^ 1 ^ « f W. v v~. Building f'lW k "; « • • West McHenry 'vV.;V,"--^ IS37 We wish to tJtfuak our fiends and customers for past favors and assure litem that we will endeavor to do even better in thf forthcoming year. * ". X&K*-'••'••»•: R. M. FLEMING IMPLEMENT CO. Season's Cheep I$37 \ ( We approach 1937 with optimism confident that it holds •ew hopes and greater prosperity for everyone. CUME BEAUTY SHOOT Green Street McHenry q?V / . •M 1 urn NEW Y£AA best of New Year's ^Pihes to the best of friendi.' GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Acetylene Gutting and Welding touts urn STOP Nick J. Adams Shop phone, 195 Pearl Street Res. phone, 134-M Happy * N&ur Yeah. TCV-vcT I HLUK IK FREUHO Farm Implement# Pefin Street 'fv# '. '• ' McHenry rii R THE NEW YJAH ..1937 .?f : ,. Ring in the New Year .•ffrQtmy it bring fullest succe* t# your most cherished dreams. J8& W.FREUND WINTER,1 "is very becoming to your food looks." the man beside her looked down with pleased amusement. They were skiing, these t% over snowy surfaces, ind the manwtthhis bright wide woolen sash aid knitted cap to match, made a striking flgure on the snow. "Ail -was a grand Ilea ffcttag to the New Year's party," cried Paul. "Otherwise we would not have made It." "Andy thinks we're crasy. Says we're sure to get stuck, and mayfce frees* to death on the wsy. He's 90 optimistic." Dora laughed. "He would! Never saw wdt a darned eautioua guy aaAady. He'll never get anywhere or do anything or have anr fun." "He ia pretty solemn at times," admitted C« - - oimdetoSS 1 little soberly, on, easily, lightly; Washington, December 30 -- With the mists of the Christinas season quickly lifting, the incoming legislators find themselves involved in another "War of Sections." The, duel of tongues replaces the clash of arms as the geographical issue is raised in the struggle for the majority leadership. True it is that few persons outside legislative haUa ever heard of this dignitary, but the prospect the job offera-as a stepping-stone to eminence makes it an eAfesrty sought ?rise.' Newcomers to Congress are astound ed at the intrigue and play behind* ths-seenes as votes are solicited by contestants for this coveted birth. The controversy which is apparently switching attention from jclass align* ments to dominance of( regions in shaping national lawmaking Will he settled next week When the Democratic caucus meets to ballot for House offices. | The House of . Representatives is unquestionably controlled by a few did under them; dark men, but the current battle for place trees stiiyfd by. "A New , has blown the majority leader's Job Year's dance does not grow on ev ery bush," remarked Paul. "Better take them in our stride." The girl'a cheeks glowed. Her fair hair tucked under her cap flew ! out of proportion to its real size. The Speaker and the major committee | chairmen hold the reins over the House and the title "majority leader" is a pretty tribute to one who is acout behind in small ringlets. If the ' tually the right-bower for the Speak- - Jer. Of course, many have jumped from this lieutenant's role into the .Speakership. Probably this unmenjtioned consideration of ambition figures prominently In the mad rush for. ,the favored post which is now disrupting old friendships among House veterans. I Undercover the cry is raised "The South is in the s&ctdle" -- a situation j which makes Democrats from other j areas stop and think of the implications in terms of patronage and appropriations for Federal projects in • the North, East' and West. Two Southerners are seeking the leadership assignment to fill the vacancy created by election of Bankhead of Alabama to the rostrum where he (wields the Speaker's gavel, Statistics distance still seemed a long way, <do sh?