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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1936, p. 8

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Y, < 1 * • -- < < 4^""! *** t IBS McHENRY PLAINDEALSS - T , " , : 4 ; ; • - * * - \ > f 1 " » '* '* ' ' '*•" 0 ' -%iutlLuLLiUs,uJ-«A-L yU , Att^u^t oJ> 1«9M3o» mp: Society Notes WALTER KRAUSE DIES F6LL0WING ACCIDENT CHRETTA?r>10tHJaiS | The Christian Mothers' wHiWlAITU 001111011 III their regular meeting and card partyjl _| I I I .III IN 1.11 IN „> Friday evening in St. MaryVjtfhuivh i Ml • I UWUI1UIL 111 li^ allll at^ 8o p_ . m, T lU ...;n 1,„ (Lunc!h will be p^rve^ MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. Elmer Freund attended a mis» j cellaneous shower and breakfast at MEETING MONDAY Walter Krause, 43 years old, who Ivas injured when struck by an autoniobile at 7:?0 p. m., last week Wed? j'lie^day, died at St. Therese's hospital, I.JVaukejran, at 4:30 a. m., Friday. His jinjuries were from broken ribs and a j punctured lung-, from which he £een.- jed to be recovering- as well as could be expected when he died suddenly during the few minuses that the nurse had left the room! I A coroners' inquest was held at N. J. Justen and,Son's' Undertaking es- C^°^Ts MUJOAOTH HISTORICAL AND PARADE PASSES (Continued from front pare) . , Necessary laboratory equipment 'to ' at 11:3J. Friday in • *~ Woodstock Sunday in honor of her j niake daily tests at the sewage plant -an Yel'"'c^ was returned. made by local people while a horse and buggy and a team and wagon carried out the spirit of the occasion. The queen's float was most attractive, made in yellow and green, upon which the queen and her cou# of honor as well as tfhe little train bearer and crown bearer were seated. Many pictures were taken of this float- as-well as others. Parade Repeated* Sunday: « Feeling that the parade w^s beau- & Members of the jury were J. B. Wirtz, I tiful enough to deserve another exhi ANTIQUE EXHIBITS TOTAL OVER 5,000 ESTIMATE MORE THAN : 4.000 VISITORS . Ah exhibit of more than 5,000 items of antiques and historical relics were on display at the McHenry Community High School during the three days of the big Centennial and these were j membership "form" aTirthd"ay club ar( THE CENTENNIAL Have you ever experienced such thrills, such joyoufcness, such fulfillment of heart's desires ? We doubt if any of the numerous similar events can surpass those wonderful three days in McHenry. The parade, the pageant, the whirl of meeting old friends. Everyone was fairly dizzy from joy. A full week would have been too short a time in which to begin to satiate' those old time memories and let us down gradually. It <has been decreed that all the old timers who registered are now memr bers of the Old Timers' Club. Many have expressed a desire to have the "ompanvls M J'!b" i™n "was °" ."*in thatulr'6'1' """ through the Plain" 1 order to that effect issued at B,ake- John Dlst'er and Ed Pinnow.; afternoon, an act which was appre- , sons auring xnac utne4 . dealer, every member to vnte to the • ' Dr. M. D. Penny, deputy coroner of|ciated by local residents and visitors.! The exhibits were open during the FAMILY REUNION* hilT Mnndav' eveninc- at the citv i Lake . count^ conducted the inquest. ! Many of the floats have been sold greater part of the time with memto people in Crystal Lake, who are bers of the committees in-charge and CARD OF THANKS The undersigned, as general chairman of the Centennial, desires in this manner, to express the appreciation of all members of the committees for the splendid response given their efforts to make the celebration a huge success. The committees worked hard on the job and the public provided fine cc-operatiott. Thanks to all. * R. I. OVERTON, General Chairman. Saturday. 1 held Monday evening at the city <La*e ^ COnd"Cted. the inquest ill. Dailv tests will be made, and ^ was ^own/asJM.ckey' onfHlv reports sent to state Snd fed- h*/^S"W^ b°rn. m Mc"fPrY , ing an [the August meeting of the city coun .