•";':' " 'v '.'• •• ;'•;•:rW?. • 'i' ::S^' '- m mw f£>: fyK r-n^ *s -v ' ' - ••'> ••-' - ': i t * ? *** TES \ -*•" -*>^ ' •" - . * * . . . ; ' * McHENRY PLAINDEALKR . ?P, ' . »- ,. -. a :? V . «*&< Thursday, November 5,1936 Society Motes iiM•••11)1-111 -rvi -- -- ... twenty guests were present for dinner and spent the afternoon in visiting, those present being, Mr. and CARD CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weingart entertained members of their card club MID-WEEK CLUB •Mrs. Ben Dietz was hostess to the members of the Mid-W eek club on Wednesday afternoon of list week. Prizes in bridge were merited by Mrs. Dietz, Mrs. E. E. fcassett *hd Mts, * R. jSmith. • . " ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB , Mrs. E. H. Nickels was hostess to the members of'her card club Thursday afternoon. Two tables of bridge were in play and prizes were merited by Mrs. Robert Thompson: and Mrs. Josephine Pouse. [Halloween costumedWetfe \tf6tb at the er> Chicago. ;Mrs. George Harris and children and, <jn Wednesday evening of last week Miss Neva Toynton of Wauconda, j High honors went to Mr. and Mrs. Frieda Klabunde, Richmond, Lillian • George Young, while the consolations Siebel, and Ovval Granger, Woodstock, went to Mr. and^Mrs. Tony Freund. •Martha Siegmund and Gordon Grang- The next meeting will be with Mr. and! party and Halloween games were played. After a hap^gr eveni^fr aaappropriate lunch wa$ |serve<l *' . ^ • :;:'r ; ' J Mrs. Tony Freund. PARTY AT HIGH SCHOOL | JUVENILES ORGANIZED The annual party at which the >jhe child's dream of being a mem- Sophomores entertained the Freshmen |jgr a "lodge" just like mother and fit the Community High School wfcs are> was realized Thursday held Friday evening, also being, in the eVening when the Juveniles of St. nature of an invitation for the 'Fresh- Clara's Court, Women's Catholic Orchurch will be held at the church atiies" .. a»H svmbols dec- tF °* ^'or^sters' iy*re organized into a 2:30 Sunday afternoon. Members and H*"0*?en. CO,°rS XrP Lmps1 Juv«nile Pourt w,th .offlcers e,ected to everyone interested in the welfare of p.ra.ted_,„th®J.Z* %lJZh™n conduct future meetings the Q.hurch are asked to attend. IMPORTA-a NT ME... ETING \ , An important meetinp of the members of the official board of the M. E. OPENlVfEETING The Woodstock Legion Auxiliary \ •will hold an open meeting on Nov., 12 , : when Mrs. Pauline Rinaker will be the guest speaker: •, • The semi-annual district convention kr will be at Dundee on Nov. 7, and will be' in' charge of Marian Thompson. *. district director. The , department V president. Mr?, Josfefthirie Soliday, will 'v be-present. . HOSTESS TO CARD,CLUB Mrs. Albert Barbiaft *i*s hostess to members of her Card cjfo»6 at her horiie on Riverside Drive oq Tuesday evening "of last week., Two tables of bridge wer.fe in play with a guest, Mrs. George Stilling, winning first prize and Mrs. Ray McGee, second, refreshments were served. MOTHERS CLUB TO MEET The Mothers Club will meet FHday were played and where the Freshmen received many thrills. Teachers and students came attired in costumes appropriate to the occasion. . , LADIES' AID SOCIETY Mfs. E. G. Peterson has been elected treasurer df the Ladies' Aid society to. f.ll the vacancy caused when Mrs. Dainty John Fay moved to Bellingham, vTash. to make her home. Members of the society have set Dec. 3 as "the date for the bazaar and annual dinner to be Held at the cliurch. EPWORTH LEAGUE PARTY " Members of the Epworth Leltgue enjoyed a Halloween party at the home of Janice and Bruce Klontz on ; Thursday evening. Weird sounds, skeletons, ghosts and other hair-raising encounters took place during the visit to the House of Horrors, after which games were, played and lunch served. The hdtise was decorated for the Occasion in Halloween colors. HALLOWEEN PARTY A party of friends were