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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Aug 1936, p. 6

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d'jis £-;v:> •>" i - • » - r THE SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE: By LEONARD A. BARRETT . 1 • "r^ 1--• PLEASANT MEMORIES __ - A. .Ar<a~. of the universe is :: •-.•Milwaukee,. Wis., July 2l> 10S6. ^spiain<,ea,er' ^ plenty to feed all who are brave .enoun'h to leave home in such extreme heat. I suppose the weather man will is friendly provide " McHenry, 111.. • s^e that you have plenty of rain for ed our attitude to-; , Since many of thf "eld timers": tbo^vent. ... , ward it is- friend-/have been writing, and reminiseir.g . The program sounds like a good lv, and vice versa, about the. good old days spehjt in Mc-; for till and \vith Doc Bennett Nature is irrevo- fj'enrv, I, too,-thought I might: send as Mastet Ceremonies, sueces§ itt; assured. . Will be with you all in memory as I enjoy the fruits and flowers of Sunny California. Wishinp McHenry and all Old Timers. '.'Banzai'" or the Japanese way of cable in the. axio- jn a feW; pleasant memories. matic decree that j came t0 McHenry as a little girl, obedience is lib- and when old enough started' in at erty and disobedfJ school While living;with the Joseph ence is slavery. Wiedemann family, I marched along H o w e v e r, t e tt) the Catholic school for forces of mind aivhije; The school was located near &nd ' nature a t p the old Irish thui:ch, and it was a lit- TwVrsQ 01^ gftBiZe^ " tie franiw- building of only one 109m.: tfc.aVSundays .• : btis called ",a.t the the nnt^play femes and ^ook us to the Oe. .. freedom o cfto •;j-r^t'hplic; church ,at" John^b.uvg for 25 Sundays .the and Jook us to the German • s 0 Ti ,"n-^H"^tholkv-t«Tt^John^b,urg' This ^'°uld be- a sairy ,\\or_ ^ cents., ro.lntd .tjri'pv' Later 1 went to-the • ...A K«on -giv* . ... SKS -jtr staisr the aUerna^ves in-life. **'_ .p ^ First came Mr. Dinsmore a.gboddiscover "one our greatest and ^ a b,e ma„. Then > - ' **?,' ?PXSre M SPMuch of the zest in life would be ;*ond of music and singing.^and , it vvAfp riettriv'ed-'a song we learned from Rim. saying; "Live Forever." . - • Sincerely, . ALICE" AN EARLY SETTLER -r-f ^ Waukegan, liften him in payment for a cow; the doctor who came through the snow drifts at our call; our dealings at "Bolander's;" John Knox, our R.F.D. mail carrier; our school teachers, Mae Welch, Mary Bolger, Mamie, Katie and Margaret Knox; the chocolate cake Mary Fleming used,.to make- for, our "tea parties." • Mrs. Clifford Sherman and' Mrs. Frank Wattles were schoolmates of mother's, Viola Magooh then. Besides these, we cherish the meni-- ory of Wilbur Bassett, our uncle, whose, aged widow, Aunt Jennie,-lives with her son, your retired postmaster, and our cousin, Eber Bassett. Mother has recently returned from , choir, while Will sang bass. Many China, where she visited my sister,' fine voices made sweet music an out- Mae, who has been a missionary there standing attraction at the Sunday M. •for- twelve years. > "* ' E. services. I still can hear,.the clear,, '.vt enjoy my nursing very inuch and rich tones of Mrs. Julia Bishop's soam supervisor in the, Glerjd&le Sani- prano, the deep, colorful notes of Mrs. tarium and HospitaL " . Gailaher's contralto, Dr. Auringer s We enjoyed a visit, a couple year* beautiful , tenor and. Jay J. Vasey's , ago. frorh Genevieve and Dorothy sonorous bass voice, Many others *iKrt«x and Casie McCate* To other helped in the choir at different times, Wilson, scrubbed to a glow and Clothed in Sunday best. Mr. Mdnson I cant' remember. Thera probably are others besides the Charles and Henry Colby families who I'should recall but -- memory fails. V ' • West McHenry regular attendants were many. Among them, the most outstanding was dear little Mrs.,Isaac Wentwiorth, so forthright and faitful in attendance at church and prayer meeting. She would proudly walk to a pew well to the front with Mary and Hettie close to her, followed by her youngest son, Will. Later years saw Mary and Will in the choir--Mary at the organ as accompanist to. the Mr. Masher; JulJ:28;:1936,. ..VVi^A Editor, .Plaindeal^r. Drar Sir: v> . .. . I am requested to write CQn'CMnfng my father, Benjamin Gilbert, wkho was among them my mother, (Alto);- Mrs. Will Nichols (Soprano); Lovina Grimalby, Belle C°lby, Ed