P: Thursday, September, 24,1936 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT, CITY OF McHENRY , McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, ss. v The undersigned collector of Special assessments of the City of McHenry, dfllinois, does hereby publish and advertise th^t a return to the general officer of the county having authority to receive State and County taxes, will 6e made, of all, unpaid special assess Geo. A. Stilling, Sly 40 ft It 9, blk 19 Iii.45 Roy Kent, 25 ft adj Sly 40 ft . It 9, blk 19 , 61.80 Special Assessment No. 10 McHenry (West of Fox River) H. J. MilW, E 24 ft of W% Its 10 & 11, blk 21 58.45 Special Assessment No. 11 Kent's Addition to West McHenry Nye Bros., It 5, blk 1 $ 142.53. West McHenry H. J. Schaffer, W 63 ft of E 195 ft It 2 blk 1 .......... .... Katherine Boger; W 72.25 ft of E 267.25 ft It 2, blk 1 .... B. Barnard, W 16% ft of S% , It 2. & S % It 3, ex W 50 ft John Miller, It 4, blk 2 W. F. Vogt, S% It 5, blk 2 H. J. SchMer, S% It 9. blk' 2 Jennie Gorman, N 66 ft of It 11, blk 2 106.21 26.84 26.84 26.84 147.46 58.31 54.80 410.74 299.65 'riients or installments thereof matured and payable, or interest thereon,] Ben J. & Margaret Brefeld, Its fOi interest due to January 2nd,- 1936, : ll, 12 & 13, W 1 ft It 14; S bn installments not yet matured on all' 33 ft of W 49 ft It .6, & S Warrants in his hands for collection j 33ft 0f It 7, blk 3 ................ all .previous unpaid installments. M. J. Walsh. E% It 18, blk 3 • PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Robert Patzke^ E% It 1, blS 6 ' GIVEN that, the general officer, of the , (bounty having authority to receive , Stete aiid County taxes in the CQunty • in which such lands, town lots or real ; . property may be located, will make ^.application on the 5th day of October, ; A. D. 1936, for judgment against said "lands, town lots and real property for '. jBfiid assessments, matured „ installments of special assessments, interest " ihri costs due thereon and for an older to sell such lands for the satisfaction thereof ; that on Monday, the 19th day of October, A. D. 1936, as fixed by •the said General Officer of the county, 151,57 312.09 105.10 268.85 268.85 144.64 Rdbert Patzke, WMt It 1, blk 6 Win. Tesch, It 1, ex W 184 ft blk 8 ... Special Assessment No. 12 McHenry (West of Fox River) Everett Hunter, S 4 ft It 10, Blk 24 I;' 6.89? Kent's Addition to McHenry Nye Bros., It 5, blk 1 132.15 I Sec. 27, T. 45 N., R. 8., E. of 3rd P. M. Frederick Beller, It 26 ........... 287.91 Frederick Beller, It 28, ex a pc , k of land beginning at the NE corner of a pc of land conveyed by £. M. Owen etc .... 264.71 kll such lands, town lots and real prop- j 26 T 45 x R. 8 E of 3rd P M ^erty-will be exposed to public sale at • Eve*rett' Hunter, "it 31 93.90 the Court Hous^ in W oodstock m Mc- . • «'.,» , _. , _ Henry County^ Illinois, for the amount I w -A^sessm^fnt No. of special assessments and matured j* _ McHenry ( est . installment of special assessments, in-1 Margaret Brefeld, It 2, blk 10 $ 217.15 terest and costs due thereon^-- ??aT^ret 2 * ! n 217.1o Hereinafter contained is the list of' Schaffer, Nly 50 ft It 10, the delinquent lands, town lots, and! -V"* reaT property upon which the special | Mrs. Theo. Bickler Est., Wly : ^sessments or installments thereof! 39.33 ft of It 1, blk 20 .239.71 155.54 or interest thereon, remain unpaid; the' names of the owners, if known, the total amount due thereon, together With interest and costs as provided by Statute. - Dated this 23rd day of September, A. D. 1936. \ ' MAYME BUSS, City Collector, City pf McHenry., 4 Special Assessment No. 6 McHenry (West of Fox River)-" 7.30 7.30 16.48 16.48 •31.81 16.74 Jos. W. Rothermel, It 2, blk 5 $ Jos. W. Rothermel, It 3, blk 5 Jos. W. Rothermel, It 5, blk 5 Jos. W. Rothermel, It 3, blk 6 Henry J. "Schaffer, Nly. 50 ft 11 10, blk 10 .*. J. C. Bickler, Ely % It l6 It 9, blk 16 . .1.^;. J. C. Bickler, It 12, blk 1 6 . . . . . . . .J. C. Bickler, Ely % It 11 ex SW 58 ft of NW 25 ft of . E% thereof, blk 16 ..I........... J. C. Bickler. Sly 11 ft It 5 & Nly 19 ft It 6, blk 17 Fred Justen, Nly 56 ft of Wly 75 ft It 5, blk 18 Fred Justen, It 5, ex Nly 56 ft of Wly 75 ft thereof & all of It 6, blk 18 A. F. Anderson, Sly 59 ft It 8, bik 19......... A. F. Anderson, Nly 1 ft It 9, ; blk 19 ............i. H. J. Milljer, It 6; blk 21 H. J. Miller, It 7, blk'21 ..