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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Oct 1936, p. 3

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•-- - I •> '% V * T : ~ : Thursday, October, 15,1936 IBS McHXHRY PLAHDEALER r T-* "< ^X' «*$,fwf PaC*Thrtt RED CROSS ' ' The American Red Cross conducted a home inspection campaign in Mc- Henry county last year. Rural school children distributed inspection blanks, checking possible accident hazards in the home and seeking their parents' co-operation in having them eliminated. This school season the same work is going on with the check list including accident hazards on the farm because it has been found that agriculture is the most dangerous of all occupations. Ranking in the order listed farm risks are caused by machinery, animals, heat, vehicular accidents, falls, lightning. Join Roll Call, Armistice Day to Thanksgiving Day, and help this safety campaign along. V. L. Exler of Woodstock, chairman of the McHenry County Roll Call, announces the appointment of James Walsh as Roll Call Chairman for McHenry and vicinity., ' McHENRY COUNTY PICNIC J/The McHenry County, 111., picnic wiil "Be held at Sycamore Grove, Los-Angeles, Calif., 'on"Oct. 17. Those that are planning to be in Southern Calif., abput that:tame, we hope will attend. ; v < P. E. MEAD, Pres. ' *5000.00 I N C A S H P R I Z E S Listtn to Radio's Big Comedy Hit DIAMOND CITY NEWS Get Program Schedule at any Diamond D-X Station JOHNSBURG ARTISTIC PERSONNEL IS BEST IN TEARS Chicago City Opera Company ; To Open Season * Oct. 31 Mr. and Mrs. Peter May and ter of Spring Grove were callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm daughter, Barbara, and s were Sunday visitors with relativ Wheatland, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson entertained friends and relatives from Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Freund, Spring Grove, visited Sunday with Mr. and! several very talented and Mrs. Jos. J. Freund. j newcomers. Paul Longorfe, From almost any viewpoint the artistic personnel for the coming sea- •son of the Chicago City Opera Company is the best that has been heard here in years. It contains internationally famous cpera stars, old favorites here, and colorful Man's $1,550 Boniis, Lost by Wife, Found White Plains, N. Y.--A bundle of veterans' bonus bonds worth $1,550 was found by a janitor in a rubbish pile in the basement qf a Main street department store. The bonds had been lost several days before by Mrs. Walter C. Elder, of White Plains, while she was shopping. They were returned to her husband. general Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago i manager of the company has tried to spent the weekend with &r. and Mrs. meet every demand of the opera-goer Peter F, Freund. jand it appears from the list Of sing- Mr^ and Mrs. Wm. Freund, Spring iers t*vat,^e has succeeded, with Mr. and Amcng the internationally famous? who will be heard this season are Burke, Jepson, Lawrence, Pons, Rethspent Sunday with John Schmitt and j*1*;. Wettergren, Bentonelli, Mar- - | tir.elh, Melchior, Schipa, of • Chicago Bonelli' Tibbett< Thomas, List, and Grove, visited Sunday Mrs. Joe Miller. - Mr. and Mrs. Schultz' of , Chicago G-MEN GET CROOKS AND CROOKS SWAG Recover Loot Totaling $34,000,- OOO in Yie^r. , • family. Miss Kathrine. Pitzen spent the weekend with her father, John Pitzen. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Richmond spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Steve May. Pinza. Then among, the old favorites here \v„ho also have a claim on international fame are: Mason, Raisa, La Manci Pne-Gasser, Rimini, Morelli, Baromeo, and Love. Washington.--The G-men not only get their, crooks, but get the crooks' Tnirofx-o* I swag as wel1- According to J. Edv , gar Hoover, director of ttfe federal bureau of investigation, the bureau during the year ended on June 30, recovered loot totaling $34,708,815. Hoover pointed out that the expenses of his bureau amounted tp about $5,000,000 for the year. Thus, Mrs. Ortel of Chicago visited San- ""p ""V"' , , . . . ,, ' he said, "for every dollar which was day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Michels. , , A ,if. ro^fr,!*" u spent for the operating costs of the Mr. and Mrs. Nic Miller moved to|. ... , . -Cum who his bureau during the year approxi- Waukewn last week. ;> , ^' LT f' L ™'°ratura: ™lely seven dollars' was soured Mrs. JoS. J. FreOnd entertained the;' J?v„, f . °-*"1 *r ;17. There are for the government, or individual five hundred club» Monday evening, uf ^aPPefrance . citizen in property recovered or j prizes being awarded to Mrs. J°« jlTf" ^ King, Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and Mrs. 