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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jul 1936, p. 5

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< • - Thursday, July S3,1936 KcHEHKY PLAIND ^ •• , OUTDOOR CHAMPION "SO I HEAR" EARL WALSH Mary Agnes Dimock, iaccom- •plished "rancherita", of Lompoc, jCalif., won the title of "Champion 'Outdoor Girl" in a contest calling for scholarship, personality and equestrian skill, and will represent Santa Barbara county on the state J, finals. Mary is only fifteen years old and is a high school pupil,. Week Days, 7:2* - 9:20 DST Air Conditioned l0c-25c It's Always Cool at the Empire THURSDAY (Last Day) "THE PRINCESS GOMES ACROSS" FRIDAY A Heairt-Warming Drama With Music and Songs, Featuring Bobby Breen of Radio Land* "LET'S SING AGAIN" ALSO--Selected Short Subjects SATURDAY WILL ROGERS "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE" ALSO--Selected Short Subjects SUNDAY AND MONDAY JULY 26 » 27 Robert Taylor -- Frank Morgan --TJinnie Barnes -- "THERE'S ALWAYS TOMORROW" Also--Latest Issue, March of Time -- Cartoon -- Comedy Sun. Matinee, 3:15 Continuous TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY Robert Taylor -- Loretta Young "PRIVATE NUMBER" ANOCtvaOWt MILL AMD COMFORTABLE K^P FRIDAY. JULY 24* ONLY KARLOF 'THE WALKING DEAD' 250 Reasons To Enjoy The Shows On Friday and Saturday SATURDAY. JULY 25, ONLY RICHARD DIX ' "SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR" STARTING SERIAL "FLASH GORDON" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY McHenry County's Largest DeLuxe Air Conditioned Theatre SUNDAY -- MONDAY Sparkling Romantic AdvegBfce YOUR FAVORITE STAflwF PRIVATE NUMBER With Loretta Young and Robt. Taylor SPECIAL SI N'DAY A1 Klemme AT THE ORGAN With Guest Artist Added Hits ALL IN GLORIOUS COLOR "^HANGING THE GUARD" Latest News and Betty Boop Cartoon BIGGEST SUNDAY SHOWS IN McHENRY COUNTY TUESDAY, JULY 28 Bargain "Nite 'TOO MANY PARENTS' WED. & THURS^ JULY 29 - 30 GEORGE RAFT ROSALIND RUSSELL "IT HAD TO HAPPEN" In which a well-known New Yorker seeks more and varied news from a small town sports editor. -- S • I * H -- July 11, 1986. Mr Uart ft. Walsh, ' McHenry, Illinois * Dear Earl: I am afraid I am going to have to criticize your column. You know while in .McHenry I thought it was fine, but when away it doesn't fill the bill and I will tell you why. I want to know how the golf is going, who won the Blind Bogie, how McHenry and Woodstock made out in the golf play, did Prof- Nye keep a good score card and do he and John Bolger still fight so over the game, has Clay Hughes and Jim Perkins decided who is the best yet and what is the most heated ques« tion at the Married Men's Club? These are a few things. Earl, that out of town readers would like to hear about, especially my family and I. We read about the big league baseball and the fight and, by the way how does Simon. Stoffel feel after his champion was downed ? Gopd thing it wasnt* an" Irishman but I suppose he blames the Dutch and wouldn't the Johnsburg bunch get a thrill out of telling him. Do Vern and Glenn stilly carry on the wonderful conversation to the steady customers ^t the Honest Brothers store? Earl, you know now how I miss McHenry and all my friends there and sure wish it were possible to drop in once in a while to see them. My family and I are all settled now, but I, am afraid a little homesick, so cheer us up Earl with some funny remarks about the notables of the Great City of McHenry and we will then have to cut cards to s?e who gets the Plaindealer first on Saturday morning: to.keep from having a family arg u m « w ' ----: r '• As ever,. DOC HESS. -- s * i • ? -- Doc Hess, Just New York, U. S. A. |Dear