Harvard callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of McHenry and Miss Maud H ranger of g^jJers Mrs. Edward Smith of Crystal Lake {Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. James Conway spent Thursday with Mrs. George J of Crystal Lake and John Wolfe and children of Woodstock spent Sunday j£-4r* .. IP:-,. Chicago were .callers in the H. M. Stephenson home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family of McHenry spent Monday evening in the Nick Young home. Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained the Scotch Bridge Club at her home On Wednesday afternoon. Pries were awarded to Mrsj. C. J. Jepsoh and Mrs. The Sewing. Circle will meet in the home of Mrs. Loyis Schroeder Friday. A pot-luck dinner will be served. - '. . . Mrs. Thomas Doherty entertained the Bunco club at her home Thv\rSday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Edgqr Thomas and Mrs. William McCannon. Mr. And Mrs. Louis Engstromapd family of St. Charles w$re yisitors in the Ray Merchant , home Tuesday I evening. " Young. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson returned home Thursday from a visit with relatives at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson were visitors at Delavan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were at Woodstock Friday morn- Mg. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant of Woodstock spent Wednesday evening in the Ray Merchant home. Mrs. Viola Low was a Woodstock caller Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Sunday at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss, of Richmond spent Sunday with Mrs. Rilla Foss and son, Wayne; Mris. Joseph McCannon entertained the Greenwood Dorcas Society fet her home Thursday. A one o'clock luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Suntjay evening in the Charles Peet home. / Edward Harrison of Elgin spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Anwith Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mrs. Harry Anderson and sons of Richmond were callers in the morning. Miss Lora Harrison returned to her work at Evanston Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family spent Sunday evening with the latter's parents at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and family cjf Deerfield, i'Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and family of Solon Mills, Miss Gwendolyn Jackson and Will Montanye of Woodstock and i Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and fam-1 PERSONALS Sunday evening callers in the home of Mayor and Mrs. Peter J. Doherty were Mr. and Mriu» Leo Dwyer and. children of Huntley and Mrs. Doherty's sister, Mrs. Margaret Gilles of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purvey of Chicago spent the weekend here. Miss Irene Payne and friend of Chicago spent Mothers Day with hey parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. C. Weidling and family spent the weekend at their cottage at Woodlawn Park. ' Miss Maud Granger of Chicago - Our Washington Letter home. Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Mrs, Ray Peters, and Mrs. Viola Low and daughvisitors at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs., Ray Peters and Clifford Peters visited at Belvidere and Hunter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fw McLaughlin and daughter,. Julia, spent Sunday in the Thomas McLaughlin home at McHen- Washington, l^ay 13 -- No prospective bride ev§r drew a circle around a date on a June calendar with greater expectancy than our, national lawmakers. In Congressional offices June 6 is rated as the day for the final fall of the gavel. Departure of the solons from this %cene of activily spent Sunday in the S. H. BeattyjcPent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson were Crystal Lake catte'rs Sunday. Mrs. Frank Strain of Richmond was ter, Alice Mae, and son Robert were* Mothers D*y *uest in the. home of,1^ depends on the time required to visitors WWUf/w* lhe* daughter, Mrs. C. W. Klontz. | reconcile differences between the Sen- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winkelman of ate and House versions of tax legis- Springfield spent the "weekend with lation. The Republicans would like relatives here. Mrs. Winkelman's to get away for their nominating consister, Mrs. 1 Math Laures, and son, j vention in Cleveland the following accompanied them to Springfield for ^ week. Strategy will probably require a . I their presence here *' if the tentative ry. t ®*rs- ThieS '"d so t n> j adjournment program ig snarled by Mi» Florence C.„, of McHenry• Emily, .^Mr.Mn'tULf ' c.»»'roversJ'..