fesui" MSW-3 wTT.rrif& ; '•4?SSWSKi "Wf'.'itWi' * , ?,•' V- •••,• v:i:":s8' ••ifriff /W Thursday, lUrch 4,1937 hci Tim $A A!5T¥LK SP1TF1BC vj£&i Twic* Told Umbs ef htwwt Taken From Ht Nee of Br PltindMhr if Ton An SIXTY TEARS • • • • • ; . ' . . • ' . ; :> E. M. Owen has ornamented the. •/•effort of his warehouse with a new and •; . tasty sign. - .•' -:l a Geo: Schreiner is treating his buildihjr to a new coat of paint. • Father ryr. Hechtle is doing: the job. We learn that a new boot and shoe -rfhop is to be opened in/ Howe's block, .in the room formerly used by Hankas a harness shop. When we learn " jfey whom it is to be started, we will .v-Vittll our 'readers.'. According to the weather prophets, " rJ*i i»e are to have an early spring. The f.'f -sign this year is an early Easter. .. "The day comes this. season on April .^J4. 'which, according to the old inhabiis a sure sign of an early spring. ;.r> ; riFTv YEARS AGO I . Hanly and Sons' Mill is running fright and day, and yet they cannot liary had been very naughty. Her mother had punished her and sent her to her bedroom. <^uiet had reigned for some time, and Mary's mother was curious. She went upstairs and, tapping on the bedroom door, said: "Mary! What are you doing?" Mary replied in a triumphant voice: "I've spit on the bed! I've* spit on the dressing table; I've spit on the wardrobe; I've spit on thfe carpets! I've spit on the windows! And--" "And what are you doing now?" -- Tm waiting for some more spit!" - \ -- THE DIFFERENCE SLOOUBTS LAKE Willard Darrell, in confpany with A. D. Srnith of Libertyville attended a banquet and meeting of the Allied Mills at Aurora Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse were callers at McHenry Saturday, RINGWOOD The February meeting of the PTA was held at the school house Tuesday evening. Several pictures were shown with the McHenry High School movinjt picture projectuire. Mrs. Raymond Harrison gave a reading and | the pupils of the upper room sang lJ5 iKJE*T^'^- ^ngs. A trio of young men from I AJ? ^ Elm^ Esping at-jWood3tock played severa, seIections tended the annual meet.ng of the I The Epworth ^ of the suWis. Lae County Farm Bureau at St^Gil-ftrict of the county held a Washington b e r t s H a l l a t G r a y s l a k e l a s t W e d n e s - B i r t h d a y p a r t y a t t h e M W A h a l l o n S day. At this meeting the ele^tjon of Tuesday evening. Ganies Iteep up with their orders. If there is one thing more than another that McHenry needs, it is a: good national bank. Who will make, • ."the first move in that direction? "j Dr. Snap--You seem to think that I'm nothing but a miserable idiot. Mrs. DeSnap--Oh, no;.: yon are cheerful enough. • H . Advice" J .. officers was held and Mr. Matthews was re-elected director for a term of th^efe years. 1 " Mr. and Mrs. Lon Pretzman and daughter of Richmond, Mrs. Hazel Smith tfttd children of Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Smith spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. • Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, were supper and of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews at Wjauconda. Chesney Brooks attended the annual turkey dinner at the M. E. church at Libertyville last Thursday, Spring Grove spent Sunday afternoon in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family of Algonquin spent Sunday in the C. ~J. Jepson %nd Jot McCannon homes. Paul Walkington of Libertyville V spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ben Walkington, •' Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and son, Joe, spent Saturday evening -at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Anderson and daughter, Joyce, and Will Volk of Antioch spent Sunday afternoon in the W. Smith home. •* Mrs. C. J. Jepson and CLASS GRADE Ha B'MinmtfG WEDNESDAY USED CAR ... SALE LAUNCHED.* Students of the eighth grade held a class meeting Wednesday, Feb. 24, with the class president, Ervin Laures, calling the meeting to order. The object of the meeting was the choice of class colors ^nd ten color schemes were presented by the committee, Betty Engeln and Ervin Laures, assisted by Miss Ropp, art teacher at the grade school, .'