>. H. J. .Miller, sub-It 2, k 10 ft sub-It % It'll, blk 21 ;.v Owm's Outlots to McHenry 1 Jacob ^efeld, It 6 West McHenry, Illinois H. J. Schaffer, Wly 63 ft of * Ely 195 ft It 2, blk 1 H. J. Schaffer, SMs It 9, blk 2 Robert Patzke, E% It 1, blk 6 /Robert Patzke, W% It 1, blk 6 Ray Page, Sly 66 ft of S% It 1, blk 9 ' Hanly's Third Adda, to W. McHenry J. B. Kelter, blk 3 7.30 Sec. 35, T. 45 N„ R. 8, E: of 3rd P. M. C. Norton Qwen, 180 ft. of that part lotyl lying W of a line that is parrallel with and 150 ft distant Ely,, etc. Stenger Covalt & Weber, 110 ft. of that-part It 4 lying W of ^ line that is parallel ----witt and 150 ft etc Josephine Boley Est., It 1, blk M. L. Worts Est., Its 2 & 3, ex E 80 ft., blk 21 H. J. Miller, Its 6 & 7," blk 21 Jos. N. Miller. Ely% of Back St. adj on the W & Wly 53 ft Its 2, 3, 6 & 7, blk 22 Mrs. M. L. Worts, It 8 & Sly 10 ft It 5, blk 22 436.56 Special Assessment No. 14 West McHenr^vHJ*" 182.58 566.65 757.11 339.00 H. J. Schaffer, W 6S ft of E 195 ft It 2, blk 1 ..$ 244.88 Louis Erickson, NElyH, It 8, blk 2 .; 1 Christine Dowe, N% It 9, blk 2 16 48 Jennie Gorman, Nly% It 11, * | blk 2 16.74 Delia Matthews, E. M. Owen's 29.76 29.70 29.76 29.Y6 129.76 29.7$ 86.23 86.23 M. 801.19 116.25 58.73 29.98 74.16 74.16 Est., Add'n., It 1 50.45 E. M. Owen's Estate Addition Floyd E. Covalt, It 5 108.5fj Mrs. James Powers, Sr., It 9 .. 176.78 * | Sec. 26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. 16.74 Fred W. Vofltz, Jr., It 20 .*.... . jFred C. Feltz, W1^ It 22 16.48 Fred C. Schoewer, E% It 22 West McHenry, 111. Special Assessment No. 16 ®2.70 Tesch, E 80 ft of sub-It ' | 1, It 1, blk 8 $ 188.89 14J96 ^ George Lindsay, N% of E%. It . 8, blk 8 188.89 Ray Page, of the S% It 1, blk 9, the Sly 66 ft 312.08 Herbe's Addition to West McHenry Job. F. Yasey, S 66 ft of W 132 ft, It 8 54.85 Owen, Stenger & Allen's Second Addn. To West McHenry j Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 1 R1; Stenger, Weber, & Covalt It 3 1RAR Stenger, Covalt & Weber, lt"3 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 4 Stenger, Covalt. & Weber, It 6 1.39 16.48 16.48 16.7? j 16.481 16.48 16.48 6.51 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 9 374.43 C. Norton Owen, It 9 374.43 C. Norton Owen, It 10 374.43 Stenger, Weber & Covftlt's Country Club Addition Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 1 $ 345.18 . Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 2 368.65 | Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 3 368.65 15.94 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 4 j Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 5 j Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 6 1 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 7 • 13.64 Stenger, Covalt & \Veber, lt 8 368.65 M H. Detnch, It 3 Special Assessment No. 8 j Stenger. Covalt & Weber, It 9 270.25 McHenry (West of Fox River) i Sec. 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. Jos. W. Rothermel, It blk 5 $ 15140 Chas. S. Owen, That part It 4 . 198.38 290.07 198.38 365.30 163.19 163.19 M. M. Njesen, It 8, blk 5 7.40 Jos. W. Rothermel, It 3, blk 6 15.40 _M. M. Niesen, It 4, blk 6 15.40 Special Assessment Nt). 9 ^' Snyder's Subdivision McHenry West of Fox River £/R. McGee, Its 12 & 13,'blk 2 345.00 Albert Engelhardt, McHenry, (West of Fox River), It 4, blk 5 121.93 McHenry (West of Fox River) Jos. W. Rothermel, It 5, blk>5* 290.07 M. M. Niesen, It 8, blk 5 Jos. W. Rothei-mel, It 3, blk 6 M. M, Niesen.it 4, blk "6 . R.^B. Walsh, its 1, 2 & 3, blk Math. Weber, It 1, blk 16 ....... . Math. Weber, It 4, blk 16 i....'...* J. C. Bickler, E1^ Its 10 & 11,- ex SW 58 ft of NW 25 ft of EVi It 11 & all Its 9 & 12, blk 16 ....: 1285.46 Math, Weber, Its 1 & 2, blk 17 323.71 Niesen's Cafe, It 5, ex S 11 ft blk 17 J. C. Bickler, Sly 11 ft It 5 & N 19 ft It 6, blk 17 175.88 J. B. Kelter, It 1', blk 18 ........ 250.29 Joseph Engeln, S 14.ft It 2 & N 15 ft It 3, blk 18 70.68 Joseph Engeln, It 3, ex N 15 ft 125.50 Fred Justen, Its 4, 5 & 6, ex ' Nly 50 ft It 4, blk 18 ......... lying S of the Sly line of*" John St. & John St. extended E., ex Owen, Stenger & Allen's Second Addition to McHenry & ex that pt It 4 described by beginning at the intersection of the Sly line of John St. & the Ely line of Elgin Road etc $2928.12 Special Assessment No. 17 . West McHenry, 111. Harrison Smith, Est., 8 ft adj W 41 ft It 6, blk 3 $ 38.95 Kent & Co., Sec. 26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M., It 8 .... 