7 wr,ufp? ",•*'« ^t * *• tt .T ' *' ^;f4 V "V "'if />-* Vl , .^v^.rt vjv* <-. •' >>V K m':-lt /, • uw»>9&*\t*Zr*.y '~'f- ^ <* *< •_• *?*.• ; S V -?Vf. %£f"'-,,'\ '^;'V 'A- ^ "* ir '*r- v-p4*.'v - * ' / > PH*K<cI>v "" " / ra* MoHKHET DuimtiT.il '; * Thursday, July 2, 1936 J:-i ;. i-t •'* i »•*•' Society Notes ; ELEVEN YEARS OLD r.•!"Hihryj Buch entertained * few friends Sunday afternoon in honor of' liis eleventh birthday. Games were played and lunch served. ENTERTAIN CA-RD CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson entertained members of their card club on Sunday evening. Three tables of five hundred were in play and ^prizes awarded to the winners. , , ' BAKE SALE ' • '" The Christian Mothers wilt sponsoi a bakery sale at Jacob Jjureten and Sons' store on July 4^ • ST. CLARA'S COURT , The next .meeting of St. Clara's Court, Lady Foresters, will bo held Thursday evening. July 9. . VALLEY CAMP MEffS i Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A.,' [.will meet next Tuesday evening. Frir hRVKP- e*'f-V' < ;?•' the remainder of the summer the camp \ • . - . ' * \-*i" \.W . [will hold cniy one meeting each . Christian MothersQr St. . Marj s jnpnth. Members ; are asked to pay church will hold a bakery Satur-:; their duels at these meeting *p "they day, July 4, at the Jacob Justen cor- received on time. '. • tier, Green street,,. .' •••"' ." iriet Boger and Mrs. Walter Anderson f- On the first of the week Miss Hazel Kramer was honored at * linen riends in Chicago. BAKE SALE The Mothes club will sponsor a ,-.bakery sale July 11 at the Jacob Justne Store en Green street. jGKAM) DISPLAY AT HANDICRAFT EXHIBIT ' MOTHERS CLUB PICNIC The Mothers Club picnic will be h^Id at Crystal Lake, Thursday, July 9. Cars will leave the city park at 10:30. Members are to bring their own sandwiches and a dish to pass. SUNSHINE CLUB < Members of the Sunshine club and their ^jusbands enjoyed a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Ben Bauer on Thursday evening. Cards and danc^ l ing furnished aifiusement, wi£h prizes in cards awarded to Mrs. George Adams and Mrs. Walter Walsh and Vincent "Martin" and Walter Walsh. ., ^ AUXILIARY CARD PARTY..- C- D. OF- A.. MEETS TONIGHT. •..The public card party sponsored by - The Catholic .Daughters, of A met1- : JIc Henry unit of the Legion Auxil- . ica will hold their. regular. business jai.y Tuesday evening , was most suejnee. tijig in K. C. hall this Thursday y^gsfu] with a good cro^d in atfendy evejWng. . ^ ,ance. Prizes in bridge were won by S-v" :.»;**,£.• - '.Marie Powers. Bertha Schiessle and -X." AUXILIARY MEETING JULY 9 Mrs. William Ricks; in five hundred - McHenry unit of the American Le- b Mrs.;Anna fcoiey and Inez Bacon, gion Auxiliary will meet in Legion ^nd in pinochle b Mrs-Ben Dietz. , JT"' Thursday 3?]yJu °" A special prize went to J. Friday evening, July 10, the McHenry R th » County, Council of the Auxiliary" will meet in Legion hall, McHenry. . PICNIC AT BALD KNOB Members HOME BUREAU McHenry unit of the Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Richard of the Epworth league Waterstraat Wednesday afternoon, enjoyed a picnic at Bald Knob at Pis- i takee Bay Sunday afternoon, where with four members and two guests , , , . . present. Mrs. D. L Granger gave games were played and a picnic the lesg(m on repairing of furniture. lunch served! The hospitality of R. Reports by the chairmen were giv- Johnson, proprietor of the place, was much appreciated. en, including the clothing chairman, Mrs. E. E. Denman and the health chairman, Mrs. R. Waterstraat. Plans were discussed for the canning demonstration to be held in the R. N. A. CARD PARTY Twelve tables of cards were in play city park Thursday afternoon. [ oRACLES ELECT 1 r p f by t The McHenry County Past Orables Mrbi \j. Kicks STXCI 3irs. Thotuds i i_ ^ n XT A •. mv j < ,i i wnnvn vnv *"6*• ^*• Phaiin, in five hundred by Mrs. Earl £ 0 ?' A., met Thursday at t e . d Mrs Simeon CoVell, former Mc- Gorman and MrS. Josephine Heimer, n "?ombush at Crystal |H residents, who lived here for •nd in- bunco by Mrs. fa.« and Mrs' Durm8: ',he t b.us,"eSS (.mcet,nE I many years, but now reside in Port- Sore,on. I offlct 8 werf, ele5Wi! 'or ^f.1'| landf also: Mr. and Mrs. Covell, who -• 'oll°ws: ,Mrs- E^E. Bassett, prei.