' ~f~, ' <"v. •r<* • . * t ? R.^1 * THE M'HENRY PLAINDEAJLER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich . Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry. 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. One Year ix Months •V : Lillian Sayler, Local Editor 10c McHenry, Illinois 25c Weekdays, 7-9, Standard TUN FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Oiester Morris -• fay Wraj fionel SUndtf "THPYJfET * Iff A TAXI" Also---Otir Gang Comedy, ^Bored of Education" and "Disorder in the Court," Thursday, Ootobtt, ft, 193* -...$2.00 ,. $1.00 A. H. M06&ER, Editor and Manager ISLE ROYALE EXPERIENCES By Herman D. Ellis C-V-,? , (The Plaindealer is indebted to Her-1 The steamer "WalAic" finally man D. Ellis, music instructor in the!brought us near the rocky forested McHenry schools for this excellent [shores of the island. Twenty-six miles FOR SALE POTATOES FOR SALE--By Truck load or less. L. Kimball, Genoa City, Wis., Phone 73-R-2. *23 description of a trip to Isle Royale. At request of the editor, Mr. Ellis con- Telephone 197 sented to give our readers the follow* | ing interesting story of his experien- |ces, also furnishing the accompanying | unusual photos.) j Eight years ago I learned that a fifty- mile long island in upper Lake Superior was the home of the largest herd of moose on the continent. Hundreds, even thousands, of the huge animals inhabited the almost untouched wilderness which is Isle Royale. The story made a Rfteat impression o» those of -us. -who liked the sort of outdoor life which we called "The Real The island was entered In FOR SALE--House Tracer, Itvgt enough for a small family. Must ) Thing/ xne seen; priced right. Schwerman Cfcev:- *** long list of places I must some* relet Sales. ' 22-tf|tlm® visit. i» 1684 I could wait no longer. down the island a forest fire was pending billows of smoke high into the air like a distant volcano. We were to feel its heat and hear its roar before we should leave. The "Waubic" landed at Rock Harbor, Isle Royale. "We transferred our several hundred pounds of equipmnt into a rowboat, and camped for the night on one of the scores of small islands skirting Isle Royale. Next day we rowed six miles down the harbor to the mineral spring I had previously visited. There we found, to our sor-1 row, ithat we had been preceded by a the ftre in our direction at an alarming rate. It was now only a short dis tance across the little lake. This night, after we had cooked our supper, the wind began to rise. We could hear a faint undercurrent of roar from the fire. Ashes, which had been falling around us for days, became larger and thicker. Whole charred leaves were falling from the sky. Now the sky began to grow bright, the wind stronger. Finally the sky was a hot orange color in a direction paralleling our only trail to our boat. . We feared that a shift of wind would make our position very precarious, so, taking only the cameras and blankets, we fled. On every ridge the heat from Hallowe'en Party GIVEN AT McC0LLUM*8 LAKE Alp Horn's Tavern - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 Good Time Assured By Horn and Son party campers who had effectually the fire was stifling. We paused only1 FOR SALE--POTATOES*. The Brsndenberg Farm, on Route 60, 2% mile* north of Vfilo. 23-2 I SUN. - MON. - TUBS. NOVEMBER 1 - 2 - 3 X 'THE GREAT / ZIEGFELD" Sunday Matinee-, 2:30 Continuous; 10c-25c till 5:30; till Closing. Come early--^Pictur# U 3 Hours Long, Monday • Tuetr day. 10c-30c, 7:15, WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY Fredrich March - Warner Baxter Lionel Barrymore -- June Lang THE ROAD TO GLORY' • V- '"ALSO--Comedy and News . FRIDAY "WOMEN ARE TROUBLE" SATURDAY "KELLY THE SECOND" FOR SALE--Jonathan Apples. Call Pine Tree Dairy Farm-, McHenry. Telephone No., 656-W-2. *23-2 My father 0j)d I landed on the island with food jMfd supplies for a month. Four weeks istpr. f had obtained more i thsn one hurtdf&J p]ose-up photo- FOR SALE---Modern bungalow on Waukegan road; also P. J. Schoewer estate on Route 12 and John St, fn^ quire of Fred C, Schoewer. 