friend Doc: i So you still read the Plaindealer and "So I Hear." Say, do you know* that j first line of your letter nearly took me ! right off my props, but you finished ; up so nice like, that I even got up courage to show, 'it to that fellow "Mose." It pleased him, naturally I Glad you miss McHenry, Doc. Have heard people say they miss you. There's just something about this old burg that gets into your veins and you j never want to leave town. NOTE: Most people who have ever lived here come back some time--.even if it's just for a visit. You. know, we're great I visitors. Now, I'll try to give you some answers to those questions and if they don't suit you, just write again. We ;aim to please. "Zeke" Bacon won the Bank Cup. Carl Schmidt took both the Pouse Cup and the President's Cup. The Vice- President's Cup was taken by John Wrulewski. The Champion Match Play started last Sunday and we'll let you know about that later. By the'way, Mr. M. G. Kaufman of Chicago joined the select Hole-in-One Club last Sunday when he'dropped the ball in the 8th hole with one swing. Just think of it, Doc! Bet it took Alderman George Freund and me about thirteen swings each to make that when we played with Married Men's Club last fall. We don't know much about Prof's score card, but we imagine the auditing committee took pood tare of that. Prof, claims to be way ahead of John Bolger now, but John says he can take him with one arm tied behind him--and the argument goes on and on. , Hughes and Perkins ride around m the same service car these days, each sympathizing with himself because he has to put up with the other--and bei cause he has to work harder than the other, too. As far as their golf--well, •maybe we hadn't betterigo into that. Haven't been down to the Married j Men's Club lately, but *611 give a de- • tailed report soon, if you think it s ' fcafe. You remember one time I menj tioned something about the boys be- ; ing rip-snortin' hell-raisers at oratory and some of the little women read the column. Well, maybe you know what a fellow can get into at home just through some harmless- little report like that--and by the way, give my best regards to Mrs. Hess. Here ^ Jam all summer worrying about who's | going to take her place at the basket ( ball games next winter. j Gladi you read about the big league baseball. Wouldn't it be funny jtmhe Cubs had to play the Sox in the woHd series? Or would it be funny? Simon Stoffel received an awful shock when his Brown Bomber bit the dust. We try to tell him that he won't see another great fighter until an Irishman comes along, but he doesn't go so strong for that idea. That "wonderful conversation"'* you mention as being handed out by Vern and Glenn gets bigger, better and stronger as time goes on. You probably read about Glenn going up north to fish. We got hold of a picture showing Glenn holding some sort of a big carp. We tried to have a proof fixed for the paper, but it didn't turn out so good. Actually. Doc, that fish was so big that you couldn't see little Glenny on the picture and we thought it wouldn't look right to put his name as title to the darn thirig. Harrison still rates as champion corn husker " and tall story teller. Simon StofFeJ plans to enter him in that famous Burlington contest next year an^ claims it will be a walkaway. Now Doc, if this column can cheer you up with remarks about McHenry's notables, consider yourself cheered right now. We enjoy nothing more than .that. Met another New Yorker, Henry Foss, in town this week and found ou^ that he reads this stuff every week, too. Had his boy with him and he's a real huskie. Looks like a football player right now". Guess we'll call this a -roll report, Doc. Thanks for