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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Oct 1936, p. 5

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> TTTT-f. ... . •• »*' - •;-fv^<.' ^iimay,October, 15,1936 THE McHENKY PLAINDEALEft : >;•; '-?* f .^•:;;;,-v ^'r"v' "SO I HEAR^i EARL WALSH MCHS ELEVEN SHOWS SPIRIT AND FORM IN BEATING MARENGO 18-6 McHenry's football team came back in fighting form to defeat Marengo last Friday afternoon by a score of 18 to 6. Facing a heavy line, the McHenry boys turned on the steam and played a pleasing brand of football. The fold was soft, but the local team had much better luck in keeping their .u . .u mx * | footing than the boys from Marengo. ^ ft seems that the Marengo team 0ur boys made few mistakes that Icouldh't see the joke in coming way couid be blamed on the soggy field and ever here on a chilly afternoon as perjsiippery bal, Looks Jike we faave schedule to play the Shamrocks so j team of good mudders. They showed ^hey just stayed home and toasted j it once before when they hooked up their shins. .with Walworth. • • --• *• • The thrill Maybe the World Series marked the end of the baseball season for most of us, but not for some of our local ball tossers. *c -- S * I * H -- Now, these Shamfrocks are a hale and hearty bunch of laddybucks that have no fear of a chilly breeze so they suited up and induced sortie ofthe •. Spectators to do likewise. " -- S * I * H of the day came when Frisby raced 70 yards thrbugh a brok- 6n field »to break ^ 6 and 6 tie. Frisby's play throughout the whole game seemed to stir his team to greater effort.. MCHS Girls' Basketball Team--1915 ••ii? "Bud" Miller, the crushing full- * v n i j m. i. bfick, ripped through Marengo's 'line' A ball game was played, ffl. McHemy. first touchdown, then had five bats. When all five :bats!e.rahhPH » Ma«»,o.n no. , , ' " ' fe.™ bm\t»n the f - a Marengo pass and legged it •were broken, the boys went hoqaie aftd spme 5o yards for the touchdown that v^alled it a day--and a season. : v - i H f - ' - S M ,H- ' ' V - George Wurtzinger, sports writer put the game on ice. McHenry displayed their, fighting Basketball was always a favorite spirit early in, the game. With their sport in McHenry and the school ty^fat the Woodstock Sentinel, Came over-'backs'to the wall as a result of- a 15 j turned out some., winners' in;the. past, members of the team of 1915. The >.-;last; Friday afternoon with a group;yard penalty, the local; boys found the as they haVe in later "^ayiK from St. Mary's to watch the McHen-; Marengo team resting on their one' ;ty-Marengo football game. ja»d one half yard line with four downs -- S * I * H --• Ito<, &° over. Marengo scored, but it Our team looked like football $lay- j a11 four d<™ to put the ball a few inches over the line. Todd Here Friday ers as they went about their £hmxs in trimming Marengo 18 to 6. . i t u i ,, . . - . c • t * xi •• r Todd school will bring one ijf their heaviest and best teams of recept - Inspired by the stellar work of j years to McHenry Friday afternoon to George Frisby, the boys were more j do battle with our warriors. alert than in previous games. Especially in the interception or breaking up of forward passes did our boys seem Johnny on the spot. -- S * 1 • H -- Glen Wattles attended" the game. (We have to say something about hint every week or the column is "no good.") : -- S * Goach Reed looks for a real battle and is giving his boys a lot of time and attention this week. The will start at 2:30 p. m. game C. 0. P. TEAM RECEIVES CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY The girls, too, had basketball teams in these days, the above pii ls/ being girls\^;1 Maymei Verona ,Niesen andJarie Oweq"'• Barbian, Mary Bonslett, Alta Went-, worth, Irene Vasey, Bernice Bonslett, MCHS Basketball Team~4916 iiNkai * Jc ' *• JW1 >y. Page Tin HUNTING DOG CLUB MEETS AT JOHNSBURG The West Surburban Hunting Dog Club held its third field trail and trap shootf Sund&y, October 11, at the Stone Tavern at Johnsburjr, with forty mem- &®rs and their friends in attendance. Prizes were awarded as follows: " English Setter Class--Mr Bakers. .Irish Setter Class--L. C. Harmon. Female Irish Setter Class--First prize, Mr.