23-2 broken tny habit the moose might now have mi eoming there. For several days we camped and explored the many places which had become familiar two years before. One morning, as we emerged from the tent, a bull moose crashed into the forest. The sight of him gave us both a thrill, sevof adve.n t.u re. to. e nalbt le mete -b e a fore !i ceiraat! dUafyijso.. Fruinioaullyy ijtt bueecvammnec ecvviiudeern.tl fri.cnd! we must penetrate «b the inland graphs of moose, und enough stories;but we 8aw n0 more moose for i I By the use of blinds and weeks <*f "if w^ere Yo "be successful in tience, I had been able to photograph I ht&{ning motion pictures of the *nips many as seven bull moose at ®ne[m . time, and had once watched eight bull j 0„ . .. „. . . .. _ . _ , . ; j moose, not forty feet distant, mill n"1®8 farther< at end o*the FOR SALE--Round Oak Stove. Burn-|around the mineral spring from which ou.r m*in ^Ped oAe year, otherwise new. ffYed W.jthey had'been drinking a*) nervously Yoeltz^ • *231 sniff t)je bree W to try {q legato the L - [Intruder. FOR RENT Such experiences get in&tne's blood. 5-Room • There must more visits to the is- Double 'an<* ant* * must get movies of the I moose as well as "stills.** Mrs. Ellis, (too, wished to see these things for FOIi RENT--Two modern steam heated apartments. gaiage. Perry House, Richmond road, near St. Mary's Church. Call Mrs.,, _ , . John R. Knox, Phone 17. 17-tf hers«lf> So last AuKust we aS»in set J out, this time intending to stay thre« Heated 3-room furnished j weeks, but with supplies for four weeks in case they were needed. We drove until one o'clock at night, mot: WOODSTOCK irnwsna FRIDAY. OCTOBER 30 Michael Whalen -- Jean Muir in Jack London's "WHITE FANG" with Slim Summerville and Charles Winnenger FOR RENT flat in Schneidei' building on River (side Drive. Phone McHenry 221-J. } 2t»tf 1 then.slept urider the stats, in the Su- --.- " ----=--««---• " perior National Forest, until • four. j WANTED | Then on, to try to catch the 9:20 boat 1' r • --; 1 from Port Arthur, Ontario, but the ^WANTED---Girl for housework; small International boundary offices do not family. 1216 Elmwood Ave., Oak Park,1 open until 9:00, and Port Arthur is 111. For particulars inquire at Frank | fifty miles beyond. So we missed the Kempfer's, McHenry, 111. *23 • boat, and camped for days at the brink : of the beautiful I 150 Reasons This Friday and Saturday to See This Show SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 Gene Autry -- Smiley Burnett in "RED RIVER VALLEY" •% SUNDAY -- MONDAY NOVEMBER 1 -- 2 , All Roads Lead To "The Road To Glory" at Woodstock Sunday. You Don't Just See It -- «.. You Live!... Fredrlc March - Warner Baxter Lionel Barrymore in 'THE ROAD TO GLORY' with June Lang * Gregory katoff Continuous Sunday after 2*3% 10e - 25c 'till 6 -- 10c - 99t after A1 Klemme at the Mij^ity Organ 10c tUES.. BARGAIN NITE 15c £ane Grey's "KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY NOVEMEBER 4--5 Remember the Thrill It Gave Your Heart? Live It Again ... See It Again!... WILL ROGERS in "STATE FAIR" with Janet Gay nor, Lew Ayres, Sally Eilers, Norman Foster. Louise Dresser, Victor Jory. WANTED--Alert Young Man, over 25 years of ape. Small salary and commission to start. Good opportunity to i one that qualifies. No experience necessary. State education, age and references. Address Box "W," care of The McHenry Plaindealer. 23 MISCELLANEOUS ~ Kakabecka Falls, higher than Niagra, eighteen miles west of Port Arthur. we hiked tbred miles inland to Lake Ritchie. There were tF3ffk§ of moose, but we saw no animals, Next day went again, with tlie same result. We were. very discouraged. But there were fresh signs of moose, anij we cided that if we were to .see tihem VP* must camp right at the lake,, we took supplies for twtt days, a half pup tent and mosquito netting for a leanto shelter, and again went to the lake. Near evening a cow moose and her [?