"J *>• to Frances Vycital to Mrs. Anna Frisjiy. BELDEN-SAUER lira., Elizabeth Belden and Mr. John Saner of Chicago were married April 10 in Chicago. Mr. Sauer is a former resident of McHenry and will be remembered by friends here. * * * 1 fUVERVIEW CAMP next meeting of Riverview Camp, R. N. A.f will be held Tuesday evening, April 27, at 7:30 p. m. The camp will convene early so that games may be enjoyed after the meeting. At the meeting of Riverview C*®Pi * social hour, with cards, was i>ggday aftofn enjoyed, following the business ses- |in carcjs were •ion,- which the oracle, Mrs. May |Knox and Mrs' at a pot-lack supper and evening of cards, in which high honors went to Mre. Anna Graves of Woodstock and Leslie Neff, and consolations to Mrs. j}y£ hundred Frank Love of Richmond' and Lisle Bassett. . - NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB PUBLIC CARD PART* Mrs. Peter M* Jaetea was hostess The Altar an.d R.o sar.y.. sodality of to members of Neighborhood club church will sponsor on Wednesday erenf** of lMt week* 5" C C* P*rty.,1" Lfgi°" " Prizes in bridge wer* rfterited by Mrs. C. H. Duker, Mrs. SMAWn StofTai and Mrs. William SpfcaeMv - - .ft SU Mrs. V. Ma ben of the CLOU pmided. The prise in bunco next meeting wiU be wftjj Mrs. Walter is awarded to Mrs. Bohr, m bridge Waigih ,f ' to memon Wed- Prizes .lfrs. Robert Ldams. The day evening, April 25, to which every one is invited. The committee in charge consists of Mrs. Ted Schiessle, chairman; Mrs. Ray McGee, Mrs. George Adams, Mrs. Thoihas Doherty, and Mtldred Kinsala. KmnSMA pa T R U S S E S Of w»«rlwtt< Itto* tb» wm jrwr -Mil' for iUmlnl "'•mU* SkwMn etc. Quality tfct BMt--Prlcc tk« Lowest I r Agenta for Brook's Trasses -- DRUG STORE » McHenry EPWORTH LEAGUE Eighteen members of the Epworth League attended a church service at Richmond Sunday evening at which Dr. Sheldon of Milwaukee was the speaker. Members of the Epworth League are invited toTr-sub-district party at ^ Solon Mills Saturday evening. Those gas and J. W. Vaughnjrf -Elgin were who wish to attend should meet at the hosts to the Mhst Rev. Edward F. M. E. parsonage at 7 p. m., Satur- Hcban, D. D., bitfoop or fSe^ckfard, and day. a group of visiting clergy Sunday , The boys of the Epwoxth League evening in the parish house, following! will lead the meeting Sunday even the ceremony of confirmation in the ing. HOSTS TO<BISHOP HOBAN The Rev. Frs. Laura«M|. C,Prender- - J r Vaughnjpf «t rSv. St. Laurence wist skta* Catholic church at Elgin. - " " Guests included the Very Rev. There is now a contest under way in the League between the boys and the girls. Each group will lead three Msgr. Charles S.; N!x* ajKd the Rev. meetings and the group having given % $piiam A^ f® au Minimi COMFORT •IliaI SUPER SHORTS [liwMwNMIta fcntl Suptrtcal Ik* moti comfort- «y« Hidtrwior «vtr wort McGEE'S Local mem tended * mee home of Mrs. Jville Thursda dinner was sei which the cards. Four table* with prizes *#f M<?Henry. the best programs will receive a treat, _ - . probably in the form of a party, by BUB ' I the other group. ' cald club at- I ch* at the liberty- MUDAL SHOWERS Mrs. Ray McGee entertained at chicken bridal shower Saturday )in honor of "Aitiffrj after Miss Kelly of Chicago who will devoted to came the bnde of her brother, John 0. .Callinan of Chicago, on May 15. in play,' The afternoon was apent in em- _ Mrs. Kathrine broidering linen towels for the bride's Wagner, Mrs. Mm%,Co^L1|EpI. Fran- kitchen and at six o'clock a two-course ces Freund and Mrs. Clara Lensen, chop suey dinner was served. Table J when Miss Rosemary Freund, daugh- This was the WMfl