'n -f" .that sh* be ^heard John A. Miller. j 'Zl ' * L • ** ^ I Joe Schmitt was a Woodstock callfirst appearance anywhere since she er Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Freund and was operated on for goitre more than year ago. i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May were Chi<»goL?f.,.<:°l»rf"1 "'?'c°m?T* »ho "iU rrI make then operatic debuts here are Vivian Delia Chiesa, famous N.B.C. On The Record callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bohnen of Wilmette were Johnsburg callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer of Arlington Heights attended the Meyers- Schaefer wedding Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund, - Mrs. Steve H. Smith, and Mrs. Steve King and son motorejl to Holy Hill Thursday radio soprano, Elizabeth Brown, Betty Jaynes, the 15 year old wonder, and f0Ur death Janice Porter, soprano, who made such & success on the Columbia networks. MissPella Chiesa, born, raised and educated in the Chicago area, first won reknown'in singing when she won an "unknown singers" contest on the air several years ago. §Snce then she savings effected." Hoover said that 3,9d5 persons were convicted in cases investigated by his agents, and convictions were obtained in 94.35 per cent of the cases which went to trial. "The bureau," continued Hoover, "'has solved every kidnaping case in which it has performed investigative work, with 31 life sentences, sentences, and other sentences totaling 2,113 years being given offenders. Three culprits committed suicide, five were killed, six died by murder at the hands of their gang, members, and two were lynched. "Due to the activities of the fedMiss Annebelle Meyers of Chicago "" Since wien snej eerraall bbuurreeaa u of investigation in bank was a caller here Wednesday. | SUngr h*r u.p.™:. ladJf1' *°j J*obberies, being one of the outstanding N.B.C. \ have recently reduced bank insursingers, She will make-4i«r~debuti7r~atfce 20 per cent in 35 states." ednesday Joe M. Schmitt visited the last part of the week with relatives at Aurora Geraldine Farrar, famous prima i donna of the old Metropolitan Opera, I pictured as she made a speech for Gov.' jAlf M. Landon, Republican presidential nominee. "I appreciate the opportunity ! of America," she said, "and the idea j of regimenting opportunity and individual enterprise is abhorrent Gov. ( Landon stands for personal freedom."» Miss Carl Voltz spent a few daysP^la„'n Paft of M'tiii in La Bo-.' He added that seventy-three per« with relatives in Chicago. j e^e °™ Novemb<>r lo; j sons were convicted for bank rob- Miss eiown was discovered this, bery during the year. Also, the bulling by Mr. Longone when he at-j reau's agents found 1,089 federal tended a performance at the Univer-i fugitives from justice, and through Nic Schaefer from Waukegan Johnsburg. and family moved [ to" his residence in Buddy Meyers, Jerry Hettermann **y of Ch f lcag0 of c S u hvanda "in whlcl?i fng?r prmtS J!elped find 5J31 olher d Leo Gerlach attended the North- she.waf starnnK- She has a.beautiful fugitives They also recovered western-South Dakota football game contralto vo^e. | 2,496 stolen car^ and Gerlach attended the North- IU at Dyke Stadium at Evanston Satur-;M Mo^ un«^/>f the^ newcomers is| ; ; Miss Jaynes. That is the profession-, D . . _ al name she has chosen, her right'! .P^ Russia 111 lnrir gj iiame being Betty Jane Schultz. Bet-! j ty is one of the phenomena of the aj>e day. Mrs. Robert Schaefer and son Waukegan were visitors Thursday the home of and Mrs. Wm Meyers Althcugh only 15, she is a sophmore' ^nglfnd-* ~ °,ne of the most daring international spies Mrs. J« King and daughters th/1 Scho,°1^^f°r Bil18' BeU>' * » . , • v , . . . n a ? a b e a u t i f u l m a t u r e d s o p r a n o v o i c e of unsual range and beauty. Miss Porter is a southern girl and t^eir vacation with ^Mr. and^MrsT'steve [ ^e[' ^ Waukepan ciallers Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter of Chicago are spending H. Smith. Mrs. Joe P. Mickels and daughters, Helen and Dorothy, and Mrs. Albert is in Dallas, Texas, where she^direct- Prefers Life in Britain London, of this generation is turning inttr an ordinary middle-aged Englishman, a Retired colonel with -no more excitement in his life than his garden and his radio. He is Col; Victor Konstantine ed^choirs, high school choruses a,ndi Ra^din"; la'te of'Vh^Rus^ianTrh^ miscellaneous other musical duties •- • • • • - r Huff, were Waukegan callers Monday. : !le hY;ee".^e"personal + ^PP^'ances. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller and fam-1 Th,s spnn>r she came to Ch,ca«° to, MUD and SNOW! Don't Stop the Famous Traction Look at these prices. Come in and look at the tires and ~7""* V remember you~get a " FREE TUBE with every Tire. 30x4.50-21 $8.15 28 x 4.75--19 _.l; 8.60 27 x 5.50--17 . " 11.40 28 x 6.00--16 ^........11.60 "28 x 6.25-16 .13.50. 