M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday *t McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Entered as second-class the act of May 8, 1879. matter at the postoffice at McHenry, HI., Year $2.00 $1.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and lillian Sayler, Local Editor -- Telephone 197 \- '<• ' •v;: : »>;=*>>• •: K Anna Howard this is the time of year, just before winter sets in, to have your clothes, rugs, draperies, etc., thoroughly cleaned. We represent good reliable companies. Phone your order to McHenry 42 and th& truck will ; '.:-r ^ Goodyear, Gillette ami Mohawk Mud and Snow Tires Free Tubes •.v:. ALCOHOL NATIONAL BATTERIES Watch for our prices. Made by world's largest manufacturer. Written PRESTONE guarantee. As low as Best Anti-Freeze Made $3.95 • Winter Cold Test Let Us Put - MOTOR OIL WINTER GREASE in your transmission and 4 2 gallon can ....... 974$ differential. GOOD USED TIRES IN ALL SIZES Walter J7F reund Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery Charging, Etc. Phone 294 West McHenry Used Car Bargains 1932 CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1931 GRAHAM COUPE. 1931 CHEV. Va-TON PANEL. 1929 CHEVROLET COUPE. 1929 FORD SEDAN. 1929 FORD TUDOR. 1928 FORD SEDAN. 1928 CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1929 LaSALLE SEDAN. SCHWERMAN Chevrolet Sales Phone 277 McHenry Friday and Saturday SPECIALS CANNED GOODS £ALE Beets Centrella, Fancy No. 2 Size Can ... 3 for 29c Cora Standard Grade, Evergreen No. 2 Size Can,............ Tomatoes Klmdale. Good Quality rt® ]\*0. 2 Size Can ....................... Fruit Cocktail ...... 11c Per Dozen $1.25 10c 11c No. 1 Tall Can 14c 3 for 40c Fancy Two Heads Lettuce Pork Sh'ld. Roast Small Loiijar Per lb 18c Pork Loin Roast BARBIAN BROS. Phone 180 ^ Riverside Drive e, * • • Four good fellows, "old friends, met after long years in an Irish provincial town. They visited an inn and had several drinks., Then all four left for the railway station. On arrival at the train, three of the four got in and the train pulled out leaving the fourth fellow standing on the platform, laughing until he vyas weak. Station Master--What the devil are you laughing at? WARNING ENOUGH Fourth Fellow--Shure, they supposed to be seeing me off.--Vancouver Province. ' ; X- 'V 0 Paid--Have my photograph taken before I see your father? What's the idea? . ; ' V-v V.- Joan--You may never; lobk yourself again, v 'i',.-.,-,;,.; It Was A Scots family lived in the flat above. ' Many friends called and dances were held nearly every night. "Dpesn't all that dancing disturb you?" asl<ed a friend of the man below. "No," the man replied, "when we want to stop their dancing all we do is. turn off our radio."-- Judge. Poser It was visiting day at an asylum and a patient sat with his wife. Finally the wife glanced at the clock. "How late it is," she said. "I must be going." The patient turned to an attendant. "Is that clock right?" he asked. • :••••'"> • "Quite right.'*' ' . v "Then what's it • doing here?"-- Philadelphia Bulletin. Got a Good Start "To what do you attribute your remarkable health?" asked the interviewer. "Well," replied the very old gentleman, "I reckon I got a good start by bein' born before germs were discovered, thereby havin' less to worry about."--Vancouver Province. ^ ; Strategy - When the company went over the top Pat climbed over the back of the trench and started running away. His captain saw him and shouted: "Stop! Are you a coward?" Pat--"Sure, and Oi'm no coward. The world's round--ancH'm attacking, from the rear." TWANG, TWANG \Miib FOR SALE---Five-room house, modern; 2-car garage; acrp land; 2 blocks from St. Mary's oi' St. Patrick's churches. Price $2,250. Address, Box 100, care McHenry Plaindealer. 21-tf BASKET SOCIAL will be a Basket Social at the Barreville School at 8 p> W on Thursday, Oct. 29. *22 DALZ1EL - VERJ1NSKI Dorothy DalzM and Mr. Leo Verjinski o£~Fox Lake, were united in marriage W Justice of the Peace, E. E. BassettXabout 8 o'clock Saturday night. FOR SALE--House Trailer, large enough for a small family. Must be seen; priced right. Schwerman Chevrolet Sales. : !