Walton, Char- McHenryjtes who may be coming to California, we extend a hearty invi- ^aiion to visit us. ' GlendMle. is ju6t nine; miles from the, heart of ^os An: lie Johnson, .Archie Eldredge, and too geles. ; c . ... ; - priany more tO jjiientionv T.,; ^^^^^ri'V'Anbth^riaittily that Ws: regular iti ent at the-Centennial, • We hope thHt ' attendance at Sunday1 servicies" ' was among the early Settlers. He came to, the day will not be too hot, and that t^at of Ed Sayler and his tiny wife, McHenry^ in October, 1854, bu^t a lit-1 it will not'rain. (We don't hstve" to I jjay' Colby Sayler. One, two, three tie store on what is now'thfe Wirfs |worry about Such things 'in. Californ.--!^n^ finally five little girls came with many property, later built larger building t ia.) , . .. , , ,rH[r. iparr,p(i frnm Tfim u„: and in 1884 that building was remod- We are sending ten cehts, pl Jh^thruT^f adventure^ It^s the i also' started a library in- our school, j ded- He was in business for over | send us the souvenir copy of the Plainthe tnruJ 01 aavemu e. j t ^ his West Mc-! years m an exclusive grocery, al- • dealer. spirit of adventure that furnishes I wonder if some the power which, keeps the scien- Henry pupils remember the play he tist at his ,task' in the laboratory, gave, called "Grandpa's Birthday"? The spirit of adventure has given Willie Schreiner, Clara White, Reaka ] us our modern comforts. Edison's Block, Grace Mead, Frank Mead, j.? spirit of adventure gave us many Grace and Asahel Stevens, Allie j mgs w^th all. He died June 2, 1914. of the practical uses,of the electric Smith, Hettie Wentworth, Guy Clem current; Franklin's first telephone mons, John Ralston, Barbara Wiede ways having the reputation of keeping the best quality of groceries in town. A man, quiet and unassuming in manner and honorable in his deal- Very respectfully, MRS. W. E. COLBY. tells its' own story, of adventure just mann,' myself and several others were as Morse's telegraph system ac- jn the play, and we gave it.two even-] ANOTHER OLD TIMER Clinton, Wis., R. 1. v: July 28, 1936. Greetings to the many friends we have not mentioned. Most sincerely, ; < ERMA HENISE, 128 Carr Drive, ' Glendale, Calif. A. copy of the McHenry Pltfindealer, them, Ed always carrying the youngest down to the second or third pew on the east side of the aisle. Such happy, bright little folks with their proud parents positively sent a delightful glow of pleasure over the whole congregation upon their entrance. Grandpa and Grandma Wheeler were attendants as long as health permitted. Eugene Wheeler, his wife, son, Joe, daughter, Mabel and later little Lil Han made another interesting family group in the congregation. Oh, could go on and on! • I wonder if any one of you Old Timers remember Mr: and Mrs. Bigelow, claims it. The same spirit gave„us ings at the brick schoolhouse which j - 1 the automobile and many of the stood near where St. Mary's school! ihodern comforts of life too numer- now stands. .'The money made from EiHian Sayler, ous to-mention. i this-play was used to buy books "for ( Local Editor. Who' wants his life "cut and our library. ' ' .. . , dried" for him--planned to the most! Does anyone lemember the pond i date of June 2o, came to me today and r various laleresting tetters. The one my dear Sunday School teacher fiftyick of the schoolhouse where we 1 was very much interested in "School: from my ^ister, ." BEST WISHES 4 ". Spencer, July 27, 1936 Mr. Mosher, McHenry, 111. I have just received the Plaindealer J one Df the^M. E. Church pastors and of last w^ek and finished reading the wife? Well, I do, for Mrs. B. was Mr. and Mrs. Harrys Moore, with her sister and father, Adam Leitner, all of Elgin; called on Mrs. Ella Wheeler Saturday and saw the Centennial parade. « DIAMOND LAKE RINK Skating Every Night 25c Monday --Free Ice Cream. Tuesday --Free Pop. Wednesday -- Couple Night. ; One Girl and one Boy forr^^ ~ Price of One. . . Thursday -- Balloon Night, •Prize. • Friday -- Bank Night ; Open Every Night Mr. and Mrs. James Fay of Chicago are spending a two-weeks' vacation in this vicinity. •VK-'^s minute detail with no opportunity back of the schoolhouse where we Days." -contributed 'by Harry E. | Ardmore, Wiphtman. For the benefit of any' ing. y Mrs. Amy Chapell, of two or three years ago. It is easy who wish to know, will say I taught in McHenry from !880 to 1884. I was iiiarried to Archie