30 x 5--8 ply Truck 20.70 32 x6--8 ply Truck ........26.65 32 x6--10 ply Truck 32.60 6.00 x 20--Truck and Bus Balloon .18.20 Ironclad written guarantee with every tire Walter J. Freund Good Used Tires In All Sixes Tires, Batteries, Battery Charging, Tire Vulcanizing, Etc. Get Your Prestone Here GASOLINE, TRACTOR AMD MOTOR OILS Phone 294 West McHenry, 111. rial Ataman guards, who has, during his career, acted as a secret , agent for Germany, Russia, Italy ilv of Spring Grove spent Sunday With t, o >.he| '"ck.and j1 turned out be and Holland He is an inconspicu- Mr anH Mrs Peter SmitK. *. ! , immediately made a hit ous householder in the village of 'with the Columbia radio officials andj Ilfracombe, and in a few weeks he their hearers. ^ Next her unsual so- will be' a Naturalized British subprano voice made a hit with Mr. Long-j ject. one and the result is those thousands! Raledin speaks fifteen languages, i who enjoyed her voice on the air will and it was on account of his lin- 'n°w be able to hear her in opera. | guistic ability that he was asked to ^ Stephano Ballarin is another new- j join the Russian intelligence departccmer to the company and this coun-| ment. He was sent as a spy into 1 try. Ballarin, a Hungarian, is the wartime Germany. After the war, • leading baritone in Europe^ today, and] when the Russian revolution made in addition to having a remarkable it impossible for him • to return to voice, is said to be unusually hand- his own country, Colonel Kaledin somfe. , | worked for various secret services. The complete roster to date for the has been seriously wounded coming season which opens on Octob-1 eM?ht times. Three attempts were er 31st with a gala performance of! his^.-life by White^.Russians, i Resphghi's "La Fiamma" is as fol-j , -- ----- Had.,&VivirS& Bather. Admire Floating Lucia Diano, Lola Fletcher Lila May by Man; Find He's Dead I Flynn, Amelita Galli-Curci, ®ettV Manasquan, N. J.--Bathers stood Jaynes. Helen Jep«*m, Jane King, jn the surf here admiring Charles Maijorie Lawrence, Anna Leskaya,' Ripley's ability to keep afloat for Edith Mason, Ruth Mills, Myra Man-1 ten minutes without a kick or a ning, Hilda Ohlin, Lily Pons, Janice, stroke Presently the sea washed , PorteV, Elizabeth Rethberg, Rosa! him into the churned-up undertow Raisa and Freida Savini. j and they realized he was dead. Mezzos and Contraltos: Alice Mary j He was brought ashore and at- Bat-nziger, Mari Bamva, Helen Bar- tempts were made for an hour to. iush^ Elizabeth Brown, Maria Claes-' resuscitate him. Dr. Albert FT ,-ens. Eleanor La Mance, Maria Mat-! Schmidt attributed his death to; a . ;. &s. Sonia Sharnova and Gertrud Wet- heart attack, apparently caused by tergren. . exertion. • - Tenors: Joseph" Bentonelli, Guiseppe Mr, Ripley, who was fifty-four Cavadore, Carlo Hatvary, W illiarn. ygars qJ^ an(j ijv^| at Morristown, Martin, Giovanni Martinelli, Lauritz: J„t- came here with his wife on jMtlchior, John Pane-Gasser, Tito his vacation. He donned his swimi Schipa and Armand Tokatyan. i Baritones: Richard Bonelli, George Cehanovsky, Wilfred Engleman, Frederick Jencks, Carlo Morelli, Giacomoi Rimini. Lawrence Tibbett, John Charles Thomas, Stephano Ballarin! and Frederick Schorr. j j-.Basses:' Chase Baromeo, Emanuel; list. Mark Love, Teodor pilio Malatesta, Ezio Ruisi, Louis D'Angelo, and Julius H u e h n . : _ rning clothes at his cottage at 409 Beach Front and swam out about 200 yards. He was almost back to shore when he died. Horse's Odd Death Dunnigan, Calif. -- Psychologists? -are wondering if, a horse can die Lovich, Pom- ^ fright. An eight-year-old girl was Pinza, Nino riding a horse between whom a real affection existed, when she fell off. The horse took a few more steps and fell dead. Yak. Half Bison. Half Ox The yak's shaggy coat of hair enables him to exist comfortably in deep snow, and tcj survive blizzards which would prove fatal to cattle. The yak is half bison and half ox. For centuries he ha^ been the best friend of the Tibetans and his wild neighbors. He can carry heavy; burdens through high, treacherous, mountain passes, and subsist on meager fare. The wild species; confined to inaccessible areas of the Tibetan plateau, sometimes stands six feet tall au the shoulder. ftMS Wild yak is solid black. Painting Old Custom People painted-their homes in ancient times. The fourteenth verse of the twenty - second chapter of Jeremiah reads: "I will build me a wide house . . . and it is ceiled with cedar and painted with vermilion." What About Fido? Cheyenne, Wyo.