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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Oct 1936, p. 2

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P^x:r;*.' *' "•f>.& "f?£^¥ f:f &: ?i»"p«v!".:i*P4iMS W,*wiM'~<&'i"&z v% '>-F?Zm fife Two v^t:"h^ ^ 5S-irK*^w-; &**<*•.' ; t " .-. ^ "'•. v - **»vv •-, j^if.iTT*' f'\ ft,,w ""r ; I .^-rfrr****,. «. ;-\4 V;; • •* v~>\* - Our Washington % "* .*' •">**" "-\ i»"" 1*4 • ,€i Thursday, October, 22,1$3# "1 • WANTED Pictures of interesting old-time scenes or people for the Ol^Timers' section of the Plaindealer. If you have any of these pictures please leave them with us for publication. Pictures will be caifefully cared for and returned unharmed. "We're hoping for your assistance ill this matter. Clear, distinct photographs are best, as faded prints do not reproduce well. Send in your pictures with dates and other interesting facts. How Alginates Are Made Alginates are produced from a species of single-celled brown algae or kelp which groWs profusely as a seaweed off the shores of San Diego, Calif. By refining the kelp, alginic acid of relatively high purity is secured, and from this the various alginic compounds are derived. spRnra ci&ove Niagara Sacrifices Many The Indians about Niagara have id tradition that the Falls demand two human sacrifices every year, and the number of accidents and suicides there is more than large than pay taxes, on the tree year by enough to maintain this average, j year. Palm Tree Use Taxed Befofe the English occupied Egypt, in the last century, every t>ossible use of the palm tree was an excuse for some tax or other, and the tax on this most important tree grew so heavy that many rooted up the young seedlings rather / TRADE MARK A Republican Rally, sponsored by Burton Republican Women Volunteers will be held at Town Hall, Spring Grove on Wednesday evening, October 28, at 8 p. m. Speakers of the evening will be the Hon. Wm. M. Carroll and the Hon. Henry L. Cowlin. A program of tnugic is asured by the leaders of the organization. A cfrawing will be held and several prizes given. , Forty Hours Devotion was opened at St. Peter's church Friday morning with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The solemn closing after three days of prayer and adoration was held on Sunday evening. Rev. N. J. Berg of Freeport, 111., delivered a most interesting sermoo which} was followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Neighboring priests who officiated at the services Sunday evening were Rev. Charles Meehan, Hartland, ill.; Rev. N. J. Breg, Freeport, 111.; Rev. I. Esser, Virgil, 111.; Rev. H. Meilinger, Hantshire, III.; Rev. P., Watgen, Aurcira and o f R i c h m o n d . ' ' ' . ' - r - : ^ \ r " Mr. and Mrs. Claire Furlong, daughter, Jean, of Chicago spent the weekend with his .mother, Mrs. Emma Furlong. . H Misses Agnes and Marie Lay, who aer employed in Chicago visited wHh boms foD» pp Sunday. | Mrs. Catherine Spindler and Misses Adelaide and Valeria Spindler, Freeport, T1l., visited with Miss Anne Spindler on Sunday, Los Remedial Aq««daet tfThe Los Remedios aqueduct had It* source la the town of Los Remedios, In the Federal District of Mexico, and a short distance northwest of Mexico City. It dates from 1620 and was built under the direction of Don Alonso Tello de Guzman. The aqueduct has not been in use for many years. The water was obtained from a strong spring that threw a high stream. Around this stream a tower was built and circular runways provided through which the water passed to a lower le'vel where the aqueduct began. The passing of the water through the runways provided its momentum. Human Skin Book Binding Asbestos is an unusual book binding --though aluminum, wall paper, and Japanese umbrella-cloth have all been used for that purpose. But strangest of all book bindings was one made from human Skin. Another curious' use for human skin, Ziska, military leader of the Hussites--a sect of pre-Iteformation Protestants, like our own Lollards-- directed that his skin should be made Into a drum when he died Thought It would help the Hussites to fight more fiercely.