, r. ,, *• - - $v": - ~y yit^^ 'nt np F-** •> *. •*- %- *>>• p»J <.:•#. ' $?** iv/ r » p•$ ^..<-rr'»r Thursday, August *, 1936 CARD OP THANKS I desire in this manner to express thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends for the splendid assistance rendered at the time of the fire on my farm Saturday afternoon. Also to the McHenry fire department. x . *11 JOHN H. STILLING. McHEJTR? FLAIHDEALElt Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Moritz of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of her brother, H. J. Miller. I Mrs. Jessie Walsh of Grayslake viewed the antiques at the high school Sunday. Mrs. Walsh is a former teacher in the grade school many years 'ago. ^ ^OO&inOll Invites You to Attend th« ILLINOIS STATE * * * * AUGUST 15-23 Saturday, Aug. 15: C. W.Hintk Thrill Show --WLS Entire Broadcast --Society Horse Show--, Illinois ?4i#ht--1-Air Flight Contest. 9 DayB of Inexpensive Entertainment and Instruction for the Entire Family SUNDAY, AUGQST l6t ALL VETERANS DAY August 17-21 (Iticl.): Grand Circuit Racing -- Society Horse Show--Complete Show and Fireworks in front of Grandstand --State-wide Hi(?h School Band Contest. Wednesday, Aug. 19: Republican Day. Thursday, August 20: Governor's Day and Democratic Day. Friday, August 21: Farm Bureau Day. Saturday, August 22: Auto Race*--A. K. C. Do® Show . --Illinois Hound Show -- Illinois Gladiolus Show. SUnday, August 23: State-wide Beauty Pageant---Juvenile Drum and Bugle Corps Contest--Motorcycle Races--Croquet and Roque Contest. Price Reduction on GRIMSRUD QUALITY WHITE SHOES Women's and Girls' Knockabout Sports $1.49 All White Buck." Leather Soles. Goodyear stitched perforated and . stitched with underlay, bringing out the graceful lines. $1.98; Values WHITE OXFORDS Straps and Pumps $1.98 IN BUCK OR KID ••'•V- Flatfesr;Vc:»," Cuban or High Heels L\* FABRIC*. 79c :-V>/ i;vvvm"v ts>V •? 'A7\^ r' iv.'-'J7.. r. • ,/W*" MEN'S SNAPPY NU BUCKS J&4.Q0 Value $2.98 BOYS' -- Reduced from • $1.98 to $1.29 Misses' and,Children's OXFORDS AND STRAPS Infants Sizes, 3 to Large 2 Men's Work Shoes and Oxfords $1.98 VENTILATED OXFORDS $1.49 ^Ladies' Pure Silk Hosiery, Chiffon and Service Full-Fashioned. New Shades. Full length, pair 59c JCnee length, pair . 39c > Also Men's Work and Dress Hose. 15c and 25c per pair. Popp's Shoe American Made Shoes J Fbr the Entire Family . (>ur Expert Shoe Repair l)ej?t.,-Air Mak(^;-9f;Sie«rin,Jr J Machines Repaired Under Guarantee. ^ Hand Loom Rugs Made To Order Main St. Telephone 162 West McHenry, Illinois NTERESTINO NEARBY NEWS STATBFOUCE RADIO SYSTEM TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES With partial service .of the State Police radio system recently inaugurated, Chief Walter Williams of the Illinois Highway Maintenance Police "has requested public co-operation to RINGWOO and daughter, ay afternoon at Mrs. Charles Marion, spent F Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs.'Ed Moore of Chicago increase the effectiveness of this new I spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. wwsu «-•_ u , / , service. Citizens of the State can jMcCannon. . Bob Mann, proprietor of* Ant inch's' ™hjj!>,e »ss|s'"nco by imme<i-| Mrs. Vjola LoW spjnt Thursday fr;of tf1-' J ^;rn in ,h*Uslie Al,ec at \ aran a winch had broughv. prompt p0|jce attention to the Statue I ' u. 9 j w t C p along a n^t of eggs m the bunch. p0iice Headnuarters Mr. and Mrs. J. C.