. ,,-t~-- Chicago, March 2 -- Approximately $2,500,000 wq£)k of used cars and trucks are offered "at drastically reduced prices" in a state-wide pre-inventory sale , to be embarked on this week by Ford dealers throughout the Chicago branch of _ the, Ford Motor company. More than ll^OOO used car "tradeins"-- the combined inventories of approximately 350 dealers--are involved in the sale, according to. W. K. Ed- These were listed on the board and the voting began. The ever.A^opular combination of (munds, manager of the Chicago branch' were play- j and^daughter,' cardinal and white were voted as the [ of the Ford Company. ed and refreshments were served. Virginia, spent Saturday afternoon at choice of the class with blue and sil- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and fam-1 Woodstock. . I ver-and blue and gold is "runnersily ,and Mrs. Si H. Beatty were visit: i--David Leo Walkington/ spent the up" in popularity. orsat W oodstock Saturday. j weekend with his, grandparents," Mr.! If was also decided at the meeting Mrs. Joseph McCannon spent Sat- and Mrs. Ben Walkington. (to give a graduation party, plans for urday at Greenwood. J Roy and Harold Wiedrich spent which will be made at a later date. Mrs. Fred Gibbs and Mrs. Viola Friday morning at Woodstock. j The eighth grade is outstanding Low were visitors at Woodstock on! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and for its versatile students who prom- Thursday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich spent ise to. be' popular freshmen next year. Mr. and Mrs... Alec Anderson and6 Wednesday evening at Richmond. • ] { T •••', '; ; r-- «s11T,jD„- ot famil>' sPent Sund*y with relatives! Mr. and- Mrs. Donald Weter of . • ' Heraldry; I evening guests Sunday at the home,at Woodstock. ' Rockford were callers in the SI W.I "is the only cdtifittyOTie Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and Brown home Sunday afternoon. ] world where heraldry is recognized. family were callers at the home of the Miss JesSie Schroeder spent Thurs* \ The Herald's college, although long .tatter's parents at Mchenry , Friday day in Chicago. n evening. i Mr. and Mrs. Joe Web^r and family STS yJgZSLT*S u n d a y ' h*Nkk It IhP hnm?of€MrCknalMr"id*.y evenin«- Prizes were *w»w*ed to Mr. and Mrs..Frank Block and fam- « „ « iClinton Martin and Antone Frcund in jly of Keno&ha spent Sunday with Dr. »;^ hundred and t0 Virginia Jepsoii^and •.Mrs.t-'Hepburn:.. of Nnrti, qahJ*,,d ^nk Martin in H6aTts-. I Mr. and Mrs. ClaytdnCBmt* and dHany« natt the hhonmme. onff MMrr . aHnndd 'MUrr*s. JTonhhnn ' Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. and family of Woodstock were callers famHy spent Sunday with the ,atter.s here Sunday, ^•^7^ F;n;n«r mother and brother at McHenry. I Mrs! „S. W. Brown spent Saturday Mr.^nd Mrs. Elmer Espmg spen., _ Mrs_ F> A> Hitchens spcnt Friday1 afternoon at Woodstock^ ' •* "J " since without authority to enforce its rulings, records pedigrees and registers those who have a hereditary claim to arms.- _ "This undoubtedly is the biggest used car operation ever carjried on collectively by any group of dealers," said Mr. Edmunds. "Fcrd dealers «re 'clearing the decks' for what we believe will be a record Spring season for new car sales." All types, makes and models--all used cars and trucks in dealers' stocks --are included in the sale. Many bear the exclusive Ford "R & G" (renewed and guaranteed) „emblem--cars that have been thoroughly reconditioned and cany * written money-b»ck guar-' antee. ?