92.22 Sec. 26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. Margaret & B. J. Brefeld, It 12 283.69 A. E. Parks Est., Its 15 & 16 ex E 50 ft 356.33 Special Assessment No. 18 McHenry (West of Fox River) Margaret & B. J. Brefeld, It 2, blk 10 » $ 565.56 Dr. N. J. Nye| Its 2 & 3, blk 8 111.50 Charlotte Madden, Its 1 & 4, blk 9 105.20 Special Assessment No; 20 West McHenry, 111. William Mead, It 7, blk 4 $ 29.71 Anna Thurlwell, It 8, blk 4 .... 58.63 M. H, Detrich, It 14, blk 2 . J26.84 Geo. Hanly, It 15, blk 2 - £6.84 Geo. Hanly, It 16, blk 2 ,^t. • 26.84 Alma Thomas, Its 17 & 18, b]&. M. H. Detrich, It 27, blk 2 ...... M. H. Detrich, It 28, blk 2 ....... M. H. Detrich, It 29, blk 2 ...... Hanly's Third Addition M. H. Detrich, It 3, blk 2 M. H. Detrich, It 4, blk 2 Dr. A. I. Froehlich, It 5, blk 2 Dr. A. I. Froehlich, It 7, blk 2 285194! Dr. A. I. Froehlich, It 8, blk 2 Dr. A. I. Froehlich, It 9, blk 2 Dr. A. I. Froehlich, It 10, blk 22 J. B. Kelter, blk 3 ..... Sec. 27, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P M. H. Detrith, It 17, ex %a as described in book of deeds 120, page 374 Geo. Weber, %a,per D.R. 120, page 374 , Geo. Hanly, That pt\lt 18 lying S of the Sly line Its 1 & 2, blk 1 of Hanly's Second. Addition to McHenry Sec. 35. T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. M. H. Detrich, It 2 s... M. H. Detrich, It 3 65.98 $i. H. Detrich, It 4 262.62 Out Lots to West McHenry Geo. Hanly, That part 'put- l<J>i,;., v.; ; 9[ described by beginning ai; the SE corner of said out lot'v 9; thence N 88 degrees 32 ; s ; ; ^ minutes, E 29 ft to an iron #•> stake for^a place of beginning et<C^. Special Assessment No. 21 Hanly's First Addn. to West McHenry M. L. Worts Est., Its 1 & ltt- $ 183.53 Hanly's Second Addn. to McHenry Geo; Hanly, It 1, blk 1 ............ ,74.16 Geo. Hanly, It 2, blk 1 74.16 Geo. Hanly, It 5, blk 1 ............ Geo. Hanly, It 6, blk 1 ..... A lima Thomas, Its 17 & 18, blk 2 108.00 Hanly's Third Addition to McHenry Dr. A. I. Froehlich, It 10, blk 2 74J6 J. B. Kelter, blk 3 ! 74.16 Sec. 27. T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. Geo. Weber, %a per DR. 120 p 374 M. H. Detrich, ex E 132, ft of said It that lies W of and adj It 5 of Hanly's First Addition to West McHenry N of Sly line of It 5, extended Wly McHenry Lumber Co., That pt It 18 lying N of the N line of Main St. as now trav eled Geo. Hanly, that pt It 18 lying S of the Sly line of Its ^ 1 & 2, blk 1 of Hanly's Sec- • ^-tmd Addition to McHenry. .. 74.16 Sec. 34, T. 45 N.^R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. M. H. Detrich, It 2 366.01 M. H. Detrich, It 3 74.16 M. H. Detrich, It 4 218.93 Out Lots to West McHenry McHenry Lumber Co., It 7 ...... 53.07 Geo. Hanly, That pt outline.9 : described by beginning at ' the SW corner of said out It etc 37.54 Special Assessment No. 22 j Lakeview*Addition to McHenry 176.78! A. P. Freund, It 3, blk 6 $ 37.71 50.45 Wm. Bonslett, It 5, blk 6 ........ 26.10 176 781 Wm. Boftslett, It 6, blk 6 26.10 Pr. C. W-'Klontz, It 7, blk 6 V. 87.71 Special Assessment No. 23 Out Lots to West McHenry McHenry Lumber Co., It 7 $ 291.64 Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry Geodjignly, It 1, blk 1 241.63 Hanly^s Third Addition to McHenry J. B. Kelter, blk 3 241.63 Sec. 27, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. Geo. Weber, That pt It described in book of deeds 120, p 374 M. K.- Detrich, It 17, ex %a per D.R. 120, p 374 McHenry Lumber Co., That pt It 18 described by beginning at the SE corner of said It 18; thence W etc : Geo. Hanly, That pt It 18 lying S of the Sly line Its 1.& 2, blk 1 of Hanly's Second Addition McHenry Lumber Co., Sec. 27, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of Third P. M. that pt It 18 lying N of the N line of Main St. as now traveled and E of®the E° line Crystal Lake Road Sec. 34, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. M. H. Detrich, W 157.62 ft, It 2 904.53 • 65630 M. H. Detrich, It 4 * 802.49 Special Assess. No. 23, Supplement Hanly's Second Addition Geo. Hanly, It 1, blk 1 24.03 Hanly's '»hir«2 vddition i» McHonry J. B. Kelter, blk 3 24.03 Sec. 27, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. 50.45 " 50.45 124.28 439.90 374.43 374.43 374.43 374.43 368.65 368.65 368.65 368.65 Elizabeth Roth&mel Est., It 8, blk 8 12.73 Dr. Nl J. Nye, It 2, blk 8 1.89 Dr. N. J. Nye, It 3, blk 1.89 Mary Green, It 6, blk 9 ............. 