mating of the decorations were in yellow and white, ,ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Freund, was wedding colors chosen by the bride, united in marriage to Mr. Leo Young, who received many lovely, personal son of Mrs. Christina Young and the gifts from those present. -- Guests included friends from Chirela- cago and Woodstock. in their Mrs. Ray McGee is attending a preclub until fall. • •. Mr. and daughter, tives at a FAMILY Mifc and family home, Sunday, the event proving to be nuptial shower for Miss Kelly ill Chia most happy one, as all menfaers of cago this Thursday evening. The afthe family had not been together for fair is being given by Mary Tobin, visiting who will be a bridesmaid. supper OBSERVE BIRTHDAY Mrs. Josephine Heimer observed her and John and Mrs. Joe daughters, and Krauae and 1; Ann. of McHehJCJ.^r t Mrs. Moritz remained for the weekend wMSmSm rOB FRIDAY AND SATXTKDAT OMLY limtiOnm 0 rttts coupon omn :r %1€ fco*, etor IGOeMT SOifllf Limit On* wmtTNtsiomoa ontv JERGENS umo* 50< sttf Limit On*, LEO YOUNG Pheto by "WBNrtak HtrTHTMS EXTRA SPECIALS 76c Bart»aaol *80c Burma Shave 38^ 600 l^iol ___L 39^ ttmHOf mnt wmm MAVIS TALC limt mthtms w 11 C 11 11 -* / I I The first of tha spring weddings was solemnised Wednesday morning, April jl4, at St. John's church, Johiiri>urg, late Mat Young of this vicinity. Father A. J. Vollman, pastor of the church, officiated it the nuptial mass which was sung by the large choir of the church, at 9 o'clock. The men's choir sang during communion and after the mass the ladies' choir aang the Ave Maria." While the church organist played the wedding march the bride, escorted by her father, who gave her in mara bouquet of while roses, calla lilies and snapdragons. >, Miss Helen Freund, maid of honor, frock of blue satin and net, with hat to match and carried a cluster of pink roses. The bridesmaids, Lillian and Janet wore peach col3r lace over satin with hats to match and carried roses of a lighter shade. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the bride's home, where about one hundred guests were served at dinner and supper. Decorations at the home were in blue fnd white and the bride's table was centered with an attractive wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs. Young left on a short wedding trip, the bride travelling in ~ blue ensemble trimmed with gray several yeanu Cards a were enjoyed tiad $fener were served. ^ < Those preset#jpmJfrs.^fKte Kelleher, and ipd family, seventy-ninth birthday anniversary on' riage, approached the altar, where she Mr. and Mrs. and son, Saturday, April 17, at her home on was met by the bridegroom. Precede Jerry, Mrs. P. H. Moulton and daugh- Green street | ing the bride wAs the maid of honor, fur. Upon their return they will reter, Phyllis, all of EUnhurat; Mr. and In honor of the occasion her daugh- Helen Freund, her sister, and two side on her fatherViarm near Ring- Mrs. Albert Mo--mo, daughter, Betty, ter-in-law, Mrs. Edna Heimer, with bridesmaids, Lillian Young of Wood-[wood. $£ l^pn; Mr. Mrs. Clarence Craig and Mrs. A. P. stock and Janet Young of Fon du Lac, Out-of-town guests at the wedding * and two Moritz of Chicago, spent the day with Wis., both sisters of the groom, were Mrs. Clristine Brefeld, Mr. and tnd.lfctp. Arthur her. Mrs. C. Craig and Mrs. Bdna Groomsmen were Walter and Leo Mrs. Ebsrhardt Diets and children, qgfcter, Barbara Heimer returned home Saturday, but Freund, brothers ef the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brefeld, Chicago; , -- -- -- The bride wias lOvely in a white sat- Janet Young, Mr. and