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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1936, p. 4

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THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER McHENRY TWP BACK IN G O. P. Published every Thursday at McHenry, Dl., by Charles F. ftenich Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry. HI., under the act of May 8, 1879. One Year ... 8ix Months -...$2.00 $1.00 A. H. M06HER, Editor and Manager Lillian Sayler, Local Editor -- -- -- Telephone 187 rife PROGRAM NOV. H AT HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL GAME AND v STUNT PARADE McHENRY COUNTY REPUBLICAN BY COLUMN AGAIN (Continued from Froht Pace) WOMOfclSDEAD Funeral services for Ann O'Neill, about 43 years old, of 4887 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, were held at St. Mel church at 10 a. m., Mon- FOR SALE--House Trailer, large M°Unt Carmeh enough for a smalrtSmilv. Must be Iv£omJnent seen; prieed-«g*t Schw$m*n Chev- !!J J® °JJh* C*th°hc IWhtem rolet Sales. ^^s22-tf ^ Amenca and ® member of Carroll * __ j Court in Chicago, died last week Wed- New Polling Place Residents of the third precinct' voted in a new polling place this year, the booths being set up in the H. E.Buch plumbing establishment on Riverside Drive instead of in the Colby building where they have been for many FOR SALE--POTATOES. Tfie Bran-1 nesday night in the Illinois Research years- l denberg Farm, on Route 60, 2% miles hospital following an operation. for McHenry voters were loyal to their I n°rth of Volo. 23-2 tum°r on the brain. , home town candidate, Rep. Thomas A.|^nD ----:--: '. ®^e been a frequent visitor in I JOIN THE RED CROSS | It was Solomon who said: "Where the P^P1® Perish." The Red Cross has a avision of the Sim? °if • #£d the P^^^tion of health It i8 taking the lead in bringhloHf. 0111* ®?untry oat of backward health conditions, out of misery and hopelessness as a result of disasters, WoVAUNT 0) 1996 out of the fog of thoughtlessness that has been responsible for the alarming number of accidents on highways, in homes and >on farms. Help this ser^ vice to humanity by joining at Itcfll Call time, Armistice Day to 'rtra'i&sgiving Day. ' . / ' " ' Plaindealer Want Ada briar waoHa , « (Continued from flgmt pat*) -V. OpvV-'* 1 Democratic 6491. candidate, a majority of ft'iV , •v;» W;: Armistice Day, Nov. 11, the eigh , /teenth anniversary of the ending of the World War, will be observed in McHenry next Wednesday with activities sponsored by the public schools ,^<iand members of McHenry Post, • V^merifcah Legion The Legionnaires are niaking plans - for their annual' celebration find dance at the Bridge Ballroom Wednes- ' day evening. . At 2:30 Wednesday" afternoon there will be a football game at- the Community High School, which is Scheduled to be the feature game of the year. This fvnal game of the season will be played against the strong . Niles Center sacad and should be a I game \vell worth seeing. A patriotic ceremony will opert the •erc'tZ?^' when members of the American, Legion, ifce hi?h school ban i %ar,d ir.embers of the teams with flaps 'ahd banners will march around tho feeid and the players will pass in review before the Legionnaires' stand •>ai military fprmation. There'wilJ.gUjj be unusual and novel entennlnj* . between the halves of the sr*-- "eRt A stunt parad* • . . , "iPeiheleatn- ', at.1 ° clock Vill be .e of the day aru vin pre. /eede-th* football gran^ wil, ^ something new f \£cifeniv an£ will be ^".cn the attention of local !