1.89 Mary Green, It 7, bllf 9 1.89 H. J. Schaffer, Nly 50 ft It 10, bik, 10 12.73 John "Stock, E% Its 10 & 11, ex E"16 ft 1.89 Mathias Weberrlt 1, blk 16 .... 6.53 Mathias Weber, It 4, blk 16 .... 6.53 McHenry (West of Fox River) J. P. Weber, It 5, blk 16 1J J. P. Weber, It 8, blk 16 1.89 J. C. Bickler, the E% Its 10 & 11, ex the S 58 ft of the W . 25 ft of the E% It 11 & all Its 9 & 12, blk 16 Math Weber, Its 1 & 2, blk 17 J. P. Weber, It 3, blk 17 Niesen's Cafe, It 5, blk 17, ex the S 11 ft J. C. Bickler, S. 11 ft It 5 & N 19 ft It 6, blk 17 Everett Hunter, It 6, ex the N 19 ft .....v.... ...... J, B. Kelter, It 1, blk 18 399.44; Jos. J. Rothermel, Nly 50 ft, It 4, BIK 18 „.;......:,VR Fred Justen, it 5, blk l8 ....,..„. Fred Justen, It 6, blk 18 Katherine Schneider, N 56 ft' of It 1, blk'<19 %. E. Buch, 33 ft adj N 26 ft :f It 4, blk 19 .^.a..:. B. E-. Buch, S 10 ft It 1 & N . 26 ft It 4, bll^l9 A. F. AndersonT"55*r^ It 8 & nly 1 ft It 9, blk 19 '. Geo. Stilling, 40 ft adj Nly 26 ft It 9, blk 19 ......... Roy Kent, 25 ft adj Nly 1 ft It 9, blk 19 Geo. A. Stilling, sub-It 2, ex the S 60 ft Josephine Boley Est., It 1, blk M. L. Worts Est., W 52 ft, Its 2 & 3, blk 21 Josephine Boley Est;, It 4, blk. 21 ...: H. J. Miller, It 6, blk 21 H. J. Miller, It 7, blk 21 Jos. N. Miller, W 53 ft Its 2, 3,'6 & 7, blk 22 Mrs. M. L. Worts, S 10 ft It 5 : & all It 8, blk 22 Kent & Co., the Sly 16 ft.lt 5 " & It 6, ex the N 60 ft of the E 132 ft blk 23 Dr. N. J. Nye, ex the E 35 ft thereof Its 1 & 4, blk 24 ...... Lola Walsh, ex the W 50 ft thereof It 2, blk 24 ....... Dr. N. J. Nye, It 5, blk 24 ........ Dr. N .J. Nye, It 8, blk 24 ......;. Rev. R. C Freund, E 90.0 ft of It 1 & E 90.0 ft of N ,l6 ft of It 4, blk 25 Peter H. Freund, W 42.0 ft of It 1 & W 42.0 ft of N 16.0 ft It 4, blk 25 Kathleen Brown, It*^, blk 26 .. Owen's Out Lots to McHenry Clarence Carp, It 3 ex S 7.0 ft blk 1 ............................. Jacob Brefeld, It 6, blk 1 ........ Lakeview Addition A. P. Freund, It 3, blk 6 Wm. Bonslett, It 5, blk 6 Wm. Bonslett, It 6, blk 6 ........ Dr. C. W. Klontz, It 7, blk 6 .... M. Kelter's Addition Geo. Meyers; It 1, blk 1 ............ Geo. Meyers, It 2, blk 1 West McHenry, 111. H. JT. Schaffer, Wly 63 ft of Ely 195.0 ft It 2, blk 1 ........ Mary Martin, of tive W 16% ft of Sly % It 2/& S% lt<& the Wly 50 ft thereof, blk 1 V,.,1.68- B. Barnard, Wly 16% ft of S % It 2 & S% It 3, ex the Wly 50 ft thereof, blk 1 ...... Wm. WelcS" Est., E 50.0 ft of N% It 4, blk 1 John Miller, It 4, blk 2 ... Louis Erickson, NE^ It 8, blk ^ 2 »•>" J. Schaffer, E 56 ft of S 120 ft It 9, blk 2 Jennie Gorman, N% It 11, blk M. J. Walsh, E% It 18, blk 3 Wm. Althoff, E 26.0 ft It 19, blk 3 Wm. Mead, It 7, blk 4 .•••••» Anna Thurlwell, It 8, blk 4 .... Anna Thurlwell, It 9, blk 4 .... Johnson & Burns, Wly 60 ft lt'l, blk 5 .: f Johnson & Burns,\lt 11, blk 5 Robert Patzke, E %' K .1, Ibjk 6 Robert Patzke, W% It r^blk 6 Wm. Bacon, It 2, blk 7 .... Wm. Bacon, It 5, blk 7 .... Geo. Lindsay, NW4 of E% It 8, blk 8 Ray Paget the Sly 66 ft of S%. It 1, blk 9 .. 147.12 951.29 92.09 480.79 1173.32 122.98 3^1.32 418.99 46.85 112.54 .29.92 46.48 12.44 1.89 12.44 12.73 1.89 12.44 9.41 12,73 35.83 .7.71 5.-6i) 8.33 1L91 4.10 2.93 6.53 9,41 6.53 12.73 12.73 •9.41 10.67 s.di 2.68 1.89 1.89 4 M L89 1.89 6.53 12.73 9.41 6.53 6.53 9.41 1.89 1.89 2412 3.62 1.89 4.06 4.06 12.73 \ 3.60 6.53 3.60 6.53 6.53 J .6.. .. 53> 3.60 1.89 12.73 12.73 1.89 iJte 4.06 Sec. 26, T. 45 N., R. 8. E. of Srd P. M. Kent & Co., Ely 150 ft It 5 18.06 A. S. Parks Est., the Sly 132 ft of Its 15 & 16, ex E 50.0, ft of S 104.0 ft of said It 16 13^96 Fred W. Voeltz Jr., Sly 132 ft ' It. 20 ±4.06 Fred C. Feltz, Sly 132 ft of W% It 22 i 4.O6 Fred C. Schoewer, SE% It 22 9.41 Margaret Bonslett, Sly 132 ft It 23 1.89 Frederick Beller, It 26 12.44 Nick N. Freund, Commencing . ; : at a stake N 86 degrees E :: 240 chains from the N^4 corner, Sec. 35, T. 45 N., Rl 8, E. of Third P. M.; thence N 19% degrees E 2.00 chains; thence S 70% de ' - grees E 80 ft etc 2.26 Frederick Beller, It 28 "12.44 Everett Hunter, It 31 ..1....... .... 4.06 Sec. 27, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. M; E Detrich, It 17, ex %a : per D.R. 120, p 374 ;.. ...., 128.29 Geo. Weber, %a It 17 as de- ^ scrjbed Book 120, p 374 ......* " 24.13 Geo. Hanly, that pt It 18 lying Sly of the Sly line lt» . *• 1 & 2, blk 1 of Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry .. 