--Answers Magazine. . .p Rules Brazil Coffee Industry * " The National Coffee bureau In 'Bifa-~ zil has charge qt everything relating to that product: Limitation of the planting <of trees to avoid excess production ; improvement In the quality of the coffee bean ; financing of the hg/- vest, and the regulation of exports. "'^w«»..JPer»ona Non Grata Ladders, not^ roads, are the only approaches to Norway's more inaccessible farm?, .which are mere ledges* on i ~ t - - - - - • ' * * * • : i t h e m o u n t a i n s . N o r w e g i a n f a r m e r s ' Mrs. Arthur Rauen ofChicago en- jggnjetimes pulled u£ £heir ladders when tertained the Pleasure Seekers at the the tax collector cum? J>y, but a law John Kattner home on Sunday after- later ma<Je a stationary iatldgj of iron non. Five hundred furnished the en- compuTso^^ r tertainment and the lovely awards for.' high scores were received by Mrs. 'Early Recreation. Arthur .Klein and Mrs. Ghas, Freund. According to a diary of Faftny Shlp- <S> .. ;; "• . -'v '• V -r Suits $15.00 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 New Fall Models JOS. W. FREL'ND * Main Street y McHenry, 111. Mrs. Rauen was presented with a hostess prize. At the conclusion of cards a delicious supper was served. Clarence Lund, Vincent Walsh and Misses Florence Werdell and Virginia Rasmussen, Chicago, were callers in the Charles Freund home on Sunday. Miss Regina Kattner, who is employed at Prophetstown, 111., and Miss Christina Kattner, employed in Chicago, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kattner. ' A bingo party for the benefit -"of "St. Peter's Church will be held at thd parish hall on Sunday evening, October 25, Mrs. Arthur Kattner, Mrs. Edith Cleveland and MVs. Al Schmeltzer enjoyed an afternoon of cards at the home Of IVTrs. Ella Siegler on Tuesday. Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's church met at the home of Nick Huff on Tuesday evening for their regular monthly meeting. Following the meeting, cards were enjoyed and refreshments served. Mrs. Emma Furlong 4s , visiting at the home of her sister near. Davenport, Iowa, this week. Happiness of Heart Happiness is given to tho<- .already have it in their he: ' pen, a Revolutionary child, thg^ RE^" cipal recreations of. that day weretfohcerts, balls, assemblies, cjrds, teas, whist, music (singing, playing the harp, viol, guitar), parties, playing chess and sleighing. ~ . Restored Rights to Deserters President Coolidge issued a proclamation restoring civil rights to de-. sellers between November 11, 1918, fim) July 2, 1921, Gut' ^ dijj. Djj J^move aftf-charges of desertioW, mitigate any punishments or remit any sentences. V' The International Boundary The international boundary between the United States ' and - Canada passes practically through the center of all of the Great Lakes except Lake Michigan. It ia. entirely within the United States. • Washington, October 21 -- Though denied the right of voting because of a legal residence in the District of Columbia, government employes ar% almost as jittery as their masters when the day of the hustings approaches. Those who retain a voting place elsewhere are planning trips home or to local offices where mail ballots are garenerecbfor shipment to home precincts. ,Major questions of policy are put aside with the laconic excuse "to await the elections:" Repetition of these discreet steps of avoidance is reflected in minor matters so that the vast army of government employees seethes with speculation as the nation prepares to piclf a pilot for Another four years. : ; , Offhand it wotild seem that the nominal protection of the civil service classifications would lessen the Apprehension engendered by foul political weather. But the Federal service has always been honeycombed'""^"^""/ with political pets who depended on! fT " S y• influence rather than merit fo? their Despite seeming indifference standing on the payroll. Playing' poljttjcs to get their berths in the govw. nw^nt, these Fedeial employes know full wetfl .the elections will have much to do with their future. If Landon takes over the helm, a wholesale exodus of Democrats from all key positions would be inevitable. And the return of Skipper Bo©s#velt will spell changes for he must pecessarily reward his field workers iby bigger patronage dividends--a possibility which foreshadows shake-ups. Hence, the passionate interest in all the heats and extravagances of ths campaign. Jhe result--public affairs will b? a* a standstill for the