,*;V W §*g*Two •h'^-j-^.\ wr- > *#**.* ^ .;- r >:--',- « ***r .'J^r'- ** P \ ,*$*+•*?«w*:v- ^ \, . * »* •>-?i^*, ^r'**.. * ' '* 1"" ' " ^ "•"* ***** ' "' "'"J"'" " '" ' "<.*••• McHENUT PLAUfDKALEB " . <,' ' A * £*/•* r" » "Vf\ ,»* ^•C-.V ;; , . . . . . . _ . . . .-V';, v • VOLO •", i The Volo Home Bureau unit will Meet at the home of Mrs. Herman Danker, Wednesday, January 20. This will be an all day meeting and everyone "is requested to bring a covered difeh for a pot-luck dinner. . The Volo Community meeting will be held.at the Volo Recreational hall Friday evening, January 15. Admission will be charged at this meeting. Cards and dancing will be the past |fce, and lunch will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and son S&ited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin Ift Wauconda Friday. The Volo cemetery society neat at the home of Mrs. Roy Passfield last Thursday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in playing auction five hun- , dred and airplane bunco. Prises were won by Lloyd Eddy, Mrs. Alvin Case, Mrs. Lloyd Fisher in auction five hundred; Mrs Richard Dowell, Mrs. Chas . Dalvin and Mrs. William Nicholls in airplane bunco. Mrs. M. Wagner is seriously ill at this writing. Miss Vinnie Bacon was a McHenry caller Friday. Mrs. Louise Jones is now employed at the "Wooster Lake Health Resort." Mrs. E. Cook of Waukegan spent Wednesday here with her grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Molidor. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case, Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Fishen, Messrs G. A. Vasey, Joseph Wiser and Anthony Wegener attended the annual meeting of the Pure Milk Association at the Warren high school at Gurnee Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Martin Wegener of McHenry visited her mother, Mrs. M. Wagner, Thursday. Mrs. Joseph Lenten attended her bridge club at the home of Mrs. Joseph Freund at Spring Grove Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey motored to Crystal Lake Saturday evening. John Walton is on the sick list at tkis writing. . Mrs, Albert Kautenberg of Waukegan is spending a few days here with her father, John Walton. Mrs. Lewis Grovenor of Sand Lake Mich., called at the Bacon home Suiv day. Miss Vinnie Bacon spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon near Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. A. S-iesser of Grayslake and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rothomole •pent Sunday evening here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossdeutcher. Hilda Oeffling of Waukegan spent the weekend at the home of her par- », Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling. JOHNSBURG Mr. Joltn Pitzen is visiting a few weeks with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Joe King entertained the five hundred club, Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Peter Smith, Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and Mrs. fhn A. Miller. Mr Order A-'"-' .. rubber, stamps at the HOUSE CALL ICAL SERVICE OUR OWN HONE EXTRA CHARGE Dr. Kagan' your eyes ands your own home av venience, using the lal scientfic. methods with thl struments he would use in ht without extra charge. Why call in your eye, doctor as yeu your family physician? Eighteen* years of experience is your guarantee of complete satisfaction. GLASSES COMPLETE . AS LOW AS $8.30 For appointment, Phone Chicago, Franklin 8510 -- McHenry 60-W or Write to -- Dr. M, M. Kagan OPTOMETRIC EYE SPECIALIST 108 N. State Street, Cfficago Mr. Joe Schmitt of Beloit, Wis., was a caller here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and daughter were Waukegan callers Monday. Mrs. Joe M. Schaefer is confined to her home with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Gelo and daughter of Chicago visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gelo. Mrs. Kate Althoff and daughters, Martha and Helen, and Mrs. Eva Sunday visitors in the home of Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young, Spring Grove, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michels. Paul Huff of Greenwood was a caller here Sunday. Relatives and friends that attended the funeral of Wm. Althoff were: Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Elvermann and daughter, Rose, Mr. and Mrs. John Elver* man of WHmot, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs^ Henry Scheurman and son, Albertus,' and Miss Lois, McHenry; Wm. Krift, Lawrence Picter and Ben Kerkmann of Ingleside; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Obenauf of Mundelein; Mr. Michael Obenauf of Freeport; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freund of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. Wehrle and son, Harold, of Elgin, and the Misses Asella, Rose and Angela Tonyan of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and son, LeRoy, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer-of Waukegan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund and son were Spring Grove callers Sunday afternoon. Miss Pauline