N. Tripp Sept, 24, ©1 original self-expression? The vvent at recess time apd caught most fascinating road is the wind* j polly-wogs. and the pompom pull- that leads to some un-:.uvay games' w^ played "with our known spot^ . I teacher ? I have so many fond mem- We fellow the traiL enthused by ©ries of _ my childhood days and of the very spirit of uncertainty. It | the dear older people who tried to, 1884. and removed to Belvidere, 111., is said that airplane travel is posit t make life pleasan t for me. There j vhere I taught from 1886 to 1904. I tively exhilarating because of its 1 we^*the' Wiedemarnis,"the Wirfs, the i ne^ei' attended any school except the appeal to the adventurous spirit.| S c-Kumacher^ the Buss', good-, Oldi McHenry, Public School, and the old Our very lives react to the same: . and Mrs. Schnorr (who' "always 'town and school are very dear to >nef, spirit. We love the thrill of suc-jhad an appie< cooki£ or flowers to of J and I hope to be in McHenry on. Satkla., is, specially interest- Althougtf I am twelve years older thari sh<yl recall many of the incidents of that day, and° many more that I love to think of for the twenty- three years of a happy childhood at cess which awards Ous spirit. the adventur- fer gomo p00(j child), Mr. and Mrs. Block, Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Although some persons suffer the+mjmy ,Q herg ()f blessed memory. The tragedy of wrong choices, others. d » ^ ^ ,acc rejoice in the awards of victory. , i • * t . When nothing is attempted, noth-!^ fish; and how^ we did enjoy ^ ing is gained. We must "launch out I P^easul ^ SP°,; ^ win ei a into the deep." The element of cer-: preat piace for skating and .in sufntainty in final results does not im-;mer *or »oa"ngr _ _ pel th.e highest motive power.. Later on a clovei^dner Leave large room for the spirit of; on the hill near the mill pond. Mamadventure. Be grateful that life of-iof us children used to go fers the gift of freedom, the powei of choice, the opportunity of encountering risk, and the privilege of undertaking a dangerous and daring feat. © Western Xewppaper Union. urday, August 1. Very truly, » Another Old Timer,, BELLE STODDARD. for me to remember as I have a pic ture, a tin-type of the class,--Mary and Hettie Wentworth. Edith Carpenter, Grace Stevens. Anna Schuenaman. Bertha Tripp, *nd yours truly, Dora Besley. J ' I think her' influence over that class HOtJSE CALL OPTICAL IN rOUR OWN I0NC NO EXTRA CHARGE the . old home in RicHenry, with its j was quite remarkable and brought many cherished . memories, "of dear iasting impressions of true Christian- Dr. Kagan will carefully examine your eyes and fit your glasses $n your own home at your own convenience, using the latest and most scientific methods with the same instruments he would use in his office without extra charge. Why not call in youn eye doctor as you do your family physician? Eighteen years of experience is your guarantee of complete satisfaction. For appointment, Phone Chicago, Franklin 8510 -- McHenry 60-W or Write to -- Dr. M. M. Kagan OPTOMETEIC EYE SPECIALIST 108 N. State Street, Chicago MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with you. Joseph N. Sikes Waukegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, IIL TEL. MAJESTIC 103 •v' *• / $100.00 REWARD for the name of any man living or' . ,,...... dead that has sold more McHenty ; . County Real Estate than has Dan '• •*, Quinlan--that's alt he does. Fartris". for Sale and Rent in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin! Large and small ones.* I sell farms." DAN QUINLAN Woodstock, 111. > Long distance private phones Gabby Qertie V. F>* NEW MEMBER FROM OREGON Redmond, Oregon, July 24, . Mr. Ray McGee, Chairman, vas built" Centennial Celebration, ' 1 McHenry, 111'. " Dear Sir: .' ; I recently received an invitation and program for the celebration on August 1 and while it has been many years since I was a resident of the "old home town" and I am too far away from there to attend the celebration, I thought it only proper that I acknowledge the invitation. While the people in attendance would be, for the most part, strangers ' to me, 1 would enjoy being there. I was born in McHenry in 1873 and frienSs,-has been a great comfort to me. As we growf older, we find ourselves living over again the pleasant days of our youth, and recalling the childhood associations of dear friends. My