• ••. « /*.Ttiui |cil The Mann reunion was held at the,' ^ "" • hotrie: of Mr. ajid Mrs. E. E.Thomas j mt;"n"fh]y•repo, „ on Sunday/'Aug/2.^;'A;---jpic:nic dinner|,e^.aj departments by Fred F«ltZ; care- Aprrl 5/1893 and was the son of the • ,\ wfc. enjoyed, birthdays were cel^brat- taker at'the plant, who will receive lat^ J<Thn and Aujfusta Krause. ; ' ed and many ganles enjoyed, aliih^iog j^^^png this TOOnth from a man -He • received. his education v together again next year. ... ,_s experienced"in:tr.e work. noy?- putting on their Centennial. during the night a watchman was ^n-page be made a permanent feature, a COUNTY COUNCIL Judges of the floats were the may- duty. qrs of Woodstock, Crystal Lake, and ; In addition to the exhibits at tho in MC^ FOX Lake, who decided the winners. sch00l building many of the store win In this man -'Kenry schools- and .was-'always intef- ['Prizes of $25; $15 and $10 were award- dpws contained interesting eidhibit^ her the^ .sour .'SSm at the plant '^d^n ^ h^^: Especially ed for first, second and third prizes. wen. / LEGION AUXILIARY ':$$*. regfu'lar meeting of the Legion Auxiiian.- will be held Thursday, Aug. 13, at the home of the president, Mrs. Lester Bacon. Viu' Wott.' be remedied and the present h\s i^re^t ?h6wn in plans for the Centennial which he Gilbert Howard, Marshal of the parade; as well as the committee, desires So numerous was the display that -;v- I' T.he meeting of t£e McHenry'Coun-/.^nSive odor be done away with. ?,ans thf Centertmal which he ade^s weiias the.committee, qpsire? it ig impossible to. mention many of f ^rfACouricH' ,of. :the,.l££iM r^,.^ VilHnff Frank Mever wnd aftlclpated „witih a ^reat deal of.] t^^thank^ Pbil»P. .Lacey -of _ Oichard_ the articles, but following is a partial V.U » will be' held.;;*e' j: n\day ;,Gf01£e He watched with interest I Beftcfi for the use of h^ horse to Tide ^ 6f ]„ the v^'lbmoletfe Anii ni^hti ' Plaindealer in advance so that ^ve may know how you are and where you are. It is desired that thie Old Timers' : ELECT DIRECTORS U. S. Highway l2 Association held a business meeting ^nd annual election, of officers at Elkhorn, Wis., on July* 15. The following men were elected as directors for three years: James R. Gray of Richmond, 111., Matt B. Laures of McHenry and Jack Brillinthin of Lake Geneva^ Wis. feature unique in newspaper history, a page that has brought joy to all of MSrhelpinff us to carry on. _ /•- FRANK BENNETT. C; D. OF A. MEETS TONIGHT * The Catholic Daughters-of America will meet tonight in K. C. hall. All members requested to be present as this is the only meeting this month. JJath Steffes of the grade school the decorating of the streets And adboard were present at the meeting of, niired the floats that were being made thq council and asked the city to help ai^ talked and^planned about the big tir.ance the construction of a retain- ;event, whiclf was almost at hand but ing wall along the bank between the he was destined never to see. school grounds and city property^to, , por pasj twenty years Walter keep the dirt from washing down. The ma(je hjs home with his sister, school is now budding cement steps Jn|Mrs. Frank Spurling, who will miss the embankment. him mcst. This brother and sister There was considerable discussion were always together, Walter helping over this request and after much ar- pbout the home and taking an intergument it was put to a vote with three est in the place and being most aldermen voting, "yes," and three vot- thoughtful, of his sister. He was a ing "present." A vote to reconsider loving brother and a good friend, thd question was then taken with the, The deceased was a member of Mcresult being the same, after which the Henry Lodge, N. 158, A. .F. & A. M. . ,, . . list of items in very complete and in the parade. . . - , valuable display. Among those having floats in the ; -. v Walls were lined with homespun spreads, paisley shawls, children's -*7 EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. N. J. Nye was hostess to the Emerald Bridge Club Tuesday after-, board decided to leave the decision to He was a lifelong Republican, worknon.' Prizes in bridge were won by (the public property committee. ' ing hard for the party and making Mrs. Albert Krause, Mrs^,V.'