«™f. TT"'. wl?ich Thursday, May, 14> 1936 gmniations seeking to influence pend- [absorbing topic of conversation. On I mg legislation. This year, the anti- (the contrary, party wheel-horses are are alert to significance of protests , votes in partisan primaries. Colonel' Breckenridge, for instance, polled a chain store group and their rivals fanning smoke-clouds over the bethese'outfit^ ££ ****** in EHT theil T eventually pays through the coming defections in the ranks is anose-- the consumer of goods, handled key problem--more alarming than^ by the factions--has been inarticu O. P. tactics. ate. Regardless of whether consum^i While the question of relief 1s; mterest has been artificially stim- closely mixed with politics, campaignulated, it is a known fact that the agi- ers for public office now find themtation over price rises has sobered selves required to explain changes in Congress. An increase in the cost of the cost of living. Whenever the living due to legislative action would subiect is mentioned the politicos create a storm which would lift many £liWy contend that Wage increases political scalps. The scenes in the have far out"Paced advances in living House this week show the concern «•» co.®ta: 9* course» the spell-binders to to the ultimate effect of this economic reform, of distribution systems. The political implications are so great the veteran leaders would like shelve this controversy. The depesters are endeavoring to read the hidden signs of recent primaries in various states. The Republican camps are not unduly concerned will juggU these figures to suit th?ir purposes. It is interesting to note: that the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports slight increases in the ave»» ajge living cpst in foods, clothing, rent, fuel, and light. This same study shows that payrolls in December,' 1935, in. terms of purchasing power, were about 14 percent below the level of 1929. tioch, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ab^ndroth ter Tv!°r j13" | Wauk^gan visitors Saturday. Mrs, J. R. Smith: of McHenry artd'atad Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wagner of afternoon Doherty, Thursday! Miss Jean Beckenbaugh of Glasses Fitted Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETEIST A. E. NYE BUILDING West McHenry Examined Thursday Afternoon. Hours 2:30 - 5KM) -- Phone 12S-J Central Garage Phone 200-J Pred J. Smith, Prop. Johnsburg The best equipped garage in this county. We can take care of any kind of repair job and our work is guaranteed Give us a trial. Standard Service Station •24 How Towing Service FRED SMITH, Prop. GET YOURSELF SOME NEW GOODYEARS AND GO PLACES! Take a trip this week-end. Nature is putting on a great show--costumed in fresh green and new blossoms. And that fragrant clean air! Come on, let's go--free of tire worries on new Goodyears! See how much more we give you for your money in GOODYEAR BLUE RIBBON VALUES We Goodyear dealers sell the most tires--by millions! So expect more for your money in a Goodyear--you'll get it from us with another plus: our real service! World'* Erctcfeoic « economy tire -- over 22 illioa told! Goodyear Margin of Safety for quickest stopping--plus 43% more miles of real nonskid grip--t>rov ;d by our customers ' records! ALL-WEATHER Aatriea'a biffeat Mller--latMt improved edition. GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY World's fotctt low price tire. Our prioea attrt •t PATHFINDER ££ $£95 a**, Mounted ?.dioEVfi*Y emo»strat ; FAN BELTS AND SPARK PLU<p GOOD USED TIRES fires, Batteries, Battery Charging, Tire Vulcanizing, Etc. 294 Wofft McHenry, ni. afternoon. Mr. and „ , spent Sunday at her home here, ^r8- William Wurtzinger i R^lph Schroeder of Chicago was a ofJVoodstock spent Sunday with the|weekend guest, of Miss Florence latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie | stelfes. William Martin bi Chicago spent Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Collins and two sons of Beloit called at the nome of the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McLaughlin en- Mothers Day at his home here. Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock was a Sunday dinner guest Clarence Martin home. Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. tertained relatives from Zion Citjr on ud Mrs. William Bacon were Mr. and Sunday eveltWg. Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher tertained their children, grandchildren and a few friends at a picnic dinner and supper at their home for Mother's Dft0# Sunday from Harvard, Huntley, Bixon, Chicago and Greenwood. There were forty present. The PTA will hold a public card party at the school house May 19 be-ihave gone to Gibson, Iowa, to attend ginning at 7:30, Standard Time. the graduation of her other son, Mrs. \V alter Carey and Miss Evelyn , Vaughn, from high school. Following . 