-V:';/' ~r' r>, The sale wifl - ceotinUe throughout . -j« March. ' ' '*•*--* % , f-C iT -•? ' "'-J the weekend at the home of Mr. and Matthews at Forest in Chicago. The lonely American entered'® t & i - r o o m i n L o n d o n . . • « . : r 'May I take your order?" the '$Work at Bishop's mill is progressing! sprightly waitress inquired % •u that vim that wiW ensure its speedy ^jcbmpletion. If. the weather proves favorable, it is expected to have every- ; thing in ranning ordet in about ten days. • The many friends of Chauncey JBeckwith will be sorry to learn that he has been suffering severely the fc»st few weeks With his old complaint, k1 *§»eiimatism. FOIM Y YEAUS AG« Miss Nellie McCabe, daughter of .las. McCabe, died at her home near ' Volo, on Thui-sday morning last, of • tsowsumption. W. P. Stevens, v^bo has occupied the JPage Colby farm for the past two years or so, has moved to the Sweet •• r.^farm near Richmond. Geo. W. Colby .takes charge of the home faVm vacated fcy Stevens. - ' ; • John Buss had the misfortune to smash his foot quite badly while work- . Jftg at the ice houses at McCollum's ' Lake, recently. ^ There will be a social at the home • of R. Waite, on Friday evening of this ireek, given by the ladies of the M. E. , cburch. Affairs at the M. E. church *re prospering. Congregation is grow- , and the interest is good. ^•gjr ^ ^ - I • -- ™ ' > ^ THIRTY YEAItti AGO "Yes;" he replied. "Twd eggs and a kind word." >; The waitress brought the eggs arid was moving away when the American stopped her. "What about the kind word?" he saids - The waitress leaned over and whispered, "Don't eat ihe eggs.*-- The FurroW. ~ No Sphinx. "Yoiu never seemed to oare to be regarded las a sphinx in politics-." * '"No," replied Senator Sorghum "I've seen a sphinx. A sphinx hasn't any conversational ability whatever, and is without ideas to express if it had." « v Mrs: LaDoyt Park. 1_ . ^ Mrs. Celia Doiwell and daughters, Jepnie and Ethel, were callers at Waukegan last Thursday. Mrs. Pfige Smith spent last Thursday at<kthe home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Harris at Wauconda. Clarence Iverson df Arlington Heights was, a caller at the" home of Smulay afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews last Tuesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss and daughter, Vivian, of Libertyville and Paul Schumacher of Terra Cotta were callers Sunday at the home df Mr. and Mrs. William Foss. ^ ; " 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in. the Arlington Heights spent the weekend George Young home. Mr. and MrS: in the Wm. Beth home. j Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and family spent Sunday with relative?" * in! C h i c a g o . , ' . ; j J. D. Smith ofXirieoln, 111., and Mrs. H. C. Hughes of McHenry were Cillers in the J. V, Buckland home on i RECEIVES CARD FROM FORMER McHENRY , SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT " ; Wouldn't Blame Her Sadie--My spinster aunt said if ever a man tried to make love to her she'd call in the authorities. Alma--Yes, the justice of the peace and the chief of the Marriage ,License bureau. -- Chelsea Record. Butter remained firm at 33 cents on the Elgin board of trade Monday. Lewis Bishop has had electric lights installed into his b*rber shop. Fox river is again free from ice aod now look forward to Spring. Again the rumor is going the rounds that the Elgin electric road is going to extend its line north of McHenry the coming summer. The West McHenry flour and feed mill is now grinding feed every day. Anyone having feed to grind .will make po mistake by bringing it to the new •tmI up-to-date mill. '. This Time It Was *fhe telephone girl was on her vacation. One day she, was out fishing when some one in another boat called, "Hello!" Just then she got a bite. "Line's busy," she answered. E. C. Fisher, superintendent of schools at Peoria, and Mrs. Fisher, have been in attendance at the superintendent's department of the N. E. A., at New Orleans during the past week, according to a card received from them by Mrs. Ella Wheeler. , They enjoyed the trip and the deep south, eating breakfast and lunch in the sunshine in the old court yards. „Mr. and Mrs. Fisher are former residents of McHenry where he was superintendent more than.thirty years ago. . . ~ NO DUST TWENTY YEAUS AGO About one hundred guests assembled : to enjoy one of the most delightful events of the season, which took place lit the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. . J. M. Phalin, last Sunday, the event ipring the twenty-ftfth anniversary of itbeir wedding. Butter sold at 40 cents per pound on the Elgin board of trade Saturday. The old Tilton house on Elm st^ qne of McHenry's landmarks, is slow- =?