*Schuride. . Female Irish Setter Class-±-Second prize, L. C. Harmon. " •'./ Springer Spaniel Class--Mr. Pugie. The trap shoot was won by F. A. lamerson with opposition from L. C. Harmon. The fifth tie was won by F. A. Jamerson.; The dogs were judged j by Mr. Jones, a professional handler,! bf Forest Park, Illinois. State Game] Wardens John Pitmen , of Johnsburg j arid B. Nudgen of„Rockford, Illinois j also assisted in the judging of the *V Sliort Waves Use Pipeline - • Short waves have Ijeen experinrientally "piped." They travel inside long tubes free from outside static -and without interference of nearby receivers. They race through with a velocity of about 167,400 miles a second- ' ; Mrs. N.J. Just eh" has returned from a several days' visit" in Chicago. -Last Thursday night the Spring I Grove Community Club gave the in* As this is written, it appears that j door league a real treat, by throwing "Gabby" Hartnett will go to Brook- , a party at Spring Grove. Each team: jyr. as playing manager. - | of the league was well, represented. -- S * I * H i Charley Freund opened the meeting r» n ^ • i f „ ^iby-caUin^ on "Scotty," the Fox Lake managfiC^-hQ.^liQt t. but v,tJl- "Gabby's" personality and~libiiay to interesting talk and expressed hit ~ ,inak„^ ,the fans for, get their old faVor-,: tnthanaK is.> -ifonir- «thheo wwaawy every,tuh ing was ite, Casey Stengel. ,• ; (handled. Alvin Freund, manager of -- S * I * H -- ! the Johnsburg team, and Elmer Smith, Casey pulled some great pranks in manager < f the Spring Grove team, his days as a player. Perhaps one oi : were called upon next and both the best was the time he stepped to'congratulated the McHenry team on the plate, doffed his cap, and out flew,winning the championship. "Speed" a sparrow .from it's nest in his curly i expressed his thanks to Chas. Freund top. ' _• |and the Spring Grove Community Club S * I • H -- ] for the way they handled the league "Big Bill Tonyan was elected Mon-j ®nd stated that c- F- would be day night successor to A. E. Nye as!bat^ next >*ear Wlth another Good ball preside--njt. of 4th-ue- MA* arri;.e..di Men's 'rC,i,.Kl u' CbIUD., ^01c^y Krause, pitcher for fiill has been an enthusiastic member i e 0 amP10ns> stated that This is a picture he had cbampions in 1916> of the county. The local high -t'tiH' players. Personnel of the team: Standing, knd will make an energetic leader for iheard rum°rs that Stilling was going ^ch001 team won eighteen out of twen-j Left to rights--Henry Miller, Frank •t,, . - ito mianage the Brooklyn Dodgers next t^"one gnmes that year and were j Justen, Ed Boy4e, Arthur Hunter^ Air ftthee oorgragniazantioin^. ^, : . year, but SSttiilllllliinngg denied all such : -- ^ & 1 . rumors. (Who knows?) • "Petie" Schaefer is the new secre-! Rev Frank Miller of the C. O. P, tary. Quite a battle on for that job, team expressed his happiness over the but "Petie" finally won out. You just sportsmanship shown by all the clubs; can't beat him. Ed. Smith and Dar Granger gave -- S * I * H -- • ^ short talks. Rev. Daleiden of Spring George "Butch" Freund is the new, Grove then presented the champions trustee for the coming year. Direct with a trophy which will be on disall complaints to the trustee. That's play in one of Smith Brother's store the motto. ---IT . {windows very shortly. In order Co l J i. d Richardson, Franees Bonslett.' Sitting--Lester Bacon, Coach Phil Dorr, Edw*rd;Bottsleti.V:\;'."'