^Pearson and Mr. Mann captured the huge spider aiid T11. . -'iv*.!s;;,- • land •_ Mrs. Ray Peters left Monday placed it in a glass jar. JJltnois will have thf iflost-.c{)tnplete |morning for a trip through the East. E. rL . Mumilil s, 26, of Ch.ic ago, was t,h e anda efficient nSut;a„tre Police radio system.1 i Mu.,s - Cn. Jr, . -Jt epson- and. d.a u' ghter' s, Victim latter Thursday until Sunday pev. and Mrs. Collins spent k ifew 111. George Shepard and Page Three of Chicago spent from Friday until liamson and daughter, Josephine of JilMdav evening in the George Shep- Los Angeles; Mrs. Foss and 'son ard hoi^ and attended the Centen- Wayne, and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson nial at McHenry. Mr. Heine was oat i spent Sunday in the Alec Anderson f o r S u n d a y . - • j h o m e . • . ' • v . ; V ; lyirs. Andrew Butler and children-of j Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet and family Chicago spent Friday artd Saturday in visited the Lotus Beds Sunday. the B. T. Butky; home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and family spent Saturday in the Ed Peet home. Miss Maxine Clay for a visit. ni> •, . , .anu euicieni Aiaie roiice ranio system u. r> "v t- • . , , ^ Mills, Chicago, the {_ rv<. , wjiiu^ - j ' Jepson and daughters, of his wife's error while the |"\vher\ thi'- ,v-tem i<* in^ full ; 01ive and Virginia and Andrew Jepgon was learning to cast on '< °,pc™-ienjoyert a trip to Mammoth Cav.- i. of. 7.. tlon' , he»said, will be able .to.es- Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of Elgin was" a caller here Sunday. .. • - Mrs. George Young and ion. Alfte^V remained j were; visitors at McHenrv Friday. • Miss Eva n'illiams of Chicago ?pent Mr. an<h Mrt#f~FeT^ev Davis and Mr. ^he weekend at the home-of, her paravnd Mrs. Stanley Carlson and daugh- ents-^r- and Mrs. Henrv Williams. / ter of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs.' 'Floyd ] Ethel and Lora Wiedrich were vis- Foss of Richmond; MV. Dora' Wil- itors at Richmond Fridav rriornine. ; ; ,1, , \ , o , . v iron, ne°saia, we win oe j Uke l»s.t veek Sunday, resulting in pmctically instantaneous con-' ' th0 f ^ ^°°^s striking kmy in w;th any officer on dutv e\"en' , , . f. t . „ , • the face and entering the^heek., AthouRh he^ rhay k riding his- patral ^ tW f! week at >^d.on, W aueonda physician was , called upon.-hHes-^vay: from other ^ean^ otcom-Mr- and Mr^' riomrtvo inn "• . . • . . . .. • t to - re• m. ove„ the hook. . ^ ! imiiuunnnic.faitiiiuoyni. «ft*niidu rfegardless' otffi ^weia'tmhn^er r,f - J •tro™ ,Wedrio,day ; until; f A n^w fire truck with a 600 gallon, conditions ' 1- ^ • Fnday Chicago. jper- minute capacity has been bought ..'rni, ;ji. us u «-- • 1 f, Ringwood held its- Home-coniinjg:! 'by the puixhasiricg department of the ' , ^w»th'which officers reach ihere Wednesday. A firie program was! Woodstock cfty council. This truck scene of », crime or other emer- enjoyeiaM;.« Cafeteria; sup per was • !replaces the present 350 EalIon per:sen<:r Wt^mport- servrt - - • 1 - - - " - * a nee in police work. We now have the Quite1 a-i£w from; l^re attended the: , minute truck. -A-" larger truck of the i" *» r- *• v..„ department • is able to pump 750 gal* Jean^ ^ ^omniumc^ .necessary /Or- | Centennial at McHenry. $1.00 Tderctto our men just as soon as eutj; Elizabeth' and Lorraine Tottie : of A t o t a l o f Y r d u c k s ^ recently , on two successive can meet ahy such sliuatiort wiU there-] Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lichtenh Ions per minute. ! killed NOTICE During the summer months my McHenry Optical o;fficc /in-building will.be closed. \ E^mined r;;:i '•<: aSsIl:i Glasses Fitted Dr. Paul A. Schwabe . OPTOMETRIST ; J»h6he 674 -- 'Woodstock (for;app6iHtiriefitt; s Monday Wednesday --r-- . Saturday' and twentj | citizens of the State to report prompt- jernoon at Wauekgan. ^ e a * ily all matters requiring immediate at-[ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuetzc nf Mrs. Frank , nights on the Jarm owned by Frank fore depend to a great extent on theLf Bentbn.lll, ar^vg^ng i«i Gr^en, president of the First Nation- time that elapses before headquarter^ffealph Simpson home, % al bank of Woodstock, apd tenanted, receives its information, . j Mrs A L Laurence and sons WTil by Joe Smith. Fifty-two were killed ^ , 4u i ^'r v *1 j i!" | the first night and --^!" For ^hls rea90n We are a^ng the | ham and Joseph spent Wednesday aft j second. The belief do^'or a^ox °SS^^ ^one ^ a strange; tention of the State police directly to ; Milwaukee and Mr. and «.