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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1936, p. 3

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" °* * Wr *1B • i, s.vr,;. . , •' 1 - p • I»y,"Jnly SO, MSB ' V** • ***=?•%* ,*>- •<. s * •* •-.;•' v. *P"3 «W- .v«4- •;• V- ' "'-'v '..W V « * 'V. McffBNRYTIiAlHBiALEB •vv., ~ .••;< r-" : v *•"•• V • if r * ' . * : < ; ,> 4 , . ^7- 4 "; *yvt v ' • j' m ; ' ' t . ^ 1 ••/ " ; v v ^ , ' , Hv . - . Page Three 'f^'K •,; *1 pwiwp^" . . ----P^P«Wi Greetings from the " News Agency Btai Street ^ Our place of business is not large, but our greetings and best wishes are just as big aa anybody's. Stop in and let's * talk over olden days. ' ALBERT KRAUSE VOLO Eat, Drink and Be Merry MT PLACE 1 • r}'J ; on Green Street,, McHenry " v-:;i . Good Eats-- Good Drinks --Good Companionship ^ All During the Centennial Mrs. George Vasey of Waukegan | visited her sister, Mrs. Arthur Kaiser, j Wednesday. Miss Lillian Scheid of Wauconda spent Thursday here with Miss Ada Dowel!. * . ' ' Mrs. Arthur Kaiser and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher were Waukegan callers Wed-' nesday. ' " ' j Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paj^ftelil and sons were Grayslake calleis Tuesday. Mrs. H. Huskie of Elgin spent Friday here with Mrs. L. Rossduetcher. j Mrs. Florence Moberg of Chicago ! spent Monday evening here at thel | home of hei* sister, Mrs. Jacob Wag-1 . ner. . .'. ' • : i Mrs. Ford McDonald and son of Mc -j Henry called on her parents, Mr. and] Mrs. William Dillion, Friday.. •'.»•. | i Mrs. Clinton Ravin and family of : Slocum's Lake visited at the Dowell Brother's home Thursday. j Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph Rossdeutcher of Grayslae called at. the home of Mr. iand Mrs. Herman Rossdeutcher, en Thursday. • .. i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Titus of Graysliif. i \ U 0»KWOHD mON£VBftCK ^IREATER mileage with D-X and D-X Ethyl is more than an advertising claim is a proved fact. D-X and D-X Ethyl are exclusively different lubricating motor fuels which provide needed lubrication to valves,pistons,rings and all upper cylinder parts. The result is smoother, faster running engines which, logically, "Ahead of give greater mileage. Diamond 760 Motor Oil, too, gives increased mileage because it is the pioneer heat-resisting 100% paraffin base oil. Make a test of D-X or D-X Ethyl and Diamond 760 today. Any D-X : or Diamond station gladly will issue you a Trial Bond which guarantees the complete refund of the purchase price... , the Parade" „,L. MID-CONTINENT PETROLEUM CORPORATION DIAMOND OIL CO. NOW AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S All dosed model DeLuxe Ford V-8's now have new Walnut finish on instrument panel and window mouldings; a rustless steel spoke steering wheel; non-glare, rear view mirror with 30- hour clock; locking glove compartment and tandem windshield wipers. Other Ford V-8's have beautiful new interiors. The upholstery on doors and sides has been given a smart, new treatment in all Ford V-8's. Regular models offer a choice of Mohair or Bedford Cord -- beautifully trimmed edges -- at no extra cost. And in DeLuxe models you have your choice of ~ fohair, Bedford Cord or addoth upholstery. : NEW GASOLINE ECONOMY TOO! • 10% to 15% more miles per gallon... the car can check the results. Wouldn't That's what today's stock Ford V-8's you like to make a test run and see are showing over