.;" win this trophy for all time a tea; must win it two years in successton/ The record of the C. O. F. is very ... , . ^.jod, having won fifteen and Jost only All members are m- ftve their first yeai. oyt/ Look year. -- S * I * K -- The Club will hold another golf •tourney next Sunday, at the McHenry I Country Club Yited. -- S * I * H -- Some of the boys .object to lis call* itfg them turf diggers. Well, let's get up two teams. We'll give them a new name. TURF- DIGGERS vs. PLOW BOYS. . "*j- -- S * I * H -- The regular schedule of bowling nm* started at the palace alleys. We ^11 start next week to Drint scores °P as exPected- winning 40 to 7, Wl1 start t f i pnnL,®c^es The big thrill of the dav was Don and uneuw s of the bowlers^. PW_a ti. n,e • „H tap , s beauti.fu l ninety-yardJ run i• n • w' ll be here next Sunday for a match . w.h i• c%h, .h e ,r an through the Jw .h o,le NXTo rtTh S * I * H ;j Dakota team. Mr. Duker, Mr. Grang- MCHS Basketball T.-.t o i~1<>!7 Saturday's game proved a great success with Northwestern coming out oil "with the Wildcats. |er, Busse Ferwerda, and Mr. Meyer The column is indebted to neigh-'to* k the scouts in and we would like to bors and close associates of the pro- sincerely thank them for their time prietor of the Dreymiller Barber Shop and effort. So much for the game. for the following news. -- S * I • H Monday's meeting was devoted almost entirely to songs and game^ with twenty-eight boys turning out for the fun. The Scouts were first .This same Dreymiller has threatened us with most everything possible if we continued to use his name In the!nct'fted as to what Patro1 they wer« column. However, public demand is to ^ in and when their first patrol so great that we find it necessary to P»t his name in print once again. -- S * I * H -- . The name Dreymiller comes under the class of "Names that make news." -- S * I - H -- HELP! AID! SUCCOR! meetings would be and where. Mr. Peterson obliged us by* playing the piano for a number of old favorites in which the Demon Patrol Leader, Ers Laures, came within four octaves of high C before his v^ice cracked (wide open). After tiring of his terrific voice, . Mr. Schoenholtz j reeled off a flock of games, which in- Wanted--A Tent Or Other Portableicluded' "Do.This," "Japanese Tag," Shelter Is Needed Before Cold Weather I'TT Roost€r Fight" and "Leap Frog.* , j Harry Conway and Dick Freund were Rumor has it that John (Gabby) the winners in the Rooater Fight and Dreymiller, th6 enterprising, wide- "Do This" resulted in a five-way tieawake Centerville businessman, thejfor first place. Pride of Hampshire, chartei" member f There will be an overnight hike this of the Annanias Club is, after years j Friday night, so try and "be there/ of painstaking efforts in his chosen | Adios! .-•vocation, about to lay away the lather Scout Herb Reihansperger. brush and razor, and take up the tools of a new profession, that of constructing shelters for homeless pups. John "built his first dog kennel last ANDERSONS WOODSTOCK fflnma Playing the Pick of the Pictures FRIDAY. OCTOBER lti. ONLY .The . Most Famous Detective Story Ever-Written Now Reaches the Screen! EDWARI) ARNOLD ij, "MEET NERO WOLFE" with Lionel Slander, Victor Jorv 200--Giant Reasons to be Here Friday - Saturday--200 SATURDAY, (KT. 17, ONLY If'You Crave! Hen- It Is Warner Oland in "CHARLIE CHAN AT THE RACE TRACK" One of the Truly Great Pictures of the Season! Coming SUNDAY - MONDAY Not Till America Spanned the World's Greatest Ocean Could Warner Brothers Film This Greatest of All Air Dramas! PAT O'BRIEN in "CHINA CLIPPER *ftll R<iss Alexander. Humphrey Rogart, Henry B. Walthall, Beverly Robert. -- Added Extra -- A1 Klemme at the Mighty Organ Continuous Sunday after 2:30 TUESDAY. BARGAIN NIGHT The World's Most Notorious Woman Lawyer Margaret Lindsay in "THE LAW IN HER HANDS" With Tilenda Farrell. Lyle Talbot Everybody Talks About Our BARGAIN NIGHT--Come and See Why! FALL SWEATERS * ,v •;••»»• : New Patterns, colors and 'last minute' styles. -•]: We have them all. > $1.95 to S5 McGEE'S Im< TH6 J -- n 10c. McHenry, Illinois 25c Weekdays, 7-9. Standard Time FRIDAY -- SATURDAY OCTOBER 16--17 Katharine Hepburn • Fredrit Match "MARY 0# SCOTLAND" Also--Selected Shorts SUNDAY. (KT. 18 (One Dav) Guy kibbee .