Lunkenheimer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gust. Lunkenheimer, is confined to her home with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Steve May and daughter, Violet, were Elgin callers Monday. Mrs. Wm. Satten of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wagner of Volo visited in the Althoff home Tuesday afternoon Mr. Albert Huff was a Woodstock caller Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Freund are the happy parents of a baby boy born, January 4. Wm. Krift of Burlington, Wis., was a caller Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Steve May was a Woodstock caller Wednesday. Mr. George Frett, Miss Constance Jackson and Frank May were Chicago visitors Saturday. Miss Rosemary Hettermann was taken to St. Therese's hospital, Wednesday evening. Mr. ^ra- **°b Wilkie of Chicago spent the weekend at tn^ bome of mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Miss Kathrine Althoff of Elgin spent the weekend with Mrs. Wm. Althoff and family. Mr. Adam Bildner „ and Mr. Joe ykhmitt were Spring Grove callers on Sunday. Mrs. Steve H. Smith was a Chicago along fine. Joe B. Hettermann EAST An Irishman crossed the Atlantic to try his luck in America. When he arrived in New Ifork a sailor came up to him and inquired: "Are a stranger here, Buddy?' "Sure I am!" "Well," continued the other, "whenever you travel in a train on this side, never ride, in the last coach." "But why shouldn't I ride in the last coach?" "Because that's where all the accidents happen." The Irishman scratched his head for a monent. Then his face brightened as he exclaimed: "Begorrah! If all the accident happen to the last coach, why don't the"y leave it off?"---Xtt-Bits Magazine. / THE REASON . "Jack is a killing chap all right." I "Mebbe that's why they call him 'Wood Alcohol'.", PEBSONAL8 Miss Elvers Weingart has gone to Miami, Fla., for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke and J. B. Kelter were Sunday callers in the Mayor Dunn home at Lake Geneva. Dorothy and Charles Herdrich, Elvera and Edward Hettermann, visited Rosemary Hettermann at St Therese's hospital Sunday evening. Mrs. Joanna Walsh of Fox Lake and daughter, Irene, of McHenry arrived home Friday, after a three weeks' trip to California. Kathrine Buch of Chicago visited home folks over the weekend. Mrs. James Perkins, Mrs. Lillian Cox, Mrs. George Kramer and Darlene Lockwood visited Mr6. James Beavis at St. Therese's hospital last "Week Tuesday. Relatives here have heard from the Matt Laures family and Mrs. N. .T. Justen, who have arrived safely in Florida. They encountered considerable rain enroute. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Herman, son, Ray, and Henry Herman of Norwood Park, visited their mother, Mrs. John Hermann, who is spending the winter in the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Kramer, Sunday. Mrs. Charles Lamphere and son, Edwin, of Elgin visited friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wightman of Fargo, N. D., wqjre guests of friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. F. G Schreiner were Chicago visitors Tuesday. For Her Sake? ^ I Miss Eleanor May of Wilmette Mother was trying to patch up the spent Sunday with her mother here, quarrel between her little son and I Manager Schnaitman, of 4he Mcdaughter. Henry Brewing Company, was in Chi- "Now, Tommy," said she, "I read cago Tuesday. the other day of a little boy in Eng-1 Mrs. H. E. Durland and her mother, land who walked .ten miles through Mrs. John Schuenamanh, Were Chicago the snow to fetch's doctor"to His vj8jt0r8 Tuesday little sister, that? Now, would you do Mrs. Clarence Anglese is substitut- "No," replied Tommy, "but I'd do J?**1 ^°mmunity ®gh ^h,°°1 it to fetch a dentist." L the absenc€ o£ Mi8a Helen Salting the Word "Halt," yelle d , t h e s e r g e a n t t a a new squad of recruits. But one"of them marched on. "Here, Jones, what were you doing before you joined the army?" yelled the sergeant. "A horse driver," replied Jones. When the squad was marching again the sergeant cried: "Squad, halt! Jones, whoa!"--Stray Stories Magazine. Skeptical Parkers . Judge--Do you consider this defendant a reliable man? Has he a good reputation for truth and veracity? Witness--Well, to be honest with you, your honor, that man has to get somebody else to call his hogs at feeding time. They won't believe him. No Offense Intended Miss Elderly -- That insuring wretch asked me if I remembered CCM winter of IW8, Just think of it! Miss filunt--Oh, I am Sure he didn't mean to offend you, dear. He just didn't realize what a bad memory you have.