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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1937, p. 8

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ty K' T 4_ J o }~P 4 ^ Lv^ THIS WKKK ONLY Curly Heads Delicious Peanut Cluster with Cream Center,, 5* -yf~} • Sv DRUG STORE m mt nusoi M Bold British R«jimtntolfCoronoHon $ t r i t s - lavish Rodzimirs; our grondtft tvtr. lIcGEE'S - CD. OF A. •*$, The Catholic Daughters of America will hold their social meeting this Thursday evening. V • * • ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Harold Frett entertained members of her bridge club at her home on Tuesday of last week. Members .were present from Woodstock and prises were awarded to Mary Elisabeth Stone and Ida Brink. EASTERN STAR " A meeting of McHenry chapter, O. E. S.. was held Monday evening, at AnvMl. About thirty fiembera were present at tfee mseting, among them five of the IMt presidents, namely, Mrs. M. Mrs. Barry Grantham of Watlconda J. Walsh, Mrs.^1, A. Sutton. Mrs. is quite ilL Mrs. Grantham is a sis* Richard Fleming, Mrs. Fred Schoewer ter of William VanNatta. and Mup. Ted Schiessle. < i William Bonslett underwent an op-. Carnival, to be held on church lawn, oration Monday morning . at Mayo MID-WEEK CLUB Mrs.\R. G. Chmberlin was hostess to Brothers hospital at Rochester, Minn. His son, Edward, was with him. Mrs. Louis McDonald is ill-at hear; _.t nesday afternoon. Arises in Mrs. Ben Stilling entertained meLwhich' ^ worthy matron, Mrs. Flort-N®« ****** ^ Mn C: H hers of her card club Thursday, with,b*iyogel, presided prises swarded to Mrs. J. J. Rother- L ™»de for a bakery sale Mrs J W 1 e latter part of May -and progress * in the sale of tickets for the movie, mel, Mrs. John Schmitt, F re and and Mri. N. E. Barbian, • • • <* R. N. A. DUES "Champagne Waltz," was discussed. . 1 Following the business session a ...... . _ „ social hour was enjoyed, with cards -After today members of Pox River furnishine entertainment, the prise Valley Camp, R. N. A are requested going: to Mrs< E. E> Bassett Refreshto pay their dues to Mrs. Alice Llnd- menta were Berv^ say as the recorder, Mrs. Fred C.j Miss Ethel jones hM .ecepted an Schoewer is moving to Pistakee Bay. I invitation to fill the station of asso- Those who wish, may send check for ! cUte 0n Friends Night at dues to Mrs. Schoewer whose address Richmond chapter on April 26. will be McHenry. I1U Route l, in care Mrs. Ony Wheeler will serve as of William Small. • ' - -v-V.'• METHODIST WOMEN MEET I? Mrs. D, I. Granger, Mrs. E. E. Bas sett and Mr3. Charles Ensign attend- Adah on Grand Lecturers Night at Nunda chapter, Crystal Lake, Friday evening. The worthy matron, Mrs. Floribel Vogel, actftd as Ruth at Libertyville members of the Mid-Week Club Wed- home nenr Woodstock. bridge Downs, Mrs. Peter Weber is son) proved alter an illness of las imweek, Mrs. William Spencer and Mn. C.W, although she is still in poor health. Goodell. COMMUNITY MEETING Miss Dorothy Matthews, who tmderent an mention in St. Therese's ospital, Waukegan, recently, return- About 100 persons gathered at the J*"*hospital, Monday Ostend school Friday nihgt for the regular monthly Community meeting. The feature of the program, arranged bytheteacher, Miss Clark/was a travel talk, given by Mrs. Mildred Carney, who showed films and displayed interesting souvenirs- of her trip around the worid. The programs opened with ciommun- Frank Martin, who is quarantined for scarlet fever, is somewhat improved after his relKpse over the weekend. ° Master Jackie Gera«eh has recovered from his rbcent illness. Duane, six-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Karris