your letter and don't fail to write again if we dont give you all the news you want. "Hello" and "how are yon'* to- Mrs. Hess and the boys. ' If things improve enough in this Married M en's Clu FREUND BOYS STILL GOING AT SPEED The Freund boys, known as team no. 4, are/hitting a dizzy pace in the KAII ' litamiA A•> T.. 1 • h. «W**- „ r , ' _ , J • - McHElfRY'fc NEW BALL AM ROMPS OVER SHAMROCKS 20 TO 0 Mchenry's newly organized baseball team romped to art easy victory soft ball league. On Tuesday even- over the Shainrocks'in the first start ing. >the*r added another win to their 0f the season last Sunday, Shutting out collection by taking team No. 3, the the visitors completely while twenty score on this occasion being 5 to 3. runners crossed the plat#> in behalf of Hitting on the part of both teams was the McHenryites. _ « rather light, the winners collecting^ "Spots" Thurlwpll took th H department to warrant'action, let us[seven while the losers registered five. for McHenry struck out the first°five f0*' be£un by Wheeler and McLean know and we'll see if "Mose" won't | Herb Freund, at third for the winners, men to face him, then coasted thro 1 there is now located just across &e A CONTRIBUTION TO McHENKY'S CENTENNIAL/ - Jul&li, 1936. The McHenryv-Plaindealer, McHenry, Illinois. Zion Ev. Lutheran Church , West McHenry, Illinois In this Centennary Celebration which has taken hold of all of McHenry, our Lutheran Church is likewise a participant. • Nearby the first town that took shape in McHenry township the town Cons coming and going, but ami« ths manifold changes of life which Henry's century has witnessed, Ev. Lutheran Church has remain* constant and unchanging in bringing i to a changing century the message ot:, , a Changeless Christ. Such a message leaves a telling; mark upon the years and rises as at" peerless pilla^ extending its firm cables to bind to itself both voung and " ! < old. Let McHepry's Centennial find its i real pride and worth in pious and duti- ; send an extra copy of the Plaindealer handled five chances ,n b>g league to'the fifth inning when southpaw Leo "\er fr°m ™ £*£ Was G^town, fu] citizens who revere and worship each week. Far be it from us to want; style while Joe Schmitt at sho*t for Freund took up the pitching duties J fUt"°W ^CSt ^ I™ EvJ\God and serve their country., then it - ' ^ the losers also put in an exceptionally ^ strttck out to cause any family argument? two men , the fi ^ Lutheran Church. Though this set- may safel y celebrate the comine year*M cf{d catting tricks either. Just, •• '• V- • " * "SO IHEAR" busy evening ^ith riy piifcoutt «t»d and had the third man called out foj.jtlement and the said church is not asj one assist. The score: TEAM NO. 4 . I Praise, God, from whojn all blessings ' flow, ' "V. •'•••.7" Although that McHenry - Shamrock! game was a lop-sided affair last Sun- j N. Freund, 2b day, we don't want to take any credit Elm^r Freund, cf away from the boys in green. They • Herb Freund, 3b are composed of mostly young fellows Harold Freund, who will improve with" each gaiheJChas. Freund, lb £•; They took their loss like men. : " | Pete Freund, p ,,..-.^1." -- S * I * H -- ' G e o . F r e u n d , I f McHenry had a strong collection of |Gre®n' ....................,....s„.lball players from the community on!