Fred B, Bwiett, Attorney ' MATE OF ILLINOIS, McHENRY COUNTY, ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry Caonty. ' J. V. BUCKLANC, etal .•8. " . CLAYTON C. HARRISON, et al. IN EQUITY, Gen. No. 27184.V PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a decretal order made and. the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 20th, day of February A. D. 1937, die undersigned will on Thursday, the 25th. day of March A. D. 1937, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the east front cfoor of the court "house in the city of Woodstock, Mc Henry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder, the following described real estate, to-wit:- . A part of lot nuipber six (6) • Assessor's Plat of the , -lag*; of Ring^o^d as surveyed platted by C. JM, Prickett, • deputy County Surveyor of Mcj- Henry County, Illinois, said pl*t ^l^|>eing recorded in the recorder's . ~v ^ of McHenry County, Illi- 1 ;*'»ois, in book 62 of deeds at page - $04,-described as follows: Beginteing af a point on the southerly • line of said lot number six (6) of said assessor's plat at the point .' ©f intersection found by produc- . ing the westerly wall of the Brick . -- jiank Building as no^r located on . ~iaid lot to the southerly line of -- • Said lot; and running thence' - northerly along said line so produced and along the westerly wall of said brick bank building to a . 1 point 25 feet Northerly from the " T Northwesterly corner of said brick building; thence Easterly en a line parallel "with the Northerly wall of said building to the east line of .said llot number six (6) of said Assessor's Plat; • thence Southeasterly along the "• fSasterly line of said lot number • ^Wjiix (6) to the southeast corner thereof; thence Northwesterly along the Southerly line of said lot number six (6) to the place of beginning, situated in the township of McHenry in the County of McHenry in the. State of Illinois. PUBLIC NOTICE is further given that in pursuance of another decretal order entered by said court on the said 20th. day of February A. D. 1987, the undersigned Will offer for sale it public vendue at the same time'and , place above mentioned, to-wit Note signed by "Lester V. Adams dated January 10th. 1935, - " due January 10th. 1,937, for the sum of $589.70 and .accrued interest. ^ Note signed by Axel F. Carl* son dated November 18th. 1931, • due January 18th. 1932 for the ~~~r sum of $20.00 and accrued interist. ' * Note signed by Johgf G. Jerak dated May 16th. Iff9, due November 16th. 1929 for the sum of |76.00 and accrued interest. Note signed by John G. Jerak * ana Mathilda Jerak dated June " 15th. 1929, due, December 15th. ' 1929 for the sum of $150.00 and accrued* interest. , Note signed by • V. H. Thiele '>;:'"':,".4ated March 4th. 1932, due March 4th. 1933 for the sum of $107.00 *nd accrued interest. Note signed by F. W. McConnell dated January 20th. 1933, dite April 20th. 1933 for the sum of $246.54 and accrued interest. - » Note signed by C. W. Gates dated March 6th. 1928, due on de- Liquid meat with full nutritional value has been made in Austrian laboratories. It is believed that modern children's lack of fear of parents, etc., gives them better health. 1 Persons with only two per cent vision are able to read newspapers Twith the aid of a new lens. - Our sun is continuously gathering energy from outside itself and will some dajr explode, sky* Nikola Tesla. \ Tests prove that man's sense of sound is equally as good as that of animals and is better in some ranges. .* Psychologists believe {feat man's greatest productivity in Creative work comes at the age of about thirty-five. ; . v, Tests shffiy that hearing is dulled by heavy noon lunehes ft ls\b4^ lieved that all other senses are similarly affected. Pro/. W, B. Tuck, of Londoh university, recently demonstrated that common sugar soaked in liquid^air becomes highly explosive?. ^ ^ i Records comparing the skill 'with the age of chess experts indicate the brain reaches its peak at about thirty- nine and begins a slow decline at fifty.