who has been quite U1 with pneumonia, returned ed the meeting of-thte-Methodist Wo- cha?ter when Friends Night *as ob- [men's association atJRfchtnond Friday served Thursday night where more than 1OT representatives ^panied by Mrs. Andrew Eddy, torn all swetfes in the wintj, except Ethel Qrunger, Mrs. Earl Brown, and **" Bassett. w=.v-' ity singing led by Mrs. Dan Desmond hon* trom Woodstock hospital. Wed with Mrs. Wi& Charles at the piano. ne^y* _ . _ JL Jean Thacker of Woodstock gave two r Chester ^iwn has returned home readings., one in costume. Irene Jen- Hartlandhospital and is recap* sen of Woodstock played a piano solo erati"5 from «cent appendicitis and Jean Nelson gave a fading. ° P | ? ^ 1 [ 0 n*c . . 1 1. , u J m j f Gordon Clark,and ClaytonAndsrson _ .s0^°! "f M.r?* She was ac- played an accordian number. Ge«Hre Stilling, is seriously ill with After mors sinking, refreshments PncUTOOI»«- IJr* ,1**® been confined to bed with an attack of MOTHERS CLUB Franklinville, were present. Dr. A. T. Stephenson, district superintendent, gave aa address at the forenoon session and' many interest- ,, , ... . . , . Tun; .tTwSZ trom the Go«d WiU Station .nd uUr ™<N,tin|E.h'ld ' ^ bwn "" ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Mrs. Thonuur Fhalin and Mrs. H. C. Hughes entertained jnembers of the Evening card club at th^ former's Clarence Douglas, Mrs. Mrs. Paul Doherty were served. ST. CLARA'S COUBT, WC.O.F. INSTALLS AMrnvpo •nrTTPsniV inesaay irom ot. xaereses nospi WriUli»o THUaoIJA* Waukegan, where she recently had flu, but is improving. , ;• Math Steffes, who has been quite ill, is still confined to bed. , Mrs. Joe Williams returned home on Tuesday from St. Therese's hospital, an operation. About forty members of St. Clara's Miss Mayme Buss is showing steady Court, W. C. O. F., attended the an- improvement and is now able to walk nual installation of officers of the or- about the house. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer were as-(der held Thursday night in St. Mary's MH. Joe Brefeld returned home on sistant hostesses. _ J hall. »Monday night, after spending several The guest speaker for the afternoon. Preceding the meeting a 6:80 o'clock days at Presbxterfan hosoital. Chiwas Mrs. Kelly, president of^ the | dinner was served at tickler's hotel, cago. home'on W^nSda/e^Sng4of*Ust WoodBtock Garden Club who gave an,where talks were given>y Msgr. C. His many friends in McHenry are ™ 4a11f «m4h XT«<. 1?. iL ___ t_ 1 A.L. _ week. Two tables of bridge were in play and prizes were (awarded to Mrs. H. B. interesting nature talk illustrated with C. Nix, Father Frank Miller, and the pleased to see Simon Sotffel out again pictures of birds. Other numbers on four past Chief Rangers present, Mrs. after his recent illness, and to know the program were talks on Scouting Josephine Heimer, Mrs. M. J. Freund,! that he is again able to visit his of- Schaefer who meritsd high honors, by Miss Ward, leader of the Girl Mrs. Catherine Schneider and Mrs. fice and greet old acquaintances along __J M ' v W NUW. «n«ii.n«n Scouts, Cynthia Erickson and Louise Catherine Worts. Mrs. Catherine and Mrs. t. H. Nickels, consolation, by Kathrine and Schaefer, formerly president of the Beverly Schwerman, songs by Bar- Christian Mothers, responded with a bara Ann Krause and readings by short talk also. Mrs. Celia Blake, Chief Ranger of the Court, presided at the dinner and called on various guasts who responded graciously. Something new in the way of prizes, "Elmer," went to Mrs. Paul Schwer- Refreshments Wfis served by the hostess at the dote of a delightful