^'rn^e P,reun<^» rf the field that figut^ • .to develop into a high class ball team, k ^v ; 1 : S • I » H -- ^ To begin with, this fellow "Spots" Thurlwell is due to show the fans just what they want to see. They all know ... T . - that the big fellow has the makings of T c a great pitcher. . \ „ • 88 ' -S • I • H - Frett'p "Little Joe" Freund looks as good as ever behind the plate and he can still peg to second. He picked a man off first last Sunday with plenty I *TEAM t "v • iT. Schmitt, SB ... V batting out of turn in the fifth. Then i °ld .aS, ll.S celebrating sis r yet iS n»s, in the civtv, a; • r j. contributed to it substar'ial growth L, ,, sixth, after disposing of twoi , • • . „ d <sUstenancp Pralse Him- a11 creatures here below; PO men on strikes, things looked up a bit ? P » "j drawn sustenance - • 0 ^r the Shamrocks. B. Witt slammed j Al?d 50 * can bask mthe .o one close to third that looked like a|centUry P^ise and assist m celebra- ' 0 hi1- hut Vernie Freund was therQ., f T .i: r-t - «• 1 c ;0 Vernie made the mistake of not tak- Ev- Lutheran Church of \\est ing time *nd careful aim with his; ^^nry, wh,ch. however only dates ':•% throw to first. Wallv Smith flaggedito 18'6; being esUbhshed Under the > the throw, but Witt was «afe Witt i Pastorate of the Rev. H. G. Schmidt, stole second. Jimmy Larkin hit t.o and dedlcated ,ts P^sent church build- 0 short, but as Bennett attempted to1 mg 4 I' ha8 witnessed ;nO:« " scoop the ball.^Witt crashed into him.,f McHenry s history. - ** Umpire John Freund decided it best " bears m its records the names of to forget interference and the gameiStUrdy p,oneers who helped build up went on. L. Witt "flied to Kreutzer 21 ... .0 SisLa- ..,0 ...0 ...o ...o H i-„ 0 \%r iri o o 0 TC X) 0 G and no damage was done. The Shamrocks got a couple of men on in the last inning, b\>t they were snuffed out in an attempted double steal to end the game. 3 There was too much hitting and base 0 running on McHenry's side to take up'J^y 0 FiVe. ru^f scored 1 in ^°i- The numerical strength of our 4 was evTdPnT th«1 /Twin \ Lutheran Church in West McHenry is 0 fvident score, reflected in the status of McHenry's growth, a small beginning, a growing, was evident that a football 0 would show up at the finish. •Leo Freund led the hitters with four 18 sa^e waH°Ps- As the box score will ( show, there were others too who did Schaefer, 2b Adams, c Worts, If Stilling, lb ..,.1.. to Tonyan, rf .......I.. spare. By the way, you should have, B. Schmitt, iff . seen Joe steal second and then third. ' ^ Think he had a notion to steal home,': . . - • , j • g too. The boys used to say that Joe ° SCORE BY INNINGS , couldn't show any speed unless he had Team No. 3 .... 001 020 t) 3 some good, solid hitting. the shin guards and protector on. ffotiTeam No 4 000 122 x f> This pame was to° one-sided to furso now. nish real baseball thrill^ but the -- S * I • H -- I No. 3, 5. First base on balls--Off ma?a^nient now has a line on the Wally Smith will take care of first'Freund, 5. Struck out--by Freund, 1; base. We like the way he handles by Frett, 4. Two base hits--Frett, himself around the bag with that Adams, P. Freund, Harpld Freund. loose, easy manner. Looks like a good Home run--Gre^n. Umpires--Weber, ball player to this department. .Bickler, Smith. the community and whose members though quiet and Unassuming proved to be pillars of . Society. ItT still has in its midst such members as Tesch and Voeltz and Kamholz and Block, who have seen McHenry grow and wane and from these elders we young ones heard events common to the cena waning and another growth, genera- Praise Him above, ve heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. With cordial greetings for a successful celebration, • > 1 . . >-v^jERMAN P. MEYER, . ; „ ^ • Ev. Lutheran Pastor;.'" : Boss Is Useless' '*zain't a heap o' usefulness i»&• war;'" said Uncle Eben. "to be pected f'um de man who wanti to be boss 'cause he ain't never learnt; no r^ular kind of a job." - - . 