# that m<>re than half of ^11 she did not speak of it. She was a committees m the House are headed little tired, too, but that would pass. by Southerners and 90 percent of the Soon they would pause for rest, and major groups controlling legislation for bites of hard chocolate. , hail from Dixie. Texas alone has six Paul Came After Her; He Tried Valiantly to Help Her. 1 "It takes a little -Imagination, sometimes," said Paul, "to think out ways of doing things. Andy is good, solid dependable stuff, but slightly," he smiled, "dull." "I like him, though," said Dora stoutly, "and it usually happens he's right . . . worse luck!" "Not sorry you came with me?" "Heavens, no!" They went on and on and on. Roads, were blocked. No cars members of the delegation as chairmen and Rayburn from the Lone Star State is the leading contender for the Democratic floor captaincy. It shou.'d be remembered that seniority is usually the basis for election of a chairman. With no opposition party in the field in many Southern States It Is relatively easy for incumbents to remain in the House for a long period of years while their brethern from other areas sustain political casualtwo party could get through. A horse team would take one day and part of an- i^es due to an effective other. Skiing across country was sytfbem. the only solution of reaching Dorset | It seems doubtful that the jumbled and the dance. machinery of the Federal government "You'll have trouble," Andy pre- will be overhauled and adjusted next dieted, "mark my words/' And it year. True, two official survey bodies looked as if his prophecy were about will have reports on re-organization to come trueas they attempted the ready early in the session, but politics Di ext hill. The wind grew colder, ora was not as rested as she hoped she might be; not as quick or sure of balance. She struck a snag, tripped and fell . . not merely in the snow, but down and down into a surprise gully. A sharp pain shot up from one ankle to knee, and a cold and dreadful faintness crept over her. "Andy," she whispered involuntarily, as one speaks of a safe harbor in time of storm. Paul came after tier. Somehow his picturesque good looks did not count for much now, though he tried valiantly to help her. "I've twisted my ankle, I'm afraid," gasped Dora. "What shall we do? will have much to do with the future. A preliminary report to die President reveals disappointment in the estimated economies. The savings in wages will not exceed two or three percent. Unofficial agencies have a suspicion that this low estimate is made to appease the patronage boys in politics who would fight a marked reduction in government personnel. The first set of alphabetical agencies due for consolidation has to do with Federal relief. Specialists in puMfc administration believe a restatement by Con-' gress of the power dtefegated to administrative agencies which was deliberately overlooked in bestowing Cafl you put your imagination to- , •«»* authority during an emergency will clarify the picture somewhat. The return of Father CbogMin to the air waves for a New Year's speech is watched with more curiosity than concern. He has been silent since the election. The politicians are not at ail disturbed at the possibilities of the radio priest riding herd on this Conyou might have trouble, so I trailed gress with the same roughshod tactics you." of the last two years. The small vote It was Andy who took Dora back turned out for William Lamke, the to her home. He carried her all Coughlin candidate put an end to fear, the way, first over one shoulde*. Lemke is as busy a& a bird dog digthen another. Paul feeling uncom- up 8Upp0rt for his legislative fortable said he guessed he d go> on program which will be presented again to the dance. "Happy New Year ^ext month. He has measures draftwork?" she added Just then, £old, truly fearful for what lay ahead, they heard a dim halloo in the distance. They waited and soon Andy's bulky and solid flgure stood above the gully. He plunged down quickly and gave not a word of rebuke save "Thought was all Andy said. An arduous, silent and painful experience. Dora could hear the breathing of the man who so bravely bore her over the weary miles. "Why don't you scold me?" she demanded. She could not see his face, but she felt him smiling. At last Andrew deposited her on her own coUch in her own home and kwnm Y" - •'». ' ' • ? i 4- * VW»f»« mi I . y "' .. Sm! BiUteudIwarMM - B t a n i d * 1 1 ' M e H w i r y ed including a constitutional amend ment permitting popular (public) ini tiation of legislation, a water conservation measure and a plan requiring centralized basking. Many ideas were culled from the Coughlin broadcasts. Of