evening. legion AinciLftrr The regular minthly nWnf-jn^ of McHenry unit of the Alnsricap Legion Auxiliary waa ^J^Miwi.hall on In games the prize was won by Mrs. Peter Doherty. _____ Lunch was served by this hostess and her assistants. ALTAR AND ROSART The Altar and Rosary Sodality of the street. "March of Time" t Program Spooidbd By Servel Blectrolux The program "March of Time" a Thursday eve Mrs. Blake, also served as installing officer at the installation of officers dramatic presentation of news events and was assisted by Mrs. Lillian Stof- broadcast every Thursday evening fel. Mrs. Blake received a gift from from 9:30 to 10:00 p. m.. Central th® ^ one from her officers Standard Time, will be sponsored by . with the St. Patrick's church held a pot-luck end^each olncer and the musician re- Serrel Inc., manufacturers of Serve! president, Mrs*'SShf B^olWb i>residing. supper on Monday evening at the home pe,ved.a ™ flower corsage opon Electrohuc refrigerators^ beginning Plans for the poppy sale to take of Mrs. Albert Purvey io honor of the.^8: installed in offi^ce. April 15> MQonifiMr;^ Mr. C. E. Colplace in May woe discussed aad Mrs. past-presidents of the cvanization.1*®" "tesaed in white, ijMi district manager of Western Marie Schiessle was Sfpafalte^ chair- Following the supper a business me«t- w,t°j w'}1^e nead pands, acted as United Gas and Electric Company, man of the comlnlttee in cliairge of ar- ing was held to discuss plans for the Shards of honor and escorted eadi of- wfc0 has just received the announce- - - - - f i c e r t o h e r s e a t . T h e j u v e n i l e s w e r e m e n t f r o m L o u i s R u t h e r b u r g , p r e s i - Luella Smith, Maurine Miller, Locile dent of Servel. Weber and Margaret Freund. Each "This program, based on actual girl also received a rose. news as it Is happening, interpreting , The remainder of the evening was events of international significance is The following events and their re- apent at cards, with prises in bridge of interest to everyone," Mr. Collins by Mc- spective dates have already been de- going to Mrs. Barbar Krause and said. "The realism of the presentation rangemnta for the sale: coming year. The president, Mrs. M. The Auxiliary endorsed the Shep- A. Sutton, appointed several commitjpard- Hill bill and the hill for Worid tees whose chairman are as follows: War veterans and dependent children's Program, Mrs. John Bolger; Sick, Mrs. compensation fa recommended by the Ted Schiessle National organisation. *, The card party Henry unit of the'^egion Auxiliary cided upon: Barbara Weber, ifl* hundred to makes the actual scenes seem to ocwas held Friday eveniogj with prises Card Party to be held in the church Mrs. Magdalena Blake aad Mrs. Marg cur in the living 190m #? the listeners. la ftve hundred awarded te Join Drey- hall, Sunday evening, April 25. miller, Ben Bauer and Caroline Bauer, Bake Sale to be held at Justen's while those in bridge went to Mrs. C. Furniture Store, Saturday, May 15. Vera • • Schmitt and in btfhco to Mrs. Schmitt and Maurine Miller. The hall was artistically decorated in yellow and whiter the col court, and Easter Officers instrUed Chief Ranger^-Cdia Blake. Vice-Chief Ranger--Lillian Stoffel. Recording Secretary--Mrs Krause. Since the news-dramatisation pro* gram originated in March, 1931, 'March of Time' haa been named one of the three best dramatic programs each year in the annual polio conduct- <ed among radio editors of the United States and Canada by the New York World Telegram. Each program re- Barbara quires the services of mora than 20 actors, 19 musicians, eight production, M •v.." BVB1Y