sister , ^speaks of the "Mary Griswold" of those days. I have a picture of the old boat, that toqjc so many gay parties to the lakes in those days. I am sending it to you for your exhibit. It was a gift from our Captain McHill, whom we all liked so well. I am sorry my sister and I cannot Qne duet they were fond of singing „be there with the" few, remairting was> "Do I Wake or Am I Dream- Owens', and the various old-time j ing?" from Queen Esther. Another friends, to help you celebrate the 100th or>e was. "Life's Drea'nt is O'er." Do ity to each of its members Do any of you remember wher> Mr. John Evanson ran a clothing, dry goods and grocery store on north side of Main street in West McHenry and' Mr. Chet Stevens ran one of like ilk on^the south side of the street? Do you recall how Mr. Evanson would call out in his musical tones, "Berries, berries, nice fresh strawberries." Then Mr. Stevens would call back in Vike manner, "I do." Before they'd-get through they would be singing duets. Anniversary as, I fear, not many of us will be present at the next celebration. So sorry our brother, George, you remember later, Charlie Johnson, who claimed to wear a "yellow jacket" when he was looking for a "job" workout and 1 pick the red clover blossoms alone i the roadside and the railroad track aind received two cents a pound. About once a year a circus came to townand pitched its tent on the grounds where now the public school 'stands. Well do I remember the day several of us /girls stood together longing to see the circus but hadn't the money fcr it. When along comes the circus man's wife and spied little Elsie Schumacher and told her to go and spea tt> a certain man whom she pointed out and she was sure he would take us in. He said "Alright, all take hold of hands and follow me," ard in we went 'mid the applause of all the people. Manv of the dear old friends and . -schoolmates have left McHenry, but in "Gagetown" at the time he decided j wanted to meet our brother, Ed, from mc from that task. You spoke of a OLD POTS and PANS mad<a New AGAIN with GLO Brighten eld pots and pans! Keep your cooking utensils like new! . GLO, the cotton-soft metal wool, instantly removes all stains! Just 10c for a package of six pads and cake of vegetable oil soap at good grocery and hardware stores, • everywhere. Ask your grocer Today about the FREE GIFT offer with GLO. could not be with you, as I know he ! etj for Mr. Evanson and added hi? planned it with g^eat pleasure/for he^ beautiful baritone voice to the street loved old McHenry and its many ten- : sinking- ? Truly those impromptu proder associations of youth, and old grams were very much enjoyed v DR. B. C. HUNT VETERINARIAN . Crystal Lake, Illinois Telephone 452-M West Hillside Road ; , " FIRE AUTO FARM LIFE INSURANCE EARL R. WALSH ^ , Presenting Reliable Companies •' When you need insurance of any land Phone 43 or 61-M Pries Bldg. - - McHenry I^hone 43 J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Fries Bldg. OFFICE HOURS Tuesdays and Fridays Other Days by Appointment McHenry Illinoi* friends. 1 well recall their baseball -those who happened to be shopping or Makcb &vui}Uunq(GLOW for over five years lived in a house jdavs and the arnica bottle^ which was' living near enough to hear. 'o n-rnnaw IVroT-lrot whichwas, I think, just a block west always important. Thank you, Amy, for your fine let- "Cnaeier S UTOCery ana JuarKet of the Riverside Hotel. Our neigh- We absent ones will be with you in ter. To me it was most enjoyable and bors across the streertothe west were | thought. Hope you will have pictures j covered most of the vivid memories the-McOmbers and to ttfti) south were i in your paper of the merry crowds.' Qf which I expected or intended to the Hermans. My father, Philo D. ' Wishing you fine, cool weather and { wrjte in my next letter. I owe you Smith, was in the mercantile business^ pleasant meeting of old friends. I double thanks, therefore. You saved come out; for the Centennial celebra tion. I have been paying my annual visit to McHenry and the dear friends who still live there, for many years. When there on Sundays I always enjoy visiting the old Methodist church, where I first attended church and Sincerely, MRS. MAME OWEN SCHNORR. 