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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Oct 1936, p. 8

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(J~V *£Tt. ? f ,\«W f<<-f *! ' -1""" . f"" ,$•* l< ' ? ' , h'&:' f~~ <0p#^ ^rV- • • * v> '7 < "" *•' i- /.-••• '•' »**#*,.,' '. V- :' • ;*» .;' A r% ' \ *%>!*" *•$* * f.rr¥>, «HX MeHfWRf PLAINDKALKS aim 'SffppCSI I, + i-e^t J* -? .-.- .1'• - Thursday, October, 15,1936 Ci D. OF A. MEETING TONIGHT The Catholic Daughters of America will hold a social meeting ifl K. C. hall tonight, Oct, 15. Members are invited. ./ -• ;:. BIRTHDAY anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Bolder entertained twenty-one puests at dinner Sunday in honor of the third birthday of their little daughter. Mary Ann. Guests *were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans and children, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Bolder and Miss Minnie Knox. "'v; • • • COUNTY LEGION TO MEET The McHenry County Legion will meet Oct. 22, at the Legion home at Woodstock. ' ELEVEN YEARS OLD Mitzi Durland entertained a party j ".'of little friend? Saturday afternoon V V •' jn honor of her "eleventh birthday anr U4- INITIATION NIGHT St. johannes Court, No. 06, will have initiation on Thursday, Oct. 22. All brothers are requested to attend. A degree team from Elgin will be presen& /IdUich and refreshments; . , ^ MOTHERS CLUB The Mothers Club will meet in the new Legrion hall over Reiner's mar- >ket Friday afternoon with Mrs. C. J. Rfihansperger, Mrs. C. H. Duker arid Mrs. Clarence Carp as hostesses. / ; PEPPIN - GOODRICH | chapter, p. E. S., Tuesday night, Miss Lillian Peppin of Norwood j where she served as associate con- Park and Mr. Donald Goodrich of ductress. She was accompanied by her West McHenry were married Oct. 5'mother, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Frances at Woodstock. Mr. Goodrich, who is the and Elsie Vycital and Mrs. Robert brother of Mrs. E. J. Schondorf, cair.e , "n>RJPsonhere recently irom Los Angeles, Cal.1! \ _ and plans to return there W^ithl - ^OST-NUPTIAL PARTY. his bride. - - V j Mrs. Herman Dowe entertained a " i ' - r i . f p a r t y o f . f r i e n d s a t h e r h o m e W e d n e s - felVERVlEW CAMP MlElrfc [day evening at a post-nuptial party, Riverview Camp, R. N. A., met in honoring Mrs. Robert Rudin of Chi- K C. Hall Tuesday night with Oracle; fag.o, who before her marriage recent- Dorothy Nickels presiding. After the , £ Miss Esther Miller of th1S city, meeting cards and bunco were enjoy- j Mrs. Rud.n was presented with a gift ed with prizes being won by Mrs. from her friends Present George Worts, Mrs. George Kramer! The home was beautifully decorated and Miss Barbara Weber. Lunch wasj*°r the occasion in yellow and white, served after cards. . . I*"lth c'"epe Paper streamers draped ( • i from the center chandelier, forming COLUMBUS DAY an - attractive canopy. Bunco served ' ^ 'as-the diversion for the evening. SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY Mat Weber, who; observed his eight- Flags flying over public buildings marked Columbus'Day in McHenry on I Monday. The only social event in ob- Iservation of the day was the party 'sponsored by local Knights of Colum-j ieth birthday" on Thursday, October 8, bus where a pleasant fevening was j was surprised and honored by his spent in dancing. . . . [children at a party in honor of- the BRIDGE PARTY " ' y-,^ This party marked the , of a occasion, Thursday evening. The-afni\- eTsai:y,.. Ganles ^V'ere playeji .with j • .JlftrsVfe.