•„ mo" ndj XNT elson, «oOo i of v>nic&fl|Of io• urt 1near*est headqu«rters. This, , will ii ^B lock and •f am** ily of«• Keno•s>h«a , s•p•e nt suffered a dislocated finger Sundav of ^ "»Jor crimes, serious accident. Sunday with. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Heplast week while playing softball at d^ders-, and lost persons .burn. . _ , • • . 'one- of:the Bang's Lake beaches. H* .. Information should^ be telephoned; Mrs. Nick >pung spent Thursday at was taken to the Ros* ^mere-encv hos- to the pohce • headquarters at Spring- McHenry. ' 1 - . . . field or to the police headquarters Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hitchetts *5f nearest. District police offices are Chicago spent the forepart of last Elgin . Chicago, week in the F. A. Hitchens home. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, Mrs. W. B. Peoria, Champaign, Collinsville, Ef-i Harrison and Mrs C. L. Harrison at- turat.e l,v , some children whu o "hua"dj ubefeinn i gh£a' m"' and .D uouoin. /tended the Advisory Council meeting : v , ;*u • , . . .• .- The first of seven broadcasting stv: at the home oft Mrs. Dan Desmond a^t about the premises ai is>h.4o rt time be- . * , • , , T \ri nn nna tidns went on the air June 16 wheVi «>iodstock Mondaj. injured. This old structure had been Governor Horner dedicated th^prin^Mr. and Mrs Ralph Smith and son, bad conditiorf for sonle time and ^ld station. The Duquorn station will of Haivaid spent The old ice house on McHenry avonue, Crystal Lake, collapsed Mon- !?r Ca.^ a T r tfl u i t i j day afternoon of last week, most of ^orth' Jo1,et- Pontl&?> KockJ*l&™}< the building falling to the north Fgr was leaning to one side more and more be P1^ 'n operatio"- by-iaboutAu |with the each vear. The building had been fust. l- to u be followed by the Ch.cago-M^. 8. ^. SnutK condemned by the state fire marshal Stat,fm about August 15 Stations at Sunday afternoon former's parents; - Mr, and Mr. i-uiiueimiru .uy mi*- Mail* uie iiiniMmi „ _ J and numerous residents had often ask- Stealing, Pontiac, Macom ) and ing- „vn p l proper- ^am are now under completion and all v\a>ne ross home and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Richnent Silnday- evening, in the Roy Hobart of Ostend sp'ent' Saturday evening in the D. L Hall home. Mr. and Mrs. George * Bacon of Aned that it be torn down. .... . ty is owned by the United State bank. wiH bo service by the end of the Time was when this structure was a smvimer- _ , busv place, tons of ice from the lake Approximately 200 squad cars an .. . j Tnun Wnifo onH ,4oiitrKt ;• VipJnw in it diirinrr the wintor 350 police motorcycles have been i tioch and John Wolfe and daugQtii, being stoied in it dur ng the wmte ^ receivers specially do- Jean, spent Sunday with. Mrs. Jennie for summer consumption here, jce. equipptti »«n J machines ended ice cutting. > signed to operate efficiently undei e Miss Rillie Rnhin nnrl Hn-rv Con A most unusual fishine accident oc- riK°roUs Usage of police serV'ice. Also, Miss •Billie Robin and Han\ Cona mo. t unu. uai n. nmg accmf nt oc tu_t pl*tv DOiiCe sher- ne' °f Chicago spent Sunday .aftevcurred at Tower Lakes last week Fri- 18 expected that city ponce, sner ^ Vjm:tu u * dav When a ladv's hand was pierced ^ and other ,ocal law enforcement noon in the S. W Smith home, oav, wnen a laaj^s nana wa. piercta . j 4.up;r offices and Mr. and Mrs/Henry Hinze of Crysby a-fish hook. No, it is-not unusual agencies will equip their onices ana - • / • for a person to become "hooked" while police cars with receiving sets so that tal Lake . pent Sunda> evennig with ior a person to pecome nooKen wnue *- reCeive all crim- the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. out fishing, but m this case the victim thej >»» «>e aoie to receive an cum „ _ / was a spry lady, Mrs. Martha Evans. |nal aml otheJ' p®1,ce *nf®rma Mis^Bernice Sinith of Aritioch snert't S4 year, younp:, who was enjoyinc breast b^the State PolK. some casting when the line back- system. _______ The Home Circle will meet at the lashed and the hook became imbedded •. , ' ' • •- ' \x of Mrs B. T BlUlpr Wednesin her hand. Believe it or not, an 84-1 - • • year-old casting enthusiast. Mrs.! SPRING GROVE Evans was brought to the Ross eme^ j ^ k - » . tiinp. gency hospital. Wauconda, where the"=! V-- 11 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson and fish hook was removed. ^ Mrs. Frank May was hostess to the daughter of Chicago spent Sunday -n Earl Stevens, 22 years old. of Peter niembifrs of her club on Tuesday even- the George Youpg home. Porten's subdivision, Wauconda, suf- ing_ Three tables of five hundred were j. Mrs. F'red Wiedrich and *daughter, fered an ugly cut on the right leg play and prizes were awarded to1 Mae, were visitors at Crystal Lake Sundajrofiast week when-'he-ram-^^i^p-^yp- .• KaUner,---Mfs-^e8eph-,Mm<dav morrrtng. / • / . • -- i to a barhed wire fence. A Wauconda Brown,tartd' Mrs. Charles Preund' while Mr. and Mrs. J R. Smith of Mcphysician took several stitches to jyjrs . M.ark Pierce received consola- Henry spent Monday in the home of titin., -The. serving' of a lovely lunch their daughter, Mrs. George Youftg brought this pleasant evening to a and family. Iday. This will be Capsul Sister day. ,Luncheon will be served at one "o^h<ck AS LOW AS LOOK! Big, Husky, Safe GOODYEAR SPEEDWAYS SIZE PRICE PRIZE QUALITY at every price 30x34 a $4.95 4.40-21 4.50-20 4.75-10 5.0019 5.25-18 Other sues m proportion '• . • ' ' w/,. W alter J. Freund ^--4 Good Used T i r e s In A l l S i z e s close the wound and administered antitoxin A bold • robbery • tfcok place Sunday cj0ge j^e club will meet next month Mrs. Wm. Heine and son, Eugene afternoon of last week at Diamond at'the home of Mrs. Vincent FelteW Tires, Batteries, Battery Charging, Tire Vulcanizing, Etc. " GASOLINE, TRACTOR AND MOTOR OILS Phone 294 West McHenry, I1L Lake, when a prowler entered the Frank May> Jr was painfully in-i . summer cottage-of Amelia Beanchini .juiwl..Tuesday afternoon when he fed' and stole three women s purses con- whUe at plav breakilvg his left arm ' taming about $35 while members of just above lh'e wrigt The injured arm I the family and several guests were- at wi], be in a cast for several weeks. , lunch in another part -of the house. | The Communitv Club held theil. leg l The three purses" had been placed un- ula,. manthlv meeting on Tuesday | der a mattress In ope of the bedrooms njght_ FoliowinK the meeting, cards' for safe keeping, At the conclusion of we)e enjoved and refreshments were1 he luncehon. one of the guests went served b the committee. to the bedroom to get her purse and Miss Lucille Kimsgevn, who is em- ^ discovered the robbery. A search of(ployed in Cfiicag0j is enjoying a two the premises revealed that a screen t w^k-s vacation at her home here. . had been removed and entrance to the' Charles ^^.entertained Father cottage gained by climbing through I)aleiden and the usht,rs of St. Peter-S |the bedroom window. Church a» his home Thu^day night. Charles Wieland well known milk Cards and Vlsitm were the e?enin 3 deakr in^Ch.cago has purchased the pa,t_lime Ref^hments were serxed. plant of the Richmond Dairy Products^ .Claudc Guff of Iowa js vi8iting Company and taken over the lease in tl)e home dUoseph Brown and fanv .wherein it is located and opened the :> plant for the receiving of milk Sat- , Ml, and Mrs Arthur Kattner, son. urday morning of last week. Thus BiHy> visited in tbe h«me of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffrtian in Wilmette, Friday night. Albert Britz underwent a tonsil opwill be good news to this community and many dairymen in this and surrounding localities vfrho will thus find a nmrket (or their milk. According ;^atwn al Dl, IWk^y's Emergency to Mr. Wieland he will give the plant, hofcpjta| in;Richmon(1 on Saturday and his peisonal attention and a consider- •. able amount of milk daily has already been contracted for. The plant is lo- AND YOU'LL CHOOSE A FORD! is "recovering nicely. ,j