•*SHINE CLUB' Mrs. Robert Knox was hostess to the members of the Sunshine Club on Wednesday evening of last week. Two 22-tf tables of five hundred were in play 7.' and the prize for high score went to ruK aJonathan Appies. ^ van Mrs. Bernard Bauer while the conso- Pine Tree Dairy Farm, McHenry.1 ,ati6n went to Mrs. Wpi. G*rhardt. Telephone No., 656-W-2. •2-1-"2 f USED CARS AND TRUCKS -- At prices you can afford to pay at the Buss-Page Motor Sales. Easy terms and low finance rates.. : 22, FOR RENT ENTERTAIN CARD CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Freund entertained members of , their card club „on Wednesday evening of last week. Three tables i'bf five hundred were played and prizes awarded to the winners. The next-meeting "of the club FOR RENT---Two modern 5-Room will be with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weinsteam heated apartments. Double gart next Wednesday evening. garage. Perry House, Richmond road,I i^ " near St Mary's Church. Call Mrs. 1 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS MEET John R. Knox, Phone 17. 17-tf j A social meeting-for members of Court Joyce Kilmer, Catholic Daugh- PAST ORACLES Several Royal Neighbors from McHenry attended the McHenry County Past Oracles' meeting held at the home of Mrs. Carrie Stewart at Elgin, Thursday, when members of the Kane county club were also entertained. About fifty ladies were present to enjoy the pot-luck dinner at one o'clock, after which the afternoon was spent in playing bingo. Mrs. Cora Bassett of McHenry, fOR RENT--Four-room flat at Johnsburg. John Pitzen, Rl, McHenry. ' ' *21-2 ters of America, was held Thursday evening in K. C. Hall. Four tables of bridge were in play and prizes were FOR RENT--Heated 3-roofti furnished *wa£ded to Mrs. Ted Schiessle, Mrs. flat in Schneider building on RiverE. R. Sutton, Eleanor Kmsala and side Drive. Phone McHenry 221-J. v 21-tf FOUND Bertha Schiessle. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Peter M. Jus ten and her committee. FOUND--A purse containing a sum of money. Inquire at the Worwick ,e BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY A party of friends were entertanied E. E. Bassett home Sunday Studio, Riverside Drive. 22 WANTED WANTED--Maid for general work. Call 626-M-l. house- 22 MISCELLANEOUS TO STAMP COLLECTORS--A beautiful cachet commemorative of McHenry's Centennial has been prepared. A limited number of covers is on sale. They carry both McHenry and West McHenry postmarks. Inquire at McHenry Plaindealer. 11-tf READY. TO SERVE YOU WITH-- Coal and Coke. Call 649-R-l. H. Sompel and<Son. „ , 4-tf followed evening in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Lisle Bassett. A delicious dinner was served at 5 o'clock after which the evening was spent in playing monopoly. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ewert of DesPlaines, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vycital and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel. EPWORTH LEAGUE Plans for a Hallowe'en party were made Sunday evening at the meeting of members of the Epworth League of the M. E. Church, With committees on arrangements appointed by the president, Elsie Vycital. Mrs. R. W. Pinnell, led the meeting, which included a discussion on "worship." Games and a social hour SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED-- Before you buy a new sewing maine, let me see- your old one. I guarantee it will work just as good CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Rbbert Knox entertained ~a pai*ty of friends Sunday evening in honor of their wedding annias a new one^nomatter how old or versary. The guests included members what model. POPP.Shoe Store, West > of the Sunshine Club, their husbands McHenry, Phone 162. 43-tf. • an^ a few jnvited guests. Five tables GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us of five hundred were in play ^Wit'n dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M-l. 2-tf high honors going to Mrs. Robert Knox and Joe Freund, while the consolations went to Mrs. George Adams and Ed Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Knox w e r e p r e s e n t e d w i t h a l ! * ; h o n o r of the occasion. ) ' ; FOR CASH AND QUICK REMOVAL of crippled, and Dead Horses and Cattle. Call AXEL BOLVIG'S PLACE Woodstock Phone 1645-W-2, and reverse charges. 