.Mtotin, Material for the improvement will plans for the coming election. • cost $117.50 and the work will be done His mother, Mrs. Augusta Krause'. by the WPA. If the city shoulders perceded her son in death last Octobthe debt it will come out of the taxes er_ of taxpayers of the city of McHenry, Surviving are his sisters and broth and Mrs. Albert Vales. R. N\ A. MEETJ5 . The regular meeting of Fox River Valley Camp R.N.A., was held Tues-' whereas if the school district assumes, ers, Mrs. F. G. Spurling and Mrs. Will day evening. Plans were made for a public card- party to be held Wednesday afternoon. Aug. 19, the place to be announced later. The camp will not meet again this month «<lfiless members are notified. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. Charles Pich entertained with a miscellaneous shower in her home the debt it spread over a- Feltz, McHenry; Mrs. George Garlarger territory. •.'ry, Wheaton; Mrs. J. C. lolly, Crystal Auditor J. W. J^Orth is assisting the Lake, Will H. Krause, McHenry; Guswaterworks committee this week in tav of Albert Lea. Minn., and Julius putting on a house to house canvass -of ^ Genoa City, Wis., and a host of to looate sewer openings and work relatives and friends. cut a system for sewer rental and wat- Funeral arrangements were in er rental which will be collected to- charge of Masonic Lodge No. 158, A. gether in the future. j F. & A. Mm of-which lie Was a ntemtax of sixty cents a montp will be ber. Thursday night, July 30, for Miss' jss^ed for each sewer outlet land this Sen-ices were held from the home Rosalie Stilling, bride-to-be of Mr. |arnount will be included in the water on Waukegan street at 2 o'clock on Karl Barnickol. Thie twelve guests biHg. Monday to the Methodist church at enjoyed bridge, the first and second! Aldermen Buss, Justen and Freund. 2:30 p! m., with Rev. R. W. Pinnel^ prizes were won by Mrs. Herbert mem^jers of the waterworks commit- officiating. Bob Peterson sang appro- Michalson and Miss Eva Stilling. Fol-, teCi wju each take his own Ward and priate selections, accompanied by lowing this, light refreshment- were with assistants will canvass each Mrs. C. W. Goodell. Masonic funeral served. >-.v house to determine the amount of j-ites were read at the grave. rental necessary and the whole plan Friends who acted as pallbearers will'be mapped out in detail. The were Clinton Martin, Lester Page, water bills to be issued soon will in- Glen Wattles, Seth Richardson, Robclude the sewer rental, also. ert Thompson and Donald Harrison.' This work is being done according Those from out of town who attendto orders of the state and federal de-! ed the funeral Monday were: Mrs. partments governing this work. ! George Garry and son, Robert,. Wheat- The treasurer's report showed a on; Mrs. John Krause, West Chicago; balance of $5,398.53. Qther routine Mr. and Mrs. Julius Krause, Genoa business was taken care of at this' City, Wis. ; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jolly, FAMILY REUNION . A Blake family reunion was. held it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton P. Freund in this city Sunday. Those! present were: Sr. M. Ildefons, O. S. F., Messrs. and Mesdames John Blake, "Wm. Blake, Mat Blake, Joe Blake,, Frank Blake, Tony Blake, Jack Reinhart, Irvin Schmitt, Harvey Nye, Anton P. Freund and their families and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Justen and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blake. dness, including bills to be paid. ^ Births * » * »•!