1jey llt 0 McHenry ^spent Wednesday graduation he will come to McHenry with Mrs. Thomas Doherty. iwith his mother and brother. figure prominently in the forthcoming MisrjMd Bettenbiaeh'o'f Chicgo S°f* • ch"?f- • taina believe it would m good tactics to keep the national legislature1 in session in order to divert public attention from the shindig at Cleveland. Confusion over the scope of relief projects has reached a point where partisan politics comes to the fore, in the Some Democrats have joined their Republican opponents in demanding the appearance of Prof. Tugwell before a committee to give details about1 his Rural Resettlement Administration. Harry Hopkins has been quizzed in executive session and the details are now leaking out. Congress is frankly worried over flare-backs from relief activities and would like enlightenment as to how the money will be expended. Employers having jobs to offer are kicking about the competition of the government. They claim they cannot obtain workers for private employment because the government offers too many sinecures . . One encouraging sten ia over the numbers involved in party found in advances in average weekly primaries because the rank and file J earnings in many basic industries, voters concentrate on the election and! are more or less indifferent to pri maries wherein factions Democrats have a similar viewpoint but their interest this year has another angle. The size of majorities Plan on seeing the coronation of piled up for Administration tickets, the queen at the Centennial on July while a pleasing symptom, is not the Greet your old friends in McHenry are active, 'at the Homecoming on July 30, 31 and . .^ufir J Mrs. Harvey Damm and sons of Kenen" osha, Mrs. L. D. Mitchell, son, Louis, and daughter, Janet, of Waukegan, Bud Rapp of Chicago and Arleen Bacon of Waukegan, and Ronald Ellis of Waukegan. Mrs. Mitchell and sons will remain for the w^ek in the home of her parents. Mrs. Charles White and son, Duane, S' Y; r^°Wn 7pnt t0 De,Kalb! Miss Janice Klontz spent the week-'for the lazy and indifferent who con- Pd hnmp Wn return" end as the guest of Miss Mary Jencks sider themselves eligible for Federal Sedu ndhaovm e with her for a visit over . ac RKiinnigrwwooooda . | j i i i_ , " a,d particularly because of the polif- Mr and Mrs H L, Famam and tan I j' ^ ?^jS'» jPsborne ^1C^" > ical season. Sentiment on the Hill Deercre" ilf' weekend , ""2 ° tem Star ^ , indicates > desire to curb the freeeercreeK, 111., spent the weekend plrtyr Fnday evening. . j handing- spending as a protection for | Congress. The House membershp is not taking j kindly to the spectacle of marking of in the F. A. Hitchens home. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Hitchens home. THREE MEN ON A HORSE" * RETURNS TQ THE HARRIS _ ... i Alex Yokel announces he will re- Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison and turn his popular comedy, "Three Men son of Milwaukee and Mrs. Mayme on a Horse" to the Harris Theater, Harrison and sons of McHenry spent j Chicago, for a limited summer en- *1 r!n *>earson home. Igagement beginning Monday evening, _ f^rs" and Mrs. Frank May 18, t assuring Chicago theaterc° tir d Marvard were callers in goers Gf at least one stag6 play for the S. W. Brown home Sunday after-!their SUmmer indoor amusement. „ ' An added innovation will be a pop- ^ Mr and Mrs. Fran* Block and fam-ju}ar scale of special prices in which i°L l spent Sunday with Dr., the main floor seats have been reand Mrs. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs.^rank Hawley of Chi- Matinees will aigo spent Sunday in the Louis Haw-j »Three Men on a Horse" played omej _ • „ " ' nine consecutive months at the Har- _ Mr. and Mrs. F. A Hitehens spent |ris Theater ending last December, , ursday evening m the I. N. Butler an(j since then has made a tour of the nome at Wgin. J key cities and now returns to Chicar. and Mrs. S. W. Brown called g0 wjth the same cast intact includ- , on the latter's brother, at the Har- fng Jack She€han> Ruth Lee> Matt P'^anda Vard hospital Thursday evening. |Briggs, Owen Martin, Mary Loans, .Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, z Martell, Harry Davenport, Mary, of Evanston, Mrs. Amy Bragg i Grandon Rhode3) Chandos Sweet, of Chicago, Mary Appley of Liberty- Lgj^h Whipper, Marjorie Jerecki, yille and Janice Klontz of McHenry [ Spencer Fleming and other regulars. time while the Senate deliberates on tax legislation. The inherent rivalry between the two legislative bodies has been intensified. The prospect of giving the voters a bad impression of idleness is not relished in a re-election season. The folks are inclined to ask the whys and wherefores of. neglecting a vote on legislation now conveniently bottled up in committee duced to $1.50 and the top price for .pigeon-holes. The old alibis about "not enough time" will be blown up if the Senate dallies along with revenue bills. Impatient to escape from the Capitol, the lawmakers are doing their best td hasten adjournment. Last year, -Congress complained of from public utility or- 30, 31 and Aug yfirnTBB MISEH MEETS ALL FIVE STANDARDS FOR REFRIGERATOR BUYING NEW PRICES AS LOW AS DAI •AiL PROOFS 1. LOWEl* OPERATING COST 2. SAFER FOOD PROTECTMHf 3. FASTER FREEZING** MORE ICE 4. MORE USABILITY 5. FIVE-YEAR PROTECTION PLAN Jacoj) Justen & Sons Phone 103-R Green Street Spent the weekend at the Stevens Home. Roy Wiedrich was a Chicago visitor Monday^ - Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Beck of Chicago spent Sunday with the latter's fterents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. ' " Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, spent