*51-<nti. The parade will combine <!ie patriotic, hurfcorms and football dualities and will be put on by various classes, organizations, individuals and groups of individuals cf the hign fcehool, whose object will be to entertain the residents and visitors of McHenry and to compete for the prizes offered for the three best stunts. These ribbons will be awarded between halves of the game. The parade will form at the depeti march east on Main street to Mte bijfh school, north on .Greeti lb Centerville, east On E2Vi\ fetrtet to Rivertide Drive, wh the Drive to the city parfej it will disband. . Program In Forenoon - lik the forenoon short ceremonies will be observed at both the grade and high school, closing at 11 o'clock when school will be dismissed for ,the day. At the grade school a flag-raising --ceremony will take place on the grounds where a salute to the flag and T"" pledge of allegiance will be given and patriotic songs sung by the entire school. Taps and facing the east in silence, will conclude the program at 11 a. m. Legionnaires and the general public are invited to the fifteen or eighteen minute program to be given at the high school at 10:45 a m., Wednesday morning which will be as follows OVER 5 000 VOTES I B,°,Rer' who was a candldate for re-! r^hE~nI°nathrn APPmS'ti ^ McHenry, where she had many friends UV-Blfc Q,WU VUlBb |ectjon as a member Qf ^ General1 Dairy Farm, McHenry J among the members of Court Joyce j Assembly of Illinois on the Democrat. i phone °-' 656-W-2- 23-2 ,Kihner, where she assisted in the jic ticket without opposition. (FOR SALE--Modern bungalow on Iea,rIy work of organisation of the lo- Nevertheless he received smashing! Waukegan road; also P. J. Schoewer 1cal,®ourt j support by local voters with 55$ vote^ I estate on Route 12 and John St. In-L .was a state dePuty of the E. H. Cook received 12409, tDtes for IPrecinct 1, 719 in precinct 2 «nd 9-Uire of Fred C Schoewer 23-2 .athoIic Dau«hters and had been ac- Coroner. as agafiist 061^ for 6r. Cope- 1286^ in precinct 3. In precinct li ! . ;tlve in the organization of a Junior land, the Deraocititla candidate, a mo- i Ly°n' received 425 votes, Keller^ 35C; fFOR SALB--Heating Stove, in good league in Chicago where she had a jority of 6148. ' r* T J precinct 2, Lyons 507, Keller 440; pre-j conditt**n- JoHn R. Freund. Phone group of 300 girls. McHenry Banner rSnaty (cint 3, Lyons 504, Keller 410. |127-J. *24!' Miss O'Neill was well known and With these facts before them Mc- j Also a high light, in local election for li0^ and did much good in. charity McHenry county leaders are quite con- 'returns was the- support received by soled over the results so far as they j William M. Carroll for state's attorney for the HOTTEST MUSIC Come To ^ L \ On U. S. IS •-- iiiin «*•' McHenry, III. DINE AND DANCE EVE&Y SATURDAY NIGHT BOB PETERSON'S ORCHESTRA could extend their., influence ^As one|an^ William J. Stratton of Ingleaide, prominent Republican said'tfais mprn- 'or secretary of state. These two men mg, "lr view of what happened every- Jwer® the only candidates on the Rewhere else our Republican voters ixi;PuW»c®n ticket to receive a majority this county can be proud of the "re- vo*e 'n precinct 3, the preference ot FOR S^E--Home-grown potatoes,; work of the order. rS m p M hn?bBrg °n Ri?o ' She i8 survived hy ^ mother, Mrs. Road. M. P. Meyer. „ 24-3 Ro8e O'Neill, three sisters, Mrs. Mae FOR SALE--14x7x7 Vegetable Stand; 2'..C?n^°.n.' .®frs- M«rgaret Genty and E%tric Clock with Neon sign; Res-1 Pilfir and a brother, Harry tauraflt tables; 5 counter stools; 2 m 1" n . V„M U1 re,f - - showcase; kitchen sink; Sell Reason.! • 1 J of,.Chicago orsuits, and certainly 6nr Democratic r^e Voters for these men prpbably be- ®ble. Ge§rf€ Steinsdoerfer, West Mc- ^.®nizer of the McHenry Court Joyce . . . l : _ _ - ( tt *24 *»merv with whom Miss O'Neill work- , - j ed, attended the funeral services MonrOR BINT ouu v^J laini/ uur J-WtllUCrailC ; T ""^ »*•»» w r neighbors have nothing to brag about. 'responsible for the large number'Henry, 111. Only four precincts in McHenry tickets voted in precinct 3 and! county gave Democratic majorities on rn t.