'Curious TWin Lak-M ": High on a mountaintop on the . island of Flores in the Flores sea is a curious set of twin lakes, says ~ Collier's Weekly. Although separated from each other by only a thin wall of rock, one is colored turquoise- blue while the other is ruby- > red. Stranger still is the fact that the water in both lakes has the gen-. eral appearance and the complete opacity of paint. H Vernie Freund, at third base, is fast has a good arm and can hit the ball. I,McCRACKEN'S MEN TAKE material at hand and stronger opposi-1 tion will be booked as the new team is d e v e l o p e f d . ' i • The Johnsburg team wijl be here; next Sunday. Those in charge were J very much pleased with the crowd in attendance last Sunday and hope that interest in the nex^tearn will continue. .-•.McHENRY- - ! ONE FROM ADAMS' „ , . ., . i In a well-plaved contest at the city If Vernon lacks anything its exper- k ,ast Thursday night, McCrack- „ ^ lence. He'll get plenty of that play- en, team defeated Adams. ootfit V.JFreund, 3b ....... ing on a well-organ,zed team. a s^ore of 5 to 2. Kent's two-base ^-- S * I * H j hit in the sixth with the bases loaded The outfielders were shifted about'decided the contest. last Sunday to give everybody a: The score: V chance. There were a couple of out-! TEAM NO. 3 side boys present, but we didn t see enugh of them to* get a good idea of T. Schmitt, Sb ... their worth Clarence Anderson was Herb Freund, rf in centerfield long enough to get three J. Schmitt, ss ... hits but he didn't have any ch*nces Frett, p ......... in the field. Clarence looks like he Schaefer, cf ...... can take care of the family reputation A. Justen, cf .... for good ball players. Adams, c g * j • JJ j Worts, If Leo King figures to take care of StiHmg, !b ........ ' * ......,;...;..0 .......0 .....:..o ........2 .....0 ...;...........O H 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 AB V R H Kreutzer, 2b : 5 1 3 Bennett, ss ...^.^......^.......4 - 4 2 L. Freund, If - p .5 4 4 L. King, If i 1 "Spots" Thurlwell, p „'......3 .2 2 PO Wally Smith, lb . 3 2 ' 11 C. Anderson, cf..;..; .....4 2 3' .......0 0 0 .™..5 2 3- 2 0 0 .......2 0 1 TEAM NO. 1 left field in good style and hit the old apple plenty. Wolf, is another local who may develop as time goes on. S * I * H -4 - I McCracken, 3b .... gib Whiting was down to ga^ie. Green p He's still full of those wise-cracks and Kent,^ lb we imagine he could still play some Harold Freund, cf . , ,, | Granger, 2b _ e . I . H : G.r.Sch,c.,.,,„Wie • . . !G. Justen, i*f Carl Thorsell's Brewers are going to •. Tonyan ]f . play the Johnson Motors from Wau-| , kegan next Sunday. Irvin Moody, | veteran pitcher from Wauconda, will be on the mound for the visitors. - ', ' _ s * I • H Johnsburg is coming down tb play the new McHenry team next Sunday. No. 3, 4. We hope they bring a strong lineup Frett, 2; off Green, 0, and give-the locals a tough afternoon We like a close, clean game of ball. -- S * I * H -- Red" Winkel, Jini Walsh, Quentih 0 2 Mathiesen, cf q Joe Freund, c .v.~ r, Wolf, rf • 0, Sammy, rf 0. 2 Total ' 0 SHAMROCKS 9 ' B. Witt, 3b-c .... 40 20 23 R ........0 0 ...« 1 .......1 • 1 1 2 0 1 rt-i 1 1 jg J. Larkin, 2b L. Witt, ss - p PO G. Larkin, lb 7 3 E. Carlson, rf .v.......... " 5 A. Pearson, cf ^--~..v. 4 Pretzman, 3b - p • 3 Ambruster, c .. g; G. Carlson, If .. 1 Rassmesen, 0 '. 2 - Total AB 3 .v. .3 3 .........2 .........2 3 ....0 ....2 0 7p 0 0 0 0 H 0 1 0 0 0 1 o| o1 0 0 19 0 2 SCORE $Y INNINGS. , " 5 8 21 McHenry 550- 172 ^---20 SCORE BY INNINGS Shamrocks 000 000 0-- 0 Team No. 3 010 000 1--2 First on balls--Off Thurlwell, 1; Team No. 1 ............. ... 