--Pathfinder Magazine, Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Douglas and children were Rockford visitors Saturday. Mrs. D. E. Payne has returned home after spending the holidays in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman were Woodstock visitors Saturday morning. This was a bo tit the first that Mrs. Newman had been out, following an attack of the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thies, Mrs. John King and son, John, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bohnen at Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. William Aebischer of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Kate Stoffel, Saturday. Mr. ariri Mrc Pkat*1na nniAi* Mayme Zornew and Arnold Lusher of Elgin jwere Sunday afternoon callers in the L. F. Newman home. Raymond Hughes is attending the Diesel school in Chicago. William Bacon, Jr., is employed in Chicago. Loren Rothermel is employed in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. Crouch and son have returned home from a tew weeks' visit with his relatives at Winona, Miss. Frances Hughea^waaWaukegan visitor Monday. ! Mil and Mrs. Clinton Martin and children arrived home Friday night, after spending the holidays in Belleview and Jacksonville, Fla., where they visited his mother, Mrs. Abbie Martin, who was ill, and Mrs. Martin's mother in Belleview, as well as other relatives. They enjoyed the trip very much and had ideal weather with the temperature around 70 degrees. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Draper arrived home the day before Christmas from a six weeks' visit in San Jose, Calif., where they were called by the illness and death of her mother. They, also, visited other points of interest, including Oakland, Calif., where they saw Mrs. Nellie Rigden and on their homeward trip they stopped off at Boseman, Mont., to visit Mrs. Draper's sister. Mrs. Fred Eppel and Mary Freund will be among the delegates to Farm and Home week at Urbana Jan. 12 to" 15. Mrs. Clyde Clark and Mrs. R. I. Charles of Greenwood will also be delegates. George Bohr and Matt L. Welter represented McHenry on the grand jury for the new term of court which opened- at Woodstock Monday* 8Psnrooxovx Gerald Hergott, Frank May, Jr., Robart Hanford and (%arles May, Jr., all eouains of little Donald. Burial aft St. Peters' cemetery. Among those from out of town who attended the funeral were: Arthur Tonyan and Isabel Meyer, Lake Bluff. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund »iyf son, Tommy, and Paul Weber were dinner guests in the AI SeKmeltseC home on Sunday. Several residents have felt the touch of flu during the past week:!. Those on the sick list are: Math Lay, Mrs. Ernest Peacock, Stanley Katta**» Miss Ann Spindler and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Al Schmeltzer attended a meeting of her club at Round Lake on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ella Siegler was hostess to the members of her club on Thursday evening. Eight members were present to spend the evening at cards and prizes Were awarded to Mrs. Arthur Kattner and Mrs. Al Schmeltzer, while consolation went to Mrs. Siegler. A delicious lunch was served at the conclusion of cards. Mrs. Math Nims-, gern will entertain the club next on i Wagner. ^ -- January 21. I "r- an<* "rs- Arthur Klein are thi Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schaefer, Poxl^J^ImP^^ t*by **2' ^°m Lake, called on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ^ Johnsbug on Monday, Kattner, Thursday evening. M .. . ^ , /,u. ' " d t i. n , ., , ' , , I Miss LOrrame Nett left fer Chicago Rev. John Daleiden, who ha? been on Monday where she has accepted • confined to his home with the flu for, position. > several days is greatly improved and. Charles May is on jury duty at again able to be up and around. Woodstock. Walter Brown of Stacyville, Iowa, Mr. and' Mrs. Ralph Orth and chill: spent several days last w«k at the dren, Round Lafce, were callers at th* home of his uncle, Joseph Brown and home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Schmeltzer family. 1 Sunday afternoon. V Donald May, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. May, died on Friday after an attack of convulsions. His death was felt by many who knew and loved him. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved parents. Fpneral services were held at St. Peter's church at ten o'clock Monday, Jan. 11, with Rev. John Daleiden, pastor, officiating.Pallbearers were . Dog's-Bead Butterfly *fc* dog's-head butterfly has an', almost exact likeness of a dog eiSfe each front wing. : ^ Many Speeies of Pleas ^ There are 500 species of fleas, but* less than a dozen species mak4 real trouble for animals or man* 3 Vernon J. Knox, Attorney ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Mary Green, Deceased. • The undersigned, Administrator of the Estate of Mary Green, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of Mi- Henry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, on the 1st day of March, A. D. 1937, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 12th day of January. A. D. 1987. WILLIAM M. GREEN, Administrator. PETERSON > Agency for HUDSON and TERRAPLAKB One block east of Fox River Bridge on Route 20 Stop in and drive them -- See for yourself. Yoti will find them the biggest car and best peformer of any oar in the low price field. We also have a line of commercial cars, panel deliveries, % ton cab pick-ups, station wagons, \a-ton cab and chassis' and utility coupes, and we also have an assortment of used cars on Stop in and look them over. A. 0. PETERSON, Manager For the New Year and Years fro Come "".i. 