12.73 Sec. 34, T. 45 N\ R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. Geo. Hanly, It 2, ex W 157.62 ft 12.73 M. H. Detrich,. W 157.62 ft, It 2 .: ..; W.45 M. H*. D®Jrich, that pt It 3, lyf" ing NE of the NE line of blk 3, Hanly's Third Addn. 12.73 M. Hi Detrich, the Nly 150 ft of the NE 220.0 ft It 4 35.83 Sec. 35. T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. Frederick Beller, It 6 35.86 Owen, Stenger & Allen's Second Addition Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 1 12.73 tenger, Covalt & Weber, It 2 12.73 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 3 12.73 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 4 12.73 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 6 12.73 Stenger Covalt & Weber, it 7 12.73 C. Norton Owen, It 9 "12.73 £. Norton Owen, It 10 12.73 Albert Purvey, it 12 1.89 Stenger, Covalt and Weber's Country Club Addition Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 1 12.73 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 2 12.73 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 3 12.73 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 4 12.73 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 5 12.73 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 6 12.73 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 7 12.73 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 8 12.73 Stenger,. Oovalt & Weber, It 9 12.73 Wattles"Addition to McHenry Frett Bros., It 1 9.41 Frett Bros., It 2 -r*_. 9.41 Glenn Peterson, It 3 A ,....> * "4.06 Edw. Nickels, It 4 ...............;r... ' 1.89 | F. Hinz, It 10 4.06 j Wattles' Second Addition to McHenry John F. Knox, It 5, blk 3 ........ 4.06 Ella Newman, It 6, blk 3 12.73 Henry Ahrens, It 5, blk 5 ...... 6.53 Mabel Johnson, It 3, blk 7 1.89 1 Math Laures, It 4, blk 7 9.41' McHenry (West of Fox River) Martin Stoffel, E.% of! 74.0' ft It 2, blk 12 ' 1.16 Jos. Engeln, sub-It 2, It 2, & - sub-It 1, It 3, blk 18 , 6.53 Jos. Engeln, sub-It 2, It 3, blk' 18 12.44 Mrs: Theo. Bickler Est., $ub-lt y 2, It 1/ blk 9.41 H. J. Miller, sub-It 2, It 10 - sub-It 2, It 11, blk 21 -.12.73 Alice Brauer, N 30.0 ft of S * 32 ft sub-It 2, It. 10, blk 24 ^ 3.60 Everett Hunter, S 4,0 ft of sub-It 2, It 10, blk --.64 S% F ^99.20 87.27 Wonder Lake Syndicate. NE% 80a Wonder Lake Syndicate, (ex W 10a) W% NW% 70a F 206.67 Wonder Lake Syndicate, NE% NW14 40a F Wonder Lake Syndicate, SB1^ NW% 40a r F 111.81 Wonder Lake Syndicate, NW% SW% 40a F 268.23 Wonder Lake Syndicate, N 30a NE% SE% 30a F* 190.14 County Clerk's Plat Section 9, Town 45, Range 8 Mary G. ^Green, Assessor's Plat, It 17 25a F 117.85 ^ Section 10, Town 45, Range 8 Fred Brockman, pt It 44 3.33a..F 113 34 Section 8, Town 45, Range 8 Mary J. Green, W of RR SW ; cor pt It 58 5a :...F 13.8Q . Lands Section 10, Town 45, Range 8 Bernard Justen, NE% NE% v 40a it.82 Peter Miller, W of Rd SE% NE% 31a 13.52 Joseph Tonyan. pt SE% 34a ... 13.82 Section II, Town 45, Range 8; Henry J. Stilling, S 126 rds •; ; SW-% 126a 75.69 Henry J. Stilling, (ex N 8 Ms)1 SW% SE% 36a 10.61 Section 12, Town 45, Range 8 Jno. Frett, S 1 rd SW% NE% • • .50a. . .7* Jno. Frett, SE% 40a 35.86 Connty Clerk's Plat ; ' • Section 18, Town,45, Rang* 8 Jos. Miller, pt sub^ltt^l It ^ .50a 10.19 31.75 6.43 30.38. 13.64 8.93 54.35 6.57 39.17 4.95 56.04 .61 4.82 27.02 20iM 7.90 2.18 43.15 14.72 Nizza Holly, sub-It 3, It 1, bllk- 27 v 6.53 Nizza Holly, «ub-lt 2, It 2, blk.-^ 27 .-'6.1 77.99 12.60 West McHenry, III, Wm. Tesch, sub-It 1, It 1, ei W 118 ft , - 4,83 C. Harmsen Est., sub-It 2, It 2- & sub-It 2, It 3, blk 13 ........ 1.89 C. Harmsen Est., sub-It 3, It SS & sub-It 3, It 3, blk 13 1.89 To the best of my knowledge and belief the foregoing fist of delinquent lands and lots within the City of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois is true and correct^ y | Very respectfully, ; * MAYME BUSS, Collector of Special Assessments. J. J. Rothermel, Nly 50 fit It 4,. blk 18 .>... H. E. Buch, Sly 10 ft It 1 & N 26.0 ft It 4, blk 19 Katherine Schneider, It 1, ex Sly 10 ft, blk 19 i » H. E. Buch, 33 ft adj. N 26 ft It 4, blk 19 Herman Klein, 7 ft it 4 fo 28 ft It 5, blk 19 A. F. Anderson, 59 ft It 8 £ Nly 1 ft It 9, blk 19 861.35 200.41 88.73 141.11 81.35 140.55 isojze Geo. Weber, That pt It 17 as described in Book 120, p 374. M. H. Detrich, It 17, ex that pt described in Book of deeds, P 374 «eo. Hanly, That pt It 18 lying S of the Sly line of Its 1 & 2, blk 1 of Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry .... Sec. 34, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd'P. M. M. H. Detrich, W 157.62 ft, It 2 :...... 