*§y, btrtfsurely, disappearing and will spon be a thing of the past. -•."« Th^ farmers in the vicinity of Mc- Benry have made firm resolutions that iiever again will they be forced to pay ttie high prices for potatoes that now prevail. This means a large planting '•;& spuds this season. Mrs. Newly wed--Do you ever go through your husband's pockets while he's asleep? Mrs. Oldwed--Never; after he's paid tny monthly bills searching his pockets wouldn't get me anything. We Win Englishman -- Odd names your towns have. Hoboken, Weehawken, Oshkosh, Poughkeepsie. American -- I suppose they do sound queer to English ears. Do you live in London all of the time? Englishman -- No indeed. I spend part of my time at Chipping Norton, and divide the rest between Rigglewade and Leighton Buzzard.--Valdosta Times. BOY SCOUT COURT OF HONOR The Boy Scout of Honor will be held ^.Wednesday evening, March tenth, in- . stead of the eleventh as previously an- 'f:;.v.noanced, in the Harvard High School Auditorium. < Troop 171 of Harvard will be in charge of the opening ceremony which WH1 include the building of the Grand " Council Fire and the Arch of (Scouting, # candle ceremony which is both im .. ,'„pressive and colorful, and well worth , feeing. Numerous awards will be made to / Scouts from all troops of the district ' beside feather awards to various ' "troops wfwfcs^iave won honors during , .. ike past three months. Mr. C. H. Duker, McHeriry, will be in charge of the Court assisted by R. L. Warren, Field Executive. Little Shot ^ A mountaineer took hi? son to a school to enroll him. . ^ "My boy's arter larnin'. What dya have?" he asked the teacher. "We offer English, trigonometry, spelling, etc.," she replied. "Well, give him some of that thar triggernomentry; he's the worst shot in the family."--Atlanta Constitution. - Northern Exposure Favored, In olden times people chose houses "with a northern exposure because "the south wind doth corrupt and ^ doth jnake evil vapours:" .. **8now Goggles" Ages Old A grave in Alaska, dating back several thousand years, contained • pair of ivory "snow goggles," . •with narrow slits to shut out the glare of sunshine on snow. India Had Liquor Mt B. C. A distilled liquor called arrack iras made in India as early aa 8Q0 >c. • So Mercenary • Visitor (at doctor's house) -- Is your daddy in, dear? Small Daughter -- No, he's out giving an anesthetic. Visitor -- An anesthetic! That's a big word. What does it mean? Small Daughter -- It means $25. Training Counts Employer --Yes, I advertised for a good, strong boy. Think you can fill the bill? Applicant -- Well, I just finished lickin' 19 other applicants outside de door. .The Rasor "What did you shave with this morning?" "My wife's pencil sharpener." -- El Paso World News." Goarult the, WANT ADS DINNER DRESS Ford Jackson of Johnsburg were callers in the evening. Mrs. F- A. Hitchens attended the Executive Board meeting of the Home Bureau at Woodstock Monday afternoon. The Home Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. George Shepard on Wed- Edward Harrison of Elgin spent nesday, March 10. Mrs. Ray Peters, Saturday with his parents, Mr. «nd Mrs. J. C. Pearson and Mrs. Shepard Mrs. George Harrison. iare on the serving committee. Rev. and Mrs. Collins spent Stfndayf Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and with their children in Chicago. • family have moved from the Mrs. Jen- Mrs. Frank Wattles of McHenry nie Bacon farm* to the Stephen Huff spent Thursday evening with her farm near Spring Grove. Mr. and daughter, Bfrs. C. L. Harrison and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Jr., and family family. ( are moving to the Mrs./Jennie Bacon Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, farm. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and were visitors at Richmond Thursday famjiy have moved from the A. W, morning. Smith farm to the Mrs. Frankfe Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and Stephenson house. Mr. and Mrs. Roy family spent Friday night and Sat- Neal and family have moved from the urday in the Cecil Porter home at Mrs. Frankie Stephenson house to the Huntley. Mrsf Libbie L&dd house. Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons Louis Schroeder are moving to the and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson spent Merchant house at Wonder Lake. Mr. Saturday^ afternoon at Woodstock. ancl Mrs. Patrick Coyne and family Floyd Howe and Mrs. Robert Howe are movihg from the Green farm to and Mr and Mrs. S. W. Smith spent the Bell farm) vacated by Louis Thursday at Racine. Schroeder and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley and Leonard Gibbs of Wood- Remer and family of Chicago will stock spent Sunday with their parents, move into the Chase house. Mr. and L o w o •? Mrs- E- E- Whiting and family have Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, moved from the J. D. Smith farm to fiernice, spent Saturday afternoon at the Knapp farm. Mr. and Mrs. Leon- McHenry.s ^ ard Rush have moved to the J. D. Mrs. Ed. Turner and Mias Winn, of Smith farm. cot*'1*1 NEED White lace emphasizes the quaint style of this informal dinner dress of black marquisette. The hat of black silk taffeta has a pleated flaring veil that charmingly frames the face. Jacob Justen & Sons BP¥ J*KOM YOUB LOCAL . > Phone 103-R Green Street THEY GO OF COST! OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF USED CARS, TRUCKS ALL MAKES • ALL MODELS • ALL PRICES PRINCE EDWARD A new and hitherto unpublished portrait of Prince Edward of Kent, fifteen-month-old son of the Duke of Kent, who is being groomed as Britain's newest royal "salesman." The Wail Ads. TERMS TO FIT YOUR INCOME You may not need a cent in cash to take advantage of these big bargains in the Ford Dealers' mammoth sale. Your own car probably will cover the necessary 40*0 payment. And, the dealer will arrange low, easy time - payments for the balance through the Universal Credit Company-- Authorized Ford Finance Plan. Terms to fit your income. MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE (On all "RAG'! find "Square Deal" Unit*) * ALL PRICES SLASHED! WRITTEN MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! Ford Dealers' exclusive "R&G" plan makes used cars as safe to buy ai new ones. With an "R&G" car, you get a written guarantee of the car's actual condition. You get the Ford Dealers' written promise, too, to refund your money 100 per cent if yotr-are not entirely satisfied. You can't lose. Ford Dealers' used carsare so good they're guaranteed in writing: Take advantage TTLMJ of our big Used Car and Truck *aje... Don't wait until spring--buy now ana save money! During this pre-inventory sale, every used car and track in our entire stodt will carry a sale-tag with a %p*ctal ftrtct . . . All prices have been slashed to give you the best bargains in year*. Because of the big swing to the 1937 Ford V-8, m**j •/ tb* best lUtd cars bare come to the Ford Dealers. This is a "clean sweep" sale. Our inventories are big and must be reduced. A complete selection of all types and models at all prices. Many bear the exclusive Ford "R&G" emblem. Thoroughly reconditioned, these cars carry a written money-back guarantee. "R&G" cart and trucks give you double protection -- a statement of the cmr's actual condition in writing --a written promise to refund your modey 100% ifyouarenot 100% satisfied. See these outstanding bargains at your Ford dealer'} today! Don't delay! Come early! Take y»tr pick of the beM bargains. Typical Bargains in Our Big Used Car Sale 1935 Ford Tudor Sedan 1932 Buick'4-door Sedan 1934 Chevrolet 157 1% Truck with cab 1933 Ford 157 in. Truck with cab and body. Buss-Page Motor Sales Phone 1 Main Street W. McHenry TOW* TAKEN IN TRAM