previous Ford V-8's for yourself what a Ford V-8 will do? in public gasoline tests now being run We invite you to take a ride with us." by F o r d D e a l e r s . T h e t e s t c a r s a r e Y O U R FORD D E A L E R ^ equipped with a see-for-yourself glass gallon jug so that anybody riding in , FORD VB PET THE FEEL Of V-9 PERFORMANCE • 8IT THE FACTS ON ECONOMY *25 A MONTH after usual downpayment, buys any new Ford V-8 under UCC finance plans of "2% a month on original unpaid balance. Safety. glass throughout--at w extra cost. All model* 85 horsepower, 112-inch wheelbase, 12 3-i'nch.. springbase. Friers, from $510, F.O.B. Detroit, standard accessory group extra. lakespent Friday here at the home of which took himinto nine states in the Mr ,®and Mrs. Frank Henkel, Jr. | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur -Charlton of Mrs. Ja&ob Wagner is spending a Tower Lakes spent Thursday evening number of days at Michigan Resort, at the home of Willard Darrell. Lloyd and Milton Dowell spent Wed- Mr. and Mrs, John Nelson and Mr. nesday evening at the home of Mr.'and Mrs. Russell Chalmers of Rockand Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., iri' spent Sunday at the home of Mr. conda. r. • kjid Mrs. H. L. Brooks. , Mrs. Paul O'Learv -was a Waukegan; Miss Lillian Tidmarsh of Waucor.da i caller Saturday evening. 1 land Miss Lois Hall of Los Angeles,! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maypole of Fox Calif., visited atfthe home of Mr. and! Lake called on Mr. and Mrs/Herbert Mrs. H. L. Brook's Monday'. ! Michalson Tuesday. Alice, Harry and Merle Dowell at-! Mrs. Louise Rossdeutcher, Mrs. Paul tended a meeting of the Young Peo-1 O'Leary and Mi*s. Joseph Lenzen were pie's Club of the . Lake County Farnv Barrington callers Thursday. Bureau" at Lily Lake last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel, Jr„ and evening. family spent Thursday evening fet the Misses Alma and Mayme Dowell and home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brewer, Pete and James Dowell ^pent last Sunnear Round Lake. day evening at the home of Mr. and i Misses Eileen Magnusseu. Beatrice Mrs. Arthur Harris at West McHenrv. j Mattsen, Carlyn Dice Kan' Magnus- Mr and Mrg w,0 Brooks of Lib_ sen. Alvnn Swanson, and James Mush- .,le spent Monday evening at th¥ .ta motored to SUrved Rock Sunday howe of Mr and Mrs H L ks Dr. and Mrs. Schmelhng of Johet 1 . y called"on Mrs. L. Rossdeutcher Thurs- Clarence Brandy of Fox, Lake was day - •• : a visitor at the Joe Dowell home, Sun- The Young People's Cluh of this ! vicinity will hold their picnic - at; Mr. and Mi-s. John Blonigren spent; Behm's Lake in Fremont'. Sunday, Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aug, 2. RaymSnd L|j|sk at Maple Palk., i Mrs. .Clyde."Wright"Spent the week- Harry and Merle Dowell attended end at the foome of ' Mr.; aild Mrs; the carhival at Spring Grpve Sunday Shell'at Woodstock. !, . _ ^ evening, " Mrs.;William Waldmahri^asift^Chi- Mrs. Harry Matthews Was. among ^ago shopper Saturday. the officers of Mayflower chapter, O. • The Volo 4-H Club gave a Weenie E. S./ to,be entertained at the Crystal Jtoast at Eddie's Hub Grill. July 14. Lake Country Club, at a one o'clock i Mrs. Jay Vasey has spent the past luncheon Und bridge partv, Tuesday. ! wee* here caring for; Mrs. Pass- John Nestad, who has ;een empioy.i e„r' r, . >, , , ' „ , ed on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. John! Wayne Bacon' of Grayslake called