*1® other precincts was: Precinct President--McHenry 3, HarUand, Fox]1' state's attorney, Carroll 312, Kelley FOR River Grove and Barreville. ; 112; secretary of state, Stratton 302, Only three were Democratic on!Hu»hes 120> Precinct, 2, Carroll 364, Governor, McHenry 3. Hartland and|Ke,ley 177'> Stratton 336, Hughes 206; RENT--Two modern 5-Room. FORTY HOURS DEVOTION steam heated apartment?. Double ' AT^ST. MARY'S CHURCH garage. Perry Hou§e, Richmond road, j ^ . .. Fox River Grove, while Carroll for lFrecinct 3» Carroll 396, Kelley 325;j?efr Chu,rch* State's Attornev oVarv y\*<An{n!Stratton 379. tHkipfcee soo Jonn K. Knox, Phone 17. Call Mm. J. Forty houj-s devotion which opened s Attorney carried every precinct j Stratton 379, Hlughes 329. '|«»onn 17-tf at St. Mary's church Friday morning in the county except Fox River Grove. Stratton, however, lost his cam- FOR RENT--Heated 3-room furnished' d°Sed Sunday eVelftin^ services tal vote in the county was PaiS"> the state, oeutZ def««ted by flat in Schneider building on River-,at which Priests and four - „ ; ^ - M Democratic opponent. . ;ide Drive. Phone McHenry 22W. ^ present. ^ Betting Qalte Actlvfl v ^ed Re-elect** f 1 '' F^er^ Ess^r of Virgil, I»vdew ' v, n ^ . ' I ---- -- ' -- 'hvetyfl H»e sermon Sunday evenmg, t i from1 th^elevMit^ district Cha^f^ |-F0A KENT--modern 5-Roort ^ «ight Rev. Msgr. Breig of .MiN small|Reed, Republican, fed His Wiocratic! ®team u heatel. ti i^a"kee was the celebrant, Fr. Fel- The total 20,0008! Th-re was considerable the county. nu>nt of Ont- bet of r ticBs was can^** major Pr°P°rH"^"' Perry House, Richmond roads St.'s®clter, the St. Francis seminary, cause »v» -eiled on Tuesday be-j ? 8 7 1 •' t__ t f l izo f . R . h J Mary's Church-. Call Mr^ iohn R. Milwaukee, was deacon, »nd Fr, Mc- .e check covering the Demo-|R , „ , .• ai.eI* j Knox, Phone 17-, 24-tf Cormick of Crystal Lake was sub- *ratie side did riot clear when present-d u 2."* "f™" ^ 'deacon, Fr. Frink Miller, .distant MISOBLfcANBOBB | pastor of St. Mary's church, was master of ceremonies. precino ed at the bank drawn on. 12" to "5/0r 9®frberj ^ 8M0nd Pre"' . Another bet of $50 to $500 was plac-^J" . . , ®PfSS* carr,edl~ ed on State s Attorney, the long end |the p thiri Preeinct: 394 to 303. iKOTICE--Tht* undersigned will not be ^ being on Carroll's election. Another I atjl^y co ° fZl responsll>ift *>rany debt s except those , so,emn procession of altar boys and bet was that Landon would carry the; ™ fcei.ved « ^ ^ 908 contract*! by himself. Lyman Jlowe. girlg dressed in white and golemn county bv 500^ over Roosevelt. This H^ , .0r 0 ley <n Mc" i *23'3 benediction. The church was open.for was won by a margin of 138 votes. 252 to ^"prerinct^sai tTJoo IJd'Y TO SERVE YOU WITH-- | Adoration all day Friday and Satur- »iirhborfnc Coanties ... „ , I Crtsu and Coke. T"n,y. '»•»»«* V" * 086 mari'" »mper.idS^ Rpfmbhcg/i majority. In that county n . , the plurality ja 1932 was 3005, this] ^sP^te_th® O^rtMcratic -tnajority in year it was 2992. a difference of onlv'P?"ef,?lct^Publican ticket citf- 13 votes in 4 years. - .ned in the to^iship with Landqn Wt- In Lake county the entire Repub-; C€iyi**rthe rttst, 322 in the'^eciican ticket carried, but margftfl IflUch 'H. fttl , . !n to lBi2 for smaller in proportion than in Mc- i G°5^ first, 240 in sec- Henry county. ion<* ^ ^e third predict. In Km county the entire Repub-L llo-.n H.wt o v^tnrv A„ror- 12? ®ro6^s 266, Horner 180; Precinct 2, Call 649-R-l. H. day and the speaker on Friday and 4-tf Saturday evenings was Fr. Strocholtz, - • i a Sacred Heart Father from Geneva. 'SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED--| All of the school children took part fs TAVERN ^ ~ Saturday Evening v «oast chicken with trimmikos Frances Pearson and Her Orchestra FISH FRY ALL DAY FRIDAY ... „ my r' 1 ?an ticket won a victory. Aurora „„„ TT • . went Democrats by a small margin, I®"0-'8 333, Homer-2ft: Precinct 3, but Elgin and thefelanee of tKe coun- iBr^s 318, Horner 3^8 ty was Republican by a t^o to one, For Umted State^ Senator the vote vote. 1 • ... ' | Congressman Chaunc«y W. Reed was reelected by a majority of between 20.000 and 25.000. Senator Paddock of Wauconda. was reelected over Leo Dailey of Waukegan by between JjMW, aad'jLI^OO majority. Figures representative are nOlL' yM O^^plfte, but Lyons. Keller a||V'-Bol£*r |UM no orposition, the oaft* fyeatkm'* being a matter of how „/ Before you buy a new sewing ma- j in the program of music, songs and chine, let me see your old one. I recitations and Father Miller and guarantee it will work just as good Msgr. Nix both gave talks. Several as a new one, no matter how old or[0| the mothers were present^ also. In what model. POPP, Shoe Store, West i honor of the occasion Msgr. Nix McHenry, Phone 162. 43-tf. j granted the children a hoHday on GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let ^ Wednesday. dispose of your garbage each week, 0n Tuesday afternoon the pupils of Cwt^Over qone ; as Resteers Dig J6****, Hlchway police, two ^no*ptoW% and t telephone repair ctt* BIM Iv clMved a road Ittt ll|hk K t hoaw ot Meiverit a«A»ltt«r bom to' Mi^mphny--miniit. had Te ded well to Uw treatment lili '---Eleanor Fires Burning," i a Long, Long directed by Mi Poem, "In F1 Althoff. ' .. Origin an<f Ideals -of ^ffc 'A«ierican Legion--Adele Pledge to the r^g/TiSi^ by* Herbert j Reihansperger. •^fceinfc the east Address of Welcome to Legionnaires j one minute as LftliSihd^Eh^eKli recites, Dan Justen: j "Face to the Eaat^W-v Wartime Songs, "Keep the Home! Taps by Dor READERS! SHOW yOlH^WLLI How Many Seeds In the Plaindealer Pumpkin? Your Guess Is As Good As Your Neighbor's --...You M$y Secure Your Turkey For Thanksgiving^... was: Precinct <Jtis F. Glenn 238, J. Hamilton LiCifris 145; Precinct 2, Glenn 301v Lewis 212; Precinct 3, Glenn 270, Lewis 385. jfor Attorney General, Precinct 1, C,. Wi, Had fey 235, Otto Kerner 125; Precinct 2, Hadley 302, Kerner 199; Precinct 3, Hadley 274, Kerner 362. -In-precincts 1, 2 and 3 respectively, 4he county ticket went as follows: XJounty Judge: Henry L. Cowliry '269, 331 and 342; Dan Quinlan, 126,! 191 and 362. , Clerk of the Circuit Court: Wm. T.I Conn, 261, 317 and 322; Lester A.I Siedschlag, 130, 188 and 349. State's Attorney: Wm. M. Carroll, 312, 364 and 396; Walter Kelley, 112, 177 and 325. County Coroner: E. H. Cook, 262, 320 and 325; W. J. Copeland, 125, 191, and 346, In the third precinct there were sixteen straight Union Progressive ballots and Lemke received 113 votes. In the first precinct Lemke received 66 votes with ten straight Union Progressive ballots. About 800 had registered in the second prepinct and 960 in the third. Reasonable St* Mary's school put on a program in | honor of the name day of Msgr. i Charles S. Nix, which fell on the fol- or oftener if desired. rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. . . Smith. Phone 157 or 631-M»1. 2-tf ,owin& daV. thc of St' Charl«®- FOR CASH AND QUICK REMOVAL JOHN GOUTtTNEY, 84, of crippled, and Dead Horses and YfcTlia AT WATTfinNnA Cattle. Call AXEL BOLVIG'S PLACE •,«««* A1 WAUUUHUA Woodstock Phone 1645-W-2j ami re*- verse charges. » F-ftf .5. t K' V ' •Jotoi Courtney, 84 years old, died at his home near Wauconda at 1:30 a Listen ! m., Sunday. He was born and lived BUDDY & GINGER OVER W«GN his entire lifetime on the farm where Monday, Wedneaiay & Friday, at 4he died. He was a cattle dealer and Oottptiaiefets of , well known in this locality. MeHENRy DAIRY / | He is survived by a brother, Dr. Jot T»rilepheiie ol- Sft jseph Courtney of White Salmon, ------ ,'I'riTltl 'Wash., and a sister, Nellie, at home. We write tJhe tnost attractive fbttris the past week Mrs< Stacia of aatowobifc insurance to', Malone, a cousin, assisted in his day. We l^so ^te a thr^ ^llar tow-j jje ajgo jeaves other cousins ih this vicinity. Funeral services were held Tuesday at -10 a. m., at the Catholic church at ing amd road service coverage. tft'Will pay yea to go over your automttbile insurance With us before buying. 