100 103 x--5 Rasmesen, 2. Sacrifice hits, Smith, 2. Left on bases--Team No. 1, 6; Team Two, base hits--Kreutzer 2, L. Freund, First base on balls--Off Thurlwell, Smith, Anderson. Struck Struck out by out by--Thurlwell, 8; Freund, 5; Frett, 2; by Green, 4. Two base hits Pretzman, 4. Double plays--Freund , --Kent, T. Schmitt. Home run--Mc- to V. Freund to Kreutzer to Smith. | Crackert. Umpires--Smith, Weber, Hit by pitcher by Freund (E. Cail- Bolger. • I INDOOR &EAGUfc holds, scribe No pretzel shape tcrr us. S • I. * H -- Walsh and Bob Martin took in the fpUjffTfPft LOSE TO ' wrestling matches at Round Lake la«t SPKTNR|VF 19 1i - ' -- Friday night. They report an even- A A * ^is last week has witnessed some inir well spent and plan to take in some j . Very unexpected results and several more of these grunt and groanyfchibi-! The McHenry Foresters-were taken u in the indoor baseball leaRUe. tions. Jim says he learned some new:by surprise by a fighting Spring Grove Jn thp first game between McHenry Wanted to try 'em oat on y» team last Monday night and lost a and njinerai Springs, McHenry was close decision 12 to 11. unexpectedly defeated by a score of Vernie Freund and .Leo Wmkel leau jq 3 _ u , .. ., , aawv the ™cH L en,r>' attfc u k: Vernie hitt\n.P Sherman Hill suffered a disastrous Midget Fischer, former light-heavy- , one of the longest home runs ever lr defeflt q{ 21 . 3 at the hands of ^ weight champion, of the world and nn the Spring GroVe field. Rev. Frank Minera! Spring team. In the second Mike Kilonis will clash Friday night; Mjjier, who.playfed his first game with McHen . Minera] Springs game, in the main event at the D'etz^Stab es the Foresters showed signs of becom- Minera] was victorious again arena. Jerry Meeker, the Honolulu mg one 0f the Reading hitters on the . , f 12.Q - wrestler,jangles with Mike Markoff.:team- ' " . _ The McHenry team regained some Mike is Known as The Hun|an Oct-, The following players make up th, of thejr shaken confidence in the game opus." Charley Peterson, well-known j. orester team: Rev% Frank MiHer, ^ Sherrtian Hill Julv 21, when they grappler from Pistakee Bay has a|Al Justen, Clarence Stilling, George k keJ four of the* Sherman Hill large eveniftg's work cut out for him Freund, Freund, Harold Freund, Delf Freund, Paul Winkel and Art "Torchy" Krause All games are played at Spring • Grove. The Foresters schedule of in meeting Hans Bauer, husky Ger man heavyweight. . - s v i * H This Week's Baseball Question ~ A veteran of the diamond, Joe Britz hands in this one: With two men g s .g ag foIloW8; out, the batter hits a ground ball that hits a base runner. The runner is called out as the rules provide. Does, the batter receive credit for a hit? : S * I * H Last Week's Answer The umpire is not to call it an infield fly. Any attempt to bunt which results in a fair fly ball is not regarded as an infield fly. Vernie Karls, pitchers from t-he box and easily took the, game 21-12. The gam** Thurs- B.1I Sutton, ueorge r nsoy r rea moe these two tean.r should Prove interesting because both will be fighting to protect their team name. Doing One's Own Thinking There is a time in every man's education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide; that he must take himself for better for worse as his portion, that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. July 28--Johnsburg. August 3 -- Fox Lake. August 11 --Spring Grove. August 17 -- Johnsburg. August 25 -- Fox Lake. ' August 31 -- Spring Grove. September 8--Johnsburg. September 14 -- Fox Lake. September 22 -- Spring Grove. TENNIS TOURNAMENT The doubles tennis tournament tHf# opened at the McHenry High School courts this week have drawn quite a large number of entrants. Drawings for matches were held Monday evening. Those competing in. the tournament are Dorothy and Anita Althoff,. LeRoy Smith and Vernon Freund, Cletus Althoff and Edward Lowe, Rob- MATCH GAME POSTPONED ert Krause