--Pathfinder Magazine; 7 - INTERESTING NEARBY NEWS Neighbors discovered a roof fire at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Downs, Monday morning, the blaze TAKEN FEOM COLUMNS ,pr£,bly t,,e _ __ __ _____ i James Downs, a son, and Harry . U* UUa EXCHANGES [Francisco, employed by Mr,"Downs in • « |his motor express .business, both of In- an out-of-the-way place near Wauconda where they are members of Channel Lake, deputies from Sheriff the fire department, happened to be L. A. DoolittleV office found the safe at the house and immediately got stolen a week ago from Zion Dairy, busy with water and; hose. The local The sheriff's men discovered the safe fire department was also called and last week Sunday and returned it to the blaze was extinguished before Chief of Police Alven Ruesch of Zion much damage as done. Monday. No traces' of fingerprints j 11 could be found on It as the rain Sat- McHENRY COUNTY'S urday is believed to have washed them , OLDEST CITIZEN off. The,creamery lost more than] ' $400 in cash, it is reported by Peter | Mrs. Aurelia P. Blakeslee, 821 Vir- G. Lewis, manager of the dairy com- glnia street, Crystal Lake, the oldest Pany- ! citizen of McHenry county, was 101 A large barn on the' old C. L. Mead years old Thursday, Feb 25. Born in farm, just east of Hebron, was com- 1836 in Southing-ton, Conn., she enpletely destroyed by fire Monday joys good health as she always has morning of last week. .The building throughout her long life. She makes hsd been unoccupied for a week fol- her home with Miss Jessie Hobart. lowing: the Alleh Samuelson farm,.sale. JOHNSBURG LILY LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Freund were Waukegan visitors Tuesday afternoon* Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. > Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller spent Thursday With Mr. and Mrs. Steve May. A meeting of the Lily Lake Ladies' League was held Tuesday afternoon at which prizes #ere awarded and the serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. 1 Mr. and • Mrs. Martiri of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. " Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Swanson and daughter, Lois, of Chicago spent the * * j * * * i t » j j j . ^ w e e k e n d - a t t h e i r c o t t a g e a t L i l y Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bode and daugh- Lake. ter and Miss Thelma Jackson - w^re Waukegan callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Schaefer of Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund and Mrs. John A. Miller were Waukeg&n .callers Monday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freund are the happy parents of a son, l>om Feb. 2tr Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young of Spring Grove spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Michel's. The farm was to have been tenanted car going in the sam£ direction. when W on March ! by Emil Radke. A strong he suddenly saw the•• apptrocfcpiR.-.ear, getUrday * v > G Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs were Milwaukee jailers Friday evening. . Mr. and. Mrs. Hanson and baby Waukegan were callers at the home daughter of Chicago spent the weekof Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Meyers on end at their cottage. -- 1 Joseph Suprinski of Chicago spent the weekend at Lily Lake. s There will be good swimming at Lily Lake this summer for the cottage owners because the S41y Lakf Ladies' west. Wind prevented the . ftre depart-" Switzei' whb is an automobile conment from saving any part of the .vey°r driver was being driven into barn. ' Rockford «fter his truck frjad stalled, Five young men of Wauconda es- driv*ei_ the car, W.lliam T. caped injur^ Tuesday evening of lsst ^rvm' wa® instantly killed. week, when .the car in which they were Two men besides Mr. Switzer who THE- SIDELINES There are 9,278,000 miles of highways in the world. * ^ Delaware discards ballots where a name has been written in. The average motor car contains about a ton and a half of iron parts. ~ f In some types of deafness, the ear is made more sensitive to very loud noises than a normal ear. A commission of five regulates hunting in Alaska in order to preserve the territory's big game. Seal oil is used by the Eskimos in the far North and found equal to cod liver oil in its content of vitamin D. riding skidded off the pavement on w^h him were injured, but two Route 176, east of Wauconda, snd of •th* occupants, who were hitch-hikcrashed into a guard rail. The five ers' p,ck®d "P about one mile from the had started for Libertyville to attend ^en® crash, were uninjured, a theatre in Louis Koppen's auto- Mr- ~w,tze^ wh°'ive^ about four and mobile, with Louis, Jr., at the wheel. Jalf ™les west of Marengo, had He was acompanied by Earl Schaefer, left home Friday morning for Galena. Arnold Potter, Donald Stadtfeld and ; Fire; resulting from an explosion Tommy Reitly. The car was badly'^^ich occurred when a safety"valve on damaged, but fortunately, none of . the a %>ail boiler stuck, was responsible occupants were injured; j for (Jeavy damage to the building be- John Schultz, 62 years old, a plast- occupied by the Cellosilk Manuerer and mason of Lake Zurich, died Jactunng company on the Northwest at"the Sherman hospital, Elgin, Wed- highway west of Barrington Friday nesday. morning