entertain- -^d.at the home of Billy Kinsala Friday evening at a Halloween party. Corn stalks and pumpkins carried out the attractive decorations in which , the Halloween colors of orange and black { were used. Halloween stunts, and games were enjoyed in the basement, after which lunch was served at a! table appropriately decorated. j PRE-HALLOWEEN EV ENT j Mr. and Mrs. Math Blake entertained a few friends at a Halloween party > Thursday evening a;t their pleasant farm home west of McHenry. Halloween decorations adorned the rooms and seasonal games furnished enter-1 tainment for the. guests., Those preg- 1 ent were: Messrs. and Mesdames Irtfin Smith, Leo Blake, Anton Blake,' Nick lloff **h<I Earl Hoffine,, Genoa City. "• HALLOWEEN PARTY . Halloween, with all the thrills of its mccompaning encounters with ghosts, f black cats and witches anticipated by every child, was the occasion of a party Saturday evening when Maurine Miller entertained eight of her school friends at her home on Green street. N6v. 13, at the home of Mrs. R. M. j Donations of material, aprons or fancy Fleming. Assistant hostesses will be .articles will be appreciated. Mrs. Ray McGee and Mrs. F. N. Rog- Mrs. Charlfes Ensign and Mrs. D. I. ers. Plans for a series of book re-'Granger now have the Good Will bags views to be held during the "winter, j which are to be filled with clothing, will be discussed. Donations of used clothing and wear- "It Can't Happen Here," by Sinclair, ing apparel are needed to fill these Lewis, was reviewed by M*s. H. D. bags. Ellis at the high school Thursday! evening. The book jxyiew was spon-1 LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS sored by the Mother/*.Club tot " benefit of the public'library. The children also enjoyed a 'Hlallow- «en party Thursday evening when a goo.gl time was enjoyed in Halloween games, with prizes won by Elaine Heimer, George Worts, Janice Juhten, Betty Weber and Betty Regner. Officers elected were: 1 Chief Ranger--Luella Smith. Vice-Chief Ranger--Betty Regner. ^ ^ % kecording Secretary--Esther Smith.1 Ony Wheeler of McHenry, instructress of the local chapter, was seated on the platform as guest of honor for the evening. i*She also received flowers and gifts. * • One candidate Was received into the order, the initiatory ceremonies being exemplified by the visiting officers. Short talks were given by those abated in the east, after which lunch Was served and a social hour enjoyed. The GQod Will quilt was givetl to Robert Weber. Officers of the evening were: Worthy Matron--Edith Bambas, "Richmond. 1 Worthy Patron--Arthur ' Anderson, Richmond. Associate .Matron--Alda Smith, Wauconda. Associate Patron--Lisle Bassett, McHenry. r Conductress--Martha Parker, Woodstock. e ' Associate Conductress--Mary Hoffman, Hebron. Secretary--Fred Bement, Wauconda. , - . , - 1 v V Treasurer--H. M. Stephenson, Mc- Juaten and Theresa Ann Bauer. Hal- POOTBALL ARMISTICE DAY loween decorations were used and I Nileg Center wiii meet the locaI lunui was served with an attractive: high school football team in the last birthday cake as the center of attrac- Chaplain--Charlep Osborne--Richmond. Marshal--G. A. Parker, Woodstock. Organist--Mabel Johnson, McHenrf. > Soloist--Lillian Cox, McHenry. Adah--Selma Trieger, Antioch. / Ruth--Ethel Holly, McHenry. Esther--Nettie Schmalfeldt, Geno^ KERRICK - SCARBOUGH was of the evening at the Epworth League meeting at the M. E. parsonage Sunday evening at which there were twention of the worthy matron of the A wedding of interest to local ty-one members present. friends took place at St. Mary's parish! Plans for the year were discussed house at 3 o'clock Saturday, Oct. 31, [and arrangements made to celebrate when Miss Ada Kerrick or Blooming- j the first anniversary of the organizaton became the bride of m. Chester tion of the league on Sunday evening, Scarbough, son of >Q$oegj^ Seal-bough Nov. 15. Old members, as Veil as | chapter, Mrs. Minnie Martin, and worof this vicinity. f > ; new ones, are urged to attend thisithy patron, Henry Howe, and came They were attend*^ fcy Jtrs. Her- birthday celebration which will open J from Woodstock, Hebron, Richmond, man Dowe, sister df Yhe groom,' and with the serving of lunch at 5 o'clock Wauconda, Lake Geneva, Genoa City, Ernest Muller, a friend. j followed immediately by the candle The bride wore a black crepe gown light installation ceremonies. with lace sleeves embroidered in sil- Next Sunday evening members of v££, black hat and silver accessories, the League will attend a peace rally and Mrs. Dowe woiif%i-olitf %epe with for Lake and McHenry counties* to be Treasurer--Elaine Heimer, Secretary--Lucile Weber. Senior Conductor--Betty Blake. Junior Conductor--Sally Carp. Outer Sentinel--Mary Lou Stoffel. Inner Sentinel--Betty Weber. ^ The Juvenile Court already has j thirty members who will attend the i first-regular meeting of the Ceu£t on Wednesday night, Nov. 25. ^ * j Marthk--Mildred Bishop, Lake Gen- • Jeva EASTERN STAR I Electa--Elsie Vycital, McHenry. Jack-o-lantems, witches and 'black Warder--Catherine Preston, Lake eats decorating the Eastern Star hall Forest. Saturday evening reminded members Sentinel--Robert Preston, Lake Foifand visitors that the occasion was est; Halloween as well as the annual obriervance of Worthy Matrons' and; GHOSTS WELCOME GUESTS Worthy Patrons' night for McHenry The spirit of Halloween prevailed chapter. Saturday evening at the l^lteween Worthy matrons and patrons from party given by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard other chapters responded to the invito- N_ Bauer for members of the Sunshine brown accessories. " The couple left immediately for a few days' visit with her relatives at Bloomington, after which they will Reside with his father in this vicinity. The groom is employed a factory at Waukegan. • \ WEDDING DATES OBSERVED Sunday; Oct. 25, was the occasion for the double observance of the weding anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Granger ° and their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Justen of Woodstock, at the Granger home in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Granger had been married thirty years and Mr. and Mrs, Justen six years and the joint celebration was a pleasant affair. About Antioch and Lake Forest to fill the offices for the evening. Mrs. Lillian Cox, soloist, sang ap pro.br.iat.e songs of. W' e,lc o „mt, .t o the act- T h ejry w e r e .w e l c o m e d b*y a ghost and vjifv, conducted into the house through Club and their husbands. ^ Guests came masked and in costume to add to the mystery Of the occasion. Having difficulty in entering the house they found it necessary to enter through a small opening which they later found , to be an automobile tire. They were welcomed by ing worthy matron, Edith Bambas, . and acting worthy patron, Arthur "'cke-mg shadows from burn.ng cand- Anderson, both of Richmond chapter, les thef met » 1«1"?d Shost. and Miss Bambas was escorted to her Decorations throughout the hoiyie station in the east by her own offic- were in keeping with the Halloween ers, carrying clothes lines upon one of season. Cards and games were playwhich were pinned towels and wash ed during the evening, the prizes in cloths which were presented to her five hundred going to Jos. M. Freund, Office^ elected fpir the ensuing year | and the socks and handkerchiefs on Mrs. Robert Knox, George Adams and the other line were given to the acting Mrs. Charles Allen and in other games worthy patron, Arthur Anderson. to Robert Knox and Mrs. Wm. Ger- Both Mrs. Martin and Miss Bam- hardt. Chile con came was served bas received flowers from McHenry at the close of a delightful evening. and Richmond chapters and all of the