••><< 4-» » »<• »»»»•»•• » Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Efhrke and son, Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ehrke, Miss Ehrke, Mrs. George Krause Mr. and Mrs. Milo Boardman of Crystal Lake. . Card Of Thanks parade were: " . _ . / v: McHenry Brewing Company." . Meister Brau, Charles Hei'drich. Standard Oil Co. [ H. E. Buch & Son. Hydrox, Albert Krause. Alexander Lumber Co. Anheuser-Busch, Wm. Mertes. McHenry Council, K. of C, Wattles Drug Store. Blake's Garage. Schwerman Chevrolet Sales. Stoffel & Reihansperger. Buss-Page Motor Sales. Peter J. Schaefer. Nye Jewelry Shop. Jos. W. Freflnd* , . ": . McHenry Floral Co/ Kent & Co. B; H. Freund Motor Sales. , John Schaffer. Bai*bian Bros. V My Place. " Legion Auxiliary. American Legion; - • ' R. I. Overtftn Motor Sale's, y Adams & Freund. MSHenry Ice Cream Co. Riverside Dairy. West McHenry State Bank.' McHenry Postoffices. Bolger's Drug Store. City of McHenry. Eastern Star. , ' . v . Royal Neighbors. Catholic Daughters of America. Farmer's Mill. • . " ; . • Women's C. O. J*. , Pure Milk Association. Baur & Baur. , Epworth League. , , Empire Theatre. » Karls' Cafe. y - Claire Beauty Shoppe. Queen's Float. McHenry Fire Department. C. & N. W. Railway. Plaindealer Old Timers' Daughters of G. A. R. FAREWELL PARTY Members of tihe Sunshine club with their husbands and friends, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Adams Wednesday evening in a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Frietag, who left this week to make their home in Brookfield. Four tables of five hundred were »h° eiEh, pound, thank Eej. R. W. Pinnell, Bob Petev-|tTo! Khe tune of « Oh My I Wm Gerfiardt Refreshmpnts OTrB and nme °Unces- Wl11 be named John , son and Mrs. Goodell, donors of carB ; ^ Clementine"), se'ed at^e^ dose Tp^t £>***' both grandfathers. Mrs, Freund, and_ members of the ^asonic lodge. " ing and Mr. and Mrs. Frietag extended the best wishes of tkeir dresses and many ancient things, show cases held some of the most valuable articles and tables and even the floors 'were covered with ancient relics. In the antique department there was a collection of guns, among which was a musket used in the Revolution, ex: ; hibited by Jake Stock, Fred Schoewer exhibited a gun over 100 years old, a Philippine Bolo used in 1901 by E. V. jOr vis, a Colt revolver carried in the Civil War by Ben Parker and loaned • by J. W. Smith, a powder horn by John Claxton, and a target rifle used iby Page Colby in 1850. j Other items were .* Gun used in the Revolution; army p&il carried by John Sanborn through the Civil War; wood 'shoes loaned by Mrs, Joe Stilling; fi*ying pan for fire-place, brought here by Wm. Hankins; Civil War bayonet loaned by George Stilling; covered iish, 200 years old loaned by Mrs. A. ;Eddy; teapot over 100 years by Mrs. Klontz; a piece of a set of blue willowwarfii inherited by Mrs. Jos. Rahdall, who died in 1878 at the age of 96 years; platter brought from England j in 1840; plate 95 years old, brought from Ireland by Mrs. Bryan Frisby in 1849; Indian stones and relics by James Hughes found here; bible of Wm. H. and Margaret Judson Hankins jj^.1813, exhibited by Mattie Smith; "Letters on the Revolution of Frartfce," in 1791; British Red Coat, 1760, exhibited by Mrs. B. L. Orvis; handspun woven counterpane; copper ket-j (tie used as coffee pot twelve weeks on jthe ocean in a sail boat; whale oil .lamp over 200 years old, which remained in one family in and near Belfast, Ire., during that time;; in the ; first century it was used without a [chimney for whale oil, but during the ilast century it was used as a night lamp with kerosene; cup and saucer over loo years old, used by Sarah FORMER RESIDENTS Hayden Granger; Persian shawl over CONTRIBUTE VERSES 100 years; handmade table runner; dishes and table belonging to Mrs. Ben Schim- If you have Real Estate to sell or • if you wish to buy. property, w.e will appreciate a phone call or a visit to ! our office. PHONE 43. R. WALSH. . ii-tf Maturity of Fur Seal$ Pitt seals are remarkable in that the bulls do not reach maturity until they are six or seven years old, whereas the cows give birth to their first pup when only three years of age after a period of gestation of over eleven months. The bulls at maturity average upward of 500 