course, Lemke will re-submit the fans-mortgage scheme for scaling farm interest rates downward. It was this controversial plan, vetoed telephoned for the doctor. The last I by President Roosevelt, that brought bandage was patted into place on her plaster cast as midnight struck. "You know, Andy," remarked Dora slowly, "I'd^honestly rather be here with you and a broken ankle, than at the New Year's dance at Dorset. Quaint me, isn't it?" Big, solid, unpicturesque Andy stooped over and kissed her. "Happy New Year, dear! I'm afraid it will be a long time till you dance again." "And Paul's colorful ideas aren't so much ... after all. He looks well on a winter landscape. And you look well in a rescue act. I think I prefer the latter." Lemke into the limelight assisted by Rev Coughlin's magic voice. Many legislators who voted for this bill at the last session are now in political limbo and others have good reason to remember the message of last November. | The New Year ushers delicate problems into the Department of State and the Treasury. The war drums in Europe are disturbing our diplomats because of the world-wide American interests. The flow of gold from foreign lands worries the Treasury because it calls for drastic measures to prevent the runaway expansion of "Which," grinned Andy, "is just credit. These subjects are discussed as it should be." © Western Newspaper Union. * V. & PoWaatioa Pollination by insects Is only one method, though by far the most important in the case of food plants. Many are pollinated by the wind, some water plants by the agency of water, and some by birds and bats. Some plants are self-pollinated, requiring no H".'- i • , over the flowing bowls which abound in official society during the holidays. The .social whirl will be at its giddest height during the next month with official functions at the White House and a series of pre-inauguration affairs which fascinate newcomers to Washington. Hope and Courage Whatever AMay every day of 1037 *< JUmtm Acce--ories KTTYMELSi Riverside Drive Telephone 54-J McHenry iNCER* JsPtivous In the old unchanging spirit that has characterised this Arm--may we offer our greetings and wishes for your happiness in 1937. SMITH IMS. general Merchandise Green Street McHenry Gold Seal Feed for every Need. MOW CD. UHNBB CO-OP. ASSN. FtrMtky THOMAS P. feOLOBX MONET TO LOAM I have clients who have aieaey to lend on first mortgages en real estate aad others who waa* to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way,' I will ho glad (0 talk it over with yon. Joseph R. $ke>' Wankegan National Baak Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St., Wankegan, I1L TEL. MA1B8TIC 103 OUT * OOHPAHT v v ; , ' ; : ; : A l l K i n d s of INSURANCE with the most rettStfc .*• Companies " Come ia sad talk ft over "Iiom McHenry • Charlie's Repair Shop Next Door To Hoot Noonan's - • On U. 8.12 RADIATORS REPAIRflP BODIES and FBNDHfll Straightened Sign Painting Thick Lettering Acetylene Welding CHARLES A. P. Frenntf ' Szcavating Contractor rmoking, Hydraulic and Orait Service Kotd Bnilding fei 204-M MoHenry, tt. S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUTLDSRS PfcMM 1S7-I McHenry Our experience U at Your building Tour Wants Have Yen Seen the New 1937 Chevrolet? SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES U. S. 12 and Rt. 20 McHenry We are appreciative of the opportunity of serving ydu in 1936 and ask for your friendship throughout 1987. REGHER GROCERY MARKET Psiepheas No. Mt" - tteffel A Reihansperger casataaes ageate for all prnerty ia the hfest eompaaies. J I VEST McHENRY ILLINOIS tswns Motor Express The Pioneer Line-- Operates daily between McHenry and Chicago itosHenry 7618 26C tt mm i nox ATTORN BY AT LAW Prta,Wds- : OFFICE HOURS Ttesdays aad Fridays Other Days by Appointing* McHenry FARM ^ INSURANCE UFB EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companies Whe% yon need insurance of any ktai Plwne 43 or 61-M Pties Bldg. McHenry $100.00 REWARD for the name of any man living or dead that has sold more McHenry County Real Estate than has Dan Quinlan--that's all he does. Farms for Sale and Rent in Northern nHMi* and Southern Wisconsin. Large oaso, and small ones. I sell farmer DAN QUBCLAN Woodstock, 01. ? ;