next two weeks. Probing beyond the clamour, of partisans, you will discover a situation Which develops only on the eve of a closely contested election. The politicians step down from their high seats to-assume a subservient role for their coftstituents. Usually, the shoe is oh the other foot, but the voter holds the whip hand until the ballots are counted, This season Jhe voters have the, politicians guessing and plfading. Sir Oracle has many followers in both camps who are free with prophecies. What will happen November 3 is still a mystery to experienced calculators. Those who brag loudest are not at all averse to privately recommending an extra measure of diligence in mustering votes, Edmund Burke, defender Of the American Colonies in the English Parliament in stormy pre-Revolutionary times, once defined "political reason" as "a computing principle-- adding, subtracting, -multiplying and dividing" and that is what the parti- | dustries would have plenty of time to cooperate. Delays followed and the enrollment was stalled until next month--after the election. For practical purposes, it was felt that the summer registration would be more satisfactory as there would be sufficient time to scientifically unscramble the tremendous volume of information gathered on several million cards. The Old Age Section of the Social Security Act becomes effective January 1. Behind. the postponement of the registration was quibbling over the political effects. It was argued, with some cogency, that an enrollment would require employment of thousands by the Federal government and thereby open the gates to patronage in every Congressional district. Other politically-minded men contended that registering 27 million men and women is bound to &tir up antagonisms about the goverment prying into their private affairs, as the average worker knows little or nothing about the new law. The political bosses would father face the resentment and explain after thg election, when they iiave time to think up the right answers. Jt is noteworthy that little has been said about the prohibition question in the current campaign for public office. Of course, there are a few scattered cases where it is a live issue, but on a nation-wide scale. of the electorate to the "wet and dry" controversy, which raged so fiercely in other Presidential seasons, the matter is by no means considered definitely shelved. On the contrary, the experienced and far-sighted officials among the liquor manufacturers and distributors are keeping their finger on the public pulse. Privately these leaders hint that their efforts to bring sanity and safety in the handling of this vital problem of relations with the pub-; . lie are handicapped by the avarice an4 J short-sighted policies of many new•!•, comers in their ranks. The elementwhich came into the field after repeal are apparently proceeding on th« theory that quick profits are far more desirable than conservative methods* Repeal came in and response to pub-" lie demand and a fickle public may rise to demand return of prohibition. With 44 state legislatures planning to im* pose new taxes and regulations, the! * liquor question will crop up next year. Meanwhile distillers and brewers arff:, endeavoring to clean house of the. "Get-Rich-Quick Wallingfords," who cause trouble. Say you read it in THE PLAIN* DEAr.BR,, • "HOUSECLEAN YOUR SKIN! Don't be satisfied to give it . merely a lickmnd a-promise. Halfway cleansing measures are responsible for many blemishes, such as enlarged pores, blackheads, dry and scaly, skin. When you Clean your skin--"housecltan" it. What you want is a penetrating face cream tuch as Lady Esther Face Cream is. Lady Esther Face Cream actually penetrates the pores and does it in a gentle and 900thing manner. It goes to work on the imbedded waxy matter--breaks it up--dissolves it - and makes it easily removable. When your skin is really clean it resumes its natural softness, smoothness and fineness. As Lady Esther Face Cream cleanses the skin, it also lubricates it. It resupplies it with a fine oil thai keeps it soft, smooth and snpple. Try Lady Esther Face Cream today and Set bvw your skin responds. For Sale by THOMAS P. BOLGER Seal Dairy Feed (24r r Protein With Minerals) Did Not Vote for Presidents North Carolina took no part in two Presidential