- L g9 t„d 91 ye>rs old] w,„ be re. LADIES ENTERTAINED membered by many old friends here. BIKTII1IAY I.AWN PARTY Hiley Jean Thom'as celebrated Ijer thirteenth birthday anniversary at, the home of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. E. E. Thomas, on, Wednesday/ with a lawn party. Many games Were , enjoyed "and refreshments of ice cream, cakes and cookies were served. The honored guests being both of Hiley Jean's grandmothers who, are past eighty years of age, Mrs. Lucy Thom- Ibs and Mrs. Ada R. Mann, both of Woodstock. Hiley Jean received many lovely ,gifts. . VISITING AT RINGWOOD About sixty relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler at Ringwood Sunday to meet Mrs. Sayler Smith and her daughter, Mrs. Larry Pease, of Portland, Ore., who had been to Decatvirr 111., where Mrs. Smith was crowned supreme matron at the thirty-ninth annual meeting of the national organization of the Amaranth. While Mrs. Smith will remain for * longer visit her daughter expected to return home this week. Mrs. Smith is the daughter of Mr. JAMES POWERS JOINS BENEDICTS dent; Mrs. Charles Ensign, secretary; Grashel, Crystal Lake, Elsie Smith, Woodstock, Mrs. Ella Smith and daughter, Clara, mother and sister of Sayler Smith, also former local residents, now reside in Portland. t"fr • 'I' 'fr • Mrs. Peter A. Freund entertained w- , a group of ladies at her home on Wed- . ' nesday afternoon of last week, honor- f nCe. °r' ing Mrs. Ben H. Freund. Thirtv-six; TT T> <. N I gmuieosctts. were presen,t .to enj.o y the aft- The W,e st• McHenry Past Oracles , . v, ] . .will entertain in JTu l1y . P™l ace andj dja te ernon in cards and bunco, with prizes . . , , ^ , > , „ J. , to be announced later. - _ awarded to the winners. Refresh-1 A mnn(r flip Ciplr ments were served at the close of the | PITRT Tr r APN PABTV •' A L U ® afternoon. An out-of-town guest was j v, inn \ ^ u„ r: c„ , ... . 6 „ . ) Members of the Good Will Club of . , Mrs. Elmei Sachs, Arlington Heights. • McHenty chapterf Order of the ***- Master ^ .HayeS' S°n °5 M.ES/ FI.r»FI TTY HiOl n« upprivr 'em Star, will sponsor a public card jE^tf1 Hayes, is quarantined with FIDELITY HOLDS MEETING i - , hoof Mrs fipor„e H scarlet fever, with his mother, at Members of the Fidelity Life As- pridav afternoon Julvltheir home on Waukegan street, sociation met at the home of Mr. and 1Q n ne 1 lday ?fternoon' JulJ Migs Rita Martin is improving nice- Mrs. Henry Kmsala Thursday even- Evervone is invited to attend thisi1^ from her recent operation for aping for a business session- and social < t Th committee in charee of Ipendicitis, which she underwent at St. hour. .It was decided to donate the Anthony's hospital, Chicago, Thurssum of five dollars to the public li-« Johnson, brary in McHenry. iMrs. Robert Thompson, Mrs. James After the meeting, cards were en_S®yler a"d Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Projoyed, with prizes in five hundred : "eed,s ^ hfe Pfrties fve" by ^ awarded to Mat Niesen. Mrs P H ^Good Wl11 club Wl11 «° into the rellef Weber and Mrs. H. J. Schacer and inifund of the chaPter- (Continued, from Jfiota Page) There was linen made by an ancestor of Henry Kamholz who raised and spun the flax, the entire-process being done with her own hands. William Langefeldt of Mineral Springs exhibited , a planeing mill with machinery that got into motion, at the pness of. a button showing models at work. Jacob Stock exhibited some of his paintings from the Illinois Art exhibit at the Stevens hotel in Chicago. There was a table of trays and baskets made of pine needles and raffia by Mrs. «N. J. Nye during her stay ,w Florida. f ' , . There' were collections of arrow heads, an old Indian bow over 100 years old,-soap models, work by the Scouts aiid hobbies of not only the women but of the men, boys and girls of McHenry as w$T" Everybody has at hobby, or so it would Seem, judging from the varied display. ,' The' tables of exhibits wj?re centered with baskets and bouquets of lovely garde:n flowers, the raising of which is a worthwhile hobby. There was a finely made table by Earl Schaefer, who takes manual training at'the Wauconda high school and a table of uncommon stones, including, quartz from Spear Fish Canyon, S. D., Tiger stone from Wisconsin, Granite from Lincoln's old tomb and others from the Ozark Mountains and Mammoth Cave. Jake Stoffel, who does taxidermy, displayed an interesting collection of birds and Rolland Ensign, who is also interested in that sort of work, exhibited a skeleton of a lion's head. The lion was killed in McHenry several years ago when it was brought here with a circus and became sick. There was also a box of scarabaeus bugs, the sacred beetle of Egypt, a tiny bracelet which belonged at one time to a princess, given to her by an uncle, Frederick the Great, king