and Robert McGonigle, Because of the extreme heat last and Frank Johnson and Allen NoonaTT week local golfers were not-so keen 1° three singles and three doubles about the game and consequently the matches, ChaTles Brda, Charles Vycitmatch between the McHenry Country al» Nick Freund, LeRoy Smith, Marclub and the Woodstock Country club, shal-Bacon, Adele Froehlich and Eliitscheduled to be played at Woodstock or Althoff will play a group from the last Thursday, August 13. was postponed Cause of Civil War The issue of slavery was the direct cause of the Civil war. The question of states' rights or the right of a state to secede from the federation was the fundamental cause. This had been a vexed question from the beginnings of the government, until it was brought to a head by the slavery issue. Pyramid Priests of Egypt. The most obvious means to measure the length of the sun-indicated year was to build pyramids sloped to an angle of the sun's elevation at noon, oh the first day of the Egyptian spring season (our March 1). The pyramid's pointed shadow on the meridian floor line indicated the moment at noon, when the shortest shadow ended 365-day years on February 28, and their three hundred and sixty-sixth day as leap day on February 29, in then secretly kept leap years. until playgrounds of Elgin Illinois, on Sunday% fternoon at 3 o'clock at the High School courts. The finals of the girls' tennis tournament have been reached after Adele. FJroehlich and Dorothy Althoff defeating and eliminating the other entrants. The two girls wiH play this week for the championship. Birds's Feathers Counted The Smithsonian institution actually counted the feathers of a woodpecker, and found the foliage of hairy and downy varieties is the same. They have also found that the the birds wear less feathevs ia summer than in winter. AUTO INN Brewery Corner * McHenry UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY Full line of liquors, beer, sandwiches, etc. Ready at all times --MATH RAUEN. Manage!* s: 29C QUART ICE CREAM DAY Friday, July 24, Only 200 Quarts of our regular 50c quart Vanila Ice Cream for only 29c per quart. Made fresh daily of pure cream, sugar and aged in wood Bourbon Bean Vanilla, packed in sanitary containers. " ARCH DRUG COMPANY * Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois Our Ice Cream delivery service will call daily at Pistakee Bay. 25c, pint and 50c, quart. Special cream made td order. PISTAKEE BAY TAVERN McHENRY, ILL. Boats and 'The Garden Spot of Illinois'- Hotel in Connection Free Parking DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING Music by Bob Peterson and His Orchestra Phones McHenry 176--198 Harry Fredricks, Prop. WITH THESE y 2^ ^S^n tmrLer ^ ^xrcxiA IAJ w wusom cctTtfico coooe CORNED PORK & BEANS YUKON CI US SPAIXUN* GINGER ALB 4 24-oz. bottles...25c -/Wilson's Certified Chili Con .Came, 3 11-or, cans 25c ^QII Standard Quality Corn or Tomatoes. 3 No. 2 cans .... 25c Nutlev Oleomargarine, Two 1-lb. pkgs 25c American Family Soap Flakes Two 21-oz. pkgs. 37c Seminole Toilet Tissae ..,.Four 1000 sheet rolls ........ 25c Sannyfield Butter, lb. 35t:c Sttnny Cane Sugar. 5-lb. pkg. 27c . Sonny field Sliced Bacon. Two 12 -lb. pkgs. 25c Large Bologna* lb. ........ 19c 'First Quality Small Franks . furters, lb. 21c Glenwood Sandwich Meat, lb. 15c . DtoUra a holiday la'nu htcfcw by laying ia • npfl* ui«m Msy-to-proponr* M to-Mir* iooda. OCUOATE AND FRAGRANT m-- --qrf mA ORANGE V. LB.'T pek0£ pks- 19C THE AMERICAN STAHOARO NectarToi ^ IS* FULL BOCHED AMO THRIFTY Oar Own . 2S» COFFEE VteOROUS ANO W1IUY Mur . 2 as RICH ARO PULL-80CMCD Bed Circto 21« MOX> ANO MELLOW) 1 •v# •• A & rood Stores

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