Among those from this vicinity who ] . . . . t> , • attended the Centennial and enjoyed I cated in the former Shmner Packing he de at McHen Saturday aft-1 Co. building, now owned by the Bur;|trno<>n wero Tom McCafferty, daughlington Brewery and Is modem and ,ter GJoria Mr and Mrs Math Ni*J lup-o- a e. . _ -gem, daughter, Lucille, Mrs. Al ' esc0anpeedr urnThuJrtt i*n ! tw23o au.to amnodJbi,l°eV ceoilf- 1 Schmeltzer, Mrs. Arthur Kattner, son. f Bil, % Mrs Krank M so Eugene ; l.s.ons on Main street. Wauconda dur- Mrs Math SchlTllttr Mrs. Chtrles ! ing the past two days. Virgin Berk- Freund son Xon!my Louise Brown i and Lorraine May. ! Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern, sons,' ley, 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs August Berkley, suffered the loss of one tooth, three more teeth were loos- » .i , , j j i_i , i.. , Arthur and Lawrence, and daughters, ened, his lower lip was cut and his cpr,vi- 'rpnvp right leg badly lacerated Tuesday S^^ mi to wisnight, when the car in which he w'as riding collided with an automobile,! driven by Mrs. William Barth, near| the intersection of Rand road and ' j Route 176. The Berkley car was be,- consin to spend several days this week with relatives. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner on Monday were Mike ing driven by the injured lad's broth1-j-W apfr and <amlIy' Jos?p^ **ener er. Elger, the two boys being the only ChKago^ and Mrs. Fred passengers. Elger was uniniured Mrs. I ^Thorn, daiighter, Horence of Wau- Barth was accompanied bv her daueh-j fan" „ . ._ _ ter. Miss Helen. Neither were hurt ! ^seph Brown and. Claude Guffey ac- A Wauconda physician attended thc companied Charles Freund to Chicago injured youth and found it necessary iwhere they atteTlded the *ame between to take several stitches to close his ECONOMY 10% to 1S% mori miles per gallon . . . That'swhattoday'sstook Ford V-8's are showing over previous Ford V-8's in public gasoline tests now being run by Ford Dealers. The test cars are equipped with a see-foryourself glass gallon jug so that you can check the. results. We invite you tor make a test run with ua. YOUR FORD DEALER Many owners report no oil added between regular changes. Low delivered prices. Ex=_ change parts plan greatly reduces upkeep cost. PERFORMANCE 85 horsepower, witlr' the thrilling "feel" of V-8 smoothness and pick-up. Centerpblse Riding Comfort --springbasa almost a foot longer than wheelbase with all passengers seated forward of the rear axle. Unique Roadability-1- Torque-tube drive, radius rods front and rear, free action on all four, wheels. Easy - H a n d l i n g -- Shock) ess steering, easy,- acting brakes and clutch, silent helical gears in all speeds. , VALUE ;Only V-8car below (1645. (The other 8 American "•Y-type cars cost from $1275 for Y-12 Lincoln- Zephyr up to $6750). More braking surface for car weigh t than any other car below $3195. Fine-car engineering*-- ; Centriforce Clutch, mirror- polished1 cylinders, (no "breaking in"), 44" floating reargaxle, and many other features. Safety Glass all around at no extra cost. Welded s t e e l body s t r u c t u r e . Separate luggage space. Large tires. wounds. Goarult the, "11 ADS the St.- Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field. Whaler Reached 72 S. Latitude According to records in Sydney, an Australian whaling vessel, the Venus, ventured beyond 72 degreeis south latitude in the South polar region of the Ross sea nine years before Explorer James Ross made his famous voyage between 1840 and 1850 " : • TUDOR SEDAN WITH TRUNK (Modti Ulustrsitti) '545 F.O.B. DETROIT--ill" wheelbase. 85 horsepower. Safely (.lass all around Included, standard acceaaorv ftroup extra. Choice of J colors. Terms as low as 125 a month after usual down payment under I'llC 'j9i » month finance plans. BEACTIFUL NEW L\ I ERiORS Deer Have Scent Gland* on Legs peer carry scent glands on their Uad legs. S - • • • • 3 OET THE"FEEL"OF V-8 PERFORMANCE! GET THE FACTS ON VS ECONOmyi