-;Tonyan -enterti^inid, a ger-s 0| so<:jai evehts planned by the,fair was a surprise to him. and much TlUlnslxn less gaily colored balloons, also j party of friends Saturday evening • j,ocai members., throughout the Winter enjoyed by all. Cards furnished diversion for the as;;.;an -important-' part ' -- ----- - --• • •'"« good. -.time, A delicious lunch was • ' ' served by the mother of the hostess v purine thiv late afternoon.; *, were in play and prizes awarded to MPs! B. F J. M. Ph'alin. Martin i-ff Speaking of the outstanding motor cor for 1937 NEARBY NEWS TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES According to an announcement recently, the' Condell Memorial hospital, at Libertyville, was released of an obligation of some $26,000 in outstandby the generous gift er. Charles Redmond, 60, of Lake it was necessary for A. Scherf to Forest was the target hit by the vampire driver. He Wan found at 7:30 a. m., Thursday of last week, by three Lake Foresters walking to work as he lay on the ground off the northbound lane of Waukegan road in Lake Forest* Redmond was removed to his home where he died fit 11 a. m. from internal injuries. Residents of Millburn and the surrounding territory gathered at 3 p. m., Sunday of last week-, at the site of the old church, which was burned to the ground a year ago last January, ing notes by the generous gift of • and laid the cornerstone of a new Mrs. L. Noble of Libertyville. Mrs. | struture that is to rise on the ruins of the old. Dr.} Ernest G. Guthrie and To our many customers, stockholders and friends, who by their continual loyalty and generous patronage, have made it again possible for us to pay an 8%, dividend on our Capital stock and Patronage Refund. Since we inaugurated our Patronage Refund Plan? many of our customers have earned stock iia our Company. Many more will have earned stock at the close of our fiscal year, Aug. 1>JP7. . - . * -: •; •' *' ' Our business is steadily increasing each year. We are continually making improvements which will enable us to give, even better service in the future. Our grist mill is now capable of grinding 120 bagg an hour. Our feed mixer is always busy--mixing GOLD SEAL QUALITY FEEDS fo* the farmers of McHenry and Lake Counties. Our service is unexcelled. Our"prices-are always fair and the quality of merchandise has .never been disputed. On this basis we hope to continue to be'of service to you. Phone 29 evening, after which lunch was serv ENTERTAIN FRIENDS ed. v^^arty of friends were entertained. Those, present were Mr. and Mrs. ,$t the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Henry Weber and children,' John Web- Sutton Saturday evening. Pinochle cr and daughter, Beatrice, Mr. and was p'ayed and prizes were awarded Mrs. B. H. Freund and little son,', to Lillian Ruetell, Jacob Schaelor, j Jack, Mrs. Anna Howard and son, Mrs. Hugh Morris and Albert Vales. Donald, Mrs. Elizabeth Krause of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morris, who ob- j Woodstock, Joe and Lauia Weber and served their thirty-first wedding an-'Chris Smith. niversary on that date were presented i ----r-- v : . : with a gift. I DOUBLE CELEBRAttCji^ "Guests were-Messrs.- and' Mesdames| Thursday, Oct. 8, was the occasion Thomas Wilson, Jacob Schaefei\ Hugh | foi' a double celebration at the home Morris, Albeit Vales, and .MisSfes-Lil-, of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, first belian Rueteli and Elsie Maedge. . I cause it was the forty-first wedding [anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Smith1 ATTEND CONVENTION ^ i and second, it marked the birth date fl&ose from W o o d s t o c k who a t t e n d - o f t h e i r n i n e t e e n t h g r a n d c h i l d f o r i t , ed the Royal Neighbor convention on was on Thursday that a little son, Friday were: Mrs., Lulu Hakes, Mrs. David Leo, Was born to Mi\ and Mrs. Pearl Eckert, Mrs. Mabel Hesselgrave, Leo Smith. ' ! Mrs.u Mary