'fe: 'mmm DOUBLES IN BRASS mine in LILY LAKX "UfHM you SHOULD USE JAMESWAY FLOCK FEEDERS Mrs. A. Seyfferth entertained the members of the Lily Lake Ladies' League, Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. A. Seyfferth and Eleanore Wegener. The serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. Genevieve Daw was a caller at Woodstock Friday, also! a Waukegan caller Thursday. Mr. George Daly of Chicago visited the home of his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Daly over the weekend. * Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and baby | daughter of Chicago spent Sunday at ! Lily Lake. 'Great musician, Brown!" "News to me." , ••Well, he plays on everybody's confidence, harps on a subject till you get mad, and toots his own horn on every occasion." Hardly a Compliment • Reginald--But I asked you,' darling, to keep our engagement a secret. Claire--I couldn't help it. That hateful Ethel said the reason I wasn't married was that no man had ever been fool enough to propose to me. So I told her you had. Good Advice " Nell--What! You lost that good job in the Dresse Shoppe? What for? Belle--Just for something I said After I tried 30 dresses on this old dame she said: «"I think I look Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller _ofi nicer *n something flowing," and I * Is expensive and Flock F««d«n Stve f«tdl they we cowstfcUd namely prime qwl> bearing fabeelsed ty are sturdy, well and will withstand roe|h handing the Jamasway Flock in e rant* of sixes to any size flock and number. Jamasway Flock Feeders Hock. Cmm In mA lat a* 4ww Cicero visited the home of Mr: and Mrs. George J. Wegener Saturday afterneon. Christine Wegener of Elin, also spent the weekend at the ome of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Tysler and son, George, and Mrs. Clara Winter of Chicago spent; Saturday at Lily Lake; Dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dosch Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Swanson and daughter, Lois, and Mrs. Tookey of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Esser and daughter, Sophia, of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Marie Etten spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Etten. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Daly of Lily Lake celebrated their 52nd anniversary Jan. 9, 1937i Their home was beautifully decorated in white with a huge bell in the center of the dining room. The table was also decorated in white and gold with a huge wedding cake in the center. Games, singing and dancing was enjoyed by alll. Dinner guests were George Daly, of Chicago, Genevieve Daw, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch and daughter, Josephine, all of Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero also attended. Their friends wish them Htftay more years of happiness. V* • said: "Why don't you go jump in the river?" Forecasting a Career "If my boy Josh ever goes into politics," remarked Farmer Corntossel, "I reckon he'll be one 0* these favorite sons." "What makes you think so?" <lHe works terrible hard for tho first few days an' then isn't heard! from the rest of the season. An Accident Judge--You are accused of breaking a chair over your wife's head.' Accused--Your honor, it was mere accident. Judge -- What! The striking of your wife? Accused--No; the chair breaking. For you, jtleasure and leisure hours . . . For your kitchen, beauty and efficiency Modem 6»s Rang H' ave T*»heessee Modern features * ***""*• ,i - easy » y'k" ? TAL HARDWARE 98-M McHenry, 111. Glass Used, to Filter Light Glass is a good transmitter of the visible wave length of light but by varying its composition it can be made to act as a filter for keeping out or letting through particular, wavelengths. Illuminajoa "They say lightning never strikes twice in the same place." "It isn't true." replied Senator Sorghum. "It's like the political spotlight. If you stand still it's about as likely lo find you as if yoji were i.oursclf out it." Hewitser and Field Gun The howitzer is a piece of artillery fired at a high altitude with a low charge a field gun is fired on a low trajectory with a high charge. Mountains Intensify Life Mountain folk live a life of greater intensity than people in the lowlands. Life in the mountains causes aM life processes to be intensified. Branch Roots as Storage Unlike most ferns, the Japanese olnwbing fern has branch roots which serve as tood storage organs. • Look ahead! In the years to come, there's one gift A new Moore's Stader Gas range of strikidg beauty, you can give youoelf that will return hours of pleas- complete with many of the most up-to-date features for die one moment of thoughtftilness you spend *rill save tnhe, labor and money. Offered now at the - Attractive price of only $69-50 with your old range. , See this lange now « your Western United store. ure buying it. Now is the time to buy a new range . . . now, while this remarkable range value is offered. Y GAS*** ,