87.14 M. H. Detrich, It 3 63.50 M. H. Detrich, It 4 77.46 Special Assessment No. 24 Snyders' Subdivision, W. of Fox River Katherine Schneider, Jt 6, blk 2 % Katherine Schneider, It 7, blk 2 Katherine Schneider, It 8, 6lk E. R. McGee, It 11, blk 2 E. R. McGee, It 12, blk 2 E. R. McGee, It 13, blk 2 ........ l McHenry (West of Fox River) 12.73 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.83 9.41 9.41 Hanly's First Addn. to West McHenry Geo. Meyers, W 374,25 ft of M. L. Worts Est., Its 1 & 1% 138.22 Geo. Hanly, Hanly's Second Addition, It 1, blk 1 72.98 Hanly's Second Addn. to W. McHenry Geo. Hanly, It 2, blk 1 72.98 Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Its 3 & 4, blk 1 .......;.v Geo. Hanly, It 5, blk 1 Geo. Hanly, It 6, blk 1 Geo. Hanly, It 7, blk 1 Geo. Hanly, It 8, blk 1 M. H. Detrich, It 9, blk 1 M. H. Dietrich, It 10, blk 1 ...... 26.84 M. H. Detrich, It 11, blk 1 ....„ 26.84 M- Bt. Detrich, It 12. blk 2 26.84 M. H. Detrich, It 13, blk 2...... ?6.84 blk 3 John B. Murphy, It 3, blk 4 >... John B. Murphy, It 6, blk 4 ...; Jos. W. Rothermel, It 2, blk 5 Jos. W. Rothermel, It 3, blk 5 j Albert Englebardt, It 4, bUt 5 2J.59 J°s- W. Rothermel, It 5, bJk 5 84.32 M- M. Niesen, It 8, blk 5 ........ 84.32 Albert Engelhardt, It 2, blk 6 26.84 Job. W. Rothermel, It 3, blk 6 26.84 I M. M. Niesen,, It 4, blk 6 .......... 26.84 |R- B. Walsh, It 1, blk 7 :.... R. B. Walsh, It 2, blk 7 U... R. B. Walsh, It % blk 7 Elizabeth Rothermel Est., It 4, blk 7 1.89 4.06 4.06 12.73 12.73 6.53 12.73 9.41 6.53 12.73 9.41 6.53 6.53 6.53 12.73 Frances FroeKllch, It blk 9 Mabel Johnson, It 3, ex E 66 ft thereof Fred C. Feltz, E 66 ft It 3,' blk 10 ............. Mabel Johnson, It 5, blk 10 .... Hanly's Out Lots to McHenry Geo. Hanly, that pt out lot 9 described by beginning at the SW corner of said outlot 9; thence N 88 degrees 32 minutes E 39.0 ft etc Hanly's First Addition to McHenry M. L. Worts Est., Its 1 & 1% 22.16 Hanly's Second ~Ad^ition to McHenry Geo. Hanly, It 1, blk t Geo. Hanly, It 2, blk 1 Geo. Hanly, It 5, blk fv........... Mrs. C. W. Goodell, }t 3, blk 1 Mrs. C. W. Goodell, lt-4, blk 1 Geo. Hanly, It 6, blk 1 ............ Geo. Hanly, It 7, blk 1 ............ Geo. Hanly, It 8, blk 1 ............ M. H. Detrich, It 9, blk 1 M. H. Detrich, It 10, blk 1 ........ M. H. Detrich, It 11, blk 1 M. H. Detrich, It 12, blk 2 ...... M. H^-Detrich, It 13, blk 2 ...... M. H. Detrich, It 14, blk 2 ...... Geo.. Hanly, It 15, blk 2 ............ Geo. Hanly, It 16, 'blk 2 .......... Alma Thomas, It 17, blk 2 ...... Alma Thomas, It 18, blk 2 ...... M. H. Detrich, It 27, blk 2 M. H. Detrich, It 28, blk 2 v.... M. H. Detrich, It 29, blk 2 ^Hanly's Third Addition to McHenry J. B. Kelter, blk 3 12.73 Job F. Vasey, Sly 66 ft of W 132 ft It 8 1£9 E. M. Owen's Estate Additfe* F. E. Covalt, It 5 * Mrs. James Powers, It 9 .......... 9.41 DELINQUENT " TAX LIST FOR I M'HENRY TWP. 1.89 4.06 1#9 12.73 12-73 12.73 12.73 1.89 1.89 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73 9.41 9.41 12.73 12.73 12.73 State of Illinois, ^ r j; McHenry County, ss. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That I, Lester Edinger, County Collector of McHenry County, in tha State aforesaid, shall apply to the Probate Court of said McHenry County. on the 5th day of October, 1936, for judgment against the lands and lots mentioned and ^described in the following list of delinquent lands and lots, for taxes, interests, and costs due sevtrally thereon; and for an order to seli said lands and lots for the satisfaction thereof, on the 3rd Monday in October, A. D. 1936, to-wit, on the 19th day of October A. D. 1936, all the lands and lots for the sale of which an order shall be made, will be exposed ht public sale, at the Court House in said County, for the amount.of .taxes, .interest, and costs due thereon. Section 1, Town 45, Range 8 JnO. Hiller, SW% NE% 40a $ 14.11 Jno Hiller, SE*4 NW% 40a 31.10 Jno. HilleV, N 30a W% SE% 30a :: - 10.13 Section S, Town 45, Range 8 Peter Miller, W of Rd S% NE% 22.50a : 25.96 Peter Miller, S% NW% 80a 34.39 Bernard Justen, (ex N 10a W of Rd) SE% and N% SE14 110a \. 