Huffman, Mrs. Minnie A happy evening was spent with Brown, Mrs. Elsie Smith, Mrs. Eliza- their children and families, all of beth Friend, Mrs. Eva Kapping, Mrs.'their ten children being present with Mary Jensen, Mrs. Hilda Brink, Mrs, ] the exception of their son, Leo. Cards, I Cleo Schaller, Mrs. Selma Becking, music and singing served as amuse- Mrs. Mary Wentwofth, Clara Larson,' rr.ent fcr the thirty-ftve guests and a Mrs. Laura Engeln, Mrs. Gabrielson,' delicious chicken supper was served at i Mrs. Irma Schmitt, Mrs. Kathrine|l0 o'clock. . tester, Mrs., Frieda Riedal, Mrs. | Mr. and ^Mrs. Smith were married Elizabeth Krause, Mrs. Edith Wilker- at Chippewa Falls, Wis., where they son and Mrs. Nettie Hollarbush. | lived for seven years. They then moved to this vicinity, where they MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER (have lived for thirty-four years on 'ohn N. Freund entertained at their presTOT farm. a miscellaneous shower Monday even ing in honor of Miss Helen Michels, who became the bride of Frank Young, Wednesday. The party took place at the Joe Young home. Bunco furnished entertainment for the guests with prizes awarded. Those present were Mrs. Joe P. Miller and daughters, Mrs. C. Freund, Lillian Young, Mrs. Jacob Stoffel, Mrs. j2 noon. Mat Schaid, Mrs. Nick Young, Mrs.; Hebron--Tuesday, Oct. 20, 10 a. m. Joe Webeiv Mrs. Nick Huff, Mrs. Mati^o 12 noon. Glosson, Helen Michels and sisters,. Harvard--Tuesday, Oct. 20, 10 a. m. Mrs. Anna Miller and Mrs. A1 to 4 p. m: " - . . - gers of Chicago. |. McHenry--'Friday, Oct. 23, 10 a. m. I Cary--Tuesday, Oct. 27, 10 a. m. to Mrs. M. J. Freund returned home ^2 noon. I * Saturday from a week's visit in thfe j Fox River Grove home of her sister, Mrs. L. N. Baer,'j p m to 4 p m the bank holding them and announced her intention of freeing the hospital of this large debt by cancelling the iiotes. The transaction is by Way of a direct gift to the hospital, according to the report. Merle Dowell, well known WaUconda young man, was the victim of an unfortunate accident last week Thursday, wffen he suffered a broken bone in his right arm above the wrist, while operating a silo filler on the Hen^y Geary farni near Griswold Lake. He was taken to the office of a McHenry physician, where the fracture iyas reduced and the arm placed in a east. Traffic: death number 48 was enrolled in Lake county's 1936 list during the past week by a hit-and-run driv- Dr. A. E. Nejfoby of the Chicago Congregational /union were the speakers at the ceremonies. Leaders in the church expect to dedicate the edifice -early this winter.' Alex Raymond Knox, Waukegan, miraculously escaped serious injury and possible death Friday night of last week when his car was struck and demolished, by a freight train backing down to switch on the Hough street crossing of the Chicago and North Western railroad. According to reports, Knox was traveling . south when the collision occurred. Mis car was dragged and rolled west down the tracks for approximately 100 feet and bring his wrecking crew to the scene. and jack up the freight car. Workmen labored 45 minutes to extricate Knox from the twisted mas^of wood and steel that once was his car. An examination at the Lake County Genoral hospital, Waukegan, where he was removed by ambulance, revealed that a broken bone in his hand and. foot were the extent of his injuries.