Saturday afternoon at Richmond. Lynn Hanford of Chicago spent Saturday evening in the S. W. Smith home. • Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCannon of Beloit were callers in the Wm. McCannon home Sunday. Mrs. Emma Merchant returned to her home at Woodstock Saturday after spending the past three weeks in the home of her brother, Wm. McCannon. .: Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, were visitors at McHenry Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughter of Chicago spent Friday and Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. i Sunday guests in the Smith home wef'e Miss Florence Zapfe -and Walter Hitsel and Miss Billie Robin and Jlarry Connell of Chicago. Rev. Collins preached for R^v. Bauman at the M- E. church at Woodstock Sunday morning. Rev. Bauman was ill. * Rev. and Mrs. Collins were Sunday .dinner guests in the home of their son, Paul, at Winnetka. They .returned home Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Georeg Rasmussen •find family of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlson and daughter of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Alec Anderson home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer and daughter, Shirley, were visitors at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and sons spent Sunday afternoonJn Elgin and Carpentersville. "Three Men on a Horse" is the story of Erwin Trowbridge who writes greeting card verses and who is practically kidnapped by gangsters Who see a gold mine in his hobby of being able to dope winners on the race tracks. A chance encounter in a bar opens visions of quick wealth for the impecunious toughs. Their efforts to exploit the poet's handicapping talents, lead to embarassing complications for the writer who never bets; and who has bu^ness and domestic responsibilities not easy to escape. This comedy by John Cecil Holm and George Abbott leads the world in multiple productions. It is being played simultaneously by eight companies; in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Newark and Hollywood In America; the English production at the Wyndham Theater, London; the seventh production in Melbourne, Australia, and an eighth ready for a Paris premiere in two weeks. In all the casts, save the French organiation, the leading role of Erwin Trowbridge is portrayed by an American. PATRICK SLAVIN, 81, DIES AT WAUCONDA Patrick Slavin, 81 years old, died at his home at Wauconda Sunday afternoon. Funeral services were held on Tuesday at 10 a. m., at the Wauconda Catholic church. He leaves a wife find children. Gonrult FAIR QUESTION "Why does a woman say she's been shopping wheu she hasn't bought a thing?" "Why does a man say he's been fishing heo:;<he hasn't caught anything?* Could Be Wor»» A visitor to an old seaport town wan out driving with his host. "VVhat Is the diet of all these people?" he asked. "Fish, mostly," the host responded. "Why, said the visitor, "I thought fish was brain food. These are really the most unintelligent looking people I ever saw." "Well," replied the/host, "Just Imagine what they would look like If they didn't eat tlsh." Nov«l Advertisement Having embarked In the tourist business, an nodertaker In Shettleston, Scotland, displays a sign In front of his establishment which reads "Join Our Mystery Tours. Start From Here." STEEL MAKERS say--"Ford buys the bast steel." Other suppliers of materials and parts will tell you--"Nobody checks up as closely on quality and price as Ford.'* This means a great deal to you as iI motorist. It is our way of safeguarding die interests of every purchaser and it leads to this--"The mechanical depreciation on Ford is less than most cars, especially after the first year." This is one sign of the extra value in the Ford V-8. Accuracy in manufacturing is another. (The Ford is made to unusually close precision limits.) And there is a long list of fine-car features that are exclusive with Ford in the popular field. Have you a V-8 engine in your car ? You pay $1645 for it in any other car but Ford. Does your car have Center-Poise Riding? Ford gives you this modern feature--"j| front-seat ride for back-seat passengers.** Does your car have fool-proof Super- Safety Mechanical Brakes? The Ford V-8 gives you this proved design, with 186 square inches of braking surface. » JDoes your car have a genuine steel body structure? Does it have Safety Glass all around? Ford is the only low-price car that gives you this extra protection withoiifc extra cost. " You get these fine-car features in thp Ford V-8 because of Ford manufacturing methods and low-profit policy. $25 A MONTH, after usual iovBu-paymmt*, bmyt a»f model of the mew Fori V-I ear--from amy Ford dealer--anywhere im the U mi ted States. Ask obont tke mew U CC y3 % par month Fume* PUm*. FORD V - 8 GUESTS.. . Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Columbia Network. Fred Waring sad His Pennsylvanians on Tuesday nights ^Columbia) and Friday nights (N.B.G). See radio page for details