--A rccent "dog census" conducted in this city revealed that Pal and Mickey are the names most frequently bestowed on canine pets. Names ranged from the aristocratic titles of King and Queen tb the ultra-modern streamlined variety sqch as Zephyr. Bear Trees Forester New Castle, Va.--The keeper of the Potts mountain fire tower was "treed" in the .tower $11 night by a big. black Tear Troubles • -- «Tain' so important to jrottr troubles," said Uncle "as it is to 'tsmin' into ted out how to cur* 'am." fohgit Eben, 'em an' Cadmaean Victory A Cadmaean victory is a victory purchased at great expense of life. The allusion is to the armed men who sprang out of the ground from the teeth. of the dragon sown by Cadmus. These men fell foul of each other and only five of them escaped ^ieath. Salem Callage for Women Salon College at Winston-Salem, N. C., for women was founded in ,1772. . * , STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF McHENRY, SS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Home Owners ' Loan Corporation, * Corporation of the United StateS of America, created by- Act of Congress, Plaintjff, . vs. . B5on H. Barnard, et al., Defendants, CIVIL ACTION IN EQUITY No. 27618. - • Affidavit showing that the defend, ants, Bion H. Barnard, Genevieve Barnard, Jerry B. Magruder and Elsie E. Marguder on due inquiry cannot be found, so that process cannot be served upon said defendants, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of this court, notice is therefore, hereby given ' to said above-named defendants that the plaintiff in the above entitled cause filed its complaint in said cause on the 15th day of August, 1936, and that said action is now pending and ^undetermined in said court, and that you, the said above-named defendants, must file your appearance in said action on or before the Third Monday in the month of November, 1936, and in the event you fail to do s6 default may be entered against you. WILL T. CONN, Clerk of said Court. Plaintiff's Attorney:. David R. Joslyn, - Jr. Attorney's Address: 116 Bentofi St, Woodstock, Illinois. 21-3 SLOGUIVrS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were callers at Waukegan Saturday. Mrs. Harry Matthews was a caller at McHenry last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were callers at Barrington last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse \rere callers at McHenry last Thursday. Miss Leone Freund of McHenry called at the home of Mr. and Mrs Harry Matthews Friday. Merle Dowell was a ^caller at McHenry Saturday. v „ Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larabee at Bristol, Wis. , Mrs. Ray Dowell spent Tuesday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Philena Davis. ; ' Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. 5 Willard Parrell was a caller at the J. W. Gilbert home at Crystal Lake Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer of Wauconda* spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maithews. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse spent last Friday -evening at the home of the latter's 'mother, Mrs. Philena Davis. Mrs. Harry Matthews, and sister, Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Forest Park visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rau of Chicago spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Leslie Foss, in company with his brother, Archie, and other friends of Libertyville, returned home last Thursday from a 4-day fishing trip at •Long Lake, Wis.. "Bombay bnek" "Bombay duck" is the tradename given to the bummaloti,,ifc.". lizard fish (harpodon " nehereus) related to, the salmon, but marine, which is caught in large quantities : on the western coast of India. It is dried arid salted and exported all over the East. The dried flesh is used in. India aa a relish The term has come to mea» dried fish eaten with curry. " - . . . - •v V-V-v -V'C-v yd'*# JYoungest Volunteer Allan John Hodges, complete with sunflower, is shown above. Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hixlges of Rocky .River, a Cleveland, (0.), suburb, Allan ^ John is a regularly enrolled Republican I Volunteer with the rank of Asst.- Sergt.-at-Arms (note badge) in the campaign to elect Gov. Alf M. Landon, President no EXTRA COST/ KOT-PMOf STOR 5 0 5 Combination STORm D00R5 great value! Morgan Rot-Proof Storm Sash--guaranteed to indefinitely resist all forms of fungus decay and termite destruction/^ Morgan Combination Storm and Screen Doors are ideal for all seasons. By a change of Hie panels they become suited to all climatic ex-, tremes. In winter they keep out cold, snow and drafts. In summer they become screen doors barring entrance to in- »sect pests without hindering ventilation. Carried in aQ stock sizes. . i n n Alexander Lumber Co. Phone 5 McHenry SAT. NOV: k 7 '

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