pounds each in weight, while the mature females average only about 75 pounds. Experimental marking has shown that bulls attain a maximum age of about fifteen years and cows about twenty years. N*w Ticket Robot British railways have installed a robot which prints, dates and Issues tickets, at the same time automatically adding ths sums up. and discussed in McHenry since the marvelous success of the Centennial, exhibits. No doubt we will hear more i of this in the near future. . I THC Week Days, 7:20 -- 9:20 DST 10c --25C . The Plac«* Where It- fe ** : 8 Pleasantly Cool • * FRIDAY (Last Day) "FURY" SATURDAY Bette Davis -- George Brent 'THE GOLDEN ARROW' ALSO--Selected Short Subjects SUNDAY AND MONDAY AUGUST 9 -10 Grace More -- Franchot Tone "THE KING STEPS OUT" Also--Cartoon, Camera Troubles In Color, "Big Shot Now" World News Suns. Matinee, 3:15 Continuous TUES., WED., THURS. AUGUST 11-12-13 .EJdw. .G. Robinson -- -- Joan Blondell "BULLETS OR BALLOTS" • •v.v-". It's Worth Driving Many Miles To. Enjoy Our Perfect Air Conditioning. We Can Keep You Comfortably Cool While You Enjoy the Finest Entertainment. It Cost No More To Enjoy The Best. INDEKr/lN'S WOODSTOCK MILLER Last Times Thursday EDW. G. ROBINSON in ^BULLETS OR BALLOTS" REASONS TO ATTEND ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY I 300 friends. STATE REFUSES APPROVAL Refusal of the state department of agriculture to approve the appointment of Dr. S. A. Ridgway of Paris for the office of county veterinarian ! Will make it necessary to select another veterinary to fill that office. Word of the state department's unwillingness to approve the appointment was received by County Clerk R. D. Woods. Dr. Ridgway was selected from several applicants by the committee of the county board to fill the vacancy)left when Dr. G. W. Hess of "McHenry went to New York. ..... cHenrj-s'former residents St,!1,n^s grandfather, Math have written verses honoring their mel- who ,c J ame ^erica in 1843; own home town. M°rs. Lenora Stevens can,dle ,mold usfd by Chaunc7 Beck" Mr.vand Mrs. Alex Adams are par-; ' j VanSlyke of Waukegan wrote the Wlt^: charcoal flat iron; pancake turnents of a seven-pound boy, born! In this manner we desire to express S Centennial song entitled, "Our Own fr used by Harriet Holmes; chain used Thursday morning, Mrs. Adams was ! our thanks and appreciation to neigh-j McHenry," and Mrs. Mattie Smith in ma^in£ the Erie Canal, Clarence formerly Loretta Diedrich. j bors and friends for the beautiful j Owen wrote "To Greet You." Draper; wood barley fork; book of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Freund are par-, A°>al offerings, expressions of ,sym-| These appear in the souvenir book Jonathan Imeson's, who was born on ents of a little son bom Saturday ,»t' P»thy and acts of. kindness during our lets and are being re-printed below: iDec< 21' 1808I homespun spread St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan. recent bereavement We also wish to | "Our OWIJ McHenry" brought from New Hampshire in 1837 by Rev. Joel E. Wheeler; spinning wheel brought from Germany by An- Iton Weber; hair wreath 100 years old, exhibited by Mrs. Ada Smith; pattern for ox yoke loaned by E. A. j Thomas; ox yoke used by Wm. Hution; ox yoke loaned by Rob Richardion; churn 100 years old, owned by Wayne Foss; bar used for leveling j the stone which ground the grain in grist mill on Green street; black [cherry cane . used by J. F. Claxton [ was formerly Bemice Weber. Say you read it in THE PLAINDEALER.. i We have heard the praise of cities, Sisters and Brothers of Walter [North and south and east and west, Krause. *11 -.But for us it's old McHenry, _ ~ | She's the one we love the best. MRS. ESTHER BEERS, [oh McHenry! Oh McHenry! . < 106 YEARS, FORMER I Where the shady streets are lined > BFCRMRWR TC TUP ATVWIT^ the homes friendly people; RESIDENT, IS DEAD ptace and comfort there we find. Mrs Esther M~~B^rs nioneer resi-!'e&T]y Pioheer day8' _ ^ f J: J , ^ hen past generations came, «, Old Scottish Custom When harvesting time came fci Scotland the prettiest girl among the workers on the harvest field was chosen to cut, the last sheaf of corn and to decorate it. She was lmown as the "Hairst Queen," harvest queen She had to carry the sheaf dent 0f McHenry and of Chicago, died ! You .