79.22 Section 6, Town 45* Range 8 Wonder Lake Syndicate, SV4 •SW% NE% 20a F 59.98 Wonder Lake Syndicate, NW% SE% 40a F 135.46 Wonder Lake Syndicate, SW% SE% 40a ". ..A....... ...F 107.06 Section 7, Town 54, Rangf 8 Wonder Lake Syndicate, W 20a , NW% NE% 20a F 47.11 Wm. J. Meyer, It 7 la Antoni Pacek, pt sub-It 1 It! 30 1.20a : J...F C. M. D. Adams, sub-It 5 It' 14 & pt sub-It 1 It 30 .63a '.....\F 239.26 Jno. Debrecht, (ex S pt 140x140 links) sub-It 4 It 14 la Katherine Klein, N pt.sub-It 1 It 16 .56a go. & Joe Frett, E CT ft of S ft sub-It 2 It 18 ,50a F 109.73 Rich^t^d Guyser, It 22 la.... 10.31 J. B. ScfttKnacher, S% It 22 la.. Wm. TonyahvN pt Its 25 & 26 1.25a ....TSy ...F Josephine Frett, E% sub-It 1 It 28 ,75a Jno. Hiller, pt sub-It 2 It 28^. la J 11.34 Castor M. Adams Est., DR 144 / ' p 133 pt It 30 & all It 31 It 32 ^)3a ...t F 202.67 Hubert Karls, It 53 7a ,....F 22.75 Land« Section 18, Town 45, Range 8 Castor M. Adams Est., NE%- SWj% SWV* 10a F 25.56 Sectloir14, Town 45, Range 8 Peter Smfth, (ex W, 1 rd) S% SWij^NEi/i 20a F Hennr J. Stilling, W 1 rd S% NW14 NE% & W 1 rd WV2 SW14 NE% & N% NW% NE% 20a ' Peter Smith, S 28aJJE% NE % 28a p Peter Smith, 60a : F 209.91 Joe Tonyan, NW% SW% 40a. .. 22.90 County Clerk's Plat Section 14, Town 45, Range 8 Jos. Tonyan, DR 200 p 242 S of liwy It 4 ,74a Wm. Tonyan, (ex DR 200 P 242) S of hwy It 4 4.75a Wm. Vandenboon, S of hwy It 1 5.36a ..I:... Henry J. Stilling (ex DR 199 P 209) NE of hwy Its 1, 2 & 4 76.60a L, Arthur Shober, DR 199 p 209 pt It 1 1.40a Joe Tonyan, W pt It 5 6.64a.... .Tna Hoff, It 9 107.89 ..... Flora Leubscher, It 11 & N pt Its 12 & 13 20.06a , Lands Section 15, Town 45, Range 8 Joe Tonyan, pt N% NE% 16a 5. Section 16, Town 45, Range 8 , Delbert A. Whiting Est., NW cor SEVi N% SW% & (ex DR 199 P 315 & NW cor) S% SE% 159.15a Earl Whiting, (ex DR 204 pgs 83 & 107) DR 199 p 315 pt ,.S% SE% .36a Section 18, Town 45, Range 8 Flora Sherburne Harrison, E% NE% 80a 52.06 Wonder Lake Syndicate, (ex - plat 46.4a) N% SW% 33.60a. F 143.2f Rolla W. Churchill, E% SE% 80a 25.44 Section 19. Town 45, Range 8 Fred'k. Howe, NE% NE% 40a.... 12.87 Fred'k. Howe. W% NE% 80a ... 23.42 Wm. H. & Hyle Thomas, SE% NE% 40a r... Fred'k. Howe, NE% NW% 40a.. ,Mary E. B. Howe, SE% NE% j. 40a. Fred'k Howe, (ex El Rd) W% ...; SE% 78.90a Section 20, Town 45, Range 8 Wnj. H. & Hyle Thomas; NW% 160a 135.00 _Tillie Cooper, Co. Clerk's Plat, It 1 SW% 60a C E. Jecks, Co. Clerk's Plat, It 3 SW% 50a Tillie Cooper, W 30 a SW% SE% 30a ...... L. C. Benwell, E 10a SW% SE% 10a Section 21, Town 45, Range 81 ^ D. A. Whiting Est., E% NE% NW% 20a 25.30 Frank Newcomb, N 10a NE% " SE% 10a 43.06 Section 22, Town 45, Range 8 Brand Ice Co., Co. Clerk's Plat, It 5 & pt It 6 27a 20.50 Section 24, Town 45, Range 8 Emma Pabst. Co. Clerk's Plat, DR 199 p 500 pt It 4 2.07a 8.22 Jno. Hoff, Co. Clerk's Plat, It 11 18a 9.1.8 Leslie Morgan, Doc. No. 62681 • fr. SW*4 .S0a F 18.18 Section 25, Town 45, Range 8 Louis A. & Kate Wolf, S% W% SW% NE'4 5a 10.43 Co. Clerk's Plat >'W Section 26, Town 45, Range 8 M i l l i e F r e t t , (ex S 12 f t ) It 7 2.60a 20.94 Christina Joos, it 8 3.21a 14".01 County Clerk's Plat SV4 Section 26, Town 45, Ranire 8 Roy Rent. Trustee. C. (ex DR 199 p 583) pt It 1 6.15^ Jacob Brefeld. C, pc 132 ft wide W of & adj Owen's Outlots It 1 34a .F Roy A. Kent, Trustee, C, (ex sub-It 2 of It 5 & all It 6 blk 23 McHenry, W of River .It 5 58.18a .. ." F 239.81 J03. May. C. It 6 4.54a F Roy Kent, C. pt It 8 2.31a ... F Carrie E. Covalt. C, pc 64 ft front as per DR 148 p 91 pt It 9 Matt Bauer, C. pt It 9 1.50a ........ Geo. & Jos. Frett, C, S 50 ft of N 207 ft It 11 .40a .....F 107.41 Chas. A.. Parks, C„ It 15 .F 300.52 Chas. A. Parks, C, (ex E 50 ft • It 16 1.35a .......F 126.03 Fred W. Voeltz, C, It 20, .40a .... 36.24 Amelia Feltz, C. W% It 22 40a.. 40.06 Fred C. Schoewer, C, SE% It , 22 ,20a ........F' 158.33 Margaret Bonslett, C, It 23. .30a F 142.87 24.02 9.83 8.90 40.54 40.69 6r.72 12.50 8.76 7.68 24.10 12.95 94.48 8.14 47.72 Everett Hunter, Jr., C, It 31 15a _.....F 150.55 Comity Clerk's Plat Section 37, Town 45, Range 8 i Myron H. Detrick, C, Hanley*s Outlots 3 & 4 3.07 F 61.88 t Jno.. Malsch, C, Its 11,12 ft 19 \ •95a 8.11 A. S. Parks, C, DR 120 p 374 pt It 17 :50a F ^.„F 128.48 Geo. A. Hanley, C, NW It pt It 17 ,31a F 51.16 ' Floyd E. Covalt, C, pt It 18 .50a 9.84 Chas. A. Dallstrom, DR 151 p 493 pt It 30 4:13a 16.28 Martin Boyle Efet., (ex DR 151 p 493) pt It 30 47.87a F 108.76 County Clerk's Plat Section 28, Town 45, Range 8 f Martin Boyle, It 1 59.73a P 327^1^ Lands "Section 29, Town 45, Range 8 L. C. Benwell, W 5.07a of N ^ 45.07a of W % NE14, of N 7 34.03a of E 60a NW14 40a...... 69t0jl ; 0kE. Jecks, S 25.07a of E 60a " v NW% & S 35.07a W% NEVj, 60a 34.66 ' C. E. Jecks, E 50a of W 100a \ NWVi 50a ;. 