14iaven't forgotten them and hope to' in 1888> to' move to Kansas. He and j Calif., also, my old friend; see at least some of them when I .J»s brother, John M. Smith, engaged Schnorr from Council Bluffs. in the general merckantile business in Osborne, Kansas, for a number of years. While visiting my cousin, Lon Bishop, at Medford, Ore. a few weeks ago, he handed me some clippings from the Plaindealer which told of happenings of fifty and sixty years ago. I Fred " Sunday school and where -Mr. and -bought them home.and enjoyed read "A loud dresser always wears bangs and noisy wraps." My Neighbor SAYS: All green vegetables except spinach should be cooked with, the lid off the saucepan. , Mrs. Vasey sartg in the choir. I left McHenry when I was thirteen years 'old and attended school in Chicago^or awhile. Later on I went to Milwaukee and entered training school and am still following my profession as a nurse. Greetings to the old friends'land1 hope to see you soon. • Yours sincerely, ; ? K ; LILLIE BREYER. WEATHER IS FINE HERE 3874 - 46th St., . E. San Diego, Calif.; Old Timers' Club: ing them immensely. Many of the names were familiar to me and some of the people I remember very distinctly. I have a number of relatives still living in and around McHenry. Father and mother have both passed away. My brother and three sisters are all living out on the coast. All THOSE WONDERFUL DAYS 216 Jetferson Ave., ' Elgin,-111. " June 29, 1936. TotheOldTimers'Club, Of the McHenry Plaindealer. McHenry, 111. meeting we old schoolmates. held in [Elgin a few ye£rsc ago. That Was in July of 1921, and was held in my home at 675 Raymond street. Since then we missed you at several get together meetings. One was held with Hattie l Mead Dalton, one at Lois Whiting Senne's in Crystal Lake, and one at Kate Howe May's, all meetings, m Elgin save the one at C. L. _£. Kodak pictures were usually taken each time. Did you have copies? . - Wish I had time to write of my NO BQ1UNG! NO RINSING I I l/otl l Cllttaitll J&oA Jifze neivivit/i (Gypsy ECRU CURTAIN DYE t5* Dear Old Timers: To take up the subject of old school- memories connected with my father's mates of West McHenry and McHen- drug store, where I acted as clerk at ry, we mustn't forget Minnie Damont,! odd times for many years, as did my a sister or niece, of Vesta Sturtevant sister,. Mayme. Many interesting inwho lived once upon a time in the cidents might be related about Mr. ^ Frisby house, Reka Block and her sis- Simon Stoffel, Mr. Flave Granger, Ed but my youngest sister were born in j ter, Mary. Reka married Theo. Hanly, George Hanly, Joe Fitzsim- McHenry. Some of the old timers wjll j Bethke of Dundee. . Mary became tx mons, Will Nichols, Frank Parker, no doubt remember "the twins," Vho!nursei and eventually was head nurse John Knox, Ed Knox, John Stroner, were nearly ten~years 6rd~%he'ft~we+m. the maternity ward of Sherman Mr. Schnorr, John Brentz, old Mr. moved west. • | Hospital for a number of years. Sayler Arthur Whiting, Amos Whiting I didn't intend Writing so long a let-j Where is Mary now ? I've lost track and many others too numerous to ter, only jus^,'a "thank you" for the 0f her. Our old friend. Hattie Mead mention. Jerry and Sam Sherman * j • . I McHenry, 111. ^ #°ream spFea.d °v?r; | j have been much Interested in the! ZTJZ ft Ple 3USt -^ef0rl lt Js big event about to lake place in Mc-j put' into the oven will make the Hgnry and want to thank tha commit- Very truly yours, LEW E. SMITHf% OM SUNNY CALIFORNIA "Glendale, Calif., July 27, 1936. stfid if the benzine removes the polish, apply the well-beaten white of an egg. © Associated Newspaper*.--WNU Servle*. •invitation. i Dalton. lives down here on the cor- were potent medicine devotees so w« ner of Spring and Summit streets, and saw much of them. Will Sayler loved she keeps herself pretty busy with 1 good cigars and he knew where to get family, church and Woman's Relief them and always bought a week's sup- Corp work. "I used to see her quite plyoften, but of late," our paths don't Amy also spoke of visits to the cross quite so frequently. Henry Mead farm west of town. Well Etta Parks Bryant lives on M§y St., *do 1 remember the grand looking and We were happy to receive the invi- Minnie Parks Mintch lives on Douglas delicious honey to be had there. I It would avenue, Glen Waite ,who so recently *lso remember are fine paintings Earl passed away, lived on Villa street. , J Mead had done and hung all over the And speaking of Glenn brings to my walls. He did several which my famniind how many of the Old Timers of ily still cherish. thought nothing of their! My dear friends, I hope you may and j Sunday walk over to the M. E. church | derive some small pleasure from my I in West McHenry. Among them I re-1 rambling in the past. I surely have every one of your letters. into the crust brown and flaky. t » , , . 