as a result of injuv- afternoon of last week. The boiler is les received when the light delivery «sed t0 heat water In the processing truck he was driving was struck by a the products of the firm, and when Chicago and North Western passenger e safety valve became stuck a blast train at the Hough street crossing in ^,es *ed ^*t ripped ^out window Barrington Monday morning of last ^m®s an^ hurled glass fin" T^feet. week. Mr. Schultz suffered deep lac- ^he damage was done by the explo- . aerations about his forehead and face, won was confined to the west and front his chest was crushed and his right *** of th* buildin^ on the lower floor, arm fractured between the shoulder The machinery was not damaged to and elbow. X-rays revealed he had sP«*k of- but flames sh^ »P _ ^ i ribfe broken on both sides of his chest. ahot °Penin? and also Nearly two-thirds of the injuries in i Death was attributed to his injuries e a ,s°l PJPe _ 0'>ellin,5r^ leac , ® accidents in this country are • now land pneumonia Which Set in Tuesday 0,_ an ^°,°, r,°f j due to vehicles, a physician reports, evening. . building was quickly set ablaze and Mr. the dense smoke rolling /rom the tar Vos, widely knoWn Antioch , , .. i luinud iiian, foi iu of rats used to cost about $50,000 a !_ nf (i,. w...v year, but now great ships can be . Pr°mi"*nt 111 C»V1C affai s ° h maaks and sufficient water lines were built ratproof. .re^on for the last twenty years^d.ed brought into uge To keep a giant ocean liner^ fre e_ |!l luummobeerrmmaann,' froorrmmeerr vviillllaaigree trrruussxteeee , PaP^r handicapped the rural fire de partm^nt for some time before gas The burning of gasoline in autosuddenly at his home, 698 Main street, about three o'clock last week League has had two carlo&ua of sapd' put on the beaches, a carload on th* east beach and also one on the north beach on Rand Road. i Mr. and Mrs. JSdward Marsh snd son, Richard, of Chicago are spending a week at their cottage at Lily Lake. A party of friends visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Saturday evening: T^fey were Mr, and Mrs. C. O. SwansOn, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Wegener, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly and Genevieve Daw of Lily Lake. L, Mrs. H. Sadler of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrar ^ Fred Dosch. • * ME. and Mrs.' Wilbert Swansea have returned to their hoake at Lily Lake, after spending a few months-in Chicago. iiar Gen. Rutherford B. HHaayyie s wounded si* times during the Civil war." * VIRGIN 6AS0LINE TAILOR Mrs. Lawrence Baer of Chicago Visited Sunday with Mf. and Mrs. Fired Smith. ' j'/": 7-.^' • Mr. snd Mrs. Irvin Schaefer were callers h^re Sunday. r - Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser and Mrs, Joe Gurzarda of Chicago-visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling. Mrs. Leo Gerlach wss a Chicago caller Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs* Joe P. Michels and daughter were Waukegan callers Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jcm Miller are the parents of a baby boy, born Feb. 26. Mrs. Earl Hoffine of Genoa spent Monday with Mr. tnd Mrs. George Kinfe * , Mrs. Steve May, Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. Peter F/ Freund and Mrs. Jos. J. Freund visited Thursday with Mrs. Lawrence Baer in Chicago, Wm. J1. "Meyers and Fred Smith were Waukegan callers Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs George Zarnstorff and; vnanvn *\yt u vr " Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorskie of Wood FREUND 0IL CO., McHenry, 111. L : 1 stock spent Sunday in the home of, R* I. OVERTON GARAGE, West MdHenrv Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. ^ 1 ' . - € TV S^ FasI Tiras al Zert# Is Average Startiai Itae AT 24 Tailoring poiab -- one of then overnight frio yoar Skdly ilttioB-SkeOy adds varylag unouBb (op to 39%) it Virgin to roftaery g--oltne. Try Virgin-added Tailor-Made GM- •tee today. <& it St. Skdly Oil Co. <14B IT IS an ••ariag gMaliaa, wh|ck Skelly adds to iiiawj •aaoUM in Hallorfau* Atoms. Vbfcin fa the elaa--t gawliat known. Volatile. StaMIfaod. High octane. Speidi mp «Ui» ing and pick-u, adda extra •ukago fcy avoUUng watt in eotd atarta and wiin nn. Only hv Ming Virgin «m£i cm Skelly 'failor-Mafe to fit tho weather. Give Tailor i>Mi« a trlaL Drive in ntw yon \ m the Skelly Tailor. Gh&i SKELLY AROMAX-rVL, GASOLINE » Public Baths 300 B. C. The Romans had nearly 1,000 public baths in the year 300 B. C. NICK ADAMS GARAGE, McHenry C. E. BOKEMIER, Ringwood GEORGE BLAKIE SERVICE on U.3.12, West McHenry mobiles produces enough carbon di- Sunday afternoon of a heart attack, oxide each year to make 