^ No trace has been found of the men who held up the Clear View Tavern, ; about three iVniles west of Marengo on Route 20, on Wednesday night of last week. The hold-up occurred about 6:45 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. James Harris, the proprietors, who are known as "Jimmy and Margaret," were alorie in the place at the time. After drinking part of the beer they had ordered, the two men \tfho staged the hold-up ordered sandwiches. As , Mrs. Harristurned toward the kitchen, the men' drew guns, announced a holdup and ordered Harris, who was behind the bar, and his wife to lie on the floor. Harris started around the comer to^ resist and was clouted on the back of the head with a gun. One of the men held a gun on Mr. and Mrs. Harris while the other Went through the cash register and ransacked ah adjoining, bedroom). The loot consisted of 35 or; 40 dollars, two men's watches and two ended by being so tightly jammed guns. The hold-up men escaped in a under the wheels of the box car that car, driving west. X tT NOTICE Visitors from the Old Age Assistance' Division will be at the city halls in McHenry county towns on the following dates to take applications and answer any questions which anyone may desire to ask. . Alden--Tuesday, Oct. 20, 10 a. m. to: & ?4 T ¥ rret Tuesday, Oct. 27, j ,. , , ... . • 1 Union--Wednesday, Oct. 28,10 a. m.: ding of her niece, Miss Katherine: \2 noon Baer, to Albert Barsota of Chicago. |Chicago, where she attended the wed-, .„.r _ m,,„ ,p, , . , Huntley--Wednesday, Oct, 28, 1 p.fI '2V. The wedding ceremony took nlace,m to 1 p m. Saturday, Oct. 3, at St. Gertrude's Al^nnninLThursday, Oct. 29, 1 p church in, Chicago and after a wedding dinner for the immediate rela- Algonquin-- m. to 4 p. m. , 1 - .. , . . ^ Marengo--Friday, Oct. 30, 1Q m. tives the couple left on a trip to Can- to 4 p m ^ ada, New York City and other points j - Richmond-Wednesdayr^l^l p. of interest from which they were ex- m to 4 p m. f perted to return this weelc. | SprinK Orove-WedneKtay; N« 4, ^ """yl i - '| Solon Mills--Wednesday, Itfov. 4, 1 p. mi. to 4 p. m. Nov. 5, and the bride, who attended school McHenry in her earlier years, has! been employed with Harding's whole- c ^ Lake_Thursday( sale meat company for several yeays. j l0 a; m to 4 ^ m PRE-NUPTIAL PARTY | Miss Viola Adamowski, who will become the bride of Mr. William J.l $20,000 DAMAGE SUIT ON CALL FOR NOV. 10 Miller on October 24, was honored at! JJj &^!ge a P' party given by Mrs.:and Math G1^ Jacob Stoffel, s.ster of Mr. Miller, on call in the McHenry County circuit Sunday afternoon j I court, Nov. 10. y I he guest of honor was presented, jyirs> Wal riiMt®6 Tw"nfv 88 ^ flom thejamounj. |20,000 for injuries receiv-1 •«» ifr fl;7rrnyTer /,werepres;ed when she was ^ck by ^ gi0S- A fi TyH 1 ,af K tern00n |son car while crossing the street at & fridge, five hundred and bunco - the intersection of Green and Elni Y in the,^ McHenry County Fart Cooperative Association JOHN A. BOLGER, Mgr. KcB6nury Caroline Schiessle and daughterT1 Bertha, Mrs. Ted Schiessle, Mrs.: Peter J. Schaefer, Mrs. Nick Young, Mrs. Joe Weber, Mrs. Claus Larson and daughters, Sylvia, Gladys and Norma, Mrs. W. M. Crouch, Mrs.1 Charles Dowe, Mabel Haven, Clara Miller, Mrs. Ben Miller, Mrs. P. W. Freund, Mrs. Mat Glosson, Mrs. J. N. Freund and Mrs. Alex Justen. for REAL COMFORT EASTERN STAR Mrs. Clinton ..Martin. Mrs. Wheeler J. E. and Mrs. Henry Vogel attended the Grand chapter of the Order of the .Eastern Star at Medina!) Mosque in Chicago last week. * Mrs. Bertha Eagle was elected worthy grand matron, and George ; Marback was elected worthy grand patron. | Local friends of Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels of Elgin will be gl$d to learn that she will serve as Grand Adah this year. Mrs. Minnie (Mar.tin. worthy matroi) of McHenry chapter, O. E. S., served as worthy matron at Richmond chapter Monday evening on the occa-/ sion of their worthy matrons and worthy patrons' night. She was e s corted to her station in the ea'st under an archway of roses held by officers and merwbers of McHenry chapter.1 Henry Howe, worthy