• to the farmhouse to the accompam- | Sunday Aupust 2, in the home of her | beaUtiea' ment of bagpipes and fiddles, where t u i, • **__ «r:n: ,irL!l. |. yvnicn today lemain the same. the sheaf was hung from the rafters in the kitchen and a dance took place in its honor. Sometimes Ceres, the goddess of corn, was represented as a doll. The Hairst queen having cut the final handful of corn would tie it up with ribbons and dec'k it out in honor of the goddess. granddaughter, Mrs. William White, I fv, M „ , 6514 Bosworth avenue. Chicago. Uv. -h McHen,y! O.h McHenry! fwhen he and Chas. Nordquist climbed 'JPike's Peak 40 years ago; bed warmer brought from England in 1836 by V* * • S3 W '/l v 11 A t Cil Uv| 11i vO ^ U • ITa1 • I 1 j . •'!«*,'R. . Thompson; a cradle owned bwy C. Beers wfes a resident of McHeni-y for'i f m size you re not immense, j Draper, a Wood augur used by J. R. more than twenty years coming herejr OU /Ve ^t^youi independence _ (Sayler, now owned by Thos. Kane; a after her imiiaoriruiaaggec tIoU Doctor EMzt.. An.. .r&.rpt-' e * . sha,U, °W- false Pretense,' - i" 1859, and remaining here Thos^ °/iUS ^ho no more have y°u- t • his rieath in 1R79 4s.our home f™ year to year,. > Subscribe for The Plaindealer. Post-Centennial Week-end ICE CREAM SPECIAL . >^Aad it's another LUICK Poesn't t^iis sound good and m^ke your mouth water? A melting mound of smooth, sweet cream with the delicious flavor of crushed Hawaiian pineapple and juice fill - , . e d o r a n g e s ^ . v ! ' - ' - . ! . McHenry DrUggist, Including Luick's Ice Cream P> Bolger Phone 40 li nage Beers in until after his death in 1879. „ i „ ... ... , . - Last March 6, Mrs. Beers, with four'p. '• leJ°lc® your achievements} ; generations of her family, celebrated i Ga'ns m aI1 that llfe holds dear- ; fher 106th birthday. Despite her ad-; Oh McHenry! Oh MeHenry! } vancied age Mrs. Beers took a deep ini terest in world events. With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Salisbury, she migrated westward from Rome, New York, in a covered wagon in 1840, a very hazardous journey at that time. The family pa^ed through Chicago, a struggling vilf| ve dollar bill dated 1837. Historical Exhibit Pictures of people and places "of ,an earlier day claimed the interest of rVisitors in the historical room, where •books, letters and other old pape We unite to sing the praise Jwere scanned. Of your past and of your present- | Brown with age there was a paper And of all your future days. j published in 1799, telling of the death --LENORA STEVENS VANSLYKE.. of George Washington; pictures of ,many old timers, including L, E. Ben- • 'To Greet You" .nett, photographer; Mr. and Mrs. A. As Ybu celebrate this year, %, H. • Hanly; Mr. and Mrs. Robert „ The advent of your birth, ' Thompson, George Gage family; John lage which had only been organized F^^ds will gather from far and near Stoffel family; John Carey, J. E. Basfor three years. The community, asj AncJ j°in in a11 your,mirth. sett; Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Brown, Ed Mrs. Beers often recalled, centered j Twill be a grand and glorious time Owen; Mrs. Beers in 1870; Mr. and around the fort and trading post andj For all who can attend; j'Mrs. J. R. Sayler; Rev. Joel E. Wheel- Indians were frequently encountered j People will come from every clime, ®r and bis wife; Uncle John Harrison, at almost any point. The Salisburys did not remain in Chicago, but settled at. Crystal Lake in MceHnry Co. Mrs. Beers lived in Crystal Lake until her marriage, when she and her husband moved to McHenry. Doctor Beers served as a surgeon with the Union army during the Civil War. Surviving Mrs. Beers are three, children, Mrs. Jennie E. Tyrell of Chicago; Mrs. Etta E. McKnistry, Hollywood, Calif., and Charles H, Beers, Hoxie, Kansas. FuneraJ services wjere conducted Monday, Augsut 3, in the chapel at , 7066 N. Clark street, Chicago, and the interment was at McHenry Monday . afternoon. , And friend will meet with friend. 