160,000,000 | e attended church in the tons of "dry ice-" an<* shown no signs of the! J fatal attack. "Mr. Vos, who was boti|f Tests in Pennsylvania demon- jin Burlington, Wisconsin, in 1892,| Strated that a black and white j would have celebrated his 45th birth-1 painted sign is more easily ^ead ; day anniversary Monday, March 1. than any other Combination. The Rev. William Desmond, a grandson of Mrs. Wm. Desmond, Sr., Wood* WANT TO LIVE LONG stock, lost hfs life in an automobile! accident at Joliet early the morning of I Don't put too mu<ii trust in sighs i Feb. 23 as he was returning fromj and signals at grade crossings. | giving the last rites of the church to | a parishoner. Father Desmond, a s<Ai i ARTDMAnC BECIRIC WAIEA KfATlNS Now available to every home through this liberal 3-feature plan "liiand, for the sum of $15.00 and accrued interest. ^ Note signed by C. W. Gates dated June 18th. 1928, due on de? -"Tjvand, for the sum of. $45.00 S Accrued interest. ~ J;. Noted signed by Clare W. ites dated June 19th. 1928, due September 19th. 1928 for the sum of $66.00 and accrued interest. Note signed by Ruth E. Gates and, Clare W. Gates dated June 10th. 1928, due December 15th. for the sum. of $36,09.11 _ accrued interest.^1 . Certificate No. 321 for three . *(^»ares preferred stock in United States National Securities Cor- > jiorafion. ' Certificate No. 480 for one ^,£ j#iare preferred stock in United ^SKates National Securities Cor- . poration. Certificate of deposit No. B. 0, 42 for one share preferred stock iSeries B, Chicago Rapid Transit Company. Certificate A-15070 for 100 glares capital. stock of Wenden ;9-:-'«opper Mining Company. . . Certificate No. 424 for 17 shares ^ cbmmon stock Earl Radio Cor-, poration certificate No. N. Y. L. :.ijf579. v' • : Certificate No. 160 for . one •-••'•••"jiihare capital stock United States Bank and Trust Company. . Judgment entered in the jDir- , «iit Court of McHenry County, llliilois, September 24th. 1936 in fftvor of Vernon J. Knox, Trustee, " against John H. Kohl for $275.70.f * ; Judgment entered in the Circuit. !Court of McHenry County, Illiaois, in favor of Vernon J. Knox, Trustee, against Ford Jackson for ' the sum of $153.04, entered January 17th. 1936. Judgment entered in the Circuit •- Court of McHenry County, IllivMiois, January 30th. 1936 in favor^- ..of Vernon J. Knox, Trustee, against W. F. Lang for the sUm „ cf $445.11 on which has been paid /'V'ifce sum of $25.00. -< Judgment entered March ^l&th. 1$30 nv favor of E. C. Hawley, Trustee, against William B. Ton- ""yan, for the sum of $4660.34. • Ter aw Qt Sal* \ CMlt. Fifty per cent of the bid on Don't forget that a train travels I of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Desmond,! oft a fixed path and cannot swerve. I Chicago, was well known in Chicago ' . -- by virtue of his activity and prominT». Don t approach a railroad grade jence in church work irfthe stockyards]: district of that city. ,^e devoted spe-! cial efforts toward reformation of way-1 Don t forget ttwhaLtt .tvhe. Lbe..s1t and, i| w • a.r d bo. ys, in which? hve was su,c cess,f. ul ! * and won the approbation of police. officials and the city press. Froqjj Chicago the young priest was trans-1 Don't depend on memory to tell 'ferred to Joliet. After midnight h« j you when a train is due; it's al- jwas called to the bedside of a parish- j ways train time at a grade cross- !°ner. At 4 o'clock the same morning j •ing. * !a motorist reported to the sheriff of * -- j Will county of seeing a car tumedithe' crossing at other than a slow rate .of speed. T safes^ plan is to come to a complete stop at railroad crossings. Don't blow your horri or carry on a conversation that is likely to drown out the sound of ah approaching train. Don't shift gears while over in a ditch. Appearing at scene the sheriff found it was Father Desmond's car with the young priest's .body pinned beneath. That the clergyon the an s^ruc'< a ru* 'n roa<^ shouldar^l tracks. If it is an upgrade change i and the machine got beyond his conbefore starting up hill and cross trol, turning turtle and pinning the the .tracks in low or intermediate. driver beneath the car, was the substance of what the sheriff reported to Don't forget that there may be |th^ coroner's jury. * a second section coming or a double Left lying in. the road after being (rack with a train coming in the ! struck by a hit-and-run driver a% direction. The . Saf e NEW IDEAS Franklin and Ela streets, Barrington, Satuday night, William T. Patterf, emsjployed by Jewel Tea company, is re* cuperating at his home from cuts about the face and a severely strained back. Mr. Patten was downtown; shopping Saturday evening and started for home shortly after 6 o'clock. According to reports, he did not notice-!