Mrs. Harry in the home of her brother, Henry J. in wedding gowtf ifeth a-long tulle veil Tegen, Fon du Wis.; Mr. and Miller, and family, where she was edged with laoe an£ worn off the face Mrs. Clarenee Freund and Lillian Mr* Ir joined by her husband Saturday. with a wreath .yay.. She carried Young, Woodstock. posT-NUpmt Mr. and Mr*. E. Wheeler, Hm And Frita'ces Vycital Neighbors and friends of Mrs. _____ , . attended a post-^u^Ual shower on Heimer and her brother, Charles TWENTV-FIt^HAIflOVBBSARiY tiT.IOfllipS CSBURCH, JOBNSBURG Mrs. Leslie Neff, ft ^tjar^i home Kuhnert, regret the fact that they will **** Matt M. Bchaefer cele- Masses will be at 8 and 10 o'clock near Richmond, Monday, evening. The soon leave the neighborhood as the brated their twropr-flftii wedding an- Daylight Saving Time, Sundays, •bower was a stirprjsA on" Mrs. Neff, house in which they have-been living. niv®I**ry l*«t Sunday at their home throughout the summer season. 48-tf who was f ormtk^y i^n Mathison of has been sold. - S in Johnsburg. t ZT . * 11-1. I ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH ^ LADIES' AJD 80CIBTT I MUMS wUl be at 8 and 10 o'clock A committee of ladies entertained Daylight Saving Time, Sundays, Wednesday evening in Woodman hall throughout the summer season. 48-tf fbr the benefit of'the Ladies' Aid so-1 • ciety. Bunco was played during the METHODIST CHtfRCH evening and prittt were won by Mrs. | Daylight saving time will be observ- J. C. Holly, Mrs. C. W. Goodell and ed at the Methodist church beginning Miss Ethel Jones: A beautiful quilt Sunday with Sunday school at 10 was given to Mrs. Lillian Cox ami a a. nr., and church services at 11 Special prize also Went to Mrs- Co*. p*b*r-lt'a BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Jennie Mag Richardson enter- JBT. MARY'S CHURCH Th«f summer schedule of masses tt St Mary's church will begin Sunday tained friends at a bridge party at with four masses read at 7 a. m., 8:80, her home Wednesday evening. Three 10:00 and 11:30 a. Daylight 8avtables of cards were in play and prises ing Time. were merited by Mrs. A. Joanne Ru- 1 lien and Nellie Doherty, while Miss ] •••••••••••••••••••••••I Kinney received "lElmer." Guests in-j a al. 02'i, eluded teachers of the grade school,! AiUOnj Ulc plfiK Miss Genevieve Knox, Miss Ward, 1 Miss Ropp, Miss Nellie Doherty, Miss travel. Maybe ground and get there -V pariJ Either way, this summer it*H be good to Imow yo» cm* taht th* lead if you want it --and that's the certain knowledge that's yourt if yon travel in tbw bettwedMr Buick car! Who's out (rant for power thaa year? It's Buick again--put there by its great-powered valve-inhead straight-eight engine, ablest engine of ita size anywhere in the world. Who's out front for steady restful going? It's Buick again--with its close-to-the-pavement balance, its built-in "road sense" and stability, its swayless even-keeled. . sailing even on the sharp turn*; Who's out front for thrift with thrilling -- here's a after airplane practice iAnt thriftily gels the most out of gat - ffPO* valve-port to tail-pipe, this car's en-* gineered to give you more power from ** «* of fori! Who's out front for style? Your own excited eye tells you -- its Buick again. And when it comes to stand-out value, you've only got to match this great eight with the others to see why Buick's handeome nose is die place to put your money! -- Who's out front? Few will be .. this summer if you step in to ; eee us now and get a first-hand : eyeful of this great car. It's smart to get your order in early -- then you'll surely be out front behind a Buick wheel yhen