patron of Mc-: Henry chapter served as associate i patron and Lisle Bassett, associate patron of McHenry chapter, served its marshal for the evening; Others from McHenry chapter who attended were : Elsie and Frances Vycital, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Ethel Granger, Mrs. Earl Brown, Mrs. A. Eddy, Mrs. F. Spurling, Mrs. Anna Geyer, Mrs. Lisle Bassett, Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mrs. Arline Pearson, Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, Miss Ethel Jones and Mrs. Hienry Vogel. Mrs. Henry Vogel attended Advanced Officers* Night •« Libertyville You can go through the raw, chilly weather ahead comfortably, if you wear the correct type of underwear. Let us show you the type best suited for your needs. Fine cottons as low as $1. All wool garments to $4*95 McGEE'S t T T T f-' f T T T T f •Y f tt T t Y t T ft T T T T T MEMBER Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation $5,000.00 Maximum Insurance for each Depositor (OFlb 1UIAL PUBLICATION) , ; Report of the Condition of West McHenry State Bank McHenry, 111; (P. 0. West McHenryy transmitted in ros]K)ns<> to eall of (lie Auditor of fublw Accounts 'pursuant to law and showing condition at the close of business on the •JOt li day of Soptomber 1936. .. " ' " " RESOURCES ; 1. Casli and duo from bapks . ; ' 2. Outside checks and other ciash jtelhs . 3. United States Govcnunent obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed ,..^...1 4. Other bonds, stocks and^^securities "155,251 i3^ 5. Loans and discounts : 20(5,144.74 6. Overdrafts ... . . 70.38 7. Banking house, $9,200.00; Furniture and fixtures, $2,160.00 11,360.00 . 11* Other resource® 1,86^.70 . 230,791.32 453.23 197,482.97 Grand Total Resources $803,422.73 LIABILITIES 12. Capital stock 14. Surplus ^ .1.. 15. Undivided Profits (Net) J16. Reserve Accounts : 17. Demand I )eposiU Time Deposits; --r--t"50,000^0™ 50,000.00 . 17,036.54 2,100,00 -370,449.37 Total of deposits: -- (1) Secured by pledge of loSns and/or investments -c V, .$ 25,000.00 (2) Not secured by pledg^of loans and/or investments 659,279.29 • (3) Total Deposits „i... :.„..,........$684,279.29 25. Other Liabilities : ....: Grand Total Liabilities 6.90 3,422.73 Memorandum: I^oans and Investments Pledged ; ' . to Secure Liabilities: 26. Loans and investments pledged: • * . U. S. Government obligations direct and/or . fully guaranteed : „...... ..$27,000.00 Total Pledged (excluding re-discounts) ...$27,000^00 27. Pledged: Against funds of State of Illinois 27,000^0® Total Pledged $27,000.00 ; T1 ie bunk has outstanding . $56,724.05 face amount of Deferred Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when such" future net profits are earned, (future net profits are operating profits plus recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserves) representing contributions to the bank and subordinated to all deposit - and creditor liabilities but payable before any distribution to stockholders as such. ; I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do. solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and1 belief, and that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts shown in the report made to1 the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. - GERALD J. CAREY, Cashier, Correct Attest: •'•/"Win. M. CARROLL, • ; SIMON STOFFEL, Directors. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry. ss. ^ /'•Subscribed and sworn to before me tliis 7th day of October 1936. (SEAT,) ITOWARD WATTLES. Xotarv Public. DEPOSITS, DECEMBER 31, 1933 DEPOSITS, DECEMBER 31, 1934 DEPOSITS, DECEMBER 31, 1935 Deposits, September 30,19)6 $331,614.48 426,934.33 525.139.77 684.X79.X9 V • 7

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