elections, the first term of George Washington as President of the United States and of Jefferson Davis as President of the Confederate san big-wigs are doing at their headstates. Cash Market Orders Delivered Telephone 80 -M Any Item Listed Below for Only POP ROAST BEEF STEW VEAL STEW SPARE RIBS LAMB STEW 19c FRANKFURTERS, Small RING BOLOGNA HEADCHEESE RING LIVER SAUSAGE RING BLOOD SAUSAGE 'Jfeny "One-Man Jobs** "De man dat thinks 'bout his self all de time," said Uncle Eben, "am' jrineter git much friendly help. He's Meaning of "Banzai** "Banzai" is Japanese and means l(i,- >><Ni years. It is used in the spirit of "Hurrah, Live forever." It is a hatt leery and also a salutation to the ••mperor. V quarters today. Politics were at the bottom of the delay in making an official catalogue of American workers under the Social Security Act. Originally, the roundup was set for August when many in* V/c ' Ha^ proven its merits to the farmers of this community, We have sold over one-half a million pounds of this remarkable feed since July 1, 1936. W. H. Gardener of Solon Mills reports that his herd of Holsteins won all honors in Testing Association, No. 1, for September; 28 cows producing an average of 992.6 lbs. of milk and 35.6 lbs. of butterfat per cOw per month. Mr. Gardener fed Gold Seal 24% Dairy Feed half and half with his home-grown grains. "We absolutely guarantee GOLD SEAL 2.4% DAIRY FEED to increase your milk production, if fed according to Our directions. Give GOLD SEAL DAIRY FEED a chance to prove its merits right in your own herd. The results will surprise you. McHenry County Farmers Co-operative Association Phone 29 JOHN A. BOLGER, Mgr. McHenry fee Calm in Politeness "Politeness can't be put on all of a sudden," said I'ncle Eben. "Some men» trvin' to be polite makes you think of a swallow-tail coat hurried on over a' suit of overalls." Heat Glowing in Man A scientist asserts that there Is heat like the sun's found glowing in every man. Miniature stars in the b dy emit o,<)00-degree heat energy. ^ Learning by Experience . "Of co'se you kin learn by experience." said Uncle Eben. "But, remenilu r. son, you kin learn foolishness dat way de same as out o' books.'*-. Camera Invention Traced to Italy It is believed that the camera was invented in Italy in the Sixteenth century, though the principle wad actually known before. PICNlC^HAMS--4 - 6 lb. average Heads His Class Jud Tunkins says his boy takes no credit for standing at the head of his class because It's an awful dumb class. Kansas' First Baseball Charter Kansas records reveal the first basehail charter in the state was filed from Leavenworth in January, 1867. KERBER'S LARD . . . X lbs. 25c 4 POUND LIMIT 1 7 That's Telling "Honors undeserved," said HI Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "may prove as ill-becoming as borrowed attire." Pork Shanks Nice and Small Round Steak or Sirloin Steak • • • : v l " , . W-: * Fresh Ground BeeS | Pork Chops Ham- « ||a iam \ or. Shoulder burger ^ ^7% 1 sliced •Win PORK LOIN ROAST, Small Fork , ije PRIME an ROAST o» BEEF, r»B«< . ISC FRESH FISH and OYSTERS . . . J u s t A n o t h e r T o o t h Despite Its name, the eye tooth bM no closer connection with the than any other tooth. Air Is Heavy Soil Rsaovsr Air carries as much soil as water-- possibly more--from one part of the country to another. Indepsndsacs of Man Independence is one of the most marked qualities of human being)! • k ; ^ Made Frederick, Md., Fantons It was in Frederick, then Frederick City, Md., that Francis Scott Key lived at the time he wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner." The scene of Whittier's poem "Barbara Frietchie" is laid in Frederick, Md. Depth of Lake Erie Tht greatest depth of Lake is about 210 feet, to be found number of places is lbs pari of the lake. '•Ik.-.:' THIS ALL-PURPOSE BETTER LIGHT-BETTER SIGHT LAMP Q5 Comp/et Balance monthly with ydur Electric Service bill O Visit your nearest Public Service store now . . . see this attractive all-purpose lamp ofi display. It's an unusual value you can't afford to miss . . . available on low, convenient terms* ' ||WiWry«<iwi»«srf irtn iw»,« fmuwkat higbtr pria > ikarfdftr t mmpi mU -- dtfnnd paymtmtu PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

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