flock ha* to tmve Its leaded-: and you'll find plenty of proof on the road this summer that Buick's die pace-maker of thia year'a crop of cars. • your next wishin advance. fe" J You've brakes to halt ita thunderbolt actkm and bring it gently down to reat with die amooth lightness of mint* So if you'd rather feed dust than eat it, iag raiflu youll take die wiae step now, and make that when summer xomea you're 19 front in die driver's sent of a Buick. You've got a car that's a young man's Utere'a no getting around the power a B)(ick can pour into the job of getting, you there quick and quiet and easy--its valve-in-head straight-eight engine gives you the soaring flight of an eagle when you want to cover ground. it'a got a steady, fretless, road-leveling gait that makes travel effortless as light chasing shadow, whether you're just loafing along or shooting for s.record . distance for die day. In this marvel car you ride in seats Kke teay chairs. You finger controTk that. fancy, light-footed, eager, adventurous --a car that's any man's pride so hosiest is it in the solid worth ol every nut, strut, bolt and thread. Financial Secretary--Anna Heimer. service and sound-effects experts, and Treasurer--Helen Weber. 11 editorial and research workers. Trustees--Susie Justen, Clara Still- This number is frequently increased ing and Vera Schmitt. cording to the demands of the scripts. Senior Conductor--M^ry Freund. "(Five microphones are used in mak- Junior Conductor--Gertrude Weber, .ing the broadcast. One is for Close- Inner Sentinel--Helen Schneider. ups, another for 'mobs,' the third, Outer Sentinel--Magdalena Blake. fourth, and fifth for sound, music and Musician --Helen Smith. 'auditorium' effects. Voices of head- Sick Committee--Emma Barbian, liners in the world's news are simulat- Caroline Schiessle, Elisabeth Schneid- ed by the actors, many of whom have er. been regular members of the cast since Good of the Order--Martha Freund, it first came to the air. Margaret Blake, Margaret Schmitt, "Because news-events are re-enacted Matilda Gerasch. within such a short time of their oc- The next meeting of the court will currence, rehearsals are exceedingly be held April 22, when April birth- strenuous, scripts being prepared, cut days will be observed. and revised up to the last second before the program goes on the air. In •••••••••••••••••eeSieeeeee spite of this time-pressure, each per- " fdrmance has been outstanding for t! .. • .. ' ttevdaj, Aprtt lft, 1WT ./• -'.tVr. i rot TEIDAY AMD SATUSOAT OHLT -,4 ASPIRIN SOTTUO? IOOfj 27< CBEAHS 89^vAuii P I T C H E f t S KOLYNOSFMlDfiL * U0RL.TO.TH HOUTHWA^llrilSTC GtEMUMlr. mn mm CHAMOIS PBRIHMSIII* FUNW.WMM)*) Mil CAM5 CAM0 VP r»i4o" HOTH CLOTMKS POUlli sc wco So*p c\ea*e?l Ck>]gakes Soap 5 Cashmere Bouquet Soap, 3 for_„ 274 PaUxu^ive Soap 6 for 25* 1 Quart Karith Cleaner 51^ 26c Eaergine.,. 19^ UBBER 6L0VES ffiona YOUR \pUBB n s s u t s " " REMEDIES TOILETRIES m- U' A F«3; ' • ' i -V IK >*- "M, • ^ lf lj& f -fs- . 'I i •"-.**£ : *• _ ^ > -'P »J .. J' ' * ' V V %'• f.V:: i., ;v *1.50 Alpen Srsater... 99^ 2Sc as&via Talc 60c Zonite -- .... .. 