'Tis here we learned our A, B, C's, Those days stand out so clear, We cherish many memories great grandfather of Chancey Harrison; Wesley and Phoebe Ladd; Mr. jlind Mrs. Allen Colby; Freeman Whiting; Mr. and Mi's- Thos. Phalin; John J M. A. Conway, Mrs. Ray Conway, daughters, Betty and Marion Graced Sister Marie Gratia and Sister Mary Martin visited Fr. Walter Conway at Watertown Wednesday. • , - This agency is pleased to announce that the Traveler's Fire and Indemnity of Hartford, Connecticut, have been added to our list of strong, re liable companies. EARL R. WALSH. i Of school mates and teachers dear. McOmber and Betsy Monroe McOmb- These grand old days all are passed. But forgotten will never-b®. " Many questions will be asked About those you will not see." Where is Tom ani Dick and Harry, And all of the oth*sr boys? Well most of them did tarry . In good old Illinois. - So here's to good old McHenry'town On the grand old river Fox, With beautiful homes up and down, Qivita banks above the locks. *--MATTIE SMITH OWE& er; Simeon and Hulda Covell; Mr. and rs. Henry McOmber; Col. Nash; Dr. Norton. Then there were views of the mill dam 58 yeiirs ago; the Owen home; Barbian Bros., cigar factory; West Side town pump; fire in old town in 1896; Wheeler home made of the first bricks from Covey brick yard; first drilled city well; Mary Griswold; Old Wilburn Lumber company; old mill pond in 1904; grade school 1897, Kate Howe teacher; old Robert Schiessle place; Owen farm; C. Beckwith homo• scene of the brick school; brickyard where Louis Wrede house is; Fox River Valley mills in 1888. Among the Among the Sick books were a bible published in 1814; 14.1 i i ; r i a » CoUnty treasurer's book of L. Schank, . Mary Jean DoKerty, daughter of Mr. .first treasurer; book of psalms andand Mrs. Paul Doherty, had her ton- many others. sils removed at an Elgin hospital Sat- , Plans for a permanent museum in urday morning. * McHenry to which people may donate Gale Kennebeck had tier tonsile- re- their antiques and where they will be moved Wednesday. r ' carefully preserved, are being agitated STARTING - :: Our Big New All Day Idea ON SATURDAY ONLY You Can Attend the Matinee . WED. - - THURS. Robt. Montgomery Rosalind Russell "TROUBLE POR TWO " Bargain Nite "DESERT GOLD" •10c - 15c SATURDAY Only Chas. Bickford Florence Rice Florence Rice in "Pride of the ---Marines" "FLASH GORDON / FRIDAY ONLY Cary Grant Jdan Benttett "BIG BROWN ""EYES" Also' ."FLASH GORDON" SUN. --MON, A Riot of Laughs JOE. E BROWN Joan Blondell Wini Shaw in "SONS O' GUNS" Also 3 Short Hits FINEST AIR CONDITIONING IN ILLINOIS Wken a Budgeting Housewife needs a friend.- FOOD VALUES The'thriftv housewife know* the can save monev bv huving her f a m i l y's food al A&P • ••'y-nhc-Imowa too. thai quality M never »acritii-< si by AI&C for the Mfca of price cutting. AGED AMERICAN CHEESE . UBBY'S TOMATO JUICE . GOLD MEDAL WHEATIES 4 2 ^2lc si 25c s?8 21« BRANDYWINE BUTTON MUSHROOMS 3ssf 25c PRODUCE' Valencia Oranges, Small Size 2 dozen 29c Idaho Red Potatoes. 7 lbs. 25c Cabbage, lb. v 6c JSeedless Grapes, 3 lbit 25c 8 O'Clock Coffee, lb.;L.2i;.-r:....i5c; Sunnyfield Flour- 24^-lb. bag . 79c; R. & R. Egg Noodle and Chicken Dinner, 1-lb jar 25c. Rajah Cider Vinegar, Quart bottle Pint bottle Thos. J. Webb's Coffee, 1-lb. can Sunbrite Cleanser, Three 14-oz. cans Ivory Soap, Guest size 6 cakes 27c 13c 23c Snow White Northern Tissue NUTLEY 3 lbs. . ..... 49 lbs. Yukon Ginger Ale. Root Beer and Assorted Beverages Four 24-oz. bottles ...- 25f Bacon Squares, lb. 19y2c; Minced Ham, U> 20t Veal Loaf, lb. 20c PL Corn, Peas or Tomatoes, Three^No. 2 cans 29r Super-Bakt. Soda Crackers^ 2-lb. pkg. . • • .... ... j 15c iBrandywine Button Mushrooms, Three 4-oz. 5Qe FOOD STORES f;

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