of Prussia. There can be no doubt about the fact that the people of McHenry have considerable talent and many interesting hobbies and more' than 540 articles were catalogued. • The collecting of the exhibit and the safe return of every article was a big undertaking and the committees worked faithfully and are deservinp: of praise and credit foi' this very une exhibit. Members of the committee \yish to thahk all those who so kindly co-operated with them in lending these beautiful and valuable articles for exhibition and they feel that the enterprise was a grand success, realizing a nice sum to help defray the M. E. church expenses. " i;': here was solemnized in Chicago Tuesday when Miss Mat-y DeLire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John DeLire of Warren, 111., and Mr. James Powers, son of Mrs. James Powers of McHenry, were united in marriage at Our Lady of Peace church, Chicago, at 9:90 Tuesday morning. Rev. Lucius DeLire, brother of the bride officiated at the ceremony. Miss Marie Powers* of McHenry. • sister of the groom, acted as bridesmaid and Francis Molet of Chicago, a friend, served as best man. The bride wore a gown of white lace with picture hat and other white accessories and carried a bouquet of tea roses and delphinium. The bridesmaid, Miss Marie Powers, wore a pink crepe, gown with pink hat and matching*accessories and carried pink roses; V Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs., Kath- ^•ine Meyer, in Chicago, for members ipf the bridal party and immediate families. The bride is a graduate of Immaculata High School, Chicago, with the .class of 1932 and has been employed at Woodstock. ; " * The groom graduated from the Community High School with the class of 1931 and is now manager of the National Tea Co., store at Antioch. - , Mrs. James'Powers and daughter, Marie, mother and sister of groom, attended the wedding. McHENRY COUNTY FARMS ARE IN GREAT DfiStAND Continued from rroni page) Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Schwerin, Mrs. ituth Lowe and family and Mrs. A, •Hohmann of Chicago are among the ,summer residents at Mineral Springs. carpenters busy for the ,entire season." Paul Davis, a stock buyer, is the owner of a farm north of Wonder Lake and Robert Seyfarth, an architect, ha^ located west of Woodstock. Several north shore doctors are becoming attracted to this part of the country, also, and among those who will have eitheir part time or permanent residences1 here are Dr. Pope, Dr. F. W. Schacht, Dr. Herbert Liissky, and Doctor Nylander, a professor at Illinois Dental college in Chicago. Dr. Pope and Dr. Schacht, both of Evanston, have offices in Woodstock. Then there is , Dr. A. G. Schroeder, who has a game farm on the southwest shores of Wonder Lake and Dr. Charles E. Pope owns "Oakwood Farm," near Marengo. Elsewhere in the county may be found Judge Harry Hamlin, who has bought land southeast of Uhion, while northwest, of Marengo is located the property of A. M. Loewenthal, president of the famous artists syndicate. Mr. and Sirs. Roger Hill of Todd's school for boys at Woodstck, have purchased the Brwn farm, west of McHenry, where they teani agriculture; William Kelly has bought property west of Woodstock and Thomas Lindskog, northwest of Woodstock. Other modern farm homes, either newly built or remodeled, are found on farms recently purchased in the county by Harry L. Drake, C. C. Benns, W. J. King, Mrs. Elsie Holmes, L. O. Napier, Fritz Lindemann, Harry Erwin, W. J. King. Carl Robeson, DeWitt West, George Repp, Courtney Davis, John Paulson, Anton Swanson, O. O. Koehler, Joseph Buyse, Robert Bensen, Theo. Freeman, J. A. Wayland, Leighton Hughes and Albert Kerchoff. 'Carpenters in McHenry are all busy-1 in modernizing or erecting new buildings and all lodal men are employed. The distance over smoothly paved highways to Chicago is a matter of frily a few minutes "daily from Mc-. Henry white adequate train service, is also a convenience for commuters,, who are becoming attracted to the county in greater numbers each year.; Miss Eleanor May of Wilmette spent Sunday with her mother.' >- • V tyry V *•<*1; ANNOUNC EMENT I desire to announce that I have leased the Standard Oil Service Station in West McHenry and will greatly appreciate your patronage. DANIEL O'SHEA Members of the bunco to Mrs. Margaret May.