5-tf First Mouse--You say. your wife is musical? " Second Mouse--Sure, we live in a mandolin! OTICE--To whom it may concern: The undersigned has been appointed trustee of the Elizabeth Rothermel estate until settlement of the partition suit now in court is settled. All BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Miss Florence Miller was honored nt a dinner at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller, Sunday, in observance of her nineteenth birthday anniversary. Decorations were in pink and white and were carried out in the centerpiece of pink and white dahlias and sweet alyssum and in the birthday business in connection with the estate cake decorated with pink candles, must be taken up with the undersign- Miss Miller, who is in training at ed. Villa Rothermel Cunningham, the Wfest Side hospital, Chicago, re- Not Quite All The mistress of the house was going out of her way to find extra work for her maid. In the end the poor girl began to get fed up. Just then the mistress entered the kitchen. "Mary," she said, "have you finished polishing the brass ornaments yet?" "Yes, madam," she replied, "all except your rings and bracelets." • 1525 Estes Ave., Chicago, 111. ""BUILDING ADDITION C. J. Bender is building an addition onto his home, located on Route U. S. 12 in McHenry. The addition will Anderson, Mrs~~Jess'ie" Hoyt*,* Mr. and Mr. Robert Rudin, Sr., Nancy Lou 21-3 ceived many pleasing gifts, and many friends called during the day to extend congratulations and best wishes. Dinner guests were a co-student. Miss Elsa Gross, her aunt, Miss Els comprise a bedroom and bathroom for Mrs. Bender, who recently suffered a stroke, from which she is slowly recovering. Mrs. Bender, who has resided in Chicago, will now become a, resident of McHenry. Delayed Transmission "They are trying to talk to us from space!" said the radiostronomical reporter. "Never mind," answered the news editor. "It's probably from one of those old worlds whose light requires thousands of years to reach us. Anything they tried to tell us would only be qild stuff." Guidance "You think youth should be active in politics." "Certainly," said Senator Sorghum. "But the hope of the future is to keep the boys and girls pleasantly interested so that they will entrust themselves to the guidance of some wise and experienced old party like myself." Bread, Cheese and Kisses ! Wifey--The larder is about empty. We'll have to make our luncheon on bread and cheese and kisses. Her Hubby--All right! If there isn't enough I'll run out to the Widow Sweetleigh'a delicatessen and get some more, Service Poor • "Jackie," said his mother, "you're a bad boy!" "Don't blame me, Mama," said Jackie. "Last night in my prayers I asked the Lord to make me a good boy--and he didn't do it! Underground Name "You call your house 'By the Still Waters' but there is no lake or river near it." "No, but come into the cellar." RECORD TO SHOOT AT Wm. Bonslett thia iweefc yMMfraf I at the Plaindealer office five stalks of soy beans. One stalk with 558 pods, the other four containing ,485, 467, 452, and 451 each, making a total of 2,423 pods for the five. Who can beat it? Rudin, Mr. and Mr. Henry Helsper and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rudin, Jr., and Kent Gibbs, all of Chicago and Louis LeVec of Crystal Lake. SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY j A group of friends pleasantly sur-j Lloyd Lockwobd of Waukegan spent prised Mrs. F. J. Aicher Saturday! evening in honor of her birthday anniversary, plans for the affair being made so secretly that the arrival of the guests was a real surprise to Mrs. Aicher. I Bringing a delicious dinner with I them, even to a birthday cake with I gleaming candles, soon the table was | set and a seven o'clock dinner served, | after which a happy evening was en- I joyed. Mrs. Aicher was presented with j a gift from her friends. I The guests were: Dr. and Mrs. Walter