2»-'tf EARL R. WALSH. j^ks $10,000 ros Did You Have a Telephone Last Winter? Lots of those who did, and many who didn't, say they would not risk going through another winter without a telephone. You--your family and your property--all are safer with a telephone in your home. The coet is low. Certainly you do not want to be isolated, even for a few hours. If you have put off getting a telephone, get In toucfe with us now before winter comes. Telephone, or call at our Business Office and talk it ova. Rtmfmbw Lent Wmitr! . *• Wauconda, with burial there: Minnie E. Hapke, administratrix of the' Estate of h£r husband, George H. j Births »»»»»»»»»»»••»»»•»»»»•»••• Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey are par- FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN WEST Hapke, filed suit in the circuit <Sourt ®nts of a son, born at St. Therese 3 Monday against Ward T. Huston ask- hospital, Waukegan, Monday. Thanksgiving is .th. e season *fo r .t..o n .i s, .h ow many seed..i. W. lll ie found ' Claxton received news thig week of the death of Mrg Bert turkeys and pumpkins. This furnishes inside when it is cnt i Howe of Vancouver, Wash., on Sept. an idea for having some fun and also The pumpkin will be cut by a com-128. Burial was beside her husband in an interesting contest among Plain- mittee Saturday, Nov. J4, at 5 p. m. ^ Fh. cemet Portiand) 0re. dealer readers, J and said committee will make an ac- Mrs, Howe who wag in he; eighties> The Plaindealer has secured an ex- curate count of the Mads. was a former resident of McHenry tra large pumpkin |or the contest. It | The one t1,e "e"est/or* and will be remembered by older contains seeds, but how many nobody ^uess will be awaked a large j residents She leaves four sons. ing damages in the amount of $10,000 for personal injuries received hy her husband which^ caused his death. "the widow claims that her-husband was operating a farm as-a tenant Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Colby are parents of a son, born Monday. The name of Raymond Laurence, has just about been decided upon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Regner have a 7% -pound baby girl, born last week knows. Therefore, it is up to all readers of the paper, who desire to compete, to guess the correct answer or as near as possible. It costs nothing to enter and all you qeed is a coupon/which will be found in each copy of the Plaindealer for the next two issues, Nov. 5 and 'Nov. 12. Guess as mariy times as you like, but you must make your guess on a separate coupon each time. The pumpkin measures 22 inches in length and is 3] inches in circumference at the largest point. The questurkey for his Qj |ier Thanksgiving dinner. 7*^ * ' Show your skill--make your guesses Also, this week, Mrs. Claxton received a letter from Mrs. Hulda Covon the coupons and mail or bring them ell, 89 years old, 6f Portland,'Ore., A «• ^ „•? to the Plaindealer. Each, f uess will wh°se-husband Simeon Covell, 91 be filed and the winner as the seeds are Obunt mittee. Enter this interesting game today. Send in your estimate. '®tay be the one to receive jjie rjp%i {tart of your Thanksgiving dinner. All employees or correspondents of the Plaindealer and;theuf %atilj£s are excluded ffrom entering tfie contest - '• , ..