°?se, gashed in the lake, iaftd gave calf splashed into the lake, and the j nose-clearjfig snorts as they mother practically submerged to feed'"'"" J 1 once, to take a picture of the smoke and • light. Thefi the wind began to blow the fire and smoke in the opposite direction. The light in the sky lessened. We followed the meager trail by flashlight and reached our main camp. All the night I was wakeful, rising often to npake sure the fire was no closer. It was hours before we could be sure we might not have to take to the boat. But next morning the sky was clear, the wind was blowing the ftre away from us, and we went back to the lake and spent two days and nights there. ' There were moose there now. At night a fine bull blundered into oui j camp and stopped not more than twen-' ty feet from our shelter, which -a8' neat & moose trail. Moose mak^ VTell-worn trails through the to&Ods exactly as do cattle. We shot a flashlight beam upon him. His eyes reflected the light like two mirrors. Blinded, he stumbled twajr, then ran clashing through the brush. All night For the HOTTEST MUSIC Come To On U. S. 12 -- -- -- McHenry, DINS AND DANCE EVEBY SATURDAY NIGHT PETERSON'S ORCHESTRA HALLOWE'EN DANCE Saturday, October 31 Hats --i Noise Makers -- Masks " - g ^ Orchestra -- Dancing -- Entertainment j SAM'S PIA^E at Burton's Bridge on water vegetation. The calf waded around a bit, decided that even ankledeep water was too much for him ar,d wandered away into the woods. By moving only when the cow w^.s submerged, we got within fifty f^et 0f y,er> and obtained some e.xceP ent movies. Ftre Gete Closer During all the time we had been on the island the VTind had been blowing NOTICE--The undersigned will not fee responsible for any debts except those t contracted by himself. Lyman Howe, j *23-3' Get Ready--It Will Be " Swing Time" Soon READY TO SERVE YOU WITH-- Coal and Coke. , Call 649-R-l. H Sompel and S$n. 4^^ SEWING MACHI?feS REPA^gg^ Before you buy a new ma. chine, let me see your .v. . , guarantee it will ^good ai a* neWA ?"e' how <old or what model^ Weflt ^e^Une lO. 48-tf. , tUH&AGE €OLLBCTlNG--Let us | dispose of yevr garbage each week, or cvftewer if desired. Reasonable ratee. Rec^ar year round route, formerly George Metyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 15? or 631-M-l. 2-tf FOR CASH AND QUICK REMOVAL of crippled, and Dead Horses and Cattle. Call AXfcL BOLVIG'S PLACE Woodstock Phone 164&-W-2, and reverse charges. 6-tf " . NOTICE--To whom it may concern: The undersigned has been appointed trustee of the Elizabeth Rothermel estate until settlement of the partition suit now in court is settled. All business in connection with the estate must be taken up with the undersigned. Villa Rothermel Cunningham, 1525 Estes Ave., Chicago, 111. *21-3 1 First Paper Mill The first paper mill in the U. S. was established in Philadelphia ii) 1690. • Friday and Saturday SPECIALS would lift their heads from the water. Oe^SoiAe Good Moyies Next Wtirhing we obtained some good mdViteS of £ bull,moose at close range. Ih the afternoon the cow and her calf carrie again, and we photographed them, thife.time together. In writing, all this se^ms easy. Actually it was a full-time job, taxing every vestige of patience. That evemng the sky was red again, but not alarmingly so. As we prepared for bed, moose were still in the lake. Suddenly a sharp chorus of yipyip- yip-yr-r-r-r's echoed through the woods. Two wolves were chasing a rabbit or some small animal. They; could not have been more than onej hundred fifty yai-ds away when their howls ceased as suddenly as they had j begun. Though we had enjoyed the | howl of wolves, we heard no more this night. Doubtless they had caught our scent. They are