BlomRren for the past six yearg is * ** 6 ^5on . °™e a^' returning to his home at Bergen, Nor-, Mrs. Frank St George, and Mrs. wa Augus(;- He is spending this Charles Jones, attended a birthday week with friends at Waukegan and party in honor of Shirley Dusil at wi„ ,eaye for New Yof Fridav. Crooked Lake, W ednesday. • • ». Mrs. C. Shell cf Woodstock spent a few days here with Mrs. Clyde Wright the past week. % Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright. to Woodstock Wednesday. RETURN FROM TRIP \ TO ATLANTIC CITY ahd Mrs. ;William Hv Altholf ro- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kruppa of^ Wil- tUrfiSd llOTte Friday nijfht from a mette visited Mr. and Mrs-"Frank St.. week's trip to. the east, where they George Saturday. ' attended the 'National- Congress oi' Miss Vinnie Bacon called at the Hardware Dealers of which Mr. Al- -home of Mr. and Mrs: Cleo Calhoun thoff is a member, of the National at Gilmer-Thursday evening-1 . a board of Council..- Mr. Althoff. Mrs. William Waldmann left-Satur- being vice-president of the Illinois day evening .'for Detroit, Mich. ' ' Retail Hardware, association, went as The 4-H Club contestant . judged a representative to the natiphal.gathfour head'of horses for Herman Dunk- eriiig from this state. er Fridav. Mr. and Mrs. Altfv iff left McHenrv The McHenrv Brewers baseball Saturday motor to Valpanso. .1*1,1 . team of Yolo played the Johnson Wot- vvhere thf-y departed at -central ors' ted 111 Sunday. , Yolo lost 5 to 4. time 011 the Rainbow special for . the Mr. and1" Mrs. Frank Gtmld and fani-" east. Arriving at WashingtoiUrjD. 4 • ily of Libertyville s|>ent Thursday at l>57' o'clock Sunday tlwy -enjoyed , evening .here with Mr, and Mis. some busy hoiirs in sight-seeing. Jur Kaiser. , whe^ ^hey visited the Capitojr th<- j Mrs. Joseph Wiser had the misfor- Botanical Gaidens, where plants from i tune to injure her foot and is unable every cli'natd are • raised-and baiuina [to walk at U"is writing. Her many Were, seen- growing. The Congr'ession- SLOCUM'S LAKE ' are all hand work of stone put into . Mrs. Eir|•:'Conv«iie!-pigcp• before it is cdrved, one of the Friday evening at the^ hoifie ".f huge r< cks weighing four tons; friends here hope for a.speedv recov-. ftl library \va.s e\'ploi eel ai)d the |ery„ • * eopal Cathedral of St. l'etei and I'au.. j - which, wheii completed, will he'- the 3 laigest in the world It has been utu der construction for nineteen year and it is estimated tV>t it will tequire , • ' twentv^nine years moie iq ccmplete it. ™ " It has a seating capacity of 8,000'. in Carl Thorsell of Volo wals a caller ; center section and the--side.wings at the home of Willard Dan _'ll last are used for the cUoir. The statin Wednesday evening Mr. and last -Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis on the "Flats." - ' v..1* . ; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lundeen of Chicago spent last Thursday at the home pf Mr. and Mrs, John Blomgren. ; l Mr. atfd Mrs. E. Drom and Uvo chil" dren of Antioch spent Sunday at thei aste,.y Was visited, «where; were seen home of Wiljard Darrell. 