*• J i HOW MANY SEEDS HA$ " ^ " ^ _ THE PLAINDEALER PUMPKIN? . r^Ay Make Your Guess Use Thit Coup««'^'^^" :> Name ; Andreas'- --, My Guess la 1. Contest close* Saturday, Nov. 14, at 5 p. m. 2. Plaindealer employes and correspondent* anfftheir ftfemiys are excluded from entering contest. ^ ' • 3. You can guess as many times at deaired, bat each guess must be m a d e o n s e p a r a t e c o a p m i . T - . ' - ' - , »!"' ' ' I >1* ^ years old, is a brother of the late Mrs. Bert Howe. Mrs. Covell, who Is also a former resident of McHenry, said , that Ishe had just about iuiished her housecleaning and that Mr. Covell had been on the roof of their home making repairs. She told of the fine season they are having and that they still have flowers and vegetables in the garden.' Both Mr. and Mrs. Covell are in remarkable Ilealth considering their advanced age. which belonged to Hustdn on Sept. 20 Tuesd Sh6 has b4en named, Ther- 1936, and at which time he was gored egft to death by a bull on the farm. | Mr a;d Mrg Joe Nimsgern are the The bill recites that Hapke was parents of a nine pound boy, born driving the bull from the barn to the' Sunday, Nov. 1, at their home, east cowyard when the bull became enrag-1 o£ McHenry. ed and suddenly crushed him against; the side of the barn. j ARMISTICE PROGRAM The plaintiff charges that for sev- ] Legionnaires and all who are intereral months prior to the accident her ested are invited to the Armistice Day Card of Appreciation I desire in this manner to expres* my thanks to the voters of McHenry County - for the splendid vote given me at the polkn on Tuesday, November 3. NICK KELLER husband had asked Kenneth C. Brown, agent of Huston, to'dispose of the bull because it had j previously been ugly and vicious and on many occasions had attempted to in jure! diverse other persons but that the agent had negligently and willfully failed and refused to dispose of the bull. Mrs. Hapke charges that as the result of the death of her husband one son' and three daughters have been deprived of the chance to secure an education and also she tind her children have been deprived of'means of •support. program at the high school next Wednesday at 10:45 a. m. Miss Maud Granger tff Chicago spent Monday night in the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Thompson, and cast her vote before returning to Chicago Tuesday. , "' Mr. and Mrs. Ja&ob 'StefFes .were called to Chicago Monday night by the illness of their, daughter, Mrs. Ralph Schroeder. They .'were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thies. Mrs. Stdffes remilned for the next Mrs. Robert Thompson attended a dinner given by the' ladies of the Presbyterian church at Hebron, last week Wednesday, Peter A. Neiss, city clerk, returned home Wednesday morning from Canistota, S. D., where he spent the past ten days receiving treatment. Leaving on Oct. 26 he wafe accompanied to Canistota by his wife and Mr- aiid Mrs. Nick Preund and datighter, Marguerite, who retumed hbme in a few days. • M llftUIII I M» Amiong the Sick Mrs. Peter Weber, who has been critically ill at her liome on Pearl Street, is much improved. August Kunz is very ill at his home In the north end of town. Louis Diedrich underwent an operation1 for appendicitis at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan Monday. Mrs. Ralph Schroeder underwent an emergency operation for appendicitis at Henrotin hospital, Chicago, Monday night. Mrs. Schroeder was, beforetyhei recent marriage, Miss Florence Stef* fes of McHenry. Mrs. Lenore Peterson of Chicago, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb, is in thf EVanston hospital where sha underwent ah operation Monday. HEADS LADIES a A. R. raadttta THE^ PLAINMrs. Frances M. Kuhns, former Greensburg, Pa., resident and superintendent of the ladies G. A. R. •"home in Swissdale, Pa., who is the new national president of the Daughter* of the Grand Army of the Republic. She was elected at the organization'* convention in Washington. Worthless AdviM Sometimes it's just aa easy te gat along without advice aa it ia to select the kinA you .will take after you get it Friday and Saturday SPECIALS Sweet Potatoes Nancy Hall* . Green Beaaa Grapeirult Seedless ........ Sunfarite Kleanser Powder . Super Suds Catsup 22-aa. Pkg. 4 lbs % lis. 19c 6 f«r S5c .3 to 13c X for lie Centrella, Large bottle Pork Loin Roaatr:^ Lamb Stew Good Quality Per lk .....--.. 15c BARBUN BROS. Phone 180 Rivenide Drive i'

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