55.5® Pearl Bischoff, S% 160a... F 461.91 Section SO, Town 4^ Range 8 Vinton F. Thompson,' W'% NE% , . r l; . SOa „ 50i95 Vinton F: Thompson, (ex S 20a) W3&. 60a .t„: 13.45 Section 81, Town 45, Range 8" Mary Dal zeil, S% 'NEJ% 80a .... .83.^6 •- Frank Kaiser, It 1 ft It-2 NW% 119.42a 3648 Frank Kaiser, N% Its 1 & 2 a SW%. 40a 10.99 * Chas. R. Page, e't'al, S 10a SE% 10a F 25.47 Connty Clerk's Plat Section 88, Town 45, Range 8 W. E. Whiting, It 1 NW^4 30.13a 24.40 Pearl Bischoff, It 2 NW^i 60.22 F 124.48 W. E. Whiting, It 3 NWVi 30.12a 22.60" W. E. Whiting, It 4 NW%~40a.... 34:04 , Lands , Section 88, Town 45, Range 8 W. E. Whiting, EVz SW% 80a ... 71.76 W. E. Whiting, WM> SWy4 80a ... 71.76 A. W. Whiting. W% SE14 80a .... 71.76 Section 84, Town 45, Ranfre 8 Myron H. Detrick, C., Co. Clerk's Plat, Its 3 & 4 & pt It 4, NE14 NE% 18.42a F 104.14 ' Myron H. Detrick, C., W 1&7.62 ft Co. Clerk's Plat, It 2 NE% NE% .75a F 164.89 Myron H. Detrick, SE^4 NE% & W% SE% 26.58a ...F 335.37 Myron H. Detrick, (ex RR NVfe SE% 17.23a - F 54.17 Section 85, Town 45, Range 8 Edmond Knox, C., Co. Clerk's Plat NE% It .7 1.37a 33.14- Otto Luedtke, pt SW% SW% 5a F 80.59 Jno. C. Schmidt, pt 'StV% SW% 10a 14.31 '. Section 86, Town 45, Range 8 . ; Erhard Westerberg, pt E5 of Riv. S% SWVi .30a 1,78 Mathias Atten, pt SVi SW^i .90a ...........F 47.68 E. T. Carlson, pt .S% SW& 1.20a 6.41 E. T. Carlson, Doc. No. 81694 • " pt E of Riv., 8% SW14 .28a.... 3.21 . Wm. Freund, E% SE^4 SE% ft NE»4 SE14 59.97a 22.61 Section 5, Town 45, Range 9 Henry Frenze, JDoc. 64780 .40a ... 2.20 Peter Adams, Co. Clerk's Plat, ] S% Its 2 ft 3 12.89a 15^ ' Section 8, Town 45, Range 9 ' Jno. Heinrichson, Duck Island. SVn ,50a .P 50i.ll , Connty Clerk's Plat Joseph Guzzardo, as per DR' 204 p 214 pt NW*4 .50a 8.99 t Edward L. Barkows^i, pt It .4 ^ 25a 31® V. C. Wolverton, pt It 5 .91a.... 17.00 JOB. F. Johnson, pt It 5 .50a.... 15.92 Ed. Loose, pt It 5 .25a 5.19 H. J. Hughes, Sr., pt It 5 1.14a.... 9.90 Chas. E. Reed, It 8 .50a : 37.86 Section 17, Town 45. Range 9 ... Mrb. A. H. Mellitt, (ex Doc. No. " . 63425) It 1 .50a ?:• ' 3.8C A. H. Mellin, DR 108.p 450 It 8 - 2.55a 14.00 Nellie Nelson, W 50 ft DR 143 p 431, pt It 3 .50a 19.42 Lands ^ Axel Holm, pt SW14, NB% .27a t; P'145,08 Connty Clerk's Plat " Ester K. Harrison, pt It 5 .97a F 18.40 Yvm. H. Kraft, Coon Island, 100 ft x 200 ft pt It 9 ,75a F 41.6? Louisa Herman, Coon Island, It 10 8a P 38.58 Clarence E. Ericsson, SW of Rd pt It 11 .05a 2.86 Section 18, Town 45, Rang* 9. Edw. Todd, Co. Clerk's Plat, NE 60 ft of It 1 & Schaefer's Sub. Div. NE 60 ft of It 1 ..: 14.00 Dorothea & Hattie Redwanss, V Co. Clerk's Plat, It 4 ft. Schaefer's Sub. DiyC It 4 .41a.. 14.96 Augusta Ilgen, Co. Clerk's Plat > It 8 & Schaefer's Sub. Dir. It 8 46a - .8,21 Rose Hitzel, Doc. No. 57143 pt It 13 ,20a ^17.00 E. W. Van Dusen, DR 140 p 54f pt It 13 .25a 12.92 J. C. Berndt, S% 142 -- 489 pt It 13^ .25a .:. 20.50 Martha Krueger, (ex DR 211 P £2) DR 130 p 215 pKlt. 13 .25a 12 92' J. C. Berndt, DR 128 p 100 pt It 13 ,25a 6.32 Louis Pitzen, pt It 13 .22a F 15.06 i Frank Nell, pt It 14 ,05a Paul^Kromroy, pt It 14 .08 .....1.. ; 1^22 Clias. >Wieland, W% Rocky Beach/Tt*^ & Co. Clks. Plat It 21 ,25a .) 26.06 Chas. Wiektnd, Rocky Beach Lots-3-« C.a Clk's. Plat It 22. •50a, ..., 34.78 . Peter R. Freund, %a pt It 28 .50a ; ...F 193.60 Lands Section 19, Town.45, Range 9 Francis Dotti. pt SMs NW% 55a 11.39 Section 20, Town 45, Range 9 Florence E Waters. Lakeside It 8 & Co. Clerk s Plat E 33 ft of It 9 & EH It 4 .87a 34.62: , Ernestine Severinghaus, Lakeside It 13 & Co. Clk's. Plat It 7 .75a .,, 64.08 Geo. Hollenbach, Spring Lake 1 lots (ex NE 60 ft) It 1 ft all It 2 .25a . 21,53 Epram M. Larcom, Spring Lake \ ' Sub Lot 2 of It 11 ft Co. Clks V Plat It 14 & pt It 23 .S5/J ,15.38 ; Falmer Swanson. Spring Lake - Sub Lot 1 of It 11 & Co. Clks. Plat pt It 23 ,33a p 27.23 J?ne Mary Small. Spring Lake, It 12 & EVa It 13 ft Co. Clks, Plat. It 24 & EH It 25 ,68a .... 36.01 Ernestine Severinghaus, Co. Clks. Plat, It 8 & NW of hy It 2 11.50a 41.76 Mildred A. Lind, Spring Lak6 lot 18 ft Co. Clk's Plat lot 29 45a -- 20.25 Arthur A. Friestedt, Co. Clk's Plat, it 30 .35a 1 25.20. Arthur A. Friestedt, Spring Lfake, It 19 .25a 31.66 (Continued to page 6)