1 tee for the kind invitation. K»pn 1 ' u t I'm very sorry not to be able to at-•• The McHenry PlaindealelTi SSSltft but, duf L the hectic weather . De.,. ' With lawn mower leave cUppings. I?1*1 ,s S(lueezinP th« whole country Tliey serve as a mulch j into a temperature far in excess of.tation to your Centennial • • • jcomfort, I decided to stay in God's own , be a pleasure, indeed, to attend.- Leather picture frames Dort. country and enjoy the cooling breezes! Wfe have been in California now, folios, etc., rnay be cleaned with peaceful Pacific. When our; eleven years, but have visited McHen- - benzine. Apply it with a soft cloth weather broke a 59-year heat record ry several tfmes. We are always ifi- McHenry last week, when the mercury soared j terested in the improvements to 84 degrees in San Diego, I decided ! changes we have noted. it was warm enough for me. j Of course, the friends are what we!call Mr. ar)d Mrs. Rollin Waite, Eloise,1 enjoyed POTPOURRI Legion of Honor The French Legion of Honor came into being in 1802 under Napoleon as a recognition of conspicuous military and civil service. Political maneuvering caused so many awards to be made that in 1872 a law reduced the number 6y half. The membership is now limited to a total of 30,270. No degrading punishment ean be given a member of the order; , © WinTi rn Newspaper Untflin,;. I tried to convince myself that meet-1 treasure most and their kindly acts! Millie. Glenn and Allie Waite; Mr. ( Margaret McDonald, I am proud to ing all the O. T. would compensate for and services are often remembered 'and Mis. Sherburne, their daughters, count you among my old friends, and all discomfort of the weather, but did, with gratitude. Dr. Chamberlin's I Anna and Fora; Phil Mayes with his ! wish you to know I still treasure the not succeed. | counsel, that saved me a front tooth dear mother and father; Mi', and Mrs. ' Irish crocheted collar and cuff set you I hope the reports of the heat and I nearly broke off playing "blind man's J Bennett. Clara, Alice Herbert and made forme. Enough for this time, drouth are not as bad as the Calif or- bluffMr. Carl Stenger's extending' Frank (our inspiring. Old Timer)-^)h As ever your Old Timer, nia papers say and that you will have the time on a note my father had giv- yes, must not forget Mrs. Gates and DORA BESLEY PRICE. Oypsy 3 ui" »*T"| .f] CUKliurtti FOR SALE AT Wattles Drug Store Main St. ; McHenry, 111. P o l i s h Y o u r C a r this New Easy Way Apply Johnson's amazing new Auto Cleaner and Polish quickly, easily Simply rub creamy white liquid over surface--let dry to a fine white powder -- and rub it off. To protect the finish apply Johnson's easy-touse Auto Wax. F R E E ! while >h«y lost-Ont regular si ze can ofjohnton's BlaclcTouch-Up Enamel with every purchase of Johnson's Auto Cleaner and Polish and • regular can of Johnton's Auto Wax at the •pecial prce of 98c. John Mycitil Hardware Green St, McHenry, UL Downs Motor Express The Pioneer Line Operates daily between McHenry and Chicago Phones: Wabash McHenry .7518 . 256" Telephone No. 800 /' / Stoffel &" Reihansperger - •y- V' UMurance agents for all classes at property in the beat cmnpaniea. WEST McHENRY ILLINOIS S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phon* 127-R McHenry '• i. OUT experience i* at Your Service in building i Your Wants A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor rrucking, Hydraulic and Crane ---- Service " -- Road Building T«l 204-M McHenry, IIL Charlie's Repair Shop Just East of Old Bridge Over Fox Riv«r ^(Saar Schaefer's Tavern) RADIATORS REPAIKBM BODIES and FENDERS Straightened ^ - Sign Painting . •. --- Truck Lettering Acetylene Welding CHARLES R1ETESEL KENT A COMPANY All Kind* of v - " I N S U R A N C B , ; Placed wkh the most reliable Companies ia and talk it «« "bom MtHcsr) I Lot* of Banana* < r«e hundred varieties qf tttUlabae In the putch East Indict. WOW- \T POMT 5AV AMVVXMERE 1UAT HE EVER SEMT £ACK A ?osr TOP, WA, $En_lEVE THAT v^OWAVA AKiO -m-E: WWMZ StoRV ^2 By O'DUhiDi i\ 1 I

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