* Luiich club ar? also making a quilt to inwas served at the close of the even- <creas6 the fund" , inp ; On Tuesday afternoon members or VC I the Good Will club of the O. E. S., SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY [sponsored the first of a series of card Eleven young people surprised Miss'Par^es 'n Eastern Star hall. Anita Althoff at her home of her par- Prizes were won as follows: Five ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff, on hundred> Mrs. Thos. Kane; bridge, Monday evening in honor of her four-' Mrs. H. C. Hughes; .bunco, Mrs. F. teenth birthday anniversary. Games Spurling. and dancing were enjoyed and Anita! ; ; was presented with a pleasing gift. |' PRE-NLPTIAL SHOWER Those invited were Richard Wil- j Miss Hazel Kramer, who will beliams, Gerald Miller, Geno Unti, Earl come the bride of Mr. Alvin Baur on Simith, Richard Freund, Jo«- Gausden, July 7„was guest of honor at a pre- Ethel Althoff, Betty Althoft, Lorraine nuptial shower given T5y Mrs. Arthur Schaefer, Betty Buss, and Shiriey Krause, Marion Krause and Mildred Smith. j.Gans at the former's home Tuesday -- ; evening. j.. Miss Kramer was presented with an gift by the group Anthony's hospital, day morning. Donald Granger came home from St. Therese's hospital Sunday and is recovering nicely from his recent operation for appendicitis. Gordon Schmitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Schmitt, received a broken arm, cuts and bruises in a fall Tuesday when he fell down the basement stairs in the Stilling garage. Celia Ann, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page, received a broken arm in a recent fall. HENRY J. BROECKER DIES AT HARTLAND of POLISH CARD CLUB Members of a Polish card club have appropriate taken over the Frank Woznick farm 'friends. near Burton's Bridge, making the Cards furnished entertainment for house into club rooms and renting the the guests and prizes in fivtf hundred land' to Nels Pearson. They have a'.were awarded to Mrs. Arthur Kennecaretaker at the place. \beck, Mrs. Margaret Saldman and On Sunday a party was put on at Mrs. Bernice Huemann. the club, to which neighbors and Guests were: Marie Freund, Milfriends were welcome. There were dred Gans, Mrs. Arthur Kennebeck, games .during the afternoon and danc- Mrs. William Green, Mrs. Bernice ing in the evening Mth over 200 Huemann, Mrs. Margaret Salzman. guests present, ' : . Marion Krause, Hazel Kramer, Har- Henry J. Broecker, 73 years old, a lormer resident at Lily Lake, died at Hartland on June 25. Before going to Hartland about thirteen months ago, he made hi? home with his son, Otto, at Lily Lake, The son nov resides in Chicago. Funeral services and burial werf at Rosehill cemetery, Chicago, Monday. Mr. anct Mrs. Percy Clayri Vii, son, James, and his chum of Redwing, Minn., called on Miss Etta Rosenberger Tuesday evening enroute to their home from an eastern trip. .Miss Rosenberger^vas both happy and surprised to see her distant friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay were Elgin visitors Thursdayj BE SURE TO ATTEND BIG PEP MEETING 3ov 5,« om-nup CLEANER AND SILVER POLISH THEE Remember folks, if you hear any undue commotion next Thursday evening along about 8:30 o'clock it's sure to be the pep parade advertising the coming Centennial celebration. You're all to fall in line and follow the ballyhoo to the high school, where some of the work and plans for the big affair will be explained. Won't you assist the committees in showing your interest and desire to help by attending this pep meeting Thursday night ? The band will be there and the general publif is invited. It's free. Come and nave a good time with the Centennial workers. Boost for your old home town. The people Of McHenry never fail in the hour of an emergency. Help now in making arrangements for the Centennial which must be a success. Miss Foley, director of the pageant, will tell you about her work, with 150 local people in the big production. Perhaps you will get a glimpse of the candidates for queen, and pep talks will be given by various chairmen. It will be worth yo^ Mhile. Don't miss it. FREE! JOHNSON'S FURNITURE POLISH H°USEHOLO su.v«« JAMES JACKSON, 75. DIES AT SOLON MILLS James Jackson, 75 years old, died .at his home at Solon Mills Tuesday, after a long illness. He is survived by his wife and son-in-law, Earl Monear, of McHenry. Funeral services were held this Thursday afternoon at Solon Mills with burial there. UtM p*u/uhaAA oft I6<% JOHNSON'S WAX GUI-COAT 59C BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Dione 40 Green Street -- at -- BOLGER'S Salutes, Roman Candles, Sky Bombs, Torpedoes, etc. In fact p everything that's beautiful and noisy, • ANYTHING YOU MAY DESIRE CAN BE FOUND -- BOLGER'S DRUG STORE /TtWt