43* J 50c Pepsodent Toothy 60o Smith Brothers Powder Idc mm Oough Syrup 43* 60c Hum 60c Condensed Jad - Salts „ 41* 60o Scott's Emulsion B6o Zip 41^ 5Qo Woodmyatin excellence of its dramatisation. "During the sponsorship of the proan- gram by Servel Inc., the dramatiza- Why handicap yotirself thia summed when ao plainly it'a Buick again lor value? You'll find this great straight eight easy to buy as die average run oi aixea -- and ii you get your'Order in now you'll be leading the parade in a bellwether Buick when sum* . JRW geta here. • iOWEST BINCK PMCES KVKBi At ttdtg't print, a % Buick straight tight cuts littlt mtrt thorn tht avtragt six wttidt tht Ifwta price field ! Compare Jtirvtrtdpritet and harm h*w little more foffi a bellwether Buick. issui notocs nws to swt yoos uxma Friends here have received houncement of the birth of a daugh- tions will continue to be prepared by ter to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Zimmerman the editors of 'Time,' the news-magaof 533 Chestnut street, Waukegan, at sine, as they have Men since the pro- Victory Memorial hospital, Wednes- gram was originated more than six day, April 7. Mrs. Zimmerman was ^ears ago." formerly Miss Joseta Merrick of this city. ATTEND STAMP EXHIBIT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mueller Mrs. D. I. Granger, daughters, Ethof McHenry, a daughter, at St. Ther- el and Mary Mae, with Mr. and MmL ese's hospital, this Thursday morning. Feter Justen of Woodstock, attended --------. ' the second annual atamp exhibit of MANY THANKS the Elgin Philatelic society, Sunday. I wish to thank my friends for their An unusual exhibit of eight frames generous support in the recent election °f twentieth century stamps of the for Town Clerk, and hope to merit United States, valued it more than yovr confidence. $3,000, shown by J. M. Westphal of Tours truly, Joliet, a collector of more than forty 47 M. J. WALSH. years, won grand prise. t Scores of other frames won awards RESIDENCE CHANGES and commendation by the judges. Gus Unti has purchaaed the house Mary Mae, who is interested in belonging to the Ibsh estate %on Green stamps, and her mother were especialstreet, and expects t» move into his ty enthusiastic over the exhibit new home soon. : Dr. D. G. Wells has rented the CARD OF THANKS Merriman house on Elm street where We desire in this manner to extend Mr. and Mrs. Unti have been residing. our sincere thanks to neighbors and This house was for many years the friends, who so kindly assisted during home of Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Duker. th« sickness and funeral of our broth- Mr. and Mrs. Huff of Spring Grove er. John J- Stock. Also for the use of have moved into the Fred Gilly house cars the sending of floral offer, in the north end of town. ings. ...... ANNA STOCK. OLD TIMERS LYDIA BIERBAUM. Old- Timer Herbert L. Bennett, *rfco has spent the winter with his sister in Racine, Wis., went to St. Paul, sot SIZE MIUI? MILK OF IMA&NESM 31* _ JRuFm h WIT* PIUS-TABLETS 60c Alka Seltser 25c Garter's Liver Pills... 75c Doan's Kidney Pills 53^ 50c Phenolax Wafers 3 25c Feen-a-liint 19^ CREAM-LOTIONS 50cDreskin 39<^ 25c Hess Crm. 174 { 50c Jeirgens Lotions 39^ 150c Hinds Honey and 1 Almond Crm. . . 38^ 50c McKesson AImwid Ckream... 39^ • R. I. Overton Motor Sales Conquering Fata Those who await no gifta Minn., Monday to care for his Sowers ; conquered fat». and gardens at Stockholm on Lake "^'1 1 11 Pepin. . f * Ilaaalty frtora PhkBt Street^ West McHenry, HL 216 Main St, OrTMl Lake, Ul Frank Bennett spent the weekend-in the home of his sister at Racine, Wis., but will be in his office at the North-'1 western hotel all day thia Saturday and Sunday where he wfll -be ready mAftf Ma frnaa^i anJ . Most cases of insanity are not inherited directly from parents. Studiea reveal that 80 out of every 100 jrnf~* persona come from mentally aound mothers and fattrers.--CoJlier's Weekly. •OtHfO* VEGETABLES mxuvive 19' /noftuib /? 'U-s ; .ii-". , v * *v v M« HENRY* ILLINOIS' - Crr - " • ' > - ' ' 5 • >1^ in • n ,By*- nTi i8T .U,,, , 0.: „ .

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