-v. .Warren- Hull "THE BIG NOISE" Special Attraction. "Violets In Spring" -- In Color. "The Old House -- World News Events Sun. Mat.. 2:30 Continuous. S.T. MONDAY. OCT. 19 (One Day) John Halliday -- Marsha Hunt "HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD" Also--In Color, "At Your Service, Madame"--"Knock, Knock" "Straight As An Arrow" TUESDAY (Only) A Return Engagement By Popular Request "SAN FRANCISCO" Also--Short Adm. 10c-25c WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY OCTOBER 21 -- 22 Fred MacMurray Jean Parker -- Jack Oakie "THE TEXAS RANGERS" A Program Y< u Do Not Want To Miss! The year 1917, also, paw the McHenry High School with a good basketball team, the boys winning either first or second place in the county as well as qualifying for the district meet. Members of the team were: Standing, George Voeltz, Leonard Frett, Ed( Boyle. Sitting--Albert Justen, Frarilf: Justen, Coach Doir; I^jstet Paige, and Lester Bacon. " 7 Uyt W 60 MCHS Baseball Miss Anna Frisby spent j. few days the last of the week in Elgin. Mrs. Ann Morris and her brother ol week and when completed he encount- j Chicago visited friends here Sunday ered some little difficulty in getting and spent some time at the Country it out into the open, this was finally accomplished, however, by tearing out part of the wall. THE NAME OF DREYMILLER ON A DOG HOUSE MEANS THE SAME; AS THE STERLING MARK ON YOUR SILVERWARE. | If you are in need of a shelter for your dog, don't buy one until you have seen the "FITX DOG HOUSE." They • are the latest in design and construc-: tion, far superior to anything ever offered to the public. I THESE KENNELS ARE BEAUTIES, AND REMEMBER A THING OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER. Club. Mrs. Morris and her brother have recently moved, their new address being 5221 Foster Avenue, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Buss arrived home Sunday from a vacation trip to the Centennial at Dallas, Texas. i Frank W. Bennett RELIABLE MASSAGE TREATMENTS At Your Home, Farm Hone Or Office NORTHWESTERN HOTEL Phone McHenry 23 Foe Appointment SUNN YFI ELD PANCAKE FLOW 5 P-LKBQ.. 4211c BLUE LABEL KARO SYRUP No. 10 can 55c4 r COFFEE 1-lb. bag 15^ FOR TOASTING A*P BREAD lo-oz. Cc LOAF ^ For Warm Lunches TALL BOY. VEQ., OR TOMATO SOUP . 3%»25c CAMPBELL'S PORK AND BEANS 22c SUNNYFIELD OATS NG OR RE 15< QUICK COOKING REGULAR 48-OZ. PKG. 1 20-QZ. PKGS. ISC SYRUP LOG CABIN 12-OZ. 19c CAN BROADCAST CORNED BEEF HASH 16-OZ. CAN 17c As nearly as we can ascertain this Is a picture of the baseball team at the local high school in 1921. Members in the picture are: Top row, Leo Winkel, "Andy" Hawley, Coach Ba?- inger, Glenn Wattles, Herman Nye. Middle row--Leo Thelen, Howard Phalin, Weston Bacon, Elmer Olsons Lower row--Edmund Barbian, John Vycital^ Anthony Bonslett, Francis Frisby. GELATIN DESSERT Sparkle • 625c CAKE FLOUR Swans Down £?£23c tONA BARTLETT REARS 8YRUP • * CANS Palaoihre Soap . cake 5c Camay $Mp . . cake 5c Aiax Soap . 10 bars 39c COLD STREAM PINK Salmon !y8 SouprA TSTL 0 L'5 Alan nutley brand « Ritz Crackers Kosto DESSERT Cocoa u*r's><f,a souf 2ie-o? CANS .NTE . "io^-OZ. 7r CAN '» 2 LBS. 25c )»KI. 23c . p*g. 4C 5c ' PKG. 13c 3 CANS 25c California Dried Fruits SUNSWEET Pnme$ ^ 10c Pnmos clasra 9^,00 5lbs. Apricots ^h a°l',cTY Raisins SEEDLESS CEL MONTE Mixed Fruits r^:17c •LBS. 25c LS 15c 4v\8a 29c La 13c SemiMlo Tissm 4 rolls 25c Wis. Potatoes, pk. 29c Per 96-lb. bag $1.80 Mich. Celery, stalk 3c Cabbage. 2 lbs. for ... 5c Lettuce, size 60, 2 for 19c A&P V 7 o o c l S t o r e s

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