-- the car until it was upoa him, th|g*H glare of the lights being the first in? dication of his danger. After strikV:" r ing Mr. Patten, the driver, continued j" on without stopping. There were no.f. witnesses. He managed to crawl froiiil': the street up onto the parkway where; ' he lay helpless until 9 o'clock wheo j Florian Burdloff, of Barrington,.jmssgedj , by and discovered his plight. He as* < "• sisted Mr. Patten to his home. Clem Dacey, Wauconda, had a miraculous escape from injury Sundays evening of last week when his automobile was struck by a truck on Rand road, south of Kitty Korners.* MiV Dacey was enroute to Chicago to ap- XJnraveling erasers for pencils is a new twist in writing. Wood can now be impregnated with ammonia salts to make it fireproof. A harmless and oddrless lighting and heating gas has been perfected in Germany. . „ A noise-proof hoteifcas.been opened on London's noisiest street, Piccadilly Square. An "electric eye'* has been invented to detect the smallest deviations in the thread of §ilk stockings. rv: t-'Licklese envelopes iloar offered have adhesive on backflap and under flap that stick only when pressed pear on a radio program at 9:15 o'clock HERE ARE THE detaos "THISUBERM. OFfCT: Free Win<« de an appro • •We pr°vl , 'i'mbcr to tHcal contractor and P tdiBat, dard installation is Liberal Trade-In 2-"to"cut your costs stM offer a liberal aUowance an > We uu«-» - - furnace old water heater or _ ^ pa« __You may 3 3 Yew* to \"?,prtTlC water • npaavy ffoorr yyoouurr nneew ElectncA small Heat" monthly d0:^"oun'».A»l««-S6' months to pay always Automatic ELECTRIC HEATER together. Chrome-nickel stainless steel is given any color finish by a new process. Color is developed by chemical and thermal reaction and becomes coherent with the surface. day , of sale, balance whetf report of sale has been made to the court 1)y the undersigned and approved, and assignments and conveyances ordered. Dated this 27th. day of February A. D. 1937. VERNON J. KNOX, Trustee of remaining assets of V The Ringwood State Bank. r" • 41-2 Mr. and Mm. Robert Sutton of Chicago called on relatma in this vicinity Sunday. with the well known team, Clem and Harry. As he proceeded along Rand road, he saw a trucjk coming toward him on the wrong side fo the pave* ment. A head-on collision seemed irte evitable as the truck continued to cross the roaflf In making a desperate effort to avoid the crash, Cler# turned his car sharply to the left. Hia move was not quick enough, however, and the truck struck the right side of his auto, sending it into the ditch. Boyd Switzer, who was injured near Rockford in an automobile accident on Saturday afternoon of last week, died at the Rockford hospital on Sunday afternoon. The accident occurred when the driver of the car in which he was riding with- five other people, lost control after swerving sharply to avoid a head-on collision^ The driver was attempting to pass ft Take Advantaged Jbis Great New Offer NOW! Your choice of Westinghouse, Hotpoint or Clark ^ Automatic Electric Water Heaterm • We offer this amazing 3-ieature plan so that every Home may enjoy the luxury of instant hot water! You can have your choice of three new Automatic Electric Water Heaters -- with free wiring and plumbing (except in unusual cases), a liberal trade-in allowance pn your old \ heater or furnace coil, and as long as three years to pay. w ^ Select your model today! Start now to know the joy of having a« much hot water as you want--ready at any time of day or night. Visit your Public Service store and get the full particulars on this liberafff"" offer. Don't delay! This plan will be offered for a linwted time only! Many Neighborhood D«ai«rs fro also ottering liberal water beater pla ~ Other dealers are prepared to give you similar electric water heating offers ; --iacluding free wiring tod piping .(except in unusual Vases where a ' liberal allowance is made). SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER! The Public Service Company Also offers you double savings on a new modern Electric Range and an Automatic Electric VTater Heater. VC'hea both these appliances are purchased within a period of 60 days, you are entitled to a 10ft discount on each 10% discount on the range! 1(>% discount on the water heater! This' : is good for a limited time ooijri Act ncuu-! •Dtv: PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTH|R)riLUNOIS SPECIAL RATES Make Electric Water Heating Economical! All homes with electric water heating are entitled to a special lo*£ water heating rate. Thus ,;|M»v;«aw, oa «iperating «a» >•; ^ penses, too! "3 .. v < * .,5 - •