1 exact reproductions »of the House of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping are Nazareth and Christ's tomb, while on spending this with re'atiyes at . a Kill beside the -monastery -is the /mbov and Moline.. and *t Daven- garden of Gethsemene with the foui- ^ort and Newton, Iowa. V teen stations of the cross secluded Mr- and Mrs. Harry Matthews and, anl°.ns „t,he. sons, Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mis.' There were interesting visits to Mt. Vernon, Washington's monument. A1 lington cemetery. STtcI a general tou of Washington :tow;iig the variou embassies. The Catholic University and mon The Shrine of the-Immaculate ean-: * n . e j • . j ceeenpttiioonn wwiillll rreeqquuiirree fniufteeeeini Mmoimrer years j L. Peterson of \N,auconda enjoyed a > ... • flwl i0,.a.4»it r. • . . . . . fa romnlete flndl will tnt Ihi^csi lcnic supper and evening at the home 10 -c , 1. , .. #Wo Th# owf# Mr. a'n dj *M*.r..s. . Aa.rthu.r Ch.arlto.n at. c a t h e d r a l s h r i n e m t h e w o i l d . t h e Tower Lak»s, Sunday. fathers arid nuns are cathed Franciscan • • there. ' ' •' - / Mrs. Catherine Murray and daugh-^ Qn Mondav Mri^and l«ra^ ^tthoiff ter. Celia, of the *Flats" visited at th« j ,eft for Atlantic City. home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Althoff. being, vice-president at last Wednesday evening. ]j],ngis Retail ,Hardware associi- Mr. and Mis. A. W. Foss and d^ugh-; t}on js also a member of the National 'ter*. Vivian, of Libertyville spent last board of oflfkers Cojincil which conThursday evening at the home df Mr. vened prior to the National Corigi*es8 and Mrs. Wm. Foss. Arthur Wackerow returned to his duties at Oak Glen Farm Thursday,] «fter enjoying a4,000 mile auto trip! Say you west. ' i DEALER.. -to recommend, the s Seperal ...jBCticn of the Congress. read it in THE PLAIN' -- f --1 Schaefer's Tavern East Side of Fox River COME ON OVER! BRING YOUR THIRST We serve your favorite beer, wines and liquors, to 1836 1986 ' Welcome Visitors McHenry Centennial Ted's Place WEST McHENRY "NOTICE During the summer months my McHenry Optical office in the A. E. Nye building1 will be closed. Glasses Fitted Dr.; Paul A. Schw OPTOMETRIST Examined Phone 674 - Woodstock (for appointment) Monday -- Wednesday -- Saturday v i Guaranteed against shrinking and fading. Beautiful, patterns, arid color combinations. Special!} priced, >ar«f Druid Udhileached Muslin, yd, I Oc 4' 81x99 Druid Sheets. , .... 12\36 Druid Cases 25f' 9 4 l,)ru id Sheeting, ^ij|.,^„.., 30ic «•; :iUyoil Taffeta ' . (Jirls' Rayori;.^l'ip!s ..v. •*' $port Shirt^f , Bq>^ Dress Shirts" - Misses' Pajamas JOHN STOFFEL , I9e V, ! 50c ... ^ 3f0c WE ARE Glad to Join In extending to the people of McHenry bur congratulations and begt wishes on this occasion, which celebrates 100 years of activity for the territory settled so long ago by the pioneers. May it^continue to prosperity. 5 Jacob Jussten & Sons Posular Place Is just what the name implies. During the' Centennial celebration we extend an invitation to all to vint us at tlu> corper of Green and Elm streets. The welcome sign is always out on the corner. „ Gus. Unti, Prop. Ice Cream, Lunches and Drinks of all Kinds PONTIAC 8 SURPASSES CAR COSTING FIVE TIMES AS MUCH SAYS H. H.* OF BETHANY, MO. V When a car has no vibration point at any speed, it oatural^r , can't be topped for smoothness. When it seta an official maiic .-.. ; of 22 miles to the gaUoci, it is all you could ask for econorry. The PootilK: Eight iaaQ tlaat and more--America al«> ca}ls -4 the moot beautiful thing on wheels 1 *Oa0 ot II.OOO Poatimo oawn w*o Mwni.'y hj. •> wr.-.-.-n i.-.'an-. beton of prmmu alia mt thmm cars. A'o paid :rscu-n^.-,.mjs *r PON 7TWI SIXES AND IIOHTS R. I. Overton Motor Sales Front Street

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