not dangerous in! summer. Even in winter, tales of; their danger to man have been greatly exaggerated. Next day the wind had changed I again and the air was full of smoke. Phdtoj^Taphy was out of the question' and, besides, our food was gone. It J was time to return to our main camp,| so we put our equipment in our back-" packs and hiked to our main camp. 1 The wind was again in our direction, and the sky was blackN with smoke. Now we could hear a steady roar, much as one hears when within a few hundred yards of Niagra. The fire was really coming, this time! Just then a boat of the Michigan Conservation Department came through the smoke. They had been worried about us, and had looked for us the day before. As we had already decided to leave immediately, we were glad to accept their offer of a tow as far as their camp. That night ashes were again falling on oar tent, but this ^ time they Were small and cold. But our time was up, we had obtained our pictures,--or some of them, and fire conditions surely would not quickly improve. Next day the "Waubic" took us back to Port Arthur. Leisurely, this time, as a rest from the strenuous days behind, we drove home. Cleansing Tissue, Soflin 200 Sheets - Salad Dressing Soap Chips 10c Silver Cap, No Rub, Large pkg. r Dog Food Ri*^ f**rb- 4 caos for Pitted Dates K* Eating Apples F*"ey 12c 5c ijAiJ,- Jtoc Roasting Chickens ^Llbt "ca4c Pork Sausage Per lb. Home-made Per lb BARBIAN BROS. Phone 180 e Drive Pioneers Carve Name* Independence Rock, a massive granite pile in Wyoming, is known as the "Registry of the Desert" because so many pioneers carved their names on it. ' Golden Plover Swift The golden plover travels 2,400 miles from Nova Scotia to South America apparently without a stop, flying continuously tor about 48 hours. It consumes leas than two ounces of fuel in the torn of body Housefly Most Productive A single housefly can produce 600 eggs that will develop into mature flies in about two weeks; these may be followed by seven or eight generation* during a single season. Church Built la 8treet •A church at Harbor Springs, Mich., is an object of curiosity to many of the tourists. It was built in the center of the street by the Indians, who donated the land/ so that it could be seen from the oth- W end of the village. CARD OF THANKS In this manner we desire to ex press our appreciation andp thanks to neighbors and friends for floral offerings, acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy extended to us during our recent bereavement. We also thank donors of cars. MRS. ETHEL MUNSON 28 r"; and Family. Snail's Speed Tbe speed of a land snail is •laced by scientists at about a mile a month. . BIG HALLOWE'EN PARTY AT THE PIT Quaitfer Mile East of McHenry on Ronti 20 SATURDAY, NIGHT, OCTOBER 31 SPECIAL PLATE DINNER, 25c Good Orchestra PISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Harold "Schmaltz" Miller, Host Roast Pig Dinner at the RIVERSIDE HOTEL BAR SATURDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 31 (Halloween) Wm. MERTES, Prop. HALLOWE'EN PARTY _ at the ' * BRIDGE BALL ROOM SATURDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 31 Regular Saturday Night Dances will be continued all winter, regardless of the fire. Hallowe'en Party SCHAEFER'S TAVERN Saturday Evening ROAST CHICKEN WITH TRIMMINGS* Frances Pearson and Bfcr Orchestra FISH FRY ALL DAY FRIDAY Hallowe'en Party and Dance at the Auto Inn Saturday Night, October 31 Come and Dance to the music of the "Banjomaniacs", who will do their very best to give you a real treat in the line of entertainment this particular night. Eats furnished at all hours. Let the "Banjomaniacs" swing your party. MATH J. RAUEN, Mgr. HALLOWE'EN PARTY Noise Makers an' Everything! JOHNSBURG TAVERN Johnsburg, CL Saturday, October 31st Good Music----"---- ----Free Dancing All Winter SPECIAL CHICKEN OB GOOSE PLATE DINNER Come One, Come All! J. B. Hettermann i,..