die first warn day. AM t Til V 2U lbtB St, O^aW Uti, a Albert Purvey, greenskeeper at jthe Mary Kinney, Miss Dorothy Fisher, McHeniry Country Club Golf Course, and also Mrs. Joanne Rulien, Ellen is supervising work on the course des Baker, Mrs. F. J. Aicher, Mrs. Paul pite his severe attack of lumbago. Schwerman, Mrs. Floyd Cooler and Mrs. Jacob A. Miller has been in Mrs. Ray McGee. Woodstock hospital for the past two * * * [ weeks, where she is receiving treai- - EASTERN STAR ment Although she is improving, sht The sale of tickets for the movie, expects to be there another week. "Champagne Waltz," sponsored by the Frank H. Cobb of Chicago, who haa Eastern Star wft&4he co-operation of been ill for several weeks, was taken Roy Miller, manager of the Empire to a hospital in Chicago last week, theater, was most successful and where he is *£ry low with heart and gratifying to members of the com- bladder troub; mittee, it has been reported. t Mrs. L. V. Members of the' Eastern Star com- with the fibmittees for April and July were in some time. charge of the arrtftagements with Mr. Mrs. Bernard Kinsala of Chicago is Miller and appreciate his courtesy and recovering from an attack of the flu. co-operation in arranging for the pic- Fred Larson, Who was employed on ture, which was shown on Wednesday the Mrs. V. Hoppe farm in Ostend, and Thursday evenings of last week, sustained a broken leg when kicked by Mrs. J. E. Wheeler served as Adah a horse and ia in Hartland hospital at Nunfa chapter, O. E. S„ Crystal Edward Bonslett was a local caller is has b^en quite ill confined to bed fbr Lake, Friday evening, on Grand Lec- Friday evening enroute to Chieago, turer's Night. She waa accompanied after spending some time with his by Mrs. Ray Spuriing, ~ Vogel, Miss Ethel Mrs. Henry father, William Bonslett -who is re- Jones and C. W. cuperating from an operation at Mayo Brothers, Rochester, Minn. v £. I>. OF A. MEETi social meeting of Court Math Steffes, who went to St. Antony's hospital, Chicago, last week «... „ , ~ Joyce where he has been quite ill, is slightly Kilmer, Catholic Daughters of Amer- improved. Mrs. Steffes is staying ica, was held Thursday evening, with with frienda in the city to be near Mrs. Albert Vales, chairman of the him. committee, in charge of arrangementa Mrs. B. Costello of Elgin i8 recocfor the social hour and lunch. ering nicely from injuries received in Flans were made for the annual a fall a few weeks ago. Mothers Day party to be given at Betty Edatrom had the. miafortun« Bickler's hotel on the Monday after to crack two bones in her arm, Teea* Mothers Day. , day, while at play- at achooL In cards, which followed the buai- - ness session, prizes In bridge Were STORES HOLD OPENINGS ' awarded to Mrs. Elisabeth Schoewer, The Agatha Shop and Central Mar- Mrs. Peter M. J us ten and Mrs. R. Jt. ket experienced a busy day at their Fleming; in five hundred prises went grand opening, Saturday, When many to Marian Wegener, Mrs. Stilling and of their customers and friends in- Mane Wagner. Special prises went spected their new and modern shops, to Gertrude Webter, Marie Nett and 1 Beautiful gifts, fancy articles an Mrs. Clara Noonan. and dreeaea at the Agatha Shop and atw {tractive bargains in meats at the Mrs. E. J. Buss went to the Victory Central Market, featured the day with Memorial hospital at Waukegan Wed- fancy handkerchiefa in a variety of on Thursday I colors being fsee gifts <* MM Agatha # - ^ & n':;* MENNEN r*Lcun PtTCHCQ* 25VVHC iQistzv QDO VACUUnPWmD EX-LAX LAXATIVE 2S< J»ir SLOANS UNIMCNT 3S< size hv* ^ FOR l-OO /kontCfM /? I! m HENRY* ItUNO!S - !-•