H ! " BIRTHDAY PARTY ~ loween wrappings, from the chapter, Roman Bauer celebrated his ninth as well as personal gifts. birthday Thursday afternoon when he Four grand lecturers, Mrs. Ony invited twenty of his cousins and Wheeler, Mrs. Emma Buell, Mrs. An- friends to enjoy a party at his home, na Graves and Mrs. Mary Jensen, Games were played in which prizes were escorted and introduced and Mrs. were won by Gladys Stilling, Marie held at Libertyville. Those who wish to attend are invited to meet It the church at 5 o'clock. On Sunday evening, Nov. 22, the league will sponsor a Thanksgiving program at the church to which everyone is invited. are: President--Ethel Granger. First Vice-president--Walter Colby. Second Vice-president--Mary Erickson. Third Vice-president--Marian And-1 officers received gifts, in colorful Halerson. •, . v FourthVice - president -- Bruce Klcntz. Secretary--Evelyn Anderson. Treasurer--Erma Hunt. Pianist--Shirley Colby. tion. Roman received many pleasing I Armistice Day gifts. EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. E. R. Sutton was hostess to members of the Emerald Bridge Club Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were merited by Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. Albert Krause and Mrs. Thomas Wilson. D. H. G. CLUB MEETS Members of the D. H. G. Club were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson Tuesday evening. Following a delicious seven o'clock dinner, a jrteasant evening was enjoyed. game of the season at 2:30 Don't miss it. #nci coBTimUol aod mm<f |«nr« and It** moat •ooooaM- «al and UwtTwh** mall • »"• SUNSHINE CLUB Mrs. V. Martin was hostess to members of the Sunshine Club on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 28. Two tables of five hundred were In play and prizes awarded to Mrs. Wm. Gerhardt and Mrs. V. Martin. MRS. 8. F. SCHMITT DIES AT JOHNSBURG Mrs. Stephen F. j3chmitt, 77 years old, died at, 5:30 Saturday morning. She was Katharina Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Freund. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 10 a. m. at St. John's phurch. Obituary ne$t week. Plaindealer Vant Ads oring result* NEW FALL BY WILSON CUiidoH. qua&tif!&frdtuted itc • • • • • $1-65 McGEE'S • Wing Foy Foods l • I B«m Sprats mf$? 222*5 1§c * SUB OUM VBQCTAM.IS COM wMY qan "W - NQ FOY FORRU CEHYO P • SI-TOLZ. Ife BTL. NOTBt MiyTsr Mntak IMUlM CIlMH MlMt RICH TOMATO FLA' 1SOUF ladSalMM . Wile UmiOIM MpnCvQ CAh Check These! P BREAKFAST CEREAL k Matt-O-Meal. %St 21e Jy INSTANl COFFEE G.WasMngtm,1^3lc WIL6UN'tf CERTIFIED Chili carnk • 3 cms 25c SUNNYFICLOC Pancaka Flour VUca" 7c • FRIDAY AISO SATURDAY OHLYt Red Circle eomi . . 2 We Mazola Oil ?a mmt 21C . . • AftM PAQK PURI FRUIT Lm .. ioc .. 15c Lake Shore HONEY, 3 lb. Jar Breakfast Cereal MELLO-WHEAT, 14-oz. pkg. 28-oz. pkg ............. PRODUCE Texas Grapefruit ^ S'ft* We Florida Oranges, 250 sise doz. 19c Lettuce, size 60 per head 6c Green Beans 2 lbs. for 15c A&P Fooa Srores * : ' • { : _ , STYLES TO FROM These Cards v. WE BELIEVE THEM TO BE SUPERIOR TO AWt SELLING ANYWHERE NEAR THIS LOW PRICE! Obey That Impulse! Order Now! Avoid Last-Minute Rush! • Printed in genuine water colors! ' Actual size of cards as shown heret ^ Four Colors--Silver,, red, black, blue! ! Full name imprinted in same type and : color to match the greetings on card. Fine quality heavy ribbed paper! • Better type French (4-fold) styles! Exclusively in McHenry at Bolger'si ' 1 Every design.is brand new this year! ban be mailed to any point in U. S. first olass, or (unsealed) for lV2c postage! 4 For you--for doctors, lawyers, merchants! Beautiful white envelopes included! # - ; ---Order now! One week required for delivery! . Important: You get 50 of oa« desigii aod dO of one imprint with each order." ' Cards and Your Name Envelopes Imprinted • Phone 40 HfMBSlreet ,i-V.