C. Mayland, Dr. and Mrs. Julius Fern, Dr. and Mrs. William Rennie, Dr. and Mrs. Arnt Nordlie, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Samuelson and Miss Dorothy Kadow, all of Chicago, and Dr. George A. Sejgmiller of Woodstock. the weekend at his home here. no ext/ia colt RotPlroof STORM SASH MOROAN MADE Quafconlfi&dL Lonqieitift James Callahan and Philip Spiro of Chicago and Mrs. James Zoia and children of Woodstock visited Mr. Mrs. Peter Doherty Tuesday afternoon. •' MOTHERS CLtfB" Miss Margaret O'Gara, director of the vocal music at the Community High School, was the guest speaker at the Mothers Club meeting held at Legion Hall Friday afternoon. Miss O'Gara gave a most interesting talk on music, tracing it. from its origin hundreds of years ago, through the ages until the present time when its advantages are so manifold. See us before you buy Storm' wlthlw^d' Sash! -- We offer at no added ings and Donald Howard gave a group tost genuine Morgan Made Rot- ^ifTrTth"Sr' a'c°mpam"(: hlm" Proof Storm Sash in all stand-1 The hostesses, Mrs. C. J. ReihanaarrQd SsLtoOcCkK ssiizzeess, Gttuuaarraanntteeeeda ltOo C3£laerreRnecr'e CMarrsp- , cse rvHe;d Druefkreers hamnde ntMs ras-t reSfist all forms of fungus de the close of the meeting. „„„ /A mi v • 1 The ladies were enthusiastic in Cay (dry rot). The biggest their praise of the new Legion hall Storm sash value of the year. j makes a most convenient and comfortable place to entertain groups Alexander Lumber about sixty-five members^ and enlarg- Phone 5 -- * -- McHenry |es its list at every meeting, is outDon't forget the October growing the private homes as meeting Used Car Clearance Sale at the Buss-Page Motor Sales, Ford1 Dealers, at West McHenry, 111. places and the hall is found to be a most satisfactory substitute. Plans were discussed for an operetta to be put on later in the year by the school children directed by Mr. El- Us • president of the McHenry county club, presided at the business session^ Officers of the club from McHenry are Mrs. Calla Perkins, vice-president, and Mrs. Carrie Ensign, sectary. ^ Tfce next meeting will be at Algonquin. Those from McHenry who attended were: Mrs. Cora Bassett, Mrs. Car. rie Ensign, Mrs. Mary Freund, Mrs. Floribel Vogel, Mrs. Agnee Wentworth and daughters, Mrs. Varina Wentworth and Mrs. Alta Frazer. • y. Hallowe'en Party GIVEN AT McGOLLUM'8 LAKE AT Horn's Tavern SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 Good Time. Assured By Horn and Son •V3: For the HOTTEST MUSIC Come To On U. S. 12 -- -- -- McHenry, 111. v , DIN|I AND DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT §§B PETERSON'S ORCHESTRA Hallowe'en Party and Dance at the Auto Inn - Saturday Night, October 31 , Come and Dance to the music of the " Ban j omaniacs", who will do their very best to give you a real treat in the line of entertainment this particular night. Eats furnished at all hours. Let the " Banjomaniacs" swing your MATH J. RAUSN, Mgr. 7JIATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 j^r~" Regner's Grocery and Market PORK LOIN ROAST, lb. 5 for • ' PORK BUTTS, lb. 5 lbs. for BEEF POT ROAST, lb 20^ $1.00 20<* $1.00 These items are for cash only PHONE 3 BARGAINS Friday and Saturday, October 23 and 24. We are offering some extraordinary bargains this week. We urge you to take advantage of this opportunity for a real saving. MEN'S WORK SHOES--Black uppers, long wearing composition sole. Our regular $2.25 value, while 25 pair last, per pair $1.25 ikEN'S WORK SHOES--Leather soles, black uppers. Two dozen pair in lot, regular <$2.75 and $3.00 values, per pair , $1.69 SHOES--For infants and small children, sizes to llYit P®r pair - U.oo BROOMS--5-Sewed parlor Brooms, Yellow painted ' handle, a 45c value, Special, each a..,,'. 29c KSN'S WORK SOCKS--Heavy mixed wool Socks per pair. ............ 251 Ladies' and Children's BLACK STOCKINGS--Pair DRESS SILK--Flat Crepe and Tub Silk, $1. value, per yard 2 ! 49<? SWEATERS--One lot of Ladies' and Children's pull-over and button style Sweaters. Special... 59(^ SHOE POLISH--Miller's black shoe dressing, can 5(^ Louis Erickson Phone 154 Wert McHenry, Illinois